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is there a natural way to increase your testosterone levels?

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is there a natural way to increase your testosterone levels?
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No Fap and exercises like squats DL OHP
if you don't want to use steroids i would recomment you monoroids
Are there any 7.1 surround roids available?
Cumming in a girls vagina is proven to increase test
I want to avoid health problems, not get life problems
Squats and Oats

its a /fit/ meme but its true, look up the studies, both increase test
Who is this nigress?
Nice trips

soos: https://www.instagram.com/brittanydanyelle0/
Be born with high test. It's a life choice. You did choose to be born with high test, right anon?
Ho my god. Why don't I ever see black girls like that irl
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I has boost if you got source OP
Naturally injecting natural androgenic substances
Sleep more. Getting adequate zinc before bed and vitamin D3 early in the day plus heavy weights all help.

Posture, your body produces cortisol or testosterone according to how dominating your own posture is. Google your own citation. Helps with interviews and public speaking too (power poses).

Red meat and a decent amount of saturated and monounsathrated fats. Avoid polyunsaturated unless it's Omega 3.

More Omega 3 vs 6


Cold showerd. Not sure but seems to really jolt me in the morning. I have to make a tough couches to do something painful, buy it makes it easy to be more motivated during the day.

Forskolin (maybe)

Green tea (can't hurt)

Celery (debatable, but I like it)
What that guy said. In addition
Avoid plastics
Eat greens
Eat red meat
Resilient mindset
Lower anxiety / raise confidence. May be a bit of a catch-22.
Excess body fat converts testosterone into estrogen so having a low bf% helps.
yes googling shit is a natural way to increase test
wtf i love black angels now
thank you, only helpful advice in this thread
only fapping once every 7 days
because you is american
masterbater every other couple of days or three or so has been proving to be reaally benefacial in some cases I read a study once say that...

you can skip the most faggy ones like "natural grooming products"
By the way youre typing i'd assume it only causes brain damage.
stop trying to increase test naturally, it doesnt work (you wont notice a ~5% increase)

google eroids and enjoy finally being a man
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Having sex is one of the few scientifically proven ways to increase testosteron.
Sit less
Move more
More Sun
More Fresh Air
More Sex
More Heavy Weights
Don't give a shit
Team Sports
Hanging out with the boys
Lust after girls
Be Active
Be Dominant
Me on the left
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>Lust after girls
this is a christian website, anon, don't give sinful advice
be around 10-12% bodyfat, eat healthy no processed and no red meat and eggs. No dairy ofc. No sugar at all except for fruits. More nuts and veggies. Daily training. 3-5x a week heavy lifting. Good sleep for about 7-8 hours. More broccoli ofc.

But the best way to increase testosterone is simply by fucking girls.
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>no red meat,no eggs no dairy

why tho ?
I am 8% body fat, is having too little bf% bad for test as well ?
yes, because a bodyfat lower than 10% in men can resolve in hormone inbalance.
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>no red meat and eggs
I would gradly answer that but I would recommend you to do your own research on this and see if I'm right. I'm tired of talks about red meat and eggs but dairy is simply puss juice with tons on estrogen
tumeric, berbine, cinnamon, metafomin, digestive enzymes, lysine, zinc, slelemium, beef gelatin, cilas, kelp, chorium, vitamin c, taurine, msm powder
No way that level u can see abs
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pompegranate juice
tribulus terrestris
Vitamin D
brazil nuts
lifting heavy weights
doing HIIT
Eat more protein, sleep more, workout more/harder than you already do, have more sex and fap more when otherwise not having sex
No Fap increasing test is a meme. Test does increase but only in amounts so insignificant it might as well not have happned in the first place, then long term on no fap test tanks
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>no processed and no red meat and eggs. No dairy ofc.
>and see if I'm right.
You're not
>dairy is simply puss juice with tons on estrogen
Also highly doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of <68pg/ml the subjects in the Maruyama study would have elevated E1 levels to begin with, if the measurement was correct.
>difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.
It's bullshit
Optimal sleep
No alcohol
Lose fat
gain muscle
Enough saturated fat and cholesterol.
inject naturally-sourced testosterone into your body.
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why are pajeets allowed anywhere near whites? They just don't belong.
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the fuck is this sport called LMAO
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The only way
Exercise, healthy diet, exposure to cold.
Pedercino, daj ime te picke.

BRO SCIENCE - See above!
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Get hard, then just ignore it. Do this repeatedly.
How fuck, that's cool, but totally triggered anxiety.

>Those straps digging into the soft flesh of her thighs


my feet got all tingly


>ywn have this waiting for you when you get home

Why even fucking live.
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thank you No Fap is bullshit
all through hs I masturbated about every day and felt great
got a hold of no fap and had no fun
back to masturbating and it's been giving me an energy boost
Has anyone with high test ever had to go on nofap/noporn? I got addicted to lots of stimulation in my porn, tons of images and music and shit. Now I have trouble getting horny from seeing girls in the real world.

It makes me feel like someone with normal test levels wouldn't have that problem tho. Am I just broke /fit/? Or have any of you test gods gotten light porn-induced ED?
They're usually home with their white husbands.

I'mma eat a POUND OF FUCKING SALAD before my work out.
That is more just your dopamine being fried than your testosterone being lowered. The key here is moderation.

I've read that porn can actually increase your testosterone and sperm count so who really knows for sure. I'd bet that it can. You just don't want to burn yourself out by cumming too much when you can put that energy into other things.
>my feet got all tingly
i wonder what that's about
i want to see someone die now
>stop sitting
>tfw sitting is my favourite thing to do, just after lying down
lol, this bitch even lift?
half the indians i've met aren't weird, just normal fun dudes to hang out with
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post more t h i c c qt asians
fuck off weeb
Wtf I'm not racist now
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Black girls with white noses are pretty hot.

yes, but only in significant amounts if you had a fucked up lifestyle that was suppressing your natural levels before

if you're already leading a semi-active life and have a healthy diet, you won't be able to make any significant impact without drugs.
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>phytoestrogens in plants are but
>but mammalian estrogen in meat, dairy and eggs is okay
The GH boost you get from animal products, doesn't circumvent the adverse effects of the estrogen.
Go away.
>can literally see her breast pads through her shirt
>some dudes in the background checking their phones
2/10 would probably still fuck
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fuck off nigger
latina is where it's at
Means you've got low Test.
yes, fuck yes.
This may sound gay but live with men.

If you live with your mother move the fuck out asap.

Go either live with your father or an uncle/friend or some shit
pin test e
>carbon fiber knuckles for lifting
Sex, squats, fapping once a week, HIIT, cold showers, good nutrition, competition with men
no fap makes me feel much better
he better have had a parachute
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High test BRAPS are the best route
>mfw this girl is a coal burner
>mfw only blacks have hit it that ass

Are you retarded?
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dubble dubs PogChamp

i don't have any chick pics on this computer, have this instead
Im pretty sure that girl only have date black males

White guys are low test and prefer their own girls
>lift more
>sleep more
>make sure you aren't deficient in micronutrients needed to produce test (like Zinc and Vitamin D)
>Eat clean
>Stop drinking beer and eating fast food
>Avoid ZOG
>black girl
You are retarded, okay.
She isnt fully black, retard
She is mixed

Anyway , do you have source?
>implying being mixed doesn't make you a nigger
One drop rule my dear namefag and no I ain't got no sauce.
>One drop rule
That is an english thing
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non meme answer you're looking for is intermittent fasting
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stop posting Bestiality

>here's a REAL woman
>cold showers
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this thread pleases me
Kefir lowers cortisol which increases test



Nofap does help some people. Depends on the person desu there's so much more to it then you give credit for
Nofap is shit. Noporn is where its at.
I do think these videos are made with a fair bit of behind the scenes safety. Otherwise I think many more of them would die. The winds at that high would probably be enough to knock you off.
love this.
hell is hitting that pussy just once.
came to her more than any other.
perfect cute/sexy ratio, just perfect.

Dated a girl like her, smaller boobs tho. but was fit as fuck, doing athleltics.

Prolly best thing we can do is sleep enough. Who will do it here? no one thats right.
This is out of control. I'd pay good money to spend some quality time with her.
Are fake boobs ok?
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Getting ur benis grubbed :DDD
>if a guy did this he'd get slapped with rape charges

It feels good to be a part of the gender that can take a fucking joke.
>grab em by the pussy
half the indians ive met smell like shit and/or wear way too much cheap cologne
chopping wood
>cute/sexy ratio

0/sexy = 0, anon
>what is birth control
one works at my gym
8 sexual assaults
Nofap helps those who were furiously masturbating 4 and more times a day.
>fucking girls
We may be /fit/ but we still 4chan
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bad advice
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almonds and spinach
foreskin stir-fry
>Video record of sexual assault
Broscience, the post.
cold showers doesnt work
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does anybody else hate this? my ex would do this but she would start with my balls and squeeze, not realizing they're sensitive as fuck
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One drop rule of 2017. Youre white now esp if you got white name>>41960815
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this girl is fake, she is all shoop and surgery
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post dominican girls you twat
Stop visiting /ex-yu/ and you'll make it
Look at the title you idgit
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Shannon Bubb/goldennfoxx
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Eat lots of protein and healthy fats
Lift weights and do some cardio
7-8 hours of sleep
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what the hell is happening on her leg skin?
Stretch marks
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Didn't know Aziz Ansari posted on /fit/
wouldn't be surprised tbqh
have you never seen an actual female anon, is this the first time you see stretch marks? stop watching porn
seen stretch marks but she looks like a fucking tiger
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Buttery spinach shits with garlic fumes. I like were this is going.
ive read excessive grean tea lowers test
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would you ?
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black angel*

please be more respectful towards these delicate goddesses
Simply winning an internet argument doubles your T-out for a half a month
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