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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
The thread
Runner's knee was so bad that I decided to swim instead while making core exercises.
I am however a complete newbie regarding all pool related things.
What's a good program to follow when you have a 50m pool and two to three sessions a week ?
Halp I'm so fucking constipated, I haven't taken a shit in 3 days. I feel that I need to take a shit but every time I tried to press it out it feels like it's going to tear my anus apart if I actually get it out. Already ate a high amount of fibrous food like berries and wheat bran but it only made me want to take a shit even more but the thing that's blocking the passage is still there. How can I loosen my stool up?
Go buy Milk of the Poppy. Will make you clean everything out of your bowels.
I was maintaining y skeleton weight when I was eating just one meal a day at my parents and due to money issues I can't move out yet.
Should I go back to eating this way to lose weight, since I can't accurately count calories from servings, nor make my own dinners?
can you swim and lift on the same day? i'm tired from swimming
I started doing lots of pushups/ pull-ups recently , unweighted + lots of reps each sets , once I reach the fews last sets i feel like a jolt of electricity is going up my triceps while doing pushups and down my forearm while doing pullups , one this shit kicks in it stay here until I finish me set , It happen earlier the further I progress in sets .

It doesn't hurt at all and doesn't hinder the set , but it just feels weird .
I am on a 6 day PPL that does strength training and accessory work. I've stalled on a single lift, the others are still making good linear progress. Maybe not every single workout but progress regardless.

For that lift I deloaded, got back to the weight I was in before, couldn't do the 5x5 again. How do I transition that lift so that I can keep making strength gains? 3x5? 5/3/1?
Best way to get bigger biceps and forearms?

OHP seems alright, anything else?

Do I REALLY need to drink protein shakes

Non-autistic gym wear, last time I went I wore bright green swim shorts from superdry
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>Best way to get bigger biceps and forearms?
>OHP seems alright, anything else?

Curls and Farmer's Walks

>Do I REALLY need to drink protein shakes

No, you can get protein from meat

>Non-autistic gym wear, last time I went I wore bright green swim shorts from superdry

Just normal workout pants. Look at amazon if your local shit sucks.
Anyone have any experience with getting hernia repair surgery and working out again after the downtime?

I had inguinal repair and couldn't lift for 6 months. my time is up near the end of november and im looking into easing my way back into it.
Which lift and how much are you lifting?
Bench Press, 77.5 kg.

I know it's a sad weight to stall at, but shit happens.

Deadlift is getting close to 3pl8, and squat is at 2pl8
Curls are the only thing for biceps

Ohp is not enough for delts. You need lateral raises

And it's always a good time to point out that your muscles grow by adding weight to your lifts. If you are not adding weight to the bar then your muscles aren't growing

You don't need to do protein shakes. People find them a very convenient way to get protein and calories. If you make up for it with other food then that's fine
Probably a good time to switch to 3x5. You're no where close to justifying 5/3/1 programming. If linear gains stall again then you probably need to eat more. If you don't feel like packing on a bunch of weight then Texas method programming will take you pretty far without having to gorge yourself everyday
Curls, weighted chinups and heavy rows are essentially all you need for big biceps, for forearms, heavy deadlifts, farmers walks, heavy rackpulls, basically anything that tests your grip strength. Stronger grip = bigger forearms; don't fall for the 20lb dumbbell wrist curl meme shit.
I'm cutting at a 500cal deficit. I'll try 3x5, thanks.

Still at 20% body fat, started around 28%, I plan to cut until I hit 12%, chill there for a month, bulk to 15% and yoyo back and forth between those.
Is there anything wrong with running at 1am on unlit rural roads
>Curls are the only thing for biceps
rows, chinups... anyone?
Well if you're cutting then you shouldn't be expecting to be adding weight on the bar lol. That you have been is a testament to neurological rather than muscular gains I.e. newb gains. But those run out
yes, you wont be able to sleep when you get home because of the adrenaline and such released from running
Those put too much focus on the back. If you want big biceps then you need to curl heavy
yeah, but im just saying that those exercises hits biceps too
Adidas Powerlifts vs Adidas Power Perfects

What's the difference? Which ones should I buy? (I'm a DYEL who only does bench,squats,deadlifts and power cleans)
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how good does this look? This is my last set of squats, 45 kg (still linear progressing)

is the buttwink a problem?
do I take too much time between one rep and the next?
powerlifts should be pretty good, never tried them though
Is it common to get hemhorrids from lifting?
When you guys do cardio is after lifting or on rest days?
Is one better then the other?
i would say after lifting, because your body hasnt begone recovering yet.
i dont know though, that is just my bro look at it
Sure but you're gonna have small biceps if that's all you do for them
true, i also do curls ;)
how often do you curl? i do it once a week
Thanks anon
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How the fuck do my fingernails get dirty every time I run? I don't touch the floor, I don't touch anything other than my water bottle and phone.

How is it possible? I wear gloves, but they're fingerless so that can't be it.

>inb4: 'fingerless gloves are gay,'
Yeah but it's annoying to hold a water bottle without any grip, also I don't want my hands getting too hot.
dust in the air, do you run outside?
is it really a problem though? u can just wash your hands you dirty hobo
What is a good lightweight trenchcoat for running?

Also any tips to keep my Fedora from flying off would be appreciated
One or twice a week I alternate them with pull-ups or chin-ups
If you don't eat around 100g-140g of protein a day you will lose a lot of muscle mass on a calorie deficit diet. If you are sticking to one meal, make it plain veggies and a couple of servings of meat. Skip the sauces, gravy, shit like that, get a big hunk of meat on the plate.
I just cant increase weight with lat/side raises.
Actually doing 7 lb ( I know thats embarassing and vile).

What do?
Yeah, you're likely right. But still making progress on everything else so I just assumed I was going to keep cruising on every lift for a while.

Again, thanks for your help I didn't even link the cut to the lack of strength progress. I'll still do 3x5 on Bench for a while. Once my cut is done I'll re-evaluate.
Godspeed and remember the most important thing for maintaining muscle on a cut is intensity, not volume. It is far and away more important to be doing 1x5 at a heavier weight than 3x5 at a lighter weight.
I think your form is P tight but imo you should take enough time for a big breath in between reps. No more.
dont increase mechanical weight if you cant, that is setting yourself up for failure.
increase volume other ways:
>decreasing rest time between sets
>increase speed at which the exercise is done in
>increase time under tension, hold the exercise for longer while decending
>start using cables for lateral raises = more time under tension
>add an extra set
>add extra reps

so many ways to increase volume anon
you can get hemohroids from heavy squats and deadlifts yes
Skinnyfat former fat cunt, I have a saggy stomach. I've been told I should 'fill it out with muscle' as it's not going to go away for a long time, if ever. I'm assuming this means focus on abs. Unfortunately the only lifts I seem to be able to do that target abs are planks, deadlifts, and squats, due to anything else(crunches, dragonflags, leg raises) triggering my GERD fairly bad the next day. Any recommendations?
lol you're not gonna fill out a "saggy stomach" with muscle. Whoever told you that has no idea what they're talking about
Keep cutting until 12%.

If it's just loose skin start saving money for the operation to remove excess skin.
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I recently switched from normal pasta to whole wheat pasta, despite the increased fibre, the quality of my shit has dropped (now at the top of pic related). Why is this? What can I do about my constipation?
Look up "swim team practice sets". Speedo has an app with different sets based on what you want out of your workout and how much time. My mid-season workouts in high school got brutal sometimes though.

Coach: "400 yard warmup, then swim the mile, 400 yard IM, then warm down"
>Coach leaves pool deck for the rest of the morning.
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if its the only fiber you are getting, ofc your shits are bad.

try eating oats with milk for breakfast and see how that helps you out.
also dark quality rye bread is really good for making consistent poops, pic related
weird. it should've improved. maybe your stomach needs time to adjust to your new diet
I don't really know how to accurately estimate my BF though. If it loose skin, won't the calipers just be inaccurate?
My food education is a bit lacking. I've been reading some of the guides the sticky links, one of them suggests, in a totally serious tone that you can eat leaves.

What exactly does this mean? From the context, it's clear this it doesn't mean walk up to a tree and bite it, but what vegetables are leaves? As far as I know, a carrot is a fucking carrot, I've got no clue what it is in a broader sense.
Made me laugh.

It's not a problem, just seems impossible is all. Yeah I run outside, treadmills are for faggots
>try eating oats with milk for breakfast and see how that helps you out.
Funny, I already do exactly that. Those are actually the two meals that I have most days. Breakfast is rolled oats with milk and a banana, lunch is skipped (my TDEE is quite low) although I usually eat some fruit like an orange, dinner is whole wheat pasta, some meat, and usually 3 different servings of vegetables (tonight it was brocolli, cucumber, and carrots).

Actually, on this topic - are there any /fit/ approved documentaries on pasta? At the end of the day, it's still processed food, so I want to learn a bit about what goes into it.
a carrot is essentially a root of the plant that is above the earth.
the way the carrot plant preserves energy to go through winter is by storing it in its roots(the carrot).
therefore when we eat the carrot we get the energy the carrot plant has stored.

thought u might find this pic helpfull
its a little biased towards vegetarianism, dont mind that, meat is fine
What would happen if I only did the eccentric portion of lifts?

Like I start every squat, bench, press at the bottom and drop the weight, or some spotters lift it off.
Curls get dropped. Someone lowers me down on weighted dips and chins/pulls. Drop the deadlift. Etc

What would happen to your body and strength if you did that?
i think pasta is alright to eat really, i like it and i eat it instead of rice, it is both cheaper and tastes better.

it is weird your poops are bad then, do you drink enough water?
Spinach kale arugula chard etc

Is this a serious question?
>it is weird your poops are bad then, do you drink enough water?
Yes, possibly an excessive amount. I only ever drink water or tea, and I don't drink any tea 6 hours within 6 hours of me going to bed.
That is how weightlifters train. Allows you to lift heavier and more often, less recovery needed, great for explosive strength, not so for hypertrophy.
>Spinach kale arugula chard etc
>Is this a serious question?
Out of those I think I've only ever seen spinach, which I recall as being meme food for people who think that salads are what /fit/ eats. Kale I've heard of, but the others are totally alien to me.

See >>39465876
>My food education is a bit lacking
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>6 hours within 6 hours of me going to bed.
what does this mean???
a good diet planner with actually simple recipes? (WTF I hate eatthismuch.com now)
Ah shit, that's what I get for trying to multitask.

Within 6 hours of me going to bed, I don't drink tea.
Just google leafy greens

Also spinach isn't a meme lmao
>Just google leafy greens
Holy shit, these are edible? I always assumed that they were just decoration that restaurants use.

Fuck, I've been wasting money for years.
So, what's the serving sizes? These leaves can't weigh much, will I have to fill my plate with them just to get the same amount of nutrients that I'd get out of something like a portion of carrots?
ty I'll print this
Serious but wierd question: would cialis (low dosage) work as a PWO? Thinking of tricking my doc into giving me some. Follow up question: is it hard to trick a doc into giving you cialis?

Serving size is as much as you want; and no, it has a different nutritional profile than carrots.

Do you even know how to google?
i think it could, it makes your blood flow better right?
it would be quite weird running around with a half boner though
How long, approximately, should one rest between sets if one's goal is both strenght and hyperthropy (doing Greyskull right now)? I've read 3-5 minutes but it seems to long, and I think I actually preform better if I wait for 2 min tops (sometimes as little as 1). Thoughts?
Hey /fit/, I'm pretty sure I tore my rotator cuff. The pain isn't terrible and I still have some flexibility, but I get the impression I shouldn't do any heavy lifting on it.

Any tips for nusing this thing back to health?
inb4 doctor, I don't have insurnace right now and I'm a starving college student.
Been wondering this too, but with SS. Kind of feels silly to sit around taking up the bench/rack for like 3-5 minutes between sets. Is that just what people do?
There's no way anyone can be this retarded about nutrition have you never heard of a salad?
I dislocated my shoulder during a dumbbell incline press when my shoulder-blade slipped out of position.
I was lucky enough that my arm popped back in a second after the dumbbell hit the ground and I have no swelling and all my shoulder ligaments are ok but irritated.

I already went to the doctor and he gave me medication and recommended me to stop moving my arm for 3 weeks, which I intend to follow.

Now my question is, What exercises should I do to prevent my arm from popping out again?
has anyone had to deal with this kind of injury before? Can I still make it?
Rack pulls instead of deads? Already do alot of hamstring work outside of dls and I want a bigger back. Goal is aesthetics
What's a good PPLxPPL routine? One that includes all the big compounts (squats, deads, bench, dips, rows, press). I'm not good enough at this to design my own, I'm afraid I'll muck it up...
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Disgusting skinnyfat here.
I want to hit the gym, but I have a baker's cyst. This thing behind the knee that grows bigger if you strain it, so no leg day for me. It grew from pea size to walnut size just from doing basic sit ups for couple of weeks. I'm weak af and was trying "body revolution", I would appreciate if you tell me if that was a good idea at all.
So my question is, after I fix my knee, early january, how soon can I go to the gym and start exercising? Any advice, I'll listen to.
I'm lifting for 2,5 months now and make slow process

when can I expect some visable changes?
When you fix your diet
That's up to your body and what you're doing diet-wise.
I would say you should take a photo once a month and really look at your progress in numbers.
For me, the big changes came at 6 months but then slowed down again
1) Thoughts on PPL twice a week as a natty?

2) best PPL for someone coming out of a standard full body routine for half a year
Question about warm up sets.
Lets assume my working weight for squats is 60kg, 3x5. So i start with a bar to warm up and build to 60kg, but instead of doing working weight i do 1 rep of 65 kg, then rest and start mt working weight 60kg, 5x3? Will this method make me feel working weight lighter? Is it safe?
ask your doctor
Is there anything worthwhile I can do while at my desk job? I have my own office so I can bring weights or whatever.
How to stay lean while on vacation?
Don't eat like a pig?
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so I didn't lift for about 2 months, recently moved and began lifting but now everytime after my workout (which is usually snatches, clean and jerks, squats, overhead press, pulls ups and/or an auxiliary lift of any of them).

Now this is great, but when I wake up the next morning I shit blood. The first time it happened I didn't lift until it went away (about a week), since I wasn't sure if I was herniated. But now it happened again, the second day after doing another one of those workouts.

pls help fit I don't wanna go to the doctor and have shove things up my ass
Form looks great, I'd take bigger breaths before each rep but i'm sure you do that with heavier weight anyway.
>tfw used to be ~80kg skinnyfat; then went on a cruise
>most boring 2 weeks of my life- the only thing to do was eat which fucked up what remained of my youthful metabolism
>6 months later I'm over 100kg
Do I have to count calories if I want to lose this shit?

I read the OP guide which seemed to suggest weight loss was tied solely to diet. I don't really care about muscle growth because I'm a complete autist that never leaves home anyway, so beyond diet modication is exercise really necessary?
No, doing 1 rep maxes before your working set is a stupid idea. If you want the weight to feel lighter, do static holds close to failure with heavy weight, so once you approach your working set of 60kg 3x5, instead of actually doing it, load 70kg, get under the bar, unrack it and just hold it for as long as you can, rerack, rest a bit, do 80kg for a bit, feel the weight bearing on your back, rerack, THEN do your working set of 60kg, it'll feel a lot lighter but it's obviously just psychological, it's not going to magically make you stronger, but it helps. Once you're doing 80kg for reps, do 100kg holds or even more if you want, and so and so.
Is it okay to finish each gym session with a 15 min treadmill run? I do it 7 times a week.
yeah, don't listen to the "cardio kills ur gainz!!!1!" memes
What's a "good" weight to curl, and why am so I bad at it? For example dumbbell curls I can do 12 kg for like 12 reps, maybe two sets before I have to pick a lower weight. Barbell curl I do like 25kg 5x10. I should be able to do more.
I can do 5 rep chinups at 75kg with 15kg added, and all my lifts are intermediate, but my biceps are just shit for some reason. Do I have to start being a curlbro and hit them three times a week?
first off, sweet digits, and secondly yeah it is, even if you're aesthetic af you still get cognitive improvements (brain gains) and health benefits from exercise. If you want to realize your final form, it's necassary
If you dont want to go to a doctor you can just stop lifting
I've had a shoulder problem no doctor could solve and after months of researching it myself I'm pretty convinced it's a damaged nerve in my serratus anterior. What kind of specialist should I see? Neurologist?

OK by what standards? If you want to do it and you're eating enough go for it. Why would anybody spend 7 days a week on the gym beats me but go nuts my man. Just remember volume and gains are not directly related, especially if you're a beginner
What if it is not 1 rep max? What if it is 5repmax?
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Been lifting 4 months now but i still haven't started counting cals yet. I need to weigh myself and measure height so i can figure out what my maintenance needs are. That way its easy for me to figure out how many cals i need for bulk/cut

However i dropped 25lbs over 3 months and i cut out junk food and sodas.

Few questions

>What's the cleanest food to eat for bulking
>Will 20 min cardio a day kill gains?
>Is it okay to workout 7 days a week?
(Currently doing 3 split program and on my "rest" day i work on abs and cardio)
>When does my lower abs start to show? (Its visible when i stretch skin)

>inb4 filter faggot
Only progress pic i have and i use it to bait girls
I'm 6'4 @ 200lbs, been lifting for a while now but I'm as flexible as solid steel.

What are some good stretches or yoga poses I can try out to become more flexible?
Guess I'll have a look at exercise portion of the guide again, and maybe Google some nearby gyms.
I'm bored most of the day so i gym every day of the week. Doing 3 split so its 6 days technically but on rest day i work on mobility and flexibility + abs.

A 15 min run is 200cals burned so i don't see a problem but what the fuck do i know.
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Sir comic.
You look great. Anything you do for obliques?
I'm 184 cm, 87 kg right now, and judging by meme charts like that http://www.seekfitlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/body_fat_chart_male_a.jpg probably something around 24% bf.
How long would it realistically take me to cut enough to look like a human being? Let's say to around 15% bf? I get that on 500 kcal deficit you'd be losing around 0,5kg a week, but it also accounts for muscle as well, and I'm not sure how long is it possible to maintain such a diet without the progress slowing?
So how many months would it take?
You can do that for your first few weeks/months of lifting as a novice because the weight is light, but once you're in heavy territory, that'll be a detriment to your working sets, so no, do what you want, though.
I just looked at 20 oblique exercises and i do literally none of them so i can't really say
how do you look that good after only 4 months of training? have you skipped any sessions? what are your lifts?
Hey guys tell me if my plan is on the right track and if you'd change anything in my situation. I'm 32 years old, 82 kg and the goal is to bring that to under 72 kg and up my overall fitness within a 6 month time frame. My diet is >=135 grams of protein/day, at a 500 calorie/day cut. I am doing 3 x 5 weight training on Mon/Wed/Fri (squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench, Pendlay rows, chin ups) and an hour on the treadmill Tue/Thurs/Sat. (I *need* to be able to run decently by the summer so I can't skimp on that). What do you think?

Before i started lifting the love of my life left me so in depression i lost 25lbs by starving myself to the point where i accidentally an auswitch.

I began lifting hard (7 days a week 2 hours a day) and finish with cardio every day.

Haven't skipped a single day (if i'm out of town i do BW exercises)

I don't know if dieting has helped but i went cold turkey. No junk, sodas, candy, cookies etc. Just meat, oats, veggies, rice, pasta, eggs, greek yoghurt and cottage cheese.

I only started doing squats, deadlifts and bench 2 weeks ago so they're pretty shit.
Why is cardio so fucking boring?
Milk of Magnesia. Milk of the poppy will make things 100x worse
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm on about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking about you hurting
I want to make three push-up routines dailies. My problem is that I find very difficult to do exercise in the morning (after waking up and before going to the work). How can I "wake up fast"?

Try doing cardio when your earphones are broken. Shit is torture. Counting down the days until my paycheck so i can get new ones and feel alpha while running.
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> I want to gain 20 lbs of muscle before summer
is this realistic? What's the key?
if you're fine with your aesthetics, strength, etc.. I would argue the gym meme isn't necessary. You can get by just fine on calisthenics and running and/or sprinting (interval training).
Read the fucking sticky
>There's no way anyone can be this retarded about nutrition have you never heard of a salad?
I have, but isn't it just meme food?
just stretch. 15 seconds per stretch, twice a day. if you notice an area where your particularly inflexible, stretch that area.

stop lifting for how long ?
Lift heavy and eat a lot
only if you roid, you can pull it off you gain fat with it though (even if you maintain your current bf%, since gaining muscle and no fat would decrease your bf%).
how the fuck did you get such a good chest without bench? some things aren't adding up here
i guess if you're a noobie it MAY be possible though, AFAIK 12 pounds/year is about the natty limit

again, it can often look like more because fat is often gained with it and creatine water bloat is a thing
I'm doing ICF 5x5 and scared to do close grip bench because I read some articles which claimed that you can fail abruptly with CGBP as opposed to regular flat bench with the wide grip, coz your triceps can give out any time or something, and I don't wanna get stuck under the bar since I have no spotter. Is it fine if I just do tricep extensions instead? I know i'm shortchanging my chest/tricep development by leaving the movement out but I just don't wanna risk it, it's already bad enough increasing the bench weight every other workout and having to struggle without a spotter, bench is a poverty 45kg so I don't wanna embarrass myself and ask for a spot. Maybe i'll be more confident asking for a spot when I hit 1pl8
I did dumbell press flat and incline and 200 push ups a day (still do) before bench.

Before bench chest day was chest flies, incline/flat dumbell press, pushups and weighted dips.
Pretty much my situation and routine/diet, and I've lost 10kg so far (from 82 to 72) in like 4 months. I'd reduce the time on the treadmill to 30min, though (a 5k run at a decent pace) and add a 30-40min walk, brisk pace, every day. 1 hour of cardio, 3 times a week, might be too much and burn you out.

i would sacrifice one of my arms just to have a hose connected from your colon to my face for one minute
shameless self bump

Come on, dudes. I want to work out, I just need something to wake up fast.
>dumbbell (bench) press

oh ok, thought you did no pressing movements which made me question.
>Wake up
>Immediately go in cold shower for 2 minutes
>wake the fuck up (heart racing)
>quickly go down and do as many pushups you can while cold watee hits your back
>Turn to hot water (you've deserved it brah)
>Then go down and do as many as you can again with hot water
>Get soaped in
>Go down and do as many as you can and let the water remove soap from back
>Get out of shower
>Eat oats
try listening to a new album everytime, something you haven't heard before

run in the woods, or on new routes

take a dog with you?

Yeah pretty much.

Really - just rest as long as you need.

For my 3x5 lifts i take 5 mins. Squats 2. And other lifts about 3.

If you see a guy hanging about the rack/ bench ask if he wants to work in... cause not letting ppl work in is austic and awful
Yea at the moment, just rest. Swap between ice and heat packs too.

Investigate some shoulder joint pain tests (google) and ask a friend to help you with them, should give you a good idea.

Good luck... and next time do your prehab !!!
Hmm, okay. I guess it does make sense.
My dog's too old and small for that. Too cold this time of year anyway.
I suspect you'll find that as you progress and start to develop a 'true' 1rm max, you will need longer. If you are hitting your set/rep targets with 1 min rest then crack on. Good luck & never give up
At this point in time you can get away with losing a bit more than .5kg a week. Increase your protien, keep the weight on the bar... good luck... and don't give up
Thanks, friend. I'm doing SS for the time being, so it might just be that I need to be slapping more weight on.
Is that an old pic or something? you don't look that heavy and for sure you don't look like you need to lose 10 kgs. Are you trying to fit some competition or something?
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THANKS anon for your help for squats, I'll try to be more fast on reps.

What about my rows? I always feel them in the lowerback, to the point that when I do them AMRAP I give up not because my back is tired but because I feel a uncomfortable tension building in my lower back and I'm tired of slipping a disc or something. Am I doing them wrong?
What's a good beginner routine for a tranny

I want to lose as much muscle mass as possible, lose fat, but increase muscle on my ass to make it bigger
why does everyone keep saying losing 1lb/week on a cut is best? is it bad if I lose ~5lb/week?
Can't tell from this angle, but it looks like you could keep your elbows closer to your body, so that more strength comes from your back, instead of your arms.

Depends on your goal. 1/week is 500 kcal deficit, so pretty reasonable and possible to handle. With more than that, you'd likely be losing much more muscle as well, not to mention how hard it could be to maintain a proper diet. What you're proposing is 2500 kcal deficit daily, I'm not sure if it's actually possible.
I'm doing keto+carb cycling but I did lose some muscle ngl.. Should I up my calories or just get more protuns?
so as a rule of thumb you should use your arms close to the body? I've heard that you can vary the grip (and therefore hit different back muscles) but I don't know which grip a beginner should pick
Two dumb questions:

1) my wife just had a baby and my sleep has gone to shit. I've gone from 11pm to 7am consistency, to blocks of 2 hours while I get up to do changes, settle, etc. Just gotta wait it out? Anything I can do to use this time wisely? Would appreciate feedback from other dadbros.

2) my glutes are my weakest point in my posterior chain. Get stuck in the hole etc etc. While I'm in this period of change with the bub, what can I do to focus on them? I had the thought of skipping out on DLs for a period and doing lots of GHD raises, and high rep overhead squats (light weights). Dumb thinking?
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> be 5'7" manlet
> start starting strength
> according to all the websites it says I should eat 3k calories to gain muscle
> ok.jpg
> do that for the fist two weeks
> /fit/ yells at me for doing that
> do 2,500 calories for the third week
> gained 5 fucking pounds after 3 weeks of starting strength, from 155 to 160.

that's all fat, isn't it? :^(
yeah probably, depends on a lot of things

how's your sleep? are you binging carbs?

could also be your inconsistent when you weigh yourself and it's your gut being full of shit
I'm a broke college student so my sleep is absolute shit but I'm eating enough whole grains.

I'm lifting heavier though
meaning, I can squat 20 pounds more and bench 20 pounds more than when I originally started.
also, should I be eating less than 2,500? maybe 2,300?
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Can I still post tinder threads? Or do they get deleted my mods?
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Has /fit/ had any of these? 160 calories, no carbs and 40 grams of protons for $4 seems like a good deal.
I'm 5'8 and weigh 183 pounds. I've never really paid attention to diet and thus didn't eat enough protein and as a result, my lifts have gone up slowly. And I'm still fat.

Should I cut and start from scratch or bulk into a thick and fat manlet and then cut?

Also, I do leg work while having patellar tendinitis. Is this bad? I can still squat pain-free but I'm afraid it'll just snap one day.

Bench 170 3x5
Squat 225 3x5
DL 300 1 rep
OHP 105 3x5
Pendlays 160 3x5
Slight bulk while only doing squats, deadlifts, lunges, pistol squats, prone leg curls all for volume.

Then cut on a diet consisting of semen.
Why is the human body so stupid?
>body desires sweet things because they're rich in calories
>human consumes large amounts of superfluous carbohydrates and fatty acids because of this hunger reflex
>body can't process them for shit; he turns into a lardball

>human attempts to reduce adiposities through diet and exercise
>body burns muscle preferentially
Is there a form I can fill in to get a less retarded morphology?
The exact numbers aren't important. I can swing upwards of 4 lbs + or - overnight based on salt, water, carbs, and whether I've shit lately. What's important is the trend line going up or down and what you look like in the mirror. And your lifts going up.

Probably stick to 2500 for another two weeks and see how your weight changes, then adjust up or down 200 caps at a time.
The human body is designed to survive in the wild, not in civilization

I meant to say adapted but you know what I mean
Lose weight
Where do I get that much semen anon?
That's your quest, famalam, not ours. :^)
Has anyone here had loose skin surgery done on their stomach? Is it worth it?
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thanks for the advice fampai I'll do that

my traps/shoulders definitely got a lot bigger because I can visually see that and I've been getting complimented on it.

I'm definitely lifting heavier now, I went from benching 125 lbs to 160 lbs and I can squat 20lbs more than before (my backs kinda shit so I'm careful about adding too much weight).

My pants don't feel any tighter either so idk. maybe it was noob gains or something.

>meme diets

Up your bleach intake to a gallon


For glutes, weighed hip thrusts are one of the best exercises out there, if anything look into any of Brett Contreras's glutes routines.


Probably some amino acid spiking scam, stick with whey.
Will eating more protein just magically help me get muscles?

OK, not really magically, I do my fair share of exercise (normie though…), and I am stronger than I have ever been (finally managed to onsight 11a), but it does not show. I'm just skinny as ever.
Is it a good idea to just eat like 1 egg with my breakfast every day, and do more stuff with meat and lentils and/or snack on cottage cheese/greek yogurt and such, to help my muscles grow?
I've got a barbell. The weights it came with reach up to 1pl8.

If I get a couple of 45lbs plates will i need to get a new bar?

Mine doesn't seem very thick. it's a York entry level bar.

Ty semfampai
how fucking new are you? do us all a favor and take your own advice you spastic dyel

It is a meme though, only fat lards who want to condone on their terrible eating habits follow such an overly prohibitive meme diet. Let me see your body, with tag ofc.
how many grams are you eating in a day?

should be a weight limit listed on the instructions
/fit/ how do you fuck girls at a college party??
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>zyzz was a fat lard
you obviously don't belong here lol
lurk more you insecure dyel
>how many grams are you eating in a day?
Grams of what? Protein?
don't know, I just eat whatever I feel like cooking, and apart from the mentioned "issue", I'd say what I'm instinctively eating isnt too bad. Hence the question if adding more protein to my diet without much more adjustments is worth considering or not.
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Brehs wat do.
As a lanklet I have a lot of problems making leg gains. My DL and squat progress is lagging whereas my bench and OHP are great. Is this normal?
your dogs a pussy
ty for reminding me to take my DNP today
>tinder tells me "hey is for horses", but since I'm hung like a horse:
>hey! how are you? ;)
eat more, squat more
"You look like trouble"

0.8g protein per lb.

Eat at a surplus if you want to grow in size.


Wow, so the guy that juiced like a motherfucker and even died sucking tranny
cock in some Thai sauna got results on a meme diet? Shieeet man then keto is the real thing brah, fuck those scientists.

Nice body pic though, "oldfag".
you guys I'm literaally shitting blood, pls halp

>it wasn't the gear it was the keto I swear!!

Goddamn you're one stupid faggot, do you take pre and post workout shakes too? Can't miss that anabolic window right?

Then it's impossible for us to know if your protein intake is adequate based on your view of what a "not too bad" diet is.

Track your macros, use Myfitnesspal, come back with data.
>shit blood
go to a friggin doctor!
Unless you have some ass-irritation from severe diarrhea, shitting blood is not normal.
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>implying I'm going to take a body pic at works for a dyel's entertainment
>fuck those scientists.
what are you even going on about? lots of weightlifters cut on keto and carb cycling doesn't make it "overly prohibitive" but you wouldn't know any of that because by the sound of it you have zero self discipline and not a lot of knowledge to back up your cockiness. dismissing anything as a meme speaks more about that than whatever criticism you think you have of what I'm doing and getting results with. you can just fuck off for all I care.
this korean finger painting forum isn't a replacement for a doctor.
The whole calculating thing, is what I'd like to avoid. wheighting all my ingredients, researching their average protein content and then doing a spreadsheet or something to calculate it is way too much work for cooking that is not focused on "macros".
I just want an opinion if "more" might actually do something, without getting into all that stuff you get in that weird supplements stores.
>you in charge of reading comprehension
I obviously brought up zyzz because some faggot thinks keto is a fad for obese shits instead of a legit diet.

>I haven't tried it so it's a meme
is all you niggers have to say

Sure thing fatty, lots of weightlifters follow the same retarded broscience dogmas you're trying to push to justify your disgusting diet, nice fucking argument.

Stay fat and butthurt.

Nice fucking body pic bro.


Same goes for you.

Then if you're giving vague information then expect vague answers, here it goes:

Yeah uhmm eat more protein stuff and uh I dunno see if you pack more muscle dude but I dunno eat like more eggs lol like drink more milk and stuff you know
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you really need to work on your insecurity if you enjoy being so petty to strangers for doing things differently. it's pretty pathetic. notice that you're the one who got worked up over the keto thing. I went from skelly to 40lbs overweight down to 30lbs overweight in 2 years and I'm getting results I'm happy with. hope you're getting your results but do keep an open mind and drop the shitty attitude. no amount of lifting will make you a better person.
>vague answers,
I'm perfectly fine with those.
Most stuff you read online about eating for packing more muscles are those really elaborate schemes, often including various protein extracts and other supplements, so I was just wondering if natural protein in a normal meal actually does something at all. And adding an egg for breakfast for example would be an easy way to add some protein, without much "research".
Seems like it is worth trying (plus, soft boiled eggs are delicious) and I should get my morning routine up to speed anyways, so I should find the added 10 minutes to prepare one.
>should be a weight limit listed on the instructions
It's a pretty old bar, but I'll see if i can google it, thnaks
just be yourself
Pic related is similar

Can anyone estimate weight limit?
Packaging long gone
nigga if you got one meal a day it don't matter how much protein you get. the only thing that gon save your muscle is a shitton of test
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Can I do cardio for three days and lift for three days to see both gains and better stamina when running?

I want to do both couch to 5k and SS but one after the other with Sunday as my rest day.

Also, would cardio be considered a training day? I'm using the lean gains calculator (http://sareyko.net/leancalc/) and I'm not sure whether to consider it six days or not. It seems accurate, just gives a high number of carbs?
When I do Back Extensions for Texas Method, are those supposed to be weighted or bodyweight?
Are kettlebell swings the only flute isolation that doesn't make you look like a bitch?
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I need help figuring out my daily calorie intake values. I'm 275, don't know my bf%, male, 31. I've punched my info into four calorie calculators and gotten wildly different results. I'm trying to cut by eating 2,500 calories, but I'm not sure that's actually the right number.
Pick one. Squatting three times a week and cardio is going to kill you in the end. You'll get away with it for a month or two, but the load on your legs will be too much. You could try one in the morning, and then one at night but it'll probably be too much.
I want to build better endurance since I've been sedentary for so long. Would you suggest another program or another less excruciating version of cardio I could do?
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Can someone explain to me what buttwink actually is and how to tell if I have it...? I've watched a few videos but i'm still not getting it for some reason, maybe i'm retarded idk
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what can I do to have good posture?
Other anon, but related question to the other question (and answer):
Is there a similar site, where I can just plug in what I ate, and get an estimate of calories? with premade shit it's on the label, but things like vegetables, meat and cheese dont come with labels.
Anon who asked about tdee. Various apps can do that: Calorific and Myfitnesspal are a couple of the popular ones.
My fitness pal has stats for everything in the grocery store by weight.
Does anyone here not use any product/pills?

Is whey protein necessary?
>For glutes, weighed hip thrusts are one of the best exercises out there, if anything look into any of Brett Contreras's glutes routines.
Thanks for the reply. I already do them. I do 60% of my DL 1RM for 8 x 8, twice a week (140kg x 8 x 8 currently).
>Is whey protein necessary?
Whey protein is by no means necessary. It just makes it easier to hit your macros.
bumping for answer
i have no idea what meme exercise you're doing
Anyone here ever try tanning pills, beta carotene etc?

How were your results?
Weighted but the point is not to go too hard on them
fucking shit niggas

I'm on a cut but I had like 3 beers because I needed social lubricant to get me through some pre wedding shit for a friend

how many reps of "drag dick through glass" should I do tomorrow
If I'm 160 is 1300 calories at 30% protein 20% fat 50% carbs enough if I run 2 miles a day and do some squats and sit-ups, and pushups every other day?

I am really just trying to lose weight, but Im starting to see some definition in my abs and serratus anterior among other things and I just want to make sure Im not burning muscle.
stretch what's tight
strengthen what's stretched out

ex. I had an anterior pelvic tilt so I hit glutes and hams heavy and stretch my hip flexors often. problem solved
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I only have access to dumbbells, is the r/fitness program shit or is there a better one out there?

Workout A

Bulgarian split squat or Lunge

Floor press

Straight-legged deadlift


Workout B

Bulgarian split squat or Lunge

Seated shoulder press If you don't have access to a seat, sit on the floor with your legs outstretched (also called a Savickas Press). The latter is actually preferable, but I can't find a good video guide to doing it.

Standing two-dumbbell bent over row

rounding of your lower back when squatting puts all that weight on your lumbar spine, which dramatically increases the risk of injury.
How tall are you?
Do bench press if you can
How do I start working out? Dumb question I know but I've never done it before. I recently lost over 100lbs (another 50 to go before I'm at my goal weight) and I want to start building strength. I was thinking of joining a gym so I have a place to go to help me stay motivated but I'm a little intimidated. Will gyms be cool showing me what's up? Should I hire a trainer?
I just texted this girl and made plans with her some on friday. Should I still start new text conversations with her or should I not say anything to her until friday?
1300 calories is way too low especially if you're running two miles everyday

40/40/20 is a better ratio

You should really start lifting. I'm the same height and I can say from experience that you shouldn't go south of 150 lbs
I'm starting with Stronglifts 5x5 but my dorm gym has no bench only an incline and a bench press machine, which should I use as a substitute?
Continue talking to her idiot. The absolute worst thing you can do a wait till the day of and be like "sooooo... about those plans we talked about last week...". They'll of already made different ones.

Incline, I'd say.
What is a bench press machine
So thats 40 carb, 40 protein, 20 fat?

Also should I try to work up to 1500 or go higher (like 1600-1700) ? Im pretty happy with my size as is. I am really just trying to get to a lower body fat % though I do need to start lifting,
A military press machine with an adjustable bench
Someone smart please answer this

I've been doing leddits pplpplx and it says alternate deadlifts with pendlay rows on pull days, so I'm only doing deadliftd and rows once a week.
On top of that, it says only 1x5 diddlys

Who the fuck does 1 set of deadlifts? Shit, it takes me ten minutes just to set up. And is that really enough?
I feel like I'm leaving behind too many compounds with this plan
Yup those would be the macros

1500 sounds about right

I understand the obsession with having low body fat. I was in your position once. But without a solid muscle base it's very hard to get there and it's not going to be worth it either. I'm just speaking from experience.

Regardless of your goals you should start lifting asap
Listen to your body. A lot of people find more than one heavy set of deadlifts too taxing

Plenty of people only do one top set of deadlifts. Especially if they're squatting and deadlifting on consecutive days or in the same session.

Its not necessary to only do one set, and you generally can get away with more if you're not going balls out on each set, but it is common.
word, Ill work up to 1500 over the next few weeks. advice much apreciated.

Any parting advice on getting into lifting, I have gym access though Im not a huge fan of the place.
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind
I recommend reading starting strength so if you could grasp on form. Plus it's a rad book. You probably find a pdf online

You can either do starting strength or stronglifts or some other beginner program. The entire point is to be consistent and to add weight on the bar over time, nothing else really matters

After a while it will become natural and intuitive and you'll know your body enough to mix things up a bit and be a little more free form and casual with things. But at first, because you're new and because it's going to be awkward and painful and you'll be making a lot of mistakes, I recommend sticking to a proven beginner routine like starting strength or strong lifts
if it was red blood it means it's more likely a haemorrhoid or something. If it was really dark blood it means it's something further up your anus and you're fucked.

but yeah, go to a doctor, retard.
All right Ill definitely check it out, thanks again it really is apreciated
Doing greyskull lp. My head felt like it was going to explode while I held my breath as I tried to get in my last OHP rep.

Is this normal?

show me someone who can row 100kg and deadlift 200kg with small biceps
ICF is shit. Do something else.

it's a rip-off of madcow, stronglifts and Fierce 5 with extra pointless shit thrown in to exhaust you and wreck your gainz.
You don't even use biceps for deadlifts?
I've been lifting for 3 weeks and sometimes my lower back is kinda sore and stiff. Not really painful, if only a little bit when I bend down. Is this normal, or a sign that my form isn't as good as it should be?
Will selling plasma kill my gains?
It happens. Your BP goes up when you're lifting. It goes up more when you lift heavier things, or are exerting yourself more. Its and exertion headache. Just take a step back and take a few breaths.
trying to create a 4 day hypertrophy split with no barbell exercises (my gym only has machines) is fucking killer, wish i was back home. you guys have any routines or know of any that can help? i'm racking my brains here trying to come up with one
How do I eat? I eat one meal a day and probably get like 800 calories and am able to maintain my manlet weight of 135 lbs. I literally feel full the whole day and could probably go two without eating anything at all...

I need some sort of simple i.e. I don't care if it's steamed vegetables etc, meal(s) that would allow me to get 3000 calories and 140g of protein.

I really don't want to have to resort to buying shitty mass supplements full of sugars and fat...
I somehow got water on my knee, doctor says I'm good to still squat. Are there any other exercises I can do to help fix it?
A: Quad/Ham/Calf
>DB squats
>leg press
>leg extension
>leg curls
>db lunges?? (for ham)
B: Chest/Tri
>bench press machine
>incline db press
>bench flys
>cable extensions
C: Back/Biceps
>machine rows
>db rows
>pull ups
>preacher curls
>arm curls
D: Shoulder/Calves
>seated db press
>side lat raise
>rear lat raise
>standing calf raise
>seated calf raise

would go ABxCDxx. thoughts? i cant fucking do deadlifts due to tightness, and i just gotta survive these 3 weeks im outside of the country

that may help out

Oats, bananas, peanut butter, and milk. Very calorie dense, and has a good amount of protein.

If you're really that far below the caloric intake you're aiming for, throw anything you want into it. Go nuts. Berries, nuts, yogurt (greek is best, but in your case it doesn't matter much), fruit, honey, syrup, Hell, i've seen people blend meat (would not recommend). take a shot of olive oil before bed if you just need extra calories.
I'm getting an ACL reconstruction soon. Any anons have experience with it and know how long I will be out of lifting, how much gainz I'll lose, how long it will take to get back to where I am now? Been lifting 2 months, got into it to strengthen up before the op but now want to stick with it forever.
also, if you're doing any sort of linear progression you'll find that diddlies get way too heavy very quickly do effectively do more than 1x5
Is invisible lat syndrome a sign of autism
One guy I know always walks around with his arms wide out and I'm pretty sure he never lifted a thing
You literally can't maintain that weight with 800kcal
I was supposed to lift yesterday but didn't, because I knew I'd barely get any sleep that night and figured that'd be bad for gainz.
I didn't think it all the way through though, because instead I'm lifting now, and with so little sleep backing me up, it's fucking struggle street.

Did I make the right call? IS there a right call?
Is it better to have a good workout with barely any sleep following it up? Or to have a kinda shit workout due to deprivation, but get abundant sleep afterwards to soak it all in?

Obviously the correct answer is to just sleep properly, but failing that.
My lower back hurts. Should I still squat today?
You guys think about this too hard

There's no one size fit all answer. Just listen to your body and if your workout is sucking them stop.
I've been lifting for 1 1/2 months and my bench is stalling
Can I/should I add push-ups as an accessory on bench press day?
>consuming ~3100mg of sodium every day
>hitting my caloric goals though
give it to me straight, /fit/, how fucked am I
how'd you into hernia?

haven't you seen any horror movie ever?
there are scary, bad people in this world and 1am is primetime for crazies. either carry a gun with you (concealed) or run in the morning

you can get hemorrhoids from most things in life. just eat more oatz and drink lots and lots of water and minimize sitting on your ass, especially when pooping (I highly recommend squatty potty- it's god tier shit)

have you tried not being a fucking bitch? jesus christ plz be bait. We used to have to run in formation with a fucking smooth plastic canteen and no one ever dropped it. If you can't grip a water bottle while running you have some kind of nerve or muscle/tendon/ligament problem in addition to your fingernails being too long in the first place to even get dirt underneath them without you knowing the reason. That or you're autistic. srs.

drink more water. drink lots and lots of water

spinach is god tier there's a reason popeye was swole af
you're retarded, especially if you're baiting or trolling

when you start using proper punctuation in your numbers. There's a reason to use commas (,) to separate thousands places in whole numbers, it's a continuation of the way we separate parts of a sentence with a comma without ending the idea. Periods (.) are used to end a sentence and start a new idea, and are therefore used to show the end of the whole number and the start of the fraction. You fuckin europoors got the metric system right but God knows why you decided to fuck up simple mathematical punctuation.

pushups, running, don't be a fatass and stuff your face with shit-tier food

like other anon said, don't exercise 7 days a week. I'd say don't mix your lifting and your cardio, you should focus on giving your all to one thing at a time. Boredom isn't an excuse to make shit progress, find something else to do on rest days.
It isn't boring, you're boring. Learn to either meditate, sing a running cadence in your head (or out loud if you're high speed) it's a good way to stay at a good pace and distract yourself from the pain, or entertain yourself with your thoughts. If you can't stand to be alone with your thoughts you're lacking in some kind of personal aspect. Don't drown out your thoughts with music, running meditation is a great way to discover more about yourself, and you'll appreciate your environment more.

you lack discipline and you don't really want to work out. Think of how you (probably) woke up with a start after hardly being able to sleep before a big event you were really looking forward to. You can either hire someone to yell at you and beat you until you're up in the morning or you can develop the discipline and habit of waking up and exercising in the morning.
This is terrible idea unless you like cold showers (they're the best, you should). Part of developing the habit of doing something you don't want to do (you don't, or else you wouldn't be asking how to do something as simple as waking up in the morning). Do something you want to do in the morning, look forward to a good breakfast or something. Forcing yourself to get up when you want to sleep is one thing, forcing yourself to then take a cold shower to wake up is another

it looks like you're inhaling as you're lifting. You should either hold your breath or exhale and inhale on the negative. It doesn't make as much difference with bbweight, but when you get big it'll keep your innards together. As the other anon was saying, it's better to keep elbows in and focus on pullin with your back instead of your arms/shoulders, it looks like you're letting the weight fall with your shoulders at the start/end of rep, try to keep back/shoulders locked in place like a T and really squeeze your lats in top position.
Eurofags punctuate numbers the opposite way. 2,5 = 2.5; 2.500.000 = 2,500,000
>inb4 not logical
Almost nothing about language is logical. The very words we use and the sounds that make them up are mostly arbitrary.
How to warm up for a 90kgx3 bench?
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h2grip bar during diddlys?
My chest is pretty shitty and planning to train chest twice a week. Right now my routine is the following:

Week 1: Mo: Chest and triceps; Tue: Leg and shoulders; Thu: Back and biceps; Fri: Leg and chest.

Week 2: Mo: Back and biceps; Tue: Leg and shoulders; Thu: Chest and triceps; Fri: Leg and back.

So Week 1 two days chest one day back, week 2 two days back one day chest.

Will training always two days chest and one day back unbalance my body?
Eat more
The human body is a great machine, you're just ignorant. When it comes to nutrition, a study found that we, like animals, intuitively crave and eat what our body needs. As other anon said, our society is fucking retarded because companies can make a buck by giving us food that tastes good without having the nutrients we need, so we eat a lot and never get full. The human body doesn't burn muscle before fat, that's the whole point of having fat. I'd suggest reading and educating yourself on the human body before you condemn it and fall for broscience.

I had to catch myself too lol.

Keto is definitely a meme diet. Carbs should make up a majority of our intake, then protein and fats, not the other way around. Unless you're some kind of professional bodybuilder that needs every edge possible on your cut, you should focus on hitting the proper macros.

Zyzz (PBUH) was such a walking meme he killed himself.

charge your phone and get off of Tinder


filled a few toilet bowls up one time from probably a combination of anal fissure and hemorrhoids. Was freakin out like omg I'm dying, went to my PLT SGT and was like omg sgt I'm dying. blood is pouring out of my ass when I take a shit, permission to go to the clinic. He was like nah man it's just the hemorrhoids, I have the same problem from time to time, just drink more water. So I went back and of course everyone was giving me shit cuz I had freaked out saying watch out you're bleeding through your trousers oh no you're on your period. But sure enough I recovered, it was a combination of a shitton of MRE's and lifting/carrying heavy shit for long distances over a week. It was one of the weirdest feelings pooping out blood clots but meh, YOLO.
For you though, you should really get to a doctor, you're not a dumbass private working on Uncle Sam's dollar.

85* dunno
you're grabbing the bar wrong. make sure your callouses aren't being squished into your hand. it'll feel like you're only holding it with your fingers but your grip will ultimately be more secure. mark rippetoe has a video on youtube where he discusses it.
>you're grabbing the bar wrong.
yeah that was pretty obvious
>make sure your callouses aren't being squished into your hand. it'll feel like you're only holding it with your fingers but your grip will ultimately be more secure. mark rippetoe has a video on youtube where he discusses it.
ok, thanks a lot mate

HI,I am a fattie and cutting.

I want to do Phraks Greyskull program.

Is that a good idea?

And I cant find anything about the rest time between the sets
File: greyskull workout v2 phrak2 .png (47KB, 547x465px) Image search: [Google]
greyskull workout v2 phrak2 .png
47KB, 547x465px
If you consider 3 beers to be "social lubricant" you're either giving yourself a poor excuse to drink or giving yourself a poor excuse to talk to people like a normie would.

In the future, try to be a man and drink because you want to get buzzed/drunk, or do the pre-wedding shit for friend while sober and then get shitty with him after the wedding like a normal person.
Sounds more like you have a drinking problem considering you regret having 3 beers after knowing you shouldn't have them to maintain your diet, and saying that you needed them.

you're too autistic to maintain a relationship with her, just cancel now while you're ahead and stop talking to her. srs.

why not both? Back in my day we used to superset incline with bench, and bench press machine is close enough and better than nothing.

yes, get a job. selling plasma is for frat boys looking for beer money, homeless people, and drug addicts

No idea but godspeed anon.
Hail Satan

probably. If he looks like he's trying to show off, but maybe he just has some kind of injury or deformity. I've seen cholos do invisible lat spread as posturing when confronting someone but that's about it.

you should sit less and stretch more. LBP is a no go for any exercise that stresses the spine. Work on your posture and work on releasing the tension in your back muscles.

how about you fix your diet so you meet your macros without slowly killing yourself

it's logical because it follows the laws of the language. It's illogical to write 2,5 instead of 2.5 because it's contradictory to sentence structure.
I was being silly with my answer, but still. it's annoying to see numbers written that way.

I've been told hook grip is the best, but I'm a mixed grip kinda guy myself pulling lmao5pl8. Never had an issue. I use chalk and sumo.

Heading to the gym. Catch ya'll cool cats later.
>just moved, closest decent gym is 80 km away, have to settle
>go to new gym for first time
>more guys than girls on cardio machines
>meme machines everywhere, there's a couple poeple using them with barely any weight on, switching every 3 reps, and they've been doing this for about an hour, cycled them all a dozen times
>shitloads of curlbros
>a 18 year old that has been benching sets of 5x40 kg for at least an hour
>50 years old manlet is balancing on top of a bar with plates at the ends and holding a plate in his hands
>one guy comes in, does three sets of 20 front squats with no weight on the bar, then leaves
>another guy did pullups on the squat rack in between my sets
what the fuck is this shit
i wish i was joking
If I start the gym soon whats the average progress I can except after 6 months and 1 year if I do it good and stick with it? SS and skele mode to lean

But it doesnt say anything about the resting time between the sets?
In 1 month you'll notice the changes, in 3 months your family will notice, 6 months your friends will notice, and at a year everyone will notice.
Short version: rest as long as you need. As you add weight and progress, you'll likely need more time between sets.

I take a full 5 mins between my upper body 3x5s. 2 mins between squats. About 3 mins for everything else.

But really - you need to read more than just that image... it's not enough. If you are uncertain of how long you should rest for, are you certain of proper form, etc?
Well are you going to apply average effort or extraordinary effort?
does meal timing matter to build muscle? I like to eat most of my food before bed.

does food choice (clean and dirty foods) matter as long as I hit my macros to build muscle?
I just bought Powerlifts, I know they will help with squats and cleans but some people say they are shit for deadlifts. Is this true?

Yes. I lifted in my teens a lot, fortunately since it made me keep a robust base. I know alot about diet and stuff I just became depressive for 5 years and let go of everything. I just didnt care and basically waited til I die. I ate fastfood multiple times a day, and was an alcoholic. That is over now.

Or did you mean that I should read more in regards to that very routine?
Today while deadlifting even my mixed grip failed me. Since I mainly want to get my squat up anyway what do you think about deadlifting with double overhand grip in the 10 rep range for grip strength?
try the hook grip and it that hurts get straps
Hey /fit/, for knee reasons I probably won't be able to squat for at least the next week and I'm kinda bummed out about it.

Would replacing squats with a few sets of below max DLs and leg presses be a semi-decent compensation? I'd consider lunges but they might be a bit sketchy with the knee.

Yeah right but what about developing grip strength the way I plan to do? Would it not work?

Funny because out of all exercises squats is the one that hurts my knee the least, especially with lighter weight for more reps.
do overhand on warmups or do farmers walks
Should I drink protein shake on rest days?
i'm vegetarian so i have pretty low protein intake to begin with.
Would doing 1pl8 front squats be better for leg development than 1pl8 back squats?
Also, is replacing tea/coffee with milk and sugar with black a good way to reduce calories in my diet, given I drink a lot of it?
If you're not getting enough protein then yes. If you do then it's not necessary. Obviously.
You can't have too much protein anyway just make sure to drink lots of water.
Yeah, I kinda figured that but are there any serious downsides to having >80% of your protein intake in the form of whey powder?
A plateaus common when cutting? Can a too big deficit be the reason, and how do I know if I'm in "starvation mode"?

181cm, 72kg (down from 83), TDEE estimated to at least 2600-2700kcal (sedative lifestyl, but I lift 3 times per week, doing Greyskull, and run a 5k 3 times, and also try to take a walk at least once a day - some calculations put me at 2800+). Eating between 1700-1900kcal, carbs at about 150-160g, protein at 120-150g and fat at 80-90g per day.

Is my metabolism just fucked to the point where I need to go even lower? Or am I in starvation mode, and need to bump up to 2100-2200kcal+ ?

My hamstrings and butt dont get sore from squatting while my quads do. I also dont feel them a lot doing the exercice.

What do?
i dunno guys, i know i suck but dont know why. i think its that i dont eat enough. but that doesnt explain why i continue to gain on bench but not on squats

help out. here are my stats

>3 years + Training
>~63kg to ~78kg same bf roughly. maybe a bit less
>183cm tall
>40kg -> 110kg squat
>435kg -> 95kg bench
>20kg -> 65kg ohp
>40kg -> 140kg dl

thos are my 1rms atm

most of the time i did sl 5x5 / 3x5

i even focused on legs more than other exercises since i actually like squats but i just dont progress as i probably should
They're not supposed to
Do SLDL or romanian DL if you wanna FEEL those hammies
You gotta a pic?
not right now. not on my home pc

the best i can do is describe it atm
>proportions ok
>wrists are average for a male my size
>hips are a bit on th wider side
>shoulderwidth is average
>length of legs and arms are also pretty average for my size
>regarding shirts medium often fits well but sometimes is too tight. depends on the brand
large mostly is too big
>with Jeans i got W 30 L 31/32
>neck on the thinner side
>hands are a Little bigger than average
>dick a Little small when flacid but bigger than average when hard. i assume that because i sometimes get too deep
i dunno what is useful and what not but those are the main attributes of my Body
Does farting a lot after drinking milk mean I'm lactose intolerant?

"starvation mode" (as used by /fit/) is a fucking meme; actual starvation mode is ~500 kcal, and no matter how rough your cut you shouldn't ever go that low.
and yes, plateaus are expected, seeing as you're not giving your muscle much of anything with which to grow
Solution? Keep it at 1800kcal or bump up to 2000kcal+ so my muscles have some fuel at least? I'm stalling already and we're talking baby weights...
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