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Can't normies even see through bodybuilding.com's bullshit? Every fucking workout plan on there is a bro split with 3 days or more of rest with some obvious roid users telling you to do a day of just shoulders while snorting their creatine, whey, and amino so they can "look like him".

I think it is down right deceitful that they are pawning of juicing plans and telling normies that they will see fast gains with a program that in 12 weeks only has you working chest and back 12 times
brah the supplement industry is a scam period

anyone involved in a sales type work environment is a shark

i knew it was bad ( just walk in a gnc) but the more i learn about fitness and how i used to rely on that website so hard and it is the first thing that pops up for most questions it is sickening. I basically have been wasting two years thinking i was doing shit right
I agree. These types of practices need to be against the law and the people who deceive their customers need to be held accountable in court.

my thing is...why? Like you if are a bodybuilder...even if you are on roids.. or a professional trainer or you have a fucking ph d in exercise or are the ceo of a supplement company wouldnt you want your readers and customers to see actual results? Wouldn't you want to design some bad ass pushpull routine or something and have them make real progress instead of recommending a natty to do a six week program where you are working arms in its own day once a week for 4 hours in the gym for just bis and tris...your right they need to have their nuggies crushed
I used to read these articles and copy the workouts on bb dot com when I started lifting at 18 (28 now) and I made really good gains with them. There's nothing wrong with a bodybuilding split- even for a natty beginner.

i think you can still make progress. but don't you find it odd that you have some massive dude that regardless of whatever shit he is on should be making plans to help out the readers as much as possible but instead makes these half ass plans that will only produce 1/3 of the progress people could be making?
I mean they're just sharing their own split which is what a lot of readers are curious about regardless of how transferable and practical it actually would be for the reader to use said program.
And it's marketing....of course it's gonna be the most jacked dude you can imagine. That's how marketing works lol. You sound like you see through the bullshit though so I'm sure you're smart enough to find a youtuber or someone that is a straight shooter.

thanks, yeah i have found a few. Honestly, i have this site to thank. I read the sticky and started strong lifts and am now kind of doing my own push pull legs split
no shit that site's cancer
misc used to be good before they banned all talk of steroids, janoy and blaha and all the good posters moved to fitmisc
>tfw getting massive and take nothing
Both sides are wrong. If people knew you didn't need to take anything and can get big iy'd be a shitstorm.
Meanwhile you have the regular lazy dyel armchair experts on /fit/ that think you have to take something to get big. Just because they are too lazy to lift.
it won't last, you aren't going to get as big as most roiders regardless of how much hard work you put in and the natty limit's lower than you think it is
Roids don't make you put on and maintain muscle mass you stupid dyel faggot.
oh for fucks sake please stop this is painful
or don't and wait til you start your 3rd or 4th natty "bulk" and only see yourself getting fatter
Kys you stupid fuck. You don't even know what roids do.
You are just another "i cant get big because i dont take roids (yeah thats a good excuse)" faggot.
Fuck off with your ignorant bro science shit.
>I should disclose illegal activity to people

Anyone with half a braincell knows who is on roids and who isnt. If you take advice from someone who uses steroids and dont use them then you are stupid, its not the roid users fault. Also in general you are stupid for doing weight training without steroids seeing how easy they are to get and how much faster you build mass
Roids just increase strength they don't make you put on more mass without a diet and training regime.
Literally everytime someone says everyone needs to use roids you can dismiss them as an idiot.
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this desu a basic 12 week cycle is cheaper than 12 weeks worth of "supplements"
It's funny. I got accused of taking roids this weekend by my friend who took roids previously because I'm bigger anf stronger now without juice than he ever was using. Feels good mane
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