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Are bodybuilders stronger than powerlifters overall?

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File: ronnie-coleman-800-lb-squat.jpg (21KB, 320x220px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 320x220px
Are bodybuilders stronger than powerlifters overall?
One is a strength sport, one isn't. Which one do you think is going to be stronger?

sage because you're a moron
The general rule is that """powerlifters""" (aka the type who talk shit about bodybuilding on the internet) will never, ever look like bodybuilders but bodybuilders can be as strong as """powerlifters""" easily.

Now when you talk about actual powerlifters the line blurs a bit because if an IFBB pro enters a ppwrlifting comp. then I guess he is classified as a powerlifter; so a powerlidter can have a bodybuilder physique in that case (Stan Efferding comes to mind).

El oh el this is what /fit/ "strength trainers" actually believe.

These are the type of people that call huge bodybuilders weak because they see them benching only 225/315 at the gym and magically assume that is their max bench press.
a bodybuilder can handle far more volume than a power lifter. But in terms of absolute strength, no.

Again, there are A LOT of bodybuilders that are/were powerlifters. The opposite is almost never true.
Strength is your capacity to move objects. Being stronger than someone else is being able to move a bigger object than they can. Powerlifters move the biggest objects for the 3 competition lifts.
The strongest people on earth are strongmen. Hafthor, bigZ , Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall are all pretty fat, but stronger than any bodybuilder by a mile. Strongman is pretty much powerlifting with many extra awkward movements. So to answer you, no. Powerlifters are stronger than bodybuilders
Again, there are A LOT of powerlifters that are/were bodybuilders . The opposite is almost never true
I can do that too.
There's too much variables for a decent answer to your question. Generally the guy who's training to be stronger is going to always be stronger and the guy who's life revolves around maneuvering heavy objects is going to be better at it.

Ive been in construction for almost 10 years now and I've seen some really big guys one uped by little hispanic guys who just do this for a living.

There's like levels of tolerance and joint resilience, so many factors...

Successful body builders just can't really focus and risk training like a powerlifter would and therefore are not as strong as they can be.
Franco Columbu was one of the strongest men in history (pound for pound) and was a body builder. He benched 405 for reps while around 180 lb, with full ROM and not curving your spine to a degree where essentially just unracking warrants a rep. He deadlifted almost 4x his body weight like it was nothing--no sumo or gear.

Of course, he was on roids, but it's not like power lifters don't roid, or use gimmicks (sumo, ludicrous back curvature during BP, limited ROM, etc.). And regardless, gear is besides the point.
Oh, and I mean no geared deadlift as in pads, belts, etc.
Bodybuilders are better at the things they train for than powerlifters are. Powerlifters are better at the things they train for than bodybuilders are.
>hands outside of rack
Hory shet ronnie don't lose your fingers
bodybuilders train for hypertrophy and appearance
powerlifters train for strength
they can put extra effort to exceed at both and not just one of those things but not many of them do that
you can't say that bodybuilders are stronger than powerlifters, that makes no sense and isn't true
but what annoys me is saying that bodybuilders are weak. there's guys like Dallas McCarver who's 25 or 26, already a Olympia competitor and deadlifts like 850, presses 200lb dumbbells on incline etc
Strongman isn't anything like powerlifting. You will usually only have one of the big 3 in a strongman competition and it's almost never a bench press or using powerlifting rules. A strongman strapped and hitched deadlift is almost a totally different lift to a pl dead.
are you retarded, overall?
hahaha epic response mate
File: hafthor 305kg x3 squat.webm (3MB, 450x450px) Image search: [Google]
hafthor 305kg x3 squat.webm
3MB, 450x450px
Ronnie coleman squatted 800lbs in a suit and wraps for 2 reps (albeit above parallel) while weighing 300-320lbs

This gives him about a 850-860 estimated 1RM.

There have been 26 guys who've squatted over 1000lbs weighing <308lbs in powerlifting competition standards

68 who've squatted >900lbs @ <308lb in competition

91 who've squatted >850 @ <308

Ronnie coleman had amazing genetics and would of done very well in powerlifting if he trained for it. Bodybuilders are strong and can be exceptionally strong in cases but the average powerlifter will be stronger than the average bodybuilder just like there can be some aesthetic powerlifters but the average BB will look better than the average PL

Fun Facts:
The highest raw squat at <308lbs bw in drug tested PL competition is 788.2 lbs @ 284lb bodyweight

The highest raw squat at <308lbs in untested PL competition is 920.4 lbs @ 306lbs bodyweight
File: truth about powerlifters.png (3MB, 1932x1160px) Image search: [Google]
truth about powerlifters.png
3MB, 1932x1160px
Depends which "powerlifters" you mean.
if you train for strength, i.e. the ability to move heavy shit
then you need to train your central nervous system
of course you need big muscles, but the focus is to exert force

bodybuilders want to look good
of course they need strength to shape their body
but symmetry, shoulders, wide lats etc are more important
and they often cut down to have abs, which will decrease their strength

so no, generally bb will not be stronger than powerlifters
but they are definitely stronger than average
and many famous bb'ers have competed in strength sports
liker Arnold and Reg Park
I think the term 'strength' would mean you could lift a larger volume if used correctly. Powerlifters have more POWER, not strength.
Dennis Cornelius squatted 865 at 274 in a raw USAPL meet last month.

>bottom picture consists of a weightlifter, some dude benching, and an oldskool bb'er deadlifting
really made me think
no, you got the definitions wrong. strength is defined as the ability to exert force against an external resistance. the guy who can produce the most force, i.e. lift the heaviest weight, is the strongest. powerlifters have the most strength.

power is the ability to exert force quickly. oly lifters are more powerful than powerlifters, who are usually more powerful than bodybuilders
I'm pretty sure the "dude benching" is konstantinovs, a powerlifter.
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