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/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

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Thread replies: 314
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Welcome to /PLG/ - Powerlifting General. Primarily for discussion related to powerlifting.

Lots of good stuff over at powerliftinggeneral.com. Programming, diets, everything.

>little tomato bridge edition

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc. No dubs or gets allowed.

Remember, no-one cares about your opinion on what upper body press is best and IPF approved techniques.

Enjoy your stay!
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Post cute dogs
"Sean as pupper trying to get daddy's attention . webm"

Why is that doggo doing that weird panting at the end
why does he get a bonner?

hes so stressed, its like crying paranoia attack for human


hes literally sad as fuck
What a pussy. It's just a dead dog, that dog needs to get over it and go lift
>why does he get a bonner?
Same reason islet could get it up for esme.

hey hey hey slow down there buddy no personal roadtrips please
Awful form.
Back slightly flexed. Erectors not engaged and scapulae not retracted prior to the lift. Barbell running way too distant from tibiae.

3/10 wouldn't open this general again
The new king of /PLG/



holy kekeroni
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shut up sean clone
kill yourself
the fuck is wrong with this dude
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>fails to dl 200kg
>hack squats 200kg

Are you this bored and insecure that you spend your time finding shit lifts on YouTube

I bet the funniest thing you could find would be your own lifts if you posted them
Nobody likes you

my mom tells me she loves me so i dont know bro
Autist detected

Autist detected
What's this about Marcel and Mike T being the same person? Isn't Marcel way smaller than Mike T?
It's a joke faggot
Why do you even bother replying to retards?
Got cramp in my toes on right foot and i still have 3 sets of deadlifts to do. How can i get rid of those cramps
if I have just reached intermediate levels and am about to start c6w as a not that big DYEL, will I make size gains too in those six weeks? if I do everything right, that is
stretching them out usually works for me
if you eat a lot sure

>if i make size gains
>probably eats 2500 cals a day and dont track protein

sure bruddhha you b huuuge
Pretty sure my quads doubled in size after 1st week and i just finished 135x10 atg squats on week 2 with ease
I eat a lot. gained 16 kg during my beginner period

i was serious
>i was serious
So were i, altho i squat high bar atg normally i still didnt expect to get near 10 reps
Took my first trip to snap city 4 months ago, slipped disc L5/S1, had an mri and done a bunch of physio, old 5rm on deads was 190kg

Today was my first day squatting or deadlifting since then, can I get a form check?

looks good desu

why not try sumo for reduced back problems for a while
looks like the bar could be closer to your shins from that angle
>tfw never tried high bar

might try them when warming up next time
Thanks man, I probably will once the flexibility gets there
Pretty much my thoughts, it'd normally be closer but I forgot socks
Dont worry i only did low bar once my shoulder was hurting so much i dropped the bar with 40kg. Imo low bar is harder
Any tips on bench technique?

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>that squat form

could you fucking understand that hes not training legs or abs or whatever and he tries to isolate lower back aka spinal erectors

geesh man
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You need a new coach. You have no powerlifting technique at all
>when the fatigue hits you like a truck
Wew lad
how is memeburn going?


on hepburn?
Doing 6x2 and 2x2 on main sets today. Hips and knees haven't been feeling too great since Saturday desu. The pressing is pretty easy, but the squatting and deadlifting is definitely taking its toll. Squats are probably the hardest thing on this program, deads aren't even that bad compared to them.

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>Not even 80%x10 followed by 10x3
No wonder youre so weak
I've done c6w twice. Was a really fun program.
>only twice
I bet you also deloaded like a pussy.
t. 3 times c6w without deload
I did, because I was so rekt by the end that handling 55-65% was hard as fuck. How many reps have you gotten on the amraps on week 5?
First cycle 4 on all 2nd cycle 2 on bench 4 on squats 3 on deadlift 3rd 1 on bench grindy 2 on squats and dls. Thats when i decided to deload. Now everything feels so light i inflated my maxes a bit :3
Got 5 on squat and dead my first cycle. Ended up only getting 1 on squat (ended up maxing and adding 10 lbs to my prior e1rm) and I don't even think I got 1 on my deadlift on my second cycle. Will probably run it again in the future, but not for a while.
>can bench almost 2pl8
>looks like a literal dyel

I guess I should probably do ICF then.

Do more front squats.
I've heard that people will cut down 10lbs and bulk back up to try and get the most amount of muscle for their class. How long should it take to lose 10lbs without losing too much strength, and how do they manage to build strength if they're spending months cutting?
I don't know anything since I've been perma-bulk for 2 years.
Like one month
Went for a run with my dad and made a huge distance PR because I lied about how good I was and had to just keep running

Weeeeeeeew that was hard
is adrenal fatigue a meme? I cant seem to get fired up at all lately
I knew someone who suffered from adrenal fatigue and had similar issues, I'd say its very much a real and serious thing.

Personally, perhaps unrelated, I have been mega stalled, and life kept me away from the gym for pretty much 2 weeks.
But as soon as I got back I've added 5kg to my bench in a week and 10kg to my deadlift.

So I guess, rest????
meme. only meme websites talk about it.
Ive cut back squats and replaced them with light front squats this week on some half hearted deload week. and I slept for like 14hours a night the past few days. hopefully I'll be a-okay by next week

its weird tho. I literally never have caffeine and I listen to relaxing music when I lift unless its a squat PR attempt

>lifting seriously for four years
>just this week figure out midfoot balance during squats

At least my bench isn't total trash
In the legs and ass, sure. Do something else for bench. Or at least repeat the top sets several times.
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Bench is feeling pretty solid, lads. My skills test is in 4 weeks and I'm hoping for 270-275.

>I lied about how good I was and had to just keep running

You still on dat Sheiko life? Sumo triples, a bench pyramid, and back/delt bb'ing for me.
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>this lad is now a soon to be 3pl8 bencher

fills my GDE heart with hope t b h
>favorite pizza place is closed through the weekend

emotionally devastated lads
I hope you don't get it.
Pic related for squat and bench today. Tomorrow should be fun, hopefully my hips can handle it
Yeah, I've been doing Sheiko with a 4th day added in for upper body accessories.

>soon to be 3pl8
I wouldn't go that far. Maybe in another year or so.
My Christmas wish list
>I wish twink Alex drops 315lbs on his neck
>I wish fat retard herniates ever single disc in his spine
>I wish Isley doesn't kill himself and continues living his shitty life
Considering my deadlift doesn't look like Twink's, it's unlikely that will happen desu :^^^)
Where do you live again? I'll come and break those discs with a crowbar
haha okay raffy
Does my presence make you cower in fear?

(Please imagine I posted a smug pepe frog along with this post)
Why do I get aroused when taking a Norman kahn?

Doing SS. My Power Clean technique has become wrong and i need to practice it at lower weights to correct it.

Should i change anything up in my workout? I can't do them heavy until i fixed my technique, it might even take more work outs to do. What do i do?
Mark midtwentiestoe says to just do bench instead of power cleans cause girls don't give a shit how much you can clean
You can work on your cleans at a lighter weight and if you feel like that's making your workouts too easy, add in some lightish deadlifts on clean days.
Thanks bro
Sean is feisty today
Adrenal fatigue is a myth.
Pozdeev coming back out of retirement lads
I may be a newbie to lifting but isn't this an example of shitty form?

I don't think changing the workouts would be necessary. What is wrong with your power cleans?
Hello! It appears you are new :)
Welcome to our quaint little powerlifting community. We appreciate your question and the general consensus as to your answer is to go fuck yourself.
i hate bench

the hardest lift to master technique wise for me, it is slacking so hard that I am around 40% less proficient at it than lifter of my size, according to symmetric strength

I just can't grasp it for fuck's sake
>wrist pain
>arms shaking like twigs
>elbow pain
>can't even unrack 1pl8 without the bar almost falling on my face
>can't learn how to breathe, how to leg drive

am I just retarded? I don't understand, really, I can lean oly lifts and have good technique, but not bench

I just hate it and because of this I almost never do it

been stuck at the same weight for half a year
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who here
>post workout beer
back rounded when weight breaks ground
kek 8/8
Bench more often, do some paused bench and spoto bench. Do a lot more sets. Like a lot more.
>wrist pain
Bulldog grip, wrist wraps, or both

>arms shaking like twigs
Get more stable overall, explained lower

>elbow pain
Make sure your elbows are basically just under the barbell

>can't even unrack 1pl8 without the bar almost falling on my face
Get more stable my dude

>can't learn how to breathe, how to leg drive
Breath like you would on any other lift, big belly breath. For leg drive you want to make sure you're retracting your shoulder blades, arching your back, bringing your feet back toward your head and constantly pushing your traps into the bench the entire time

Thoracic rounding is fine if it doesn't go through any flexion from the start of the pull until lockout.
done it all mate, tried and tried, but just ended up being a retarded again and again

thanks for the advice mate

the thing is i've watched so many videos, read so many articles, and still wasn't able to execute that in practice

I feel like I am just hopeless
and being 6'6'' with long arms ain't really helping me either

>that fucking ROM
First day of nsuns
fucking hard
2mins rest times I wanted to die
so much accessory
>2mins rest times
that's my average rest time.
Arching a lot and bringing your grip out to max (index fingers on the rings) will help a lot. I have a 6' wingspan and I've cut down my ROM quite a bit. At 0:44 is what my bench looks like rn https://youtu.be/FJxJb-FYcpk . You'll get it eventually man, just gotta keep practicing. I didn't have moderately okay squat form until I was already strength training for like 1.5 years.
mine is like 4mins usually and I also decided to superset sets of 5 BW chins between OHP sets after reading about other who do it, which killed me completely
>sets of 5 BW chins between OHP sets
I also do that but x12 weighted chin ups. I don't have time to fuck around in gym, bench supersetted with rows and ohp with weighted chin ups
How long does it take until I get used to it? It feels awful even though my max reps are like 15
Is there any reason to do barbel rows instead of weighted pullups/dumbbell rows?
I want a stronger back, but heavy barbel rows make me real fucking nervous.
Not too long when you're poor and work hours are so shit you have no more than 1 hour for a workout, but don't get me wrong it's extremely tiring. Whenever I can have a longer workout it feels amazing.
Yeah it's a good change of pace, I'm in no rush so I wonder if a longer session is better but I guess it's chance to work on my work capacity
There are a thousand row variants out there, you don't have to do BB rows.
>that squat form
holy shit
If you can't barbell row, then it's too dangerous for you to deadlift

Maybe try aquiring stones
I wanna start getting into powerlifting.
How do I start?

I'm also stuck between wanting to bulk because I look like DYEl. And cutting because if I compete ill get my assholes torn a part by the solid guys in 181.

Not sure what to do.
I feel inadequate.
>Is there any reason to do barbel rows instead of weighted pullups/dumbbell rows?
barbell rows are trash for bb reasons, also load the spine and impede recovery. DB rows are better
pendlays are great though if you do them properly

never just do rows for back, I think some sort of pullup and a row is a must
>old friend I havent seen in years complimented my gains AND I petted a cat on the way home

wew lad. basically living the dream t b h
Ey mane I'm just saying adrenal fatigue as a medical condition is a myth, I'm not saying your feelings aren't real.
Who's cat was it?
>join a muay thai class the other day for fun
>get the shit kicked out of my left leg
>deep inside my quad hurts af
>feels like a knife going in my quad when I squat down with just bodyweight
its been like that for a couple of days fuck I missed a few squat sessions because of this

im never doing real sports again
>how do i start?
by picking things up and putting them down
Why am I only good at flirting for 45 seconds then just bomb?
The lass never says anything that I can use to carry over the conversation, she just sits there waiting to be spoonfed and owt.

I don't know what's harder, speaking to a lassy or running smolov on a 1000 calorie deficit.
random street cat. I suspect it wanted the milk I was carrying, but idgaf
I got to stroke a pomerian husky the other week
Good night that was
c u t e :)
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really getting into dre again desu lads

It looker just like pic related
Some geezer was walking it and he was going wild, I gave him a beckon and he'd come running up to me so I had an excuse to pet em
I did it twice concurrently

Five cycles

No rest, de load, or food
So did the make the husky fuck the pomeranian or the other way around?
Hi you ignored my post the other day, awfully brave for someone who prances around and some sort of lifting authority.
Just remember kid, your tripcode is for our entertainment, nothing else. Don't get too big for your boots.
What was it?
I believe the husky is the bigger species, so likely the submissive one who just took it ay
p sure that type of dog breeding is done artificially
I say the lass.

Smolov is a mental game against yourself.

Speaking to bitches is a mental game against everyone else.
Get bigger. My bench is still average but has been improving a lot since I've been hammering more volume, pendlay rows and db ohp. Hoe often do you see a good bencher with skinny arms?
how much should i be eating? i usually just stay around my maintenence and make sure to get at least 1g of protons per pound of bw.
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Is coach Jim from RTS gay?
not really considering he's fucking Hannah Chan.
For hypertrophic purposes does 3x8-12 vs 5x8-12 really matter?

What actually matters? Number of hard sets? Overall reps? I don't even know anymore.
>what actually matters

time under tension, intensity, and volume.

so for hypertrophy you want to be using around 60-75% intensity and going at it for 32-48 seconds a set (which should equate to 8-12 reps if yo are doing 4 secs per rep, so something like 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down).
as for number of sets for hypertrophy, you would want to shoot for hitting that muscle group at least 8 sets a week (i think this is the number? gotta check again later), so as long as you are doing something like 3 sets of twelve under the correct time under tension 3 days a week on that particular muscle group you will get hypertrophy. i would try to lay out the excersises for that particlar muscle group within different days instead of all in one though if you are a natty as you can only stimulate them to a certain limit doing something like 6 sets of whatever on shoulders on monday and 6 sets on thursday so you can recover an elicit hypertrophy.
learn one of the popular set up techniques
I recommend 'feet on bench' method
I would snap my shoulders if I had technique like that
>feet on bench
have fun snapping your shoulders
Who cares
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This is the first time I've seen hitching used in a squat...
>I just hate it and because of this I almost never do it

found your problem

>Didn't wait for the press command

Interesting form on those barbell good mornings
Why bro. Why did you post this.
technique is a crutch for the talentless
du borde inte använda ryggen så mycket för squats
anyone in nyc wanna be my lifting bro. 400 wilks btw
Eastbound and Down
Great series


Pick one.

Unless you're Dominic Toretto then it's both.

I miss living in the city.

Where you live ma man?
i live in queens

Never really got up to Queens. Lived in Sunset Park for a few years. Hear you guys have some good food up there.
>how much should I be eating
More you disgusting twinks

hey i go to queens college there. unfortunately i live in long island and am sub 400 wilks :(
is maintenance not enough? I really dont want to get fatter im like at 17-18% bf.
I'm about to do 4x2 with 245 and an amrap where I hope to get at least 5. I don't think I could get 275 now. Good luck though I guess
>Tfw SteamRolan is alive
>Number of hard sets?
Primarily this. So RPE 7+.
>Number of reps
It's advantageous to work in all ranges.

It's also good to periodize a bit through overloading, by e.g. number of sets, the RPE, and/or the intensity.
Maintenance Should be enough, i usully bulk a kg or Two over My competition weight and cut down when the comp gets closer.
reminder that this guy only weighs 154lbs because he literally only does the bench. Not compareable to lifters at the same weight because those do actually squats deadlifts etc

Du "tappar" ryggen i böjen. Fan ser ju vem som helst!
Tänk på att hålla ryggen rak och driva från höften, kan hjälpa att luta huvudet lite mer uppåt.
Bra styrka i bänken, sjukt smalt grepp också. Du skulle kunna ta mycket mer om du fixar tekniken.
there is literal fucking SPLOTCHY Norman khan fecal Matter erupting out of my asshole into the shitter (or as I like to call it the Norman Khaner) at fast pace like fuck I thought it was gonna be DIRREAHA for a second there it was a close one lads

Fuck did I speak too soon?


Nope just more splotchy Norman khan

Let's just say this isn't the cleanest of shits m'kay

Like this is a dirty DIRTY Norman khan

Oh fuck here it comes again!!!

Ahhh relief, again.. It wasn't DIRREAHA but close
Enough I mean

I just got a whiff of that smell

And by God that smell would make Norman Khans MOTHER gag for Pete's sake!
i just dropped a stinky brown Sean in my toilet should I flush it guys
Don't flush it, just abandon it.
who is norman khan

can someone bring me up to speed on this
is it normal that i cant deadlift 1x5 each week, but i have to do it once every 9 days?

is it just my own mind telling me that or actually i have some problem with volume etc?
I like squats because they scare me and I still go and squat and 30 minutes it takes me to do my 5x5 probably cause some personal growth.
30 mins only??

my volume day 5x5 squat only takes more than 1hr incl. warmups...
i think he still lurks here and even posts occasionally
>personal growth

you're doing an exercise with a barbell not undergoing some metaphysical journey
I took some time off and am trying to get SS Advanced Novice to 180 kg x 5 x 3. It probably won't happen on adnice but im trying.

I dread my squats from the moment I wake up. I have flat feet and knocked knees and squatting with proper form (feet caving in, knees caving in) is very fucking hard, mentally.
>I dread my squats from the moment I wake up.
yeah, even if Intensity day is only 5 reps for 1 set, i still shit my pants til i'm done.

how much you squatting now?
ss adv novice lasts much less than you'd expect...
Did 165 for three sets, but only got 5 4 4. I have no problem with intensity sets. You just do your best and then you're done. It's sets across that I hate but IMO they're the best. A guy on Rip's forums claims to have taken advanced novice to 180 for sets across.
hello heavy lifting people with hearts of gold

i always did bb style training never realy cared much about strength. now i want to get my maxes from 130b/180s/240d to 150/200/260 in the shortest amount of time.(bro bet) what kind of programming would be appropiated?
190cm 99kg 12%bf 500mg test
well it also depends on your age.
the younger you are the better your recovery etc.

good look for those final 15kg, looks ambitious tho.
you can try stretching it a bit more with doing only first set heavy & 2 light back off sets - see how far you get.
Just work up to a chill 1RM squat (so like 95% of your true RM) then do 3x3 backoff sets (drop like 20kg) then do the same for bench. Do it 2-3 times a week. Increase weight when you feel like it. If you haven't been lifting close to 1RM regularly before that it should take you to your goal weights fairly fast just from technique/neural gains and lack of volume (you'll be better recovered due to low volume). Dunno how to fit deadlifts in there. Dunno how test will influence that.

Or just google how to peak for competition, I am pretty certain you could hit those weights in a few weeks if you're not retarded.
The pull doesn't begin then. The pull begins when he brings his hips up to the correct height. The beginning squat posture has literally nothing to do with the pull.
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>tripfag detected
>SECURE tripcode detected
>no dubs or gets allowed
pls be in kg
I don't know what to do :'(
cause i put my weight in kg but my lifts in retard units
idk. gbros a drugaroo and he does conjugate. maybe 28free upper/c6w lower? maybe sheiko? what do roiders do?
its was a meme lad. because of your bad (for a roider) numbers
no idea what powerlifter roiders do, i just know what bb roiders do
roider bb train does not involve a lot of 1rm stuff
thats why i come out of my comfy fraud thread to ask you guys abouth strength
is that some concept i can read up on or just a suggestion? migth try that one a bit
if youre not used to strength training, you could probably do a novice LP like SS for a few weeks and add a few kg to your lifts. once that stalls do TM or 28free/c6w. when do you have to do your bet by?
Summer sure has come.
no time limit, just a "who can get there first"
bro got a weaker deadlift but stronger squat bench is dead even
gonna read up on those programms, thanks
>he roids for these numbers
reading comprehension in this thread sucks, no wonder everyone thinks you are fat stupid fucks
>reading comprehension in this thread sucks, no wonder everyone thinks you are fat stupid fucks
nice damage control ahahah

Take it easy though. There are twinks ITT who are at your strength level dude. Of course we're going to bully you a little. Its like going into the fraud thread saying youre on high level doses of gear and still look dyel (at least I think you would get bullied in that scenario)

Also we're more used to roiders having insane strength levels so thats also why
has anyone here tried one arm dumbbell snatches? is it just a meme exercise? I'm progressing steadily, right now at 27kg for 5x3 but even though I feel tired I don't feel any specific body part worked heavily.
why would it be a meme exercise

those shot putter athletes do that all the time
10rm on Cowboy for squats felt like rpe 8 maybe 8.5 definietly could hit 2 more reps

feels good

also now - at higher rep work 5x10 for bench, than some dumbells incline bench and ltes

my arms start fucking wobbling and I can feel them pumped, on bench I was tight, everything was good but arms started to give up - I felt that was arms fault

question is

what to do with my bitch ass twink noodles
Tricep pushdowns. CG bench. Lying tricep extension. Lots of reps. Make them triceps thicc.

so how would yo u do it? I just do 3 sets of LTEs 2x a week (monday and friday) its already improving thanks to that ( I didnt not do arms before) biceps are also twink as shit
then what muscles am I supposed to feel?
do incline curls twice a week
"feeling" muscle when you lift is a meme
You're working out 3 times per week, right? Just do curls every session. Biceos are a tiny muscle and not very strong, you can barely do enough damage to them for them not to recover fully in 48 hours. Just do 3 sets at the end of each workout. Keep rest times low (45-90sec) that way you add less than 5mins to your total workout. Pick a weight that you can do for 12-15 reps on the first set, second and third set will be in a fatigued state so the reps will drop down. Same principle as myoreps but not quite so severe.
when I'm benching I feel my arms and my chest. when I'm doing pullups I feel my biceps and my back. when doing pistol squats I feel my quads. when I'm doing DB snatches I feel dead inside.

ok sirs, will work on that
You lifted you ass off the bench, no lift.
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whats the meme beginner program nowadays
SS like always

id say do stronglifts or icf instead of ss much more volume and skill work for beginner

That's stupid

SS has more volume as you use heavier weights from doing less sets and getting less fatigued.

Volume = set x reps x weight

SL example:
50kg 5x5 = 50x5x5 = 1250

SS example:
100kg 3x5 = 100x3x5 = 1500

Therefore SS has more volume
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>Example of 100kg vs 50kg
>good example

also on sl, you progress to 3x5 when you cant progerss no longer at 5x5 and than yo ugo 5x3, 3x3 and than change


sl > ss as you add weight each workout

Tbh it's more like 90kg 3x5 vs 80kg 5x5, your comparison is disingenuous
Stronglifts is stall city. If you want more volume do SS with lighter backoff sets.

I did sl to 115kg 5x5 squat fine
desu 245 is 90% of 275. If you can triple 245, you should be able to hit 275 while fully recovered.
>tfw finally pull 475
>tfw missed it 3 times last week
triples on bench are more like 93% ime
part of me wants to continue cutting to 10-12%, part of me wants to bulk up a little and pull 600

these conflicting goals
guys I have to addmit that chuck taylors are utter garbage for squatting
Even if that's true that single looked around @7-8 which means it's probably about 90%.
And people do SS to 160+
355x3x5 squat on linear progression? get the fuck out squatchad

>to 160+ 3x5

please name one person that isnt overweight
3x5 squat
3x5 bench
1x5 deadlift
Squat 4x2
Spoto press 2x6 then AMRAP
Sumo diddly 4x3 with explosive lockout for those glute gains
Cable Row 3xF
Lat pull down 3xF
Yates Row 3xF
>dyel bench
>looks dyel
What's the issue here
I want to get rid of my double chin before uni, but I also want to squat 200kg :(
>tfw your mind says cut but your muscles say bulk
Doing Spoto press for the first time and holy shit this is awkward to do.
>tfw your mum says cut but your autism says bulk
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what shitty video game should I waste my money on this summer lads?
How do I do pendlay rows properly? I can't figure it out?
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i know this is baby weight but im sure my form is shit and i would appreciate any recommendations


thank you friends
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it wasnt too bad. you let the bar drift forward on a couple of reps. you were a bit unstable and look like youd be comfier in WL shoes
Beseige is worth £3.35
Its old and gay, you're literally paying 3.35 just to waste precious GiBs.

Planet coaster on the other hand...
its not limited to stuff in the pic. you can recommend anything on sale. preferably cheap shit tho because I probably wont play it much
Tips to pull on a deadlift bar i seem to pull less with it
you could go a little deeper but you are hitting parallel so i guess it's just me.
Hit 230kg on diddy for 4 reps today @ 98kg, am I doing well?

Could I think about competing in a local meet my gym total is 595kg.
my flat biceps say bulk, my fuck gut says cut

or my body dysmorphia says bulk, and my vanity says cut
gym membership expires on sunday, and I am starting a new routine on monday

I am moving to a different town, so I don't wanna start the routine on sunday because of autism

what should I do on that last day? I thought about trying some oly for fun
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>mfw DOMS already beginning
Bench pr time

After doing some int routines and being past beginner mode for a while

Is it only me that I have feeling like for beginner sets of 5 on squats and deadlifts are great, but bench should be done at higher reps? I feel like benching 3x8 or maybe 2x8 and than 1x5 would make better benefits
you're making good progress

are you bulking or maintaining weight

yes, compete in local meet you will do good
Anyone else's appetite sometimes shoot up like crazy after a heavy diddly day? My calorie goal is pretty low, but I'm ravenous and thinking I should listen to my body and just eat?
Maybe I just under estimate myself. I hate bench so assume I'm worse than I am
I'm interested on PL but I'm in auschwitz mode atm. How to start?
Also, I've read the sticky. Is it safe to start SS in my condition?
Yes. Go forth and make gains, spooky skeleton.
Post GOMAD results after a few months.
Bench is shit I can do 90kgs for 6 but I still can't bench more than 102.5kg for 1
curl the bench and fuck the receptionist
they all qts desu, even this one with no boobs
Accidentally ate 4500 kcal, meant to eat 3200 for maintenance.

Why am i still hungry even at maintenance, i eat clean, nothing but veg, chicken, milk, eggs and grains.
>Why am i still hungry even at maintenance

if I ate as much as I could I be like at like 5k and I need 3.2 to maintain
How do we live with this empty pit feeling breh.

Feels like ass when even on a bulk i have to limit calories.
Is tipping foward or rocking on your heels in squat case of squat depth? I should go as wide as I can without any groin pain?
no idea breh

i tried splitting my daily intake into a million small doses so that i p much eat something all the time

didn't do much in the long run
Fuck I've noticed the same lately, but I've also been making huge gains without adding much weight tbf I kinda feel like on roids lately.
>eat more than usual
>make gains faster than usual
>not gaining any fat
>wanting to fuck multiple times a day
I also feel much happier.
>got back from a hard day of work
>had a big ass pizza
>watching a stream I've waited all week for
>cracked open a cold one
>wearing freshly ironed pyjamas
>snuggled up in bed
>bench PR programmed tomorrow

Couldn't get any comyier

Unless I had a gfs head to bounce actually
r u a special person

back angle completely horizontal, stays static in that position(no cheatrows). Pull the bar to your chest(touch it) as hard as you can. Drop the weight relatively fast. Repeat for 2 more reps. 1min rest since its a speed exercise
Nice memes
I spent a while cutting after my meet, but I'm back to bulking now. Morning weight is around 181.
Kill yourself
Huge 35lb Desdlift PR! In the 6 plate club finally.

Well done lad.
You the guy on TRT who wanted to do stripping in a gay bar?
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6'2 200
B 285
S 350
DL 375

>pro-tip if you wanna increase your max, warm up with 10 pounds over your max. that way when you max out it will be easier.
Am on TRY (150mg test cyp EW), and I bartend at a gay club.
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>that squat and dl
>giving advice
How the hell did you get prescribed gear at 20yo. You think it has significantly improved your gains?
pls no bully :(
It blew up my bench. Nothing really else. I had over sleeping issues and no sex drive. Doctors do a blood test and find out I'm at 200 ng/dl. They do nothing but tell me to eat better and exercise more even though I already ate well and exercised. Go back a year later to another doctor cause if no change and tested even lower. Doctor prescribes me trt.
pls be in kg
how does the guy shouting "lets fucking go. come on boy" feel about you being a homosexual?
The best gay bar bartenders are straight. We make the most money.
>Finally make it to Firday
>Looking forwards to heavy bench sesh on Satuarday
>Get super comfy in bed
>Have shit sleep

Fuck this. Now I feel terrible and have to go try bench a volume pr. I hate this.
I believe in you lad.
you can do it desu!
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>lift for 4 years
>novice stats (280 wilks)
>try other sports
>hardly ever improve
>try and get lean
>lose lots of weight but don't ever look leaner

I'm a GDE and I don't know what to do

I just want to be good at something...
Thanks lads. I'll do you you senpai
Get your test levels checked
Alternatively skip the first part and stab chinese bathtub chemicals into your ass
Alternatively try harder
have you tried injecting testosterone into your ass cheeks?
no thanks I'm not a cheating fuck like Charles and I actually sink with the ship
its not cheating if you compete with other drugaroos. you dont have to go down with the ship when you can very easily plug the leak lad
Idk where to even get star roids
>star roids

ask /fraud/

There's a subreddit for talking about steroid sources.
First double at my working weight done. Moving a bit slow but ok.

Technically already a pr kek
>dropping the bar
gj on the no lift
4x2 then 5 on my + set

Happy considering I had only ever done that weight for 1 rep before
Chase Lindley just pressed 315

Wtf are you even doing with your life?
Why do you act like you've never met a talentchad?
I met a dude that attained a 600lbs squat, 405 bench, and 630 diddly all before he turned 19 at 240lbs.
The guy decided to start training for super totals and casually push pressed 315 for reps the first time he ever push pressed.
i think a 315 press is absolutely achievable any anyone in plg
315 bench press is totally achievable for any man with good training and diet.

315 overhead press? Not so much.
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165lbs at 5'10 pretty lean. Im currently at 255lbs box squat 3x5 M W F, I can't add weight every other day any more, I've failed the third set twice now. Is time to switch to an intermediate program? Also 225lbs bench x5, 140~lbs OHP x5 and DL 320 x5 If so which one? I wan't strength but also hyperthrophy, not minimalist trainning. Thank you guys. Have a cute ass.
The other thing to do would be to keep bulking and try to grind a little bit more my current program (Alpha destiny's hybrid, I've progressed pretty nice and fast with it)
depends on bodyweight but i think that's definitely something you can train to
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>mfw swiss bar OHP

I think I'm in love
>Push press 5x10 at 50%

Mein triceps
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This place is not what you think it is.
Graduating jr high?
Why do I always feel like ass the day after deadlift prs.

I have woke up feeling like I have had zero sleep, and my head is cloudy as fuck.
what should i do if i fail my weekly deadlift 1x5 set (besides kys myself, that is)?
Just fry my CNS up senpai
should i start using smelling salts? how well do they work in waking you up?
They smell like swampy ass
new thread
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Look into GZCL tbH.
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