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Transformation Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 74

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I'll start.

>I transformed from an unemployed 35 year old rapist into a 14 year old qt gamer.

Great job
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>no 3d delts
anon prease
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looking solid OP
mirin beard
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This is me.
From fat neckbeard to somewhat muscular neckbeard.
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this is about 80-90 lbs difference left to right. still have about 60 lbs to go
thought you were wearing a dress/trying to look feminine in that first pic, m8
Shave the moustache
How long it took You?
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>that mustache
fukn pedo. did you get fit so the little kids would stop outrunning you?
what's so funny
Shaved the mustache a few months ago and i looked like a baby, so i decided to keep it. it just looks weird because it's lighter than my hair for some reason

the "beard" i grow is even worse, so i keep that clean shaven, at least
mirin facial gains cereal
thanks m8, i still remember the feeling when i realized i had a jawline under that fatty chin
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escaped auschwitz
Rather a baby than a pedo.
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I know the pain, brother. Keep at it!
Grow your hair out instead and take good care of it, pretty sure that'll look 100x better.
I'll never understand why you guys are too inept to put the before on the left. You don't even have to rearrange the photos, you literally just flip the fucking image to a mirror image.
5 years now.

Thanks brah.
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tried that, it did not. also it got way too fucking hot because my hair is super thick and dark
Look at the filename.
>it's lighter than my hair for some reason

The hair around the mouths of most primates is lighter, just one of the many things Darwin noticed was similar with humans and apes.

Try for a goatee or "anchor": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W-VPHoHqp0

Few men can pull of the sole-mustache look, and you are not one of them.
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Me @ 6'4 392lbs to 198 (lowest weight I got to was 194)
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Not my first or largest weight drop, but here's 6'3 220 vs 195
yessir i am natty, been training 2 years
150, 110, 160 (in kg)
I train deadlift like once a week, thats my excuse
ever heard of a joke?
how long does it take?
does anyone have the original of this? my schools right next to that place and could use a laugh
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Rip me to pieces. Digitally cuck me
how did you go from mexican to black
>Getting so huge that you turn black

Impressive my man
Do you have loose skin and or stretch marks?
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5 years transformation from 160->240 lbs
>he read the thread and flipped the image
holy shit well done. routine?
I closed down my taco truck and stole a bike
Thank you. Trashy white women wont leave me alone now.
are you really a dark latino or a light black dude?
its amazing what a tan can do
OP here, I think I look pretty good. Fuck you fags.
Mirin bro. You made it
I have everything in my family, black, white, Japanese, honestly it's like I time travelled from the future where all the races mesh together. My sister has afro hair at the front, and razor straight at the back. I just identity as "brown".
Too kind, thanks
This guy posted his dick in our discord
Well done, I know you put hours in the gym
That left pic... Put it this way, if you went to prison you'd be used as currency

well done, nigga
holy fuck, im 6' 0 and 120 lbs, how do i fix this shit?
Strong progress
Damn dude. You are killing it
Good right pic, now hit the weights hard. Hard muthafucker, bench 100kg then straight down and down and hit 50 press ups.
>Knee straps and belt

Good man. Safety first, safety second
>it's like i time travelled from the future where all the races mesh together.

So that south park episode from >5 years ago?
Yeah, feel free to have a gay orgy in my honour.

>6' 0
>120 lbs
auschwitz aint got nothing on you
Have you considered medical advice

wtf you doing nigga, you're suppose to lift to get whiter not blacker!
Post pics of dick.

Research bro, research.

That episode was from 2004
I wanna play Xbox and chase females with you
I wanted to audition for Blacked.com
like what?
Wew time flies when you have no reason to live
good job anon

how long did that take you? what was your diet/routine like?

I think I'm somewhere between your first and second pic right now
Hyperthyroidism, tape worms, food intolerances
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the old me 2.jpg
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Old after pic, currently fluctuating in that range. Right now I'm trying to cut like 5-7% more before bulking.

We're old anons. How did that happen, feels like yesterday I was nervously asking girls out on dates, now I'm some lumbering grizzly bear that's a cynical fucker, shit posting in a numale thread
your hair looks good too
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heheheh, yeah... Tell me about it...
It's on fire bro
very naice my guys

hope I can make it
i think i should try eating more first
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kek'd hard.

What's your diet like?
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I dropped about 50lbs. Started at 320lbs in dec. Now I'm at 255lbs.
How did you become more of a nigger, nigger?

Stay away from the tanning booth you fucking monkey.
Good shit bro
fuck, you went to canada games centre for a bit didn't you?
Man shave the mustache and get a decent haircut, I never fucking understand how people can look like this and think it looks cool. Like, I have lnong hair so me telling you to get a haircut is a bit hypocritical, but like, your hair clearly isn't meant to look liek that, you got a haircut 2 months ago and just let it grow without styling it.
All the gains in the world couldn't get you laid with facail hair and a haircut like that. Get a fresh trim, loose the stache, and I bet you'll look 10 times better dude.
My dude, I'd suggest lifting now. You got kind of a skelly face going on if I have to be honest.
your bench get any bigger man
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4 months 182cm, 63kg to 73kg, am I out of skellymode yet?
No. I cut. Now I have a chronic left pec strain.
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Not much of a transformation but it's a start after being a fat fuck for all of my life.
6'0 btw. I've been slacking the last couple of weeks but I'm gonna get /fit/, I know I will.
oh, sorry to hear that.
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Still have a long way to go
Gotta start somewhere, keep it up.

oh fuck that knife

the jihad is real
Already doing it. Thanks for the good advice, but how do I have a skelly face.
You have a midget face wtf
You a lil cuck bitch, worrying about another man's facial and head hair lmao, gtfo skelly
better aushwitz than skinny fat, desu
What's up QT, good luck with Delta Fox
Nice. What a change.
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Are you the Indian kid from Skins?
Nice transformation but your T-Rex arms bother me. What's your wingspan?
fuck those metrosexuals man, I reckon the moustache looks decent. Too many fags these days being clean shaven or growing numale beards
you didn't even change your shirt bro? Impressive.
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1 month lifting in first pic, 1.5 year in on second
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Mirin bro. That is incredible!
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3.5 years of fuckery
Very nice. What's your height?

would succ/10

Lookin' good mate. Keep it up.
are you like 5'7?
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someone from leddit
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bench polkov from leddit
2 years
Eat and lift, senpai
Thanks senpai, small cut to appear more shredded is now the goal
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most of them are not
Damn your nipples look WRECKED
not natty right?
>you got a haircut 2 months ago and just let it grow without styling it.

that pic was right before i got a haircut, was posting around on /fa/ and such to get some inspo

also chill out lol
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about a year ago
last week

any of you guys ever done a 0 carb diet?

doing low carb and i wanna see how low i can go
I find low carb only benefits due to the fact carb heavy foods are calorie dense, I get really cranky if I cut carbs out entirely.

Mirin btw man, goal body material
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Nice work on these
goal body
stats,routine and for how long have you been liftan?
solid, bruh.
Is that you dev patel? Good luck on your next movie

I did. And you're referring to "starch" carbs right ?
On day #4 (3 days zero carb) I had a couple bowls of white rice with a splash gluten free soy sauce.
Something about replenishing glycogen.
I was eating very fiber full veggies otherwise.
>dropped 1/4" off my waist in 72 hours.
Like yes
73 kg at 182. Nope. Eat more EAT BIGG
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tried my best! sorry for the shitty phone camera quality
You should do more squats, your body is rectangular
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dat lack of hips/ass is alarming
Been lifting for around 3 months now, was 136lbs on the left and am now 156lbs on the right, still skelly as fuck but im getting there slowly, gonna make it
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Forgot pic...
Tyrion Lannister's ugly brother

How did he lose all his muscle?
he got younger faggot its on the pic
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idk progress is slow mang
it's been 6 months already
Great face gains.
So Jamie Lannister? ;)
Lookin good!
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Long way to go, but feeling a lot better.

Get rid of the mustache and you will look 80% better. Good weight loss.
My PC sometimes freezes and audio goes insane, its a laud mush of different sounds, dunno whats the proper word for it but I have to restart it so it is normal again. Do you think what could be the problem?
Stop putting the after pictures on the left. Dumbass.
Get rid of the facial hair.
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Stop tripping. Dumbass.
Its eric essertzaite or some shit like that
he's tall and gay
Looking good brother, mirin them eyebrows, keep going. Nice strong features.
serious potential on this one.

He doesn't have wings dumbass
I didn't know Mack posted on 4chan, guess that fight milk changed you into a kid
you're chill as fuck my man, keep it up.
you're not skelly, you're skinnyfat. i can still see some fat on your abdomen and no abs, which means you got fat, eat cleaner.
I would start by updating drivers for your graphics card and audio

What is your torso so surprised about
That's a good man, you're definitely going to make it with an attitude like that. luv u bb
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almost exactly 2 years now (latspread pic is a few weeks older from before my cut)

all in all 10/10 journey would recommend to all the other teenage brahs
really hit your shoulders + delts, keep going man
whats the difference between shoulders and delts
I'm Bengali and have this same problem


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Upper Body Progress.png
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About 3 years between pictures. I disregarded nutrition and didn't lift hard in 2016 though.
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Lower Body Progress.png
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and about a year and a half between these
Nice job, what did you do?
First picture was 138 lbs and second 188 btw. But I started with doing a kind of stupid split. I saw the most gains from PPL and staying around 5 reps for my compounds. Basically just picked shit up off of /fit/ after lurking and figuring some shit out. I'd say the most beneficial thing is when you can visualize your muscles working and it'll better stimulate a mind-muscle connection leading to better growth.
Good job losing fat, looks like you forgot to put on muscle though
Fuck you meat eater
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6 months progress
More chicken
More sleep
More caffeine
More weight
More reps

Looking fine as hell on the right

Great job anon!
Breh, no mustache. Maybe try a beard. Nice face gains, now take the final step.
Good job! Time for squats tho
How the fuck is eating cleaned going to produce abs on a bulk? Shut the fuck up you fucking poser. Stop giving stupid ass advice.
20 pounds in 2 months is a huge difference. Keep that shit up so you can start wearing tanks at the arch enemy concerts you go to
Hit that chest some more. Keep it up dude.
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hey /fit/, i've been hoping to get swole, or at least get fit and some good muscles going, but i dont have easy access to a gym due to me living in the middle of the woods and not owning a car, and the only "exercise" equipment i have are a weird exercise bar thing(see related image), and some 25 lb weights. are there any techniques that you would recommend?
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Eh I'm still not where I want to be but before is 175lbs after is 140lbs
Good change.
Sorry, east coast. I do have a socal personality though haha.
Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm trying to lose another 10-15lbs.
Nice change, keep at it gurl
So when do you plan to hit anavar, become a musclegirl of /fit/s dreams?
fine ill shave the damn mustache
Why did you censor your face in the before but not the after? Nice profress, though.
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who starts off with the after picture?
are you fucking stupid?
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Started lifting in the middle of the last September, only 3 sometimes 4 times a week, also didn't count calories and drank every now and then.
Been hitting the gym for 5-6 times a week now for few months.
For 10 month that's great brah. Did the same amount of time, not looking that good
The first one is not taken on september but I weighed about the same. 90-91kg. Just didn't have any pictures from september.
Mad progress brother. God Bless
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Here's where I started a year ago
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Here's me now I have had to work entirely from home because any gyms are way to far away and cant afford Te back and forth trips
....Jeff Gerstman?
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>genuine afro american on 4chins
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I dont have a picc from before when i was more bodfat, but I have pic from when i am on a cut.
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Picture from 2years ago
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6 weeks. Used keto and still on it but thinking of just returning to normal foods and not being a fucking pig.
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hey I hacked ur iCloud and found this pic of you
>Still have a long way to go
yup, you're still a Paki
Do you follow me instagram? I am famous on ig and youtube. whats icloud
Is that Gail Kim in the before picture
it instagramening
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lobster mode was 2013. opinions?

No, he's right and trying to help you fucking autist. Your hair, and especially facial hair looks complete shit. I agree with him, how can people think that look good. PedoMode. I'd love to see the way you dress yourself you fucking night dweller.
bis are looking small add another arms day
steroids xF
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kekd hard
natty? height/weight in the after pic? routine? ass pic? i require moar
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that was right after biszeps curls so they are blown up.
yes. 184cm/about 90kg. bodybuilding routine i bought online. i dont have one sry
I'd say keep with the key a bit longer if you're trying to lose. Once you hit the phase where you want to build muscle then hit up the balanced diet. Great progress anon. You going for thin or muscular gurl mode?
>Started lifting in the middle of the last September
>only 3 sometimes 4 times a week
>also didn't count calories and drank every now and then

full of shit

case closed.

You've made a ton of progress. Good job man
Not really tho.
I wasn't counting calories but that doesn't mean I was eating crap all the time.
I was usually drinking with my friends on weekends in the sauna.
I think I still have a backup of my Fitnotes, usually 3 times a week, sometimes 4 or only 2 times a week.

So get bent
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I didn't start exercising until April 2016, and I went from 310lbs to 220lbs. I took a break during the first few months of this year, but I started working out again last month. I hope to get below 200 before fall ends.
How much did you eat/worked out at start? How long did it take to get somewhat strong?
what does it mean if my beard is darker?
hair is dark brown, beard is jet black
genuinely look like a different person
you look a LOT like my friends 40+ yo dad
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235 to 180ish
Those hips on the left though...mmmmm
You forgot your fingers, they still look skelly
very nice. Make sure you do enough rows!
>gluten free soy sauce

plz no

Lat spread almost as impressive as my wife.

Before: Patton Oswalt

After: Generic Douche
Looks like you fixed the little bit of lordosis you had too. Nice job mate
strong riddle of peace
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nothing but body weight exercises and following weight watchers, feeling good.
great work anon, now its time to start lifting.
You dont want to go from one extreme to the other, skelly is unaesthetic too. Great work tho
>tfw my sheer existence is enough to make your blood boil

Sounds like a pro m8
thanks anon, reading the sticky unlike most newfags here.
read up on the difference between a clean and a dirty bulk you mong
from decent mass to beta cuck? how did you do that?
I workout 5 times a week but am thinking of switching to a ppl, do I lose progress going less times in a week?
Try food
lol yes bro. This was at a TNA event years ago. Good eye
solid quads, thicc
more shoulder work
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Fucking incel
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Good job breh. Keep it up and keep lifting
You're just fat now lol
what the fuck
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nice clothing attire gains
Kek what drives a person to do that
M'lard, is it really you?
Strength training and hiit. Very clean diet. No carbs for 6 months. how else bruh?
I hear ya, hard to put on significant muscle when im constantly cutting. about to switch gears though.
I have a 155x4 bench, get on my level!!!
delete this filth, faggot
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If you can bench 155x4 you shouldn't talk back brah
you win, please don't hurt me. :(
goddamnit, the fucking polos

stop being such a meme
This shit makes me happy
you know what to do
the digits dont lie
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So tired of cutting. 13 lbs to go.
how long did it take?
I want to know everything

What age did you start juicing?
He's roided. Look at the delts

He has small asf joints and somehow looks like this? Then there are actual natural competitors that look nothing like this guy. If this guy is natty, he should jump on the stage and start winning. If you see a physique online that is better than some of the world class natural lifters that have been lifting for 10+ years, they're juicing. There's no way a skin & bone kid can go from featherweight to heavyweight 19 inch arms and 3D delts, at least in their early twenties. This kid probably worked out for a few years naturally, still felt insecure about how small he was, then started taking roids around 18-19 to get where he is today.

VERY common now adays.
Nice hard cock phaggot

He looks like Jesus from HWNDU
he weighed 392, of course he does
wow, very impressive looks like you have minimal loose skin too.
>commenting on someones dick
It's hard to pretend you're straight isn't it
Stop calling me about my windows uploading a virus
> so autistic you missed the point

Everyone is laughing at you
This is what happens when you use KFC as your main protein source during a bulk
Oh my god get a haircut you disgusting fuck. You look like what I imagine when I think of the average 4chan neckbeard. How much fucking world of warcraft do you play?
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The change has been slow. Im 6 months in. I've gained muscle and dropped about at least 40lbs in fat. All I've done is jump rope and curling 30lbs dumbbells.
judging by the pizza face(kek) i would say she had bad acne
Whos laughing?
Was I supposed to get my penis hard for you? I don't get it.
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Wtf are you ? An alien ?
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Ah I lost 25 kg in 6 Months by starting to hit the gym in the middle of january.
Went from a fatass 118kg into a 93kg person (still overweight but.. )
I still have some fat on my belly and waist, but my face looks a little more attractive now.
What do you think?
definite improvement, keep going
Why try to get big shoulders like that? It's bittersweet to see people with big shoulders. On one hand I'm disappointed that people around me are willingly physically handicapping themselves, on the other hand it means I could hurt or kill more people. But that means our enemies could probably kill you, too, in hand to hand combat. I just hope you're all staying limber and not losing sight of your physiological functionality.
In 3 months. Maybe 4 I will hit my goal of 160 pounds. I will have lost half my body weight. I will then bulk until my skin fills out and maintain. In one year all my goals will be achieved. Then I will post
am I supposed to read this like a manga or did you transform into a little bitch
Good luck /fitbro/
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