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How does this make you feel?

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How does this make you feel?
Better because exercise is my drug
Going to the gym should just be a fun hobby.

If you feel like you have to and you stop enjoying it you should just stop.
>fixation on diet and anxiety
>looking like that
Most of the women I know who play badminton twice a week or some shit look better than her at her best.
she had some nice tits before, they're bigger now, but now she's fat. the fate that awaits all big titted women unfortunately

Plus she looked like shit beforehand which means she was probably doing the memest shit imaginable.

Now she doesn't need to do anything. Of course she's happier.

Get someone who is actually in shape, who took care of themselves while having fun and tell me they're happier being fat. Or anyone in the cbt.
you know, you kind of realize how much of a buzfeed fad dieter she was if she ate a plate of carrots for breakfast and also tried raw veganism (i don't even wanna know what that is)

Also she looked average at best, "former gym addict and extreme dieter" my ass, well maybe she just has shit genes
That she's bad at photoshop.
>eat like retard
>complain how unhappy you are

Fucking people...
I was gonna say this. what the fuck was that woman doing in the gym five times a week and what diets did she so rigorously follow. what a complete idiot. I bet she never even read the sticky.
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Wow depriving yourself of essential nutrients while constantly inducing intense physical stress on the body WILL make you feel like shit big news there damn ;^)

Thank god I'm not retarded, not following any meme self-harming diet and tend to do some reaserch before putting tons of time into any activity.
Can't stand these lazy asses who try to drag the rest of the world down with them.

They can't just fail in silence like the rest of us.
Lifting heavy things and putting them down is boring. Unless you're simple minded and easily entertained. I lift for health and to supplement my other physical activities like sports.
the beauty of fitness is it allows you to eat anything you want, all you have to do is claim "bulking" or do a ton of cardio.
makes me feel pretty neutral

She is retarded for taking up such extreme diets; I exercise to feel good and have a clear head for doing math which is my actual passion, not to look good for Stacies (or Chads, in her case).
>"Gym addict"
>Skinnyfat digivolves into landwhale
>Gym addict, plate of carrots
For that body holy kek.
>gym addict
what was she doing in this gym? Because it definitely wasn't working out. Also she was skinny fat, so yeah, maybe she ate carrots for breakfast, but then she ate like shit for other meals
she's on one way road to becoming a hamplanet. that's some great "respect" she shows to her body
typical scouse
Why is my 42 y.o. ex better looking than that 35 y.o. slag at her best?
She's got way too low standards.
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>be me
>total noob, but want to make it
>spend on averge 9-10 hours a week in the gym, including warm-ups, spread out over 5-7 days
>people tell me I am obsessed, addicted, overdoing it, etc.
>they proceed to spend twice that time per week watching netflix and at least as much mindlessly surfing and/or facebooking
Seriously, spending like a fifth of the time people historically used to spend doing physical activity is not being "obsessed" or "addicted", it's compensating for a desk job...
I know them feels bro.
Its like the whole western privelaged world wants us to be mediocre with them.
Glutony and material excess rule most peoples lives, western society is fucked.
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>Be woman
>Unwilling to stick with a legitimate resistance training schedule
>Unwilling to count calories
>Have powerful spiritual journey towards body acceptance

Wow, it's fucking nothing.
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>learned to respect her body
I dunno, lifting heavy shit and putting it back down is fucking fun IMO. However, pull ups are by far my favorite, I get a jolly out of them.
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>in shape
The high test meme is the biggest load of shit. If you look at and pursue fat chicks you are accepting obesity and laziness as alright in your mind.
This imperceptively lowers test. You never see a high test man with an obese woman ever.
Looking at big tits, slim bodies or fit chicks all increaes test.
pretty much everyone I know spends 100% of their time on netflix/social media. Spend as long as you want in the gym man
>6 hours a week in the gym? I think you're getting obsessed, this is really dangerous.
>And all these pills, i mean what even is creatine? can't you do it naturally? do you really need all these shakes instead of food?

>plays video games for 5 hours a day
>watches TV endlessly
>literally spends 2 hours a day reading the paper, every single fucking day, for as long as ive been alive at least, drinking coffee
>plays golf and then goes drinking for 5 hours twice a week

I had to move out because my patents would constantly harrass me to "can you just give me a hand for a second?" and "can you take a break and help me out?" whenever they did anything they would demand i help them, and their fucking TV was always up so loud i could hear everything from the other side of the house

Also, they eat horribly unhealthy food and would get angry if i didn't eat with them, and went through my bedroom every day when i went out and demanded to know where i was going and what i was doing, it was driving me insane
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