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/plg/ Powerlifting General

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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 78

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Powerlifting General

REAL THREAD for Powerlifting

We're NOT giving in to Lith and Discord memes. We were here FIRST.
why do girls think they're powerlifters just because they wear singlets and bench 50kg?
second from the right <3
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Why do anons make a /plg/ thread when there are already 2 up?
me on the left

Tell me what the fuck a PATREON LINK to someone who has NEVER POSTED ON PLG has to do with PLG or POWERLIFTING.
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made me think of this guy, kek
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First for trappy is haino, and reminder to report child sexualization pics, even if they are animated.
What's wrong with being homosexual?
It's a sin
Why is sheiko such a fan of partial rep deadlifts? Are they really that useful?
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I want to stick my nose in 5's asshole.

The portion of the deadlift that occurs below the knees is the hardest, and the point most people fail. If I understand the theory correctly partial deadlifts allow you to move more weight over the course of the workout and be more efficient as you're not wasting energy on the other, easier, half of the pull.
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ok lith

i like this game
But he programs for box deadlifts on the same day so you end up doing the second half of the exercise, but with more weight since you can pull more from boxes
>people think I still post with my trip off
How high are the deadlift from boxes (below knees) boxes supposed to be if I pull sumo? Same height?
I'm not lith. I'm a disgusted trip with good lifts that hates sexualized children being posted in a lifting general.
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ok lith
who is this cancerous lith person people keep talking about recently and why is it in fucking plg
Go orbit trappys porn in the discord fag.

I guess if my lifts were as bad as yours, I'd avoid talking about lifting too.
You're just trying to ruin the game.

I guess if I was as weak as you, I wouldn't be able to handle a little banter either.
Guys pls

How high are the deadlift from boxes (below knees) boxes supposed to be if I pull sumo? Same height?
Is Z-press an acceptable tricep exercise for sheiko or should I pick an isolation?
Like right below the knee I guess.
Ask Boris. He's your coach.
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Why cant you do both
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I think it's fine. I just wouldn't push it too hard, keep it relatively light
whats the discord
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because of the "if you can lift the bar you can compete meme"
you really really like that pic dont you
do you have beef with these people? You've posted this like 4 times today
holy LOL!
Stepping on the platform takes balls (or labia).

If you refuse to compete, feel free to >>>/out
not him
and i encourage people to compete because most leave it longer rather than too soon
but i seen an Instagram post that showed an overweight woman lifting saying
>congratulations to x, she only started lifting 6 weeks ago blah blah
i think that is taking the piss Tbh
she probably wont even be still lifting a couple months later
>she probably wont even be still lifting a couple months later
Who cares. Don't be an elitist faggot about it. She is needed to fund the "sport".
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>mfw bodyoreo could be at camp with qt isabella plunging her rn, but is instead in snapcity kek

this will happen to all the talentchads
its the same with people ive seen claiming on social media
>im (x country) champion!!!
after wining a local meet, literally calling themselves national champ and no one wants to correct them
makes me laugh

but yeah ultimately i dont care

>She is needed to fund the "sport".
generally not tho Tbh, meets around here sell out fast and the meets are kept to single platforms for a better meet experience which i agree with, so then you are left to a waiting list hoping people pull out
Any good programs for peaking for bench press?
Whatever you do don't do candytoes bench program
Smolov jr, cube predator.

Our just use your head.
What % of your 1rm would anot absolute maximal 5×5 be
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That would be maximal.
I take that back, 85% is beyond capability. For 5x5
It's around 75% which is like your 20rep max
Bullshit. I just did 245 5x5 Monday and my PR is 285.
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Son, you must have some kind of superpower.
Time to set a new PR.
PR 1x5? lmfao. 5x5 is 80-90% of 5RM
no man if you can squat it for 5x5 you can squat it for 1x20. srs. it's like 75% of 1RM
A = Would
B = Would with bag on head
C = Would not

1) B
2) A
3) A
4) B
5) C
6) B
You are:

> not very strong
> ready for a new training max
hello yes i am a girl and a POWERLIFTER at the same time

yes, before you ask, im natty xD

this dyed hair is for me, so dont worry about it, i do it for me

aw i pee'd myself on dealift and squat today xD

need a datty to spank me 4 bein a bad gorl xD
considering i weigh 151, id say im pretty strong.
>considering i weigh 151
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poster 39694773
excuse me are you intimidated by a female in a "mens only "sport?

well let me know you something

im stronger than most mens in this thread

men arents tronger than woman
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<230lbs lads
Pretty average*
220 is perfect for me, juust gotta get to that lean
Sorry, my lack of punctuation lead to misunderstanding. I'm 230lbs, lads
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245! C'MON!
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>tfw failed a rep on the 3rd week of madcow

end me lads.
On what lift
In what lift, lmao.


>75% which is like your 20rep max
Very possible for all lifters, especially the squat. Might take a little practice, but it's attainable. Bodorio did 405x20 iirc and he's clearly dealing with advanced loads.
You don't hit your current weights until week 4. What happened?
>Bodorio did 405x20 iirc and he's clearly dealing with advanced loads.
its also not 75%
The deadlift
It feels like such a hut or miss thing, one week I can pull quite easily, the next I struggle with my last warm up set.

Ego and impatience happened and and I've changed the spreadsheet to match my squat and diddly pr in the second week, so my stupidity is probably the cause (even though I've pulled 5kg more than today for 5 reps before I started the program, I just didn't use it as my 5rm because /shitform/)
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>yeah lemme just try and hit a new deadlift 5 and 3rm every week
bench press obv
at the risk of sounding like gibbs...
goddamnit these posts are a waste of time.
if you knowingly alteted the program AND STILL POST like the program failed you you're a fucking moron.
well yeah, I am kind of used to it since this is the first program I've started since 'completing' SL where I often pr'd two times a week.

tbqh I blamed myself from the beginning p much.
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>What's wrong with being homosexual?
It's not right.
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I don't understand how Madcow works, it seems v. low volume.

Monday - 1x5
Wednesday - 2x5
Fri - 1x3, 1x8

How long do people last on it typically?
The Bible's gay.
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wew, busy af day, but I'm finally back and in /comfy/ mode.

It was a lot of fun tho, despite having to deal with boring papers for most of it.


This makes me miss commie ): I should reinstall wechat.


>doing madcow instead of TM

I'm sorry bby


shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite they looking sharp

>shitty washed jeans


>I don't understand how Madcow works, it seems v. low volume.

It is. It's trash tBh.
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would you let them train you?
it can work for an intermediate squat for 1 maybe 2 cycles, useless for anything else imo
Low 80s?

I do wrestling bridges and roll my thoracic to warmup. Also, there's a good webm of a stretch that Isley posts, but I don't have it.
Is foam rolling worth it or is it just a meme?
I'd let them run a train on me

Homosexuality is a sin
I keep stalling on my ohp but everything else is going up. What do
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Isley stretching for bench.webm
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Literally who?

>crossfit sucks



Webm related :3
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>training OHP as a main movement
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Kirill 320kg Bench.webm
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You seem to be in the wrong place, this is the thread for powerlifting aka squat/bench/deadlift.

But since I don't wanna be a bully, eat more and do more sets of OHP. Also move on to a slower program for the OHP.
>its also not 75%
He did it once for fun.

I'm sure he could hit 75pc setter a week or two after. I've done 75pc x20 at 390. It's very doable.
Is Virtus here?
i like this place though. ive just been doing 531 so thats why I have it as a main movement. ill probably do a powerlifting program once I start stalling for everything else.

and thanks for the tip ill do more light sets then
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>You seem to be in the wrong place,
How hypocritical.
But I'm sure you hear that a lot in the restroom.
Love massthetics desu
>Not sliding pvc pipes under your back while benching like glorious nippons

Welp i guess it's true that you don't even trane
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real program.png
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pic related tBh


And you can stay, I was just memeing


I actually never heard that in a restroom.
What do you mean by this? Post an example?

I've seen people bench use foam rollers similar to what you are describing, is that the kind of size pvc pipe you're talking about?
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>pvc pipes

Seems like you haven't seen the ACTUAL nippon SECRETS
pic related
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Yep, that's what I thought it was.
noob here: if i rotate my feet out more, will i be able to activate my glutes more = stronger squat?
reppin those power perfects :3
Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Also if i'm flat footed should i go for flat or high heeled shoes when squatting?
Should i insert my orthotics which further increase the heel height or rely on the arch support of the shoe?
Boardshorts is now LIGHTER than me.

hey trappy, can you outline the difference between the intermediate sheiko and the advance sheiko? (aside from the obvious extra day). ta!

It's a joke on equipped lifting and steroids.

Do you squat high or lowbar?


Not exactly. It's more of a comfort thing. Though pointing them out is 90% of the time a better choice than pointing them straight.


>tfw aaron is going through a depression cut
>tfw not even in rainbows can save him now


It's mostly the added frequency (nice for the deadlift) and added volume.
Though the advanced medium load is completely different from the large load, and has a fuckton of variety and ancillary lifts (front squats, board presses, bench and deadlift with chains, paused lifts, .
Advanced large load feels like regular sheiko, but longer.
Could you link all those sheikos?
Low bar backsquats and front squats

During lowbar squats in chucks (no soles, no orthotics) I sometimes find myself almost falling backwards when im pushing through the heel. With front bar squats I try to go ATG but flat-footedness usually leaves you with poor ankle mobility so I can't really hit the depth I want to, also again i have a hard time balancing on my heels so i sometimes curve my upperbody forward at the bottom of the lift because I feel like i'm going to fall backwards
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Is there anyone who's running/has run the Texas Method?

If so, was it the one outlined by Rip or some version modified for powerlifting?
who is that one in the middle?

Me. I ran trappy's TM.
>that rusty barbell
Yoyoyo, I'm about to go to bed tho, wassup
Were you making progress?

Also, I suppose it's ungoogleable?

Could trappy provide a link maybe...
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>tfw too intelligent to stay hydrated
>tfw almost too intelligent to stay conscious on three occasions at the gym today
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>tfw too dumb to squat 4pl8
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Here's all the spreadsheets:


Intermediate Small Load

Intermediate Medium Load

Intermediate Large Load

Advanced Medium Load

Advanced Large Load


Do you know how much heel height the orthotics add?
what are your best comp legal lifts right now?

if you havent maxed in a while, then what are the estimated at?
>its another trappy thinks anything that isnt sheiko is shit episode
Do you run all of these programs as Prep 1 > Prep 2 > ... > Prep n > Competition Phase?
>Tfw to smart to waste time lifting
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Maxed out my squat for the first time ever about 1.5 months ago and hit 335 easily, and then I did 345 a few minutes after which was extremely hard. I should have rested much more in between attempts. At that point I've been lifting for somewhere around 9 months, with my squat 5rm being roundabout 155-160 when I started training at the beginning of the year.

I did a small deload afterwards and then didn't lift for like 1 month and lost a lot of strength. I finally am back to pre-depression cut strength levels and am starting another Sheiko cycle very soon.
Thanks lad.

Where'd you find all these anyway?
>tfw too smart NOT to bring your elephant army through the alps
I'd estimate about 1.25-15 cm by looking at them... I know they're symmetrical/same height at least
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To smart too remember my trip
Dead? Bench?
>tfw too intelligent to pass calc 2
Dead is 405.

I hit 245 comp bench a while ago and am pretty confident in being able to hit a good 265 TNG bench.
What is your be again
Hey man,how is your back doing these days?
IIRC we almost had the same problem and I'm still very far from fixing it.
Timestamp bitch
I assume that was a typo and you meant bw?

Rn I'm at about 205. I started at the beginning of the year at 165 and then got carried away with GOMAD and Taco Bell which resulted in me gaining a 80/20 split of fat/muscle as I gained weight faster than I could realistically gain strength.

Definitely need to cut soon

>Stepping on the platform takes balls

It really doesn't. It's like being Kaitlyn Jenner, 95% of people who bother to acknowledge it will fall over themselves to you how "brave" and "inspiring" and bullshit you are.

Double the attention of winning a gold medal, literally none of the work. Just look at all the attention Trappy gets for lifting LMAOHALFPLAYT
you're the frog guy in the wechat room right?

Gain 15 lbs then cut to 230 lbs for meets. Don't be some scrawny, bitch lifting weight class babby
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I've played on a lot of sports teams. So I'm not saying that powerlifting is all that hard.

But stepping on the platform under a heavy task bar for the first squat of the competition takes a lot of nerve.

Meanwhile a lot of the pussies around here keep on telling themselves that they'll compete when they're strong enough to compete when they're strong enough. And they never fucking do. Instead they just trash talk everybody else that competes to make themselves feel better.

Also your analogy sucks.
All of those girls and only one of them isn't a goblin
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yep this is it

i quit

Depends. If you're still early-intermediate you can run prep1->1st week of comp or prep 2->1st week of comp, basically 1month cycles.

If not, just run the program as is. prep 1->prep 2->1st week of comp (if not competing) or full comp (if competing)

Then start it all over again!


lass* ;)
Some are available on his website, some I made exclusively for /plg/ and aren't available anywhere else on the internet.
You can have all of them if you buy his mobile app though.


They're higher than I thought.
Have you ever squatted with them and flat shoes? How was it?


What happened commie? D:
not that guy but

I've played rec basketball, college rugby, and pro golf. In every sport, there has been something harder than the first attempt at a powerlifting meet.

In every sport, they were not overly concerned with the composition of my underwear (though rugby in general might be more anal about knee protection than the IPF), the logo on my shirt, or the brand of gear I was wearing.

Powerlifting a shit.
>Powerlifting a shit.
No shit Sherlock. That's why it's not a sport, it's a glorified Hobby. Kind of like golf.
if i hear about fucking golf one more time im gonna ree

>rugby in general might be more anal about knee protection
lad what
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>Powerlifting a shit.
the IPF a shit. powerlifting is fun. but let me explain the underwear rule. it's because if you wear something with a leg on it
(a) what's to say it's not like briefs or something that helps and more importantly
(b) underwear with a leg on it tend to get bunched up and makes it harder to see just where your hip crease is.

now with the logos thing, I 100% agree with you. with equipment, however, especially things like knee sleeves, wraps, bench shirts, suits, singlets, and anything where a different brand could be used and potentially assist in the lift more than other brands, I understand having approved and disapproved equipment.

also lad PL is a hobby, not a sport.

Partly due to the fact that opposition players' faces will often be in close, potentially violent contact with your knees, any knee braces can't have hard bits to them like the metal knee braces you might see in the NFL, where player's are more protected from that sort of thing with all of the helmets and pads.

One time, at an alumni game (a squad of large, strong, unconditioned former players played the current squad of tiny, goddamn fast players), the fucking idiot ref told one of the old boys that he couldn't were is IRB APPROVED knee brace (it was just elastic and some thin padding). Fucking idiots.

Though, they GENERALLY let you wear whatever brand of gear you want, provided it conforms to the objective allowed specifications (for instance, they don't care who made your scrum cap as long as it's not thicker than 10 mm). Because, unlike the IPF, they aren't low rent as fuck.
With orthotics i had some patellar tendonitis in my right knee and often found myself pushing through the balls of my feet instead of the heels. A thing that fucked with me a bit is that the orthotic is rigid but they had some wiggle room in the shoe.
They're also a bit old so I don't know how appropriate they are to the shape of my foot now (not to mention I don't think they were built to support my weight + the weight of a loaded barbell)
who wears knee braces in rugby anyway

^This guy gets it.
people who need to brace their knees

>with equipment, however, especially things like knee sleeves, wraps, bench shirts, suits, singlets, and anything where a different brand could be used and potentially assist in the lift more than other brands, I understand having approved and disapproved equipment.

This is not a problem for literally any other legitimate sport. They set the equipment specifications and allow whatever conforms to that.

The IPF's bullshit has nothing to do with making sure the equipment meets a standard, and everything to do with requiring bribes to get a brand's equipment allowed. Why else would they have nearly disallowed Ivanko equipment that was previously allowed, just because Ivanko didn't want to pay out the nose for that bullshit?

The downside is that it creates completely unnecessary hurdles to entry for prospective powerlifters. This keeps the IPF and the >sport in general as small potatoes. If these retards weren't SO FAR up their ass as to be turning inside out, they could be the One True Fed they already fancy themselves.
I'm assuming the people saying ipf competing is boring are the ones that have never actually done it.

I don't think I ever wore it for a match, but when I lightly sprained my knee in the first practice of a semester, I wore a brace for the next week or two. It kind of was a pain in the ass when trying to run.
as corrupt as it is it makes sense desu
probably a seriously underfunded organization so they shaft some equipment producers for the sake of funding
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>sport status is based on if it makes money
i never seen people wear knee braces for rugby
pussies ...than answer was pussies

>unnecessary hurdles

But USAPL gained almost 3000 new members this year. So they're not doing bad.
I am edgy and I have opinions appreciate me
This is exactly the case. They don't make money from spectators.
They don't get kickbacks from the Olympics.
They have to get money from 2 groups in order to pay for the organization. The lifters, and the companies that profit off of the existence of the sport.

>but lolfeds have 15% more metal music so they're more fun
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>This is not a problem for literally any other legitimate sport
name a legitimate sport where your clothing could give you as much of a boost as in PL.
also I'll repeat, powerlifting is not a sport. it's a hobby.
>The IPF's bullshit has nothing to do with making sure the equipment meets a standard, and everything to do with requiring bribes to get a brand's equipment allowed. Why else would they have nearly disallowed Ivanko equipment that was previously allowed, just because Ivanko didn't want to pay out the nose for that bullshit?
I just said the IPF a shit lel
>The downside is that it creates completely unnecessary hurdles to entry for prospective powerlifters
agree, at my first comp they almost didn't let me compete because I brought a shirt to wear under my singlet with a disapproved logo and I was like wtf and I had to get someone to bring me a different shirt. it's bullshit.

imo, the IPF is the best with on-platform rules and technical specifications (same bar for all 3 lifts, pausing head down bench, etc), but besides that, they're right at the bottom.

Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen anyone, pro or otherwise, do anything more than maybe tape a knee or wrist.

I once had my hand wrapped up to protect and injured thumb for a few week. Which made binding in at hooker a pain in the tits.

>imo, the IPF is the best with on-platform rules and technical specifications (same bar for all 3 lifts, pausing head down bench, etc), but besides that, they're right at the bottom.

Exactly. They are, largely without good reason, the No Fun League of powerlifting, and it turns people away. Which is a shame, because otherwise they're the closest thing to a reputable fed that powerlifting has.

Who the fuck really cares if music is played during a lift? God forbid someone actually enjoys themselves at these competitions. If they do, more people might join in, and that would just be awful.

>i didn't follow the rules, so I'm mad they enforced the rules

How electric.
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>they're still going all out with the "Pl isn't a sport" bait
>despite no actual reason for it not to be
>they're going to say it's not a spectator sport so it's not a sport
Oh boy what a night
>unnecessary hurdles to entry for prospective powerlifters
ehh around here they are holding novice meets that are free except for the membership fee to the fed that they would have to pay anyway, dont have to hae any equipment and they help people through the day
then they can decide how they liked it and go from there
dont agree with it myself but hey
and there is alway lolfeds anyway

>they could be the One True Fed they already fancy themselves
implying they arent
>Who the fuck really cares if music is played during a lift? God forbid someone actually enjoys themselves at these competitions. If they do, more people might join in, and that would just be awful.
They turn the music down so the lifter can actually hear the commands.

They are also the fastest growing PL Fed.
I'm not mad that they enforced the rule, I'm saying that the rule is a joke
I failed to add 7.5kg to my bench in under a week. Only got 5kg.

Why am I fucking depressed?
I like how 2 dudes are arguing but completely agree on every point made
>the IPF is the best with on-platform rules and technical specifications
so at the top of what actually matters

Narcissists posting on 4chan. I'm shocked.
Tfw when 4 plate squat pr and 5 plate conventional pr in the same week

Early christmas for me
>same bar for all 3 lifts,
A deadlift bar is arguably better.

Ignoring more cheeter weight, it doesn't limit grip limitations as much, and it's easier on the lifter in terms of not beating them up as bad.
So it's only for making it easier.
>it's easier on the lifter in terms of not beating them up as bad
Why? Just because it gives cheater weight?
The whip makes for a smoother pull, and controlling it down doesn't fuck your wrists as bad
3 inches less range of motion makes for a much smoother lift in general.
Thats retarded

The whip gives the opposite of a smoother pull. Better to just pull from block if less ROM is "smoother"
>benched 150kg paused today

When will "they" dispatch my free gf?
So thats what? 65% body weight?
No, what makes you think that?
Grill who goes to my gym
Starts lifting 7 months ago
Already has the state record and is qualified for nationals
bench 175, squat 305, dl 315

women are smart and funny, get over it
175 is like 50kg though
Anyone have any good routines to cut yet still put up solid numbers? I need to drop about 10 kilos for a meet in April and need to total 615 kilos
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>it will never get any better

>7 months of lifting
>175 binch

84kg or + detected.
>guy that cant bench 175 spotted

Man weaklings with slow progress are such bitter lads desu
what are they on? Being scrawny, deadlifting 700lbs, jon jones getting popped after training with them, does not add up
175 lbs is 79 kg
Sheiko#30 w1d2.
Trained for ~2h40m, went to bed at 10pm it's 1:40am now. Guess I'm doing something wrong. Are there any supplements that can help me with that fuckin shit?
305 squat in 7 months is pretty good for a girl
>feeling the difference between 79 and 50kg on bench

Man can u even bench 2pl8s?
What does sheiko mean by intermediate?
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Here's your (You)
Is Jesus around?

Can someone talk with me please?
~350-400 wilks
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>Trained for ~2h40m

Normal for sheiko kekk

>went to bed at 10pm

Wait, you trained at night?
It can make it a bit harder to sleep. Best to train in the afternoon.

>Are there any supplements that can help me with that fuckin shit?

Melatonin supposedly can help with your sleep, but in high dosages it can be bad for your heart. But do some research on it and see if it looks good for you or not.

There are... actual meds that you can take to get you asleep, if this continues to be an issue.


Well, my recommendations are:

- get heeled shoes
- don't wear the othortics
- push through the middle of your feet, not your heels. heels require you to bring your centre of gravity back, and you start feeling like you're gonna fall.

I'll link you a list of shoes in the next post.
As soon as your squat is an acceptable level
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Care for some burgers lads?
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Adidas PL2.jpg
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All of the shoes described below are great, including the cheapest options.
Heel height is personal preference.

Remember to look for sales. They're very common.

<- : trappy picks

Cheap but Great:
Adidas Powerlift 1/2/3 (1.5cm heel) <-
Wei-Rui Warrior (2cm heel) <-
Wei-Rui VX3 (2cm heel)
VS Athletics (2.8cm heel) <-
VS Athletics 2 (3cm heel)
Do-Win Gong-Lu 2 (2.5cm heel)
Sabo Gym (1.5cm heel)
Do-Win Gong-Lu 3 (2cm heel)
Sabo Deadlift (flat heel)
Wrestling shoes (flat heel) (multiple brands) <-

Adidas PowerPerfect 2 (2.1cm heel) <-
Adidas Drehkraft (2.1cm heel)
Risto Tiburon 2 (2.2cm heel) <-
Risto Deadlift (flat heel)
Sabo Powerlift/Weightlift (2cm heel)
Reebok CrossFit Lifter Plus 2.0 (2cm heel) <-
Inov-8 Fastlift (1.7cm heel)
Do-Win Pendlay (2cm heel)

Expensive tier:
Adidas Adipower (2cm heel) <-
Nike Romaleos 2 (2cm heel)* <-
Risto Olimpico (2.2cm heel) <-
Anta Chinese Weightlifting (2cm heel)*
Adidas Leistung (2.5cm heel)

Collectors tier:
Asics 727 Tiger (2cm heel)* <-
Adidas Adistar 2008 (2cm heel)* <-
Adidas Adistar 92/96/00/04 (2cm heel)*
Adidas Ironwork 3 (2cm heel)* <-
Rogue Rippetoe Powerlifting (1.3cm heel)
Do-Win Rogue (1.3cm or 2cm heel)

* precise measurement unknown
Alright, thanks for the advice, I think i'm gonna go with the romaleos because I can get discounts on nike products. Also that's a very suspicious nightlight in your picture
Someone make me a fun bench workout to do today, give me sets n reps and percentages. I need like 15-20 sets of bench or any variations

Also keep the %s on the lower side since this is my second bench workout today and also I benched yesterday
>15-20 sets of bench
>second bench workout today
>also benched yesterday
Good, lad.
Thanks, I'm running an altered version of your program actually and I just set a 5lb PR today
>Adidas Adipower

They are at Adidas clerance outlets for 89$
In for twinklex bench PRs

Almost benching my old max for 5x3
No. Try a real dl bar sometime. Our keep being an autist faggot, either way.
lol youre crazy dude!!

here is my superior optimal bench workout

5 @ 75%
4 @ 77.5%
3 @ 82.5%
2 @ 85%
1 @ 87.5%
2 @ 85%
3 @ 82.5%
4 @ 77.5%
5 @ 75%
or whatever %ages put you around RPE 7-8 or w/e youre comfortable doing

then do something similar or the same for closegrip, incline or strict press (you choice..... i say you should do closegrip)

your welcome dude
Benched my old max for 5x3 yesterday and set a new PR today (245). Old max was 225
Thanks I'm gonna do it buddy
That's fucking awesome lad
Are you gonna reset the cycle?
im eating this thai food and the taste is masked by my sorrow
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I ate beans and rice tonight, then followed it up with a side of pussy.

My happiness made it even more delicious.

Have you tried fucking a woman after meals?
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>eating pussy
homos out
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>followed up by a side of pussy

ahhh yissss
Just here to remind you that libertarianism is infantile and individualism is a human downfall
>Have you tried fucking a woman after meals?

I get too gassy
Just here to remind you that you'll stop caring about that fag shit when you start doing your manly duty of pounding balloon knots.
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Fart on the downstroke.

Just here to remind you that only the weak allow others to tell them how they should behave and that a man's worth comes from within.
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>falling for the vaginal jew
Just here to remind you that recognition of authority and acceptance of cultural norms is a standard part of becoming an adult and only infantile rebelling children disagree
>Individualism is human downfall
Doesn't make you that much different from commies if you believe that senpai


Says the guy that has a crush on Amber
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I'm having a difficult time appreciating human relations.

I've long been thinking that happiness is only found within, but I see now that it's a somewhat of a narrow view, yet I can't shake that it's true - for me, at least, and with a few exceptions (as always).

I'm about to black out. The question is, do I drink more or do I hope that I have enough in me to wake up drunk tomorrow?
you can believe similar things and want to achieve differant ends you fucking dingle

also Amber is a registered receptacle for one of my bulls, she's a prime candidate
its a baby sport where they literally hand out trophies because its so undersaturated

its the jason genova meme of
"sometimes nobody shows up and you automatically win"
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Literally just ejaculated in a woman, then rushed to post this here. Cheers. It was knee weakening. Round 2 bonus time.

"Ive never competed" the post.
Is Gibbs Rocky?
Haack the Russian?
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just cracked open 950 mL black & tan.

>difficult time appreciating human relations
>I've long been thinking that happiness is only found within

sounds like me.
>individualism is a human downfall
says the fucking individualist incarnation
oh feck off, no matter what you say it's some Friedman & Sons' bullshiet.

Just now I can't help but think that we should chill out in a facebook videochat or something.

Are you getting obscenely drunk?
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>falling for the alcoholic jew
>I've long been thinking that happiness is only found within

what a shit meme this is

humans are social animals
The only meme is "happiness" bros.
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> Not falling for anything
>missing out on the human experience

You'll be filled with regret one day.
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And that's why many act antisocial?
Contentment, then.
I'd say drink 1 or 2 more, but no more than that. I'm tempted to agree with you desu.

Idk, my happiness involved with others is quite fleeting, I think face guy is onto something.

If I were him I'd be worrying about pounding balloon knots more than drinking

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fuck me I wish. I only have 700 kcals left.
>tfw fat

fucking kek
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Imagine being such a Slaaneshi Cultist tier person you think the world exists to please you
>pounding balloon knots
Muh man gets it.

>Contentment, then.
Think like a dog. A dog does what makes him happy. Be a dog.
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You've had enough, no point in overdrinking besides more headache tomorrow.

Happiness starts within, but it only truly fulfils us if we share with others.


I agree (and a woman's worth too).

But the people here would be too surprised if they met me IRL. I'm a completely different person. I just passively let people take control, and I never really share my opinions on anything controversial. Hell, I haven't fought an argument IRL since I was a teenager or something. If someone tells me to shut up I just quiet down and gaze my shoes.

Me and trappy-chan are two very different persons. Trappy is... my Tyler Durden, in a way.
This night turned out weirdly introspective...
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>Me and trappy-chan are two very different persons. Trappy is... my Tyler Durden, in a way.
>This night turned out weirdly introspective...
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my thread or else you're going to receive a very special email at exactly 3:42AM which will tell you all you need to know about your future

choose wisely
t. Keyboard warrior
shut the fuck up you worthless twink child shit dont make me fucking school you again on keynesian economics you stupid nigger faggot jew kike shit I will fucking end you so fast you will die

check your email
>And that's why many act antisocial?

I think most people crave and enjoy meaningful relationships with other people. That doesn't mean they can find them.

I'm mostly thinking of friendships and familial relations right now btw, place in life too I guess. Like doing something you enjoy and relating to that (or something)

>Idk, my happiness involved with others is quite fleeting, I think face guy is onto something.

are you thinking platonic friends or married women

>If someone tells me to shut up I just quiet down and gaze my shoes.

So basically you're a keyboard warrior hiding behind a screen
>It's another episode of homosexual /fit/ users lust over a dude with a dissociative disorder and feed the existence of Slaanesh
>tfw so fatigued my max time holding 405 was only 8 seconds
Can't wait for the semester to be over

Literally everyone. The married ones make me feel the worst though.
Mine just ended today, ate 5000 calories in shit food. Smoked a bunch of weed and benched. Feels good to be a degenerate for the next month
>tfw too intelligent to not support nurgle

tBh that reads more tragic than euphoric.


Are you ever gonna compete in any strength sport?


To me it feels more like scary and weakening and anxious... but I guess I did romanticise it in a way it sounds coy.


Trappy is a chill person, though. She just doesn't let people walk over her or drawn her voice out with shouting.

But yes, it is a reflection of who I wish I was IRL. Maybe that's why I overdo it a bit sometimes.
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cave man spongebob.jpg
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>not Khorne

You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. They know it's going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt.
So you're admitting trappy is a made up character?
im quiting oly and I dont really care about PL as a whole anymore

so its unlikely

I just want to retire to my cabin and shoot guns now
if your e-persona isnt made up you are doing it wrong
Skulls for the skull throne.
>retire to my cabin and shoot guns now
I picture the recoil making your chins wobble.

You're a child. Go pound some balloon knots and you'll feel right as rain.
im panzertwink again

Are you still going to lift, or nah?
hy bluedoop here realy fuckin drun hanmer righy rn now... so lets hav a chat

life is great and m great. tou ar efay. gsy. cgay. chdck out my toned musces in this picture. yeah thats me...

close to pulling a 400 Pounder deadlift soon. easy 400 pounder. not l9ng at all. a few weeks is not far fetch...

so youmirin bro? it may not being as easy being me as youd think but im still a better life than all youp... im something to be admired.

you wish you were me. just face it kidp.
I'll still lift probably just do squat and DL twice a week and then some upper body accessories on both days

I just dont want to bench cause its for homos
dont click this picture its fucking cursed
Dang guy.

Why are you quitting oly?

Are you feeling ok?

Wanna talk about it?
how heavy were you at your heaviest?

>To me it feels more like scary and weakening and anxious...

sorry, I identify with this feel as best a cis white male can.
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Fuck I want eggs. Do I make eggs? I might just might. I need. Yeh, eggs I need. It's 4AM tho.

The real introspective thread is made about the time when the sun turns and we're headed for brighter days, by the way.

So which one? I also have Carlsberg, but fuck beer.
>pic related
Plenty of drunk in 700 kcals, innit?
I wish, if only so that I could die sooner and not know better.
>>>happiness only real when shared
verbatim, very similar to what you said. Fuck I love Into the Wild.
The only gripe I have with this is our innate egocentrism, which as far as I can tell hinders nirvana, if you will, as long as one seeks human relations. Seeking in itself will remove you from nirvana, won't it?
>If someone tells me to shut up I just quiet down and gaze my shoes.
Fucking stop. Fucking stand the fuck up for yourself. Don't let idiots do this to you.
Yeah, I mean, we all seek to belong, we need to belong somewhere. I just can't help but think that we, as conscious sentient beings, need to seek belonging in environments that are not related in any way to other sentient beings. What I mean by this is that, for example, communes of people arise when multiple persons """reach""" for example nirvana, but in communing I think you remove the people from the whole - the individualistic connection to the """"everything"""".
Post rare.
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Trappy is very much real.


I like that thought. Thanks for sharing.


We're all just humans, in the end.
I think people are too fixated in the details that they forget the big picture: we're just an ant farm waiting for the aliens overlords to wipe us out.
A) its really expensive
B) I'm doing too many classes to focus on training for a competitive sport
C) I suck at it
D) I dont enjoy the programming
>Trappy is very much real.
You don't feel very real. Lying to us about your face for so long was just malicious :(
>when I'm drunk
You have no honor, fAm.
I was 93kg at the end of the summer bulk in august
hes still lying about so much too
>You have no honor, fAm.

Just because you're drunk doesn't mean your words can't hurt me. :(
>Into the Wild.

Dude, Krakauer is one of my favorite authors of all time. He made me want to climb mountains singlehandedly even though my introduction to him was via Into Thin Air.

I guess we kind of agree in a way, I don't think seeking ever turns out very productive. But belonging is certainly important.

I don't think egocentricism is necessarily bad though.

And I'm not too familiar with nirvana either desu. I'm more of a, "I think being content in this moment, and I'd hope to continue whatever is leading to this contentment in the next moment kind of guy."

My philosophy professor said he thought I was a optimistic hedonist of sorts.
Hedonism is for degenerates
being weak like you is for degenerates lol
Will all sub 240kg DL twinks please leave the thread
when do you plan ot leave
never if this is the standard we are going on

how about you?
My fucking nigger
me either-i out squat and deadlift you

out bench and out snatch

easily could powerclean your bodyweight for several reps. means i could kick youre ass
any lift you can do i can do better i can do any lift better than you mission acocmplished im now self actualized
my professor told me i was a fat retarded piece of shit who should hammer my peniss to a three board and let tiny meeker smash 1000+ lbs on it for reps.
Second bottle from the left

Will all sub 120 kg benchers please leave this thread? :^)
Unironically feeling too sick to eat anything. First time in like a decade or something.

I think I have to go to bed. It's 4:30 after all.

Well when your philosophy professor can't quite classify you, I guess you're onto something.
Fuck I haven't read the Krakauer books. Chris' sister's book seems interesting as well
>I will never get around to them

I like your kind of guy-thingy.

Excellent choice, but what would you mix it with? First, third, or fourth from the left?
Think I have to skip the drink, tho.
Epicureanism a best
What is "diminishing returns" anon.
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not when i like beer :(

>which as far as I can tell hinders nirvana.
>Seeking in itself will remove you from nirvana, won't it?

I'm not very familiar with it. I understand it as a concept but I don't really know much about it.

>Fucking stand the fuck up for yourself

I've been trying to answer this for so long.
I want to answer with "it's not that easy" but the truth is I don't even know. I never felt like trying.

>Don't let idiots do this to you.

They're not all idiots. Sometimes they're good people who are just having a bad day. Or a bad week. Others also feel pain.
smiley winky man is such a fucking fag holy shit

Feel better though senpai
Address this please:

Will you please end the dispute about your real face? Will you please admit that the pictures of that girl was a friend?

Put this shit to rest. Please.
>cut back from two or three beers most nights to not more than two nights a week
>abs in a matter of weeks

B-but I like beer.
New thread >>39698347

New thread >>39698347

New thread >>39698347

New thread >>39698347

New thread >>39698347
I'm going to bed. Nice seeing you Norsie, stick around when the 19th comes.
Well I can't claim I know anything about it either.

It's not easy, no, it's just another kind of difficult.

So they're idiots. There's no excuse.
Forgive and you will all suffer.

Do you really want to go down this road?
Do you really?
Do you?

Thanks fAm.
hahahaha, i fucking love you anon!

>was supposed to do something for you guys yesterday
>havent even had time to do my full routine (cutting corners here and there) let alone visit this god forsaken place and carry out what i set to do
fucking work, i will try harder, i promise, NO SURVIVORS
>- push through the middle of your feet, not your heels. heels require you to bring your centre of gravity back, and you start feeling like you're gonna fall.

Why you say so? I think sheiko advices you to push through your heels as much as possible as it allows you to stay as upright as possible within the same knee travel.
Idk, I'm starting a cut soon so I don't know if I'll be able to progress on it. I might just do it to maintain bench gains though
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