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Cheating /frauds/ generally

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Thread replies: 355
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Leftover turkey sandwiches for everyone edition!

Previously on how to pick up 4/10s general... >>39506758
how do I more confident? never had a dad growing up
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By liking/being content with who you are and being willing to communicate with other similar people in a unique and personal fashion.

Confidence stems from having personal faith that you're an awesome fucking person despite your inadequacies.
About to start my first cycle. Im too concerned about gyno as I already have moderate pubertal gyno and I'm already on trt, 140mg test cyp every 7 days. Whats the worst that could happen if I started a 24 week cycle of 450 deca? Deca dick doesn't seem too scary as I don't use my dick anyway. I'll buy aromasin too just in case but I'm trying to minimize how much I'll need, hence why I'm not just doing basic 500 mg test. I'll also get some caber too.

So yeah. 140 mg test cyp, 450 deca every week. 24 weeks. Aromasin and caber on standby. Besides deca dick, what could go wrong?
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treat every situation as a life and death one and you'll be more confident than sane.

or pretend to be an anime character and talk through that as if its your own personality. its how i make speeches look so godam easy
>never had a dad growing up
Read pic related over and over. Also find an older male mentor in a church or a sport or something. Even good companies in the corporate world have mentor programs.
>Does this work
Anything works on a 4/10 jerry...

I actually posted my body several times lol.

Anyways, what kind of woman do you get?

i mean sure i could plock some trash if i wanted to, thats not the goal though.

> Recomending Jungian theory.

what fucking year is it.

next you'll wanna lecture on how a lack of spirituality is the primary cause of neurosis
thank you guys, these tips are real helpful. if you have any other books or mental strategies I'm all ears.

right now I'm having a hard time texting " the right thing" to girls who have expressed interest in me. it's like a mystery to me lol. also how long do I wait to text a girl after taking her on a first date to not seem clingy? I took this one chick out and we hit it off great, kissed her, but now that I asked her out on a second date a day after the first, she isn't responding. it's been a week, taking this one as a loss. it hurts. I have a good body, 175lb 10% body fat at 5'10, been hitting the weights hard for almost a year now.
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negative, I'm not a 10 but I'm not bad looking. gym friends told me I could have slayed mad pussy in high school if I was more confident and outgoing.

You posted your body after 1 year of lifting. You haven't posted your current body. Why? Show us the progress. Show us how you've grown.

Everyone here just wants to see each other get bigger and stronger. Why won't you show us the progress you've made?

>Anyways, what kind of woman do you get?

7s, 8s,

Because like I said, SECURITY and CONFIDENCE. That's what counts.

I don't even get worried about my body or how it looks because when I look in the mirror I don't even see a fat dyel, I see a fat dyel that's going to be huge and juicy in 10 years.

It's all about a positive attitude that is the best shit you can do for your life and with your life
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go to /r9k/ theres a bunch of chads there who can give you dating advice. where only for advice about being alpha

>3DPD was a mistake
t. god
I dont trust them, they're not steroid users
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>other similar people

What are you doing, worrying about how long to wait for next contact, that's not what Chad does. I'm not sure what Chad does do, but it isn't that, don't do what Chad doesn't do.
>change it up
add what ever if your not large enough

>oral only cycle
why anon why are you this much of a pussy.

> bring this shit on the plane
dogs dont smell hormones and use a different bottle for it like pain pills but research the laws of bringing drugs on planes
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>implying any form of psychology is even close to a science.
>right now I'm having a hard time texting " the right thing" to girls who have expressed interest in me.
Practice, practice, practice, and LEAD. You make the decisions and call the shots. I'm not saying to be a douche but LEAD the way to whatever the fuck it is YOU want to happen.

right, except Jungian theory is the Judaism of psychology.
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Dont get me wrong man, you have a good spirit and i totally agree with you.

I hate self pity and r9k bullshit myself.
The shit im posting, its 90% trolling and banter and just shitposting.

A positive outlook on life, thats basically my life motto.

That pic i posted is just 6 weeks old.

While steroids are great, they wont make me xbox huge in 6 weeks, which is why i havent posted anything current. The changes are just too small to post anything.

While i admit that i dont usually buy into the "just be confident bro" meme, i admit it plays a very big role.
Be more straightforward with what you want. If you want to have sex you need to be assertive and expressive of what it is you're searching for. Find someone who will listen and say what you want.

If you want a relationship then again, just say so. Drop hints about it when you see the person and just talk lol. Be straightforward. If a girl you hit it off with isn't responding just come back be like "Hey, I had a really great time last xxxx, would you wanna do something like that again soon?"

If she doesn't respond to that she doesn't care, move on. NEXT.

Even disgusting literal Down's syndrome retards get laid every day. Someone has a fetish for you, and being unconfident in yourself won't help you find that person.

Conventions, bars, local spots, coffee shops, library, universities, meet ups, etc. It really depends on what you like, who you are, and who you want to associate with.
Trip came off. That's what I get for anon posting on other threads.
Hi Sam

does this mean you're on roids now? What does this mean for HydeWars? Will we get more roid rage rants?
Jungianism is literally aryan teutonic DIVINATION as opposed to analytic TALMUDIC psychoanalysis.
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same with Freemasons being the judasim for the gentile goys

what have you removed today?
How does this cycle look in your guys opinion:
Wks 1-10-
500mg of test-e per week
225mg of tren-a per week
Wks 10-14-
750mg of test-e per week
Wks 14-20-
250mg of test-e per week
and then pct after of course

See I don't think it's a meme. Because I see guys on /fit/ all the time posting their face, (which look a lot better than mine), and you can see their giant traps and delts and then they write stuff like 'TFW VIRGIN' and you know what?

100% of them have low confidence.

I know correlation doesn't mean causation but man it seems telling to me.

>rest of post

Got you. I'm excited to see those proggies. I'm excited to post some of my own as I progress.

I was under the impression that you had been lifting for years and only posted year 1 pics and I was thinking to myself 'Well why won't he post the pics of himself when he's bigger and better but he'll post after 1 year'

Anyways you keep saying how your progress after 1 year was the best anyone could do and it motivated me to work harder and BTFO you... see you in 9 months!
im no genius but you're gonna have a hard time controlling your estrogen by the looks of things
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I really don't know what you mean.

equal out the test e bewteen wks 10-20 to be 500mg

reason being is because your not lowering your dosage for a cruise which would favor a slow drop in total mgs over the weeks until your goal dosage is reached.

the logic behind that is to keep your sanity since your lowering your dosage not PCTing

but since your comming off of your cycle it becomes retarded. just do 500mg test E from wk1-20. as far as tren goes idk

How can you lurk this general and read the shit they write about oral only cycles and anavar and still fucking want to do it?

I don't think he ever implied running var by itself..?
Why would that be? I know I forgot to mention the fact that I'm taking an ai but I'll definitely be taking an ai
You know what you need for women?

A fat wallet and a fatter cock
Thanks ill probably just do that then
you just need confidence brah

im slaying bitches with my 5.5

implying i didnt just get a text that said

" was i good enough for you? youre so hot"


See here's the problem:

>Be a virgin
>Talk about what you need for women

Why do you do this Jerry?

Do you realize that you are the equivalent of a guy that never stepped into the gym offering advice on /fit/?
From my understanding test is very wet when run high 750mg but not that bad with estro sides at 250mg, so you need to be careful or you may crash estro (not sure which AI you're using)
also tren just complicates things further at the start of your cycle

why not use prop/ace for weeks 1-10, then move to enanthate from 10-20? that way you don't get tren dick for the first two weeks and AI is easier to manage?
I like this dood. Also you have the exact same basketball shorts as I do and I did a double take cus I thought it was an old photo of me kek
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No Sam, I'm not making fun of you, I think it would do a lot for your brand if you hopped on tren and had outbursts of roid rage on camera.
Do you think it'd work better if I do test-e only for wks 1-4 just to start and then throw in the tren for wks 4-14 and just keep my test at 500mg wks 1-20.
You can just walk into the gym
You cant walk into a gf

Tell me im wrong about needing $$$ and a thicc dicc
Real men don't use steroids.
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I mean if you are butt ass ugly I guess you have no choice but to go the fat wallet route but I promise 99% of girls dont want some vagina tearing cervix punching monster dong.
Hey /fraud/ I've been thinking about hopping on gear and this is why.

I'm 24, natty, virgin, I've been lifting for 3 years.
Since last year I've been counting macros, bulking, cutting, training hard, tried all kinds of routines but I just don't seem to get gains.

I don't have any drive to do anything social and get a gf, I live alone in my room, I only have one friend here and it's been months since last time i've seen him.
I tried antidepressants for almost one year with no effect besides my dick getting super desensitized so I was (and still am) even less interested in pussy.
But I want to change, not just forcing myself to get out of my room because it's what I'm supposed to do, I want a big change in my attitude and priorities.
Also I want gains.

What do you think?
>You cant walk into a gf
You probably could if you weren't an uggo. You probably wouldn't feel the need to overcompensate with roids either.
Youve seen those rankings of men by women
All below 50%
Completely reasonable. You're a subhuman in denial, you'd probably be much happier if you just admitted it.
yes that's the conventional test enanthate and tren ace cycle
I knew I'd seen that book from somewhere before
Steroids wont help

Im far above average in all respects
are you taking AI, you must feel like shit

do 200mg test then crank the tren

high test high tren gave me pretty bad acne and sides, the meme of low test/high tren is legit
Except waifus, that's far below average. Garbage even.

>being this much of a loser

It's his body and his money why the FUCK do you care what he does with it you little cuck bitch?

t. natty


You don't need a good body to get laid and it is a stupid reason to use steroids.

Use them because you want to get as big and as huge as you can if you're gonna use them.

Fix your attitude. Get a job. Do something productive with your life.

> but I just don't seem to get gains.

Get your test levels checked. Maybe you have low T. In that case self administered TRT makes a whole lot more sense.


jerry I think you're trolling us most of the time. How would a woman know how big your dick is before you're actually fucking her at which point she's already wet and going to fuck?

>needing $$$

Then why do poorfags get laid.
>em at the very end of my PCT.
everything looks fine cept for estro, but you should time your bloods better. if you took on last day of PCT or whatever nolva will still be skewing the results

Following a single oral dose of 20 mg tamoxifen, an average peak plasma concentration of 40 ng/mL (range 35 to 45 ng/mL) occurred approximately 5 hours after dosing. The decline in plasma concentrations of tamoxifen is biphasic with a terminal elimination half-life of about 5 to 7 days.
nah youre good, the test will raise your estro
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Can I snort cialis if I want it to set in faster? This is urgent
make a mini .5 or 1ml solution with water and shoot it in your butt
Alright thanks for taking your time to help me with that
>you can see their giant traps and delts
>100% of them have low confidence

why do you think they use steroids. lol. same for me.

when girls "flirt" with me and shit, i have autism and think they are just trying to make me look like a desperate loser, instead of actually liking me. because no one can like me since i am a disgusting piece of worthless shit.
No pins on me rn at someone else's house but have capped powder
under your tongue or snort it then

that shit is gonna burn and youre gonna have to snort HARD
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Go for it.
Looks solid. Don't always keep your estrogen that low though.
>they are just trying to make me look like a desperate loser, instead of actually liking me. because no one can like me since i am a disgusting piece of worthless shit.
This is all women
why don't you just post on sst?
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this shit is ridiculous man

double barrel 16 rounds


living the CHAD life, about to hit the bar with my bros then fuck this girl for 3rd time maybe and cuddle


Being in your early 20s and on your own is PRIME
sounds good man
>tfw mid 20s
but yeah still great kek
but im chilling by myself today and kinda high too
high on what?

thinking about what i want to get for new years, ive never been to a rave before an thinking about MDMA

i have a fuck ton of speed but i dunno how people use that at as a party drug
lol i dunno either, i feel that's just for survive the next morning and such

some alcohol, leftover coke and someking some "spice" shit i got here for some reason lol
>tfw australian
>tfw nofunz
>tfw $90 a vial for test
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>long time lurker
>excited alex stopped posting with trip about fucking laptops
>excited crusader is gone
>start seeing this Moosey kunt trip
>he's worse than both combined

life is truly cruel
In litterally every society you can name, even the queer as fuck alexandria cribbing shit heap called rome and greece had spirituality.

I struggle to think of a single society that didn't have it.
I'm back with my grille:), I told her about the roids and she took it p well
>implying things will ever get better on 4chan

you might as well leave and never come back because 4chan was never good.

On the bright side Catpiss is MIA presumed dead.

And swolen and ESTP are posting much less
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You know how you look at panty lines?

They look at dick lines

Poorfags have big dicks
>Can't spare $20-30/wk

What are you, a poor fag?

This doesn't even make sense. I have a tiny tiny dick flaccid and a gargantuan dick when I'm hard.

If they were doing that they'd be setting themselves up for disappointment as there isn't a 1:1 correlation clearly
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Hey guys just getting back into this, found some old Atreides anavar. Good shit. Whatever happened to chem?
Trying to decide weather or not cheating is worth it for a college poor fag. Does taking test permanently fuck with your test levels or is that a myth, I have asked before and gotten contradictory answers.
does deca build more muscle mass than tren?

tren is appealing because you stay lean while running it, which is good for your morale. every day you get leaner and a little bigger and that seems fun. but if deca builds more mass faster you can always run tren later and make it even more amazing

so is deca worth running on a second cycle or should you just go straight to tren?

zyzz said deca was overrated
I would say yeah but the size/mass is from glycogen retention.

I love NPP so much.

That's cos zyzz was all about being lean and hard. NPP gives you that bloofy look, but the bloof is all INSIDE your muscles.
so if the mass gained from using nandrolone isn't actual muscle tissue and just water retention inside the muscle and glycogen storage, what's the fucking point
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so you're a retard and can't inject himself properly.

got it.
new masT pics where?
Feels so fucking good man. I get so much well-being gains from NPP. Reduced appetite, soo much stronger, joints ache SO much less.

It's totally a temporary gain (I'm sure if you weren't at the natty limit yet, you'd get there quicker and keep some after) but god damn it's so fucking nice.
your test rebound pretty good.
u just want our input to take advantage of that sale rofl
Theyre retarded vapid sluts
Theyre always setting themselves for disappointment
I'm 5 weeks into 500 deca, it's hard to bulk it's killing my appetite. what gives? if I wanted a cutter I would do tren. lol.

should I drop this shit wait 3 weeks and hop on tren or stick it out for a few more months
Like everything you get used to it. What's your original plan?

Also why are you in such a rush? This ain't gonna be your only cycle, dude. Finish out your plan, document the results, and adjust and use that to plan the next one.

Eventually you'll probably get used to the low appetite sides or find a way around it like

- weed

ALA will lower your blood sugar and make you hungrier. so will HGH style peptides. s

Dude fuckin NPP plus peptides, holy shit man.
pro tip: it doesn't help your joints, it only masks the symptoms of your joints being fucked up.

i don't know why people bother with "wet" bullshit like high test, deca, dbol, shit like that.

i don't get what satisfaction people get from injecting steroids into their ass to look like a bloated piece of shit.
You fuckin sassin me m8. Got stood up on tinder date with a super qt cuz of food poisoning, now I have to drive back home and bang chinese girl I don't even like...
order some dnp and run it high dose for a few days. you will never complain about lack of appetite again in your life

one time i went all out on a binge after being on like a gram of crystal. i ate until i passed out from the carbs overheating me, woke up, puked, and then kept eating
uhh cuz I want to fuck sluts that's why I'm in a rush lol. hate if you want but it's the goddamn truth.
mass, health, feel good factor

>tinder "date"

sorry bro

muh feels

"mass" = water and fat i guess. nice meme.
It's basically like weak corticosteroids for your whole body, yeah I get that. I never said it was GOOD. I just said it FELT good.
same guy who just replied...which peptides and what dose? or point me in a direction
>ill never understand why arnie was mired and im not

Dont be a dumbshit - the amount of mass you can gain on test + dbol is incredible compared to test alone. Stop being purposefully retarded.
being dry as fuck (instead of a water buffalo) and radiating sexy ass tren pheromones feels better IMO. lol
yeah, and men want women who are more desirable then traps, roastie piggu
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>>other similar people
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What did you say and what was her initial reaction.
Getting /fit/ sometimes (usually) improves your facial aesthetics though.

That guy looks like a skinny vegan, so it'd definitely help him.
wait i thought you were natty
Aw man. Let me dig up my spreadsheet.

The idea is to stack the two types that make your pituitary secrete HGH, and then add this one potentiator.

The two ones I did were
Modified GRF(1-29) and GHRP-2. The GHRP 2 is more effective thant the 6 and is known for stimulating appetite (if you don't want the appetite, you do Ipamorelin I think).

Then you stack BPC-157 which makes your tissues more sensitive to HGH.

God tier stack bro, and it's affordable if you go with that one guy from datbtrue
What do women define as a "real man"? I'm genuinely curious.
>Then you stack BPC-157 which makes your tissues more sensitive to HGH.

strong physique, confident personality, can make them laugh, has money

think safety, security, and fun
>justin bieber
he used a ton of tren tho retard
I said strong physique not nu male cunt bitch
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>What do women define as a "real man"? I'm genuinely curious.
Ever seen a pic of jerry?
>Tren, Equipose, or Dbol (again).
>The hepatotoxicity

all of my wat
The real answer is to find something you're passionate about, and surround yourself with people who appreciate your interests. Doing nothing makes you feel like shit, and people who shoot you down make you feel like shit. Find something that challenges you, and stick with it every day until you love doing. Learn new language, write stories, make art, learn an instrument, take a fighting class, cook, or whatever it is that you wish you were good at but missed your chance to start when you were younger. We don't get do-overs, so don't worry about the past. Just learn from it.
it is so insignificant it is like me saying i am switching from 22g to 23g needles because the 23g weigh less
>Deca dick doesn't seem too scary as I don't use my dick anyway.
tfw trendick kicked in once i came close to dreams of being a wizard
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No bully!
Women are (largely) morons with an over-inflated sense of self-worth if they're going around trying to tell people whether or not they're "real men". They're delusional idiots, so their standards are irrelevant. Most of the time though, "real man" is synonymous with "man who does the things I want him to do."
meant this guy
do people actually get trendick

or is it an epic meme from their trenpp breaking their dicks

>he thinks he's masT's biggest fan

are you even lifting for masT?


he just looks natty


Protip: If you have to ask then it isn't you.

Just be the man that YOU want to be, and don't be ashamed about it.

That's masculinity, doing what makes you happy.

if that's plaiyng video games and jacking off to traps then sure.

Doing XXX because women like it doesn't sound like something a real man would do to me.


gud advice


Jerry jerry jerry

I hope this /fruad/ persona is just something you do for the lulz
I used the term date loosely. Was just sex, but she was afraid she'd end up shitting on me.

>inb4 that's everyones fetish.
anecdotal but I didn't at all. Trensomnia and night sweats stopped after the first month too. But ya trendick was literally never a thing for me.
think i let my estro get out of control, not the tren
it is never the tren
tren can do no wrong
tren is love
tren is life
>tfw final pinned final amounts of tren today
don't want it to end, but i know i should let it end.
I love it when a girl brings me food without having to ask.
Yes and no
I exaggerate all my frustrations

In ur dreams dickfag
I had a dream about holding hands the other night
I was very depressed when I woke up
I said that I was injecting myself with test-e and taking an Oral growth hormone secratogue. She said "won't that make your dick shrink"? And I laughed. I explained to her PCT and cycles and that the mk-677 was for my wrist recovery. She freaked out at first, but is cool with it now.
hey bro what cycle you running these days
> girl brings him food without having to ask

2 grams of tren obviously
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Just 500 test
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>won't that make your dick shrink
I've honestly always wondered where this started.
butthurt natties and cuckolds who wanna portray this "toxic masculinity" bullshit
you ever run tren
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>noticed she has hands like mine
and that's when I stopped jerking my dick to her
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I figured it had more to do with the compensating for a small dick thing or something. Who knows.
Bimbo gets cranky on tren lol. It's a beast to deal with.
The hands are the last thing I would be looking at lol.
is there a way to tell if your hairline receded/is receding, besides progress pictures? i only started taking them like 4-5 months ago out of paranoia (because of tren) and so far theres no change

can you see if it is currently in the process of receding, even if it's not visibly fucked up yet? because if i'm prone and need to take preventative measures i don't want to wait until it's too late. i also don't want to start taking pills and rubbing shit into my scalp for no reason though.
>those shoes
someone who cares about their appearance this much should wear half decent runners
what should I run for my first cycle?
Does anyone know if it's realistic to get test at 500mg/ml?

I've had 250mg/ml before and its nice being able to do a high dose without putting a lot of oil in your ass
>get test at 500mg/ml?
possible with EO, but i wouldnt buy that shit
wouldnt that be thick as fucking mercury
what steroid should I run for my first cycle then.
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tfw you runnin out of money but you wanna buy more steroids
i should get a job so i can pay for steroids, i mean school.

test 400 is a thing but I've never seen 500

the pip would be quite something
i've seen 500. people were ordering it from this one guy because mg per mg it was cheaper than the 300, but then bitched endlessly about the pip...
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Tren suspension is the devil.

>Burns like hell to pin
>pip for days
>instant batshit craziness

Which its awesome when you're driving a car with 800hp to the gym -_-

Fucking dope workouts though.
what kinda car do you have
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>mfw I stopped spending my monthly gh money and in 4 months I was able to afford a 04 mustang
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A 2012 Camaro SS with about 15K in go fast parts under the hood.


p-post body senapi?

has someone slayed the MasTer?
nice, im trying to get a 350z or a 128i. just need money

>tfw uncle died and left me money for a car
>aunt doled out the money in a bullshit way and now its all gone because shes a bitch

feels bad
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>04 Mustang

You poor bastard kek. I hope it was at least a Cobra and not that 4.6L bullshit.

Both are solid cars. I almost bought a BMW but I test drove an SS first and ended up with an expensive addicting second hobby. I dont think I could go back to driving anything with under 400hp again.
Steroids will not help your current situation. You need therapy
get bloodwork, you might be low test.

datbtrue folded a couple months ago
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any cobbers on here?
gissa yell ya kunts
how the fuck is that funny you goddamned retard
He tries to act cool,like he probably thinks writing short answers makes him look cool like in highschool.
Fraud if im 20 Y.O am I too young to cycle?
I've been pretty depressed the past few months almost a year, don't want to do anti depresants so at this point I'm saying fuck it might as well see if life is better on gear.
where do I start if I want the roid?

Cali here
Does Alb still come here?
Did he ever get his gains back?
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>eating carbs immediately post work out means you wasted everything and fucked up your GH levels. better off just waiting then eat protein/carbs
>only thing you take 30 mins after a work out is hydrolized whey with water, no other protein powder will work because it takes too long to absorb
>if youre trying to gain weight, do cardio cause the body will absorb the food better
>if youre cutting dont do cardio, cause it eats up muscle

I dunno if I can trust george farahs quackery, his guru broscience powers has led to countless mr olympias(and he trained the rock as well) while "science cucks" like layne norton and lyle mcdonald haven't accomplished or trained anyone who amounted to anything.

>5000$ just for a training routine
>>eating carbs immediately post work out means you wasted everything and fucked up your GH levels.
None of that matter when you're pinning gh and slin independently.

Your GH level spikes during and after a work out.

eat carbs within 30 mins and you fuck it up.
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Ive had 2 vials of test e sitting around since about February
What are the chances they have gone bad? ive kept them out of sunlight, can I smell them to see if they are good or not?

Also sorry for pesting you guys heres some ass
Why do women always think the world revolves around them?

If I'm watching trap porn, I clearly don't give a shit what women want. Clearly, I'm not into women.
>heres some ass
would prefer aas desu.

yes they are fine
alright i am d one with dnp. been a good 3 weeks. cant take it anymore. tired of only being half conscious throughout the day, tired of not having the energy to raise my voice properly, tired of these disgusting cravings even when i am not hungry, tired of holding 5 gallons of subq water

i am done. fuck this shit. let this suffering serve as a lesson to never get above 11% bf again in my life.
i love dnp
but i also hate dnp
same it's like my most hated and most loved drug (besides tren as the most loved)
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Does it make sense to start roiding at this size? Should I wait until I'm bigger?
Where is the size actually ?
Start lifting first kid.
>>Where is the size actually ?
what, you don't see his hips and gut?

also his face looks like a downsyndrome bag of smashed assholes
There are two types of people who do gear: world-class athletes and losers.
which one are the fitness models and zyzz
Hey man, any ETA on next cardarine batch?
And good luck with quitting cigs.
fuark breh
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Zyzz was an overcompensating loser.

>taking roids
>to achieve the body you can get by just doing bodyweight exercises on the bar for a couple of years

Dude have you ever been on /r9k/? Filled to the brim with nothing but a bunch of Omega degenerates.
i sent him to there for the memes

few fuckers that ever post are chads trying to help.
This is literally how I went from a beta bitch with no friends to almost chad with a huge group of friends and getting invited to partys on reg

The Chads and normies that you find on r9k are just there to troll. I go there once in a while to piss permavirgins off.
must be fun then i cant stand that hell hole.

ive seen happier people in /a/ , /g/ and here despite the loneliness being high

Nah it's not really as fun as it used to be anymore. Occasionally I try to hand out actual advice on what they have to do to stop being so miserable, but they always make up excuses and never follow through ''what if I'm not as good looking at you?'', ''but I'm autistic you can't honestly expect me to know how to socialize.'' Man fuck those people, if they won't actually try to change to begin with then how can they expect to ever succeed at all?
Will MMA training fuck up my enhanced gains? I know I can't progress for shit natty unless I cut back training to a useless 1x a week, but could I go hard training 3x or more a week while lifting everyday and getting huge if I were blasting test + deca?>>39513721
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funny i have some left over copy pasta that i gave out on another lonely thread once. never again though (horrible memories of what you described),

i may not be a chad but ill be dammed if i'm not going to be dead set on being alpha as much as possible.

none the less your based for helping people even if you tried failed and gave up on that shit hole

*my pasta
anon all that matters when it comes to getting stronger is that your doing it for yourself and no none else, self improvement is selfishness incarnate you do it to help yourself first before you can help someone else, never forget that your doing this for the higher goal of getting in control of your life. being a man is all about responsibility and control whether it be emotional or physical you must learn and understand all the skills needed to achieve your goals.

it will be painful and you will be lazy but as long as your goal is ahead of you and you pace your progress you will achieve your goals
see the goal and understand the path to make it there and any weak willed person will grow in time

Thanks man, I can come of as a dick to people a lot of times but really I am a nice guy. I believe in you. You're gonna become alpha as fuark, after all you are on a self improvement board and being alpha is all about trying to become better every single day. I'm not some huge alpha male Chad either but I'm sure gonna try to become the best possible version of myself that I can be. We're all gonna make it.
Confidence only works up until a point.

You're only allowed to "be confident" towards a woman if she's ALREADY into you - if she's not, acting "confidently" will only make you a creep and your actions will get taken as "harassment", even if all you're doing is flirting.

So while having good self-esteem and being confident is of utmost importance, it's also important to be self-conscious and know what you're worth.

The only time "being confident" will help you get the girl is if she's already on the wall and not knowing if she should jump to your side, otherwise, "being confident" will only have you take the initiative, which is usually necessary for anything to happen. No amount of confidence will make a girl who does not like you start liking you.
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>when you are so good you trigger autistic weebos over the internet even when you are not talking to them

And people wonder why masT loves to troll faggots.
There is nothing more satisfying.

kek, keep coming at me

I dont see any "size" anon. You look like any other normal human being
Fuuuuuck. Where do people get peptides now?
M8 you look like a mashed potato , Pls roid
Seems like a great plan
500 mg test e with anavar and pct. Bad idea to do this as a 19 year old? Lifts are not that impressive. Doubting to just do 1 cycle of orals and then cut to get closer to natty limit and maybe start cycling for real when I'm older. Just want to get extra big this summer because of ex gf problems
Or maybe lower mg test to reduce risks? Just want to add more mass this bulk, ex skelly.
Any of you guys ever get caught, or almost get caught with gear? How's the LEOs react? If they were just normies who caught you doing it, how'd they react?

cought? by customs or other people who see you injecting that shit?

Second one is so easy to prevent.
Lock your door lmao
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I can't find any info online about the philipines and gear. I know test is illegal there, but they sell some other orals and stuff legally.

I want to go on vacation there for a month but i need my TRT dose at least.. and they say they can kill you if you import drugs there so i dont think mailing to myself is smart.

anyone know how easy it is to find local gear there?
never had a normie care. even if i jokingly bring up roids they don't give a shit. everyone knows at least 1 friend of a friend that juices or something

LEOs usually juice themselves, evne if not youll only get a fine in court if you aren't a retard/dick about it

i got my bag checked at the airport with vials in it, they didn't even take them

got my gear snatched in the mail twice. got a nasty letter and thats it. I was ready for controlled delivery every time but they aren't gona waste their time on me unless you life in a rural area with some prick trying to make a name for himself
By pretending to be an anime character?
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fug i shaved my chest and...

>tfw asthetic right pec insertions
>tfw left pec insertions are dogshit

>implying Im not
literally started working out because of masT
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Sup degenerates?
Getting to the bottom of this bag of shake, suddenly THC and bud fragments, this jack herer is fucking me up this morning.
>jack herer
Nice. I had some jack herer like a month ago. Shit was good. The shit I have right now is pretty dope too. I can't remember the name lmao. Why don't you work in a dispensary somewhere?
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I'd probably like to work in the industry, yeah. I know a decent bit about the plant and different routes of administration.

ur mam
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Is it legal where you are now?
Yeah, sure.
what legal PCT is there? I'm 1 week into test cycle and only researching this shit now. Can't import anything illegal so no prescription-only drugs.

>cant import anything illegal
>is on steroids

please help friendo

if there is no uncontrolled non-scheduled PCT try point me in direction of an EU supplier
if I order ostarine which I hear is legal, could I slowly over 3 weeks or so replace test injections with it and taper off the steroids to stop me from getting shut down? help ;__;
He can't help, he just shitposts


Alldaychemist sells PCT meds legally.
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FUCK ok this is all my fault anyway don't worry about me anons I'll try make this work I'll try ordering from 2 or 3 suppliers and hope they don't jew me out or my order won't get seized at customs
thanks anon you're a lifesaver - thought I'd have to go fish through all these fake sites like pic related for legitimate source.

Can't really find what you're referring to, are they marketing the pct as something else? Tbh this looks like one of those "herbal supplements" memes. Please point me in right direction on here.
He wanted a source lol. Are you going to link him a source, anon? kek

what about all the hairlets i have helped out.

and the people with shitty cycles

ostarine can be suppressive anon.

You found an EU source for steroids. Im sure you can find an EU source with PCT.
Asked this yesterday, but had to leave before I saw replies.

My supplier is obviously retarded, and sent me 3 vials of "tri-test 400" which is 100mg test-E, 100mg test-C 200mg test-decanoate, per ml.

Currently cruising on 200mg test-e per week.
Will I be ok straight switching to 200mg of this tri-test per week?

I'm aware the decanoate takes ages to build up in my system, so I'll probably go through a few weeks with lower blood levels than my current cruise dose is giving, but it shouldn't be so low as to cause problems?
>be me
>dehydrated nitro piss user
>diligently cut for 20 days
>good brogrss
>friday night cheating - half a pizza and a couple drinks
>worried what this means for my cut
>sweat a storm, wake up weighing less than I did a couple days ago
your levels are going to flunctuate alot with all these different esters.

try messaging him and tell him

>yo dawg i cant run dis shit its fkn shit dawg, gibe me my fucking test e

But with regular pinning shouldn't levels stablise?

Its just I've got 12g of test for the price of 7.5g and I'd like to use it, as it means I get like 6 extra weeks of cruising per vial.
yeah prolonged usage with these vials will get you stable.

just the transition will be wonky, exspecially because of the deca.

i would still message him though.

tell him there is no way you can use these vials and you want the test e you ordered.

you might luck out and get even more vials
His levels won't fluctuate much with a mix of all relatively long esters, the final levels would pretty much look like an average of the three ester lengths.
>tell him there is no way you can use these vials and you want the test e you ordered.
>you might luck out and get even more vials
Yeah, do this, the mix doesn't seem all that practical on second glance.

Aight, cheers. I've emailed him and asked if I can have what I ordered. Made no mention of returning the tri-test, so I'll see if he asks for it.
I'd assume not.
Dont compare yourself to masT.
masT only gets hate by unsecure auitist,not jerry.
You are more like notOp,a DYEL faggot who doesnt know anything but roids but still needs to trip.
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And these faggot weebo cucks that get triggered by my weebo hate are not the same people that hate on masT?


i hate racists.
he has been roiding for years, and my natty physique is bigger than his lol.

dont make me laugh
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>and my natty physique is bigger than his lol.
Yeah, he also tried to commit suicide with DNP, had liver failure and had his body deconstruct every muscle in his body.

You must be proud being bigger than someone like that.

Props man.
>tfw going well with my 1200 cal supercut with tons of tren and clen
>tfw this obsession to eat baked beans instead of my usual skinless chicken and lean pork shoulder steaks
Bro, on both of those drugs you should be able to eat anything and still get lean.
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>posts an anime gif

I'm on a timer (christmas/new years parties).

Gotta go near contest prep level of faggotry.
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I dont think thats a valid argument.

he has been roiding for years bro.

If he is a bad body to compare myself to, then i dont understand why this anon even mentioned him.
Im not proud of it, because notop is nothing to compare myself to. So that is an assumption that you just grabbed out of nowhere.

Notop was a racist and fucking himself up with all kinds of shitty chemicals, and he never gave advice even once.
How many times have i already helped out hairlets (including masT himself), or people that want to run clomid 200/200/ or do tren eq deca with their first cycle.

When im not busy making fun of these weebs, i reply to noob questions that i feel confident in answering, all the time.

Is it my fault they get this triggered by me?
I said a few times that i hate anime and weebs, and boom since then everyone is raging about me and im suddenly a dyel even though i just started roiding 6 weeks ago.
thats vegeta
notOp was hated because of he was a straight out retard like you,he didnt know jack shit about roids,was a dyel and stil used a trip here,like you.
also you are nothing to compare yourself to masT,he is a decent guy with actual knowledge and body.
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Oh youre right, vegeta is real, carry on
are you drunk?
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I think you are exagerating anon.

NotOP was a very shitty guy that would brag about his secret club of golfers.
And he was a racist too.

What makes you think i dont know jackshit about roids?
I cant answer every question, but so far the simple ones that i answered were mostly right.

What makes you think i compare myself to masT?
I said he enjoys triggered insecure weebs (like you) and i enjoy it too.

Do you even read what i say?

You grab little things out of my posts and make entire new stories for yourself, anon.
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I don't know what's all gone on recently, but he told me he'd gift me Ark: Survival Evolved and he never did.
i told you hes a monster
What sort of person does that even.
>Ark: Survival Evolved
you're better off without
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You should thank him
what board was this posted?
Ark is really really fun, when you have a lot of time and a group of people that are dedicated to build a really nice base.

But ark is shit when it comes to casual gaming.
You cant just jump in, play for 2 days, and skip the game for 1 week. You wont find joy in it this way.
Do yall think running PSO and that other thing will help restore my hairline from a NW2?

My hair is full and thick, it's just the hairline that is creeping its way up. Not sure what''s worse, thinning or receding hairline.
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Shit taste in games too
I've said it many times but ill say it again.

Dont get your hopes up on PSO and SP restoring any hairline.

Dont get your hopes up of PSO and SP stopping your hairloss.

While these things might be legit, they are not as strong as finasteride.

The PSO study also had only halph of the persons getting results, the others didnt see anything.

And as i said earlier, PSO, just like Finasteride (they have the same effect) are for maintenance.

When it comes to hairloss, you people have to differ from maintaining hair, and regrowing it.
These are 2 different things.

When you want to restore hair that hasnt been there for years, you need to trigger regrowth. You have to give your scalp a reason to grow new hair. You have to boost growth hormones and collagen in these bald areas.

I have tiny hairs sprouting in my widow peaks since i went on a bro-science protocol.

This is what i do:

First of all, micro needling.
Its the most important thing. You can take 5 pounds of PSO and apply every oil on your hair, and it wont do shit without micro needling.

Search for dermastamp on amazon. Thats what you have to use.


>Scalp exercises/scalp massaging everyday
>Dermastamp once a week on your bald areas.
>Nizoral once a week (DHT) erryday
>PSO and SP orally (DHT) errday
>PSO topically (DHT) errday
>Castor Oil topically (PGE 2) errday
>Rosmarine Oil topically (PGE 1 inhibitor) errday
>coconut oil orally and topically (Vitamin E, Collagen Booster) errday

I think its gonna take 1-2 years until the tiny hairs grow to full length.

Ill try to take a picture. They are so tiny, its hard to capture them
but miss pic related, are at least racing sims ok?

I really like them
MK-677 helped me grow ~1/4" after the bottle, y'all manlets should try it sometime.
Dont do any of this.
This is complete waste of time,you wont grow back shit with this.
Finasteride or minox.
Hi cap.
How is it going bre
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What is wrong with people like you?

I just said that it worked and that its regrowing my hair in areas that have been slick bald for the past 3-4 years?

So when i see it with my own fucking eyes that it worked

>its still shit and xDD just take drugs bro

Fuck off you degenerate piece of shit.
How long ago was this pic?
The Jeff seid pic?

its a few years old
>tfw ingesting 1g of powder DNP in one day to put me off it forever

That wasnt a pleasant night
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How much did you run and for how long.
I don't sell anything in bottles...
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Were you worse than this ?
Am I too far gone ?

Update, the supplier seems to be a full blown retard.

4 emails in and he still can't grasp that my issue is the incorrect ester make-up, not the brand of test he sent..

Not sure if he's trying to act a retard to make me give up.
im a bit worse than this, senpai.

Not much, but still worse

Also there is no "too far gone". It would just take more time if you/me had lost more hair
make it as simple as possible.

>i wanted test E, you have sent me the wrong esters.

it would be odd if he would try to evade a reshipping.

test is so cheap to produce, most sources are not greedy when it comes to stuff like this
Which one of these things you think has the most effect ?
I think it might be nizoral because ketocenazole is legit about hair loss.
Thanks for da info,do you have any before after pics of yourself ?
pretty much the order i posted them in anon.

For hair maintenance, scalp exercises and scalp massaging are the absolute best thing.

It stopped my hairloss.

If you want regrowth tho, its micro needling.

Then you add oils topically and orally to fasten things up.

You want regrowth, so the first thing you need to do is to buy a dermastamp.

And the oils are cheap too.
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I regrew hair with finasteride and minoxidil. Took about 3-6 months

i didnt take any drugs and i have no side effects, and i started sprouting tiny hairs after 8 weeks.

No offense, just saying that there are other ways.
That means it almost dead, but not 100%. If it dies, you can't "regrow" it with anything except implants.

That said, hair implants can be done with cloned cells or with some of those on the lower back of the head. It'd look exactly like not losing it, so if you get the money for it it's definitely worth considering.

I got a question here. What are my options to stack with test e and why are they good options? Say 600mg/wk for a first cycle.

Also what about using hcg for both the cycle and pct?
This is not true. Hairs dont die.

They live fast and die young.

meaning, they still grow, but they fall of so fast, you dont see them anymore.

Look at me, my widow peaks have been slick bald for the past 3-4 years.

And now they are growing again. How can you explain that?

hcg is used for BnC, its not necessary for cycles
>Hairs dont die
>They live fast and die

How are you this dumb?
i meant, they live fast and fall off.

Then they grow again, and fall off very fast.
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I would have tried the natural route if I knew about it. I have zero sides from the drugs though. I recently ordered some pso and saw palmetto since masT has been talking about it so much. I'm gonna drop the 1mg of fina I take daily and just do the natty supplement route for a month and see if I start losing hair.
Honestly though at the end of the day I have an endless free supply of fina so switching to the natty stuff is gonna cost me money that I don't need to spend so I don't know if this will be a long term thing.
I don't need implants lmao. I just had some thinning years ago but it's been fixed for a long time.
>my widow peaks have been slick bald for the past 3-4 years.
>And now they are growing again. How can you explain that?

Ok, that is weird. It could be a very specific exception, but for most people nah. As the scalp dies, hair gets thinner and eventually gone. It's directly related. Once it's dead, according to my doctor, finasteride doesn't bring it back. Minoxidil could, I have no idea, but I'm skeptical to it.

But hcg makes any stacks less suppressive, right? That seems to be a good thing, if I can afford it.

Give me options pls. What can I stack (and why) with 600mg test e?
Do you guys think it's OK to fuck a girl you're not really attracted to just to get rid of some of that ol' melancholy?

This is important.
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Wtf, are women threatened by traps and video games? I never got this shit, what do i do if I don't play vidya or fuck traps?
Just do test only
Even more so because you're young
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As long as you make it clear it's just random sex. Don't be a faggot and tell her you love her and shit just to get in her pants.
Did you even read it? Where does it say she feels threatened or unsafe in any way?
She is simply stating what she wants and feels most women want. Anyway go have fun with your traps!

Finally someone with some sense

I have been on a similar protocol. Using 1% nizoral shampoo eod, lipogaine twice a day, and a 1.5mm dermaroller once a week on the thinner spots. I have been taking curcumin, resveratrol, and zma as well.

Have definitely seen some regrowth on the crown and hairline, its ridiculous how effective needling is. My friends have even commented that my hair looks much thicker.

I know PSO is pumpkin seed oil, but what is SP?

Here is a study on 1.5mm dermaroller and minox for those interested in actually growing their hair back

Holy shit you nerds are worried about hair. Jesus.
anyone else here having super bro doctors who prescribe them test and have their female helpers inject it whenever you like?

>normal test levels
>told my doc straight up that i want to do a cycle and prefer to get clean stuff from a pharmacy and have it injected by someone that knows how to do it

i now can get recipes for 3 bottles of test e 250mg as much as i like. (only 40 euros) and get it injected by a hot as fuck assistant twice a week for 5 euros. don´t even have to buy my own syringes.

doc is a fucking madman. he told me i´m an adult, its my choice but if i dose that stuff right + do a correct pct testosteron is a literal gift of god for you well being and muscle building.

he even told me he would prescribe me tren and even fucking hgh if i wanted to (expensive as fuck) as i´m paying for it myself anyway and he´s a believer of being as fit and happy as possible while you are still young instead of worrying about possible side effects at 60+.

considering most german doctors dont give a shit about you if they dont earn money from you i think i hit the lottery with this guy
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>5euro a pin
>prescription tren

The natural route isnt an easy thing. Its still a huge commitment, and the only reason i do it is because im autistic and im scared to take minox and fina.

Im exspecially suprised you didnt see any sides from minox. That thing kills the collagen in your skin.

As i said earlier. I think the hair is still growing, but it just falls off before you can see anything.

Like, the follicles are still being produced, but the hair doesnt even grow long enough to breach the surface of your scalp before it falls off.

I just dont believe this "once its gone, it wont come back".

This guy is someone from a hairloss forum. He did the exact same thing as me (and even more).

his baseline pic http://i.imgur.com/RwDfyXv.jpg

His latest pic: http://i.imgur.com/JrZ35i2.jpg

And this guy is like 30+ year old and is much much more bald than i am


His baseline pic http://i.imgur.com/xoYueLe.jpg

after 7 months : http://i.imgur.com/zxAh67t.jpg
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Traps look better
what are you running? looking good
Just 500 test now boyo. Cruising for a bit. Next month I'll bump it to 1500 test and some drol I think.
>he even told me he would prescribe me tren

nice bait newfriend, tren is not available as a prescription medication for humans
>1500 test

sheeit, ever done 1g+ test? what are the effects last time i tried to do "high" test i leaned out too much
Yeah I've gone 1500 for months at a time. It's great for leaning out and looking full.
>finally someone with some sense

finally someone who doesnt give me shit lol.

SP is saw palmetto.

I think Nizoral EoD is a very very very very very bad idea. Inflammation and irritation of the scalp is a huge cause of hairloss.

A lot of people would be less bald, if they didnt use a shampoo everyday.

Nizoral is a different story though. It irritates and dries out my scalp so much, its not even funny.

Seriously i wouldnt do this.

Also pic related for info, why 1.5 mm is needed for regrowth

Whats lipogaine?
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>1500mg/wk for months at a time and still look like this

>1.5g test

its hard to believe you dont get bloated as fuck and BP of 200/150 from that
That was a year ago eating only fish spinach and casein.

I look like this on 500 test.
Fuck off netd
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>250+ with abs
>meanwhile youre 140 with a beer gut
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Looking good. Mirin beard.
>meanwhile youre 140 with a beer gut
No fucking way you are 140 lol.
>or pretend to be an anime character

>pretend to be an anime

Goddamnit man, now people are going to take you seriously.
He pretends he's lelouch of the rebellion
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This was me at 210 1500 test 20 dbol in February.

It's called eating well.
do you still not use any Ai, even on 1500mg test?
No. I only use ai with tren because estrogen sides fuck me up mentally alongside tren. Otherwise I'm fine.
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You're right I rounded up

Lipogaine is a mixture of topical anti-dht compounds like azelaic acid with 5% minox. Although I just read up on the collagen side effects and will be stopping asap. Scared I might lose my minox gains though.

Ill try nizoral once a week then. How do you properly exercise your scalp for bloodflow and loosening the galea?

wtf is wrong with your body.

Do you not produce any e2?

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I liked that anime. Had a lot of potential.
Lol what the fuck ever. You are probably 180-200 if I had to guess.
Low aromatase count most likely. High/low aromatase enzyme is t a medically accepted fact, but it's one of the few rational explanations as to why I can blast test deca EQ and dbol with no ai and experience zero gyno.

I do bloat but only if I don't watch my diet. Bloating and fullness is 90% diet mediated.
lol so you are basically using minox?
you would see regrowth without it bro. look at me.

and the imgur links i posted. All done without drugs/minox.

i did it without minox, you can too.

Check out this link: http://www.hairloss-reversible.com/my-approach-2/

and part 2 http://www.hairloss-reversible.com/approach-part-ii/

Dont buy the shit he offers. He explains everything in detail for free, he just offers a DVD to keep his site maintained.
I mean he is 74 years old, has been keeping up his website for a decade and when you post on the forum he still replies within a day or two.

The owner of the site is Tom Hagerty.

Dude has started balding as a 18 year old.

Now he is 74 and still has hair, thats how effective scalp exercises are.

I went from losing 150-200 hairs daily, to maybe 20-30.

And that was from scalp exercises/scalp massaging alone, i did not do anything else in that time.

Read everything.

But to tl:dr it:

Raise your eyebrows in reps (without frown) and wiggle your ears backwards.

So raise eyebrows, relax them, wiggle ears backwards, relax, repeat.

On steroids this is even more effective, because you obviously get hard scalp muscle hypertrophy.

My entire scalp moves several inches when i do it.

The interesting is, minox does essentially the same thing. Along with blocking DHT, it widens the vasculars in your scalp and increases bloodflow.
All that matters is you know a proper diet, proper form, and how to control your estrogen
lol, I'm not even balding but I tried doing this and now I can't stop

it looks retarded
jk, but I kinda like it, repeating movements can be a good stress relief.

This is a goldmine, thank you.

How the fuck do I wiggle my ears? I can feel the sides of my scalp move when I raise my eyebrows but I don't know how to wiggle my ears. Do I pull them back?
Ear wigglers have an extra muscle

Some people can do it, some people have to learn to do it.

If you can move them a tiny bit, you just have to keep going until you have full control of them.

If you cant move them at all, try this.

Pull your ears around, massage the muscles around them very roughly to get them "activated".
Look side ways in the mirror, it helps.

Try to visualize it. It can take 2 weeks before you can actually see them moving.

Its faster on steroids though.
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>tfw starting blast today

wish me luck m8's, dyel life is suffering
No we won't.
I hope you inject directly into a vein and die desu
you have a really small core compared to your chest. Dont you find it ugly or do you not respond to deadlifts?
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What are you running?
lol nothing special.

i was on 250mg test for the last 6 weeks to see how it feels and if i get gyno/bloat

Now im bumping up to 500mg for 16 weeks, thats it.

I havent found any other compound or oral yet that i even think about adding to my "stack".

EQ is the only thing that came to my mind, but i would hate donating blood all the time
where there any mental effects of 250mg test?
i mean im only 6 weeks in, but so far kinda yes kinda no.

You do not directly different. Like, you dont wake up after 4 weeks and BOOM you feel super chad and want to crush people and rape someone.

But what i did have noticed, is better overall feeling of well-being. I feel motivated throughout the whole day, i desire to go out and meet friends, to go party etc.

I smile more and im a bit more social than before.

Its not a huge jump, but i definetely just feel "happy". Even on shit days im like "welp, not point to cry about it, there is still a tomorrow".

I know people are going to say its placebo.

But placebo works as in, you expect something to happen, and then it does.
I didnt expect anything from test, i didnt wait for chad confidence or whatever. I didnt think about the mental effects even once. Just recently i looked back and noticed i felt pretty good lately.

But hey, placebo or not. I still feel good.
Donating feels great and you're doing a service. Plus I sorta have to bring O- and in gear. My blood is a commodity.

You type too much.
When someone asks for advice, i dont see the problem in typing wall of texts.

It would make you look autistic irl, just like talking too much is uncool irl and autistically analyzing everything.

But we are on 4chan, and people ask for advice. I think they appreciate detailed responses like this much more than bimbo style

>yup, god dammit 4 scoops
How long is too long on tren?
I've been on 200 test 400 tren for a few weeks and absolutely love it. Want to run it forever.
Trensomnia is hardly noticeable now
Tren dreams are mostly gone
Tren pheromones are a thing. I see girls looking and i think they are attracted to me and make a move. Works all the time. Probably just Chad brain but still awesome.
Strength is out of this fucking world.

How long can I run this?
Do you guys notice more beard growth on clomid?
Yeah, long form advice between bros is what makes 4chan worthwhile.

Only roasties and men with the mental capacity of roasties complain. And when it comes to relating anecdotal experience, there is so much idiomatic variance between different peoples' experiences and mental processes that long-form really helps set/establish a lot of context so that the message gets across.

Really enjoyed your posts above about hairloss btw. Good luck on the blast, bro. You're young, right? I think you've told us that you're 21 or so. Hope you have pharma AI on hand.
8 weeks is anecdotally when the sides start hitting really hard
Isn't it time for a new thread?
>tfw putting your head into your pits after working out cos that tren sweat smell so good
Im 21 yes.

Its not pharma no, but its a decent brand/source.

Dont think i'll have issues. Im really acne prone tho and MY FUCKING DIM STILL HASNT ARRIVED REEEEEEEEE.

Are you running anything?
Thought I was the only one
I'm planning like 8 months kek I really don't want to come off
dude don't blast tren for 8 months

it's not just about the visible sides like trensomnia and night sweats, your lipids will get annihilated
Just GW501516 for now. Shit is fun. Great mood enhancer, improved my cardio endurance a lot.

Just 1 week in so can't comment on body composition stuff. I'm weird in that I prefer to do cardio on bulks and heavy lifting (low reps) on cuts to retain strength.

Different goals from most of /fit/ so I mostly lurk. I'm an oldfag though (27) so maybe that has something to do with it.
Pls answer I've heard about mma specific cycles but I wanna know if I can get juicy while also training to choke ppl out
why do you think we all jump a boat to bali dumb kunt its cheap as chips and legit as fuark there cmon now cobber
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