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CBT with your story? I'm 25 now, started liftig at 21 and

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CBT with your story? I'm 25 now, started liftig at 21 and made all my gais in the first two years eating and lifting big and not drinking too much. then for the last 2 ears have been drinking doing drugs etc on the weekend and not eating enough but still training a couple of times per week. ifting has kinda become less of a priority for me since i know i can just stay where i am with minimal effort and still look better than majority of people. I'll probably just carry on as i am for the time being. How about you guys?
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6ft 195lb lifting for 6mths just trying to cut down to 10% bf plz rate/roast
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10% is gonna be tough I think, I would cut down to like 13-15 then start bulking. If you try to cut too low your muscle will start to shrink. I lost about 20lbs off my squat because of this. I'm still kinda dyel so take it with a grain of salt.

I started a year ago at 175lb 5'4'' did diet+cardio until I got to 145lb. Took about 2-3 months to drop the fat. Then I hit the gym, so almost a year of lifting. I've only recently realized that I cannot in fact gain mass on 1500Cal a day and 6 hours of sleep. Was still obsessing over my belly fat. Eating 2500Cal/day currently but it's hard find the time enough to prepare/eat everything.
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lifting just over 8months

starting my bulk now but not too sure if i will gain that much weight

trying to recover from a wrist injury in under 3 days is also very difficult


S 160kg
B 120kg
D 180kg
>2500kcal a day
Try being a recovering skelly at 6'4", I've gotta throw back 5000kcal a day or I lose weight
And I have no appetite
dont be dumb. rest wrist
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I've been training for 6 months, 6'3ft, 170lbs. Don't know if bulk is useful. Maintenance is 1800cal for me, how much should I increase?
dude. Your insertions are...are..beautiful.

You might want to lift at maintenance first and then when you start stalling on your lifts, start bulking to minimize the fat gain.
You forgot the no homo
full homo
Your comment gave me a huge boost of motivation. Thanks!
no problem man. What routine are you following?
I've done my own, since I can only lift three times a week.
first of all, every set is 3x8 and the last set is x15 or x3 depending on the week

bench press 1min break row 1min break x4
decline db benchpress 1min break x4
standing barbell row 1min break x4
lat raises abs exercice x4
traps second abs exercice x4

Deadlift 1min break ohp 1 min break x4
biceps curl (suppination wheb it goes up, pronation when it goes down)1 min break headcrushers 1min break x4
barbell curl 15x4 for the pump inbetween calf raises 8x4 during rest time
chin ups abs exercice x4


Squat 1 min break romanian deadlift 1min break x4
pec fly 1 min break reverse pec fly 1min break x4
Lateral raises abs exercice x4

On thuesday and saturdays, I started training for dragon flag and human flag, so basicly pull ups, shoulder bodyweight exercices (handstand push ups) and a few abs exercices. I'd like to pull it of next summer.
I dunno m8 maybe its the light that makes your skin look pale but you look unhealthy. U still eating healthy during the week?
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6'1" 235lbs. I started SS for 2 months followed by 4 months on the couch. Now that i have a job again im back in the gym (day 5) i got a long way to go, my lifts show me that much...go easy on the irish nips
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You have an mma fighter build

Im a 20 year old dumbfuck who used to be a fatfuck. Im just gonna say it because someone always recognizes and calls me out anyways. Without a whole lot of knowledge and experience about nutrition and weightlifting i took gear at a young age
>roiding For this
believe what you want but i made most if not all of what little progress i have after i stopped because i studied more and kicked my ass even harder to "keep my gains" when really my dumbass only was actually starting to make them.
If anyone who used to be fat and shed it all can give their experience that would be great. ive been dieting around 2000-2100 cals because im sick of stubborn leftover fat from my childhood. Ive been making progress but how long in should It take to actually be objectively lean. Im beyond sick of my belly and tits carpet layer.
150 lb
Really impressive progress
Goal body material
You're blessed bro, take it from someone with a short torso.
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6'1" 194-191lbs ~15%bf? Labral tear so my chest has been lagging behind immensely.
Should i continue this cut, or lift at maintenance?

Someone told me to bulk to 20% lel.
>I do not enjoy being a fatass thank you very much.

Add in anything you think needs work senpai.
well first of all, you have nice biceps, which is always nice cauz it's the only thing really showing off in a shirt.
Second, you should definetly stay on your track and continue until your fat disapear. You are looking good, and I couldn't tell you were fat. Being shredded is a long process, keep that in mind.
Btw thanks for the compliment!
Nice progress, your shoulders gains are impressive. If I were you, I would focus on your chest. How often do you train it? How may set/exercice/rep/day do you do for it?
shieet. Nice progress man. Can definitely tell you packed on some muscle.
Can't tell much except don't loose faith. At least you do not have to bulk before a long time!
Thanks. A large part of the problem is the whole labral tear bullshit. I've struggled with bench pressing ever since I started training. I've worked through all my problems with rehab work and mobility drills. I train my chest 2 days a week on reddits PPL.

The days differ in that:
Day 1: 4x5, 1x5+F flat bench (Last set I do 5 reps then the following are until failure, if i feel i can't do a rep with perfect form I don't try it since I don't have a spotter).
Day 2: 3x8-12 flat bench

Both days the rest of the workout that hits my chest is: incline DB bench and low to high cable flies. Finally feeling my chest being worked out with these as the pec dec fucks my shit up and the bench used to just kill my shoulder. Getting serious gains. This is the workout if you're interested in the details:

Deadlifts 1x5+/Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+ (alternate, so if you did deadlifts on Monday, you would do rows on Thursday, and so on)
3x8-12 Pulldowns OR Pullups OR chinups
3x8-12 seated cable rows OR chest supported rows
5x15-20 face pulls
4x8-12 hammer curls
4x8-12 dumbbell curls
4x5, 1x5+ bench press/4x5, 1x5+ overhead press (alternate in the same fashion as the rows and deadlifts)
3x8-12 overhead press/3x8-12 bench press (do the opposite movement: if you bench pressed first, overhead press here)
3x8-12 incline dumbbell press
3x8-12 triceps pushdowns SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
3x8-12 overhead triceps extensions SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
2x5, 1x5+ squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 leg press
3x8-12 leg curls
5x8-12 calf raises
Also, whats your opinion on cutting vs maintenance?
Looks like you definitely have muscle on that frame of yours man. I think you have the right idea of where to go diet wise. The faster you get over the cut the sooner you can get back on a maintenance diet or even a bulk if you feel like it.
Bench 1pl8
Squat 2pl8
Deadlift 2pl8
3 pullups in a row at best
I have hope i cant afford new cloths if i get any bigger. At the least building strength wont be a problem cutting will be the problem
well all I can say is this routine looks complete. I had trouble increasing my weights on the bp, then I watched the video of ripeltoe (art of manliness if I remember correctly) and I overcame my mistakes. In this video, he explains how not to fuck your shoulder. If you haven't watched it, I recommend you check it out.

I would enjoy to see your progress in 6 months, see how it goes and how does the PPL generaly holds against my routine (see my comment before)
I am having a few issuey about that, but so far I tried to eat at 2100cal (1800 maintenance) and see how it goes. For the last two weeks I havent gained any lbs so I am currently looking for any information that could help me understand what's the next step
Diet and sleep.

Try using a scale to get really neurotic about tracking calories. Helped me out. YMMV
All I can say is: don't expect to much for the first few months. Do your thing, keep it up and come back in 6 months to see how it went. You should definetly cut REASONABLY while your muscles and nervous system adapt to your training. Also, get your weightscale away from you for the next few months, it will help you focus on your training rather than your weight, which isnt important right now !
You are right, I havent used my scale for thr last two weeks, I might have fucked up my count. Will get back at it
Right on. I did watch that vid actually desu.

About that. Do you think I should continue this cut? Or lift at maintenance? I'm starting to struggle with my lifts as I've been increasing the weight.
Is see two side of the coin.

Ever heard about the fitness and fatigue model? Basicly, as your lifts increase, your fatigue does too. At some point, it will be higher than your fitness and you will be stuck to such a point that you can not increase weights. I would recommend to take a week off, or at least deload. 150lbs on the bp? Get down to 100 and make it the same for each of your exercices. After this week, get to 125, and then the 3rd week try at 155. See how it goes. If you still can't, you might want to rest one week. After that, you should be able to overcome your plateau.

The second side is how you eat and sleep. Maybe try one or two week with a slight surplus and see how it goes. Stick to an optimal sleeping pattern and report back in 2 weeks.

That's what I would do if I were in your position
Thanks man, im definitely in it for the long haul since its been my goal since childhood
Sweet, i appreciate the honest reassurance since people naturally wont tell you me the things i can improve upon in person even if i give them the right of way. I'm more upset about being deluded and lied to my whole life for the sake of hurt feelings than when people open my eyes and tell me what i can improve.
Thanks anon luckily weight isnt a big concern for me. In the 2 months i did before i hit the couch (moved to alaska couldnt justify gym membership before a job) i made great beginner gains and lost a lot of flab. Prior military fag so i dont enjoy running again but i was sticking to 2 miles every other day at a walk run sprint pace while increasing the speed over time. Im just excited i dont have to brace with 1 arm and grunt to stand up from the couch. Ill keep posting with updates in the future
hmmm arlight. Sounds good to me. Thanks mane
You're welcome
Glad to hear that !
Great, because I remember weighting myself 3 tines a day like a moron, just to be sure I was progressing... See you in 6 months :)
Everyone is so nice in this thread what the fug
Welcome to /fit/ after dark, honest to God theres less posts but more genuine ones, but now it's back to shit posting hours so it was fun while it lasted
the funny thing is you're not wrong whatsoever about everything you wrote.
how do you have such a tiny maintenance for someone so tall? 1800 is what a small girl would eat.
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>be me
>lose 40lbs but don't work out
>realize I need to start lifting
>do starting strength
>squat 245 5x5, dead 315 1X5, bench 175 5x5
>start looking better in clothes, people start mirin
>chest still hasn't grown
Kill me /fit

Switched to a 3 day on 1 day off routine last week, chest was sore for the first time in my life. Maybe there's hope
Also, anyone know how to get rid of that line on my upper stomach? It's from where the fat would fold when I was a hamplanet, but it won't go away
That censor bar treatment, you're pretty creative thee anon. Never see that before.
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I was a fat loser at 5'10, 260 pounds working as a fucking dishwasher.

SOme jacked dude applied to work and left, all the girls there were swooning over him.

One day, I took a selfie of myself and was disgusted at how people saw me, that day, I skipped work to do some cardio.

Through trial and error for 4 years of busting my ass atthe gym on friday nights, consecutive valentines days, while people were out partying and drinking, I lost 110 pounds and gained muscle.

I made a vow that I would be lean and to turn heads.
can someone explain to me why in full body pics people cover their dicks? like I understand face but why dick, I'd want to know what my dicks like in comparison to others. Not like a nervous thing but to see how I'm sizing up
Looking good bro
Post the before pic.

Thanks man.

I've been going to the same gym for years, I've had numerous people congradulate me, that boosted my energy to pump out more reps and go even heavier.
Blue board oh and one more thing, you're a faggot.

I don't have any pics, sorry mang

But it was ugly, I was fat as fuck, looked like Chris-Chan's shirtless body and had glowing red strechmarks all over my waist.
difference between looking and touching yeah thought it might be that but a lot of homos post other guys butt pics so yeah
Too bad.

Congrats on your progress, mirin those quads.
Looking at gay porn all the time doesn't make you gay then?
How old m8?



28 but I feel 20.
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Its not a real cbt without me, guys give me tips
How about instructions instead?
PPLP four days of the week while eating enough macros. Do that for 5 months and don't look in the mirror or at least try not to check yourself out till the 5th month
Fuck off man. People have given the advice you asked for and you keep coming back. Take all the advice that was given and incorporate it into your daily routine. Here I'll say it again. You have APT, which leads me to believe you have other mobility issues making all your lifts struggle. Work on your upper and lower body mobility, there are resources in the sticky. Next, you have the choice to either cut or lift at maintenance for a month to get your bf% down before you bulk. Do a slow bulk and track your calories with a scale and a food tracking app like myfitnesspal. Happy? You need to work on everything because you look DYEL so don't bother asking what you need to work on specifically because you're still new to lifting.
Guess I'm geneticaly meant to not cost to much
then you're touching yourself too aren't you? there's curosity and sexual interest different things
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