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Minoxidil destroyed my libido and gave me ed

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HAS anyone gotten post finastride syndrome from fucking minoxidil before? im only 21 used minoxidil for 2 weeks and now have zero libido and weak erections and no morning nocturnal erections and i have premature ejaculation.

its been 4 months since using minoxidil and im still fucked up. PLEASE, has anyone gone through this from minoxidil and have you recovered,... also if u have taken propecia have you recovered.. thank you... i want to end it..
You should've just worn a hat
is this permanant?
you have to go to the doctors m8, 4chan can't cure ed, sorry.
someone help this poor nigga

go see a doc
Bought this shit off amazon for like $30.
Changed my mind while it was on its way.
Returned it for refund but had to pay $6 shipping.


There's too many side effects and it's not permanent. I'll just deal with the patchy cheeks by not growing anything past a stubble.
Stop fucking taking it and wear a baseball cap retard

T. Bald guy
been to 5 doctors, 1 diagnosed me of having hypogonadism but my test isnt low enough to have that. so it makes no sense, i cant keep living like this
Dont say this shit dude im 19 and just started using it like 1 month ago. Not lost any pecker gains yet tho. But still losing hair. Embrace me /fit/
get off that shit bro, please. i dont want u going through what ive been going through for the past 4 months, it is a living fucking nightmare. i forgot what its like to be normal, please just get off it theres so many men who have suffered just like i have from the use of minoxidil...
Strong diet will help hair loss, or at the very least prolong it.

Biotin niggas

t. 21 year old with slight widows peak
Not this mentally retarded dude again, shit
currently using minoxidil. been using it for over 1 1/2 year. had palpitations a couple times but now they're not happening at all. no problems with boners / ed / libido. does this shit make dicks shrink?
yeah made my dick shrink in girth, it fuckin sucks i want to kill my self but im too afraid to
you can do jelqs penis exercises or kegels to increase erection quality / size.
you posted this thread yesterday, on here and on /b/.

report, hide, sage, this nigger doesn't need help he's just being a faggot
i just want to kill my self
so do it, leave us alone. we can't help
i guarentee you wouldnt respond this way in person, i know youre a good person, i wish it wasnt this way man.
what can be done
looool no dude this is not a thing buddy. your ed is psychosomatic--it has nothing to do with foam you put on your scalp.
stop watching porn and talk to your doctor if you're worried it's a medical issue. there is literally no chance that it is in any way related to minoxidil.
You must be shitting me? ED and fucked up libido from Minoxidil? You're either a troll or a retard.
it happened mate, its no coinidence, i was a healthy happy horny 21 year old man, now im fucked
I take 1mg of Fin and apply Minoxidil twice a day

My dick works great
it is real, i wish it was in my head, if your dick stopped working and you couldnt get it up for no reason, you'll tell me its in your head or its a real issue?
Strong nocebo game. Minoxidil is a vasolidator, not a 5-ar inhibitor, idiot.

You make the people over at Propeciahelp claiming that Fin killed their dogs seem reasonable.
If you were gonna fuck with your bodies natural horomone levels. Why not make it roids? People like you are so fucking stupid.

You could have been ripped and bald like scooby or jk simmons. Now your a bald low test "male".
Minoxodil doesn't do shit to your hormones though.
Dude most likley its due to stress. Stop using the product and keep working out and keep the stress down to a minimum. Reduce the stress.
its not fucking stress bro, my balls are the size of grapes, my dick shrunk my cum is watery/less volume and orgasms dont feel pleasurable. those are all symptoms of post finastride syndrome
i dont think its because of this.

i think its because you're a faggot
You don't get post finasteride syndrome from fucking minoxidil you stupid piece of shit
Thinking about it though, you might have an adrenal or pituitary tumor. See a fucking doctor.
yea i actually had tht in mind aswell bro, but if that were the case my prolactin would be in the high range. i would have prolactinenoma or prolactinemia. so i think im in the clear for that, great suggestion though, thank you
You post the same sob story over and over yet refuse to actually fix or change anything, instead you try to get confirmation for your retarded hypothesis. Guess what, you freaking out over your supposed issue just causes an increase in cortisol, estrogen, glucocorticoids and a bunch of other hormones which in turn affect your physiology. Google psychosomatic symptoms. The best part about this is that it's a feedback loop, so as you obsesses about your supposed "symptoms" it just continues doing the same thing - low libido, ED, etc can all be triggered by STRESS. Or you have a tumor, go see a specialist and stop asking for medical advice on an anime image board you dumbfuck.
Not necessarily, you're thinking of a prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma but an adrenal tumor secreting ACTH could eventually lead to your symptoms. Cushing syndrome, essentially.
Also, this: >>38988934
thank you, I will talk to my endo about it next time i see him, try and figure out what minoxidil triggered in my body/brain.

im trying to find someone who has gone through this form minoxidil and can tell me how long it took them to come right and how long they were on it for., but i appreciate your words

Minoxidil does not cause the problems OP is experiencing. I would venture a guess it's purely psychological since he posts this thread every other day, and before he started blaming minoxidil, he thought Zinc was causing his problems.

Otherwise, it could be something else. But it's a .001% chance it's the minoxidil.

Now finasteride is different. It CAN cause these issues, but it's still like a 2% chance.

t. Bald bro, spoken with several doctors, done my research.
>he thought Zinc was causing his problems

holy shit op are you the zinc guy? Dude go see a doctor and get tested, if not then its psychological bro
it caused all these problems my bro, i promise you, its no coincidence all this happend same weeks i was using minoxidil. i was a perfectly healthy sexually functional 21 year old male, now its all fucked. premature ejaculation and no libido, come the fuck on, its not in my head. its impossible

yea bro im that zinc guy, i seen hella drs no resolution,
Minoxidil fag here. 23, I've used 1 months worth of my 6 month supply. I've been using on my face for dem beard gains. Decent results so far. No dick impotence either. Still wake up hard as a rock and jerk off on the daily
Try looking into alternative therapies? Try getting a massage that stimulates blood flow, and reduce stress. You have anxiety about yourself and it can seriously effect your health. Many times if a man is too nervous he wont get an erection while having sex.

Try to normalize thing again, I too have fears that I perma fucked myself and that is my worse nightmare. Don't indulge in those thought it will make things worse
have you fucked your self up? would you care to elaborate please. thank you so much for your advice i will get a move on those things, ive been so depressed havent showered in a week, gave up washing my face, been in bed all day, skipping gym. im a mess, i will start to get my shit together. i think im more sensative to certain supplements now than i used to. i remember. well i know i am,

i remember i was using a different protein powder, i think it was soy based. and it had me crying and depressed for maybe 2 weeks straight until i stopped it, and my emotions stabilized, i didnt even link it to the protein powder until hindsight
Cannot be fucked posting sources, but go to google scholar and type in finasteride or monoxidil side effects - they're very rare (<2% occurrence), reversible, and usually not that severe.

It's just a meme at this point that finasteride makes you lose your boners.

Anecdotal: been on both for 1.5 years and boners are harder than ever.
its been known that those finastride trials were rigged and the percentage of men who had sexual side effects are much higher than 2%
I wore hats too much and my ears started getting numb because of it. Ever since I would get terrible headaches if I wear a hat or put too much pressure on my head. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping and I worry that I perma fucked myself but I am young like you (21). I went to the doctor and got tests done and nothing came up. I have determined that some of it is due to stress and some maybe not, either way time will probably heal it. So I have started doing cardio and de-stressing a much a possible to try to up my blood flow ( I have weak erections too). I have been extremely depressed for the past 2 years so I am trying to get back.

I think supplements could be a contributing factor in your case, I would stop taking supplements and start getting your nutrients from regular foods. Try making your own protein shakes and what not for a while. Also I think massage therapy can be very good too and assist with blood flow.
thank you so much for your humility and your honesty. i appreciate it to the utmost. yes lets pray the time will heal it and the ideal living circumstance will surely help time, godbless you bro, lets get this together
Fug, these threads made me stop using minoxidil like two weeks after I started. I'm 22 and the balding just keeps getting worse; I thought the hair loss was from the initial minoxidil shedding at first but it felt too fast and I got cold feet on the whole deal. I feel like utter shit since I always thought I had a strong hairline and nobody in my family balded, but the receding hairline won't stop. How can I go from thick as fuck curly hair to a nasty ass receding hairline in less than a year? I still have the face of a fucking 15 year old but the hairline is making me look like I'm 30 despite having a kid face. This is so fucking unfair and horrible.
No problem man god bless man we have to stay positive and not negative good luck
be glad you have a sex drive, since losing my sex drive to minoxidil, my hair has gotten thicker and more dense but at the cost of my dick its worthless to me, fucking worthless. count your self lucky and embrace your receding hairline,
im gonna start using this for beard gains im 21 and look 12 shit fucking sucks man but i have a big 7.5 inch would trade a inch for s THIC beard.
youre stupid if you read what ive gone through and will still do this
>not for use by women

cause it affects hormones

Oh really? Mind posting a source to your claims then?
If you came to me every single day twice a day with these same copy paste responses to the same problem to which i have given you the same solutions for, to which you do not take, yes. I would tell you to fuck off and kill your self in person.
I mean even the Wikipedia article has been updated with the same information with citations and everything.
Idiot. Minoxidil is just a vascular dilatator, and a topical one at that. Which means it just increases the size of your blood vessels in the area it is applied. Very low amount go in the bloodstream and such low dose can't do shit at all for your dick.

Only Finasteride, orally, can do that shit.

Stop fucking scaring people for nothing you fucking nigger
>on cheeks

Be glad you didn't start rubbing it on your face because it does jack shit for beards. It's pretty much only for the crown and in some rare cases it works near the hairline.



"Minoxidil for suppressing androgen receptor function
WO 2014193587 A1"
33 y.o. dude here, been using Minoxidil for a year and a half. No problems at all.
Oh great, it's this thread again.
Like we told you the last 40 times: it's in your god damned head. Stop trying to blame everything else and face the fact that the problem lies with you
You obviously didn't even read what you posted because it's talking about ORAL dosages of minoxidil you retard fuck.
it applies to topical and oral you mongoloid, wtf
I take fin and took minoxidil for a while but made my head itch like crazy. Never had a problem having a boner or cumming and I still masturbate 1-2 times a day. You're just really unlucky.
That's not true, there's plenty of research to show that mino can fill in patchy beards. I've been using it for 5 months and it definitely filled in alot of areas that that previously had no hair at all.
yes i know bro, i think it did something to my prostate because the first side effect i felt was a surging sensation in my prostate, like a surging/tingling sensation, i had never felt it in my entire life. i had this sensation on and off even 2-3 weeks after coming off the stuff.

i think it may have shrunken my prostate aswell as shrunken my balls.
You're fucking delusional, do some research on minoxidil action. I hope his is just a troll ffs .
how is there any delusion in what i said, you fucking idiot
Dude you are so depressed you're a few months away from killing yourself, get professional help
300mg wk of test-e will fix your problems trust me
Hair loss is a sign of too much testosterone it builds up in the scalp along with dead skin dirt and other shit do a chemical peel and then get some apple polynonoids or what ever the fuck there called and mix with emu oil and those prostate helping pills it comes from a plant
It works, mi nox idil after just one month
Why do you go around blindly spouting bullshit? Have you even tried it for facial hair? I can see it working lol.
I use the big 3 and i hooked up with a fine white chick 2 weeks ago. Now hooking up with an asian chick.

Poo in the loo btw.

Been on fin, minox and keto shampoo for around 6 months I think.
minoxidil can't directly give you ed, but it will usually lower your BLOOD PRESSURE, as this was the original reason it was developed, so it may be linked to that, the body has so many points where something that goes wrong can affect something else

idk dude

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