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/QTDDTOT/ - question that don't deserve their own thread

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Thread replies: 315
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Last one hit bump limit.

What can you expect to bent-over row if you t-bar row 100?
I don't know where else to ask this. I'm getting into a fight tomorrow, what should i do? I've never had a proper fight before
Bring a gun and prank your opponent by shooting him. Say you thought it was a duel
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What are good foods for increasing my fiber?
What should i do to strengthen my wrist / the muscle on the underside if my forearm? Only on my left arm, it hurts when doing curls. Can't tell if it's just weak so it gets sore, or if i'm actually hurting it.

how about altering 4x8 and 3x12 to avoid stagnation?
seems like i alternate every week. been lifting for a little under a year and can't tell what feels better so i just autistically switch.

maybe that's the best thing
Lost about 4kg after 3 weeks. Am I doing OK?
i aksed this in plg since i know these are popular programs there? but im asking here too

So im trying a a mix of the lower body stuff from c6w with the upper body work of nuckols 3x int med bench but i have a dumb question

do i just swap in the nuckols dys where the c6w would have me doing upper body stuff, or do i do them "on top" of each other, even if it means doing a c6w lower body workout on the same day as an nuckols upper body workout?
Currently doing PPL but can only realistically go to the gym 5 times a week, sometimes more. I've been thinking of combining my current PPL with PHUL. This would mean my split would be PPLxUL. Is that a bad idea?
5 times a week is a fuckin lot, man. most programs ive ever seen cap out at 3 or 4 days
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Does someone know whats in this book and are the routines good? Or is his other book better?
Or maybe someone has a download lnk?
With PPL youre meant to go to the gym six times a week...
Is it possible to make significant strength gains from working out at home?

I'm starting to get more interested in being /fit/ but don't know if i have the time/money/dedication to go to the gym

plus it's all shitskin permabulk bros where i live, i really don't want to go to the gym with them
Anyone got some good warm ups routines for when you're performing big lifts?

I usually just warm up with the bar and progressively add 25-45lbs in a pseudo-pyramid.
For example on squats:
1x8 w/ only the bar
1x5 135lbs
1x4 225
1x3 315
1x2 340
1x1 365

top set: 1x5 375

I don't really calculate the jumps and mainly go by feel, but I'd like to incorporate some bands stretches or something to relieve stress on my lower back when I'm deadlifting etc.
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I'm working out at home for the next 2 weeks due to unforseen issues. Will have access to actual gym after that.

All I have in my possesion is a bench and some dumbells. I don't have a squat rack. What are some substitues for squats that I can use in liu of not having a rack. Also, would it be possible to build my own squat rack just for a couple of weeks
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its getting hotter here every day.

I was doing dead lifts today and I was sweating so much that I feel like it effected my grip !
I also felt like I was really close to fainting at the end of my sets. like a few seconds after I was finished.
I'm used to getting light headed but today I was really spaced out.

is somethign wrong with my breathing ?
No, you aren't. PPL isnt attached to any certain training frequency.

The more often you can and will go to the gym, the more you can split your workout. If you go twice a week, wholy body each time it is. 5 times a week is quite fine for PPL. You can do an upperbody orienteered workout by doing
Push Pull Rest Push Pull Legs Rest, for example. See what works for you. Just make sure you hit your muscles around twice a week if youre a natural trainer, less frequent and youre not working them hard enough by letting there be too much rest days inbetween workouts. You dont also have to fit the routine to week days, you can just do XXx repeat for example.
Is walking a decent form of exercise as long as you do a lot of it

I can walk really far with no issue for hours, I just hate running and lifting and such
lunges with dbs in hand
db deadlifts, db single-leg deadlifts
clean the dbs and do front squats holding them
goblet squats
step-ups with dbs in hand
Ive been going to the gym 5 days a week and spend about an hour working out (approximately 15-20 minutes of cardio, and the rest lifting). I started about 3 weeks ago with the goal to lose weight. I started off at 205lbs, now I'm at 218.. what the fuck? I've been eating between 1300-1500 calories a day. Why am I a failure?
I just started lifing yesterday and did tris and chest. Today its like my tricep is to short for my arms and hurts if i have to bend my arm. Did i fuck some thng up or is this normal
What's the difference, in terms of muscle growth, between doing 5x3 or 3x5?
Thanks man, that was really helpful
What a lot of people don't realize is that PPL can overload the shoulder girdle. It gets used in all three modes if the exercises aren't selected perfectly, and even if they are, sometimes, and doing 6 days of it can lead to overuse injury.

Seriously for everyone considering PPL, think about an upper/lower split instead. Generally only the main barbell lift has shoulder implications on all four days and the remainder of the work is usually machine or isolation so it's much easier on the shoulders.

Suggest Lyle's Generic Bulking Routine.
That's normal bro, you're just sore. It'll go away after a few weeks/months of lifting, savor the feeling while you still have it
Should i stretch afterwards?
Is there any hope for getting rid of IBS and constant bloating/farting etc., or should I just kill myself already? My insides have been fucking me over for 4 years now, I tried everything, including antibiotics (rifaximin), most drugs doctors told me to try either didn't work at all or only helped for a few weeks...
Good point. I do a sort of push/pull and sometimes legs completely alone themselves, and I split my workout to ease the shoulder work.

For push, a squat variation will do and for Pull, hamstring curls/GHR will do, with the around-once-a-week legs workout which includes a few sets of DL as well.
For my push workouts for example, I usually go push A: barbell bench + light db ohp, squat varying + accessory work if needed. Then for push B, ohp barbel and light bench db work. This works for me and isnt as taxing on the shoulders as I put more focus into one exercise over others per workout.
Should I take advice from a manlet? A manlet gave me unsolicited advice yesterday st the gym, can't tell if he was serious or trying to sabotage my gains
Probably why its so bad then...
I added milk into my diet.

I drink 1 kg every training day ( 4 ).

Ironically, my goal is bulking, but since I started drink milk, my overall body size feels and looks smaller, and my belly fat is rapidly decreasing.

Is this normal ?
You added 1l of milk per day to your normal diet, but you're losing mass? Nigga that's like 500 additional calories, you're defying laws of nature.
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go to my PT 2 times a week for full body resistance work and cardio every off day
Should i be doing more than this? he says the only day i should really be doing anything on my own is sunday because i go on tuesday and friday.
Milk I drink is 250 kcal a liter.

You are not counting kcals right.
Not muscle mass nor strength ( my strength is improving, as in lifting numbers) but I think I have been shredding fat faster since I started drinking milk.

Lol no
So can or can you not go more often than twice a week? Twice a week is the low limit for going anyway, try to make it 3-4 if you can.
Diet sodas: yes or no? And why?
In moderation, no kcal but really bad for your teeth. Drink water.
he only does appointments twice a week, but i can use the machines on my own during the weekdays. and alright, i'll try to find some stuff to do at my regular gym, thanks.
No, I mean if you can go more often, then you should. You pay for a PT, you better ask him for a proper routine. Just tell him that youll go, say, 4x a week so let him do his job and tell you what to do. When you go with him, just make him teach you the range of motions of all exercises youll be doing, and then go alone. You arent supposed to pay a PT to MOTIVATE or PUMP you up for a workout, women do that. You make sure you know how to do the ROMs, then just drop the guy. Should take around 5 PT hours overall.

Notice that your PT will be against this, its his job. He wants to go with you for the rest of your life, since you pay him. You have to see his reasonings too, he lives with your money, and no, he doesnt do it for free.
When should I take creatine and how many scoops? I was thinking one before and one after my workout.
Rich Piana pls don't answer
I recommend doing some research of your own for EVERY supplement you intend to take, ever.

Creatine monohydrate should be taken 5 grams a day, no matter when. It loads the creatine storages in the muscles. Some people cycle, some dont. Loading phase seems to be irrelevant.
I'll do my best, doubt he'll agree though, honestly only have him because he was ridiculously cheap compared to the others and did nutrition too.
Dropping him at the end of the summer either way by force, but i think i have form down on every exercise we've been doing already so we're check there. just need to pay more attention to how much weight i've been doing. Honestly think i need him to keep me motivated to keep doing actual lifting though, cardio i enjoy.
Range of motion does mean form right?
Thanks for the tips
I drink water, but getting water when I go out with friends is awkward so since I don't drink alcohol i thought about diet sodas
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Made a switch to low bar, but starting to get serious elbow pain on one side. Also find myself losing balance and falling forward occasionally (I go ATG, but still working on form).

Sorry for no vid, but anyone got any good guess as to what I'm probably doing wrong and how to fix it?
ROM, range of motion, basically means form yeah.
If you can afford him and you need him to motivate you, then fine I guess. Many people probably have a hard time finding motivation for lifting after a few weeks or after the start, as they hit their first wall. Just gotta do it. Easier later on.

Another thing is, he wants to keep you as a customer, right? That means keeping you healthy. Regardless of what your PT says, you should be doing deadlifts and normal barbell back squats. PTs have a bad habit of putting people on machines and doing 5x30 or some shit, instead of heavy 3x5 deadlifts for example.
If I were you Id just lay it to him straight, teach me how to do lift X. Give me a proper workout routine. Thats it, if your nutrition is in check.

Keep in mind that you are one in a billion, your body isnt miraculously different, so you dont need any kind of fucking SPECIAL routine only he can give to you. There is a reason why so many, proven and working routines, have certain big heavy compound lifts in them.
I'm disabled which means I have some form of myopathy. My country classifies me as "severely disabled". I try and see myself as a normal person with less power. I can do most things normally but I have less power, less stamina and for example climbing stairs is hard for me. I even think before sitting down on the floor to sit next to walls to get up again.
> can't do many excercises
> can't do teamsports or 1v1 sports
> have terrible form when walking.

I want to start lifting though, so what is best for me to look into?
Preferably little investment, I'm a poorfag student after all.
Also how do I make sure I don't fuck myself up more than before because of shit form.
It's fine. You arent going out every day and not consuming liters.

Sounds like you could use someone to help you around a bit more, try asking a doctor you see about exercise in general, and for lifting precisely, ask a friend you know goes to the gym or hire a PT for a few sessions. Fit probably has not many people who can help people who dont fit the "normal guy" criteria.
that's the problem though. My disability exists 6 times in my country and the average life expectancy is 16 years.

It mutated for me, I surpassed the 16 years and noone knows wtf is going on. Doctors don't know either generally.

generally I try and just do what normal people do and accept that I'm shit and look pathetic.
Feels shit at a studio though, so I'd prefer bodyweight exercise at home...
I guess thats true, i have no desire to stop so powering through is all i'll be doing.
We do squats almost every session, havent even touched deadlifts yet so i'll start doing those on my own until i get PT in on it. That's exactly what it is, 25 reps of low weights on most machines.
Still losing weight from being a fatty, in a month i should be at my target weight CW: 171 SW: 245 GW:155
Thats when i'll ask him to change it to what you're suggesting.
Yeah mostly what's keeping me from just doing something posted here is fear of fucking up my body, i want to be strong, fit, and able to lift, but i also don't want to be disproportionate, got to check out the sticky again to make sure i dont fuck up.
What should I add to my SL routine I've been doing for one month now if I feel that my arms and shoulders are going nowhere? I don't really want to use machines, they're the most straightforward choice but I guess there are better alternatives.
pls respond
can you post the routine body here for convenience?
>routine body
You mean the routine itself or something different? If you mean the routine itself it's

Squats 5x5
Bench press 5x5
Barbell rows 5x5

Squats 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

I mostly tend to struggle with OHPs and barbell rows though.
There's a dude at my gym that comes in with his sister all the time, he has to use a walker, and clearly has some physical disability, but he does curls and incline press and some other stuff, works out his legs on the machines. Asks his sister if he needs some assistance. Honestly I respect the shit out of that. Dude is stronger than any of us desu
is there a way to do dips without clavicle pain? i try every technique variation and they still make my clavicles (well, really my left clavicle) hurt like fuck.
Yeah thats the one. I believe SL and SS work somewhat similar in accessory work, it should be added in depending on how well the trainer can adapt to more work load. If you feel like you still have some energy left, by all means go for some isolation.

The point of not pushing isolation directly into the routine is basically to stop the extra work from exhausting one too much, and to not let them limit the big lifts' progression. When you know you know your limits and disrupt the progress, you can add stuff.
You could see workout A as more upper back heavy workout as B, so adding some chinups and curls to A would go well.

For B, you can add some triceps isolation. French press, all good, find what works for you.
And yeah, by routine body I literally meant what you posted, that is the BODY of the routine. You add accessories as needed, and accessories arent the same every time and you arent even supposed to track your progress on them.
So do I.
Disability results in two kind of people:
Those that bitch all the time and those that do something about their situation.
I admire that he isn't insecure about it, I sure as hell still am.
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*when you know your limits and know you wont disrupt the progress...*

When I bench, I place my feet far back so I can push without pushing my butt off. This hurts my spine a little. Am I doing something wrong?
There are plenty of good benching videos out there, check some of them out. Basically, when you get into the lifting position, you put your feet under yourself, under the bench, then just push yourself off the bench and by doing so, you can get a tighter lat tension. When benching, you should be in the competetive form aka whole feet down at floor, not just toe area.

heres some nigga i googled just now lol
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noone really?
No one answered my question in previous thread.

I put more weight on my squat than I thought I did and failed my first set. I tried to deload and finish but my back had a dull pain in it that advised otherwise. I avoided spine compression exercises for the rest of the session and ended early. My back still has a dull pain when extending.

Did I go to snap city? How long should I take to let it heal? Can I still lift?
So from what i've gathered no fap only gives a slight test spike about a week after you started refraining from fapping and then basically does fuck all. I want to set a PR on saturday, how do I plan this? How long does the spike last? Is it on the 7th day? The 6th? I'm confused
You've fallen for the meme
That's the only part about nofap that's not a meme
I've heard that sleeping at night compared to sleeping during the day results in better quality sleep, but just how much better is the quality of sleep between the two given the same length of sleep
Yes that is good if you are not just losing water weight
Yes also g as you are not hitting two heavy workouts on the same day
Is adding brosplits as accessory exercises to the main 5 lifts (diddly, barbell rows, bench, squat, ohp) okay? I do those and then add in a few bodyweight things and shit like curls and tri extensions
I'm gaining half a pound a week and have embarrassing lifts but I can't gain strength, and I'm following a good routine. Could this be low testosterone or something else?
When people say I benched, squat, deadlift, say XXX#, are they including the bar in this weight?
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How do I grow my traps?
Right now I hit them 1-2 times a week with deadlifts and barbell shrugs, what else do I need to be doing?
Yes, you are referring to the total weight you are moving.
Benching 135lbs means the 45lb bar with one 45lb plate on each side.
Any other answer is someone trying to meme you, I guarantee.
>about to start lifting again after a while
>end goal is to gain about 20 lbs and get enough muscle to start breakdancing/acrobatics
>kinda like pic related but a bit more muscly

I'm studying mixed reviews on if I should do SS for something like this or other routines. I'm thinking squats, bench press, pull ups, dips for sure, but any other recommended lifts/routines?
If you're new to lifting/haven't lifted for a while, you're going to be very sore after your first few workouts. This will go away with time/training, just be sure to stretch/eat/sleep properly, and as >>41532955 said, savor the feeling.
Nothing like a constant, physical reminder of your hard work to make you feel accomplished.
There is point of cutting down soda when youre gaining mass?
1) English, please
2) Soda/sugar is shit for you, you can easily clean bulk to gain mass and never touch the stuff. Don't use 'getting big' as an excuse to sabotage your body.
Do i need 1g of protein per lb of weigth if im doing only bw workouts, or i can settle for less? I just started counting callories n shit and it seems pretty hard to hit at 183lbs.
What do they mean when they say 1,2,3,4?
Does moving your face a lot during exercise effect your aging, i.e. should you avoid making facial movements during exercise?
Is there a youtube channel that is good for watching to learn form / how to do the lifts. I'm worried that i'll watch a video with the creator doing the wrong form and then i'll get cucked, or will most be fine. thanhks
Google for Lyle's "basic machine program" at his site bodyrecomposition.com. Normally I would suggest barbell training but when someone comes to the table with significant remedial needs, a machine program is a good place to start and build strength, and form is less important. Many of the gyms that specialize in machines like "Planet Fitness" etc. have fairly cheap memberships.

Read his article on how he trains beginners for whom a barbell program may be "too much" and apply that to your situation.

You're probably holding up the weight with your forearms which makes your elbows sore. The weight should rest on your traps and your arms don't so much bear the weight as just hold it into place.

Also do not go ATG with lowbar. ATG is for highbar. Go just below parallel.
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I guess I need to play around with hand positioning a bit. I'll definitely give your suggestions a try, thank you senpai.
What do you guys do when you have to shit during a workout? Do you hold it in, or do you just go shit and then finish lifting? Obviously it's best to avoid this completely by shitting before but yeah
Depends on the lift. If I'm doing stuff like presses or pullups or rows then I'll try to hold it. OTOH if I'm gonna do squats or deadlifts, I will be safe and go shit first, because if you need to shit when you're squatting or deadlifting heavy, you WILL shit.
So im gonna be renting in a shared accommodation house in a box room soon. As far as training goes I sort of want to get into rock climbing and mastering bodyweight and having complete control of my body, should I just buy a dipping belt and weight plates and take them with me in a bag to a calisthenics park or is that autistic? This means I won't be able to squat and DL then.
My other option is I buy a fold away weight bench to put in my room, which can double as a squat rack and an oly bar and weights and I do the main compound lifts, is barbell training effective for rock climbing?

Should I fuck off this hobby and just lift for size n strength with cardio on off days
1. How many lbs of muscle can be gained a week?

2. I have a gap in between my pecs. What are some exercises I can do to fill it?
will my chest grow if I do 200 push ups a day, or do I need anything else? Also what other benefits could this provide?
Low bar vs high bar; which is better for what?
1. Literally like 1/2 a teaspoon (spread throughout the body). Scooby has a video about this "how much muscle can be gained" or something.

2. Sorry bud, that's genetics. But you can do some close grip bench press or incline press to somewhat normalize your chest
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Was recently speaking with someone who's into health, mostly diet and stuff like that, not so big on the strength/muscle side of things. and I brought up how I was starting to count calories and as the conversation rolled on they mentioned Negative Calorie Foods. (such as celery, grapefruit, lemon, lime, apple, lettuce, broccoli, and cabbage.)
Now obviously they don't have 0 calories but from what I understand the theory is that it your body uses more energy digesting these foods as they give you energy.
For someone cutting or trying to lose weight, would these kinds of foods (in small amounts) be a good 'snack' to consume?
It will, but even if youre doing just bodyweight workout, make it that your reps are no longer than 15-20 reps. Add a harder angle, weight on back etc when doing them. No super long sets.

Also, it gives you muscle imbalance between chest and back. I suggest you do chinups as well, if you dont want to hit the gym.
how do I figure out how much fat I have on my body. both body fat percentage and actual weight in lbs/kgs
Why do you care? Those numbers mean literally nothing.

Assuming you are a guy:

If you're interested in health, then as long as your waist circumference is less than half your height, you're fine.

If you're interested in looks, then as long as you can't see your abs when they are flexed, you're too fat.

That, above, is all you need to know about your body fat levels.

For women: waist to hip ratio is king for both health and looks. Pretty much no normal guy cares about abs on a chick.
The research does say they're real, but don't expect anything noticeable.
Bump plz advise
How do I tell a girl who's friendzoned me to fuck off and stop messaging/Snapchatting me?
I wanted fucci but u being a bitch azz ima delete u hoe
i need to run 2600 meters in 12 minutes (i am able to run 500 m in ~ 5 min 30 secs depending on my will power [so you all know where i am now])

what the best strategy to hit this objective? is there some "cake recipe" with progressions?
and any tips?
What happened to all the high test threads?
Just get strong with barbells, do some moderate cardio on off days (bike, incline treadmill walking, etc.), and ... WATCH YOUR FUCKING DIET. Seriously if you get strong with barbells, and DON'T get FAT, then you will be able to manipulate your own body weight better. Also, treat your climbing sessions as if they were a strength workout (they are), which means you may only be able to do 1-2 regular weight sessions a week. Don't worry about that, just pick a good beginner full-body program and do it less frequently when you have heavy climbing sessions in the week.

Those foods make good snacks. Don't pay attention to the "negative calorie" meme, count their (positive) kcals and make sure you eat fewer total kcals than you burn.

You don't "tell" a cunt like that ANYTHING. Total no contact, total no reply. Don't block her, though, just ignore and delete immediately, without reading.
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Is frozen chicken like pic related okay, or is it shitty meat/to be avoided?
What other supplements can you use if you are a non responder with creatine?
Avoid it anon. Unless you're getting it frozen from the farm or a local butcher don't touch that shit.
I figured as much
Can you tell me why?
Do three types of runs for this goal, in rotation, taking a day off from running between sessions.
> get to running 12 minutes at a time. walk and run or trot or whatever. work up to 12 minutes duration and then push it faster.
> get to covering 1.6155 miles at a time. walk and run or trot or whatever, however long it takes. once you get to the point you can jog the whole thing, push it faster.
> 60:120 intervals. find a track or do this out and back, turn around halfway. jog slowly for about a minute before starting. then for 60 seconds go balls-out. then walk 120 seconds. that is one repetition. do 6 total reps your first time. build slowly, like add a rep every two or three sessions you do this run, up until you're doing 10 or so of these, then focus on doing them faster.
It's forced full of water (and sometimes other chemicals) before it's frozen and vacpacked
>Day A: back and biceps
>Day B: chest and triceps
>Day C: legs and shoulders

anything better than this?
Simple PPL split, works fine.
Yes. You will still need equipment, time, and dedication though.
Too much shoulder work, most push pull LEGS routines work, you cant train your shoulders every fucking time you go to the gym.
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Am I doing decent enough as someone about 3 months into lifting?

110 OHP
210 Bench
275 Squat
365 Diddly

6' 3" 215 lbs
its fine
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Are long-distance running and gains irreconcilable?
According to this video 5x3 = more reps = less weight so 3x5 is better with more weight
move shoulders to Day B
Thats how many plates are on each side of the barbell. Overhead Press, Bench, Squat, deadlift. So this would mean 4 plates on each side of the barbell for a deadlift.
Assuming you do sets across and carry them to the same relative intensity i.e. the last rep of the last set is close to failure, then 5x3 and 3x5 are probably not different in terms of muscle growth.
There was a study that compared 10x3 and 3x10 which found the same.
Here's the kicker, though. Fewer sets takes much less time and is easier in terms of effort, the 10x3 group took forever, lots of people dropped out of that group, there were some complaints of wear and tear/soreness, whereas the 3x10 group was able to do more volume later.
Therefore it stands to reason that the 3x10 (and the 3x5) is better for growth, because you have both the time and the energy to do more work after it, compared to the 10x3 (or the 5x3).
The 10x3 (or the 5x3) will be better than the 3x10 (or the 3x5) in terms of maximum strength and power, however. But that's not what you asked about.
Now, keep in mind that the difference between 10x3 and 3x10 was pretty striking, but given that we're dealing with a smaller change (3x5 vs 5x3) it's not likely to be as big. But overall, there it is, no difference in and of themselves for size, but a difference in strength, and in a real world context, there IS a difference for size because doing fewer sets with higher reps enables you to do more volume in less time with less strain, and that allows you to build a total program that will grow you more.
>you cant train your shoulders every fucking time you go to the gym.
you totally can, just not maximally. i do mine 3 times a week - any less and i don't see results. old time strongmen who competed in the clean and press would train them as much as 5 times a week, or even daily.
I always get nauseous when I try to have a sizable breakfast, but I know having three square meals a day is supposed to be really important. Is there any way to overcome that feeling?
you're doing great bro. keep up the progress. excellent results for 3 months.
Would trimming my thick forearm hair to make my arms look bigger be homo?
femanon here. started lifting recently but I'm getting quite severe headaches afterwards. why could this be and how to make them stop?
just wax them.
>but I know having three square meals a day is supposed to be really important
who told you this

whoever it was, don't listen next time
either keep or wax
you sure you're hitting your macros? getting enough sleep? enough calories?
yes, I have a hard time hitting the kcal (thus macros are somewhat off). Thanks, I'll try to change this.
Thanks anon!
Probably something called exertion headache. Google more about it.

Try to relax your muscles, especially in the neck area. Keep hydrated, if you sweat a lot esp during summer, remember to take salt as well.
Yes. Men removing body hair is always gay.
I do tense up quite a lot instead of remembering to focus on the muscle I'm trying to hit. Will have to remember to roll out shoulders and neck with a tennis ball or something afterwards - thanks!
Should i work on my twig wrists? or will they get bigger if i keep lifting?
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Wtf do I do as a skinnyfat?
5'7 @ 158 lbs.
All in 3x5 lbs 1x5 diddly
Help, I don't know if I should cut bulk, or just eat maintenance and hope my body changes for some reason.
You might gain half an inch at most.

I did from manual labor and they never grew again in 5 or so years.
If a rarely do direct ab work would I have abs if i cut? Or would I have to drop a significant amount of weight while losing muscle for them to show
Oh? So it's alright to skip breakfast?
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alright /fit/

so I just started Reg Park's 5x5 and I've been doing squats.

For some reason now that I've done them for a couple of days the circles around pic related hurt. idk why.

I stretch before I do my swauts for about 15-20 min. I do quad stretches, 90/90 stretches, butterfly stretch, ham stretches, and every leg/hip stretch I can think of and look up

for some reason these shits still hurt.

I do the squat with proper form because nothing else hurts like my back or something. literally just those 2 spots in my hip

what's wrong? I took a break for a couple of days from squats and when I tried again today it still kimda hurt
How do I bulk without losing my abs
i want good shoulders and chest, will i get these things if i do:

Klokov Press
Cable Flies

for my accessory work on upper body day?
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I have been using this picture for the couch to 5k. I was wondering if the jogging part has to be non-stop, because i am n not overweight but can barley jog for 2minutes straight.
kys instead
Not trying to be a trap, just using the couch to 5k thing.
+300kcal/day and start cutting before losing your abs
Search hip impingement vids on YouTube. when you squat, think about opening your hips more. Stretch hip flexor area with resistance bands. Also using bands above your knees while you squat will activate the glutes and ease the impingement. I had really bad pain when I first started because I wasn't familiar with the movement and my muscles weren't firing properly. I did these things and now I'm squatting fine.
yeah you have to jog/run. walking is cheating
how the fuck do you deadlift?
only use your legs until they are almost fully extended, and then straigthen your back?
no videos and guide have helped me in this regard.
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fucks sake /fit/, just gimme a goddamn answer
>no description of pain type/location
>spinal or muscular?
>upper or lower?
>one side? Both?
>deep or surface?
>sharp or dull burn/throb?

Motherfucker if you want an answer you can't just slap the bare minimum into the post box and throw a /fit/ (lol) when you get ignored.

Stretch, roll it out extensively, avoid back work for a week.
on the bottom of the front squat, at the start of the ascent, I always lean just a little little bit to the front because I lift my butt before everything, but just at the start (not like those crazy examples you see around there), is this all right?
There's a transition, we'll say 3 stages.

Stage 1 you drive with your legs to get the weight up and moving
Stage 2 you're engaging your back while still extending your legs, power transitions from legs to back
Stage 3, legs fully extended, finish lifting with back to reach peak

Drop weights and scream, pounding chest and flinging personal items.
You have a stretching routine, right? After every session? See attached. If you can move without sharp pain and you don't feel anything poking out of place on your spine, then that's a good thing.
Next session, do an extended warmup for squats. Every warmup should start light with reps and taper off to singles/doubles near your working weight, but add a couple of more sets and see how you feel. If you detect serious bad feelings, stop and see a doc. If you feel just soreness, try a light session (less working reps and lower weight) and basically reset the squat. You may also be able to handle front squats as an alternative.
I'd avoid deadlifting until I got the squat sorted out, but other stuff like pullups, bench, press, see how you feel, you may be able to handle them fine.

The very start is legs, but after that, the legs and back angle both straighten out together. Finishing with the back only is snap city.

What's the main lift if those are the accessories? If you have two upper days, do OHP heavy (like 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps) on one of them, with Dips (or Bench) for higher reps (like 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps). Then on the other upper day, reverse those, Dips/Bench heavy and Press for higher reps. Then, each day, hit 3 accessories that isolate the chest and shoulders. Flies, Pec Dec, Upright Row, Lateral Raises, Reverse Flies, Rear Delt Row. That's two for each, do one of each on each upper day, again 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Notice I didn't put any anterior delt on there? That's because those get hit by the presses.
BTW shrugs are for the trapezius, they don't hit chest/shoulders, but they are a good exercise. Oddly enough, they probably figure better on a back day and are really good to do after deadlifts.
I made a more detailed post in a previous thread that never got answered. The pain is in my lower back right in the middle of my spine. It's a dull pain when extending or putting pressure on my back.

and shit I'm on SS so am I basically just avoiding the gym for a week?
I was doing it with the back and legs at the same time from the start
no doubt I sucked so much
thank god I was a fucking pussy and didn't turn up the weight because of a slight pain
I just lost twenty pounds on keto and when I look in the mirror my stomach looks the exact same. Is this normal?

I went from 180 to 160 and I'm 5'4"
>You have a stretching routine, right? After every session?

I try to remember before going to bed every night. I should also mention I lift first thing in the morning these days which is new to me.
The shorter you are the more intense every pound you have is. A normal weight for a guy your height is between 110-120 pounds while a girl could be even lighter at 90-100 pounds.
i am 400 caloreis behind my daily goal and i have no peanut butter left what do?
forgot the pic. it's already on the thread here >>41533442

you don't want your back angle to change when you start up, you want the bottom to be as much lean as you get, when you start up, hold the back angle steady and start straightening it as the legs straighten
I get that, but I'm also pretty muscular. My body fat percentage is 18%
I've only been back to the gym for a month now. I've got a gut, and my BMI is at the maximum healthy weight for my height. Should I be cutting, or eating maintenance, or what? I don't like how fat I look now, so I want to cut. Will dropping 20 pounds wreck my gains?
What's a good and easy mix for protein powder? Just whack it in milk and shake or what?
Whey tastes gross in everything I've tried except sweetened yogurt. I can barely taste the difference when I add it to yogurt.
ok then, different question now
I heard it could be a weak quads issue, this also happens with my back squat btw. Should I front squat more often? or go the rippetoe way?

Unflavored can barely be tasted in milk in reasonable quantities.

I like adding some to cottage cheese, berries, with a bit of splenda. Looks like baby puke but tastes great.

BMI is useless. Measure bodyfat and go from there instead.

Use this calculator:


if <15%, bulk, if >20% cut, if somewhere in between, use your discretion.

Go order a milkshake or drink some milk.
21% my dude. How long should I cut, then? Until 15%? 10%?

Depends on how much you give a shit about abs. Rule of thumb is cut to 12%, bulk to 15-16%, repeat.
I'm not him but it also depends on your goal and what activity you're doing. At 21% you're still fine to bulk or lean bulk if you want to, depends on whether you want performance or looks
I've always hated having a lumpy rolly stomach every time I sit down. If I could get rid of some of the abdominal fat I'd feel better.
Ignore percentages.

Cut to abs. Bulk til they go away. Use the scale only to determine rate of change in your weight, and use that to adjust your diet. Target 1-2lbs /week either bulking or cutting (except for total fatasses who should lose quicker) and adjust the diet in +/-10% kcals once a week to ten days based on weight changes.

The above is for looks. For general health, just get your waist circumference below 1/2 your height, that's all you need.
What happened yo Supermang? I kinda miss him
My waist is exactly half my height right now. Thanks for the advise.
>>41539608 here

>>41539620 is also good advice. Accurate percentages are gonna be difficult unless you're an expert at measurement.
I could ask my doctor if he has calipers?

Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be. You need training to perform calipers properly, and general practice doctors generally know jack shit about sports medicine and science, sadly. The calculator i gave you earlier is probably going to give you accurate enough numbers to use. But the most powerful tools you have are your eyeballs. Cut until you dont feel like a blob anymore. Trust me, it'll be easier that way.
Alright that sounds good. I've been counting calories and eating clean for the past 10 days. Nobody better try to convince me to just eat until satiety, because documenting my diet has brought me great autistic satisfaction so far.

I think this other dude is memeing you. Pretty sure you only measure the weight on the bar. 2pl8 is 2x20kg plates and the bar is always going to be there so just count the weight on the bar.

if I'm doing 3pl8 deadlifts, I'm not going to tell people I deadlift 128kg or something, I'm going to say 120kg.

I guess you can just add the weight of the bar into your lifts, it doesn't matter too much either way, just remember if someone can lift as much as you, they're actually lifting 10-ish kg more than you are.

Do whatever works for you. Good luck, anon.
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Why is 3X7 for aesthetics a meme now?
Fuck you're dumb

A barbel weighs 45 pounds, or ~20 KG. That's not a negligible amount of weight. Everyone counts the bar. Stop being retarded.
Sometimes when I'm squatting one elbow starts to hurt
What did my body mean by this
Main lift would be bench press, on a 3x a week program. with a secondary goal being aesthetics. Nice chest/shoulders like i said

I actually thought you ignored the bar. Sorry for giving out bad advice guys, but thanks for correcting me, my lifts are a bit better than I thought they were.
Everyone knows 6-7 reps means no gains for the set

It's fine, my dude. The bar weighs as much as a plate, though. No reason to ignore it.

So 1pl8 OHP is actually 60kg? How do people achieve that in a year of lifting
Is there any point in lifting at 30? Is it even possible to have a descent body now?
you have like another 10-15 years til you look like a prune.

go for it dude

It's possible. Maybe not one year on the nose, but more or less.

Make sure you're getting enough volume, bud. You're gonna make it.

Of course there's a point. Why wouldn't there be?
i know this sounds retarded but i train abs after my main muscle group every time I go lift. So far I do cable crunches and DB side bends. What would you recommend if I wanted to throw in a third exercise?
Gloves, which is your preferred?
Just dont know if I can actually achieve anything at this age. Past my prime. I waa making great gains but now im cutting and all my lifta have stagnated quite a bit. Is that just me or is that natural?

if you're not a novice, and you're cutting, of course your lifts are going to stagnate, especially if you're cutting hard. Doesn't matter if you're 18 or 50 years old. It's hard to move heavy shit if your body is running on a deficit.

Don't get demotivated. Just finish cutting and get back on track. As far as age goes, Testosterone peaks at 30, but doesnt get down into TRT-necessary level for a while after that. Mentality is also really important. If you assume there's no point, of course the weight is gonna feel heavier.

Believe in yourself, fag.
Ab rollouts or leg raises
You sound like a little crybaby.
Push yourself and make the most of it, it's never too late to get joocy.
Haven't gone to the gym in a month, how long will it take to gain back all my gainz?
Damn, thanks anon. If I was a real fag I'd blow you for that awesome advice
I got called off work so I think I'm gonna get fucked up and go to the gym in about three hours. Good idea or nah
It does sound a bit retarded because ab isolation exercises are so useless.


you go girl fuuuaaaark
How do I calculate calories for something like Coq Au Vin where you drain a bunch of fat out of the pan after you're done crisping up and browning meats to make a fond and such?
vid related
When I do pull ups I don't feel my back.
I feel my forearms, lower biceps and shoulders.
What am I doing wrong?
best 4day (1hr sessions) routine for mainly aesthetics?
mostly intermediate stats for my weight

most of what i see has a fuckload of accessories with ~4 sets and i just can't fit it in with fulltime work + study
Long answer- measure how much you put in, then how much you drain out. Difference is what "sticks' to your food.

Short answer- If youre cutting, assume most stays in. Bulking, assume most stays out.
>Be 90kg/200lb
>Pure blubber
>Drop fuckloads with heavy cardio and good nutrition
>Start lifting 5 or 6 weeks ago
>Now 70kg/155lb
>Still have stomach flub
>Still on roughly 20% deficit diet

So I'm not making very good gains because of the diet, and that's fine. However, should I keep the diet and cardio up until I hit a lower bf% before eating more and focusing on strength gains?

My main goal is to shape up my stomach because I hate looking down and being reminded of my previous massive fatassery.
if you dont focus on building muscle you'll end up as either skinny or skinnyfat, take your pick.
(this is coming from someone who was 250 lbs and got to 170 and still had a stomach despite having visible abs and a pelvic belt)
So I should start eating at a surplus and training harder? I really just want to flatten out my stomach and remove the love handles as my primary goal. I was under the impression that going surplus would increase my bf% and therefore make me bigger in all ways? I don't really understand how getting bigger will shrink my stomach.

I'm currently following scoobys intermediate plan. I forgot to mention, I'm 5'8.
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best thing for you would be to either recomp (eat at maintenance but train like 5x a week, bodyfat will go down slowly) or clean bulk (200-400 calories surplus daily, bf will go up slowly).

as a fellow exfat I understand its hard to put weight back on. My first weight loss cycle was 250-185, but I was just skinnyfat. Bulked up to ~205 from there and cut back to 170. Now I hover between 190-200 and try to not go above or below that range.

Also this is a more personal thing but I prefer looking tastefully thick @195 with slightly visible abs than being full Auschwitz mode at 170 @ 6'2.

You got this anon. Just eat and lift and if you start feeling fat just wear a hoodie ;)
Cheers. I think I'll do the maintenance idea, bulking makes me nervous when I've only just got to a point where my bf doesn't embarrass me. I'm just lucky that my arms and legs grow like tree trunks, so proportionally I look ok. Once I can get some more fat off my waist and stomach I'll have achieved my goal, then it's bulking time. I'm not sure if going tasteful thicc would look fantastic at my height, but that's a bridge to cross when I come to it.

When you suggest training 5x a week, could you be a little more specific please? I alternate weights and 20 mins cardio everyday so I weight train 3 to 4 times a week depending on circumstances. Only occasionally do I skip a cardio day, but more often I just take it a little easier if I need to.
When you do recomp focus more on weight training and do less cardio. the point of it is to change fat to muscle and lowering bf so increasing either the frequency (going from 3 or 4 times to 5) or intensity will help.
So if I do alternating days in terms of exercise types (push, pull, legs) 5 days in a row, then rest for 2 days by doing light cardio, that should help me recomp?

If that's the case, I'll go out and buy some whey protein because it's going to be hard to consume enough food after so long dieting.

Thank you so much for your help man.
I'd only do one day of cardio desu but yeah
Ok, 1 day it is. I'll start tonight after work. Cheers.
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we're all gonna make it brah


PPL_UL_ is god tier. Its just like PHUL, but the hypertophy section of the week actually gets enough volume.
Am I eating too much to lose weight?
Pic related was my dinner tonight.
that that was gore from the thumbnail man fuck you
You might've slipped a disc. It goes away in a few weeks once the membrane heals and pushes your disc back into place. Avoid back work for a while.
Cook a lil bit of lentils with your rice, 1:3 ratio of lentils to rice is the sweet spot
>tfw king of manlets

At least my motorcycle boots make me look 5'10.
Is it actually relevant how fast I do my reps or not? For example OHPs tend to be pretty easy if I try to do them relatively fast but become a disaster if I do them slowly.
This occurred on my forearm after heavy rack pulls and behind the back deadlifts with straps, what happened? Its under the skin
That's not really a helpful answer though...
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So I can fuck this girl and lose my virginity to her this Thursday.

Problem is she says she has 3-4 fwbs, so i'm a little worried I might catch something from her. Not to mention we met on craigslist. She says she's clean and has always used condoms.

Should I go for it or pass? Also I lied about not being a virgin and my benis size.
when people pots CB pictures, do they get some pump before? is that cheating??
I'm poor at the moment. I'm a bit hungry and going for a run and don't want to eat a meal now (I don't have any snacks around and can't afford any). Does taking a chocolate bar with me to the run make sense? Just in case I get really hungry. I may take a long time, depends on how i feel
Use condom
Just don't
I've had those before, don't worry about it
lose ur virginity for a used up whore for the sake of losing virginity. she will prbably be even disgusted with your virign ass skills, makeyou anxious, you will lose boner, not get laid, cry urself to sleep and become a battom bitch for black guys and never be normal again.
Is it okay to work out while on antibiotics?
It's just because a tooth nerve might be exposed I'm not really sick
174.5cm 75kg high body fat percentage skinny fat body type currently trying to lose some of the fat.
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Do I just end it all
why wouldn't it be?
don't use it as an excuse.
Don't know how it happened but I've ended up with some nerve damage in my elbow. Been about a week and a half now with it. In the last couple of days I've gone back to lifting.
How long should I expect this to take to recover?
It doesn't effect my lifting and only hurts in a couple of positions.
anyone have a routine to pass military basic?
Why is it that I fart really bad while working out? I'm not trying to be funny. Trying to get fit and I'm over here blasting ass.
Workout routine?
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Baby Potatoes

Are these good to eat if you're losing weight?

Also, I have a BMI of 21. How much lower can I get it without losing muscle mass?
Treadmill every day for 20-60 minutes. Fast walking to light jogging speeds.
As for lifting nothing too serious at this stage.

Does protein powder actually go out of date? Or do they just put the expiry on as standard business practice, same as they do with honey and bottles of water etc

I've got some PHD mass gainer that tastes like absolute shit and it's best before January 2017, which may explain the taste
How do I avoid rotator coff injuries?

My shoulders are weak as fuck, and when I'm reaching my rep maxes I can feel the inflammation, and I immediately stop.

Problem is, I'm already doing baby weight, and I don't feel as if my muscles can't take anymore when I'm reaching my max. Should I just do baby weight with lower reps, to slowly build up muscels and avoid rotator cuff injuries?
Unfortunately for (you) this guy is true: >>41536590
thanks man will do

so what do these resistance bands look like?

do I just search up "squat resistance bands"?
Today when I tried to squat I felt a muscle in my left under thigh overlap another muscle there. It hurt. I can feel it shift when I squatted without the bar or any weight but it didn't hurt. It hurt with weight. I tried stretching and it didn't help. What's happening?
Hey all, so Ive recently come down with a case of tendonitis/tendonosis (ill know for sure when i go to the physio this week).

Im assuming ill be told to rest my arm for a period of time until i can begin pressing movements again

With that being said i thought id use this time to maybe focus on my deadlifts and squats as they are lagging a bit

Can anyone reccomend a good routine that would suit me and hopefully stave off as much as chest atrophy as possible

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What kind of assistance work goes well with 531? Should I just do BBB instead of trying to figure it out?
current stats are bench 35 (with bar) dl 35 (with bar) ohp is 20kg which is just the bar and squat is 0. Only squat while holding plates can't squat with the bar yet.
I had a mild case of diarrhea this morning, is it a bad idea to eat a mcdouble or two?
Spoken like someone who's going to die of a heart attack at 40.
Start fighting now, with a friend

Just like in fight club
Due to having an anal fissure, I can't squat or work on my lower body for a few weeks. What are some workouts I can add to my upper body? I've only been doing SS as a beginner so any help would be appreciated
It's possible. What lifts are stalling how long have you been lifting and with what program? Deload or do accesory work for a week and then get back to it. Also get your form checked and get enough protein in.
Heavy farmer walks. You can do them multiple times a week and there are many variatons. One of the few truely functional exercises. When you cary your own bodyweight (with dumbells) for more than 45 seconds your traps and grip are getting quite a workout. Assuming you dont weigh 60kg ofcourse.
Alright, i'm thinking of passing then.
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What's an easy to make (or precooked), cheap food to add 500cals to a day goal?

>inb4 drinking oil
find an upper/lower split like Lyle's Generic Bulking Routine and do the upper only, 3x/week

have a can of soup or chili

rehab/prehab stuff like ywtl, side lying external rotations, face pulls. lots of regular compound lifts strengthen them, like most types of rows, pullups, front squats, cleans and snatches, behind the neck presses. overhead press helps with shoulders too. also don't bench more than 2x/week until you know your form is perfect and even then, don't bench heavy every time

losing weight is all about calories, but those foods have good mix of nutrients, just watch the calories on the sauce. the way to avoid much muscle loss is to a) strength train and b) don't lose weight too fast, like 1-2lbs a week if you're not just a total fatass. don't worry about bmi, care about how lean you are and how strong you are

get a copy of us army field manual fm 7-22, it has a complete sample schedule for army basic training, the calisthenics and the running and rucking plans, you can follow it yourself

do a real program instead of wendlers shit. if you're into strength or powerlifting, get a copy of PPST3RD and do one of the 4x/week split Texas Method for Powerlifting. if you're into looking good, do a 4x/week upper lower split like Lyle's Generic Bulk.
>be me
>can ohp 68kg x 4 strict (proficient at symstrength)
>can barely squat 115 for one rep (novice in symstrength
>dont even train shoulders that much compared to legs
>my shoulders dont even look like i lift
i mean wtf
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Isn't "water fasting" the most retarded thing you can possibly do coming of a bulk? You are literally starving yourself and burning through a lot of muscle.
Does this go by any other name? Having an issue finding info on it.
>1st time to a gym
>let's squat(lowbar) and see how much weight I can take!
>slowly go up until I hit 50kg and feel that will be ok for my 3x5
>legs are doing fine, core is fine
>my wrists hurt and are my weak spot that sure stops me from going higher.
It feels like my mobility is fucked. I know they dont hold the weight but even keeping the bar in place and having my arm in the lowbar position is hard for me.
Do I go highbar? How do I into wrist and shoulder mobility for squats?
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what are some /fit/ hobbies?
Right now I just work lift and watch chinese cartoons
Anything where you consume something can't be considered a hobby or passion.
an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
I had the same issue last week because I used shitty form with more weight than I usually do. I experienced the same pain your describing and felt I had fucked up my back as well but it went away after a day or two.

I might just be soreness but if you're still in pain after 3 days I would get it checked out.
Would you consider jerking off as a hobby?
On my third month of keto, started IF (20/4) and i feel pretty good. The thing is I think I am ready to start exercising.

Should I be focusing on specific routines? Am I ok just to hit every machine at the gym every other day or should I really focus on one thing a day. I am also a fucking weakling, should I try and find my limit and do reps of those? Or find a lower weight im comfortable with and do many reps?
Should I do PPLx2 during a fast ?

I'll be using creatine, BCAA, and my diet will be mostly protein.Is it possible to gain muscle mass ?
does anyone else feel the same...i dont care how much i lift as long as i look good
Practical Programming for Strength Training, 3rd Edition. You can find pirate copies in some of the chans and their volafile groups.
I appreciate the spoon feeding anon, my googling is weak.
Pick a beginner routine. Starting Strength or Stronglifts or similar for barbells, if that's too intimidating right now, look for Lyle's Basic Machine Program on his site bodyrecomposition.com and after getting some basic strength maybe take another look at barbell training.
>weakling starting out

Do SS or SL or something, read the sticky
why do you think you need gloves?
Ditto my bro
Going on holiday in a week, how do i reach maximum shredded levels? should i stop going to the gym now?
How the fuck do you get the willpower to stay on a cut when living with your parents? I mean I buy and cook my own food but fuck is it hard to stay disciplined when you open the fridge door and see chocolate, pastries and all the other shit.
Why is it so damn hard? Why do I have the mind of a fat man?
Get rid of water weight/ dehydrate yourself
All week or like a couple days before?
i was benching today, in the middle of set the back of my head started to hurt (pulsing pain)

the same thing happened yesterday when i was squating, it stayed with me whole workout and the pain got worse whenever i had a hard set

the weight wasnt even too big, i was breathing fine and all.. anyone with the same expirience ? should i just rest for a while ?
Stop being a pussy there is no other way
Nah I want to be strong as fuark whilst looking good like Larry Wheels
Is it better to finagle Texas Method to a 4 day split or just do it as is?
I can almost guarantee you're not bracing well enough
Toes are accepted in some federations
Throw in 5 sets of curls, 5 sets of lat raises and 5 sets of face pulls at the end of every workout then. This is not fucking rocket science.
There's a 4day version of it in the book. TM is pretty shit tho imo you're better off doing 531 or sheiko
Same here
I was actually planning to do 531 but got told to do TM instead here awhile ago.
That book is awful. Read ripptoes starting strength it has everything you need minus the broscience and kale eating that you read about in superior muscle growth.
Should I workout if I'm still a bit sore? I'm changing from 2x week to 3x week for legs/chest but it doesn't feel like enough recovery time.

Pls respond
Yes. Sore is fine, pain from joint/tendon/ligament damage is not.
Is there an objectively good intermediate strength routine or will I get different answers anywhere I look? PHUL is getting boring.
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What's some good side food to go with my main foods for gains?

I'm looking for something to go with chicken/potatoes/green beans that I take to work each day.

I already eat apple, PB, and tuna as snacks so those are out. (Don't like bananas)
how am I supposed to properly get into position to bench dumbbells?

they way I started doing it I sit down holding the weights vertically on my knees, then sort of roll down my back with the weights pulled close to me which puts some pressure on my back sometimes. I'm only benching 20kg but might aswell do it right from the start
Start the same (sitting w/vertical weights)
Rock forward slightly and then back, bounce your knees slightly as you do to pull the weights up to your chest (elbows tight) and roll back with you, then widen your elbows/settle into position once you're laying back.

Sounds kind of weird, it's a very subtle change from what you're doing but that bounce gives them momentum and that with the holding to chest makes the weight more manageable. Hope this helps, good luck.
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5'7" 158 lbs down from 192 lbs. Been cutting for the past 5 months and I can't seem to progress from these numbers, been like this for fucking months.
OHP: 115 3x5, I did 120 2x5 last workout though.
Bench: 155 3x5
Squat: 235 3x5
Deadlift: 325 x1, 295/300 depending on the day 1x5.

Does it look like I still have some noob gains to be made while I cut, or will I have to wait until I end the cut to up the weights? Even when I bulk does it seem like I'll be able to make noob gains?

My OHP went from 110 -> 115 and my bench went from 145 - > 155 at least.
is it true that anime kills gains
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