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>ctrl f >no routine rate thread Is 4chan dying? pic

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>ctrl f
>no routine rate thread
Is 4chan dying?
pic related is mine
Monday - Chest & Triceps
Bench 3x5
Incline flys/cable flys 4x12
weighted dips 4x8
Incline db's 4x8
Tricep pulldown 4xXX (I always do drop sets and lose count really
Pullovers 4xXX high rep low weight

Tuesday - Kick Boxing

Wednesday - Legs and Kick boxing
Squat 3x5
Hamstrings 4x10
Leg extensions 4x8 with drop sets
calf raises 4x10

Thursday - Back and Shoulders
Ohp 3x5
Lateral raises 4x12 lowish weight
Not sure name but slightly bent over lat raises 4x8
Face pulls 4xXX high reps medium weight
weighted wide grip pull ups 4x10
bent over rows 4x8
shrugs 4x8

Friday - Compounds
Squat 3x5 with drop set
Bench 3x5 drop set
deadlifts 1x5

Saturday - Tricep/chest body weight
Close grip pressups 4x25
Tricep extension 4x12
Dips 4x30 last set till failure
Diamond grip press ups 4x10 last set failure

Sunday - rest
Id like to add that I do 4x8 biceps mon/weds/fri at the end of my routine
100 pushups
100 sit ups
100 squats
10km run
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Biceps? Otherwise looks p good to me

>>41264712 NVM

>>>/a/ is that way (loved it though)
Post your entire workout pls.
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how good is this shit ? https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/phul-workout
No biceps? Look ok to me otherwise
It's because only like 20% of /fit/ actually works out
Wtf is a routine?
So I'm a pretty new lifter, been doing stronglifts, but I decided to make a temporary change in the program. The workout B normally has squats, diddlies, and OHP, but I swapped out the squats for pull-ups. It sounds stupid but I was finding it too hard to do both squats and DLs in the same workout, probably due to CNS fatigue. Of course I'm still getting my squats in workout A, and this is only meant to be temporary. The reason I put in pull-ups is because for some reason my lats are absolutely non-existent and I feel like I need to really focus on them (I can't even do 1 pull-up with correct form, so I use the assisted machine).

Weighted chinups and any curls (hammer curls cause hits forearms a bit)
Slightly modified 531 here. Been lifting about a year, probably would still be progressing on SS if heavy squats every fucking workout weren't so mentally exhausting.

OHP, 531 progression + joker sets
5x10 tricep extensions
5XAMRAP pull ups/chinups

deadlifts 531 + jokers
5x10 leg curls
ab stuff (planks, leg raises, whatever)

bench 531 + jokers
3x5 pendeley rows (still SS progession)

squats 531
back extensions
ab stuff

Cardio on days off. Rec league sports over the weekend, too. Current 5 rep maxes are 120lbs/180/260/300, I'm 6" 160, bulked up from skinny skele 130ish.

Let me know what you think, bros.
Alright, I would personally split it to a 3 day with extra biceps, but it is alright.
how long do I do this until I advance to an intermediate program?
Front Squat 6x12 or 5/5/3/3/2/2 if peaking
Power Clean Variation 5x3+3x1
C&J 5x2 complex + 8x1
Fast Clean Pull or Deadlift 6x5
Jerk from Rack 7x5
OHP or Push Press 5x10
Leg Press 6x20
Lateral Raises 5x12
Weighted Dips 4x20

Back Squat 6x12 or 5/5/3/3/2/2 if peaking
Overhead Squat 6x5
Hang Snatch or Power Snatch 5x2 + 3x1
Snatch 5x2 + 8x1
Snatch Pull Variation 4x5+4x3
Pendlay Rows (or machine) 5x10
Weighted Pullups (or machine) 4x10
Back Extension 5x10

AxBxAxB schedule, ab roll and foam roll after each workout; I also bike a lot; uphill climb on the bike for about 5-6mi on weekends, and I commute 8mi on flat land if weather permits. I'm a 5'5" manletoid, slimmed down 90kg to 60kg and have been maintaining about 66kg since. Snatch/C&J are 96kg/134kg, don't know my bench but OHP/Squat/DL are 60kg/175kg/160kg.
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/fit plese help critique my routine:
The Squat
The Press
power cleans
all 4x5, 1-3xF
The Squat (or maybe barbell rows so i'm not squatting 4x a week)
The Bench
again 4x5, 1-3xf
on rest days i bike around 10 miles. for accessories at the gym i do weighted dips and chin ups, additionally i do dumbbell work often at my house.
thank you in advance /fit/
pic unrelated, but i love the dead ape
It's originally created by a dude called AlphaDestiny. In this link, first paragraph, it tells you when you reach the intermediate phase.
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I took 7 years off and want to get some gains back asap. 3 weeks in and going well
You don't need to squat 3x a week like what a lot of novice programs suggest. Are you not doing pullups already in SL? I would do the version with arm accessories, "StrongLifts 5x5 with Arm Work"
on https://stronglifts.com/5x5/
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What do you think about nsuns 531 LP routine from reddit ?

My progress on PPL is really stalling on some lifts. This has lot of volume and a weekly progression, and is very customizable. I'm trying the 6day deadlift variant.

I'm somewhere between novice-intermediate, those numbers are not mine btw.
(360 DL, 235 bench 1rm, 135 OHP 5rm are my lifts)
so i'm assuming you're a competing weightlifter, surprised you don't put competition lifts first and squats second, surely most technical and priority lift first.

also obvious t-rex mode inc but you're training for a competing purpose so yeah
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...only legs? for legs only its decent i guess
I've done this program, it's pretty good imo.
No accessories?
See >>41266101 otherwise is alright. I would more upper body work.
How long until you start loosing hair?
Ye 2-3 accesories every day, abs every other day.

Main lifts are mostly pressing so I do lot of pulling accesories on DL/squat day and then some shoulders/tris/chest on pressing days.
It looks alright for what you have, but an additional exercise for each day means no harm.
If i were to add something, it would be:
Monday: 4x8-12Preacher curl for biceps, OR CGBP for triceps
Tuesday: 3x12-15 Leg extension for quads
Thursday: 5x AMRAP push-ups
Saturday: Deficit deadlift or rack pulls with reps of your preference.
This is what I were to add.
so i should definitely swap the rows in and do more upper body accessories?

Thanks, dudes. Will consider it. I know it's pretty bare bones--I'm finishing up my degree and try to spend about 40-50 mins in the gym each time. Do you think additions are necessary for symmetry or just a good idea?
i wouldn't trust your email address on 4chan mr. niekelsing.
ziet er wel prima uit

Thanks. I used to run Bulgarian Method + power cleans so was used to doing squats first. I do find myself losing energy towards the last couple C&Js which are rather heavy for me. My reasoning was hypertrophy, but I think I'm going to move up the C&Js at the very least.
Where did you get the pic? Did Alex some other alternatives to his program?
I've added these based on what he said on his site. Everything to what you can and can't add, alternative exercises, Q&A, etc.. is in his site's comment section:
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I'm gonna do this and probably regret it.
>blade weezers
>blade weez
>blaze weed
why regret it?
and if so, why are you gonna do it then?

Can someone recommend a routine that uses only dumbbells and body exercises?
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All you ever will need.
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Running a modified version of Nsuns 531, swapped out Sumo for Rows on Tuesday.

Monday: Lying Tricep Extension, maybe some DB Press if I feel up for it

Tuesday: RDL 3x5, Shrugs 3x10, Curls 3x10

Thursday: No accessories

Friday: Rows 3x5, Lat pulldown 3x10, Bicep curls 3x10

Enjoy your bitch-ass core
>no horizontal pulls

all you will ever need for imbalances maybe
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ooo that is one sick routine, OP

I have mine its just a simple PPL but its fucking savage
He said you can do some neck training. I thought face pulls train the upper back and traps and not the neck?
Either you just dreamt this up and never ran it for more than 2 weeks or your maxes are insanely low. Your volume@intensity is complete bullshit and will run you down in a month. Your excel skills > your programming knowledge.
ok so I have access to a gym but with the nice weather I rather hang out in the adult playground just outside my office. I wanna ask if there's any bodyparts that get seriously neglected here


A: inverted row, pronated grip -- 2 sets, supinated -- 2sets progressing by placing legs higher, also trying tuck front lever rows

dips: 2 sets of ordinary dips or dips on a single bar (russian dips I believe)
2 sets of bench dips with higher reps

core (L-sit, plank, reverse plank, ...)

B: 2 sets of pullups, 2 sets of chinups

pushups with hands placed near the hips for decreased leverage - 2 sets
pushups with legs ~60 cm above ground - 2 sets

legs -- squats, step-ups (working towards pistols)

my wrists are unfortunately hurting when trying handstands, dont really know what i could do with that. any help appreciated
5/3/1 with Boring but Big

Feels good ma
6 days a week seems harsh and tons of volume. I'm used to a brosplit strength program.
Day 1 down though and felt pretty good. A different kind of tired.
I do neck training as well but didnt include it. Facepulls are for rotator cufsf/rear delts.
Which neck exercises do you do? 3 times a week and 2 different movements?
Leg Press 5x5
Quad Extension 4x8
Bench Press 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Incline Press 4x8
Skull Crushers 4x8

SLDL 5x5
Hamstring Curls 4x8
Calf Extensions 4x8
Barbell Row 5x5
Wide Grip Pullups 5x5
Shrugs 4x8
Bicep Curls 4x8
Reverse Wrist Curls 4x8

Leg Press 5x8
Quad Extension 4x12
DB Chest Press 5x8
Chest Flies 4x12
Overhead Press 5x8
Lateral Raises 4x12
Tricep Pushdown 4x12

SLdDL 5x8
Hamstring Curls 4x12
Calf Raises 4x12
Wide Grip Pullup x25
Chinup x25
T-Bar Row 5x8
Face Pulls 4x12
Reverse Wrist Curls 4x12

Rate my Push/Pull routine, lifting 3-4 years. I am looking to have a solid routine that still leaves me enough energy to do cardio or other recreational activities (eg rock climbing) on off days this summer.

Mainly interested whether you all think it's balanced.
In his Naturally Enhanced book, he makes you do 100 neck curls, 100 neck extension and 100 neck side curls (both sides), you can split 100 reps into sets at first if it's hard, like 4x25, 5x20, etc. Once you can do 100 reps straight for each, you start doing them weighted. Also be sure you stretch and warm up your neck before doing your neck exercises.
Could you help me a bit put.
Which exercise would be good on Day A and Day B? I have the book but he talks there about his advanced program not the novice one.
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What do you guys think of nsuns 531 LP? Pic related
Go to his youtube channel and search his Q&A videos. Click on his youtube channel search bar and type NE or novice program. He answers your question.
>1x5 deadlift every other day
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Can't find the vid. Which one do you mean?
Could you please tell me what neck exercises you use?
And thanks for all the help
I want to do 1x5 barbell row -> 1x10 bench press five times. I want to stick to 5x5 squat and 1x5+ deadlift, while also working on pullups (3x10 with assistance) and dips (3x5 without assistance).

I have very strong legs and calves, and I'm also considering throwing in barbell curls for the biceps (I'm thinking 3x8-10), because my triceps is pretty overdeveloped for two months of training. Obviously, stick OHP somewhere there because I like the exercise (but keep it 5x5 as in stronglifts).

Tomorrow I'll be finishing exactly two months of 5x5 Stronglifts, and according to symmetric strength, my upper body is a bit behind (I was very obese most of my life, therefore my quads and calves are monstrous).

I just answered your neck question above. And the answer to your second question is here at the beginning of the video:
Doing pic related while on a cut (currently dyel skinny fat). Goal is to get good enough at ohp so I can ohp my gf for reps.
What's your primary focus, strength or hypertrophy?
What's you progression scheme?
Why have you chosen 5x5 on some exercises and 4x8 on others?
Why have you chosen certain isolation exercises? What is their role in your program?

These questions are not meant to sound derogatory, but i think it's important that anyone should be able to give good answers in order to assess their own programming.
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I add in a couple things on bicep and chest day because I feel like I'm lacking in those areas, but otherwise this is what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks. I've been working out 5x a week for the past 3 months though. Just trying to find a program I like
I think you didn't understand what I asked.
On workout A which exercise do you do for neck?
On Workout B which exercise do you do for neck?
How do you find doing deads EOD? I was doing it at one point and had great back development and strength growth but was constantly aching like fuck.
I just started doing basic 5/3/1 BBB with pull-ups instead of chin-ups

I know I won't get fit with it but it's a start, I've been doing it for three month now to get used to having a routine. I'm eating at a deficit though because body dismorphia and stuff. I'm 1m80 59 kg now, pretty skelly so I'll start a bulk for the first time this week. I can't help but feel like I'll only become fat
Monday, Thursday
>Overhead Press: 5x5
>Incline Bench Press: 5x5
>Bench Press: 5x5
>Arnold Press: 4x8
>Dumbbell Pullover: 4x8
>Dumbbell Fly: 4x8

Tuesday, Friday
>Deadlift: 5x1
>Back Squat: 5x5
>Bentover Row: 5x5
>Upright Row: 4x8
>Lat Pulldown: 4x8
>Cable Row: 4x8

Wednesday, Saturday
>Skull Crushers: 3x10
>Hammer Curls: 3x10
>Triceps Extension: 3x10
>Incline Bicep Curl: 3x10
>Closegrip Bench Press: 3x10
>Barbell Curls: 3x10

I also hike on Sundays and spend 20 min on my core before bed, nothing crazy just planks.
The same exercises for A and B.
so at the end of the workout you do one exercise for the neck for 100 reps?
Do you alternate them after one month or everey week?
Chin-ups stimulate the biceps more, so there is nothing wrong with that.
What do you think about these accessories? Thanks in advance.
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Yes I do all of them (curl, extension and sides) after my workout. You can probably alternate them the way you want too do whatever lol
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Squat 5x5
Pendlay Row 5x5
Bench 5x5
Dips 5x5
Machine Row 3x8
Paused Bench 5x5
Barbell Curl 3x8

Squat 5x5
Overhead 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Chin-up 5x5
Lat Pulldown 3x8
Triceps Pushdown 3x5
Barbell Curl 3x5

Basically 5x5 with a shit ton of accesories

I am much more pec-triceps dominant than back-biceps (bench 80 kg row 50 kg and can barely do pullups and chinups while I can do infinite dips, fuck that shit), which is why I'm trying to incorporate more back-biceps as accesories
Also my shoulders are very weak too and I would like to add one more shoulder exercise, but don't know what to do (I was thinking maybe 3x5 OHP on day A)

Pls gib advices

Push (the best day)-
Barbell BP 5x5 -or- Dumbbell BP 5x5
Incline BP -or- decline -or- BP -or- chest flies 4x10-12
OHP 5x5
Lat raises 4x10-12
Skull crushers 2x10-12
SUPER SET: Tri extensions 2x10-12 and Reverse flies 2x5

Deadlift 5x5
Bent over barbell rows 5x5
Pullups 4x10 (last two sets are weighted)
Buddy curls (total: 113)
Hammer curls 2x15
Shrugs 4x10

Squat 5x5
Leg press 4x8-10 -or- Front squat 5x5 -or- lunges
Inner outer thigh
Calf raises 4x30

accessories every other day at the end of the workout for about 5-10 minutes: abs and neck bridges
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Any good routines for the back for the beginners? On my 1st day i did bench press, some free weights and tried squatting. My arms and chest are still sore so i want to do something with my back.
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I'm a rower fag so here
You need to add more accessories, especially more pullups and back work.

This program looks pretty good. Thanks for linking it. I might change from SS into this.
I'm currently doing a PPL routine I found on reddit. Want to know if its trash.

Bent over rows 5x5
Pullups 3x8
Seated cable row 3x8
Facepulls 3x12ish
Preacher curls 3x8

Bench 5x5
OHP 5x5
Lateral raises 3x12
Tricep pulldowns 3x12

Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

I also do ab works usually on pull days and leg days.
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what you know bout this

just sharing this as i have it saved.
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Please rate!


Weighted chest dips 3x8
Flat dumbbell bench press 3x8
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x8

Wide Grip Pull Up 3x8
Lateral Pulldown Machine 2x8

Dumbbell Shrugs 3x8

Shoulder Press 3x8

Weighted Tricep Dips 3x8
Dumbbell Skullcrushers 3x8

Chin Ups 2x8
Dumbbell Curls 3x8

Weighted Sit Ups 3x8
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Started doing it today.
4x8 OHP at 90% weight of 4x4 OHP was impossible for me.
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