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I was told I would feel a lot better about myself and others.

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I was told I would feel a lot better about myself and others. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks every 2 days and I feel miserable. I'm always sore. I'm always sleepy and tired. Can't sleep well in bed anymore because soreness won't let me get comfortable.

Am I doing something wrong?
Was I lied to?
Please help me.
It'll pass. Soon you'll be swole as fuck, be fucking all sorts of qts and will sleep like a baby with tons of testosterone coursing through its veins.
How much do you eat? Foam rolling is good for soreness.
Stretch after your workouts and take melatonin
It feels like I was tricked.
Why did none of the guides tell me about this?
How long will it last?
I don't mind if I have to suffer for a while. I can deal with that.
But I'd have liked to have gone into this better informed.
> works out for two weeks
> 'why am I not seeing results?'

patience fucko
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I'm not complaining about the lack of results.
I'm complaining about feeling like shit all the time.
This is an anonymous board. I feel no shame.
That just means you're really out of shape and your body is slowly transforming into a healthy one this really only happens if you let you body become total shit before you started working out it's a good sign means you're ready to start improving I doubt it'll last more than the first month
3 times a week, not every other day.
Soreness will go away in roughly 2 weeks.
You BUILD the muscles when resting, not using them.
Get more sleep.
Form better sleep habits.
Drink just enough water to make your pee mostly clear - that's optimal hydration.

Read the godamn fucking sticky again and again.

Yes, you'll feel better about yourself. No risk, no reward. Nothing ventured... Stop making excuses.
post routine, how much you sleep, what you eat.
and give it a few more weeks, it takes a while for the body to get used to new physical activity
Not making excuses. Will keep going. Just feeling like this is not the way it's supposed to be and wondering if I need to change something.

Did you not think you would learn new things about a new habit by starting a new habit?

How dumb are you?

Or, are you just the type to roll over any time something gets hard?

Or, have you never been lied to, and only good, honest things have happened to you in your life causing your immediate confusion and frustration at this new-fangled 'fitness' thing?

Yes OP. Yes, 'Fitness' is a meme. There. You get your convenient little answer. Job done. Go home, go play videogames with your oneitis and complete mediocrity in life.

Yeah you probably need to change something. Tell us about your life.

How much do you sleep?
What's your diet like?
What sort of exercise have you been doing? (Read: post your routine)
Just make sure to warm up and have a 10 minute cardio session after every workout to cooldown. The soreness is just your body learning to deal with the buildup of lactic acid, keep it up and eventually you won't even get sore after a workout.
You're a fucking pussy OP. Lifting s twice a week ain't shit, neither is lifting for a couple of weeks. Grow a fucking pair, and hit the weights hard.
I have been training for years and I still feel sore and like shit because of the inflammation all the time
Re-read the original post, babby.
>It feels like I was tricked.
nobody said life was was you faggot fucking shitskin
lifting wont help you if you are a beta permavirgin
You feel miserable because you have unreal expectations about results. If you want to feel better instantly, inject heroine.

Two weeks is nothing. Keep up that every two days pace for a few months, see what happens. Compare yourself then with yourself now. Write a diary if you need to. Then think of how much you would improve if you kept doing it for a couple of years.

Expecting quick results is the best way to achieve nothing in life.
just give up then
Stop being a girl.
I've been doing this shit for THREE weeks now.
I don't feel a lot of difference outside gym, but the feeling i get after i finish my workout and walk home, sore af and walking in a silly way, is just glorious, that shit is great.
Also, i get really tired and sleepy, just like you, but i'm a man, i don't whine.
Stop this melatonin meme
You're trying to victimize yourself. And that's fine.

It's alright to be a fucking pussy.
you wont get very sore anymore after your first month. keep going weak bitch
get more protein
omg you are such a beta
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>too much volume
>not eating enough
>not sleeping enough
>not drinking enough

pick any or all

Don't stretch after the workout wtf
>no guides told you about DOMs
You've never done work in your life so now you pay the price.

You should only feel sore on the first workout.
What are DOMs? Delayed Onset Muscles?
are you just starting middle school or some shit? This seriously sounds like a pre-teen just getting into physical fitness
why not? Im curious what your reason is.
Im going to say:
1) I think beginers programs should focus on creating strenght, good technique, proper breathing and most important gettin to know your body under "extreme overloading scenarios" this will yield a measureable progress and will give less soreness by the fact you are working with low reps high intensity.
2) the second step could be choosing kinda 3 directions, full strenght program, full aesthetich or some hybrid. This way, all your accesories and your high reps and pumps and shit will feel less thatn st8 up 4x12 on day one.
Ill shorten what this guy said
1. Do SS
2. Read PP and decide where you want to go after gaining strength.
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You should for whining on an anon board

Nut the fuck up and deal with the soreness, but never push yourself to injury

Also you're probably doing something wrong, so post your stat so we can give /adv instead of talking about how much of a bitch you are
lol, i don't know anyone who is more of a bitch than you. Everyone goes through this but you are the only one who does not like that sore feeling. Also
>Im always sleepy and tired
>I cant sleep

should I skip the training due to lack of sleep? Feel wasted.
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