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/cbt/ – Current Body Thread

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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 118

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Old one is at three hunna.

>238lbs -> 219lbs
>shaving after losing 19lbs
Strong nipple gains and nice progress OP, but you realize you have to hit your chest too right?
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I've been struggling to get a squeeze on my chest, feel the load more on my front delts. Any advice?

You can see how shitty my chest hair genetics are. I think we both know why I shaved it off

Thanks man
>Not shaving your balls and chest
Women love a man who grooms himself
>You can see how shitty my chest hair genetics are. I think we both know why I shaved it off
In all seriousness, good stuff anon. Keep at it.
>he fell for the shaving jew meme
There's a difference between manscaping and being a faggot anon
numale detected.
Roll your shoulders back
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Been going to the gym for half a year. Rate? I know the towel is pretty gay.
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>wt: 189 lbs

>ht: 6' 2"

>time trained: since January

>diddy:415, squat:310, bench:215, ohp:135
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great progress m8, you look a lot better
not bad, keep it up!
I spent the summer of my 18th year sitting naked on a towell in my bedroom playing WoW for 20 hours a day

Gj bro, very nice
ive had several girlfriends and they all said a man shouldnt shave/trim anything below the neck
Thanks so much dude! I ship for army basic in the fall so I'm just trying my best to be as balanced with their bodyweight/running standards as well as strength for my own benefit.
>mirin the inner sweep dear god.

also nice tats.
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6'2" 190
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5'9 175lbs
They're lying. Shaving, yeah, i agree. Trimming? They don't understand. They think it naturally keeps that length. My ex used to complain because without trimming my chest became a forest she couldn't put her head on, my back grew long, thick, dark hair, my pubes turn wiry and long as fuck.

Trimming is fine, in fact for some people i'd say its mandatory.
My chest is just like your first photo, gives me hope that maybe I can lose my man tits. What did you do routine wise?
I'll give it a try, thanks

Keep at it bro

Veins looking good

Lookin very juicy mate, mirin the ab development

Arms looking strong

Consider shaving, would change your physique if you did

I think it's body fat that's dropped and helped me lose a bit of the gyno. Normally routine I do a bro split – chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/traps and legs, then rest day. Thinking about changing it up though. I always try to include one of the big 5 lifts at the start of each session
Chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/traps and legs, then rest day.

Probably could be a bit better desu
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>age: 20

>weight: 150lb

>height: 5' 7" (manlet confirmed)

>lifting for 5 months
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>Down from 220 lbs to 165 lbs
Oh lol you are the faggot who says he is not skinny fat.
Nice weightloss, cut some more and get definition
Work harder, you can get easy ass gains when your a dwarf
Lighting could be better hard to say much
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6'4" 224 lb

B: 225 lb S: 285 lb D: 405 lb

BF estimate? Im currently cutting.
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Cutting soon
Like 20%
all you did was put your body in an angle lmao
Latest pic I took.
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6' 130 lbs - 145 lbs.

SS for a couple months

th-thanks mark...

what's your routine?
1: Legs
Leg extension: 4x7
Leg curl: 4x7
Leg press: 4x7
Thighs (inner+outer): 3x10
Squat: 3x5 2x4 2x2
Standing calves: 4x7
Plank 1x60s

2: Arms
OHP: 3x7
Chest press: 3x7
Torso rotation: 3x7
Abdominal: 3x7
Row: 3x7
Bench press: 2x5, 4x3, 2x2
Free weights: Biceps/Triceps focus, Guts
Adjustable cables: Upwards
Plank 1x60s

3: Torso
Pulldown 3x7
Fly delt 3x7
Torso rotation 3x7
Abdominal 3x7
Back extension 3x7
Bench press 2x5 , 4x2, 2x5
Adjustable cable: Downwards
Deadlift 2x5 , 2x3 , 2x2
Free weights: Chest, overhead, Hercules, Guts
Lat pulldown 3x7
Plank 1x60s

This, right here.

BF material.
N-No homo bro.
Not sure if its the flex, your frame, or insertions.
But it looks like you should work traps more from this photo-- you dont want to have flat shoulders.
Everything else is looking good brother!

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I am working on my traps! I realised pretty late (been working out for 6 months, known what to do - somewhat - for 3 months).
I don't know any specific traps-exercises but that shrugthing with dumbells, so that's all I've ever done (for sets et.c.)
For instance, I do some traps-shrugging before squatting.

It's gotten shittalked by everyone who actually knows better than me, so I wouldn't be too quick about using it - it's mostly habit and how the gym is shaped, that's influenced it.
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forgot to add 183cm 85kg
mirin arms
You look manly m8. What are your lifts?
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Ahh, thats the worst, realizing stuff like that further into lifting. Its okay youll get there. I do barbell shrugs behind the back and focus on slow reps, I'd suggest givin it a try.
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5'7, 66 kg twink. Mid-to-late intermediate lifts.
Whereas your pic?
He isn't fat tho?

Protip: The people who shit on others progress are usually not making any themselves..
If that's you I'm m-mirin.
I do a lot of things, but those shrugs are the only things I know that are specifically traps. Maybe I'm doing a lot of good things for them!
And it's not that I mind it, or that I think it's too bad a routine, it's just that I don't care enough to change it, or its order.
>that davidesque face
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Just personal preference, i understand that tattoos are a very volatile topic, i happen to reside on the side of the fence that likes them-- but i understand the criticism as well
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Left: March 2017 - 187 lbs fresh off a cut
Right: Last week, 205 lbs finishing a bulk and heading into cut

6'4, 28 years old

fuark mirin hard

nice traps bby isolate abs too

looking good, keep cutting

nice work mang
post cycle bb, i'm just finishing babby's first test cycle and after cruise I want to try some new shit
Looking good man. How you handling those tren sides?
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No tren (in all honesty swear to God), just free range killer whale test and rocket fuel

As a side note- i am interested/have been interested in trying tren, but the side efdects scare me to death. So i doubt i ever would until im like 40 or something.
Impressed that's you without any tren, and yeah I can't blame you for being wary of the sides.
Yeah I'm thinking of tren to recomp in a 12 week cycle before going away next February, but fucking with dopamine / prolactin sounds a little beyond my paygrade. Might just run some mast / adrol and test. Do you PCT or b&c?
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Ive almost always done a pct following anything ive done like sarms (which used to be great, now its sketchy imo) or prohormone stuff. I feel like its important. Then again it might be placebo, but ive always believed to let people ride out their placebo as apposed to telling them otherwise.
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sick 17yo, drop the glasses and buy contacts brah
mirin chestgains of peace and prosperity
strong heavenly blessed beauty pls respond
mirin chest and arms
mirin facial aesthetics
Is the underwear on the left comfy?
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jesus christ not even trying to be funny, I thought you were my dad. similar coffee shop by his house, and he dresses like that. I was going to ask him why he's on 4chan, then saw the tat. wew lad
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Prince of turbomanlets at 5'5'' reporting in
i believe around 68kg, can't weigh myself right now

Am travelling for 6 months now, will be back to the gym next week, my question is, do i just keep cutting to get rid of these disgusting love handles and the rest of waist fat? have had them since forever

also estimate %bf pls
18-20% bf
fuck that's great for you're age. Enjoy the ban
thanks senpai
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5'9 190
Not sure where to go from here, looking for advice on whether I should cut or bulk.
I know I am fat already but I feel like I will have no muscle when I cut cause Ill most likely need to drop 20-30 lbs
Cut for sure
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sit on my dick?
Same body type here
>tfw alcoholic fratboy dadbod
How many miles of pussy do you get per day?
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The first pic I've ever taken with some level of upper pec development, also just hit 1pl8 OHP nikkkas
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15 weeks in i lost about 25lbs, but i honestly don't see a significant difference...
how much much more will i have to lose to look human, bros?
I'm so sick and tired of this flab.
Also before/after bf estimate?
>15 weeks
>only 25lbs
Don't sell yourself short man that bretty good
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the white walker
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imma take a better photo soon but i hate taking photos of myself. i also wish i had some discipline and could lower my bf but i have no self control evidently.
You also have a hello kitty soap dispenser ya cuck
i'm not so sure if you understand what cuck means
i'd be sad if i looked like that on gear. i'll probably hop on in a few years though.
actually i am also considering trying one of those auxiliaries people on gear use for pubertal gyno. not sure if they can reverse that though since i think those usually can only reverse gyno they get on a cycle.
dude, are you like 5'2"?
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Lazy fuck who lifts like once a week.
6ft 155
man you're ugly
5'5". i'm sitting there tho.
i know, that was a after a night of heavy drinking.
Serious question: why even once a week? It's clearly not doing anything. Is it just so you can post on Facebook that you went to the gym?
At least pose with a proper posture
Are you natty, pls tell the truth
obviously not.
lmao if you have to ask you don't know nearly enough about lifting to worry about ever achieving that body under any circumstance
If you continue, you'll get a set of those crooked "zipper abs", it looks like.
Better stop and stay fat.
>it's better to be an unhealthy sack of shit than to look slighly unappealing to a small fraction of other men
Never change /fit/
How pathetic are you to sit in here and talk shit on everyone
greentext is not supposed to be 100% true and valid advice in this kind of post, anon.
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5'10 70kg
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dyel i know

im wondering about my leg on the right. is that knee and leg bend normal? it looks fucked up but it might just be cause i'm leaning a bit and the camera doesnt pick up the angle?
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Started to take gym, diet, supplements serious couple months ago. Been lifting hard since than. And advice?
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6ft 165lbs
All my really big friends eat horribly. I eat a fluctuating diet of fast food and healthy shit. Should I just embrace the dirty bulk and workout a fuck ton to not get fat?
Also should I jack off before my date tonight?
>Also should I jack off before my date tonight?
You shouldn't be jacking off anyway, anon. But srs no, I lose my killer instinct if I five knuckle shuffle before a date.
Thats called bowleggedness anon. Usually not and issue unless its extreme. If your pediatrician or family docter growing up never mentioned it then its a non issue.
Ohh yeah and my step sister has the same knock knees as you do anon. No problems for her but many people with them have health problems associated
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>Also should I jack off before my date tonight?
Why? Cum in her pussy.
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Reminder: squats are useless and so is counting calories
don't you have a mirror?
Not at straight up quad level
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lifting for a year, started as skinnyfat
How long did it take you to go from A to B? I am currently like the first pic trying to lose it.
i've lost my wallet :(
Lift heavier. If you can lift a certain amount of wait more than 12 times, you need to up the weight.

You have too little progress for a year.
Stop slacking, 2 days a week is not enough. There is no difference where there should be in a 5 month period.
Literally no change. At all.
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Op did you cut down and then bulk back up? This is me at 6'2" 220 pounds. Cutting down to 190 and see where that puts me. Been lifting for a little over a month now. My lifts are shit so don't even ask. I started at 260 with even worst lifts.
Keep at it man, you will figure it out.
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5'9 175ish pounds
>eating cock for this
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nice work

start fat or skinny?

9/10 would fug
It looks better
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>wt: 210lbs? (Been on holiday for ten days no idea how much i currently weigh)

>ht: 6'1'

I'm honestly so tired of being fat cunt, i'm currently on holiday and not able to weigh as i said. I plan on getting back into the gym but being young and being this fat is just sad, i feel like i am throwing away my youth.
Started skinny, swam throughout most of high school
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5'8 171 lbs

230 b 310 s 405 dl
115x5 ohp
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Same poster here, god a new hobby which is surfing, going well, i have noticed tone in my arms and legs so that's a start i guess but i'm currently cutting calories.
Retracting the scapula will chsnge your life
dude your arms are really small
thx dude, legit
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150 lbs. Was skinnyfat, bulked up a bit and going to start to cut. 6 months in.

no minors allowed, bud, reported
How long did it take?
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>19 y/o

Lifting for 4 years fairly consistently. Just finished my bulk and starting cutting as of 4 days ago @2kcal.

Anyone got advice as far as my proportions? Ik I have baby pecs and I'm working on that. Are my traps disproportionately big? What can I do to deal with my wide hips? 5'7 manlet btw.
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Sorry forgot pic. I'm short AND retarded.
seems way too little man, should be at least 1000kcal or you're gonna starve mate
Why would you listen to suggestions of your gf (male) ?
You need a females opinion.
I would like to give daddy a massage.
Nice gains for 6 months
Not sure if the angle but more chest would be good
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pls rec new poses bois
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5'9, 163 lbs, 10 months lifting.

should i cut down to 155 or just recomp? (i know i look like shit.)
i'm 5'9 and 150 and feel like we should be similar weights... anyway, you look skinny enough to try to clean bulk imo
my legs and lower back are fat. also the lighting in my my bathroom is fucked -- my chest is actually a little bigger than the picture shows.
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6'2" 231lbs
To 190lbs
fuck you've got a thick core. work on your arms a bit more and that's my goal.
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6' 3" 202lbs
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6'1" 205lbs. Am I making it yet?
2000 kcal****
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Anyone else trying to not be skinny weak Asian stereotype? I'd like to aim for thick mode
I don't know if OP still roams the thread but I still want to comment on the amazing progress! You look so nuch better now, keep up the good work.
Going for thicc mode
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233 lbs

Flexing stomach in pic

Bf estimate? I'm sick of being fat...going to cut until I don't look like crap
always tryna find a routine
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22 / 6’1”
Aug 2016: 275
May 2017: 205
seat on the sink, take pic sideways
How did you get that mark on your back?
He only lifts once a week because he watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the other 6 days
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205 to 190 and learned how to douchepose
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5' 9 165
i hate people with posture like yours

is it just genetics or is it literally you're too retarded to have good posture? Slumped forward, including shoulders rolled forwrad, looks whack man fix it
what would that show
mosh pit

>>41961303 here im a guy :(
Looking good.
KEK What an idiot
Mirin those gains though, don't wanna hate on the guy, but he OBVIOUSLY roids.
Roidin for that, what a pitty
fuck, i look exactly like you on the left, although am 5'10 and like 190 lb
looks good man
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Fugg this thread makes me ashamed of my shitty core
Holy fuck lots of you are over 6'

Whats the minimun to be considered tall ?
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Jeez 5"2 is it possible to date anyone who is not taller than you?
Currently running tren now and I needed prami on a baby dose :(
Don't waste your money on mast if you are running adrol. You won't notice it a the DHT will only put your hair at risk for no reason
This,girls like clean men, and if it's not shaved, it at least needs to be trimmed man.
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5'9 167
Can't speak for anyone else, but sucking dick on a dude that has a pube forest is not a good time.

It's like brushing my teeth with a wirebrush
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do you like tall bearded guys?
holy shit anon, looking fucking good
Thanks, I've been hitting the gym hard for strength while leaning out at maintenance
>mfw even girls fell for the ss meme
Stats and time lifting?
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8 months
Fuck, keep up the good work

Working out would be a good place to start.
Top kek

Its true tho
>Not squatting
No wonder you don't have mass on your leg. And you should def eat something
Thanks man, we're all gonna make it. The stricter you are, the faster you'll reach your goal.

The dedication is paying off bro. You can see it.

Thanks for the kind words mate

About 2 months, but it's been like as strict as contest prep or something

To be honest mate, I used to lift but I got a gf and really let myself go. Stopped exercising and started eating whatever I wanted. I started StrongLifts back in December but I was so irregular at the gym it didn't really help. I've only just started cutting but I am planning to bulk as soon as I get to about 8-10% BF.

If it helps, I found these foods really helped me. Oats with protein powder and berries for breakfast. 5% beef mince with rice for lunch, then with bbq sauce for flavour. same with chicken breast and rice for dinner and then egg whites before bed if I was still hungry.

I got so fat that it didn't fit me anymore, I went from a size L boxers to XL. That was a hard pill to swallow
Cheers man, you too you're doin well


Try to include the big 5 as well. If you wanna give it a go just keep it to about 4-5 exercises a day as well as doing 30-45 cardio.
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Who /cuckedbygenetics/ here (5'8, chest is shit)

Is there any hope?
for something to be disproportionately big, you'd need something to be big at all
roasted by a slant, nice work bruv
he knows, he likes traps, mirin that braphoggains, no homo
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Bf estimate?
Natural gyno :(

Eric Buggenhaggen?
I'm 2 cm shorter than you, weight 4 kg more and look much smaller

>tfw first bulk
Bench 215x3
Squat 255x3
DL 300x3
OHP 115x6
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just trolling
tfw no qtpie 30 inch dink trap of peace and prosperity
You look way shorter that 5'7
What mode you reckon I'm at?
Bby <3
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6'3 176
Training 2 years
Hip vein pic also I have to find it
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Vein pic
Need to hit arms and delts mode. You have a good v taper tho
Honestly around 9 or ten. It's rarely as low as you' d think
It's called showcasing muscles. Which you do not have. Hit your delts a lot more and cut the weight. You will looks like you actually lift.
Looking p good but hit your chest more. I know personally chest is my weak point and is esp visible on front double bi
You're kind of chubby. Thick mode pursuers imo are typically reflective of a desire to avoid actually getting your diet in check. Eat heartily and wholly, and you'll actually look thick
Get a life nigger, stop posting in every thread
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don't mind my ILS
traps look weird, otherwise not bad
You need to retract your scapula nigga. Just Google it.

>protip: get someone to give you a liftoff when benching and watch as cumm literally oozes out your dick from the chest isolation.
Do more chest
wee bit more chest
whats ur cycle?
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6'4 170

Do I have potential?
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3 months into working out atm.
Thoughts? Decided to add some isolation for my arms recently. I think if I keep lean bulking till the end of the year and then go on a cut, I'll finally escape skinnyfat mode.
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>skinnyfat mode.
sure this isn't fridge mode?
I've made peace with having a rectangle for a body. As long as I stop being tiny and weak, I think I'll be fine. Aside from shitloads of pullups and rows, is there any other way to escape fridge?
working on in. i'm at 2,5 pl8 bench right now
i hear ya bro, you got the right approach and attitude so i commend you for that. First thing that comes to mind is working on lats, If you can get them wide you'll begin to widen up on top.
left looks 40-45 years old, right looks 20 years old
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7 months in
I know it's not great (didn't know what the fuck I was doing in the beginning and gained weight too fast) but at least I don't look anorexic anymore
left pic is 150lbs right pic is 205lbs
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>7 months in
>left pic is 150lbs right pic is 205lbs
My condolences, hope your routine is better now then what you've been doing for 7 months
you look a lot better, even though you gained weight too fast
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Been pushing really hard, and starting to get boobie muscles :)

why doesnt anyone post with their cocks out?
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These nerds are insecure about their height. They would fucking hanging from their ceiling fan if someone took shots at their dick size.
Mirin, just cut and work abs then you'll literally be perfect
Is this natty? How do you look so drastically different after losing 19 pounds?
I've lost 30 pounds and a rate of 2 pounds a week (starting at 25 percent bodyfat) and only went down to 18 percent and that's with constant lifting and no cardio.
jason genova tier, goodjob though im sorry i had to say that
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pls no bully
>this is what a 215 bench and 135 ohp looks like

Thanks for keeping me motivated on the cut.
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6ft, 162lbs
Have not been eating enough, have not been sleeping enough. Did a murph today, went for a fat run yesterday, and been doing calisthenics everyday. Eating is hard.
Anybody else here done a murph? It is the only crossfit type thing I enjoy doing, just cause it is fun to do with friends. Also it's great cardio.
Fuck, just realized I already posted in this thread. I need to get some sleep and a life.
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jesus christ bro that adonis belt
apex kek
good shit man
Considering this is a gay board who cares what women think
Miles and miles of cock.
Are you gay?
Dude, why the garter belt? Start counting calories on my fitness pal and eating healthier. You don't need accessories.
Liking cock is no homo mate
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Keep doing what you're doing.

What stats for your chest?
mirin delts
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does anyone give a bf estimate and/or guess how much more I'd need to cut to lose the tits/lower back fat? 6'0 160 coming down from 250

Could continuing lifting (very new obv) + calorie neutral fill me in?
are you that guy that too dnp without working out?
cut for what
try build muscle first
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5'9" 175lb
you absolutely look 5'4 to me
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5'5" 143lb I feel like my chest is too small compared to the rest of me.
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I got fat and cant see my abs anymore. I hate bulking
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2 months out 1st day back.
What do u do for chest? Do u ever do lowrr chest? Or just strictly upper chest?
>worrying just your chest is small
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Am I gonna make it guys?
no you won't
do some rack pulls with about 120% of your deadlift weight, and really let it pull on your traps.
his shoulders aren't even rolled forward they're just very narrow
>is auschwitz tier
>"squats aren't needed"
jesus your phone is as big as you are
you don't need a bra with that chest
Do you work at a 7eleven, pizza shop, or drive a taxi?
Yes, hence the babbyweights
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idk what i should focus on rn
How long lifting? Back? Looking solid.
buy a better phone
getting laid
I'm not gay but you're honestly perfect mode at that amount of muscle. you should focus on strength and functionality rather than getting bigger or leaner
Posting ass pls
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about three to four years total, i took some breaks, and i spent a lot of time fucking around
i actually like it
yea im kinda stalling at 2/3/4 for 6 reps, shit sucks
best i could do

taking a back pic is p hard i guess
*slaps ass*
teehee :3c~~
Are you latin or black?
im a halfie, dad's white, mom's black
>dad's white, mom's black
post mom
is she thicc
i'd rather not post my mother on a taiwanese painting group senpai
i guess yea
i actually started lifting to fix my shitty(ier) posture and balance my huge ass soo
that and jojo mostly
>huge ass
It doesn't look huge. Post side view
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yea, i think most of it went away when i lost weight, that and it seemed bigger in proportion when i was weak

so you've been lifting while losing weight? routine/program?
what's you're routine pham
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I'm disappointed, but I'll save it anyway.
went from a qt twink to insane beast
probably balding too hence the hat
i took coolcicada's PPL as a template
i do 3x5 with heavier weights on the the two first days, 4x8-12 on the last two
i deadlift on the the first pull day, squat on the second push day, and i throw in some biceps/triceps every push/pull day
i used to do SS before that

haha srry m8
how long did you do SS before switching
for 8 months at first, then i got to college and stopped lifting for a bit more than a year
did it again for almost as long, fucked around with the gym, started PPL when I deadlifted 200kgs, and my squat stalled at 160x5
you can probably do it better than i did
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7 months in, how much longer till im not a DYEL?
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5'9, weight 155, on the road to 176
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6foot 200lbs>>41960273
no I'm very new to lifting, only about 3 weeks and I was already at ~160-165 by that point. I mean I'm sure my jobs gave me functional strength but I still didn't eat protein or anything

So I'm way too small and still skinny fat. Shit sucks but it's my own fault

[spoiler]Full homo[\spoiler]
hmm if you're new to lifting maybe you should check youtube videos and ask google and stuff on what to do.
You should learn about bulking and macros and if you want a starting program do PPL
thanks for the advice, but do you think for sure I should bulk? Or calorie-neutral + get out of DYEL mode for now?
You should bulk because
1. read the sticky
2. yes you should bulk because you're new
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>Be 18 5'6 manlet
>Circa 2014 - 189lbs Never worked a day in my life
>Decide to cut and do HIIT
>Get down to 129-130lbs by late 2016
>Despite being 130lbs I still don't have a flat stomach despite it being proportional to the rest of the upper body
>Decide I'm slowly entering the realm of underweight and I'm never going to be skinny so I might as well start getting bigger
>January 2017 - Start lifting
>June 2017 (pic related) is my progress.

152lbs STILL 5'6 manlet

Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated.
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Literally 90% of women loves a man with chest hair. Google people asking girls this online, Youtube videos asking girls this on streets. Almost all girls prefer men with nice chest hair. I have no idea where you faggots got this from? That women love clean shaved faggot?
I have pretty shit tier chest hair, and wish I could grow more, and probably will as I age more. But seeing faggots shaving it off is like using a wheelchair when you have two working legs. The fuck is wrong with you idiots?
the sticky has nothing to do with me looking to get a bf %. Being new could still mean I'm fat & need to cut
So you weren't gonna listen anyways? fine then do whatever you want
I'm taking advice, you're being incompetent

>Read the sticky
wow thanks anon, I know how calories work. Still would like a bf estimate. You said bulk because I'm new, that logic doesn't make any fucking sense so I'm not gonna blindly follow it
> but do you think for sure I should bulk? Or calorie-neutral + get out of DYEL mode for now?
>how do i get out of DYEL mode?
>read the sticky
>why did you tell me to read the sticky :(
nothing in the sticky says you can't gain muscle without bulking
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>nothing in the sticky says you can't gain muscle without bulking
Nigga you can't make muscles out of nothing.
first law of thermodynamics : gotta eat big to get big c'mon
4 sets flat dumbell press (heavy) 10 reps.
3 sets incline dumbell press, same.
3 sets flat inner chest dumbell press.
3 sets flys.
2 sets push ups till failure.

That's about it for chest.
yes, that's why you eat a lot on workout days and balance it out on rest days + cardio
>being female

Well then keep doing what you're doing
Gosh.. If only there was a guy like this who liked cute 5'7" 125lb blue eyed guys.. This is dreamy
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Down 130 lbs

How long would it take me to get out of dyel mode?
but that's a good strategy right? I'm not trying to argue just to argue I just hate the thought of bulking (which almost always, inevitably comes with fat) when I thought it wasn't necessary
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5'8, 175lbs.
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Great Job dog.
>five knuckle shuffle
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Started bouldering as well as general athletic training
No u
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