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>that guy who breaks his ass and lets his legs die at the gym

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>that guy who breaks his ass and lets his legs die at the gym
What the former human in your webm is doing should be considered a crime, and punished with extreme predudice.
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Jesus christ I hate Boogie
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He really is a disgusting piece of shit.
I used to love him as a kid, I would keep up with all his videos and be excited for his weight loss..... It's been 4 years and it has got worse.....
God that's fucking vile.
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can I get lats this massive natty?
Who is this circus freak?
your father....
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Boogie here

>Mfw I still make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from all of you watching me
yeah, just follow his nutritional advice
Yeah we'll see if he gets old enough to use it.
he could make billions and I wouldn't be jealous. He's disgusting and has tons of health problems. He'll probably die within 10 years

Also what can he even do with the money? Get nicer tv's and computers? Its not like he travels
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>still hasnt got surgery to get the weight cut off
Why can't this degenerate die soon enough?
Money can never be the measure of a man's character.

A man's measure, however, can be viewed in how he holds himself. Boogie is clearly a person who is loathing of his self and has destroyed the temple God has given him.

Pity him and laugh all the same.
>the temple God has given him


Fucking LOL at LITERALLY being a christfag. If you ACTUALLY believe in god, or think ANY normal western adolescents believe in god in 2016, FLUSH YOURSELF.

I love how countercultures used to be pro atheist, but now that almost everyone actually IS atheist, you start ACTUALLY believing in god. Seriously? GOD? IN 2016? Lmfao. End yourself.

You do realise that the only reason ANY woman claims to be Christian these days is to get over the guilt of being assfucked by Chad and Tyrone right? NO WESTERN WOMEN GIVE A FUCK ABOUT "GOD". LMFAO.

You (presumably) went to school in the West. I know you haven't spoken to a woman in years, but SURELY you must remember how people at school were? I'm from Britain which is probably LESS atheistic than where you're from, and I cannot remember a SINGLE non-Muslim girl who believed in God. And yes, we did discuss it, in R.E class etc. Your religion is fucking dead.

You do realise that literally NOBODY believes in god these days right? Not even old people lmfao. The funny thing is you KNOW it's true, but I suppose you need a reason to explain your virginity and "muh Christian purity" works well for that. Lmfao. Absolutely pathetic.
>atheistfag proud about going to Hell
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>That guy who rest between sets
was not prepared for that combination of words, sides gone
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He's literally too fat for surgery.
>Mfw I still make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from all of you watching me but can not spend any of it because I can't get out of bed anymore
There's no hell. What's your point?
How can someone sink this fucking low without considering suicide?
I honestly can't feel bad for him at this point.
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>hundreds of young /fit/izens doing their best and making good progress consider suicide every day
>but not boogie
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Jesus I just want to prick him with a needle and see if clear liquid grease comes out instead blood
But none of this is his fault anon... nothing is ever his fault...


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That's actually really damn sad.
okay, so, im on keto at the moment and i was curious the other day and ate just a single serving of straight up mayonnaise, not on anything or whatever...and it immediately turns into the worst texture if you don't just eat it quick. I don't know how the fuck he's able to stand having a LITERAL HANDFUL of it just like that, or look at himself in this video and think "oh, this is good, this is okay"
what kind if mentally ill disgusting person even thinks. " I'm gonna have a mouthful of mayonnaise"

The thought alone makes me sick.

MAybe you should do paleo diet eat more greens fruits and veggy.

Bruh, while technically keto, you're ketoing wrong. Never go full retard on keto. Best to avoid soybean oil, as well. It's pretty bad for you.
i was just curious about how it tasted, i've cut it mostly out of my diet but at the time i had just started the diet and wanted to know
i cringed more at your response than I did his. you are clearly a sad indiviual, so much so that in leaks througb your posts on a english football manager forum.
>he doesn't bulk on pure mayonaise
never gonna make it
he claimed it was actually some sort of low fat pudding he put in the mayo jar but i wouldn't be surprised if it was really mayo.
yeah, i guess i said "the other day" for some reason, it was a few months back

t does not look like pudding, desu. it's too...shiny/oily
>I used to love him as a kid
>It's been 4 years and it has got worse.....
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You know you have to be 18+ to post here right kiddo?
these type of people always eat their words.
You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict that one.
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jaw dropped.gif
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I imagine this being shouted through thick clouds of vape fog.
This is copypasta.. right?
How old are you?
He has a popular youtube channel. Hes fat as fuck and recently literally broke his ass after his chair gave out
Is he still alive?
>make hundreds of thousands of dollars
>have all the money
>literally dying in front of his viewers
>despite having the money you can't do anything about it
this is sad

he can't even do anything with that cash besides buying shit ton of doritos and mountain dew (you can still do that even if you are a wage cuck)
>yfw it's revealed it was a fatsuit this whole time, Boogie's actually fit as fuck under there and when he hits peak popularity will fake his death in a highly publicised way and walk away with all dem viewbux and gofundme funeral bux
>yfw he was zyzz all along
>yfw this isn't even his final form
Why are so many people so obsessed at whipping EVERYTHING after and before they use it?
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