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What does a guy who can into 1/2/3/4 plates at 10% BF look

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What does a guy who can into 1/2/3/4 plates at 10% BF look like, /fit/?
i instantly feel like i hate that guy
bit of a silly question anon. Everyone will look different based on how long it took them to get there (time under tension), their frame, height and genetics.
Sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_H_Oxkc9po
Dyel by /fit/ standards if they're over 5'10 to be honest

Sorry I kinda realize that.

What if I am a former lanklet? I am approaching those lifts but my abs are no longer visible so I consider cutting once I reach those lifts or when I stall.
You can look aesthetic with 1/2/3/4 @ 10% bodyfat at 5'7 or less

If you're 6'0+ you're going to need 2/3/4/5 @ 10% for equivalent aesthetics.

Sorry tall fags :(
2/3/4/5 is not a thing. It doesn't scale even close to that.
You mean if they're under 5'10?
aesthtic under 5'7: become a trap

aesthetic for 6'0: good posture and don't be fat

sorry manlets :(
Wearing a fucking snapback in gym, absolutely disgusting

>Typical answer of insecure nogainz lanklets
>aesthetic for 6'0: good posture and don't be fat
yeah and don't lift for that maximum marfan physique
cope harder
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>mfw I OHP 2pl8 for reps
do you even know how strength works? you can be insanely strong and still look like shit. i personally know people who are less than 6' and can bench close to 3pl8 for reps yet look like dyels. if you didn't see them with your own eyes lifting that much you would never believe they could do it.

this might be a bad example as his chest is decent but everything else looks like someone just did some weight training for around a year.

a guy with great internal leverages, a nervous system optimized for lifting heavy weight, and favorable proportions can lift 2/3/4/5 and still look like a casual gymgoer

there's even that guy who benches 410 at 155, and he looks like he lifts casually

there's really no way to tell what you'll look like at those lifts, or even if those lifts are any kind of goal to shoot for for you - some people have almost all of those or all of those right out of the gate if they get some favorable genetics for lifting
I'd show you but I'm probably closer to 12%bf and I'm too lazy right now.

I just hit 1/2/3/4 and I'm 5'7" 160. In a crowd of 100 random people I'm probably the most muscular but at the gym I'm pretty small, but leaner than most other people. Also at my commercial gym I'm lifting as much or more than the majority of guys that are much heavier than me.

tl;dr I look relatively fit but I'd say I have a ways to go before I've 'made' it. I don't think even a NYR would suspect I do steroids.
To clear up that last sentence I don't do steroids.
I'm angry at how strong and small he is.....I'll never make it....
I'm a fatty working my way down from 250lbs at 5'8", i hit 220 but bounced back to 230 for some unknown reason (not the point of this post). I lift and do the basic compounds and some isolation stuff. I put 1/2/3/4 as a goal because I figure that's adequate strength for me and It would make me look aesthetic once I'm done shedding all this fat. That is why I'm also interested in OP's question. Any chance that 1/2/3/4 won't be enough for me?
That's not a snapback.
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Most strong guys in my gym train with very low volume and accessories.
Some of them look like they don't even lift even if they can do 1/2/3/4.
I on the other hand train with very high volume and frequency for a natty and even if I'm just half way to 2/3/4/5 I look nearly as big as the strongest guy in the gym who deadlifts 600lbs at 225lbs bodyweight.
I'm 5'10", 210lbs, ~18% bodyfat, started my cut yesterday(pic related)
Routine is Wendler 5/3/1 + BBB and accessories. I alternate the exercises for 5/3/1 and BBB meaning that when I do OHP for 5/3/1 I do BBB bench.
To answer your question it depends on how much volume you do, the size of your frame(aka genetics) and lightning in whatever room you're taking the picture in.
everyone is different. i'd say overweight people who lift when losing weight usually look much better so there's hope for you.

what you can do is do some hypertrophy sets after your main work sets. 2 sets of 8-15 reps should be enough to grow your muscles.
will do, any other advice you wanna toss my way?
Yeah, it's actually 2/3/5/6
>1/2/3/4 for 5 reps

is this satire? you look like a chubby DYEL
Looks like he never touched a weight in his life lmao
Strength routine not even once
that's what 1/2/3/4 is? i thought it was working sets of those not 5 rep maxes.....I can do that now and I haven't even been lifting for 5 months, this can't be right.
...lmao.. I could do that before I'd stepped into the gym for the first time in my life...just played some sports and had home made meals..
convinced that 1/2/3/4 club was at least 3x5. am i wrong?
point is, seems like this isn't what is understood as 1/2/3/4
if you can do 1 set then you can do 3 if you rest enough. he probably just filmed one set so the video isn't as long.

That very rapidly stops being true as people get stronger.
yeah but not at those weights for most people unless you didn't do 3-5x5 program and just did 1RMs or some other crazy shit then i'd agree.

if anything at worst he would do 1 rep less on second set and 2 on third.
Literally not a snap back.
This guy literally only benches, I remember when he posted this video.

Just an average guy that looks pretty dyel in clothes
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This is probably closer to 12%
he looks like a typical beta that thinks hes cool
How tall are you?
>former lanklet
did you cut your knees off?
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like this probably
I'm average 5'7
nigger tier deltoids
>Mr. Constipation

Literally nothing wrong with that. If you're not pulling a face, you're not lifting enough. Get the fuck outta there.
How much do you weigh?
>over 5'10" people can't look bulky unless they roid
>under 5'10" people will look bulky even at 60kg
What the fuck do you think, you retarded lanklet piece of shit?
>not pressing 2pl8lmao
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You're fatter then 12% (no offense). 12% should be able to see abs.

Tbh who cares bout bf%. You are either ripped, normal, or fat!
this has to be b8, you can see the gut.
some people don't see their abs even at very low bf% and some still have them above 20
>average 5'7
C,mon son.
this is fucking terrible, cringe central
so which one were you, anon?
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I think I'm in love bros
1/2/3/4 is a small time goal, how about 2/3/4/5?
is 2/3/4/5 the natty limit for most guys?
6'4" or just shy of

Natty limit is weight/height dependent, generally its like halfway through advanced on strengthstandards imo, at an average 180 bw 2 plate press is a little high and 4 plate squat should be low for 1rm.
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2 might be the natty limit for OHP, but I'm natty and have exceeded 4/5.
>tfw you're all of these stereotypes
Feels good to alpha, boys.
Has chest vascularity and fairly visible abs. Unless he's holding a shitton of fat in his legs, that's gonna be somewhere around 12%
Someone should save a picture of his face as a perfect example of someone using a beard in an attempt to hide a shit jaw line.
>And it still not working

Guess I'm forever a lanklet but at least I'm not a skelly anymore is what I'm trying to say
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>67 replies
>2 pics that apply to Ops question
ffs sake
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You must be new here.
>The all about the weights, fuck the form guy
I've seen dozens of people unironically doing lat pulldowns like this.
like me, which is to say, shit
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Guy on the left is above six feet and can do a 425lb dl.

A 1/2/3/4 is fine
What has been your training like until 1/2/3/4?
No, natty limit is closer to 2.5/4/6/7 but that is with years of consistent, intelligent training and dieting.
Sorry, what does 1/2/3/4 mean?
dyel noob here
>over / under grip
>skating shoes

no thanks
how does it scale?
It means you can make the following lifts:
1 plate on each side of the barbell (135 lb) for the overhead press
2 plates (225) for bench press
3 plates (315) for deadlift
4 plates (405) for squat
You're accurate. He couldn't even do that set of 2plate without serious spotting. He isn't 1/2/3/4

t. Dyel constipation weakfag
LIke a non-lifting auschwitz survivor. 1/2/3/4 is completely DYEL tier, wouldn't have any muscle mass. 10 percent bodyfat soooooo probably a scrawny Asian WOW player from like 2006
Ok, tyvm
>~18% bodyfat
Do you mean 28%?
can you tell me what you did wrong, guy?

>Things people who dont lift actually believe


guy on left who just his his pr of a 425 deadlift at the uni gym. Guy on right was brick shithouse but has been on a long cut for about six months so hes been slimming down a lot.
That was me 3 months in to lifting. I'm 485/335/610+ now, 3 years later

crazy. very humbling
Awesome. I just started 531 and BBB with the same alternating scheme -- 531 squat and bbb deadlift ect.

I was lifting low volume and getting really strong. Well beyond 1/2/3/4, but barely look liked I lifted. Excited to see how the added volume effects my appearance.

lookin good anon.
he counted the bar
Mirin Clint in the back.
More like 2/3/5/6
>I'm 5'7" 160
>most muscular
Haha. Get over yourself manlet
1/2/3/4 is literally DYEL

hell even 425pr on deadlift is DYEL. Most guys at my gym who aren't novice high-school students are pulling 5+ plates
I fuckin forgot to do OHP yesterday for shoulders.

Fuck I got distracted, the gym to busy/ fuck. Ill do it today maybe
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I took this on the day I hit 2pl8 bench. Had already done 1pl8 ohp, 3pl8 squat, and 4pl8 deadlift at this point though

I think when I took this I was doing roughly 80/100/140/200 @ 72. Also, pump and flexing
i bench 200lbs for reps and my chest looks like shit cause i have slight gyno and im like 20-23% bf
>aesthetic at 5'7

yeah I probably have slight gyno as well, idk what your point is though. Benching doesn't do a huge amount for big pecs in my experience (but then I bench close grip)
This. For some reason, people can randomly pull like 500lbs even if they look dyel. Just deadlifts though, never met someone who can randomly squat 405.
>Benching doesn't do a huge amount for big pecs in my experience
I found that out too. I dont BB bench anymore.
Dips for strength, DB bench for hypertrophy.
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425 deadlift is babbyweight
You're an idiot. Stop posting. I'm like 15% fat and you can see my abs.
When doing 5/3/1 are you really just adding 5 lbs each cycle? Seems like it would take forever to progress doing 5 lbs a month..
>He thinks being strong and being aesthetic are correlated
good lord that bar speed
Hi newfag
>mixed grip
you will get on to big boy weights some day kiddo
>he thinks he is moving big boy weights
>with a mixed grip
lel just get a pulley system to lift it if you're too much of a baby to do it the right way
correlated is exactly what they are senpai
he's not that small tho, look at the end when he gets up
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i bet u have a sweet collection of ninja weapons
Benedikt Magnusson deadlifted over a ton with a mixed grip.

Do you even lift? Or do you e-stat your way around tnation
What is a "working" set? 3? 5? 20? 100?

The term "working set" doesn't fucking mean anything. Stop using it. Use a real specifier, like 1RM, 5RM, etc.
>That was me 3 months in to lifting
3 months? damn
Had you played sports previously?
What was your program like?
Not him, but you can re-cycle the last or the couple last week of 5/3/1 if you're novice, skipping the first ones. Btw, that's what Jim Wendler himself does for his 5/3/1 for Beginners.
I don't care what some loser did with improper form. proper form is all that matters.
If 1/2/3/4 are your numbers for a working set, meaning, a normal set that you can handle for 5 or 6 reps in a normal workout day for several sets you are very good and you don't look dyel

If 1/2/3/4 is your 1RM max while getting out of periodization after eating a full meal and getting preworkout, you are a dyel

This is for normal people under 6', for lanklets, consider suicide
I mean, adding 5 lbs a month doesn't seem like that much.

I was wondering if people add more weight than that per cycle, or just keep progress at 5 lbs/month
Please video your sick 3pl8 deadlift so we can all ooh and aah over how symmetric your grip is.
Wow, thats a pretty explosive take-off!
that's my 1rm, you made it look like 135
What I mean is that you run a "cycle" in a week, instead of a month, by running only the last one or two weeks of each cycle. This way, you'll add 5lbs weekly or bi-weekly, instead of monthly.
>This is for normal people under 6', for lanklets, consider suicide
well i personally look like shit but i am not 10%
Because the muscle required to lift the same weight looks smaller the taller you are. So a manlet with 1/2/3/4 looks way better than a lanklet with the same stats
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>manlets ever looking better than men above 6 ft
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I think i'm around that bodyfat, with slightly higher numbers. i'm 6'0, 178lbs, 3 years in. I deadlift once a month or less. I squat 3 times a week, bench twice and ohp twice.

ohp 175
bench 305
front squat 335
squat 435
conventional deadlift 405
sumo deadlift 455
1/2/3/4 is pretty much max lifts you will get naturally.... so how do you think you will look?
The real question is how do I acheive these lifts, while also avoiding hemorrhoids?
you look great. are those stats 1rms? seem low for your physical size.
My bis are actually only 12 inches.
how is that possible. i'm 5'4 160lbs, 18% and 12 inch, 14.5 inch flexed. more concerned with getting numbers up than my size atm.
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Here's natty double overhand at 535lbs
Did you look at his chest? It's fucking huge? This dude literally only benches and does some upper body assistance to not end up with horrible posture.
Friendly piece of advice, stop doing clean style pulls with mixed grip. That elbow bending is gonna tear your bicep eventually if you keep this up.
lol btfo
Not really impressive desu. Good enough for the normies, though. Grills will think you're in great shape without coming off as a tryhard as long as you don't tell them how religiously you train

dumbest post in a stupid thread

1. Lots of fat guys can push around those numbers. U think girls gonna think you're in "great shape?" fatty?

2. I am dyel as fuck and I always tell girls that I am seeing that I train for men's physique and that bodybuilding is a hobby of mine and etc and they are impressed that I have a hobby and impressed with the dedication I put in it.

3. Levels of lean mass not equal to your lifts.

How can you not understand that strength gains are nerulogical
Fucker claims 3pl8 squat and barely goes to parallel.
Fat guys that train a lot. I see a ton of very big guys come in and not lift what I warm up with. And I'm a confirmed manlet
not who you replied to but
>What does a guy who can into 1/2/3/4 plates at 10% BF look like, /fit/?
>at 10% BF
point #1 is objectively retarded.
point #2 is just an anecdote. thanks for that.
your last point is somewhat correct. increased neurological connection will result in strength gains until your body is limited by physical muscle mass. this occurs at different rates for different people.

>>40230679 isn't me. My arms are 16.5in.
Doesn't matter how much you squat. You'll always look ridiculous without calves.
Wow, such an alpha.. not so big but he could probably lift my 6"4 115kg ass overhead and throw me. Damn, this is very very humbling.

Also, at 2:30ish the guy goes and spots him without being asked, what a great guy and good gym. This video makes me feel great, thanks for sharing.
This. OHP is the easiest part of 1234, but the hardest part of 2345.
that feel when 5'8"
i hate being a manlet
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HOLY SHIT, that's the World Gym I go to in Vista CA!
Is that off the 78 and sycamore? My in laws lI've by it and I've been thinking about checking it out since I'm down there a lot. 24 hour fag here
and hyperextending
Can I still become a trap if I'm not a manlet?
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My goal body. Nice work.
You look decent anon, so good job. After your cut you'll probs look pretty fucking awesome. How long have you been lifting, though? And what routines throughout that?

Also, ignore the dyels replying to you. If they don't post pics, they're full of shit by default.
How many years is it gonna take me to be able to lift 425 like an empty barbell like
What if, and just hear me out here buddy, what if...you can do a set of 5?

"Working set" doesn't mean shit. How about you use a term like xrm where x is whatever number you're used to?
Jesus christ, I wish you fucktards would leave /fit/ with your shitty meme. Noobs legitimately believe it, and keep propagating it.

I was there in the thread where we made this meme, and it was very, very clearly a joke. How did it turn into this?
Crossfit plates
How does one post videos taken from the phone into webm ?
one ingests activated almonds to do so.
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Beautiful fellow fingol
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