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Javelin Chick

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Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 62

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Y U no have genuine athlete gf?
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Mine cooks and cleans.
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shit/fit/stain fgt pls
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>waited fifteen seconds to post this
...fckn autodelay faggotry sux balls, 4chan
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suxx ballz
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autodelay sux bawlz
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sux muh bawlz
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... waiting for autodelay ...
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... waiting for autodelay ...
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>Mine cooks and cleans.
...no doubt.
shes pretty but too bulky
how about we start slow buddy and set the bar at any gf at all
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>Being this Irish
The jig is up, Mick. After St. Paddy's day it's back to Belfast with you
for a professional her body appears a bit soft. shouldn't she be in the gym doing deadlifts and squats to increase flexibility and power as a track and field athlete?
what sher last name i want to perv on her.

i would pay $500 for her to stomp on my balls
Fuccing thicc brehs
>she doesn't have to be lean for her sport
>how do you know she's not flexible
>she looks powerful af
Don't diss my dream woman anon. She's perfect.
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god damn poland

even your javelin throwers are beautiful, literally

this is the kind of looks I expect from women athletes: squared, way too ripped, masculine traits in general, pic related

hell not a thicc blonde with an angelical face

how come polish and persian people are that blessed when it comes to female beauty?
look at >>40650851
Slavs are Ãœbermenschen
Fuck you krauts. You're basically Turks now
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Sabina is /fit/'s *OFFICIAL* atheletefu.
>implying she looks fertile
she looks builtfat
surprise surprise
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Volleyball girls are so fucking sexy
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Post more of her please.
>persian people
Post proof.
I'm pretty upset with women right now OP

I'm having a hard time trying to find a reason to get into a relationship
she too thic
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What are lacrosse girls like?
white trash/10

My wife did lacrosse in high school.

>upper middle class
>10/10 face
>8/10 body and doesn't work out
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Here's her look alike
not even close

>tfw no Maria gf
Trust me. In person she looks just like her.
T. gay
>Trust me
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Why you Murricans have this crazy fetish for Asian girls???
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What a stupid sport for Christ's sake...
You must be high, lacrosse is posh as fuck
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> implying I'm murican
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>tfw no qt athletic Polish gf
damn dat bitch thiccccc
>javelin chick

Her name is Andrzfzszrsztczfpyk
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She Syrian tard. Also not an athlete. Unless you consider Sustained Duckface a sport.

genetic diversity nigguh
How is throwing a stick athletic?
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>this thread.
thanks OP.
White women in merica are shit so they're looking for replacement
how is picking up a plate athletic?
Depends on how heavy it is.
That stick is probably a solid 15 pounds.
and the goal is to throw it as far as you can.
>15 lbs

nigga wut
You're right. It's literally one pound.
That's dumb.
>How far can she throw this one pound stick?!?!
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everything in america is shit
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Enjoying your 15% of total population made of immigrants there, americuck? ;^)
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>most common name in the UK is literally Muhammad

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>that KURWA at the end

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why are you doing this to me guys
>>40653552 pls delet this

>tfw actually having gf but ...
10/10 would voluntarily allow her to spear me to death
Yea that's what it seems. Is she competitive. What are the general personality traits. I'm assuming they like high testosterone dudes who are alpha or lift and or both
could you post a photo please?
lol you wish you were north of mexibro. I'd take 10 beaners rather than derka or groid.
She has the poise of an extremely expensive dominatrix.
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i know that feel bro
>gf of 3 years is a state football champ
>she comes out as gay to me
>we break up
>see her a year later
>worn out, run down and fat
>she destroyed herself with drugs, caught various diseases in Asia
>tells me she realises she was bi all along and what a mistake breaking up was
>tries to ask if she can come over for a drink
>quickly walk away, saying I'm late for something
Boobs are too wide.
Legs larger than body
this is glorious. that other jav chick from ucla that everbody is nuts about all i ever see is pics of her fucking with her hair. this braod can jav me anytime.
who are you talking to? ubermenschen means supermen
lol, that javelin chick is solid 8 and yours is like weak 5
Not mine.

She was an 8/10 3 years ago. Partying took its toll.
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>6'4", 195lbs at 12-15% bf
>gf 5'5", 110lbs
>tfw she's the dominant one
Rich and white
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Implying Pole vaulters and runners aren't more attractive...
Builtfat IS the fertile look. That's a woman who can support a fetus, survive childbirth and immediately carry firewood right after.
>6'4", 195lbs
thank you mr. skeltal
This. These dyels know nothing
those triceps my god
that bitch is the waifu of /a/ and /v/ autists who pretend they lift, fuck off back to shadowverse
Visibly fat
sex would be like wrestling a bear only your erection has a purpose
God damn
are there any polish girls that browse here? Sereiously, I've never seen an ugly Polish girl in real life. Polish girls and Scandinavians have to be some of the most QT in terms of caucasian women. Plus polish girls seem to always have curvy bodies and THICC thighs/ass.
because not even unathletic fat girls like me
She's past her prime. I won't deny. Has the same face though.
>As if a non athelete could keep up with me long enough to be my SO
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>ywn sit at home playing videogames while your thicc gf gets pounded by usain bolt in the olympic village
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good job; you got an inferior gf because she does what you could easily do yourself
>b-but i'm r-redpilled
this tbqh
that looks like a teenage boy
thats just cos they are literally all called muhammad
like if you only did calf raises and could calf raise the most out of anyone and claimed you were the strongest man in the world
wtf is wrong with Switzerland?
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>what is right with Switzerland?
>turkey not 100%
maria seems like the really dominant type and the kind of person that would wear the pants in a relationship.

I feel sorry for the boy going out with her because no doubt he's being fucked in the arse with a pink girthy plastic dong.
spotted the pillow biter, boys!
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>you will never fuck her in the ass while feeling up her tits
>doesnt understand that you have to have increadible flexibility to be an elite javelin thrower
plz Zyzz, grant me this one wish, just let me get it in with an amazonian goddess at least once in my life. amen.
>tfw i'll see a new caliphate and a war comparable to world war II in my lifetime.
rich and white, pretty basic too
I want to pet that fluffy head
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>Let's get a bunch of tall, athletic girls, but not disgusting skinny ones, only girls with powerful glutes and quads, and put them in tight short shorts and sleeveless tops, ponytails optional but highly encouraged.
Womens Volleyball is torture.

there is something alluringly leonine about her

wew the lion king really did a number on me as a lad
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>tfw you will never be dominated by maria
why even live brehs
10/10 would marry and let her be my warrior queen
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Just like the javeline girl.
20yrs going strong, hows that not olympics worthy?
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Nah, that would Lidya.
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>mfw living in a green country

I may be poor but watching the West crash and burn is worth it.
>because she does what you could easily do yourself
now he doesn't have to and can work on getting a better job to support himself and wife

but he won't

because he's a poser and a faggot,
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Serbian power!
Are you saying Belfast will finally be back in a United Ireland there bro?
>and can work on getting a better job to support himself and wife
What a shitty dream. And a beta dream - "gee I wish I had a relationship where most of my earnings went to women and I just had to chase small bits of money"
Immigration is the backbone of how the EU works and doesn't fall into an economic mess overnight. It's also immigration from one part of Europe to another, not far off calling anyone from Utah that moves to Calofornia an immigrant.
It's ENNIS you retard.

Nice try.
are you jewish or something?
You're gonna have to help me understand the racial sterotype you're using there now. Are Jews meant to be unconcerned with money and status in your worldview?
Jews are entirely worried about money and also push sexual promiscuity as it destabilizes nations and allows communism to spread.
i want her to throw me lads
I'm not sure that's accurate, but I am sure that I was saying don't get into a position where you have to be concerned with money. Housewives do not have the luxury of taking someone for richer or poorer, if you get into financial woes she'd have to leave you.
God, she looks like Tracy Lords.
dam, if you are a 10/10 qt face it literally doesn't matter what your body looks like, those cute little booblets, those big meaty arms, thick thick thick CUTE CUTE ACUTE
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>too bulky
>Being proud of the fact that not even war-zone migrants want to come to your country

And the west is doing fine, what you're watching crash and burn is probably your neighbors house
that's why you put the seam elsewhere, silly gooks
no shit, sherlock
non european migrants don't integrate but move to the more welfare friedly parts like Sweden and Germany and leach off welfare for generations,and usually second gen is far worse than their parents with the rape gangs and unemployment as well as entitlement
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the nazi soviet bloodbath meant that only the cute one's survived in Poland.

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Our local /pol/ tards strike again. Reality seems stressing for you crazy types
Germany is known because of the economy, not the welfare system, which is not all that generous to people who have never worked there, there better countries to be a leech in

But keep telling yourself whatever you want to hear
Thread posts: 165
Thread images: 62

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