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>go to store to buy food >that same female cashier that

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>go to store to buy food
>that same female cashier that always tries to make small talk
>see her aisle open
>walk around the store until another is open

so annoying
Just lol @ your store not having self checkout
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>when guy at LCBO recognizes me
"hey man i see you here all the time"
I like going to stores where they hire people who don't speak much English.
That way I don't have to talk to them, because they're all Indian.
Having a beautiful cashier who's always there and initiates a nice 2-3 minute conversation with you is half the fun of going to Healthy Planet.

Maria from Toronto: if you're reading this I would gladly sniff and lick your asshole. Thanks for the chats.
>tfw theres a mary in ottawa
>short and thicc
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>see that one cashier
>start to sweat
>tfw self-checkout is down
>act nonchalant as I put back the oats, rice, and yogurt I was gonna buy in their general sections
>walk out of the store with nothing as if its' natural
>put it back
>not having three grocery stores on rotation to keep people from recognizing you
>seeing someone you know from work at the store
>have anxiety attack
>leave store
i might actually start alternating but i feel like its too late now
and metro is expensive for no good reason
>live in small town
>same cashiers everyday
>They see me buy the exact same shit day in day out
wtf? don't come into the store again you creep or i'll call the manager! >:-(
>live abroad
>not learned the language properly yet
>cashier starts to talk outside the normal "routine phrases" that I've learned
>fuel up at gas station
>go to pay
>she tries to sell me their shitty card every time
>eventually stop going there and get gas at the station that is just across from it

good job at losing a customer
>meet solid 7/10 at party
>make out and hard grind all night
>gives me her number
>phone dies and doesn't save it

people at loblaws asked me so many times i started cutting them off with no

they dont ask me anymore
>go to grocery store
>kid from gym you never talk to is also shopping

>fast forward next day
>day off and go to store early
>kid is there paying already
>his groceries are exactly what i bought the night before

One of my favorite moments in fitness

He switched gyms and i still never got to talk to him
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>tfw beta socially awkward fat ginger kid i knew in high school is the grocery store bagger now
>apparantly i did something to piss him off because twice now he's "forgotten" to bag some of my groceries and left them on the counter
>he stares me down whenever I'm at his counter
>thinking about asking him to take the bags out for me so I can take the heaviest one and beat him to death in the parking lot

It's like he's trying to get back at all the Chad's since he's going nowhere in life.
>see an older perons stuff
>8 loaves of bread
>bunch of boxes of kraft dinner
>cases of soda
grocery baggers of fit

whats the weirdest kart you've seen someone buy?
>cart full of junk
>cereal, chips etc
>one tiny salad on top
>diet soda
it's always the fat cashiers too, complementing me, making me feel uncomfortable
>can tell by her face she is thinking of something to talk about
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>>thinking about asking him to take the bags out for me so I can take the heaviest one and beat him to death
>>beat him to death

Can't tell whether this guy is trying to be edgy or just insane.
>Walk around costco with a friend on his membership because bulk chicken is 10lbs for $20
>All the people offering free samples keep calling out to you calling you "strongman" or "Mr. Muscles"
>Can't tell if they're making fun of me or not

I still haven't outlifted my autism
street harasment, amaright guys ?
>hear people giggling
>always think its at you
pretty sure this is how hot girls feel when ugly guys hit on them
lol one time i bought like a pack of fruit gushers, fruit rollups, 2 bags of chips, 3 individual liters of chocolate milk and some other candy like fuzzy peaches and the female cashier was like 'looks like youre gonna have a crazy night'
literally a beta orbiter that she forgets about the second you leave
>hear people giggling
>internally lose my shit, paranoia kicks in, get the fuck out of there go home and put holes in my walls
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first time I had a cashier gf she told me she would get hit on at least 20 times a day

I haven't attempted to ask one out ever since she told me that it must be annoying af.
MARIA! BABY! pleeeease
Stop being a faggot?
It's part of the job, the last thing they're going to do is stand there and blithely insult you, they see an obvious and positive feature of your physical appearance and compliment you on it so you're more likely to go over to them.
how do I get this body type


I know that feel anon
okay? no shit lol
>people talking
>assume people are making fun of you
>I turn down Costco samples because im afraid of fucking up my cut
OHP 600 Pounds
This so much. Fuck normie-scum
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>she's the only cashier
>pace around store for 20 minutes
>she's still the only cashier
>store closes in 10 minutes
Deflate the barbells x 500
Mission failed, we'll get em' next time.
I guess I'm autistic too. Iktf
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>always go to same store
>2/10 (at best) hamgalaxy cashier has crush on me
>always forces small talk about stupid shit
>she asks me out one time
>"lol no"
>her other coworkers overheard and realize she has a crush on me
>they always try to divert me to her lane because they feel bad for her
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god damn that sounds annoying
I saw some lady fill a cart with maple syrup ( must of been 15 litre bottles ) with only one pancake mix.
i also drown my pancakes in syrup
The cashiers who range from normal to attractive will see me coming and say, some shit like "This lane's pretty full but Tonya Tonnage can take you over there".

The store is literally a 1/4 mile from my house, I can't even justify not going there because it's so convenient.

On the plus side, if I ignore her and not go to her lane (which I usually do) she'll sometimes open up a lane just for me. Still annoying as fuck though.
>open up a lane just for me.

fucking woman at liquor store does this all the time

as soon as she sees me coming to check out she says i can help you over here

starting to get anxiety to go to go to any store now
>not making your own liquor
>shit ton of doritos
>double stuffed oreos
>3 or 4 jars of mayonnaise
>canned peaches
>and a gallon of 1% milk
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seriously like 9-12 gallons of milk. bitch made me load them into her raep van and she smelled like shit. I dont bag anymore.
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>work at grocery store
>that creepy guy is staring at me again, I hope I don't have to try and make small talk with him again
>my aisle is open
>he freaks out and walks away

thank god
>Maria from Toronto
>if you're reading this I would gladly sniff and lick your asshole

I think you should wait until its your turn, eh?!
This guy looks a lot like my more athletic older brother. And I'm pretty sure he's made that face at me before.
You do realise they can lose their jobs if they don't ask.

How autistic are you?
True man. There would be easier ways to beat him.
>you notice the signs that someone is walking towards your direction for the sole purpose of making small chat with you

>scream internally
turn 360 and walk away


>This perspective states that in milder forms, paranoid cognitions may be very common among normal individuals. For instance, it is not strange that people may exhibit in their daily life, self-centered thought such as they are being talked about, suspiciousness about other’ intentions, and assumptions of ill or hostility (i.e. people may feel as if everything is going against them).

I was like this, especially when I started my new job after years of unemployment.
Learn not to care about what people are saying and thinking about you and realise that everyone talks about everyone. It's what us social creatures do
mirin old lady gomad bulk
>almost got pussy once
fuck women are assholes trying to offer themselves all the time

i rather suck dick like a real man
>be me, be in Korea for work
>not seoul, some ass of the universe
>except for the reception, not a goddamn soul speaks a lick of English
>supermarket near hotel
>go buy some shit
>weird old guy lining up behind me adds sausages in the direction of cashier
>don't understand a single word
>he's trying to tell the cashier he's with me?
>he's trying to get the cashier to put the sausages on my tab?
>because reasons?
>kimchi speak continues
>I try motioning at the cashier that this old fuck is not with me
>mfw she looks as if she's going to make me pay for the sausages

I got rescued from having to pay for the old freak's sausages when suddenly! His wife showed up and started bitching him out for trying to take advantage of a clueless foreigner. Still couldn't understand a word, but Korean old ladies are very expressive. Said kamsamnida to her, only word I know, and booked it out of there.
No one asked for your life story.
I don't remember any weird carts but I just remember most old people being assholes.
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my kind of guy
>not a goddamn soul speaks a lick of English
why do you think that's a bad thing when you don't speak a lick of korean, in a korean country
>get number on Tinder
>text back and forth for one (1) day
>never hear from her again
y tho
sage and gay
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>be me
>fall in love with a girl that has aspergers
>think and dream about her day and night
>find out she's bi
>pretty much lesbian
>she uses me for sex
>she likes my Greek god body
>she in love with the other girl
>tfw I'm being used for sex and it makes me want to kms
I was promised they were civilised.
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>"Hi there how are you?"
>"Good thanks, and you?"
>they don't respond
I know that feel.
I don't even have "routine phrases" yet because the language is so fucking hard (and I'm lazy)
>used to work at local grocery store
>quit via no call/no show for 3 days in a row and ignoring all attempts to contact me
>now can never set foot in store again

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Make a Costanza tier lie and show up.

If it's anything like the show, it may be mildly entertaining.

DUDE. Did the same thing.

Only don't want to step foot in the store because I want to fight the manager

I've had around 30 jobs and I've quit every single one of them that same way.
My first job when I was sixteen I was actually autistic enough to try what you wrote.
I just stopped showing up, and then a month later I randomly called my manager and asked to know my schedule.
Sounds like you didn't come up with an elaborate lie
we have self check out here in denmark

i never deal with cashiers

Ok I misunderstood the significance of "Constanza lie" since I've never seen Seinfeld.
But basically my thought process was that if I straight-faced it and pretended like nothing was wrong, then he would just go along with it and give me a schedule.
Instead he asked "Who??" every time I told him my name, and then finally "Um...you don't work here anymore?" when he remembered who I was and then hung up.
Not too bad, I quit a similar way to be honest.

Except I showed up 4 months later to formally quit for my resume, because even if it was maccas it's better than being blank. I was 21.

I just lie on my resume like crazy.
It's not like they check it anyways.
Maybe if you work shit jobs (which may explain having ~30 jobs)
>5 bottles of Jack Daniel's
>1 cucumber
What the fuck is wrong with you people. I work checkout to pay through college. We like to make small talk because its a boring job, and if we didn't get satisfaction from socialising we'd be stocking shelves.
And nobody remembers what you buy, or cares. Hell if you dont want to talk just reply with short phrases when they ask you a question and they'll get the hint you don't feel like talking.
Some people buy 10-20 cartons of long life milk. They don't even want a receipt so it's not for a cafe or anything.

Also old ladies buying pads, because you know its not for blood.
>only keep milk, bread, eggs, yogurt, and whey at home
>do all my "grocery" shopping at CVS with the periodic Whey delivery from Amazon

One more timesink eliminated
Sounds like you're a shit employee tbqh.
>get a message on tinder
>her account is deleted? next day
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