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/plg/ - "powerlifting" general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 56

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This is a man









Boardshorts is the best trip

Isley is an autistic weak faggot
Nice, these threads really do need more bugenposting
boa >>>> boardshorts
>Isley is an autistic weak faggot
Boardshorts only thread, get out.
Isley cons:
>still in college at 24
>10 years to bench 147kg
>10 years to squat 220kg
>doesn't have much going for him

>can deadlift almost 2.8x body weight just about
you forgot
>exclusively fucks 2/10's
Hi Isley,

I just want to let you know that your IPF autism is rubbing off really hard on me despite barely even being a powerlifter.

Now, what size IPF shirt do you have? I want to order one but I am about 10 kg heavier than you and definitely less muscular so I want it to fit me right.
Isley, I want to sign up for a divisional but I'm not a GBPF member yet. Will I get a membership number immediately if I apply online or will I have to wait until my card comes through the post? I need the membership number for the meet form obv.
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>tfw isley will never suffocate you in between his thighs
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You should get your membership number immediately when you join up online, then your membership card will come in the post a few days later.
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Isley, I don't really have anything to ask I just have a stupid sense of humour and thought it would be funny if everyone started to quote this post saying Isley, or Hi Isley, so I made this post to join in on my theoretical meme squad.
what belt do you guys use? is a shitty $20 walmart one good enough? or should i get those belts that are leather and even all around?
Ask Isley.

say, "Hi Isley,"
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H-hi isley
Hi Isley! Will I squat a single at 385lbs/175 kilos today?
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jim time lads
Im new here. Whats Isley's instagram name?
Yoyoyo what up lads, wanna buy some herbalife from my friend?

It's too small

It takes a couple of days but you get the number by email now



Ehhh did over 3x bw as a 93kg desu
>Isley, Virtus, and Norsefat all here
we comfy now

ok thanks senpai. XL it is.
poor guy lol
b8 thread is thriving lads, putting up new webms and old videos over there too
Isley what are your current PBs and are you natty?
Hi boa,

How strong do I have to be before I can post bait threads?
I'm proof that you don't have to be very strong for a successful b8 thread. I'm just making webms, dumping them there, and downloading them on my phone
I just realized that Isley is literally a discount-boardshorts

like an autistic, fat, ugly version of him.
jezza set new ipf squat record beating ray
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Rekky rekky
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i deaflidfted 2 more plates than you in my heyday

im just getding a tone d belly nowadays]

But isley is much stronger than boardshorts and also didn't use any performance enhancing anabolic steroids
You're so strong newshoes....
Literally no one gives a fuck how much he can low bar squat with his skeleton suit on.
>ywn be as stronk as boltedonshoes
waw yur sp struonge cumshoes
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>tfw too intelligent to enjoy any album other than In Rainbows
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>tfw genetic DE so need high volumes to make meagre progress
lmao eat more jesus christ
you guys are new huh
>450 pounds
even i can do that
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>tfw to intelligent too listen two radiohead
Holy reddit thread kek:

>Politics of the Gym

>If we don't reflect, we stagnate as a sport.

>I recently joined a secret facebook group dedicated to leftist powerlifters. We talk about soviet physical culture, alternative sport theories, and our abstract visions of what powerlifting could be. It's such a niche thing, but it seemed so appropriate to me.

>It got me wondering about the social and political composition of typical powerlifting gyms or powerlifting groups. In my experience, hyper-masculinity and social darwinism rule the day. Most are white, conservative men. But maybe that's just where I live. The danger, in my opinion, is in assuming powerlifting as politically neutral simply because no one talks about politics.

>Does your gym actively seek to encourage outside participation, or is it invite-only (a la Westside)? Do women often feel uncomfortable or intimidated in your gym? Is there a general political consensus among members, or is it relatively pluralistic? If the latter, are there strict rules against political discourse?

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>bringing plebbit shit into the 4chen
you wanna get 360noscoped, son?
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is that a Megadeth tattoo?
I preffered ok computer~~
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Two weeks to christmas so just meming it up

Working to a heavy single on squat then doing triples at 75% until I hit 9 RPE, some meme deadlift variation then some leg press for extra volume before I go away on holiday

For all my niggas in pain

For all my niggas in pain
wait is there any chance this guy's natty?
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r8 my 1k pull lads
He is certainly natural. He claims natural.
He's very depleted at the moment from all the cardio he's been doing.

He's been doing lifting and wrestling since he was a teenager. He's now 29.
for my niggas in pain
Make me cry
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>bolt is starting to feel sticky as it passes the hammer
>that rom
Fucking hell senpai where you been?
say your 1rm max out loud
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finals mostly

sortof got bored here too

shitposting only stays fun for so long
Thats definitely not anon in that webm that guy is a moderately good junior natty russian WLer
yea i saw his physique and he definitely looks natty.
wtf tho? how is he so strong? any video where he explains how to get strong as fuck and how to follow his training principles?
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tried stretching through the week and done duffin warm up and i still cant get knees any further out

even just with this my hips and knees are clicking like fuck which is very off putting
as well as a everything feeling like it strains more just to lift the same weight, just feels like it would be more prone to injuries
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went on to completely fail 180, which is only supposed to be around 80%
>point and laugh everybody
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next time anon!
your grip is a joke right?
got pissed off at how bad it was and just switched to conventional, i know its sloppy as fuck, but could rep it out easy enough

has anyone actually been this bad at sumo and had it over take their conventional by a fairly large margin?
i think failing this doing sumo is kinda taking the piss Tbh,

please give me hope before i quit lads

>webm inbound

thats the issue

i dont get it
tfw get haircut and remember that apparently I'm handsome
>get a haircut and look sik
>lasts about two days before going back to the ratty mess I got it cut from

your grip is not locking the bar in place
fgts in /plg/ cant even grip a bar properly for deadlift
So /plg/ how do I figure out what the weak link in my DL is ? I have a feeling my hams/glutes are weak because I did halfsquats for a while and my quads are still pretty big. Since I do real squats to parallel both my Squat and DL have had great progress but I kinda want to speed up that process even more. So am I right in assuming that doing halfsquats for too long has left me with kinda strong quads and weak glutes/hamstrings or is that assumption wrong ? Also are there more quad dominant DL variations that could confirm my suspicion ?
>go months without haircut
>sort of trim beard but do it myself so it looks bad
>basically hobo mode
>chubby cause bulkin xD

hmm I wonder why that girl wasn't interested?

literally me
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>mfw have neither cut my hair nor trimmed by beard in literally a year
>mfw also fat
>mfw still get grills
you're probably just ugly Tbh
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>webm related
it also got cut short

literally same grip tho and weight tho
what do you mean not locking in? its not hook grip
1. lifting since young teenage years
2. bulgarian style training - he picks a lift or 2 and goes for small pr's every day - the key is low volume
3. extremely hard work and fortitude from being a d1 wrestler
I-I'm picky. N-no sub 8's for me!
You're not locking them out and you're bouncing it. Deload to broomstick Tbh
i assume low volume only works because he already has enough size to make use of his potential. idk tho
i said they were sloppy lad
and its a dead stop by the time i start pulling again
and my conventional form which i already know is shit wasnt the issue im asking about lad
yeah, I'm ugly and very autistic.
No, there is no reason your sumo should automatically be a better option than your conventional.

You do however, suck shit at deadlifts in general. If you unironically do shitty reps like that, you might as well not have done them.
i mean you will always be a weak fgt because you are a stupid fgt. you kids are weak as fuck because you are stupid as fuck. learn how to grip a barbell properly before you deadlift.
Have you compared vid to vid?
It's kinda weird that you didn't notice any change. Maybe you need a little more time and reps. I don't really want to say that you'll never be able to get the knees further out at this stage.

Do you have the same issue with knees out even if the bar is higher? I'd like you to try block pulls and see how those feel.
nope, when i started lifting a few months in i squatted every day for a month bulgarian style and went from 255 to 315
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Stay pleb
russell brand but even worse
>that hairline
Holy shit yuri pulled 991
Looks extremely homosexual with that neat sculpted beard.
Oh shit its king Jesus, Israeli parliament better back its shit up cause they're out of a job
what about size gains?
>He had finals already
>suck shit at deadlifts in general
I know lad ... i know only too well

> If you unironically do shitty reps like that
i had been trying to clean them up lately but was just pissed of and wanted to rep something i just failed Tbh

>you might as well not have done them.
yeah they werent even planned

you sound very smart
never lost a dead to grip tho
thanks for your consideration lad

>Have you compared vid to vid?
might have been a slight difference but hard to tell, it could have just been the different angles
didnt feel like i could get into any better of a postion tho,
even if i could get positioning
its just the strain off the ground feels really weak, i get that it should be harder off the ground but still, if i was to only get an extra 5 kg or something i dont even think it would be worth it for how it feels

>Do you have the same issue with knees out even if the bar is higher? I'd like you to try block pulls and see how those feel.
never tried, ill do that next time and see because Tbh i think off the ground is off the menu

do you sumo yourself?
you lost those attempts in your second webm at 180 due to grip. why bother trying to help the stupid and weak. they just want to make noise about being stupid and weak, not actually improve their intelligence and lifts.

learn how to lockout your deadlifts and your off the floor pull will get better. my grandmother grips a barbell properly yet you cannot, doing meme reps proud as a dumb sonofabitch.
Yes, but I didn't really have the same struggle as you getting into sumo. It was ok-ish to begin with and has since improved.
>off the ground
How strong is your front squat compared to your HB or LB?
I know I told you earlier to move your feet in, but you replied that you made it more conventional. Just for the record, wider stances naturally limits the amount of external rotation you can have - you're bound to get valgus. Are you sure the narrower stance didn't allow you to externally rotate more?
Also, if you're trying to get your hips as low as possible, don't. You want them high (not stiff-leg high) and close, not low and close.
im sure your grandmother is good at gripping an ol rod lad lol

>front squat
no thanks
cant really do them anyway
done ssb squats the other day tho with lmao48% of comp max for 3x 10 and it destroyed me, not used to those either Tbh
although my high bar and low bar werent that much different

>Are you sure the narrower stance didn't allow you to externally rotate more?
ill try the close stance again, i was just trying to get to a more true sumo which maybe i shouldnt jump into but its not like my feet are touching the plates anyway

>if you're trying to get your hips as low as possible, don't.
yeah i was probably trying to get lower to get more vertical but Tbh the vid doesnt show them as low as i thought

i also hate how the overhand fingers rub up the leg

ahh shit
>im sure your grandmother is good at gripping an ol rod lad lol
meant for you
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Oh, well the SSB (or at least FS) will help you get stronger off the floor.

I find, at least, that a wide stance sumo demands more mobility and flexibility than a closer stance.
>not touching the plates
No, but your feet are wider than your knees would be if you got them farther out, as far as I can tell. I'd suggest you strive for vertical shins for the time being (see JP Cauchi's vid for this).

It's fine to go low if you do it to tense up, but it's important that you know that your hips aren't supposed to be as low as possible for the actual pull.
think i seen that vid but wasnt doing sumo, ill give a look
think youve talked me around for the time being
thanks again faceguy
In for max grip bench and Cuckols are GOAT. 240x10 boisss
>show crotch but not face
I've shown my face many times

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I meant specifically in this video
just messing with you nice mang
hit 315 yet?
>Dragon's Dogma
>slay the dragon
>credits roll
>look up the game's endings because what the fuck was that for an ending
>game wasn't over anyway
I fucking ALWAYS spoil shit for my self.
Good luck. Keep frog stretching and glute medius strengthening.
Looking better, lad. Get a side view next time? Just about in line with the direction of your upper arm?
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>playing video games
>Dragon's Dogma

Enjoy bitterback isle, its pretty fun
Thanks, not yet. Might be able to manage by the end of the year though.

Thanks senpai. I don't like using that angle because the plates block so much, but if you think it's useful, I'll do it.
reminder there are 3 weeks left in this year
No idea what that is.
I'm playing the PS3 version.
Ye well don't do it so much from the side that the plates block anything, please.
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>implying video games aren't next to pornography, academia and "nerd culture" the ultimate in jewish tricks
Perfect :^)

Sounds good senpai
I did the same thing, still an amazing game though.

Weighed in at 212 / 96.5 today

pulled 455x5 but it was kind of ugly and also unplanned because my paused 5s were feeling super ez

I don't have an appropriate webm, but just imagine someone confusedly raising his eyebrows, nodding, and looking away.
Do you remember your level? I'm at lvl 46 now, not sure if I should keep trucking or do a walkabout.
>drops like 10kg in a month and keeps hitting deadlift prs


i unironically hope you herniate a disc with your shit form
at what weight were you doing paused 5s

Boardie at work? Somehow don't have it saved :(
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50 or thereabouts, I'd have to turn my pc on to check.

405 belt less

here lad

I recorded myself from behind today, not a very useful angle but I wanted to see what my back was doing better
Isley said I would squat a single at 385 today. I did it but it was very hard. It was a PR, up from 365. This was done after Candito week 4 day 3. Gonna go for 4-5 reps on week 5, rest a week, and then go for a 400 squat
Thanks <3
post it anyways, I need a laugh.
what did you do on your last 2x4+1x4+ day?
No need.
Did you stray from the program?
this might not make sense but i mean the heavy day
A bit. I was scheduled to work up to x5 @9 on paused deads and do two backoffs, I did the top set which was really easy, did 455x5 unpaused and then went back down to 380 for the paused backoffs.

Plus rows, slingshot and a couple sets of snatch sldl.

Really voluminous sessions atm.
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aint a real thread without bloaterino! sup guys.
man your back is disgusting
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Is it too much to ask for an asteroid to end earths downward spiral and decay
kill yourself that will help
Feels good tho.

Good night lads.
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i kick all ur asses nigas fukkkk yaaa
Do any of you guys take PWO?

I usually just do caffeine but im thinking of buying some PWO.

needs to be ipf approved
im loving the zero definition look. very aesthetic desu. how long did it take to get to that mode?
im a guy but if i bent over in front of you, would instincts take over?
Who is this adonis? Looking thick solid tight.
damn blahashoes, looking J U I C Y af
On my last successful one, I did 255x5
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who else /blackpilled/
>setting all time drugaroo records "natty"

Who here actually believes this shit and if you do I have some beach property in Arizona I'd like to sell you
What are you bitching about now
Dennis Cornelius just totaled 2230, 4 lbs over Stan efferdings record but it wasn't on calibrated plates
He left weight on the platform too. No way he's natty
you need food
Tfw you're sick haven't trained and ate like shit the past 2 days.

Do I kill myself now or.....?
nice job falling for jewish nihilism you retard
a thought just occurred to me while looking at "something", and if my "calculations" are correct the outcome will be hilarious
if you are reading this, pls, for the love of god, continue """fishing"""!
High pin squats are fun as fuck lads
Unironically considering conjugate as a raw natty lads. Just want to max on memelifts and do some bodybuilding. What memelifts should I pick for actual raw carryover?
Closegrip bench, opposite stance deadlifts, front squats, highbar squats, dumbbell bench, weighted dips, rows, maybe squats with right knee wraps, and idk there's probably more but idk
>What memelifts should I pick for actual raw carryover?
Ask ssb. Though a natty might die following his advice.
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Squat 310x2.webm
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Squats actually weren't total shit today, lads.
Still not great but whatever.

Where did you find these rares of me?

>natty might die following his advice
Have you seen what happened to Alex?
w-what happened to alex?
I do the vast majority of my squatting HB but I like some of these. I'd probably do a 2-4RM instead of max singles.

I do have an SSB and I'll probably use it.
My sick 350z drifts is what keeps the world spinning. The moment I stop being The Drift King. Is the moment the Earth ends.

Hey Isley, why do you distinguish between circus feds and the IPF when the IPF is also a circus fed with their bullshit?


>In college

I don't think you know what NEET means.
The revolution will save humanity comrade, maybe not in while we're alive, but some glorious day.
What did he mean by this
He got natty gains and lived happily ever after.
Nice. Also yeah, SSB is good. Trying to think of some others, OHP and slingshot bench come to mind, as well as leg press for squats and rack pulls for deadlifts
Mike Hedleskey recommends rotating three squat and dead variants for ME every other week. I'm looking at: comp pull, block pull, SLDL, and comp squat, SSB, aaaand paused squat? I don't want to rotate ten million bench variants but there are just so many, it's hard to pick three or four.
upper- flat bench press, cgbp, Spoto press, JM press, slingshot, 1-2-3-board press, paused press, bands+chains, flloor press.

Lower- low bar squat, high bar squat, squat w/ bands+chains, bar variations, good mornings, paused squats, conventional DL, sumo DL, deficits, block pulls, rack pulls,
That is some westside approved knee travel
Just do this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6YxQC8iTM3Y_C8fOO8GCSgmVDd1Tt7mO
For bench, I would go for closegrip, for the overload factor and tricep strength gains, dumbbell bench for chest hypertrophy, comp bench for, well comp practice, and either Spoto press or closegrip bench depending on whether your triceps or pecs/ability to stay tight limit you
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I'll have to watch this at work tomorrow, don't really have an hour and change right now. Any TL;DW?

That's sort of what I'm thinking, comp bench, CG/slingshot because I have one, and a bottom-focused lift, so probably Spootoo.

Reading "How I Would Westside" right now and nodding in agreement.
slingshot is god-tier for overload

seriously worth the 40-50 bucks for it.
>tfw retarded and said closegrip for overload factor

Meant slingshot lol
Any TL;DW?
All memery aside, just watching a man Belkin's size pull that amount of metal off the ground looked pretty cool.

Why does slingshot overload so well? Only started using it a week ago, but I can tell I'm a lot more exhausted from slingshot work.
It overloads so well because it's practically like a low strength bench shirt. Let's you handle weight you wouldn't be unable to handle otherwise
don't worry, our "buddy" is gonna have a lot of "fun" when we "wash" his "car"
right, but aren't you effectively just benching less weight, since the slingshot is assisting you?
that's technically every overload though
It provides no assistance at the lockout, you're holding a heavy weight. It's a neural connection thing.
interesting, thanks

are there other overload techniques? I've only trained with vanilla lifts.
any close variation of a lift that allows you to use more weight than usual. typically shortened rom lifts or bands/chains
Knee wraps on squats, heavy unracks, block/rack pulls/heavy holds, very high pin squats, board presses, and so on
I feel like your squat would look a lot better if you let your knees travel forward more
I experimented with that for a month or so and everything just felt harder.
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I just squatte a PR today. But then I went on to think about how I'm still weak as shit. And I thought about how all I care about in life is lifting, and that the only thing that will make me happy is if I become an IPF champion. And how everything is shit and life is shit
I "don't" understand "what" the fuck "you" are saying
Lads what wrist wraps should I buy?
Titan Sig Golds 24 inch
Better question: is there any proof at all that wrist wraps are not a total meme?
Would trap bar deads be decent for overload, or is it too different of a movement?
Yes. They decrease wrist pain with squatting and stabilize the wrists in bench which can add 1-3 pounds to your bench
They might be good for getting the feel of holding heavy weight, and moving the weight up. Plus they're pretty good mass builders, and you're more upright so they're less taxing on your lower back. Never done a trap bar deadlift so I can't tell you
Not the person you replied to. But 1-3 pounds? Do people even care about that little of weight?
Yes. If you have a 314lb bench and your state's record is 315lbs, wouldn't you wanna put on some wrist wraps so you can bench 316 and take the record?

Besides, the fact that they alleviate wrist pain from squatting, and even some from benching if your wrists roll backwards is enough of a reason to buy em
>314lb state record

What did he mean by this
*315 lb state record

And I'm just making up a hypothetical scenario.
>hypothetical scenario

You mean to tell me that less than everyone benches is NOT a state record? Ridiculous!
Just b chill man

I think blueshoes has finally snapped?
Pretty good
he is like our little brother :< how do we help him?
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night night /plg/

stay comfy
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>Its another chest pains at 22 episode
it's another you're probably overreacting. or see a doctor if you care so much
Please give me a webm of Isley squat which showcases his knees.
that 1xY-chromosome 2xX-chromosome program is doing wonders for you
Just came in to pay homage to our one lord and God Bungenhagen
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>in rainbows
king of fucking LIMBS
you fucking pleb
Who is this disgusting retard and why is he famous here?
Blueshoes is the final form of a PLG user. Years down the line when you're bored with powerlifting and swap to oly, you'll eventually turn into a blueshoes like being. Years of 4chan and PL turn you into a autistic homunculi
Except he is a dyel
arent we all

If your wrists roll back on the bench press, you're gripping it wrong.

If your wrists are supporting the weight when squatting, you are gripping it wrong.

Well, "NEET" stands for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training." You being in college puts you in education, which means you aren't a NEET.
No, this
>why do you distinguish between circus feds and the IPF when the IPF is also a circus fed with their bullshit?
I did it senpai, I wasn't stuck in my deadlift this time. I went 225, 235 (for a PR and a 600total) and then balls to the wall 245, and it FLEW up.

No more sticking point around the knees!
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THIS is a man. Manlet.
Body is amazing but that smile alone kills it.
Idk something about the face tells me he's about to tell me why he voted Hilary
Blueshoes spotted, fuck you
I'm new to lifting, but I'm determined to join you guys one day. I want to lift heavy, dammit!
Just join now, its apparent that it doesnt matter how much you lift nowadays.
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>my nigger eric on OP pic


that is in fact megadave tattoo

>Eric is in powerlifting op


Oh. The inconsistent judging, the targeted drug testing instead of something even handed, the allowance of sumo, going full autism over logos and equipment certification bullshit.

The IPF bends over backwards to chase people away from competing with all of this silly bullshit, because they're idiots that apparently hate money.
>The inconsistent judging
>the targeted drug testing instead of something even handed
Targeted testing is better. Idgaf if mr 7th place at worlds is on drugs if the podium isn't tested
>the allowance of sumo
This is how I konw I don't need to listen to you any further BUT
>going full autism over logos and equipment certification bullshit
This is one of the few sports where your clothes can actually help you. Other sports that are super reliant on your clothes, like swimming, are similarly obsessive about what is and isn't allowed, and others where your gear is your sport, like archery, have equipment divisions. Hell, even professional racing has formulas, limiting the performance of the cars. Not to mention exaclty the same autism over who can put their logos where.

Actually, every pro sport gets in a tiffy about advertising logos. The only difference in the IPF is that we all follow the same rule book from worlds to regionals.

>The IPF bends over backwards to chase people away from competing
Not really, but if you feel that way, don't compete (like you don't)
>Targeted testing is better. Idgaf if mr 7th place at worlds is on drugs if the podium isn't tested

I get your point but if your goal was top 10 and you didnt get it because roidaroos dodged the podium, you'd probably be pretty annoyed.
>you didnt get it because roidaroos dodged the podium

>dodging the podium
Shuttup lith

(this never ever happens)
Even competing then. You're really saying you're fine with /fraud/ in the ipf as long as they dont place?
Of course not, but if you have 10 frauds and only 3 tests, you should remove the best 3 frauds because they are depriving the most natties of placing.



Take the period between face and book out, fucking spam filters

The retard judges can't even read their own rule book. A quote:
>Causes for Disqualification of a Deadlift: ...Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands, i.e. releasing the bar from the palms of the hand.
>i.e. releasing the bar from the palms of the hand.

Yet that dude was redlighted for not setting the bar down gently, which isn't the goddamn rule. The rule is that two hands must be on the bar until it comes to rest back on the platform. Making matters worse, just in that thread there are examples of people AT THE SAME MEET that did the same thing and got white lights.

Because they have absolute morons judging lifts, and don't have extensive video replay (that, in this millennium, is a trifling to set up) like an organization that wants to be taken seriously as a sport might.

>Targeted testing is better. Idgaf if mr 7th place at worlds is on drugs if the podium isn't tested

I'm talking more about the out-of-season drug testing that exists at least partly to target people they don't like. Testing simply the top ten percent at every meet in order to save costs would be just fine. The out-of-competition testing doesn't eliminate drug use (and you're a fucking fool if you think it does), it just makes it so that only those with the connections and piles of money to get the real good shit in order to dodge the tests get to succeed. It makes the sport less inclusive, which drives money away.

They need to test broader and more evenly.

to be continued
>I'm talking more about the out-of-season drug testing that exists at least partly to target people they don't like. Testing simply the top ten percent at every meet in order to save costs would be just fine. The out-of-competition testing doesn't eliminate drug use (and you're a fucking fool if you think it does), it just makes it so that only those with the connections and piles of money to get the real good shit in order to dodge the tests get to succeed. It makes the sport less inclusive, which drives money away.
This is an issue of each individual nation's anti-doping practices and resources rather than something the IPF can control. It is precisely like this in every sport.
hey cuties

noob here, started 3 months ago and seeing nice progress on lifts

but recently i started getting moderate pain during squats just before locking out on top

is it because i push hips forward too much or too fast?

im getting more and more confident with my form but still, someoen would probably point out many mistakes like bar path being all iffy, going too much in front on the way down and not correct bracing

pic related where i have pain, basically bottom end of my spine.

Also outside of lifting weights i have small knee pain when i squat with no weights like when i want to pick something up or shit

Doesnt occur during heavy loads at gym tho

thoughts ?
>get the real good shit

People are still getting popped for the same drugs they were 30 years ago

>This is one of the few sports where your clothes can actually help you. Other sports that are super reliant on your clothes, like swimming, are similarly obsessive about what is and isn't allowed, and others where your gear is your sport, like archery, have equipment divisions. Hell, even professional racing has formulas, limiting the performance of the cars. Not to mention exaclty the same autism over who can put their logos where.

I played pro golf for some years. The USGA, while it does have a list of approved equipment, it is not exclusive. It has particular standards for equipment, acknowledges equipment known to meet these standards, but doesn't forbid anyone from using equipment not on that list. They also don't get too bitchy about players at the US Open being walking billboards.

You are just a stupid IPF mark that doesn't see the problem with the bullshit way they do things. I have a PERFECTLY acceptable Rogue belt. 4 inches, 10 mm thick, pretty standard composition and shit. Solely because Rogue has better things to do than play penny ante games with some small potatoes lifting circus, I'd have to spend $100 on a essentially identical BestBelt because they DID pay the bullshit certification fees if I wanted to do an IPF affiliated meet (which I intend to do in Columbus in the spring). My belt also has "ROGUE" on the back of it, which the IPF would have throw a tissy over for no good reason.

>Actually, every pro sport gets in a tiffy about advertising logos

Team sports are a bit more pissy because of the team nature. Even they aren't as anal retentive as the IPF is in this regard. Literally EVERY other individual sport (golf, boxing, MMA, etc) of any consequence realized it's bigger participation and therefore money to remove the stick from their ass over it.
Fun fact, two of my friends were reffing that day

Either way, I spoke to one of them and he admitted he made a mistake that day. It happens, referees make mistakes. And it wouldn't have mattered if Kevin hadn't failed his other two lifts - once for dropping and the other for missing. It's more his fault for missing two and getting one bad call than the refs for making one mistake out of the 100+ lifts they judged that day.

All human referees make mistakes and there are no technological solutions yet.

Video replay would ruin the flow of already very long competitions

More OCT should be done. I agree.
>piles of money to get the real good shit in order to dodge the tests
You don know this is a meme right?
>Video replay would ruin the flow of already very long competitions
no it wouldnt.
You would only use it on very close situations and use an additional ref on the side.
They have a jury for that
Sorry, what I meant didn't really have anything to do with that, but rather the whole of out of contest testing and so on being an issue of each nations anti-doping body and not in fact something that can be controlled by the international federation, like in all sports.

That's not a "mistake," you fucking idiot. A mistake is getting a call wrong because things happened fast and human eyes are only so sharp. Like MAYBE misjudging squat depth because most competitors are trying to bounce right out of the hole AND not go any deeper than they need to.

Fucking up that deadlift call was a matter of deep-seated incompetence, to the point of not even knowing the goddamn rules they're supposed to be judging by. No legit sport employs refs that stupid.

>Video replay would ruin the flow of already very long competitions

This is a lazy bullshit cop out. It's the exact same shit they said about video review in baseball, and they were goddamn wrong then. And in baseball they need to actually stop the competition for a minute to review. There is no need for that in powerlifting. The video can be reviewed while the bar is being loaded for the next lifter, and before the lifter in question gives his next lift.

>You don know this is a meme right?

Yeah, because Russia wasn't spending millions of Rubles to dodge WADA testing for the past decade plus.
do you do a lot of stretching/mobility/prehab/rollouts?

Does the jury have access to a video replay?

In no, why the fuck not?
should i record squat from back or side to get form Critique?
side. Always.
i stretch before lifting for about 15min, sometimes roll tight spots

anything you would recommend ?
>to the point of not even knowing the goddamn rules they're supposed to be judging by
They know the rules; I know them personally remember
>No legit sport employs refs that stupid.
They aren't employed. They are volunteers. The only thing they are paid for is travel so they don't have to *pay* to referee.

Also national federations simply do not have th money for video replay. The IPF should have the money - for worlds - but you can forgot any competition that isn't world championships.

> because Russia wasn't spending millions of Rubles to dodge WADA testing for the past decade plus.
HAHAHAHA EXACTLY!! And do you know what drugs they used? Anavar and oral turinabol, phased out before competition to pass the current tests. That's what millions of rubles got. That and the FSB to secretly open urine containers and water down the dirty urine and replace it with salt, nescafe granules and water. Designer steroids simply don't exist. NOT EVEN THE RUSSIANS do that. And that's with a centralised, state sponsored, doping program. Read the part 2 of the mclaren report.

Either the side of 45 degree angle from the front is best.

And don't put your phone on the ground either. Have it at hip height, at least.
No, because cost. They only managed to set up a decent livestream in 2015 ffs.
All I can say is I had some weird pains like you're describing, now i do dynamic stretches and foam rolls before every session as well as bodyweight/goblets, swings etc. Lots of mobility and warmup make my squats feel like butter

>They know the rules; I know them personally remember

That just makes me doubt your objectivity more. Let's review.

That lifter was disqualified for not controlling the barbell on the way down. That means AT LEAST TWO JUDGES employed* by this IPF affiliated meet said he did not control the barbell on the way down according to the rule book.

The rule says, once again, that a deadlift may be disqualified because the lifter allowed "the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands, i.e.releasing the bar from the palms of the hand."

"i.e." means to clarify, explain or to say another way. It does not mean to offer a non-inclusive example like "e.g." does. This means that a deadlift may ONLY be disqualified for failure to control the barbell if a lifter doesn't grip the bar with both hands until it comes to rest on the platform. The lifter in question gripped it for a goddamn three count after it came to rest. Either the judges don't know the goddamn rulebook, or they willfully sabotaged this lifter, and I'm TRYING to cut them some slack and just assume overwhelming incompetence.

*Employ means, among other things, "To use." As in "To employ a strategy." It doesn't necessarily mean that someone was paid to do a job. I can see where the confusion arose, but ultimately, not only are you the one in the wrong for not knowing English words, but it's completely besides the point because you have to distract from the issue at hand because these judges you are trying to defend are indefensible.

>Also national federations simply do not have th money for video replay.

Maybe YOUR national federation. In America, literally everyone at the meet has a phone capable of taking quality video. There are also many laptops, most with built in cameras, that could be used. And a goddamn dedicated camera good enough for the purpose and a tripod MIGHT be a few hundred dollars altogether, and it's not like they'd have to buy it for every meet. Cameras are non perishable.

Livestreaming requires some extra internet infrastructure, the scope and cost of which I am not familiar with.

Local video review takes an iPhone, of which there are literally dozens of at any given meet.
livestreaming to twitch requires you to have ~5mbps upload for nice 720p quality. in current times literally anyone can stream

I'm in bumblefuck Kentucky, and I'm pretty sure I only have 3 mpbs upload. Though the internet inside of the nearest actual town (Bowling Green) can probably be better.
most meets are in random halls, theres a chance there is no reliable internet
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>~5mbps upload
>in current times literally anyone can stream


>asking 100kg-2y-weasels for tips

⁀ ‿ ⁀
idk i figured plg is better at squatting than rest of fit

I need to record my squat and deadlift form because i made some tweaks that helped (getting sore butt and hams since i learned how to push hips forward)

also that alan thrall vid helped me with deadlift setup

i still get dizzy head after doing like 130kg deadlift x5

i guess its my shitty breathing technique

still, im happy with my 3 months progress

Ha. Get a load of this fag. How's it feel to be able to download a game of PSN or Steam in under six hours, ya nerd?
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Hey, good job! Nice that you were able to get over the mental block and own the weights.
>Don't forget to do mobility work and stretch/warmup before any heavy lifting

>lmao this weasel advice

Don't stretch before lifting. Warm up, but don't stretch.
Don't static stretch. Definitely dynamic stretch
why aren't your forearms vertical at the bottom?
could you at least flex your bicep if you're taking a picture like this?
The fuck is wrong with being in college at 24?
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He graduated with a physics degree where he got thirds, couldn't get a job, and now he's going to coding school.
>implying going to school for programming is ever a bad idea

Programming jobs cushiest jobs
I'm saying he spent 4 years on a physics degree that got him nowhere desu.
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>wiping out anything

Why am I not surprised the poster has an american flag.

Now AIDS, on the other hand...
What if he liked physics?

I'm still not sure how you spend four years on a legit science degree and have NOJOBS.

He must have been the worst physics student ever, AND the worst interview ever, AND not wanted to move or some shit to accommodate any job ever.
Then I guess he just wasted all of his daddies money.
What annoys me is he did nothing but slack off at his excel spreadsheet job and I tried multiple times to tell him maybe if he worked hard at it and did more than the minimum he'd get somewhere.
He refused and then a few weeks later when he came to believe he was to be fired he quit and has been unemployed for months since.
He still has it together better than a ton of people at 24. Have you seen the average 24 year old American?
you mad?
Cuckols programs fucking SUCK

never do them. youll end up fucking your left shoulder and not making any bench gains
My exposure to people in real life is a little skewed and isn't a true sample.
I'm 23 and just starting my degree. It could always be worse.
>tfw 23, going to school, debt free, 70k in savings, and a long term gf

life is easy in communism north europe
idk man, i'm doing his deadlift one and it destroyed the "lith cant deadlift 4pl8" meme
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It's kind of terrible Tbh

All I had to do was gut fish for a year too...

REALLY new here, wasn't there supposed to be something about a webm from you?

Was it supposed to be you pulling 4playt?
That was probably just switching to sumo, desu. People with good squats and shit deadlifts often have more luck with sumo.
nah it was meant to be me failing 4pl8 but i pulled it
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>putting down our lord and savior cuckols

shoo shoo twinklex
You should still try to pull it conventional and post the webm.
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nah fuck /plg/
Switching to sumo is admitting defeat and it tells a lot about that persons character.
So many hidden posts, what happened?






It's new


non shit trap plg




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>lith thread
>nothing useful in the OP besides a trappy-made webm

>trappy thread
>exclusive and new powerlifting content
>funny internal joke of the /plg/ community
Fuck off you idiot manchild entering a dead end public sector job. You understand nothing about the working world or what my role was like. You are an idiot and failure will forever follow you. Enjoy the fact that dating amber is the hihg point of your life. When it falls apart you will be left with nothing.
Have you never had a bullshit deadend job before? It's clear when you're just a wagekek to be used to make management richer and when you actually have a shot at moving to management.
Not very likely since he's from Iceland.
Isley, You stronk, but you look like a frog.
deadlifts off a block or mats would be better
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