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CBT: I'm actually 4'11 edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 272
Thread images: 88

6'0 153
All are 1rm
Bench: 265
Ohp: 155 prob more like 135 after cutting
Squat: lmao
DL: lmao
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looking good. pls do legs, i don't want you to get hurt
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ayyy it's push out your jaw anon

mirrin jaw. Mirrin' hard physique. Mirrin, mirrin, mirrin dude.

That jaw shit works, people always crab in bucket, mad, they see your body, mad, they see your jaw, mad

you look great.

Lifting 5 months

OHP: I don't care
BP: I don't care
DL: I don't care
Row: I don't care
mirin dude
keep it up
I'll consider it bb

The real secret is chewing gum all day. Not ice breakers tho cus too soft


Fat ugly dyel poor anon SO MAD.

>wahh wahh I dyel as fuck
>wahha wahh I ugly

b-but a photo of your face! Btfo!


I'm on that mastic bby.

You can actually make icebreakers hard as fucking mastic, not meming.

What I did before the mastic came in the mail is leave it on the sink for like 5 mins, and run water over it, it gets like a rock.



nice estats
Nice dick.
Your body looks fine but your jaw makes you look like an ayy lmao. That's not a positive thing.
6'0 153 with this body means you have no legs, right?

Nice body so good you can't post it in CBT LAMO.

>fat 12 year old "powerlifter" mad as fuck OP stronger than him at 9% bodyfat than he is at 50%

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>OHP: I don't care
>BP: I don't care
>DL: I don't care
>Row: I don't care
you have issues.
Mastic. Ima google

Yeah my facial structure has always been weird, compensate with angles and shit xd
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your jaw looks good, they are mirrin'

Whenever someone talk shit, you know that they mirrin'


I am not a powerlifter, therefore, my goal is not to stronger, but simply, to get larger and have better proportions
6'3 1.5 yrs
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b280 s360 d420
>lives in a house without sheets on the bed

What are you some fucking poor nigger?
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6ft 160lbs

bp: 67,5kg x 5
ohp : 45kg x 5
squat : 85kg x 3
Diddly : 145 x 2


Ever consider he might wash his sheets?

Nah, this idea never occurred to you, because you live in your own filth like the animal you are.


on a bro split A chest, bis and tris. B back and shoulders. C legs. Two done twice a week, one once then on the next week whatever was done only once in the previous is done twice now etc. Don't know if that makes sense.
I also swim and play wapo so a lot of cardio in practice.

Sunday is laundry day fagget. Don't tell me you don't wash your sheets.

>looks AMAZING


Cardio kills gains!

Hey, what is your diet like?

Mine is

>chips ahoy
>french fries

Your diet is similar I assume?
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>only wash my sheets when gf flies over
>she hasnt been here in a month
>have a pimple on forehead from month old pillow case
boy do I feel disgusting
>having a long distance gf
LMFAO, you're really content with sex once a month? LMFAO

what's up with your jaw, it's at a super weird angle and looks too small for your face...

other than that look pretty good
you have to be 18 to post here
Do you at least substitute squat and dead with something?
Yes. More benching and curls
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Yeah, fucking your sister x failure, she really helping him with hip drive
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>failing during sex
Up your game bucko. My sister deserves better
Forgot to deliberate. Until she fails
Can you please start using a name or a trip so I can hide you?
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'Can I have more pictures of you' You asked?

Since you insist!


>. My sister deserves better

I paid her every penny she asked for on backpage, a deal is a deal
wait there's a way to hide tripfags?
are you trying to make a meme of yourself
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6'0 - 80-82kg
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alex when are you going to get into gay porn you stupid twink
>tfw cabin fever

balcony should be fixed this week, been under construction since november, no pics from out there since August probably.
How do you manage to strike the exact same pose and location every time? Also there isn't much of a difference between those 4 pics apart from veins so I don't see what's the point.

Looking good regardless.
If you're gonna be a slut, go full out and post nudes.
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2.5 years lifting
2.5 years wasted

Taken from laptop webcam, it snaps all 4 pics in sequence. Useful for cropping out the best pic if you're that neurotic, but honestly i'm just lazy and usually post the whole 4-up. Here's different location/full phys just 4u though.
do you ever get grossed out by your own veins?
one day ill post here
for now i mire
my forearms are identical, you give me hope anon.
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5'11 175 lbs

/Track runner that DL more than you mode/

Diddy: 475
Sqwat: 350 atg
Ohp lmao: 150
Bench LMAO: 195
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Hey motherfucker I recognize that fucking place
Can't beat $10 a month
Deerfield plaza?
You are /kickmyassinthe400m/ mode. Except you aren't black
Nudes pls!
I'd post my physique if I wasn't actually 4'11" :^(
We'll im in omaha

They can get pretty crazy, but actually pretty useful for gauging where my bodyfat is at. When the pelvic veins disappear, time to wrap up the bulk.
hopefully not as bad on his face.
And 185lbs, 4got that part. Bulked 2 hard, now just fat
>ribs sticking out
How the fuck do you get rid of this? It still shows even on a bulk.
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Does anyone see much of a difference? Running ultimate diet 2.0
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sadly broke up with model qt girl last week, workouts have been better since then.
realizing she was a negative influence in my life as hot as she was. not i got the confidence of being able to be with the hottest chick i could find,
and a better body going back into dating.
you are so oddly sexy.
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Anon, I'm sorry to say the doctor put the vagina in the wrong place
Have you seen a vagina before?
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6'0 178
..n-no :/
Alex if I ever see you in real life Im going to knock you the fuck out, one punch

I'll say 'thats for /fraud/' and not a goddamn person around will understand it or step in

I swear, one punch.
he took the bogpill
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Do I at least look like I lift yet?
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fat "im going to cut soon i swear" guy here. I just Can't take the pressure of the thought of losing strength and having to diet at the same time.


Lose some weight you will actually feel like a better person
traps shoulders and tris u'll be lookin pretty good
Losing strength isn't a big deal if you look at it as a time to focus on other aspects of your lifting like mobility. For example, I'm four weeks coming off a back strain and the recent attention I've put into learning exercises like the Snatch and Overhead Squat while letting the muscles heal has dramatically improved my mobility and satisfaction. My bench and squat are going to be much better from this time I've spent going moderate to light and focusing on my spinal alignment/body movement.

Lift for your health, not your ego.
additional word of warning: dont fall for the ss meme unless you seriously want to be a powerlifter who looks like a couch
Also, if he cuts right he's not going to lose a significant amount of strength (hell, its entirely possible to hit PRs while dropping weight).
got a little leaner grew some hair and a little muscle pretty good for a month or two
you've got a good base soon all the qts will mire
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300 x 5 squat
315 x5 deadlift
140 x 5 press

Not worth mentioning other lifts
Fucking kekd
>2.5 years
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Hello fit this is my 1-year progress picture, how do you think I am doing?
Any tips or help?
My diet is IIFYM and my routine has changed around a couple times but for now (because of school and work) I'm doing Blaha's ice cream fitness.
My plan for this new year was to bulk for these first 3 months, cut in the proceeding 3, then maintain for one and figure it out from there. I've used calipers and a measuring machine at my gym. My body fat is 15% and I am 5'4".
Should I continue the bulk or just cut more?I am a novice please help me in any way you can. Thank-you.
sry no advice but lookin good, keep it up
your hairs sick. can I get a proper shot of it? also what's with the nail polish or whatever it is.
People will tell you to bulk but I'd be aiming for eating at maintenance and "recomposition". If you bulk, you're going to look fat for a long period of time and that's not really motivating.
Try to keep your weight stable for a while, increase your lifts and reduce fat.
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Can i get a bodyfat estimate?

Wtf with this tatoo and this nipple piercing get a t-shirt man
already got one. bodyfat?
weight and height ?
5'7 156 pounds

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Hey /fit. I have been losing weight for quite some time ( so far from 120 kg to 81kg), I always had enough time, but now I want to do some more until summer comes. Pic related is me right now.

My first question is, my scale estimates around 19%BF, do you think that it is accurate estimate? If not, what percentage is it?

Secondly. My goal is to lose from 19%BF( assuming that is the real value), to 11-12% BF and have a weight around 72-73 kg( lose around 8 more kg). How fast can I achieve that, assuming that I will put a real effort in the matter? I think that I can handle some fasting if needed.
Current Height: Emperor of manlets (5´11)
Current Weight: 81kg

I do 3-4x lifting a week (started quite recently so I am DYEL)
2-3x cardio
1x rest

Many Thanks

Stop doing bulk you have fat to eliminate, loose that belly and start lean bulk man, stay on cut now ;)
nice nips
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Pls stop. You will notice that the only guys that manage to stay lean when bulking are the ones with real diets or the ones that run DNP 10 times a year

>blaha routine

Stop. IIFYM and blaha routine? I am surprised you are as lean as you are and not a blimp.

I would say you should cut but in general you should get on a real routine, if you see 3x5 or 5x5 you're getting meme'd hard.

If your nutrition consists of chips ahoy and cheetos you are memeing yourself.

I would say cut, start eating real food, and do a split.


U look (maybe a little worse than) my 'never been in a gym or played a sport ever in my life' pics, and my skin is sort of not stretched very tight around my body at all.

So beware about the long term implications of what you are doing


T. Roleplaying 12 year old

I made a new years resolution to lose weight. Was 5'11 and 220 pounds. This afternoon I weighed myself and was 210 pounds.
It feels pretty nice to see that number go down even if it doesn't show and is probably water weight.
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165 bench (killme)
265 squat
365 dead
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5'8 - 7 months lifting

bp 80kg x 5

ohp 40kg x 5

squat 90kg x 5

dl 110kg x 5

Whered u get them jeans bro
Bench is pretty low compared to rest.
1 paper cut away from death
quit planet fitness
Yes, you have more hair now.
Don't talk shit if you look like shit
Calm down burger, no need to burst a vein.

Gotta disagree on IIFYM. It's worked great for my 3 years of lifting and is the only way I can imagine having a decent social life whilst maintaining this lifestyle. Several times a week I drink with my gf, go out with friends and eat burgers, pizza, desserts, fries, anything I want so long as I hit my protein and calories every day. It's as simple as planning out your day and tracking your intake. Eat bro shit for breakfast and lunch so you have 1,000-1,500 calories to blow in the evening, make it work for your life. Or go insane eating chicken breast rice and broccoli for the rest of your lifting life. Good luck sustaining that.

>paper cut away from death

Damn what happened to the days when people mired vascularity?!? Don't worry I work in a paperless office though.
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>once a month?

h-haha once a month what a loser

>, make it work for your life. Or go insane eating chicken breast rice and broccoli for the rest of your lifting life. Good luck sustaining that.

That's not a problem because I know how to cook and I can cook chicken breast that is juicer and more tender than anything you can cook with any ingredients desu <3

Uh, it's hard to argue when your physique is clearly and obviously miles superior to mine.

So my rebuttal is going to be 'your fantastic physique would be even better had you not IIFYM'

I dunno, I'm grasping at straws, but whatever.

Micronutrients or some shit right?

Even if we want to just talk basics, most guys are gonna have trouble not feeling hungry even bulking when their diet is ice cream and mcdoubles, because you blow through your calorie limit very quickly

I dunno it's hard to argue with your physique, but 99.99999% of IIFYM people do not look anything like you

Maybe that's because it's not so good?

I'll defer because of your physique, but man, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno
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5'10 200lbs.
Gonna start tapering down the calorie intake now

Depends, I got stronger while starving myself and not training for strength.

But that's because I was weak, so I made neurological strength gains (the ones with zero correlation to dexascannable scannable lean mass or physique PS lurking new year idiot that likes to call people out for 'estate' because you would be 'bigger' if you deadedlifted X number or benched Y number)

Depends how strong he is.

Does he deadlift 900lbs? He will make some strength.

If he deadlifts 300,200, whatever pounds then he will get stronger cutting yeah

He's a strength athlete, so I assume he's strong, and will lose strength.

If he is strong he will lose strength*


If you are untrained it's totally possible to get stronger cutting, even cutting at -1000 .

He looks like he has been powerlifting for quite some time so he most assuredly will lose strength, which understandably is troubling for a powerlifter
where you from mang
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Knowing how to cook should enable you to better run IIFYM, not make the best out of a limited brodiet.

Example, every day for huge breakfast: 12x Chocolate Salted Muffins = 60+g protein @ 770 calories. Yes I eat 12 whole muffins for breakfast every day.

You have to learn to alter traditionally unhealthy recipes. Knowing that plain greek yogurt is practically 100% protein and can be used as the moisture agent in baked goods instead of butter/oil, for example. Cutting 1/3 to 1/4 of flour in any recipe and subbing in a scoop of whey protein is usually unnoticeable but gives you 20g+ protein instead of carbs. Using carton egg whites instead of whole eggs saves on fat calories and bakes almost the same. Stevia instead of sugar.

I eat baked goods (muffins, cookies, cheesecakes, etc) every day, altering the recipes to fit my macros. I used to post up my recipes here but haven't done that much this year.
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Sample lunch every day. Entire Large BBQ Chicken Flatbread Pizza, 538 calories 77g protein.

Sugar free bbq sauce.
P28 Flatbread
Fat free mozz/cheddar
Shredded chicken breast
Fresh veggies (onion and pepperoncini)
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173/74 kilos
s: 180 kilos
b: 130
d: 180

Trying to bulk up for 83 weight class.
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Sample lunch/dinner, 4x large bbq chicken tacos. 484 calories for 72g protein. Seriously, stop using shit ingredients, make better substitutions and you'll see your calories go muuuch further, and you don't even have to try and hit protein goals, you'll overkill them without trying. I hit 200g protein pretty much every day while eating this delicious stuff, yet zero protein shakes consumed in several years.

Shredded chicken breast tossed in sugar free bbq sauce.
2x FlatOut Protein Wraps (cut in half = 4 taco shells)
Plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream (if you haven't tried this, trust me)
Fat free shredded cheddar

All of my meals are at most 800 calories yet large in volume and very high in protein. The reason people fail at IIFYM is because they don't learn to cook creatively and rely on fast food + protein shakes to hit their macro's every day, which means small portions (due to high fat in fast food), which you can only do for so long before you start needing larger meals to feel satiated. But you can't eat larger fast food meals, so the plan begins to break down because there's nowhere left to cut calories.

In summary, run IIFYM but do it at HOME, lookup The Protein Chef on youtube (saved my life), and fit in the alchohol/dining out stuff a few times a week so long as you ate mindfully the other meals of the day.
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I don't know if this even really an argument for IIFYM though.

This is mostly just you counting macro and eating real food desu

It's chicken, vegtables, cheese, and flatbread dude.

That seems pretty good in terms of micronutrients.

When I say IIFYM, I am referring more to this shit

Where are the nutrients etc,

I dunno, when I hear IIFYM, I assume that the guy's nutrition is just like bags of cheetos for carbs and coca cola and mcdoubles for protien but he fit his macro nutrient split, so it's fine

Obviously you're not gonna magically transform into a skinnyfat dyel if you eat at mcdonalds one time but if you are trying to body build on a diet of cheetos I just honestly do not see it going well for you, desu.

There is a poster in fraud who claims he eats "80% of his meals at taco bell lol" and i mean yeah, he looks very good.

But their nutrient partionining is better, and I bet even he would look better if he wasn't bodybuilding on taco bell

People see advice from guys on tren and T3 and shit that 'I eat whatever and look great' and man, no, you will not look like them on cheetos, lol.

A lot of NYR people are in CBT and this is the only thread on the board for people to talk about training for bodybuilding, so forgive my ramblings, maybe someone eating cheetos RIGHT NOW thinking they will make gains will reconsider
>Stevia instead of sugar.
I knew tripfags were bad but christ

Sucralose > Aspartame > Saccharin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stevia
Lifts in KG i take it?

Good lifts, but weak DL in comparison to squat.
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yeah bro this is NOT iifym in the jason blaha traditional sense and that is WHY you DONT look like jason balaha

care to back that up with ANY reasoning/logic/research?
>talking about health in relation to artificial sweeteners
I'm talking taste alone nigger, stevia tastes like ass
oh, must be a person-by-person thing. I use stevia in my coffee, tea, low-carb desserts etc. and i don't mind the taste at all
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Short arms, long legs, weak back, thats it. Also, I cant sumo dl and pull only conventional and my ROM is fucking depressing.

It's IIFYM in that you eat 2 of these large delicious but healthy meals (see: NOT chicken breast and rice, or eggs and oatmeal, or tilapia and sweet potatos, etc), you've already hit 140g of protein for the day, and you STILL have 1,000 calories for a third meal to eat literally anything you want for the remainder of the day. Yes, that means CHEETOS, or ICE CREAM, or a burger at Five Guys, or whatever.

The point being you can do that literally every day, a combination of eating out/junk and cooking intelligently and hit your macros/calories with ease.

To think you have to eat brodiet every meal is the ultimate meme and why 99% of people fail at dieting.

Blaha's advice on IIFYM isn't worth shit because his "results" are obviously not the results most people want. People want IIFYM + a good physique, not IIFYM for the sake of being strong at 35% BF.
you're fat af my man, you wont lose much strength for several weeks into your cut if you do things right. you have a lot of extra energy stored on you
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I bought a giant pouch because I thought it would be good, I think I used it once.

The portions aren't right, it's too fluffy, it's hard to gauge how much you need because it's not as sweet and after all that it still tastes funny.

I'll stick to yellow cancer, thanks.
Worst fit poster of all time? Probably

So what percentage of your meals look like this >>40285104

and what percentage of your meals would you say are cheetos and coca cola or heavily processed to the shit hilt and other shit with 0 nutrients in it.

I am just legitimately curious


First of all, it seems he is eating real food with micro nutrients in it, a typical bodybuilding diet.

Look at what he's actually eating.

2. No matter how good his physique, I always have my argument 'you would look 1% bigger if you had not been eating cheetos'

I simply refuse to believe that you can make the same gains substituting sweet potatoes with cheetos

I dunno, it's like my religion, eat real food, make more gains, I won't forsake it
Lifts, nice legs and back, idk about chest tho
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still fat but i've come a long way, I started at almost 340 pounds originally.
Keep it up dude I was in a similar position (~300) and I'm closing in on 190. I feel so much better
Thanks, I feel a lot better too I'm just anxious to reach a weight where my body wont change so much so I can buy some nice clothes.
I still haven't reached that point, and I doubt you'll be happy with the way you look when you hit 190.

I know the clothes struggle is real, I own maybe two outfits that fit right now but the alternative is wasting money on something that will look way too big on me when I get to where I want to be.
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Yeah I don't know maybe, i'm 6'1 so 190 should be appropriate for my height but we'll see.
I'm 6' and I would never be seen anywhere near a beach right now.

I thought the same thing when I started "maybe 180" and now that I'm within reach I see I should've been aiming like 150.
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5'11 200

Bench: 215
Squat: 310
DL: 365
>So what percentage of your meals look like this

70% or so. Which is more than you need to fulfill your calorie, macro AND micro nutrient needs. You shouldn't NEED every last calorie of the day in order to fulfill your nutrient goals. That's the point. Not EVERY meal EVERY day needs to be that packed. It's like saying "but if I went up to 300g of protein instead of 200g, surely I'd make even more gains". It doesn't work that way. You don't get bonus gains for needless extra nutrients, they literally CAN'T be absorbed by the body in time and end up converted to waste. This is why I take 2 multivitamins a day. That's optimal. Taking five wouldn't be. If your diet is on point & you hit all your needs while having 400 calories to spare, yes, eat a fucking bag a cheetos because they taste good and there will NOT be a negative impact IF THEY FIT within your macros.

Fiber is another example. Hit 40g a day & that's perfect for a healthy digestive system. Hitting 80g per day will NOT give you an EVEN BETTER digestive system. Same with protein. Same with most vitamins.

>No matter how good his physique, I always have my argument 'you would look 1% bigger if you had not been eating cheetos'

Think of if this way...IF this were true, IF I could look 1% better right now if I ate 100% brodiet every day of the year for the last 3 years...how many times would I have had to skipped out on birthday parties? Work lunches? Dates with qt's? Grandma's home cooking? Fun nights out drinking with family and friends? Drunk sex with gf? Answer: 1000's of fun enjoyable occasions missed. All of these occasions RELIEVE stress mind you, decreasing cortisol levels making me happier & in a better hormonal state to make gains. Don't let lifting/dieting run your life. I understand the first year or so you feel super amped & want to do everything perfect, but when you loosen up it becomes a lot easier & you'll see even better gains.

sorry to tldr fitfam
Alex, you are absolutely right about many things and I assume your health is in good order due to your diet, but you need to stop acting as though your word is law and consider being a friendlier poster.

>word is law

I am 170lbs with 14" arms, u can check my photos and see for yourself.

Only thing I know is obvious shit like 'don't do SS expecting to look good' and 'size=/= strength' so I will open my dyel mouth and spew it at anyone that will listen

Because I am personally offended that people would offer advice like this to anons that want to have a good physique.

Really, it's a very mean and petty thing to do to someone else, to convince them to go into the gym and do starting strength when their goal is NOT to be a powerlifter.

You think I'm not friendly, but all I want is to steer people on a good course like was done for me when I started posting here.

When I started posting here I was given advice from trips that really helped me, so ofc, I will spew that advice at people, maybe I can help someone


> All of these occasions RELIEVE stress

Again, depends on the person, balcony, I am more autistic than anyone on this site, I don't like any of that shit, friends, normies, etc,

What decreases my cortisol levels is shitposting 'SS + Pizza stay dyel forever!' in random threads

It legit makes me happy.

>Tinder dates with QTs

I go on them for the sole purpose of posting the screen caps of roleplay and shit at the sadcunt r9k retards that infest and plague this board, it infuriates them that not every is a perma virgin, their tears and rage make me happy af, hormone levels, right.

Everyone has different stuff that makes them happy.

>. Don't let lifting/dieting run your life.

Back to autism, I actually ENJOY watching macros and eating the same shit,

Like I said, bodybuilding is a hobby to me.

I enjoy all aspects, not just lifting.

>sorry to tldr

Sorry for the wall of text.

Don't be sorry, I always enjoy talking to you, you are a great dude,

You are the reason I am actually eating now instead of cutting myself to 150lbs to look 'shredded' , so thanks.
>14" arms
I am about as DYEL as it gets and I also have 14"
arms, I just do dumbbell exercises with 20s, I've never benched or done any barbell stuff in my life.

Is that supposed to be even remotely impressive?
mirin, you've got some great progress I remember seeing you long ago. What routine do you run? Are you on a cycle or completely natty?
Whats your hate boner for strength training?

I do not think SS is great but i find your way of training less effective too, i like strength training with a lot of volume and frequency.

Strength training does not make you fat, poor diet does.
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3 year progress pics. Pls no bully
pls be in Seattle
dope progress
Let's see the booty
>actually wears his dog tags

you're probably in the fucking air force too

I usually get comments about my big arms from normies lol and I just measured them for the first time ever and they were 15 inches. Haven't been training for couple days and feeling depleted so this is about as small as they can be.

Pic related is 15 inch arms aswell. Not sure how big of a difference 1 inch makes but if you are deal and have 14 inches fatceps I guess I can see where you are coming from.

Is that 20s lbs btw? Cause I do my curls with 20kg dumbbells which is 45lbs
>hey guys a STARTING ROUTINE isn't optimal if you've lifted FOR YEARS
holy shit no way you fucking retarded pieces of shits

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This is /fit/ syndrome, or as you admit a degree of autism. It's like treating lifting like farming in an RPG that you can maximize returns per hour on. The problem is there's an infinite amount of productive things you "could" do that you'll never have the means to do. Me, for example...

I could look 5% better if I did more cardio.
I could look 4% better if I isolated abs.
I could look 10% better if I trained at home instead of my homegym.
I could look 3% better if I never ate out and didn't drink.
I could look 2.5% better if supplemented with every single sup out there from L-Arginine to Zinc.
I could look 1% better if I got an exact 8 hours of sleep every night.
I could look 5% better if I never encountered personal stress from work/family/romantic relationships.
I could look better if...on and on and and on.

I knowingly forfeit a lot of these potentials for living a *sustainable* life that allows me to have other hobbies and good relationships, and a solid career. You will never be able to achieve maximum potential, it's impossible, and the harder you try to do it all the less fun the whole thing seems. it will become more stress than it's worth.

It's awesome that you have the drive and attention to detail that you do, I'd never say that's a bad thing. But I can assure you that in the long run (multiple years) compromises will have to be made and in doing so you'll start to see how little a difference the minutiae makes.

pic related - year 1 progress when I was still autistically tracking everything I possibly could, practically killing myself mentally and physically.
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>I usually get comments about my big arms

Was a response to >>40285933 my fault for posting between sets.


ABCABCX routine. Natty. Posted up my routine a while back: //desuarchive.org/fit/thread/37784837/#q37788515
Yeah they're 20lb, I wanted to get 25s to start with but they were like twice as expensive as the 20s. Admittedly the exercises have become a lot easier, I can pump out easy sets of 20 with them and I kind of wish I had some 40s but I'm too broke to afford lifts.

I have a higher bf% than you do, but I don't see a large enough amount of fat on my arms to influence a measurement that much. Muscle size is less important than definition anyway
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Apparently the archive doesn't keep images saved, learned something new today.
can't load images, I especially want to know delts routine. Mine are lagging behind pretty hard

the point is that 14" is not even remotely approaching impressive

>14" arms

U don't say?


>Strength training does not make you fat

Doesn't make you fat, it makes you strong.

What it doesn't do is give you significant increases in the levels of lean mass in your body

There simply is not nearly even close to enough volume in the routine to tear the muscles in your body badly enough for any real growth to occur.

How can people even think that they can go to the gym 3 times a week, do 9 sets, leave, and they are gonna look like a bodybuilder lamo?

The hate for SS is because

>People on /fit/ un-ironically recommend the routine to a novice bodybuidler

Which is just hilarious, a bodbuilder should do starting strength, yep, yep.


It's not optimal for fucking anyone other than an aspiring power lifter who it is optimal for.

>calling me retarded
>because I tell people that want to get strong to do a strength routine

U can't make this shit up lamo


>pic related - year 1 progress looking fucking amazing and better than 99.99% of this board could achieve in 10 years

You tried really hard and did amazing, mirrin.

> it will become more stress than it's worth.

So I'm still at the point where It's not stress full for me at all, I actually like trying this hard.

Because then I can tell myself that

>I care about my hobby
>I did everything I could

>and good relationships

I'm not capable of that desu, I dunno, I am too possessive and controlling with women.

I have a GF now, but she is as insecure and easily manipulated as any woman would have to be to put up with my insane requests and demands.

So that's moot point.


I already made what I need for the life I want, I just maintain my business (as you can see from anon's shitposts I wholesale laptops to computer stores and ebay) as a hobby desu.

Sorry wall of text balcony, just consider you a friend at this point.
are you the same dyel retard who posts his shit in every single one of these threads? yes if you want to be a bodybuilder it's extremely beneficial to grow basic strength first. You aren't on SS for years, you literally go some months to get basic strength then you can choose what to do from there. You do realize that you can do accessories too while at it. Get the fuck out you fucking twink manlet
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It's all good holmes, I like seeing some names/faces stick around here. Take lots of progress pics with timestamps, I always get a lot of motivation looking at my old pics, or just comparisons of this february versus last february, what I looked like at the same weight but different years bulks vs cuts, etc.

>it's beneficial to waste 6 months you could be trying to increase the levels of lean mass in your body simply making irrelevant neurological strength gains

PS: post your body, it's CBT.

always the guy with NO PICTURE that argues with BASIC ADVICE.

I wasted TWO WEEKS of my life on mark rippletit's nonsense bullshit before I did RESEARCH and LEARNED how to TRAIN.


I look at my untrained photo, just 5 months ago, and It makes me feel fucking sick lol, I can't even believe I looked like that.

If that doesn't motivate you, I don't know what does.

Hey, speaking of motivation, I get a lot of motivation looking at your CURRENT pics.

<3 <3
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5'8 (6'2 online)
>I tired 2 weeks and it didn't work moooooooom!
feel free to stop posting any time you humongous retarded dyel fuck
5 rep stats and routine?
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>It's not optimal for fucking anyone other than an aspiring power lifter
You do know some people actually play sports on the fitness board, right?

Ok I'm dyel (unironically I am) post a photo looking better than a dyel then retard

>he can't

Sure goes to show.

>didn't work in two weeks

Wouldn't work in two years. I realize this because I spent some time reasearchijg some basic shit, that you never bothered to do.

Stay dyel forever, Mirrin pizza + starting strength.

Ps: beat my photos
there's no point in anyone posting their photos because you have managed to convince yourself that veins and striations actually look good on someone with no LBM. It doesn't look good, it doesn't look fit, it just looks disgusting. No matter how many people tell you you look like shit you refuse to listen. You actually look worse than a dyel, because a dyel actually looks like a human and not a ghoul.
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Asian 175lbs trying to bulk, lats look small from the front but how's my back doing?

>angry wall of text

If your fat powerlifter retarded ass cut you would realize that you have zero lean mass and your entire body composition is fat.

But no, because you're so fucking fat, you actually can have some delusions about how much muscle is on your jello marshmellow looking body

Go back to /plg/ where they will tell you that you are """ripped"" and """huge""" because you are 5,2" 900lbs and have a strong neurological system (daily reminder no correlation to levels of lean mass retard)

lol keep rationalizing uggo

80 pound squat wererat lookin ass
BP 315x5
Squat 355x5
DL 475x2

doing a 3on 1off split atm


I'm pretty inconsistent with what exercises I actually do. I usually just have a few staples (BP,squat,etc) and then I'll do 3-5 accessory exercises depending on what is available and how much time I have. Especially true when i go to school gym cause its always crazy packed

Looks good, if you really want to bring out the lines in photos and such try to youtube proper posing for the back double bi pose. Arms up higher and fists pulled back to showcase bicep peak. Upper back leaned closer to subject (mirror, camera, audience, whatever). One leg behind the other. Hardest part is trying to pinch shoulder blades to bring out rhomboids/traps whilst simultaneously spreading lats. Obviously much easier to hit when standing in front of a camera than trying to hold a phone.
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You ever consider I simply care about the levels of lean mass on my body retard? Not quarter squatting some autistic number of plates?

Don't make me dump my fucking tinder shit lmfao

I don't want people to think I'm lifting for girls because frankly I am not.

But your dumb ass seems to think girls like obese powerlifters so...





Guess what? If I wanted to, I could tell people I """deadlifted""" 900 lbs and no one would ever be able to prove me wrong since we can't go to a gym and prove it

But since I don't look like a marshmellow peice of shit people actually will believe it
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Ps: post your body

I know who you are too, that retarded fat fuck with 35% bodyfat who thinks he has """loose skin"""

No lamo, loose skin does not fucking have rolls inside it.

I'm sorry you're so insecure with your weight you have to flame lean guys, but your problem can be remedied: eat less food

But I guess if you lost 100lbs and ended up weighing 135 lbs at a reasonable body fat % you wouldn't be able to maintain your delusions would you?
>big strong daddy
>literal twink
it's good your standards are low enough for girls who will humor your LARPing

>You ever consider I simply care about the levels of lean mass on my body retard
then why don't you have any
hooooooly shit bahahhaha

Look at this DUUUUUUUDE

post your body

>then why don't you have any

Where is yours?

Mirrin' delusion

>sit at 99% bodyfat
>25" arms
>measure my biceps
>25" arms
>I'm fucking huge lol
>everyone else is a tiny twink
>weigh self
>lamo those tiny twinks
>thinking everyone wants to be a disgusting twinkshit
why do you keep insisting "bruh these just my goals bruh" then act like everyone has to have the same goals as you? I'll be lean... once I have enough muscle. I don't want to look like you. Sorry!
thx m8. yeah, chest is still catching up.
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If your goal is to gain lean mass then you need to be lean so your hormone profile is at all decent.

If you sit at 95% bodyfat like you are sitting, then it is good for powerlifting, you can lift more weight.

What it is not good for is bodybuilding, as you have no testerone in your body, and estrogen levels through the roof.

This is all basic, basic stuff, basic advice.

I am just handing out basic advice that was handed out to me.

Of course, you will disregard it and keep stuffing your fat face with tendies and shitposting about how because you are 350lbs, you have lots of lean mass

On a more serious note, at your bf %, post cut you will have to deal with loose skin and gyno.

Yet you still are bulking.

I dunno why I posted a serious thought out reply when I should have just shitposted at you, I feel bad desu.

>I don't want to look like you

It is dangerous to look like you, for your health dude, not trying to be rude.

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wow kek
NOTHING is more pathetic than an amateur "bodybuilder." I've got face height frame, what are you compensating for?

also I'm slow cutting rn so not sure what your on about.

Sigh, sigh, sigh anon.

>lso I'm slow cutting rn

I'm glad, good luck with your weight loss.

>compensating for

Not everyone is lifting for girls retard, or I would just maintain my brad pitt twink shit body

If you are lifting for girls srs, evaluate wtf you are doing because I dunno what girls like but it sure isn't formless marshmellow blobs
don't need luck you know as well as I diet is easy as shit. My weight trajectory has been right where I want it since I was 295 at 18.

>you liftin for girls? you liftin for girls brah?
keep projecting. Said a 1000 times I lift for sports. And if not girls, then who are you lifting for? And don't say other cbt trips because that's even more pathetic.
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Fresh OC from todays IIFYM lunch btw, chili dog pizza. 566 calories 66g protein for entire pizza. Or you could have 8 oz chicken breast and a cup of rice. C'mon.
there is no way in hell that whole pizza is 566 calories

> And if not girls, then who are you lifting for?

Myself? Because It's my sport, bodybuilding? Also yeah because trips, that helped me and stuff, wanna show them progress.

Many guys that wander into CBT from r9k are lifting for girls and look like you and want to learn how to look like me so they can impress teenage girls

The only awnser is bodybuilding routine + starve yourself, put on some muscle and lean out.

Stop debating me, or tricking them into doing SS or whatever stupid shit.

> My weight trajectory has been right where I want it since I was 295 at 18.

Well good, congratulations.

Stop being so angsty though, I just read stuff like this

>? I'll be lean... once I have enough muscle.

And it concerns me.

You should lean out already, unless you like need to be obese for rugby, I don't know how it works. But I doubt it.

If your goals are to gain muscle (lean mass) then you for sure 100% should lean out, it will fix your hormone profile,

And you porbally should get on a routine that is designed for gaining lean mass,,,, bodybuilding.

Your goal seems to be bodybuilding "gain muscle" "be lean" but you are doing SS,

Do some research I am not shitposting random claims at you dude,
gonna have to agree here, at a quick google it looks like the bread alone on that thing is going to be 600+
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This is exactly what I'm talking about. Even /fit/ has no idea how to select the right ingredients to make large in size, high protein, yet low calorie meals. So they try retarded fast food version of IIFYM, or brodiet. Both of which almost always fail in the long run because they aren't sustainable due to either unsatisfying taste or small portions leaving you still hungry.
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First off I'm not doing SS, I'm doing a push/pull that is not any more of a PL routine than your upper/lower than you like to pretend is a brosplit. The difference between us you do some 8x10 retarded shit and I do a 3x5 a lot of compounds because that is simply optimal for athleticism and explosiveness.

Sorry I'm going to debate you as long as you say stupid shit like "SS doesn't build muscle" when it clearly does for beginners as long as you're supplementing it with cardio and a clean diet. Then parrot that bullshit around as fact. Will it make you quite as "ripped" as a BB routine? no. Will it make you still look good? Yes, and will probably make you look "stronger" than a BB routine with similar diet for lifters in the novice stage. SS works, the lazy no-cardio shit people do and call SS doesn't.

Also, my hormone profile is just fine thanks. Don't think it's going to be too fucked up at 18-20% after being at 35% my whole life got me 6'5 with a horizontal jawline. 18-20% is pretty standard for locks, though I think I'll settle at 15% just for health.

>And you porbally should get on a routine that is designed for gaining lean mass
Dude you should totally contact the all blacks and the NE patriots! They've been doing it wrong this whole time! For that lean mass you need to be doing a 25x100 pec deck and leg extension routine! Fact is BB gets you slightly more LBM, and way less strength and explosiveness. Not idea for sports. Empty weight slows you down.

>Your goal seems to be bodybuilding "gain muscle" "be lean"
Where did you get that impression? How many times do I have to repeat that my goal is athletic performance? And considering most rugby players look something like this, if I achieve that I won't have to worry about appearance. Oh wait you probably think that looks bad, he doesn't even have any veins or striations... Fat marshmellow!

Don't be mad that want I want just so happens to be what girls want, what you want is.... ew.
Oh boy he counted an entire package of wraps as a single serving, that's 520 calories in the package
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btw mfp can be wrong this is from the p28 website
>artificial sweetener bbq
>fat free mozzarella
...I'll stick to chicken and broccoli thanks
*It's more of a powerlifting routine but not more of a PL split

Honestly not even sure what handicap math he used. As you can see on the screencap, or on their website, the mfp selection is correct. 1 wrap = 1 serving = 260 calories 28g protein.

It's no wonder dieting is so hard for some people. Jesus christ.
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>18 burgerbucks for 4 wraps
chicken please
3 years wasted
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>Don't be mad that want I want just so happens to be what girls want,

Why would I be mad? What we want is different things, but you seem confused about what women want.

They want tiny little twinks with stirated obliques, you would not believe the ammount of mires and attention from women I recieve.

The more important thing is 'who cares what women want?'

Why do you even care?

Do you really need to really on your physique to get women?

Then something is very wrong with you.

Can it with this lifting for girls bullshit.

>u slightly more LBM,

"'"slightly more"""

ALright d00d.

>Also, my hormone profile is just fine thanks.


>football players

All roiding for this dyels, because roid and don't do bodybuilding, look so small that even people on /fit/ don't realize they are on gear.

You just need to realize that

>different routines, different goals

End of story, really, just do the best routine for your goals.

Anyways you were asking about goal body


> And considering most rugby players look something like this,

All that really matters is what YOU look like, and are you happy with it?

I haven't reached my goal body yet, so I still want to grow, to get bigger and more shredded than ever before

>How many times do I have to repeat that my goal is athletic performance?

Then stop memeing me about your LBM and your girls and shit, meme me about your athletic performance
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Being manlet makes lifting so rewarding. I can't wait to run low test in a few years.
5'7 175lbs, 3 years and 4 months training with a bro pizza chicken nugget diet. Goal is to reach 185 lbs by June.
>looks good for pizza n nuggets
>3+1/4 years of lifting
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I don't lift, just do calisthenics and distance running(although I am quitting that and going to just bicycle and focus on gaining mass)

Is this enough to impress 17-18 year old stacies on the beach?
Pecs need work man, but good start

how this doesn't look good? what do you even think you will look like in 3-4 years?

in what universe is that not good

ps: post your body, if you wanna say that is not good, I wanna see what you look like, you must be massive


>pizza nugget diet

You misunderstand, anyone could have that physique on the ice cream and cake diet after 3+ years.

I definitely think he looks good, but the time investment should almost guarantee that.
wow bro, all I said was
>Don't be mad
who said I care? You're just an easy trigger. The projection continues.

>All roiding for this dyels, because roid and don't do bodybuilding, look so small that even people on /fit/ don't realize they are on gear.
For them, "this" is millions of dollars. For you it's a gross unathletic freak body. Can't tell if you're baiting at this point or just genuinely delusional.

>I'm not 20%
rofl. You can see my obliques with my arms down. I'm easily less.
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If you're short, 14" arms at low bodyfat look impressive.

I guarantee you this guys biceps are no bigger than 15" flexed with pump.
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lifting about 1.5 years, started from 0 muscle mass cardiwhore. bw60kg 5'3"
Not even close, the worst is trappy
It depends on BF% really, if you've got a low BF and 14in arms they're probably pretty well built but like 35% and 14in could be 2+ inches of just fat

nice butt, sorry you ruined your body with tattoos
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6'2, 200lbs
thanks man, I think quads lagging behind though, a bit disproportionate?
fucking LUL
you're a mess
work chest

your legs look fine to me but I'm the first one to admit I'm thirsty, maybe a bit of squats
>>>40288811 (You)
>work chest
Thank you!
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I agree. Slow and steady wins the natty race as long as the workout intensity is always high and focused on stimulating fibers via meme hypertrophy stuff. Making sure your body has more than enough nutrients to build muscle is the other component but that's easily accomplished thanks to the availability of nutrient dense food.
>we all make it
>bro split
>hit muscles multiple times a week and additional training through sports
That's not a bro split, that's a 5 day a week lifting plan.
How so?
Yeah I think so, prob bc I fell for the low bar meme

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep cutting then.
Any routines you guys could recommend me?
I can go to the gym every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays because of lab. On Friday I usually have work but I should still be able to spare an hour or two for the gym.
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>That jaw shit works
>when you have bitch weight because you don't train leggs
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Whats it like growing up as a bastard of the Karstarks?
>. You can see my obliques with my arms down.

>. You can see my obliques with my arms down.

>. You can see my obliques with my arms down.

Pls post the photo lololol
when I have time bby
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6'1" ~1.5 years inbetween
Pic is a month old tho
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>work chest
how about now?
keep it up my nigger but that gut looks like it could use an ab wheel and some cruches
you mean how about after you changed the lighting? It's still small sorry just being constructive
ill be hitting the leg lifts and twists hard thx

just fucking with you Lol 2nd is post workout. thx for the advice.
Seriously you should get an ab wheel they're like $12 and not a meme at all
I really like the SL program but I know it needs accessories if I want size. What do you think of this:

Deadlift/OH days:
Lateral raises 3x12
Hammer curls 3x12 (my forearms are small due to genetics)

Bench Press/Barbell row days:
Chest flies 3x12
Bicep Curls 3x12

(obviously shoot for 12 and accept 8 but keep working till I can add weight)

Do I need more accessories or is that good for now?
>hurt the outside of my right wrist doing hammer curls
>can't lift anything with that hand
Well, it's actually not that bad because I had a massive disparity from jerking it so long with my right arm. Taking this chance to even out the biceps
Well you must have been using shit form or heavy ass dumb bells to hurt yourself. I can't imagine that happening under normal conditions.
I was goofing off, got my last rep and let it swing down pretty hard instead of easing it down, it hit the corner of my desk and rotated my wrist clockwise pulling a tendon. 50s
Mirin' hard fellow manlet brah. I'm 5'7 as well lean bulking now from a ridiculously low 135. Can't wait to get to 150 lean. My bench and chest are garbage, trying hard to build them up but I have slenderman arms.

Water your lifts?
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would look 50% better if you actually trained chest

Trust me if I could go back in time to that first year I would be running the chest routine I am now (>>40277559 >>40277422) from day one .

We all fuck up when we're learning the ropes, it's the /fit/ right of passage.
So sick of seeing this guy in literally every cbt
>Whered u get them jeans bro
they're levi straight leg
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My fat ass is ready. Give me your worst. One good cut and ill look good, i hope.
Fuck off alex
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Witch jaffar lookin ass
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4 Months.png
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4 months in. I have gained 14lbs since I started and am now at 148lbs. How much longer do I need to bulk, guys?

Squat: 185lbs 3x5
Bench: 175lbs 3x5
are you bulking fat or muscle

stop now and only gain weight through muscle
Is that rhetorical? I was trying to gain weight simply because I only weighed 134lbs. My lifts have gone up every week, but I realize that's likely just noob gains. Should I eat just at maintenance then?
You don't need any extra fat, and that's what bulking is doing for you.

Assuming you're going for aesthetics, if you want numbers then do whatever numbers fags do. Probably gorge on cinnamon rolls or something
i lift for aesthetics, so i would say cut now because you're looking kind of soft. but if you're going for strength go ahead and keep bulking. don't overeat though, if you're lifting for aesthetics and bulking then you should only be eating 200 calories above maintenance at a maximum
You don't think I should wait until I build my strength up first before focusing on aesthetics? I've been shredded before, but was tiny. I wanted to be big first for once in my life.
Okay, been looking forward to cutting as I hate eating anyways. What deficit?
gotta agree with this guy
cut and lift, get your BF% right and gain with a good %, being fat really doesn't help and you're starting to get a gut
Okay, thanks
Fuck off alex
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picture is from 1.5 months ago but whatever. this is 4 months of lifting. dyel as shit, but its better than ive ever been. since then ive put on a little bit more mass and gotten a little fatter. i cant cut to save my life.
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oh, right.

behind neck ohp 135x8 multiple sets, 185x1
paused bench 225x8 multiple sets 315x1
paused back squat 330x10, 440x1
conventional deadlift 440x15
sumo deadlift 600x5
I generally do touch and go deadlifts with a slowed descent and no bounce. webm related
Damn, daddy.
I have seen this photo of you so many times and I just now noticed you have ridiculous elf ears.
Your progress is slow so far. Commit to the cut dude. You're still above 20% body fat.
Fuck off alex
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How am doing? Started bulking in September 2016. Starting lifting august 2015 but started it taking it really seriously in September 2016

Bottom pics - Nov 2016 top - feb 2017
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