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The Gymnastic Jew

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Daily reminder: if you pay actual money to work out when you can run and do body-weight exercises for free, you are not red-pilled, and are a cuck,
You are either one of the two following
>skinny beta virgin
>fat fucking cow

Which one is it faggot. You are fucking Jewish to complain about paying at least 10 dollars a month to better yourself.
If that's blue pilled then I'm fine with it.
>not flipping tractor tires, slinging massive rope, and doing explosive jumps to build real core strength and not faggot gym body
Dude, you're gay. Not trying to be mean. You just tried to look cool and you don't at all. You're queer.
My gym owner was formerly a farmer and him and his brother decided to invest in a gym so people could work out and hang out when the weather is shit. They built it on his land, my dad helped build that fucking gym.

It's a German family run business and the people in this gym are far bigger and stronger than you will ever be.

Go fuck yourself.
>so people could work out and hang out
Sounds quite fucking fruity
You're posting on 4chan, when was the last time you went outside? We have no right to call anybody a cuck, except actual filthy cucks.

The old people work out only a little. They stand more in the front and drink coffee where there is an area for that. If you wan to call that fruity, then do so.

Based Poland with the red pills. Being hot and sweaty around other dudes isn't that much different than sucking dick.
I agree with this

However, if you want to get a rack of free weights, that's some expensive shit and not everyone even has the space for it.

>there are people who pay money to share equipment and be around other sweaty, half-naked guys

I get why they do it back home in England, since there's no fucking room in the average house and they're mostly faggots. But why in the US, when you've got miles of wilderness and basements as big as King's Cross, would you pay to pump the iron Jew?
>kind of like being a budgeter
>have a budget gym
>~60kg string weights for pull
>2x25kg dumbbell weights for push
>not much weight but the next weight problem is flat bench
>do dips with back pack, heaps of flys, weak deadlifts, rows
>even have to do squats one legged style
>>mate: I would never work out like that
>feel crushed
Very next day this cuck says he only works out for health. Cuck. I still have an three full hour routines that I do on more than a once a week basis, still gaining.

BTW certain places around the world everyone works out, it's average as fuck. Fuck going to the gym until March because it'll be busy as fuck and cunts are always using the good equipment, especially here. Packed gym during summer would be horrible, it gets foggy and humid and shit in winter when all the fuccbois start thinking they'll get beach body ready by summer with just 6 months work.

FYI gym is the easiest hobby. Feel no pride. Everyone does it. There's no excuse, you can even do it cheap jew style like me.
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Bodybuilders are also always degenerates who don't contribute fucking anything to society, usually have unimportant shit jobs, emmit 10 times more CO2 than average people, eat 10 times more, fart 10 times more and are 10 times more arrogant and annoying when they actually can't fight for shit.

No bodybuilder ever invented or will invent something. Literal hurman trash.

He just told you you don't have to spend money if you aren't retarded and not addicted to sweaty men.
gyms are for meeting chicks to bang. that's why they exist. that's what you're paying for.
Please enlighten me, where can I find free tractor tires and massive ropes?
Because last time I checked those thing are fucking expensive
So old people go to this gym, they work out a little then they stare ate young strong guys working out. I guess I know why is Germany so fucked
>Bodybuilders are also always degenerates who don't contribute fucking anything to society, usually have unimportant shit jobs, emmit 10 times more CO2 than average people, eat 10 times more, fart 10 times more and are 10 times more arrogant and annoying when they actually can't fight for shit.
>No bodybuilder ever invented or will invent something. Literal hurman trash.

Honestly this. Fitness is important but there is nothing that is not narcissistic about the level of fitness espoused on /pol/.
i bet you haven't even touched a dumbbell
Junk yard.

I'm not sure about Hungary, but in Texas, I can get em free. (from knowing people with heavy machinery, not junkyards)
What about urban areas? I can't exactly bring a tractor tire to may apartment(it won't even fit in the elevator), and leaving it in front of the building is not something I would do(blocks the road, "people" might stole it(Hungary is infested with gypsies))
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>don't contribute fucking anything to society, usually have unimportant shit jobs

How do you say gay in Arabic because that's what this is
You're fucked, m8. I forget not everyone lives in the rural country.

I can suggest some good shit, though. You can do Isometric exercises to make your core body solid.

You can stand on a stool, and step down, IMMEDIATELY jumping off one foot when you hit. This will train your explosive response and make you incredibly powerful.

Also jumping laterally over a box on the ground. As swiftly as possible, lifting your legs high to, again, build that explosion.

Tire flipping is ideal, though. It's like deadlifts but actually useful. Maybe push cars while in neutral?
Dad? What are you doing on /pol/???
Literally bad for you.
>body-weight exercises
Don't produce enough stress to cause hypertrophy.

You're an idiot.

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>falling for the fitness jew

no ill effects. Is the most complete body workout you can have.

>Swimmer Master Race
>Bodybuilders are also always degenerates who don't contribute fucking anything to society, usually have unimportant shit jobs, emmit 10 times more CO2 than average people, eat 10 times more, fart 10 times more and are 10 times more arrogant and annoying when they actually can't fight for shit.
>No bodybuilder ever invented or will invent something. Literal hurman trash.


Bodybuilders are the biggest losers you will ever meet, they often live with their parents, on welfare or shit jobs, just complete losers of the highest degree.
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Walking is the one and only exercise for the redpilled, vigorous walking with good posture. Most great men took walks as a part of their routine. Even Aristotle flat out said that walks=health.

t. >200kg squatter
My school forces us to pay for a membership at their gym so might as well use it
Sorry to say it, but lifting weights in a gym because of muh dick is pretty damn queer. You don't even build a better body for anything outside the gym, all it's good for is lifting something heavy 8 times infront of a mirror.

Go to an outdoor gym where you can use your own body instead, they are literally everywhere in Sweden, some even include tires, ropes etc, and if you don't have it where you live, go talk to the city politicians and make it happen or build your own. That's how you shape a body for superiority in the real world, not for the usage in an indoor weight gym.
running is bad?

OP confirmed for 400lbs hacker named 4chin
Can't break muscle with "body weight exercises" Your body will eventually get used to it. Fucking crossfitters.
Lmao. Olympics confirmed for second gayest place in the world, right after OP's bedroom.
Most injuries comes from running, adds a great deal of stress on your knees/legs etc, especially with the wrong kind of shoes which a majority of runners use, plus it's not very effective, plain running is probably the last exercise I'd recommend to anyone.
>there are people ITT that think you can work on your body for 1-3 hours a day and slack off or sit around for the other 10-14

Pitiful. I don't care what you end up benching or squatting after 2 years. I've met a man who chooses to be homeless, he makes money to eat healthy and maintain a healthy BMI while conditioning himself for upwards of 8 hours a day. The man is an absolute monster, I bet you he can secretly power up by flexing and yelling like some Dragon Ball character. You could fight with that cunt for hours and he wouldn't even begin to run low on the ol' gas.

Now I understand that ain't a lifestyle for everyone. Hell I only maintain an exercise rate of about 4-5 hours per day, i'm just saying there is a give and take. You can't bust your balls for 3 hours a day in a gym and think you're top shit because the other 10-14 hours a day your a lax weak pussy bitch, but no one can go all out all the time so it's understandable to be a lax bitch, just choose how much of that time you need. (Note being a lax bitch and being in hours of meditative relax are completely different things, but that's another fucking rant).
Nope, you just don't know anything about fitness, health, or your body's natural rhythm.
What is the wrong kind of shoe?

I'm jogging in some pretty thin shoes which I expect is bad for my knees.
What is good cardio train
>spent 5 years in military
>every week since got to unit we ran 6 miles twice a week
>12 mile ruck march once, maybe twice a month.
Knees are absolute shit. I'm twenty-fuck-five and they grind now, already have arthritis in 1 knee, cartilage is torn to shit, already tore a meniscus twice.
Swimming and Cycling are good choices.
And fuck your body up something fierce.
>training with no guidance
Senpai that picture doesnt look like gymnastics at all
I know plenty about all of those. If you're not adding weight to exercise, you're just building stamina on that level of exercise.
3hours in the gym
how many days per week?

I see many of you in my gym.they working out 3hours but blocking machines while on facebook,making nearly 10 minutes rest after every set.thats bullshit.but thats bodybuilding.its very individual

>plain running
There is your problem. You want to mix between a indecisive goal long distance (aka, don't stop until you drop) with bursts of 100% sprinting in between). Do this in a heavily dense area so you're prohibited from moving in a straight line all of the time (forests are absolutely amazing, get yourself off the train and start bounding through the thick bush and see how well you actually run with obsticles constantly bombarding you and the odd 4 foot high and hill you may accidentally crash into)

Remember walk to your destination you'll run from, and remember to walk off the steam and energy in your limbs afterwards, it's pretty unhealthy to just up and start running out of the door and to stop running as soon as you get to your car (assuming you're a secret fat fuck who's cheating using a car to get to and from your running area). I don't like running on pavement, I can only imagine while I watch runners on pavement to which body part is feeling like a piece of shit, the knees? perhaps the back? shoulders maybe? somewhere the pressure keeps building, most of the runners I know say "Feel the burn!" and have no fucking idea that most of the burns they feel they should not be feeling at fucking all.

But running done properly is pretty fucking healthy across all species mate.
You don't need to add weight, merely force.

exceed yourself.
Meanwhile said crossfitter will outperform you in every possible situation outside the gym apart from maybe lifting a car. Need to run? Takes 5 meters and you are already behind, need to climb? Whilst you barely left the ground he is already above and gone, need to rescue someone? He can access any difficult places whilst you can barely bend over because you are so massive and stiff, but I guess you can tip over the burning car, congratulations.

You won't even win a fight, how many mma fighters do you see only lifting weights at the gym? Absolutely 0.
I make the assumption that 3 hours per day is 7 days a week. There is no rest for the wicked. But I believe I stated being in a state of meditative relax is not the same as being a relax bitch. I'll say in it's own meditation done properly is exercise, for your core, diaphragm and mind. One may not physically lift weights or move around one day, but they can easily sit down for the three+ hours they would normally and chose to clear their mind and simply breathe with intent.
it's pretty fucking hard not to say impossible to have your own equipment or use something else if you're in like a tiny apartment in an urban area
>he can't do weights properly
>thinks weights only make you HUGE
Got news for you, weights aren't only for body building. But Crossfit is complete garbage. It's all we did for PT in the Army besides run. It sucked, I got nothing out of it.
Im hit the gym and will think about it

I don't like the cross fit meme as much as him though. Mainly because I see it in the same light akin with those that lift weights for ego gratification. They gain massive stamina and do many flashy things for ego gratification.

It's all in how one trains in the end. I know cross fitters that would gas out against body builders I know (but that is called match fixing and this might as well be a mute point) all because they believe they are explosively training but they are simply making an illusion of explosiveness. Take Burpees or whatever the fuck those faggy flying bending pull-ups are called. A man who 'Explodes' 10 of those out will have substancially less power output than a man who explodes 10 regular hanging pullups.
If you do it right, lifting weights can benefit you for almost everything, except major cardio. Throw in a short jog/run day and you'll have that too. swedcuck has no idea what he's talking about.
I could heem everyone in here and twice on sunday
Sounds like you have some shitty genes if your knees are fucked at 25. Kill your parents for fucking you over.

burpees are actually based, those gay pullups are called kipping

Just about. Make sure to hit the bag though. When it comes down to balls and brass, it's probable the most left out exercise there is. I've met stupid cunts who say "I don't like to be violent" or "I'll never get in fight, I don't need to punch" that's arrogance and/or ignorance. There is so much to the exercise of striking one can find out about their body.
That's the one. I knew I had the wrong word.
Even the word Kipping sounds like they are trying to skip or miss out on some proper exercise.
>how many mma fighters do you see only lifting weights at the gym? Absolutely 0.

not true. you dont think olympic lifts make you a better athlete? you are obviously a weak cuckold homosexual.

They're just jealous. Sounds awesome.
There's nothing wrong with thin shoes per say, it's about the sole. Our legs and feet are designed to run barefoot, when we do this we land on the front of our feet first, heel last, this is the natural step and allows for a stress-free motion where energy is absorbed in many joints, but it's hard to achieve once we put on shoes, what happens is our step changes from using the front of our feet to using the heel. This causes a great deal of stress and damage from impact as the energy is absorbed directly from heel to knee, hence all the injuries connected with it.

More dampening in the sole doesn't solve this, actually less shoe does, but you need to adjust how you run since you are most likely used to running heel first. You don't have to go full on health-hipster and buy fivefinger shoes, but there are other types of shoes that offer a resemblance to barefoot running while still being a proper shoe that gives protection. Transitioning from dampening sole to barefoot sole can be heavy on your legs/feet at first, because your body won't be used to it, but after you have adjusted it's a lot healthier for your knees etc if you insist on running.

Barefoot soles are usually very thin and offers less support, most brands make them nowadays, but like I said, transition slowly to avoid stress on muscles that are inactive in normal shoes until your body has adapted back to it's natural posture.

Large soles with dampening are truly the jews of running.

It can be wicked cheap here since no-one actually goes - $10, $50, (admittedly sometimes $90) / month is not an exaggeration. This for the variety of equipment, and, women.
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>Throw in a short jog/run day and you'll have that too
a week? if so dat some top redpill right here

Cucked again
I wish I had black test levels.
Learn to read burger, I said 'only gym', no athlete does that, it's not good for you, no one ever does that, stop believing purely weights at the gym will do anything for you besides strength and mass. Bodybuilders have some of the most unusable bodies outside the gym.
>muh explosive functional strength
How are your 11" noodle arms treating you little buddy?
Like I could whip your bones into the back of your skull just by thinkin' about it.
Neat, in that case I don't need to change anything. I've always hated those thick soles.
It's getting harder and harder to find shoes I like now days because of this trend.
all you need to exercise from home is a barbell, and weight plates and some form of a gym mat surface

you can get this all-in for $300 new or probably much less if you surf craigslist, etc.

that's less than half a year membership to a gym in my city.
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You got nothing out of 'crossfit' in the army? Allow me to laugh, yes your army is trash and Tyrone the bodybuilder would smash you all, that's why the army forces it's members to exercise outside the weight gym, that makes total sense, they do it to make their soldiers useless, why don't they all just lift weights? Why haven't they swallowed this redpill? Man your army sucks for exercising without heavy iron. Those special forces of yours must only use weights, that's the only explanation for their superiority, pure iron.
Based Mariusz
>bodyweight exercises

Skinnyfat be gone.
not true.Try gymnastics rings and legless rope climb variation.
Agreed. Gym cucks are the worst. I get shredded at home with a bunch dunbells a pull-up bar and a treadmill. That is literally all you need. I can't imagine wasting my life going to and from the gym every day let alone paying and having to share equipment with a bunch of douchebag roided out dudebro faggots. If you don't have a simple home gym set up you are a cuck
Crossfit implements poor form and high reps over perfect form/lower reps.Bodyweight training has nothing to do with Crossfit.
>meanwhile OP pays for the internet to shitpost on a Japanese forum
Next to my ex-boxing gym was a bodybuilding gym, in the same building. 90 % there were average looking persons.If you think just entering a gym and stumbling on a barbell will "make you big, brah" you are very wrong.
>"body weight" exercises

good luck gaining any muscle without weights

Your body is a weight dumbass
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>Missed the entire point of what he said

>Bench press

That's all you need
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>you wont get a shoulder injury after a couple of months for not training you rear delts properly
Fuck off, free weights are objectively superior to gain mass and strenght, period.
I never trained my rear delts properly for at least the first year of training, never got an injury

>muh genetics
mariusz got that ass WHOOPED

Kettlebell training was basically invented by the Russian army. A proper 45 minute kettlebell routine will use about the same amount of calories as a MMA fight without the risk of injury.

Lifting ANY weigh will make you stronger, it is the balance of that with martials art that is what you should aim for.
>gymnastic jew

Bitch, you're more likely to bump into a Jew on a NSDAP rally than in a gym.

Go look up vids of dudes who only use pull-up bars and their body weight to get shredded . That's because they used their body as a weight same as if they used actual weights , you bandwagon meme hopping roo fucker
Weight is force you dipshit.
No, you faggot. You need to introduce acceleration into the formula. Weight isn't force on its own.

MEANING: you don't necessarily need more weight to gain muscle. Simply work harder.

If you are training to just lift weight up, you are subverted. Your muscles cannot contract at high speeds simply pumping heavy stuff. You have to train your muscles to contract fast and hard.
Being fit an healthy with morning and evening exercises is good and red pilled.

This is not redpilled:
Bunch of low test beta faggots. If you don't lift weights, you're a cuck.
I'm a furniture removalist so I only have time for gym on weekends
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I dream of owning my own gym one day.
It will be for men only, Its gonna be called Guy Heaven.
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>Weight isn't force on its own
>fast and hard
Then just lift weights faster.
Bodyweight is always going to hit a wall where the max weight for any movement is around 80kg and that's with retarded balancing and awkward positioning.
A barbell allows you to safely focus on specific muscles or movements while minimizing energy wasted on unnecessary movements.

Pic related?
>whip the bones into the back of your skull
>when you're so roided out the steroids leak from your pores, merge together to form fingers and write posts on 4chan
yeah pretty much
Seriously, free weights are cheap, so is a rack with a pull-up bar, Olympic bar, all that shit can be had for under $150 if you look right, so many people sell their weights and give and most of the time they just want them gone
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Daily reminder that bodyweight exercises alone won't make you strong. Bodyweight exercises simply will not apply the stimulus necessary to get stronger and more muscular very soon after you start doing them. Hence why I now do weighted chin ups and weighted pull ups.

And if you want to get fit, running is literally the worst thing to do. Look at the injury rate for running, it's one of the highest, while weightlifting is one of the lowest.

Get a punch bag and work your way up to simulating an amateur boxing match of 3 3 minute rounds. Also get a rowing machine or a stationary bike.

Daily reminder to get a home gym. All you need is a squat rack, weight bench, barbell, and some weights. And if you have the space and want to do olympic lifting, get a square of plywood and a rubber mat, plus bumper plates. All this stuff will literally last decades. I have an eleiko bar, weights, and squat rack from the 1984s olympics and it all works perfectly still.
I also use my own body weight + the dipping belt for pull ups. If you knew these types of people in real life, while they may be 'strong', they're also small, smaller than those that actually lift weights.

>and their body weight to get shredded
Doing body weighted pull ups doesn't get you shredded famalam
>Daily reminder that bodyweight exercises alone won't make you strong.

Dumbass, you can't do a one arm pull up can you?
If you use and when you should use but, you are a cuck.
>he can deadlift 400 pounds but can't scale a wall in body armor
>he can bench 250 but can't carry a wounded comrade to safety
>he can squat 300 but can't run to cover quickly when shot at
>he can press 185 but can't climb a rope
Enjoy being a bloated fag.

You fatties have serious misconceptions about working out. It boggles the mind really.
Bodybuilding and one arm pullups serve absolutely no purpose.

>"Dumbass, I bet you can't run 15km without getting tired" said the marathon runner to a bodybuilder
>"Dumbass, I bet you can't bench 220kg for reps" - said the bodybuilder to a marathon runner
I can tell you're a homosexual from across the ocean.

I've never tried since one arm pull ups are retarded. Are you saying doing a one arm pull up determines strength? Because the strongest men in the world, like Zydrunas Savickas and Brian Shaw wouldn't be able to do a single one arm pull up.

You are the retard here because (1) you don't understand progressive overload (2) you don't understand the physics behind bodyweight exercises.

Show me any olympic athlete doing one arm pull ups to get stronger. Retard.
Anyone with those stats you've mentioned would not be bloated (unless they were obese or something) and would easily perform any of the tasks you've mentioned.
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>not nude wrestling with your buddies
you're missing out
>Live in downtown Zurich
>one of most expensive cities in world
>still have home gym

Feels good. Sometimes i wish more equipment but whateva
>"bodyweight exercises don't make you strong!"
Don't speak about subjects you clearly know nothing about you hilarious child.

He is a fatty, its so fucking obvious because he has a completely warped idea about working out
>Daily reminder
Daily reminder to get off 4chan before you start talking like this in real life
I can feel the testo in this thread
>bodyweight exercises don't make you strong.

delete your account

More insults from Internet tough guys.
Good way of misinterpreting what I said, you numpty. Anyone that commits to bodyweight exercises will soon be doing extremely high reps unless they start adding weight with a belt or something similar.
>Then just lift weights faster.
that works, but I prefer to have more freedom and range of motion IE: Lifting tires from the ground and flipping them. It's like a deadlift but better, and you use your whole body, while outdoors.

It's also easier to attack a tire MUCH fiercer than you would a deadlift. You say you can lift weights faster, but you know very well it wouldn't be safe to go all out under a machine and ton of weight.

Flipping tires is easily the godliest exercise.
What he's saying is that big numbers is pointless without functional fitness to go with it. Martial effectiveness requires explosive power, endurance, stamina, quick reactions and alertness, and just spending an hour a day in a squat rack will not give you these things.

Bodybuilders are strong, but they're not strong pound-for-pound and don't have functional bodies. Jay Cutler can't do a single pull up when he was number 1 in the world, and professional bodybuilders have thighs so big that they can't walk properly.

It's very strange that bodybuilding became associated with getting "fit". It's no such thing.

Yes it is fun, but it's not something you'd do if you're serious about getting strong. Why? Because you can't apply progressive overload.

All of you faggots railing against barbells and weights are simply retarded. Go look at how any olympic athlete trains. Every single one, including sprinters, shot putters, cyclists, javelin throwers, you name it, are doing some form of barbell training.
>serious about getting strong
serious about increasing the # of lbs you lift I think is what you mean
>he cant do a single pullup so he is weak

Nigga every body is individual.and if you are not an actual marine corps you will have a hard time doing 15reps without exercising
What bodybuilding has become today is far from what old school bodybuilding is about. One was about aesthetics, and the other has become nothing more than getting the biggest you can possibly get. All of the old school bodybuilders could do pull ups. Bodybuilding today has become an abomination to bodybuilding in general.

Bodybuilders train to build their body, they don't care if their muscles don't really serve that much of a purpose other than lifting things up and putting them down.

Fit is subjective.

No, but it would make you more prepared than most people. What you don't seem to understand that, being able to deadlift and squat 2x or 1.5x bodyweight will bring with it general benefits. Everything will be lighter, you'll be more explosive, you'll be less susceptible to injuries, etc.

And if you want to increase explosiveness, increasing your back squat is something you should do. That's why Verkoshanky, the theoretician behind the Olympic training of most of the Olympic events in the Soviet Union, prescribed a back squat to basically everyone - sprinters, jumpers, cyclists, etc. The amount of gold medals they won under his watch is astounding.
I pay around 100€ per year in a weightlifting club. I take part in competitions and also help run the club or help during competitions we host. But I don't live in a country where you can't do anything without being happily merchanted.

You don't seem to understand that being able to deadlift, squat, and push press (just 3 examples) makes you generally stronger all around.
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does anybody here actually join competitions (running, climbing, swimming, triathlons)?
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no one who doesn't want to be muscular deserves respect, no matter his political beliefs.
Check this out >>39870463

This basically means if you stagger your workout to be a little over 24 hours, rather than at the same time every day, your muscles will be at a STRONGER state than they were last workout, making you definitively stronger (and bigger) every workout.

they key is knowing your body intimately, since 26~ hours is an approximation, and it's different for everyone.

Also I'm not railing against barbells, you're just not understanding a facet of the athletic body.
Why are you looking at bodybuilders for talking about strength? Bodybuilders are roided to the gills and they are not aiming to get stronger as a goal, they are trying to build as much symmetrical muscle as possible.

If you want to the strongest people kg for kg, look at olympic lifters.

It doesn't matter as long as you do some form of resistance training. I haven't had access to a gym for few weeks so I'm doing tonnes of push-ups, pull-ups and pistol squats. Its dumb to make your whole life revolve around muh muscles. I spend 3 hours in the gym per week and the rest of my time is spent thinking about more important things.
Exactly. A small fee to use multi thousand dollar equipment any time you want. One of the easier purchases to rationalize
>all oldschool bodybuilders can do pullups

Markus Rühl hates pullups to the guts cant do a single one.the same man was germanys bodybuilder of the year 93.have a nice day
you're not going to gain much mass with body-weight exercises

if you're just looking to be healthy, yeah, running and body-weight exercises will do just fine

if you want to develop physique or improve your strength, you're going to need weights, purchased or rented (in the form of gym membership)

gym membership isn't useful just for access to weights though, having a separate place to lift weights saves space, helps provide focus for exercising, and gives you contact with other like-minded people who are interested in bettering themselves

so it really depends on what your fitness goals are
Markus ruhl also weighed something ridiculous like 140kg at a short height.
The more you weigh, the harder is it is to do bodyweight exercises, regardless of how much force you can apply to lifting some other object.

He's also a bodybuilder, you faggots need to stop looking at bodybuilders as the standard to base your arguments on.

I do agree that SOME exercise, whether it be weightlifting, ball sports, running etc. is better than NO exercise. However

>Everything will be lighter
Not really useful nowadays when lots of objects are made of lightweight wood and plastic

>you'll be more explosive
Weights will train this more slowly than functional training

>you'll be less susceptible to injuries
I have personally given myself posture problems by lifting too much, under the guidance of a fitness instructor

I think bodybuilding is a great way to make yourself into a weird shape and give yourself horrible chronic health problems.
>retards falling for the running jew

Haha, good goy, burn your calories so you can consume more! Eat that McGoynald burger!

Bjj and lifting masterrace fucking pussies
>have broken arm
>hang from cliff from last good arm
>I'm not pulling myself up, that's retarded

That's your post in a nut shell

You should be able to use all extentions of your body to their max capability. There are all kinds of strength and balance techniques one can do if they want to get really crazy. Do you do one hand stand pushups feet pointing straight in the air? I know a few men and women that can pump out 20 of those fuckers without shaking.

There are unbelievably complex ways for a human to comprehend 'Strength'. If you're shitting your pants because you can move your boulder a few feet and then think you're top tits, or push dump truck in neutral a few metres, let's reverse the roll, what do you do when the dump truck barrels towards you? Stand still and block the fucking thing like some brick shit house? No, that's retarded, you're going to have to move, and move fast jack. 90% of the time you've got a lingering limb, part of a foot or an arm sitting hanging back not moving with your entire body because you have (drum roll) a lack of complete training, and that little limb getting smashed is what completely fucks you over as it breaks and torques the nearest connective joint to your trunk be it the hips or the shoulders, from there you either go for a spin/flip or get a seriously fucked up back.

I've never met a man over 70 that says he constantly pushes to lift weights, I've met a few 90 year old fucks that still do pushups and yoga stretches though. What'll it fucking be?
>Bodyweight is enough to get big
kys, daily reminder that DYELS shouldn't give workout advice
>A small fee to use multi thousand dollar equipment any time you want.
>using machines instead of getting some dumbells
>I think bodybuilding is a great way to make yourself into a weird shape and give yourself horrible chronic health problems.

I'm not talking about bodybuilding. You need to get past this conundrum that you're stuck on. Training with weights is not bodybuilding. Yes, bodybuilding includes training with weights, but not all weight training is bodybuilding. Bodybuilders train like retards, building muscle is their sole goal.
I'm talking about training with weights for athleticism, the difference in training of someone doing that and a bodybuilder is like night and day.

>Weights will train this more slowly than functional training

Tell that to people like Verkoshansky that basically created the entire system of training used by the coaches of every olympic sport in the Soviet Union.

You need to stop listening to retarded fitness instructors. They have a financial incentive to give you retarded advice.
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>Indoor gyms does not have these things
>Pullups and faggot bodyweight bullshit is enough to become Zyzz
do you even wanna make it brah? please keep to your Russian calisthenics videos

enjoy never building legs or back, faggot
>enjoy never building legs or back, faggot
bro flippin tires is like a deadlift + overhead press.

I'm telling you guys. It's the secret to life.
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>see bro pumping at the leg curl machine for minutes
>-hey aren't those sets too long?
>-yeah gotta "burn" some legs
>-trust me you don't want elephant legs either...
>-that's what I mean *grabs his thigh* I don't need them to be this big
tl;dr normal people don't want legs

Checked. To be fair flipping tires isn't calisthenics. Its a form of free weight.

Basically this.

Weight training should have never been put in equal conversation terms as body building.

Bruce Lee was 135 soaking wet, he did weight training as part of his routine. Not to get bigger, but to gain further functional strength in his movements, the example you give he states in his book as key for back and core strength (back squat). I really wish that man was around today, i'd have liked to see how he grew old in his training regime, how it would have changed to suite his age.
fuck off cunt, legs are half your body. they are the most important muscles
Yeah I'm totally in the wrong thread talking shit anyway.

OP is a fag. Eventually you need weight.
Come to California. Its all sluts and mexicans

It's impractical. What happens when your tyre becomes light and you can flip it 20 times? Are you going to get another tyre? What happens when that one get too easy? It's impractical as the long term and sole basis for strength and athletic development.
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This is the kind of weight training I like.
I'm going to roar and try to flip it like a fucking quarter in the air.

there's always another level. Also tractor tires are brutal, man. Show me any dude that's flipping one of those around and I'll be impressed.

These guys can't seem to understand that you can train with weights, get stronger and more explosive, yet only gain small amounts of muscle. That's what olympic athletes do all the time, since most of them have weight categories to keep in check or practical considerations (such as too much bodyweight being detrimental to sprinting).

I've seen this type of thing done well, and done terrible.
Done well you see a man (or woman) throwing around the weight of steel like a boss, and you can hear the air get cut by the force of it moving.
Done terribly, you basically see the person jerking around with the weight, as if the they toss it and try and hold on as the weight moves them.
True, tire flips aren't bad. But I wouldn't want to start out from nothing or do progressive overload with tires.

>not wanting HUGE legs
beta twink detected
Using "normal people" as an argument is stupid, because normal people are retarded. People who care about strength train their whole body, not just the glory muscles. Everybody laughs at people who skip legs, because they look like marshmallows on sticks.
When I say old school, I'm referring to the golden era, the 50s, 60s and 70s bodybuilders. The people who trained for aesthetics and beauty, not to look like an abomination like Markus was.
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>you can run
nah... I like my knees and hips

>cardio does nothing

fat sack of shit confirmed
Not fat, 5'10" and 160.

But yes, my cardio is shit.

120 heart rate for a simple 10km/hr jog.
>if you pay actual money to work out when you can run and do body-weight exercises for free
Nope, Your paying for access to the equipment that could do more than you could ever do alone.

It's like saying someone is a cuck for going to school.
pic related
the fat no weight lifting fighter that kicked his ass

>maintaining a constant pace while running

Well you're not going to get shit out of that jack. Put in 15-20 second 150% 'Fuck me that's a big cat on my ass' sprints in there every minute and a half, and tell me you don't get some good ol' heart and diaphragm exercise.
He still trains with weights, I can guarantee that. Fedor was a fat ass and still did so.
And that pic of pudzian is back from strongman days when he was roiding to the gills.
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Most hardworking people don't have the leisure time to work out.

I have a full time job and go to night school. All of my free time is spent reading, eating, shitting, sleeping, and studying.
>posts on /pol/
>Not having your own gym setup
Expensive at first, but saves you money after just a year. Even if you get big things like a leg press.
Lol didn't this guy get caught roiding and stripped of his titles?
Why do you need a leg press? Are you planning to get injured? Only time one is useful.
Keep your /fat/ threads where they belong OP
>you are not red-pilled
And thank christ for that. You """""red-pilled"""" faggots are fucking delusional.
>at least 10 dollars a month
Found the Planet Fitness fag. Go eat your pizza and tootsie rolls, fatass.
$300 for half a year? You pay $600 a year? Dude, I live in fucking vegas and I pay $90/yr to have literally everything I need and don't need available at my fingertips. That and I get to take my pump for a walk and show off.
>it's bad for you because I hot shit form and wear shitty shoes
Well no shit, Sherlock. Maybe if people stopped with the gotta-go-fast mindset and learned to invest in better shoes, the amount of injuries would decrease. Add in regular lifting, and your injury risk is next to nil.

Loo k up "cumulative fatigue" method of training for a marathon. People who use this tend to be in the best shape and rarely suffer injuries while running all the time.
>ruck marches
Those were what killed your knees, not the running.
>tfw company I work for pays for my gym membership
>tfw free gains
I do the same yet still get 8 hours of exercise a week. Look harder.
i have 1500 a year lol
fucking australia
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