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Can we get some examples of people being obvious jelly at others for being fit? Post personal stories if you have them but I'll start with this YouTube clown.

>makes a video about bodybuilder Connor Murphy
>top comment says "Hila is so obviously sexually attracted to that dude lol"
>everyone is agreeing in the replies
>he deletes the comment

another Connor dickrider



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His insecurity became clear to me when he made that video mocking Logan Paul's fake color blindness. Instead of focusing on Paul's attempt at faking a disability to fish for YouTube views and sympathy, Ethan went on a tangent about his shiftlessness and athletic body that ended up looking like a mix of jealousy and repressed homosexual feelings. It was fucking awkward and you can just see the "wtf man" look on Ian's face whenever he draws attention back to the guy's body.

Then only a couple months later this kike makes yet another video where he obsesses over another fit, white male. I mean seriously, just get out of the closet already or at least hit the gym so you won't be so bitter.
H3H3 is shit.
Ethan is a judgemental prick that laughs it off because it's a "goof"
H3H3 is worse than half the channels they're "making fun of"
Instead of being honest and just not giving a shit about Connor, Ethan decides to try and make himself feel better about being a fatass slob by calling him a tryhard or a weirdo for being fit.

Connor has some pretty douchy videos, but H3H3's reaction is significantly more douchy.
>cringey people cringing over cringier people
My brother loves this guy and I don't fucking get it. What is funny or entertaining about these fagellahs. Why do you people watch this shite.
It's mainly teenagers, which makes it even funnier when he tries to pretend his channel has a mature kind of humor.
idubbbz master race
But he is losing le weight you hater XD he lost some of the legendary le FUPA bro!

Somebody please kill me I have crippling depression
>unironically sucking connor's dick
I bet jeff seid is your role model
How far in do I skip to see him exfoliate his face then chase hoes around naked with a chainsaw while inspecting business cards.
To be fair, Connor is the ultimate cringelord. He looks like the average /fit/izen (excluding the fatties and "powerlifters" of course) but thinks he's hot shit for having abs.
Don't know who this fat faggot is.
My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
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>He looks like the average /fit/izen
>its funny co connor knows his vids are cringey
>he does them because theyre popular/entertaining and get him views.
>seems like a nice well adjusted guy with more going on in his life than the avg guy his age
All that is nice and all, but what's the font on your business card?
>excluding the fatties and "powerlifters"
Not everyone is a dyel on their 16 month of GSLP or a shitposting /r9k/ blob.
Connor plz go.

I get making money of cringe and controversy, but the dude has some serious autist vibes going on.
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>pic related is similar to anyone on /fit/ excluding bimbo and mast
about tree fiddy
There always at least 2-3 guys in my gym that are on or above his level.

I don't get it, he looks good - sure, but he behaves like he is the love-child of Arnold and Zane. Plus, if he stays that lean year-round - you know what's up.
Gay retards unite
I personally use Silian Rail.
I'd love to show it to you but I have to go return some videotapes.
Remind me on Friday at Dorcia
Every other week is an Ethan video of him making fun of someone else. Makes fun of these prank videos saying they lack content or are stupid. Next week he comes out with another video where he puts on 100 hats and walks around for 10 minutes
Why do people watch this guy
The dude was jelly and salty af, but Connor's videos ate pretty dumb.
Idubbz does the samething h3h3 does. What makes him different?
idubbz seems like a decent guy irl. He has a lot of friends in the community, he just made a video with the vsauce guy for example. h3h3 literally has no friends.
Ethan and Ian have made like 5 videos together and he was just on his podcast.

Also Ethan has a huge amount of fans and supporters, to the point that he got enough donations to pay his court fees for when that fuck sued him.

Kekking at all the insecure fags in this thread getting ass blasted because this Jew is poking fun at some beach fluff narcissists.
conor commented kek
Isnt Connor Murphy a math major? He probably has a better grasp of Calculus and all of that shit than H3H3 and his legion of 12 year old neckbeard fans who can't even do simple math. Connor Murphy is book smart and fit. He is having fun with his videos (though a bit cringy). But Connor seems pretty well adjusted.

IDubbz is awesome. FilthyFrank too. I don't understand the hype behind H3H3, I think his videos have went downhill since Vape Nation and his legion of teenage/preteen fans started joining in (which are also fans of iddubbz and ff).
I don't see the humor in FilthyFrank

Saw one video and was confused as hell how people find him funny.

I find Frank funny because his videos are super absurd which I guess is my type of humour and apparently 12 year old /b/tards. FilthyFrank seems like a cool person irl,tho. When he is in jojimode. He makes good music too.

Idubbbz and h3h3 are just edgy knockoffs of filthy frank. Filthyfrank himself isn't very funny when he speaks, the funny stuff is when he doe's weird things like feed rats to a midget or ask people taking a shit in malls to give him a medal for being vegan. When he's just straight talking he's not funny to anyone that isn't super new and amazed by edgy jokes. Unfortunately most people lack the balls, friends, resources or ability to execute the weird shit he does so they make edgy "Internet jokes" and think they're comedy geniuses. It's apparent when the fan base is made up of kids that spend way too much time online, using instagram or other forms of social media to feel cool. These kids become obsessed with imitating the appearance of their favourite famous people but this is part for the course. Because they so badly want the lives of the kids that are "cool" in their high school they become cheap imitations of anyone they think is cool, it's been happening since the start of modern western civilization.

Lmao. Their fanbases are super super cringy. Before I graduated HS, there was always annoying ass 10th Graders who would say the shit Filthy Frank says IRL. They were saying memes irl. They were smelly dyel unhygienic weeaboo fags too. One of them got suspended for putting a rat in someone lunch tray. True story by the way. Part of me hates filthy frank because of his annoying fanbase.
both ethan and connor are fags

what's so hard to understand
Yea basically, the majority of normal people either don't know about this crap or share your opinion

H3H3 made a podcast with vsauce too lmao.
They're self-aware at least. I find them entertaining, it's a guy having fun being over the top with a bit of tongue in cheek.

H3H3 is clearly insecure again but the dude is also not above criticism.
Ethan has so much money, why doesn't he have someone to get discipline from? He can hire anyone. If you're rich, there is so much less reason to not be a sick cunt.

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