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FPH Fat People Hate Thread

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Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 74

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That looks cozy somehow. Do fat people get cold or does their blubber protect them?
It's cozy until you realize she hasn't been able to bathe properly for as long as she has been that weight. You can only be cozy when you are clean too
living the dream
worth the read
>I wasn't allowed to spill over into the two seats next to me because some entitled cunt wouldn't move cardboard from the seat she paid for, she's so entitled, I deserve to be allowed to spill over into the whole row because I'm a reel woman.
Tbh they're both pretty ugly.
I just ate half of a large choco ice cake, about 800cal.

I'm not gonna make it am i?
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I don't like fat people either guys, but this one legit made me sad.
Why are there so many of these idotic threads that do nothing but stir up hatred towards people with unhealthy life choices?
Nobody on this homoerotic basket weaving board will get any better by just hating others.
>still being alive with this much fat
The human body is an incredible machine.
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If only this was legal.
I'm here for the occasional amazing motivational stories of people getting better.
>"oh dont worry anon its sugar free"
I can't bring myself to hate the woman in this OP.

She just looks like my Mom did before she died.

RIP mom..
Hating others is exactly what turned my life around.
Same here. My goal is to never end up in one of these threads as content.
It was a crossroad in his life - take this as a sign to lose weight or whine about it. I have no pity for him.
Hate is a powerful motivator.
Pretty much every thread has one or two guys talking about how much it has helped motivate them to lose weight.

Also it's easier to hate fat people then skinny people.
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"Yo momma so fat, that shes large, single and ready to pringle"
What's the story behind this one? Besides being a child throwing a tantrum
Google trigglypuff.
It was some university presentation by right wingers iirc

Trigglypuff threw a tantrum about hate speech while flailing her arms hysterically
Is that whitney way thore?
preach man. it seriously amazes me every day how efficient and smart the human body is. it's fucking credible how its weight can actually change depending on what you eat and the amount of exercise you do. even the fucking type of exercise. not even memeing or being sarcastic it's fucking incredible and these degenerates are exploiting their body and its valiant effort to stay alive. real shame such potential wasted
Google jpeg
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R.I.P. bro.
Here's some genetics.
Never heard of her
These stories made me realize that I was about 70 pounds heavier than I imagined myself(I thought I was only slightly over weight) and muh medical condition is not an excuse.

losing weight and eating made muh condition go away. My life was terrible before and these threads have completely changed who I am for the better. It's not about hating fat people(at least for me) it's about hating a lack of responsibility. Idgaf about some 400 pound person, I hate the loser I used to be who never tried to achieve anything and resented the world for the fact that I hadn't.
pretty good
You know what would be really gross is having sex with a big fat girl. especially if she was eating an entire chocolate cake during and it made a big mess on her face and body. yuck
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>that do nothing but stir up hatred towards people with unhealthy life choices?

You see the mistakes others have made and vow to never make the same mistake.
No, their blood flow is shit.
If a normal person gutted her and climbed inside he be comfy cozy, but she is probably getting frost bite and can't even feel it.
>it's a "hurr durr don't hate fat people" post
Hide the threads if you don't like them fatty
That bra does not fit
This. These threads inspired me to lose 60 pounds.
>tfw you ideologically agree with people like this but you find most of them disgusting and unbearable to talk to

Not looking to internet debate, I'm a wildly liberal dude. I just can't fucking deal with being on the same side as these assholes.

I honestly have had better conversations with Trump supporters (in person) than people that agree with me.
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Ugh.. I thought they smelled bad.. on the outside!
I respect people who can actually debate and articulate their ideas even if I disagree with them.
The saddest part of this is that I think it is real.
>look at channel
>first episode was 7 years ago.


If you have to ask, chances are you're not
>be chilling with gf watching x-files
>hear an incredibly loud fart coming from the kitchen
>know it's fat roommate night snacking
>then hear her run to her room
>then she waddles to the bathroom and starts showering
Did we just hear her shart herself...?
but if you had to choose.
but who would you rather fuck if you had to?
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This picture makes me seethe with a furious anger.

Am I autistic as fuck?
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suitablefor structuraluses.


an occupation.


thosein thevicinitythatacuttreeisaboutto falltotheground.
yes lol, call her out on it
i know that feel bro

Why didnt they just pay the guy to fix the fucking elevator?
Spends it all on food?
Bumping with this classic.
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Works every time
Can someone photoshop her playing saxophone?
These threads are a strong motivation for me.

They also don't generally hate on people that are slightly overweight, usually just super obese people that are in denial about what they are doing to their bodies and have no will to improve their general health whatsoever.
I get motivated by watching what I don't want to ever become
This sounds fake as fuck but it's hilarious anyways
How did she even get out of the house?
It's insecurity.

/fit/ is full of insecure man-children who hate themselves, so they project that hatred onto the easy target of obese people. They can rationalize and make up any excuse for why being overweight is wrong or gross or immoral, but when it comes down to it, everybody participating in /fathate/ actually hates themselves.

It's obvious to anybody paying attention, and the more people try to deny it, the more apparent it becomes.
FPH threads aren't made and populated by men.

The fat men are the one's in the threads looking for ways to lose weight, get swole and posting progress.

The fat women are looking for reasons to try hard and an emotional boost so they keep eating better and working to get away and stay away from the horror of the obese monsters.
The fuck is this shit? Do you start on the second one?
Yeah, first one is last, don't know why someone would make it like that.
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There's nothing that infuriates me more than fats on a plane. If you are morbidly obese and know that you don'g fit into a seat you should buy two fucking seats. They are so fucking entitled, and I can't imagine the level of mental gymnastics someone has to do to combinethe ideas that "I deserve extra space, but they deserve less!"
They don't see it as "they deserve less", they see it as the corporation being greedy and making the seats too small.
My dude, speaking from experience (I grew up in a fat family, was fat myself until puberty)

They don't do "mental gymnastics" fats like my family the one in this anon's post
>>39741970 think they can get away with stealing, they're not "entitled" that would imply that they feel as if they deserve it, they only primitively want something and take it and get upset when confronted.
I've always been thin, active, and beautiful, and I hate people who expect to be treated the same or better than me despite being clearly subhuman and inferior.

I think fat people are self-entitled pieces of shit.

I simply hate them.
I'm 195lbs and 5'7 and not nearly as /fit/ as I like (ie, not very). Whenever I step on the scale and see over 200, I get my shit together in a hurry to bring it back down.

I cannot fathom how someone out of shape can step on a scale and see a number over 200 and not freak out. Or think "I can put on another 50, no big."
Suprised nobody has posted this yet.
There's barely any difference between 195 and 200. Why don't you try to make actual wight loss progress?
Fat are totally entitled,
Every fatass ive ever encountered are extremely dumb, racist, entitled asf
I never said it was logical. Nor did I try and come off like I'm in good shape. It was more to say that as an out of shape fuck, I still have a point where it's like "stop". I don't get how other people don't have that.
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I L O V E these threads. I'm gonna make one everyday. I have a lot of cringe content for you guys!
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You are OBLIGATED to find me attractive
her stomach is a ballsack
Now, don't take this the wrong way, but those people would not be so fat if their human body were intelligent enough to stop hoarding every calorie past their TDEE.
I hate the entitled mentality for every facet of their lives.

I'm a professional photographer and I've had to pay for an extra seat many times just to leave my equipment on.
I used to come here to laugh and feel better about myself but lately I've been feeling dread instead. The thinner I get, the more I realize just how closely I dodged the bullet. And what a bullet it was.
You stink easier, you move harder, you can't get laid, your self esteem is shit, you go bald prematurely, you become more prone to depression and anxiety, and there's increased risk for a host of deseases. And more.

I've been depressed for most of my life, and for a long time the only reason I didn't kill myself was because it'd destroy the few people who love me. But ever since I started working on improving myself I've stopped feeling and thinking that way. Now I can sleep at night without waking up in absolute terror and start crying. The panic attacks are now manageable. My judgement is better and my approach on subjects more mature and (more importantly) effective.

I'm the anon who made the hell and purgatory comment last thread. And being fat really is a personal hell. Fat acceptance champions the idea of people in need of help staying in their personal hell rather than realizing that their situation is the source of their misery and solving it. Purposefully or not, fat acceptance is an insidious thing.

As a fat bastard I used to take offense at HAESfags for parading my affliction as a virtue and because they so easily and casually dismiss the hard work and personal sacrifices fitfags had to do to get fit. But now I hate them even more because I see them as the damned reaching out to pull people back to hell so they'll feel better about themselves.


Am I the only one having no doubt that I'm going to make it? To me it feels like something that WILL happen. Something as natural as the coming of a season. It's non-negotiable.
>That milk

Gonna make it
>human body were intelligent enough to stop hoarding every calorie past their TDEE
Unlike you, the human body is intelligent enough to realise that hoarding calories can be extremely beneficial.
>going into cardiac arrest after climbing a ladder

Imagining this as an actual game mechanic holy shit im ded

10 year old eating salads???? The horror!
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>find out my college has a feminist literature class
>decide to sneak in on a lecture and listen
>that day all the fat unkissables are reading poems and parts of books about womym
>whip out my cell phone, stand up and read pic related
>they throw pens at me
>get 9 free chewed up pens
this bretty gud
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my fucking sides
No you're watching a Human being actively kill themselves while boasting about how happy they are at their own suicide
Pretty sure that's illegal.
My condolences R.I.P anons mom
Fucking kekd
She looks sad. I wonder why.
It's not. The elevator can be turned off completely and nobody can do shit about it. So long as the stairs are marked and accessible.
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It is a storytelling device.
This is the blog post of a person who is gonna make it
That is one Harley I do not want to ride
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Go for it anon. If you have the motivation to do it, you are going to make it.
I hate people who blindly agree with me even more than I hate fats, liberals, communists and Mexicans.
I didn't really read what you said but I agree
At least she'll never be triggered becuase no one would ever be intimidated by her, except for professional eaters.
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what's that one about;
>all my what the fuck this medical profession
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Is that OC or just a repost?
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Hate is what gets me up in the morning.
OC, but I suppose anyone near DC could have screen shot it's profile.

lol that's in DC, I gotta check it out..

Although i always filter for the conservasluts
The unconscious 700 pounder slipin' and slidin' into an ambulance? Pretty sure it was in the last thread or two
Cold War kino
I only open the profiles of the critically obese and especially heinous looking ones, I figure they have to have incredible Bio's. There was one whale I wish I had saved "I bet I have the dirtiest room you've ever seen"
Need pic for non fapping purposes...
Why is the goth chick fat now?
>there are 10 year olds eating fucking salads and lean protein

God forbid children eat healthy foods.
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I got one. I suppose it's not really all that tied in with her weight, but oh well

>be 18
>freshman in college
>at house party being hosted by my cousin and his roommate, who are both sprinters on the track team
>this landwhale who cousin tried hooking up with his best friend is at the party and she is gunning for cousin, desparate to fuck him
>he politely declines her advances all night
>tubby gets more and more boisterous and drunk as night goes on
>eventually she gets blackout drunk
>starts mumbling out that she has to puke
>cousin and his best friend carry her upstairs to bathroom
>girl begins projectile vomiting all over the back of the toilet seat and floor, bathroom is a wreck
>cousin and friend are very patient though and continue to get her water and help her puke
>she starts to do ugly dry heaves
>every heave comes with an accompanying fart
>like a loud ass fart
>we can all hear it downstairs and we're laughing our asses off
>the heaves and farts go on for 5-10 minutes, and then suddenly it stops and cousin comes down the stairs to get his friend to come back up
>she passed on the bathroom floor and had shit herself during the heaving and farting
>like not even sharted, her jeans were filled with shit and the bathroom reeked
>they spend an hour getting her in the bathtub carefully and getting her jeans off to throw away and clean her
>she's woken back up, is bawling her eyes out, and is drunkenly ranting about how she wanted to fuck my cousin but now she embarassed herself
>mostly everyone's left by this point
>he gets her in some old clothes and has her sleep on a couch with a trashcan nearby
>shes gone a few hours later and he never hears from her again

Honestly i sort of felt bad. That had to have been the absolute worst night ever for her. Like rock bottom.
>Milo, Crowder, and some other people get together to do a comedy show/question block on some college campus
>Liberals invade and soak up all the seats then complain about how sexist and racist everyone is
>chick filming the whole show catches the fatty (now named Trigglypuff) and slowly pans to her concerned face
>goes back to filming the show
She got fat back in 2006, she's thin again.
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>are obligated to find me attractive
>are oppressive by your existence alone
Oh, good. It would have been a shame to lose her.
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>the entire world will put aside their differences and rally together just to make fun of fatties
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got this from /pol/
Praise Kek this is hilarious.
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Lol I'd rather be insecure and fit than insecure and fat
>What is a space and how do I use it?
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My self-hatred is what makes me stronger, senpai. I get all the more high when I accomplish goals because of it.
hamley quinn
Now go back to trying to find your penis under the rolls
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grotty. 9/10 read, would save
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I've lost about 75 pounds and can absolutely confirm that I'm way the fuck more sensitive to cold than I was. Still chubby but fuck does the cold hurt. I've never been too tolerant of it.
I used to weight like 270 pounds and I fit perfectly into those seats without touching anyone to either side of me when I fully relaxed, just for a reference for how fat this person must be
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>failed 25 times to IV
jesus fucking christ
I like the shoop of this pic where crustaceans is checked "yes". It's funnier that way.
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>i need to use ultrasound to locate your son's penis

harley chins
If I'm being brutally honest why I adore these threads so much is because it triggers the fuck out of my anorexia. These threads are like porn for my eating disorder.
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This is what you're looking for
I'm fat as fuck and here for hatespiration, I do hate myself a little, I think you should. I can make any excuse in the world for how I got to where I'm at but not a single person in the whole world except me put a crumb of food in my mouth.

People can be motivated by different things, for some people it's seeing a goal and working towards it, for others it's realizing that you're reviled by a good portion of humanity and having that drive change.
I wish obesity killed faster.
that's some cringey shit
don't be a faget, just eat a normal fucking amount
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some OC for you guys

Jesus fuck, I have a hard enough time hitting 3.5-4k cal in a day to sustain muh gainz. I can't even imagine eating everything I normally eat...PLUS ANOTHER TEN THOUSAND FUCKING CALORIES.

Seriously, how do you have time for anything else besides eating if you are consuming that much?
I know what you mean. I was a Bernie supporter in the primary, but I fucking hated the majority of his other supporters. They were just whiny little faggots.

I did low-key support Trump in the general for the lulz. I love watching these liberal faggots lose their minds. The worst part is, I was hoping this would be the catalyst for them to re-evaluate their elitist bullshit and not be so insufferable, but they're doubling down on the same shit that drove away thousands of voters in key states.

it's really easy to eat an absurd ammount of calories if you eat cake and shit

4000 calories in chicken breast oats and brocolli and milk is tough, but in McDonalds, no problem
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what the motherfuck is that picture
I'm cured!

The 800 calories of cake had me worried for a minute, but you're gonna make it. You just slipped up a little is all. 10/10, will transform into /fit/ master race.
My little sis is fat. Not quite landwhale levels of fat yet, but she's certainly getting there, and she's only 12. It really fucking hurts me to watch her wheeze after climbing like two flights of stairs.
Try and help her like a good anon.
There ain't no way. She's a lazy little sod and our mother feeds her trash - she is doomed to the fat life, and it's fucking sad.
Literally just eat the worst junk food imaginable, theres probably like a 1000 calories alone in a couple of cookies or cupcakes
Hey /fit/ I'm an overweight autist but I'm slowly losing weight and started startingbodyweight/100 pushups/couchto5k to get out more. I'm starting college and getting a dorm-mate until I find an apartment near campus-- what are some tips to not end up getting posted about here?

Aside from losing the weight, which I'm doing already. I don't keep a messy room like most of the stories I hear about. I vacuum regularly and don't have anything just lying around.
I got you mate

>Buy a large beanbag
>fill it maybe half way
>throw your tubby sister in the middle
>it's hard enough getting out of one of those while being thin if it's not full
>just keep doing it til she is out of breath and can't get out
>she's burning calories, getting bored of her life as a beanbag ornament and you're making gains lifting her heavy self

Then tell her to stop becoming a fatty and you'll stop putting her in the bag

Maybe throw your mum in there too
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It's Powdered Toast Man
Well, have you escaped?
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it really is
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is "starvation mode" and "body hangs onto calories" etc actually a thing or did fatties make it up?
>continue to lose weight
>be open to taking health advice, but critically analyse '''facts'''' you hear before adhering to them (a google search and quick read will often suffice)
that will stop you doing retarded stuff like 'eating butter' instead of 'eating better'
>dont be that anon who posted his computer monitor with a tub of butter and a spoon in front of it
>employ proper hygiene
>keep your anime/pony/cartoon/etc. obsession low-key

Hopefully you do show up here, but as inspiration rather than a laughing stock. Become the next 'fatbro' greentext.
dont you have to be starving first?

Your body has to get energy from somewhere. I am almost certain you will always get that energy from excess fat before muscle decomposition. Ergo, you will lose fat from fasting/dieting.

case in point: http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2012/07/24/3549931.htm
It insulates them a bit too much, ever seen a fatty in the sun?
>dont you have to be starving first?
Forgot to mention:
>starving =/= hungry
>starving =/= very hungry
cool just checking

fuck fatties
so wait, why don't people just not eat anything for a few months and get thin?
Used to be super liberal in my young teen years until I started discovering the shit that most feminists and SJW's were saying, then I started to drift towards right wing opinions and I'm now a proud conservative
i fucking went to umass and morons like this are the reason that the value of my degree decreases steadily
dude I can't go 4 hours without carbs and I want to punch a baby

shit's hard
I've not eaten for days at a time on cuts but stopped because people said it was "bad for me"
>why don't people just not eat anything for a few months and get thin?
1) hard work (abstinence is difficult for most people, especially with food)
2) it's dangerous. It's probably much safer if you take vitamins and other nutrients in pills, but if you don't have food, you won't get important nutrients.
Read the article I linked (or at least the relevant parts), it will help answer your question better.

also, >>39745049
what is this 'starvation mode' though? I'm the anon who answered you, but are they suggesting you will gain weight from dieting properly? THAT is 200% bullshit.
it's usually like "blah blah the body goes into this 'mode' and restricts the burning of calories blah blah" or some shit idk
(I'm just guessing based on intuition)

If you actually get to a point where you haven't eaten in a long time (or have a prolonged, restricted diet), I reckon your body would react by slowing the metabolism a bit. Maybe you might get tired more often, have slower reactions, or something like that.

BUT you CAN'T stop burning calories, especially if you are still exercising. Your body is still doing a ton of work, even if it is doing a bit less to save energy.

I don't know if this same effect would apply if you have a ton of stored energy (ie. fat) to use up. So I think it's fair to say it may exist to a degree, but it won't seriously inhibit weight loss.
right but the fatties are talking about not eating for like 5 or 6 hours not an actual fast
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Posting fatbro because everyone needs to see it.
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>right but the fatties are talking about not eating for like 5 or 6 hours not an actual fast
Posts like these make me glad this website allows me to upload images.
>Work in hotel
>Shitty breakfast bar job
>Washington DC in very poor neighborhood
>Hotel signed deal with Red Cross to take in homeless people due to slowness during winter
>Most "guests" are already loud and obnoxious, irresponsible and disgusting people
>One particular guest is the worst
>350 pound beach whale negro
>Rides rascal as transportation
>First time meeting her I introduce self
>Seems nice but smells like shit and looks like a mess
>Comes down nearly everyday to make herself food
>Always makes minimum of 5 plates
>Frequently requests me to make her new eggs, cut oranges, complain about the food she takes so much of, etc.
>Does this literally every fucking day
>After week begins bringing piggy family and their piglet children, plus their girlfriends, friends, etc
>Constantly having to restock bar for just their family
>End up taking so much food
>Complain to management about increased consumption of items due to these "guests"
>Tell me that there is nothing that can be done since she and her family all "guests"
>2 weeks late corporate complains about increasing breakfast prices
>Explain it is because of poor people taking all the food and me having to restrain myself from stopping them, with this family of approximately 20+ people daily
>Blame me for not appropriately budgeting to costs of these guests
>fired from job of 3 years
>2 hours of talking and paperwork I begin to leave
>go to KFC for a quick meal
>see her ordering $200+ order of buckets
>instantly leave, go home, and contemplate why I live in this shit country
>go to the pool with my lil bro and ma
>walk in
>hambeast roasting in the sun
>mom goes on a tyriade about how ppl have lost decancy and shame and shes lying near the entrance because she wants to shock ppl
>also my mom is worried seeing here might turn young boys gay she is serious about this
I wish I could spend that much on food

any idea what career field that fat fuck was in?
There is such a thing as 'starvation mode', the fatties have just warped the definition (surprise)

If you're barely eating or not eating for an extended period of time, your body will try to conserve energy until food becomes available again, it's a survival mechanism. Kind of like how the body restricts blood flow to the extremities when exposed to intense cold.

Like >>39745095
said, you'll notice that reduced energy. You're gonna be lethargic, you will have a harder time thinking, and you'll be weaker. And guess what happens to muscles that you can no longer use to their full extent?

That's why the recommended calorie deficit is rather small. So you can maintain your energy levels and metabolism while still burning off some mass.

The fattie definition is complete bullshit though.
>I LITERALLY starve myself at 500Cal/day (snacks don't count because they're not part of a meal) and I'm still fat!
>I LITERALLY didn't eat anything for a week (Cokes don't count because they're mostly water) and gained weight!
>I haven't had a single calorie all year (I cook them out of my food), and I gained 60lbs!
>must be muh genetics!
I've talked to her many times. She told me she has never held a working job her entire life and has lived off the disability checks from "not being able to walk" and off her children. She still to this day watches her grandchildren for extra money. I have so many stories about this bitch.
Your body may start to catabolise muscle to lower its TDEE, but if you're a woman then you don't have to worry about that
>human beings
>genetically gifted with being the most efficient long distance runners on the planet
>would rather eat cake and say we're meant to be sea creatures
Their faces are shopped right?
Based on my own research (from sites I found, so grain of salt), but if you're actually starving yourself for a long period of time (about 3 days or more) your body doesn't heal as well or as fast. So working out will burn the calories, yeah, but it'll also DESTROY your muscles leaving you weaker than when you started.

If someone is actually fasting/starving for long periods, every source I found recommended as close to bed rest as you could manage
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far, far worse than reddit

they don't understand that they're nothing more than an imageh osting site FOR reddit
I have the entirety of Imgur blocked on my browser, including the images. I haven't had to do that for any other website.
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Jesus anon, I'm sorry.
>Using a treadmill

How can someone hate their knees that much?

Ironcally, the comedian was the least funny part of the show.
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>Be parent
>Raise kid to grow fat
>Make fun of him for it
Does a treadmill really damage your knees compared to running outside?
Anyone else remember wanting to fuck that character?
no, of course not. what is softer and more compliant: asphalt, cement, and hardpack trail or a treadmill?
From personal experience - yes.
Running on a treadmill does not vary your movements at all, which places repetitive stress on the knees over time. Granted, running outside there is a greater risk of sudden injuries, like rolling an ankle.
you have shit form then if running on a treadmill for the same duration and intensity as outside injures you. I have never been able to go more than 2 miles on one though
>thunderbird 2 standing by
well it is, you need to replenish vitamins and salt etc. moron
It does keep them warmer. Once you lose it the cold feels even more intense. I wear a fur hat for anything below 50 degrees. People do not understand the hell I have put my body through.
Damn, that is some moving shit! If this guy can keep going with the help of one anon, we can all make it if we stick together!
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Fuck it, I'll post one of my fph
>Recovering fat, thanks fph for saving my life
>childhood friend was in bad car crash in high school
>took years of physical therapy for her to learn to walk again
>as expected she got fat
>suckered into the whole "HAES" and "PLUS SIZE MODELING" shit while I was beginning my journey
>meets Tess Holiday, gets involved in the fat activist movement
>actively spreading misinformation about weight loss
>For every pound I lose she is gaining three
>obviously this leads to us butting heads many times over the next two years
>recently she ask me to stop commenting on anything weight related
>doesn't want to lose me as a friend but she's making this into some kind of career and I trigger the fats
>I agree, still support her blogging about self esteem, suicide prevention, and most of her body positivity stuff (focuses outside of just being fat most the time anyway)
>See today she joined a closed group for gastric bypass surgery

I want to reach out to her so badly but the topic is really taboo. Watching her slowly kill herself and destroy her already damaged body over the years has been horrifying. I tried to justify it with "at least she is happy" but after seeing this I highly doubt it. What do /fit/? I don't want to get a call from her mom within the next few years saying she passed away.
I feel for you anon, can I cheer you up somehow?

close, adipose is actually very vascular, however your body doesn't make more blood just because you're fat

they stretch their own blood supply and use to the limit by being that fat, and hemodynamically it throw's the body to shit.

If they're cold, the cryoglobulins and vasoconstriction will enact and poorly perfuse already horrid limbs into worse, and if they get too hot, then they're blood pressure wobbles from horrible blood flow into un-needed space

how fatties live past 30 is a miracle.
now thats a fucking bulking meal lads
>use energy
>no food so fat
>hurr durr
Ok, I think you should get her parents involved. My Story:
> I moved away to uni, leaving behind everything I had ever known
> Crippling social anxiety so couldn’t go to a new gym
> Started off at a lean 70kg
> During summer break from first year I had gotten to 90kg
> Mum tells me to stop drinking beer and drink spirits like a man thinking it was just bloat

> Obey but keep gaining weight because too dumb to eat how I was taught
> Fell for HAES like a fucking pleb
> During 3rd year summer break (4 year course) Mum found out I had gone HAES

> I move home for summer break, she takes away my wallet and cards etc
> Takes away my car keys and gives me a push bike
> Every morning wakes me at 5am to walk the dogs with her (3 miles)
> Get home and she made me oats

> She drives off to work and locks me outside with my bike
> Need to go cycling and meet her for her first break 6 miles away
> She gives me house key, cycle the other 6 miles home
> Have soup and rolls she left for me (homemade, sat on hob to reheat when I get in)

> Mum left a note each day, and a membership card to a local gym
> Workout written had to be completed and signed by a gym employee that is terrified of her

> First day she left the following routine:
>> Lat pull downs in sets of 8-12 starting at lowest weight moving up as high as possible, then 12 reps of every weight on the way back down, even if I have to add breaks
>> Deadlifts “See coach I arranged” who said I had to do bodyweight deadlifts with proper form until failure 5 times.
>> Bicep Curls 4 sets of 8 at 10kg (increase until it burns by 5th rep)
>> Shrugs 4 sets of 12
>> Dumbbell Farmers walks at least 30kg per hand 10 x 10 metres

Shall I continue?

try and help her one last time. If she declines then fuck her, if you dont offer it you'll regret it

Start with your mother. Show her a number of /fph/ images and videos. Start off with how ridiculous and disgraceful fats are, followed by shocking medical stories and videos. By calm throughout this even if she isn't. Conclude by telling her that this is the futue she is condemning her own daughter to by feeding her garbage.
Without your mom's cooperation her daughter will relapse even if she doesn't want to.
Now on to your sister. Criticism won't work. Instead tell her things along the lines of "you're such a pretty girl. Why are you doing this to yourself?" or "with my help you could have any boy you want and make other girls jealous of you". If she bites then name a few celebs she admires or who are hot and point out that they have fit bodies that they worked to get.
Remember that you can get a point across easier when you are calm and the other person isn't feeling that it's being judged or attacked. And if your sister doesn't want to listen to you then just focus on your mother. If everything fails then tell your mother about diabetes and how you can go blind or lose your legs from it, and accuse her of slowly killing her own child.

>Watching her slowly kill herself and destroy her already damaged body over the years has been horrifying
>I don't want to get a call from her mom within the next few years saying she passed away

Powerful stuff. You should tell her that. Pour your heart out. If she continues to be like that then there's nothing else you can do. Distance yourself for your own good, mourn the loss of your friend and move on.
your cousin and friend are good people.

Please do! This is some mom you got there.
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Could be insecurity - insecure in the fact there's potential in me and everyone else to become Fatso the Hutt if I don't work on my physical prowess. It motivates me not to be like them and make excuses and blame the world but to take responsibility for myself and to continue eating well and working hard. So whatever, it gets me in the gym and gets my morning oats to be morning oats and not 8 waffles dipped in maple syrup and topped with french toast. So call it insecurity or whatever you want, but I call it motivation.
>that flexibility in the last pic
fucking how
Chris Farley Quinn
>bodyweight deadlifts
never heard of this, how does this work?
broken pelvis
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this is very comforting to me.
This is fake/satirical as fuck. You retards will fall for anything that comes from a Tumblr blog.
The thing is, there are people who unironically post shit like that on tumblr
> Get home from gym with signed workout
> Note left how to cook a steak sandwich (2 frying steaks, bread, instructions for low calorie sauce)
> Ingredients all in fridge, note has outline for me to write down how much calories, protein, fat, carbs and sugar is in the dish
> She gets home from work just after I finish eating and doing the dishes
> We go for another walk with the dogs, longer route this time - as we walk our dogs, then meet up with Granny to walk her dog 2 miles for her
> Tells me time to learn what is really i what I eat so have to make my own bread from recipe and ingredients that night.
> Stir fry for final meal of the day, shows me how to make it healthy etc

That is the basic outline we did for the first week where
> Monday was Deadlift day
> Wednesday is Bench day
> Friday is Squat day
> Saturday was cardio overload where we walked 15 miles in total and I had to cycle with her to the shop and all the shopping mounted to my bike.

>Next week she arranged me going to a boxing class on the Tuesday and Thursday night on top of the rest.
> Already arranged with instructor that I get put in the ring as much as possible
> Go home busted lip etc, get patched up and told to “man the fuck up”

> Weeks go by, by week 5 I am dominating in the ring, deadlifting 1.5 bodyweight, squatting 1.5 x bodyweight, benching almost bodyweight
> She takes me around all the gyms in the city of my university teaching me what to look for in a gym
> Arranges membership for the year, having my Dad go through once a month to test my PRs, with her turning up on a random day each month, sometimes twice to try and catch me out, and throws out everything unhealthy.
Fast forwards 6 months and I am
> deadlifting and squatting lmao 4pl8
> Benching lmao 2pl8
> Can cycle 60 miles without stopping with average speed of 14mph,
> Jog 2 miles twice a day
> Have a calisthenics and stretching routine when I wake up.
> Grades went up 15%
> Time studying went down
> Now run up stairs that I used to use a lift for.

Still long way to go as 100kg and she has set the goal for me to hit 85kg lean.
Simply deadlifting your body weight, was meant to be an impossible goal so that I don't get to stop until I cant even lift the bar.
Forgot to mention, I was 140kg when she snapped and made me go through the 'bootcamp' as I call it.
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Jesus christ.
That's true, but the least anon could do is find the real, unironic ones.
wait....so they're saying she's a moody cunt because she got fit...and you can just tell by the facial expression?

Women are cunts when they're fat.
holy shit, based mom
Share some, please :)
IIT: Low test losers

Face it, you beta males couldn't handle a REAL woman with REAL curves, REAL men go for THICC, CURVEY women, fuck you losers.
Continue pls.
Her mother is incredibly supportive of her lifestyle and has herself gained weight right alongside her daughter (albeit not nearly as much).
Yeah I think one last shot is what I should do. Just needed to hear it from someone else. Thanks guys. To be honest I'm confident this will result in a (block + delete) but I don't want to regret. Take care guys.
You know a curve and a roll are two different shapes, right?

>low quality bait is low quality
Continued here:
>i love a happy ending
everytime my neighbor went to the doctor because of anything he always came back home complaining how people could never find a vein on his arm foor or hand, he told me that people used to pierce the veins under his tongue because people couldn't find his veins (he weighted 400lbs)
>literally every single feminist is a jew

/pol/ is literally never wrong
Insecurity is 99% of the reason we work out in the first place.
>'I don't understand fitness' the post

Calling bullshit on your gym claims. It's like being the guy who claimed he used to bench 3 plates before he injured himself playing football
goddammit. I have tiny fucking roll-veins, so doctors have about a 10% chance of finding my vein and then actually hitting it, which compounds on the fact that I have a phobia of needles. Eventually I gave up and started demanding that everyone just draw blood from the back of my hand.
we wuz genus an sheit
before lifting it was hard to find my veins, but they never missed more than once, after i started lifting its impossible to miss a vein
*tips fedora*
you dense fuck
I had been fit i the past, brought up doing boxing but it all went to shit when I stopped and became a university lard ass, easier to gain it back if you had it in the first place.

spotted the dyel faggot
good riddance
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This is bait but what the hell.
I love reading shit like this. Sounds stupid but I really am proud of you, from a former fatfuck myself.

"I used to bench 3lp8 just like you but then I took a football to the knee."
>not running on grass
This is what fph is made for
what's with all these fucking newfags?
Post-ironic meta memeing is still shitposting
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>tfw lost 25lbs but cant see much of a difference
I'm not going to make it, /fit/

I'm a uni student down 80lb, on break for the holidays.

At school it's really easy for me to stay busy going to the gym and to buy healthy food, but when I'm at home it feels like it's impossible to eat right. There's delicious food everywhere. Fuck, right now there are two containers of ice cream in the freezer, chips in the pantry, cookies on the counter, and a bunch of meat, cheese, and beer in the fridge. This doesn't even include the food available when I go to my favorite bars and restaurants with my friends every other day. I'm cheating myself, and in just 5 days back I've put on 9lb of fat/water weight. I know it's mostly water weight, but almost 10lb is still shitty.

One half of me wants to at least keep training over the break, even if I eat like shit, and the other half wants to say fuck it and be worthless for 3 weeks.


I know it's my fault for being a goddamn pig
Treat it like a bulk opportunity, at least that's what I do
my guess is to show that it's not going to end with some fucking song lyrics.

Thanks mate. I'm a sucker for motivational stories and quotes myself. People have called me out on it but they really do inspire me.
Here, listen to this. It's like a MAKING IT anthem.



It's just that all this crap is so ludicrous and out of touch with reality that I'm having trouble believing someone would say such things seriously, especially a thin person.
Cause let's face it, what kind of "unapologetic fat" would ever visit a fitness board. And even if one did it'd sperg and engage in all caps preaching, followed by bitching on tumblr, spreading awareness of our unenlightened fatphobic little corner and drawing more of xir kind to come beach and moan.
Had a bitch do this to me. When someone told me she was saying this behind my back I just about died from laughing. Why are they so pathetic.
goddammit dude, the point is that sarcastic shitposting isn't bait. It's shitposting.
Height/weight? I made the mistake of not lifting while dieting from 195 to 175, saw almost no difference.
It's a simple beginner's workout.
Step 1: Change into sandals
Step 2: Add your bodyweight to the bar
Step 3: Diddly lift.
we all will make it!

508 Master Race here. Fuck I hate how people life this are the face of the Commonwealth.
That should be the hard mode. She's fat as fuck, can't run/climb/hide and you have to consume 13,000 calories or it's game over.
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Is that real? Cars are tested in front crash scenario with a motorized fatass?
>Lost 3.6 pounds this week
>10,000 steps a day, is it a meme?
>Did I just lose this weight because I was 250 pounds or will I maintain weight loss?
>19 weeks to my goal

Ultrabulk. Bulkolate Bulkeo Bulke - Bulky.
Actually goes even further back

Its just all sweets and fast food and sugar. Entirely.

Some things have incredible calorie counts. I was drinking some Baileys Irish Cream the other day - because I'm a guy who isn't afraid to drink drinks that will 100% give him a vagina - and i glanced at the calorie counts and discovered that if i went on a binge and drank the entire 1 litre bottle i'd had i would have guzzled down 3500 mother fucking calories.

The fuck baileys. The fuck.

Anyway, these people survive entirely on sugar and grease and dairy and fat and fast food and more sugar. the better question to ask is not how they guzzle it down, but how the hell they don't figure out something is wrong from when it comes back out.

Imagine going to the bathroom either ten times a day as pure burning liquid or once a week in something more painful than birth or just waking up and finding yourself sleeping in filth.

Good fucking christ.
Is Milo gay? He's fabulous off the charts.
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Your Mum sounds awesome
Good work on not slacking off anon

Keep up your training anon.

Building muscle is building muscle. You may be doing it more effectively with the correct diet, but you aren't just throwing your effort away if you do it on a shit one. You're just not doing as well as you could be.

If you give up though, all your past hard work will have been for nought.

At the end of the holiday you may indeed weigh more, but if you can look in the mirror and say 'yknow what, maybe i did overeat. but at least i didnt give up on my routine and i can get back into it properly', maybe you can forgive yourself for being a bit of a lardass and overeating on cookies.
Yes. His college tour that this was a part of was literally called "The Dangerous Faggot."
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you got me on the floor
my stomach kills me now that I've been eating clean a while when I have any sweets or too much dairy (other than greek yogurt). Makes me wonder how I ever got accustomed to having shit like that in the first place
Numbers can be magical sometimes, being just a few decimals short of 100kg was my wake up call - I would not let this go 3 digit, ever. And never it went, three and a half years later, the loss has even gradually accumulated to my now new low of under 83, with no significant yo-yoing inbetween (other than a kilo or two). Simple psychology trumps every fad diet, as it leads to semi-unconcious permanent changes that lower the calorie intake just enough
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self hatred is what fuels me
This isn't normal, anon...
I was always skinny, but if my mom forced me into shit like this, I'd leave the house. Mate, it's okay to realize you're fat and need to change - but you don't need someone to dictate how to live your life. You should know yourself you need to change your habits.
I'm triggered because I come from an abusive home, where alcoholic father dictated what I have to do (basically being a servant) and taking hits. I swear I'd lose my shit if anyone took away my keys and had me go to a gym because they want me to.
Even better is that fats and alcohol have shared metabolic pathways in the liver with alcohol prioritised. So any fats you consume after or during binge drinking are likely to stored instead of metabolised.

Considering baileys is just fat mixed with alcohol it's basically the king of 'muh genetics'
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You're going to make it.
Ha ha, that's pretty good rhyming.
Yeah, once I read a few lines in and realized it was fake it no longer was funny.
She looks like she'd have a really cute face if she lost weight.
The one thing that made me lol in this thread.
My niece is over for Christmas and I swear when I first saw her I thought she was pregnant she's getting so fat. I can't describe how much I hate the pot-bellied look.
Based mom. Yall are gonna make it.

>t. 1st semester psych student
Damn, I wish my car worked like that
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how do you know that he was raised to be fat, exactly
Feels good, mane. Finally we can see our own past delusions, and are now destined for the palace of "made it". My life just begun.
There was another one recently where a woman posted her progress photos and lost 100+lbs, looked absolutely amazing, and did a little paragraph on a basic rundown of how she lost it.

However, she wasn't smiling in her after picture.

So 99% of the comments were "oh you look better in the before picture. you look so unhappy. i'd rather be friends with you when you were fat. did you lose your fun loving personality along with your weight?"

That entire site is a cesspool of shit
let him die.
I had someone get mad at me when I pointed out she was drinking shit like this after complaining about wanting to lose weight.
her response was "you're drinking coffee every morning in class, and say you have at least one cup during the weekdays!" (sat lecture)
I pointed out I only drink a regular house blend and that I drink it black.
she just said "coffee is coffee, there's no difference."
thank god that class didn't meet twice a week.
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