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How does /fit/ feel about tattoos?

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How does /fit/ feel about tattoos?
they are okay on your arms or legs. anywhere else they look even more shit
Tattoos are gayer than aids
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only infantry, gang members, and prisoners should be allowed to have tattoos

otherwise they make you look like a garbage can and i instantly lose respect for you the moment i see them
If well done, they can be aesthetic, and I mean VERY well done.
A good concept can be ruined by shitty linework.
They used to be cool twenty years ago but these days literally everyone has them, and everyone has really faggoty tattoos.
If you're a yakuza thug or a cholo they look cool because they have a bit more meaning, especially on yakuza thugs with the red dragons symbolizing x and bears symbolizing y etc etc. Conor McGregor tattoo'd his name on his stomach which I like. I also like hyper realistic works of animals. If you have a dumb ice cream tattoo or a little cartoon flame or a tramp stamp or a contemporary tattoo such as pepe or something like that you can suck a dick and you're a homo
I've never met anyone with a tattoo that wasn't human garbage
Love tattoos, and have 3 already. Plans for 4 more but who knows when I'll get them lol. My left arm sleeve isn't even done and I need to go back to get it finished but there's no time in my schedule :P
how can someone want to give them deep black scars by free will?
its just a trend, nothing else
people on 4chan over think tattoos way to much people just get them because they like them.
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Do you have a dick tattoo? Dye your pubes Dark green and tattoo the phallus green and you can have a little piece of broccoli to nibble on ;)
If you're normie enough to get attached to a phrase or symbol and you get it tattooed in an easy to hide place it's ok. Full body/arm tattoos are disgusting though.
Uhhh. What? :O
I don't ca-
They're garbage
having no tattoo is a good way to express your personality
you're a male
Tattoos are a statement.
This statement changes depending on the beholder.
For a sane intelligent person, your tattoos says
>>I wish I were exciting, now that I have this picture on me, I think I am cool
For a normie your tattoo says
>>Wow so edgy, no one mess with this cool dude
If you're ancient your tattoo says
>>criminal trash
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I thought I was pretty clear.
Make your dick look like this
kill yourself faggot nobody cares about your blog
>tfw only get functional tattoos
>getting lay lines mapped out by the shaman on a reservation near my house
>going to increase my gains magically
be jelly, muggle plebs
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Getting a tattoo nerdy in nature is the FASTEST way to put you at the top of the geek social totem poll. (helps that I lift and 6'1 so I spooked all the nerds at my uni when I first showed up to league club kek)

I've got more, but I'm excited to get some actual colour going on. They're all black and as much as I like them I get them for the art. None of them have deeper meaning then that I just like the look of them.

Gonna get a jappy yakuza tattoo, it'll be hard to run that past the native gooks when I go to japan after my bachelor but heck me if I don't want it bad
You're the equivalent of college toilet where somebody wrote 'PENIS' on a wall using black marker.
They work on some shit on the rest.
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>hyper realistic works of animals
My nigga
>has the gay ear pierced
Tattoo checks out.
they are the mark of the dumb
no two ways about it
served in the army or navy or whatever? thanks for fighting for jews you dipshit
in a biker gang? good job methhead, you'll go far in life
because it has special meaning to you? lmao it's called a memory you dumb fuck
because you like the way it looks? lmao yea permanently branding your body with an image you happen to like now is a great idea
>Dat bacne
>Dat earing
>Dat tattoo

An hero
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I kinda want one but no idea what it'd be. Lately I've been thinking:

>I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!

Just because I like that line.
I hate tattoos, clean and healthy skin is better
I got tattoed " Loyal to the end on my right forearm".

Most people think its a love message, little do they know I got this idea from a video in /natsoc/ thread at pol.

jesus christ that's so cringy
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I got em both pierced faggots
Damn I feel like both of you DYELS would like my sleeve too
ear piercings on guys is the biggest red flag

What does Lil Wayne's icecream cone suppose to mean?

I look at some of the tattoos some of my friends have and I wonder wtf they are suppose to mean. Do people just get tattoos of any random fucking thing for the sake of it?
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>hyper realistic

pick one and only one friendo

I like Cowboy Bebop but that tattoo is totally embarrassing.

>league club

oh I see, you're a faggot then.
>guaranteed to suck your dick
>red flag
Who gives a shit what a bunch aspies think.
They are ugly.
>calling others dyel looking like that
the delusion is fucking real AND YOU CANT TEACH THAT
Mine. Planning on getting another sometime soon, maybe this summer or autumn.
(Just, I'm nordic.)
Post body
>we wuz vikins
We wuz, yeah. Nice to see you know basic history. :>)
nice, what poem is that from? I've been thinking about getting the runic segments of the Dream of the Rood, but never actually want to get a tattoo
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I "came up with" and transcribed it myself, it says "Valhall awaits brave strong men".
Thinking of getting that one poem though, "Cattle die, friends die et.c" This one, but in runes, on a larger "runestone".
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>Critizing use of the word DYEL without posting physique for comparison
/Fit/ in a nutshell
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>Valhall awaits brave strong men
>Cattle die, friends die

How fucking cringey DYEL are you?
Holy fuck
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I'm not too DYEL imo, but I haven't lifted for long. I'll get there someday, we'll all make it! R-Right?
Yeah nvm you look fine.

Word of advice though, tattoos are fine, just not this cringey shit. Honestly its a mistake,

Its up to you, but please fucking dont do the cattle die friends die shit
>polar bears extinct in 20 years
>your tat becomes unrecognizable
really didn't think that one out did ya pal
What's wrong in it? In your - to me - highly valued opinion? I think it's a neat quote, at least. It's either that or something in latin.
Think for a second.

For one, its school shooter material

Second, tattoos are for life, I doubt you want "cattle die friends die" when your best friend dies or you're 80 years old and your friends start dying.

3rd, If my sister would date a guy with a tattoo with something like "cattle die friends die" I would pull the plug on that instantly.

Trust me, its a mistake.

Tattoos are fine when they have a meaning, lets say a quote your dad used to say or something in that direction.

Or if you did something you're proud of and you get something related to that.

Now these may not be prime examples but you should get the idea of what im getting at.


Shit like "Cattle die friends die" is cringe my man. 100% being honest.
Agreed with this dude. That phrase sounds silly
Defacing your body for the rest of your life no thanks
>Comparing your friends to cattle
Damn you're cool bro. Get it.
Don't listen to >>41744346
If there's something you think you would like as a tattoo wait on it for a while and if you still want it go for it.
Too many self-righteous retards who think you can only get a tattoo of a dying relatives last word or some super symbolic shit that's supposed to represent your life. If you get an idea that you honestly really like, that quote for example, then by all means go for it. There's a reason you get it tattooed on yourself and not someone else.
>He thinks Vikings were badass
They got btfo every time they fought an organized military. They were only good at killing defenseless villagers, women and priests
Dont listen to this please.

With that kind of logic you can justify a fuckton of bad things.
That's Gucci Mane, his whole thing used to be "ice" (jewelry) and he'd wear a giant ice cream cone chain and say "BURRR" in all his songs
Kind of dumb but at least it's unique, most rappers just get fashion designer logos or generic shit.
>That's Gucci Mane, he'd wear a giant ice cream cone chain and say "BURRR" in all his songs
Kind of dumb but unique
>Kind of dumb
This is not kind of dumb, this is pants on head retardation
What would be "kind of smart" for you? Not shitting your pants?
>expecting a tripfag to not be an idiot

Good luck
most rappers have an IQ literally too low to be creative, the two being inextricably linked. the fact that low IQ, uncreative people are the main producers in that art form tell you right away that not only does it contribute to pop culture being an open sewer but it pantomimes real art and is therefore disgraceful
>Dont listen to this please.
>You might actually enjoy your life without being a straight edge cuck
Nothing above the collarbones or below the elbow
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r8 my ink
>red star
You some kinda commie?
I never said he couldnt get a tattoo fucktard.

I said he shouldnt get THAT tattoo

Holy fuck
Daily reminder that we don't hate you because you're trans.
We hate you because you're a tripfagging attention whore.
communist star
eagle looks like he's got downs syndrome
2/10 would not put on my body for rest of my life

>3rd, If my sister would date a guy with a tattoo with something like "cattle die friends die" I would pull the plug on that instantly.

you think you somehow have a say in who your sister dates? pretty good chance she's out getting fucked by tyrone right now.
>he'd wear a giant ice cream cone chain and say "BURRR" in all his songs
Reminder that people from 4chan use the word "degenerate" unironically and are skinnyfat dyel incels who cry because some Chad covered up to his neck in tats is fucking his oneitis
Hello Koala
Chadjeet here
I love you but
Pls don't trip

Also ignore these fags your tattoo is cool
wow rly makes u think
Oh so hes trans too? I figured he was just a faggot but seeing how much shit he spews being mentally ill makes sense
His name is literally vegan trap lmao
Like how attention whorey do you have to be to make out the fact that you're a trap to be your sole defining characteristic?
It's quite sad really.
That must’ve been really cool when you got it in 2006.
please kys
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>league club

i can only hope that the abnormally high suicide rates for transexuals end up claiming vegan trap soon.
I don't know, he's not Shakespeare or anything, but the guy has an incredible work ethic and was the cornerstone of a musical scene, no matter how dumb it was.
Miles better than the Soundcloud guys he spawned.
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There's literally nothing wrong with fighting for the Jews or supporting globalism
>tfw want an elaborate floral piece on my shoulder and upper back but don't know how to find a competent artist
Do you just google "tattoo artists in (your town)" or what? When I do that it's just small-time people Instagramming their mediocre inks of tigers getting stabbed in the face

>4chan posters acting morally superior

this shit always gets me. you're literally sitting in your room spamming smug anime girl reaction images and browsing gifs of brazilian chicks quarter repping fake plates and yet somehow you've got it in your mind that you're somehow better than anyone. this from someone without a single tatoo.
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>that girly wrist
>again, those tattoos

Tattoos are only acceptable on tribal humans as they use them to show loyality.
Other than that, they are trash and everyone who has one is automatically considered trash.
You got neon twizzlers on your arm?
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im getting a tattoo of a century-old symbol rooted in buddhism that basically depicts the mindset of "do not needlessly interrupt actions with thought"
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>still not posting body
post your 12" wrists you fat fuck i'm waiting

stay forever mad
>Staining your gains.
0.7 shekels have been deposited into your account.
We get it, you're a nazi.
Sweet bear
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Hey it's me, and it agree with CJ your tat actually looks p aesthetic. Like when bookfort got them geometric shapes. Tattoos can work if you're in shape
Thoughts ?
Awesome line work brah
he's not my comrade
Cool shit
I am truly sorry for your lots. I wouldn't dream of forever marking myself with runic nonsense that wasn't associated with a poem that I translated myself. I'll resume not getting a tattoo also because the "Valhalla" crowd is so popular today.
making good consciousness gains bro?
Lift weights Harvey Birdman
99.9% of tattoos are cheap garbage that resemble kindergartner fridge art used by degenerate normies to signal how "hip" they are and women who like tattoos or have them are a red flag...they are future cat ladies or single moms and likely have a few scars on their arms and legs
i legit thought this was a back-of-the-head shot and figured this guy was like sloth from the goonies
The only meaning a tattoo really has to the bearer is "I'm awesome now"
Just look at this fags mentality >>41744406
It's fascinating that it can mark you as a tard whilst simultaneously making you seem awesome to other tsrds.
That bear is dope. How did they even do that? I'm impressed.
Thought it was a zyzz tattoo.
Reminder Jews thought it was cool to tattoo their bank account balances for the day on them 75 years ago and they later came to regret it and invented the Holocaust.
Potter fy ink in Toronto, he doesn't do line work he just starts shading in and progressively adds detail with shading. $2500 a session and worth it.
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I'm getting this, thoughts?
funny how the views of the
>sane intelligent person
& the
>ancient (w/ some wisdom & experience)
couldn't be gayer if you tried
Sleep on it for a decade, then see if you still want it.

that's gonna be a grey smudge in 5 years

shit, it already is
no comma after the interjection.
Dude that's so deep bro congrats.
Go to a better tattoo artist next time man, you really get what you pay for with tattoos.
One of the worst decisions anyone can do in their lives.
Instant sign that a person is not worth getting to know closer.
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literally anyone can call you a DYEL in that condition
Having a muscular dude inked on you is sorta faggy dude.
Is that 2 swastikas on top of each other?
Tattoos are a genuine waste of money and they seem to be associated with retarded people therefore tattoos are a bit degenerate imo. It ruins the "natural beauty" of the body. I love art and I tend to appreciate the art on other people's body but I fear that I'd grow tired of the design of my tatts if I were to ever get any.

On the plus side it seems to attract the grills so there's that.
Whats with all the people without tattoos thinking they must have a meaning? I have 2 Planescape: Torment tattoos because the game was fucking cool and I like the design, why would they need any more meaning?
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what about warhammer tattoos?
>someone asks about your tattoo in 10 years from now
>oh uhh its from an obscure computer game from 1998

that's why anon
>why would they need any more meaning?

Because they represent you as a person and they're permanently on your body. I guess people that aren't impulsive won't understand.
>On the plus side it seems to attract the grills so there's that.

low girls, anon.
I really like this desu
I understand. That's why I said, "they seem to be associated with retarded people"
Its not like another 10 years are gonna change anything in terms of people already not knowing the game
This and only this.
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I would never get one because it's like graffiti-ing yourself. I'm not some airhead normalfag that needs to display all the things I like on my person.

I can respect a person's tattoos if they have significant meaning to them, but if they just randomly got a tattoo when they turned 21 or something, I see them as a retard.
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Here's mine
Im fucking Siss brau
I get and like this, but it's really niche.
my thought exactly
why are people still arguing with him. look at the earrings. he's fucking delusional beyond halp

also, the bacne has spread, holy shit what a waste of decent aesthetic face
>downs syndrome
nailed it
You can't magically make your wrists thicker desu
>holy shit what a waste of decent aesthetic face

bro his face is kind of all smeared and angled to one side with one eye lower like a birth canal issue...
I'm gay.
dumb, stupid, unaesthetic, trendy, childish, ugly. when I see a girl with tattoos it immediately devalues her. if she was a 7 now she's at least lower than a 7. makes men look eternally adolescent, gay, fake-edgy. embarrassing. to you young anons, don't fucking do it. you will regret it. you're not a rockstar and this whole fake rebellion thing is a psyop to degenerate the populace and make us more malleable, stupid, slave-tier fagnigs.
I don't particularly have any love for them and I also don't think I'll ever get one. With that said, I struggle to care about anything other people do, so I'm indifferent about other people's tattoos.
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What about Phil Anselmo's tatoos ?
God damnit Phil
Thinking of getting a kolovrat on my elbow to mirror the black sun on the other one tbqh.
>ruining the beauty of the human form with shitty ink
>this goes to 11 for whites
The only time tatts are acceptable if you are yakuza
They take away atheistic appeal.
Look at lee priest before all the stupid tattoos
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>all that hard work covered by garbage
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The only acceptable tattoo to be put on your body
Lee does look genuinely badass though with those tattoos and muscles despite only being 5'4. They definitely don't fit his honest and nice attitude.
>I allowed my friend to tattoo the Assassin's creed logo on my calf at a party when we were both drunk like 2 years ago.
This is why you shouldn't do shit unsupervised when you're 17. Still I don't regret it, it's pretty good for an amateur tattoo.
the only tattoo aesthetic enough to be considered of putting on flesh
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he looks like a fucking idiot
>it's pretty good for an amateur tattoo.
sailors would actually be more right.
black hair-Viking/Germanic Tatoo
Post wrists
This is true it really doesn't help his image, the dude is actually super genuine and honest.
100% he fucked up big time, what's even more retarded is he had the face tattoo removed and than got it again.
I want to eat your skin
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Keep talking shit
I'm not even lying. My friend's been drawing shit and doing Graffiti since he was like 10 or something.
The only thing worse than tattoos is tattoo culture

The dickheafs that whine when KFC won't employ them because they have a dragon tattoo on their face

Fucking idiots
T. Got cucked by a tribal tattood Chad
Tattoos can only be an improvement if your body looks like shit.
The better you look the more they damage your aesthetics desu senpai.
...are you flexing or just posing? DYEL?

You fat fuck hahahaha like cut your nails lmao
Chads don't get tribals. They get the letters of their frat. Only minimum wage high school drop outs get tribals.
It's precisely what I wanted though - I wanted a thick line to make it look "carved", against what the artist recommended himself.

My hair is dark brown, but my eyes are blue.
>xDD but aren't all ACTUAL nords white-blonde with water-blue eyes??

That poem goes
"Cattle die, friends die, even you die, but I know one thing that never dies; What you have done during your life" basically.
It's not just "errybody dies lol"


Icarus, right? That's dope - well done, too.

Any and all eagles are dope af.

This is why none of my tattoos are going in any place that's not covered by a t-shirt+shorts.
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Got one from my favorite game with my favorite animal.
whats this from bro?
that's badass man, thinking about getting it too now
Not him but it's Okami. Great fucking game
Thanks man the original doesnt have all the stuff around it I just modified it but yeah it's a dope design.
yo koala, real talk. old norse and anglo-saxon scholars don't go around getting pretend phrases in runes tattooed on themselves. that tattoo is really cringey, like where's /fitlit/ when you need it?

before even considering a runic inscription you should at least have a firm grounding in historical english literature, ideally having read more than just beowulf and actually translated it yourself. (then you'd get a tattoo in the younger futhark and not the older one, which was used in old norse; more generally, runes came from etruscan script and became slanted to compensate for the inability to carve curves)

the whole point of getting a tattoo is to tell people (sexy grills) about it when they ask, so what conversation do you imagine?

>what does your tattoo say?
>valhalla shall welcome the strong. all men are cattle, all men die
>ok then


>what does your tattoo say?
>it's from this ancient poem i translated, with these themes and this kind of imagery, a really beautiful work. and the tattoo artist recreated the corresponding runestone with totally cool line art. what's your favorite book?
>blah blah blah

before you mark yourself with another regret, at least consider reading up on the staffordshire hoard and similar discoveries, maybe picking an artifact instead of a fake poem. http://www.staffordshirehoard.org.uk/staritems

that way there are no compromising words, and if you use a skilled artist, it will always look really cool
I'm not fat and if I was you shouldn't fat shame me for it you prick!
Is that a woman? I think my wrist is bigger than that neck

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>Getting a tattoo of a Thalmor controlled opposition group.
Weak show famalam.
Why not get a tattoo of an actual decent group with a coherent goal and charismatic leader?
not you again
They didn't though, they were two completely different thoughts.
You retarded punk ass bitch.
99.9999999999999999999% of them are shit
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>Girlfriend decides she wants tattoos
>Gets inspired by vikings show on history channel
>Picks three viking-styled pics off of google images
>Arranges them in straight line from nape of neck to lower back
>Pure white back now looks like the Microsoft word document she used to make the design
I'm never getting a tattoo, myself. If I want to look at a picture every day for the rest of my life (hint: I won't), I will frame it and put it on my wall.
Being that much of a loser wew lad.
I don't care about the politics of a fake world, the stormcloacks are the fun ones and have a dope "logo". Also they're nationalists which I like.
only good one in this thread
military, civilian navy and (non-gang) prison tattoos are tolerable
literally anything else is kys-tier
>Just, I'm nordic.
I've never heard of a Scandinavian referring to themselves as "nordic", except for American mongrels
kys yank
I think about get some on my back to hide some real nasty, long scares.
Garbage for garbage people

What is "real" art
No need to kill yourself, if you plan to go to Japan sporting a yakusa tattoo your body won't be found.
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this is why i go to /fit
>Only minimum wage high school drop outs get tribals.
hey hey hey you stop knowing my tattoo game
It's just 3deep7me ;(>>41747370
>joe boxer
How does /fit/ feel about tattoos on girls?
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Kind of want one or two on my arms, but otherwise don't really care for them.

The fear I'll go to a tattoo place with a guy that's shit at making them always scares me straight enough to convince me to hold off on it.
Tattoos on a woman is the reddest of flags
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I got you senpai

Transexuals are just trying to find a way to stand out and be the most special snowflake in the room as well as try to win the oppression olympics.

It has to define itself by it's made up gender because it has literally no personality. It's defining itself by diets and gender instead of ever developing genuine social skills and become a wholly complete person.

> Niche

It's a ridiculously popular tv show you fucking mong.

> Watercolour

Dude did you do any research at all before getting a tattoo? That's an unrecognizable blob in a few years dumbass.
It's from Skyrim
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Thinking of getting a neck tattoo of a rose with Roman numerals of the date my sister passed.
This gay?
Post a pic, I'm curious as to what this looks like.
don't do the neck man
Its very disrespectful.
>ill take advantage of my sisters death to look cool xD
Maybe you can fool some low iq whores but I would instantly lose respect for anyone who did that.
I've always wanted some Tulio tattooed on me but I don't know where it would go. If I get a nice chest I could possibly see this figure on my pectoral.
Pure, 100% unfiltered, all natural Autism.

> I can't love my deceased family member and do something in their memory

You are a sad human being.
This thread;

>people who overvalue the worth their respect holds to strsngers on the internet.
>people scared shitless of needles.
Fucking nailed it
Rush, based
Most underated tattoo itt
got me, would fug tho
>that one guy who watches rick and morty and post black and white pictures from that show with stupid quotes and thinks that it makes him intelligent philosophical thinker
>shitskin getting a viking tattoo


I can't stop associating ink on skin as some sort of disease. Maybe I'm biologically hardwired to think that their blemishes or some sort of skindisease by nature.

Anyway >>41740244
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Tattoos are fun. They're no more degenerate than being a habitual shitposter.
Life's too short to care about others' opinions that much.
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should i dump my bad tattoo folder?
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yes please
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I like this one, also you can clearly see he has white skin and light hair.

That's really nice

You look FtM honestly
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this, desu senpai
rly makes u think
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top fucking kek
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>Tfw read this as "El Hopaness Romtic"
>Tfw thought it was in like Spanish or some shit
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>dreamer is awake
>not Dune
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>joe boxer
>pierced ears
>animal tatoo
>potato mode
I bet mom is proud.
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why do you have to do something you are going to show other people ?
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I choose to believe this is fake in some way; it is important for my mental wellbeing
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is it weird that i want to cum over that tattoo ?
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>the failed newfag triforce tatoo

top kek
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>the one that didn't get the last 2 triangles filled, a 15min job tops
>wonky as fuck one top right
>the newfag triforce
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the top triangle is the triforce of power, she prolly feels powerful
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punchable face made worse by the shit you type
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What does it say?
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I've been thinking more and more about getting a bolded X over my heart and my blood type on my lower right abdomen

I have no tattoos right now.
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there are far worse things in this world than needles

faggots, for example. faggots like you
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This one really isn't that bad compared to the others in the thread.
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I always imagine this like those autism posts from /r9k/ where they want to be known as something so they give THEMSELVES a nickname.

>i want to be known as mr cool ice
>i know, i'll tattoo myself with it

Like that really depressing post about that kid wanting to be "the min man" because both him and his somehow father are complete social pariahs and his father only has "friends" because he always has mints and they called him mint man murray or some shit.
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ofc it had to be the shittiest game of the series.
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>well y'see kids, there was this one performance that this literally who pop star from back in my day did this one time, and there were guys in shark suits. Man, the internet went crazy for that for about a week. That was a doozy. So any, I decided to get it permanently tattooed onto my body.
picture plspllplpepsplsp
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I got into an argument with my ex about tattoos because she wanted more.

She had 1 of a fairy in the centre of her chest, below her tits. That was cute. But she wanted all this retarded shit and I told her I don't want her to ruin her body with shit just because she's bored.

You can guess how well that went down.
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He is right though anon, If we do some soul searching it is for attention. i wanted one after my ex got an abortion and I sat day dreaming about people asking about it and me seeming deep and shit.

If you love a dead family member get it somewhere nobody will see it.

Also unless she was a meth addict and died of an OD neck tattoos mean instant trash
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yes rainbow is trash and so are you
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mad paint skills.png
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kek, iktf.
A girl I once dated got a tattoo and it was a fucking bicycle with an avocado as a wheel (pic related). Her reason for that was "she likes how it looks".
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Same just stared at it saying "What the fuck is that supposed to say?"
t. probably the least clean pussy in existence
Does anyone have a picture of the rest of this girl? N/h.
Thread posts: 364
Thread images: 151

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