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Let's settle this once and for all

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Thread replies: 73
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1. How often do you masturbate?

2. What are your lifts?

3. Have you ever taken steroids?

4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?

5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Tiny bit
Stopped taking creatine after it gave me severe body and face acne.
>1. How often do you masturbate?
Once a day
>2. What are your lifts?
OHP 80kg - Bench 110kg - Squat 160kg - Deadlift 200kg
>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
Not at all
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Yes every day
If this were true I'd have negative amounts of hair.
1. 4-5 times a week

2. OHP: 95x3
Bench: 130x5
Squat: 215x5
Deadlift: 235x5

3. No

4. A bit. It started before I started lifting and taking creatine, and it's stalled since.

5. Yes, every day.
3-7 times a week. Really want to cut back but the urge becomes distracting at times
Receding a little bit
Few times a week but never daily

Lyin ass nigga

Weaklings masturbate daily it seems
Ever since i started taking zinc i have to fap twice daily in my rest days, and once in my workout days

before zinc it was only a fap in rest days and no fap in workout days

is my test going up? is masturbation gains goblin?
>Lyin ass nigga
Lying about what dyel? Also taking creatine a few times a week, why even bother then?

1. 1-2 times a day

2. OHP - 135lb x 5
Bench- 215lb x 5
Squat - 245 x 5
Deadlift 315 x 1

3. No

4. Nope

5. Yes I take 5 mg every other day
1. Between once a month to thrice a day. Recently it's been around twice a week.

2. 90/135/160/225 lb
I m a skeleton
>about 15-25 times per week
>235 bench, 375 squat, 405 deadlift
>yes, 5-6 times per week
>every other day
>ohp 70kg, deadlift 200kg, bench 110kg
>is masturbation gains goblin
On the contrary, not jerking off is actually not all that good for you
Once every few days

5rm: OHP 55kg, Bench 80kg, Squat 120kg, Deadlift 125kg


Hairline is slightly receding

No creatine
Every day, sometimes multiple times a day

Weak af senpai

First pin 3 weeks ago lets get huge brah

Perfect hairline genetics, shit beard genetics.

Creatine is a shit meme
1. daily
2.ohp 115x5
bench 185x5
squat 195x5
deadlift 205x5
3. no
4. no
5. yes, 4 or 5 times a week (before every workout)
Every other day

70kg ohp, bench 100kg+ (never do bb), 150kg squat, DL rip kg back bust




What is that picture about... does ejaculating make you go bald?
Once a week

OHP - 100lbs
Bench - 105lbs
Squat - 160lbs
Deadlift - 180lbs

Hell no.

>Baldness/receding hairline

1. 2-3 times a day, every few months I'll go on no fap fuck an ugly bitch because I'm horny and repeat

2. Early intermediate

3. No, but only because of the negative health factors. Been interested in learning more about them though

4. My hairline isn't the greatest, in HS I'd shave it completely with a razor, really suits me. Now I just rock a 1 all around

5. Just started taking Creatine last week when my lifts started stalling
1) 2x daily
2) 195/295/365/425 ohp/bench/squat/dl
3) Yes
4) No
5) Not even once
>2-3 times a day
>120kg bench, 60kg ohp, 120kg squat, 120kg deadlift
>no steroids
>receding hairline, no baldness but thinning hair
>no creatine
2 to 3 x a day
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 but fat
Do sarms count?
No I wish I were bald
Used to and stopped when I realized creatine is a shit meme
Three times a day if not more
BP 70 pounds, I haven't lifted in 2 years
I did for a week 2 years ago and stopped
why the fuck are you still here
1. Once every two days
2. OHP-85lb Bench-135lb Squat-185lb Dead-225lb
3. No
4. No
Reading comprehension a shit.

>Shit, but not dyel
>yes, it honestly seemed to get better once i stopped jacking it 6x a day (no exaggeration)
>I did for 2 years, but stopped 2 years ago. 5-10g/day.
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i want to believe.png
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1. 2-6 times per week
2. shite
3. naw
4. maybe a bit receded, not super noticeable and my mom's dad was like half bald at my age
Why did some of you stop taking creatine?
1. Maybe 5 times a week

2. 1/2/3/3

3. No

4. No

5. 6 days a week
I jerk off ALOT

My lifts are shit

Never on roids

I am balding slowly, I take finasteride though

Just started creatine for 2 weeks now, noticing not additional shedding

i ran out and was too lazy to buy more. honestly don't notice any difference not using it except i retain less water weight.

(i have no problem with my hair... if anything it's way too thick)
>>39130156 (OP)
>1. How often do you masturbate?
Probably fap 2x/week, sex 2x/week.
>2. What are your lifts?
OHP 55kg - Bench 90kg - Squat 130kg - Deadlift 165kg
>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
Runs in the family but so far I'm safe. Maybe a tiny bit?
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Have in past occasionally. Used to take every day for a month or two here and there. Didn't find it did anything and haven't taken it in 6+ months
>1. How often do you masturbate?
Once a week / Maybe twice
>2. What are your lifts?
Excellent and they only suppliment sports
Back Squat BW x 2
Front Squat BW x 1.8
Dip + BW
Chin + 50%BW
Clean BW x 1.2

>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
Yes. Var. Which I love. Hard to get good stuff though. TBol (cheap, not as good as Var). Now I'm just all about Sarms.
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
Nope. 35 and a full head of luxuriant hair.
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
I've dabbled but pretty incosistently. Like why take creatine and not Var / tbol or if you're a bodybuilding bitch boy, the whole range of other anabolics? Because creatine is legal? Pussy, lex inuista non est lex. Be a good looking rebel who plays by their own rules.
1. Sex about 1-2 week, masturbate about 2x weekly
2. 410/375/225/145
3. No
4. Mild receding hairline
5. No

Am recovering skinnyfat DYEL at 215 6'1"
>asks about baldness
>asks about a bunch of factors
>doesnt ask about age
Cant wait to see the conclusion here...
creatine speeds up balding so I would stop if I were you
1. once a day on average
2. for reps OHP 40kg - Bench 60kg - Squat 65kg - Deadlift 100kg
3. no
4. no
5. yes, every day
>1. How often do you masturbate?
Usually once a day
>2. What are your lifts?
Press 125x5, Bench 190x5, Squat 245x5, Diddly 280x5, 55lbs added Chinup for 5 reps@165lbs
>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
Not yet (21), but my father is on like stage 4 or 5 male pattern baldness
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Every day, but I'll only keep on taking it until this tub is empty. Don't wanna lose my fucking hair.
insecure hairlet detected.
> hurr durr broscience blog
ive taken it for 3 months and felt nothing so I stopped
Why are there nitrogen atoms?
Sterones are made of carbon, hydrogen and some oxygen.
That diagram is false and the person who made it should feel ashamed
>Haven't for a month
>Still DYEL
>Yes, little bit at the temples
>1. How often do you masturbate?
0-2 times daily, on average less than 1
>2. What are your lifts?
1/2/3/3.5 for about 6 reps
>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
No, n/a
1. Maybe once every other day.
2. Manly stick to core lifts then caviat with single joint action lifts. (Bench, incline, decline, db flys, tri ext as an example). Something like that for 3 days then rest are anything i felt I missed.
3. Nope.
4. Nope.
5. Cycle it in during power phase but not during the rest.
1. Every/every other day. Have gf so not much need
2. SQ/BP/DL: 190/130/215
3. Nope
4. Nope, barber gets annoyed because my heair is so thick
5. Yes, before every workout

At least once every 36 hours or so.
For reps in kg - 47.5/85/100/140
Yes, 1 heaped 2.5g scoop and 2 level 2.5g scoops daily
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we all know that feel scout.jpg
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1.Every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day
2. OHP 30kgs Bench 70kgs Squat 100kgs DL 120kgs
3. No
4. Hairline might be thinning, hard to tell
5. No
Masturbate on average 1.5 times per day (it used to be higher)
S/B/D 410/300/600 (used to be higher but I'm cutting)
A few brief Lgd cycles semi recently
Hairline is fucking perfect
Typically will do 6 months on, 6 months off. Currently off
1. No
2. 53/78/95/125kg
3. All natty brah
4. Nope
5. Yep
1. Too much
2.diddy-100kg squat-80kg bench-50kg OHP- 30kg. Started lifting august
4.No still 18
>1. How often do you masturbate?
>2. What are your lifts?
75/110/140/170 (kg)
>3. Have you ever taken steroids?
>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?
>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Yes, on training days
>All these lifting stats

Wtf when did /fit/ become so weak?
>Fapping makes you bald

this shit is ridiculous
>fap 1-3 times a day
>don't lift
>no steroids
>thick, lucious hair
>no creatine
no, extremely dense hair
>few times a week
>intermediate acording to symetric strenght
>yes kill me please
>Let's settle this once and for all
>1. How often do you masturbate?
4-5 times a week

>2. What are your lifts?
Bench: 155
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 225
Ohp: 95 (straight pathetic)

>3. Have you ever taken steroids?

>4. Do you have any baldness or a receding hairline?

>5. Do you take creatine? And how often?
Never, should I?
kg or pounds
Pounds m8
how long u been lifting m80
8 years, m800
>has actual science and links
>debunks pseudo scientific nofap
why dont you give me a serious answer
2-3 times per week



Not yet, but I'm genetically predisposed to it

Yes, roughly 5g pure daily
1. 3 times a day
2. OHP - 185x1, Squat 455x1, DL 485x1, Bench 270x1
4.No, full head of hair.
5. Take creatine everyday.

I should also note that im 5'11 and weigh 275 pounds
1. Multiple times a day on average
2. 1/2/3/4 for reps
3. No
4. Yes
%. I did, not anymore.
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1. 3 times a week
2. 390 lb. bench press, 425 lb. squat
3. No
4. Receding hairline
5. No

Going to try to get a prescription for Fin in December
Daily sometimes twice a day
bench - 225 3x5
squat - 315 3x5
deadlift - messed up my hip a while ago last PR was 5x445
Calm your vag, matehundred. I amn't the guy you actually asked, I just jumped in and wrote bullshit.
Thread posts: 73
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