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Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 78

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Get the shame going. I'll get you going with the famous Trigglypuff OkCupid profile.
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To those who dont recognize her.
I really want to send her back in time to 1936 Spain.
>tfw no smug qt gf to make fun of insane fat fucks with
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she's hot
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trigglypuff rage.gif
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From an alleged former roommate of hers
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>be fat
>cant lose any weight because its part of your genetics
>no matter how little you eat, you cant lose any weight
>at this point you are burning more calories then you consume
>still fat
>remember that no new matter or energy can be created or destroyed
>tfw you realize you are literally creating new energy out of nothing with your fat
>tfw you are now used to harvest energy for local power plant
lol shes a kike
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oh god, her poor neighbor

A flotation device this city deserves
holy shit I thought she was like 30-40
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>cant lose any weight because its part of your genetics

That's the joke Einstein.
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Of course

Holy crap, even if she wasn't a hamplanet, what self-respecting man would read that and think "oh, she sounds really great!"
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There's your answer. Maybe she could hook up with the fuck white people guy.

There are some super liberal hipster nu-male types who might like a woman who says stuff like that.

And I don't think she was really going for the self-respecting ones lol...
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dear cucking god
>hablo espaƱol casi fluidamente
lol, no you don't. You google translate pretty poorly.
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>if I were an animal I'd be a manatee
I appreciate the honesty. Is a hippo fine too?

I feel good about myself because I've seen exactly what sub par effort can do for a person. Working on yourself is what will set anyone apart from all the fucked up shjt in the world

>I will do anything for my child but be a better person
>I will do anything to defy stereotypes but be a better person
>Na I'm just disgracig what it means to be an alive functional person and all the good my person can do in a world where a child I love with all of me has attempted suicide multiple times and didn't sleep for 6 months straight as a resilt of severe psychological stress because his mother didn't want to be a better person and be active and a good friend

And this child looks at me like his best friend and he loves me because I'm a good person to him, despite only knowing him for a couple months. This is how children get fucked up. This is how people destroy the lives of those they care about.

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noice m8
This is the worst thing about body positivity. They comics never have the wheelchair bound gelatinous Walmart blobs. They just have averagely fat people prancing about like a normal person as if that were possible. Then they declare "THAT PROVES IT" when the reality is soooooo far removed from that imagined dream. Just look at Reagan Chastain "proving" she is fit as areal world example.

I hate those comics. It feels like propaganda designed to lure people to their deaths. You'd never see drug or porn or alcohol abuse being normalised in such a way.
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Typical Hillary Clinton voters
classic tomato
Or Soviet Ukraine during Holodomor. Or GULAG camps. Or any communist country in that period.

I swear it's always only fucks that didn't have communists ruling in their country (which ultimately led most of the commie block countries to ruin, even the USSR).
When the day of the rope comes, commies will be first to go. I'm from Poland, where those motherfuckers squandered country's resources, spied on the population and even forced families and friends to confess to lies about each other. To this day, we are recovering from exorbitant, heavy borrowing from other countries, that didn't go into country's development, but into private pockets and short-lived import of shit like bananas, to make the population believe the situation was getting better.
It's because of this people are are extremely pro-American and pro-Western in general and hate commies with a passion. Now. laws are passed that strip all members of security forces of most of their retirement money. leaving only bare minimum.
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I'm Spanish and there's literally nothing wrong with that sentence
Never thought I'd see you here Jorge.
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>b-but it won't wind up in state capitalism like literally every other socialist revolution!
>this time will be different, just trust us again!

I'm down to smash commie skulls with you Poland bro
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>77% match
That cat looks russian.
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Good call
Great. I swear all commies will hang on meat hooks, head down on petrol stations, just like Mussolini.
Already many of them were tried for high treason and imprisoned for life. Only recently some were released due to old age, only to meet constant ridicule from the people they once terrorized and the young ones as well.
One cannot be a communist without betraying the basic human morals and their own country.
>You google translate pretty poorly.
QuƩ es lo que estƔ mal?
Fortunately most communists and leftists (like Trigglypuff) in the west are wrapped up in identity politics and infighting due to their egos.

They do more damages to each other than anyone else.
Yes. But I say it's quite common among "revolutionaries", which is why there's a saying here that "revolution consumes its own children". Purges were very common in communist states and often ended up in killing actually the most loyal ones.
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Slutwalk at my school.
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>doesn't do tongue exercises
>never gonna make it

well, I don't like immortal technique anymore.

there goes that.
Oh, also that. Commies aside, I would take great pleasure in hanging those beasts.
Still, a rope wouldn't be enough for the fat ones, gotta use an iron chain. Good thing being fat is ridiculed and known as extremely unhealthy in this country.

yep, definitely not asking... for it
>all those numales

>lure [fat] people to their deaths
How is this a bad thing?
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last one
Is that Ball State?

Me on the left.

>betas and fat ugly bitches

So, basically no one who will ever be raped.
Why are none of the girls attractive?
I mean seriously, not a single one

the redhead in the grey sports bra could be a qt with some work.
Because if you're not a NEET, you're paying for this in some way. Either in taxes that support the healthcare they receive or in the fact that their demands increase cost of healthcare overall
what is this from?
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No he sido yo el que lo ha dicho, y a pesar de que no estĆ” mal dicho, la verdad es que no suena bien ni natural.
Who's the qt3.14 who is taking the pic and lookin extra smug?
what the FUCK did he mean by this?
The same reason overpriveldged white college students complain more about racism than blacks do.
you got me stumped bud
Pls tell me the qt in the sundress on the left isn't one of them
The owner of Heart Attack Grill is truly a master in that.
Offers super-unhealthy food and allows hambeasts over 160kg (350lbs) to eat for free.
A few patrons already died.
>if i were an animal, i'd be a manatee

u got that right
Fat people raise fat kids. Obesity rates are climbing in the West and that comic shit just normalises it and tells people "hey you are perfect. Don't try to be better at anything. Fuck all personal goals" basically like fatboy slim I'm #1 so why try harder. Such a toxic mentality of do nothing now, do less later.

You're fooling yourself if you think fats will kill themselves. They will almost always pass on their lazy lifestyles to their children before they die.
Tfw obese even though mom was in Olympics and dad was army engineer. They gave up on me when I became a teen.
The one in white on the right of the nigress. Dem tiddies

Would fuck the girl with the orange sign desu
One or two has potential
>short hair is really fucking cute
>short hair is a sign of sjwism

Guys I'm not gonna make it...
Only issue i have is she's fat. I mean all that other shit is just like....her opinion. She sounds a little full of herself but meh...
Sounds like it's your own fault. You were a teen, not a toddler.
My mom had long hair most of her life, only when she hit 60 years, she changed to shorter hair. Imo it's the only acceptable short hair in women, when they get older and consider long hair too much of a pain in the ass, since they feel they are no longer attractive and don't need to work as hard on their looks.
A young girl with short hair is an instant, screaming red flag. You can bet on feminist tendencies and, more often than not, hairy armpits.
Press F to pay respects to trampoline...
>97% of rapists sign
Perhaps there is hope for me to lose my virginity, yet. :^)

>prison industrial complex

As a Correction's Officer i'm triggered.

>I've never been/know anything about what i'm trying to change but it must be changed because I say something is wrong!
If you're aesthetic OP you should have marched with them in minimal clothing and "slut fucker" written on your body.
Jesus....I change my answer about her now. Fuck that....
>those damned leftists
>always wrapped up in identity politics
The irony is killing me
I remember seeing this profile on OKC before it was a meme. I sent her a message and she ignored me. I must be truly bottom tier.
Worth the read .hamsteak
What did he mean by this?
>97% of rapists never see a day of jail time

because the attractive ones are such because they put effort into their appearance since they have other things in their lives while these people don't so they dedicate themselves entirely to causes like this so that they can feel useful and that they have achievements and value without any real effort beyond "i showed up to a walk half-naked and yelled about oppression"
almost down 30 lbs from you guys, and got my friend to join in on this shit. Got a 5k in a month, and I plan to go sub 21. You fags changed my life in a good way.
Name's Mary.
Dear god... I'd like to think this isn't real but I know it is..
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This guy started jerking off at my city's "slutwalk".
Loco como chucha traĆ­ a Pinochet acĆ”.
Conchatumare no.
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>I'm fat and happy
KƊK no
Lol, she doesn't keep her opinion to herself and doesn't want you to express your opinion either
Gif-related is her. She went to a speech criticizing feminism and repeatedly interrupted them and tried to shout down the speakers
Someone should photoshop heart pupils in them if there was a bigger image.
>white people fuck
damn straight
wtf i'm gay now
>daily reminder that sol and tomato are the same person
>daily reminder he's a 19 year old virgin that lives with his mommy in Texas
>daily reminder that he doesn't lift and has no business posting here
>daily reminder he failed out of community college
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looks like a xxl version of morning joe
I'm so sick of him posting and shitting up every thread with his cringe, same with the Reliable Ecchi Delivery neckbeard who lives in his parents' basement.
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>do we post smuggies now?
I used to work with a girl who looked similar to that. She wasn't psycho though, just a dumb inbred pleb.

I'd pretend to forget her name about once a week, to see her fat face fall crestfallen.
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I'll Grant you that.jpg
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They're moving in herds. They do move in herds.
This has to be the biggest fucking meme there is

>Oh yeah people should be TOTALLY FREE
>but only in the way I want them to be :^)
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Oh God forbid someone have a conversation while you look at the same 50 pictures every day

Not true
>Classification: Keter
We've successfully crossbred humans with potatoes. But at what cost? And have we gone too far?
>"apart from any societal judgements about sexual attractiveness by portraying it like a sculpture and a work of art.
>A work of art
Top kek
I remember that incident and it's hilarious
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That's a laugh!.gif
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I love how in the very first photograph you can tell her leg was raised up on a pedestal that was photoshopped out to make you think she was holding this pose on her own

I like how the comic features a happy, mature, physically agile, fat person hanging out with a unicorn... because they're both fake.
Those are some broken legs, kneecaps and maybe back.
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I guess she's right in that no one would look at those pictures in a sexual way. Well maybe there are some people on /d/ but by and large it'll be a negligible amount of people.
That's actually kind of valid though so many times I see people try to make themselves seem "smart" by taking the middle road, when really it just shows they have no clue what they're talking about
audibly kek'd
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This. I work at a court. Her reading material includes "Are Prisons Obsolete?"

I'll give you a hint you beached manatee, no they aren't.
>I think you're beautiful! And at first glance you totally reminded me of Taylor Swift!
>Your worth is not a number on the scale. People fall in love with souls not the container!!
>You are so beautiful and I do get where your coming from cuz I feel that way a lot to! But you will find a great person who loves you just the way you are it just takes time
>The right person will love you
...but not me. Find someone else. I thought you looked like a fat Taylor Swift for a second and then said "NOPE" Keep looking for love, you'll find it!! (just don't look towards me, i don't want you)
If this were true i'd be the biggest rapist. Don't get me wrong. I don't like hate women. But i'm sick of having to slowly work my way up to the positive side of a woman's dispometer only to say one wrong fucking thing and go from slightly attractive to creep and then having my night ruined. I'm sick of women being able to peddle their pussy in a sellers market.
That doesn't mean shit. The questionaire system they use doesn't really determine shit unless you answer most of the same questions in it, for example, if you avoid all questions about health and politics you can easily 'match' well with people like her just by saying your agnostic, you don't think women having abortions are the end of the world, and you like to drink 2-3 times a week.
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If you support that atnti white whore than you're the real cuck here.
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muh genetics.gif
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What I find curious is that this movement, which claims to be feminist, is all about how fat women are GORGEOUS and DESIRABLE and WHAT MEN REALLY WANT. I mean I no expect, but wouldn't a feminist say that a woman ought to not be judged by appearance at all, not live like men want her to live, but be the best version of herself? As in fit at healthy?

Why does suggesting this make me a misogynist, while objectifying fat women and shit-talking fit ones makes me a feminst? I feel like we went wrong somewhere....
>And at first glance you totally reminded me of Taylor Swift
More like Taylor Sluggish
>the fatty doesn't realize how high recidivism is
She should learn what the problem is. Protip for her: it's not the system since it has a lot of resources available to help rehabilitate prisoners. Most who take advantage use it to look good so they can get parole or probation--only to do the same shit again.

>probation officer
this did the exact opposite....
why did they write this in command prompt
Taylor Slow
anyone got a documentary to make me hate fat people and hopefully red pill my friend who I'm attempting to get to lose weight atm?

checked and kek'd
This one was actually justified.
It's a tactic to covertly photo people who would otherwise throw a hissy fit over it
I hate when people do this.
Usually when there is an ethical problem, say like -would you kill your wife or kill yourself
They want to sound all smart and say shit like "I would kill her, then I would kill myself cuz that sounds morally right. Aha, I guess that makes me the interesting guy in the room."
>implying she didn't immediately consume all animals
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>hahahaha look at these funny plates I found
>But i am bored, therefore, i shall eat
What kind of fucking mentality is that?
"your friend"

It's okay anon, you don't have to lie on the internet.
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but I already hate fat people so how would i redpill myself again on the same topic if I know what causes them to be fat and how to prevent it?
One that leads to you being a hambeast.
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checked lucky
Oh, we need Sir on this one, he's the only one who could make a nice comic reply to this bullshit

Pls sign muh feefees hurtz
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>thinking critically
oh my god this is fucking gold
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It's Unattractive!!

by far the best variation i have seen i kek'd
fucking kek
criticizing sol is not an endorsement of Hilary. sol derails threads like these with pol branded nonsense.
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I like you Anon.
Trigglypuff used Attract!

It failed!
That bitch got like eight tits.
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It's funny how they draw themselves as slightly overweight and fully mobile and not obese and bedridden.
Possibly the betaest of betas I've ever seen.

To be so self-hating, for no reason at all, you'd think this one had very shitty childhood. Probably made fun of by white classmates and now, being a retard this one is, thinks he can get back at them. Because he's too much of a bitch to do anything else than stuff himself with burgers and wear graphic tees.
>tfw you have exactly that
Day of the rope, bro. First commies and then we're going to disembowel fatties and hang them like farm animals they are.
ground control to my sides
May I add, if not for us trying to conform to West Yuro standards, most of the communists would receive death sentences instead of lifelong prison. There's no other way to pay for high treason.
Instead, they got stripped of all medals, honors, ranks and possessions. Retirement money is kept at the absolute minimum, which only assures they have enough to eat. Nobody gives a fuck if they have enough to pay their bills and no governmental institution is going to help them. Now the vermin have the taste of what the one under their power had to go through.
but if you're a fit guy, you're not afraid of some fat fuck.
How the fuck can you not see your hypocrisy here?
Like she's a fat activist who says she is absolutely proud of her fat and anyone who isn't can go fuck off.

But every single one of her photos are desperately trying to hide her fat. All close ups on her tits or wearing clothes that minimize her fat.
It's like she's subconsciously aware that she'd rather be thinner and that thinner people are more attractive, but doesn't want to admit it.
>b-but I'm beautiful!!
>I'm beautiful not BECAUSE OF my fat
>I'm beautiful IN SPITE OF my fat
>Don't look at my fat
And, I'm going to ask, how can one be a commie without giving up his humanity, his morals? Obviously, people are not equal, we differ not only in genetics, but also in talents. One can be a great scientist; physicist, physician, a great boon to the state, bah, to humans all around the globe, while another will be a simple thief, only looking to fuck up everyone around him, as long as he has it nice.
It is impossible to introduce a system that makes everyone equal. It's a synthetic equality and a crime against humanity and common sense. It's against everyone that sacrificed their lives and health to move nations forward, while fuck-ups lived off it.
Like I said, I hate corrupt capitalists, but I hate commies even more. We all do in this country. Day of the fucking rope and chains will come. And we will finish what was started in the 90's. Death sentences that were changed to lifelong prison.
Compliment me and don't make me work for it.
What's their crop growth requirement? I'd love to see this if only for my own amusement. Also I can already see the dishes...
>people fuck white people
Taylor Slob
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Fucking perfect
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trips of jesus detected
Anyone have their trypophobia start up when seeing this?
Good, they should be treated exactly like the Nazis were

Poor Poland, fought German occupation just to end up with Soviet occupation

Please keep this shit to yourselves Swedes
Nice analysis
It's a fantasy strip, after all!
You know, Soviets stole everything they could while they were here, and not just us. Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and so on, they used trains to steal tons of living inventory, grains, metals, pieces of art, everything they deemed useful. Motherfuckers. Then, traitors at our helm continued, even after de-stalinization, to suck USSR dick, when they formalized trade treaties, which basically meant giving USSR our products at extremely small prices, so our own people suffered from shortages while those fucking beasts lived well.
This is just one of many reasons (spying for an enemy country, betraying your own family and friends) that commies are universally seen as evil here.
So he saw a fat woman on a big scooter?

What's interesting about that?
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oh god that's horrifying

I peed a little
I wasn't being sarcastic, I thought it was funny but I realized that statement may seem sarcastic
That's just sick

The Societ Union was one of the most imperialistic nations on the world
>google slutwalk images
>jerk it

Who wins?
Also, I swear if I ever met someone who proudly calls himself communist, I will put his lights out. You son of a bitch, how fucking dare you.
Luckily, never, ever, in my 26 years here, I've heard a SINGLE person that supported commies. Some may be hiding, but at least they know better.
No matter - there are many meat hooks awaiting... we will accommodate everyone.
Regarding imperialism, they were very much like Murica - but what really grinds our gears is how they did it. America helped the defeated nations, while Soviets drained them dry of their already nil resources. We were offered Marshall's Plan but were forced to refuse due to Ruskies interference.
FUCK YOU. I don't have anything against Russians, just saying. They are civilians, like us, but fuck, their politicians are our deadly enemies.
Dude, NOBODY fapped to the bitches in the slutwalk.
They were all, every single member of that march, uniformly nasty as fuck.

During that entire debacle there wasn't ONE SINGLE SLUTWALK fap thread on any yellow board on 4chan. Not one.
everyone, their cause is better known AND you had a wank.
No, I know. I was agreeing.
shes a trap
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that's pretty good

>know a girl who's always makes fun of fat people with me
>in a relationship
>3 kids

I missed out bros. She's cute as fuck and everything I could want.
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Oh sh....jpg
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I used to be against body shaming by principle (and I still think chub is cute, proportionally), but now I'm glad threads like these exist so I never fucking sink that low
>endure years of hard work and discipline trying to trim fat and tone up, live healthier, be a better person, etc, and these people shove their heads up their own asses and stare at the garbage they eat while lounging around complaining there's a hate culture targeting them preventing them from being loved and think 'but it isn't MY fault'

I'm so triggered
>blaming others for being a lardo
A lot of people in former eastern bloc countries still call themselves communist.

Granted, they usually are the older generation, that was brainwashed into believing that the state can only do good.
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5 mins into this video and I'm already infuriated
The fat deer gets eaten by a wolf
It actually took me a few seconds to figure out what the fuck I was looking at, not even lying to you, I was thinking about skipping my workout, and after figuring out what the fuck this thing was (I saw the third picture first so I thought it was just some drawing somebody might have made as a joke it was just legs and a waist without a body) I changed my mind real quick.
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Notice how the toes of the left foot are completely flat and the arc of the foot is noticeable in the first picture?
There was some support that was photoshopped away so that people wouldn't notice it's impossible for this abomination to stand in one foot

Because no one wants to hang out with hamplanets, these people's lives are so boring that eating is literally the highlight of their day
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this guy.jpg
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>Oh God forbid someone have a conversation while you look at the same 50 pictures every day
hes too busy doing the reddit and morty season 3
Unicorns are only attracted to permavirgins
Mmmm 10x hotter
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There are a bunch of slutwalks. Just google it, lazypants
Fuck off, /pol/.
/pol plz go
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we own this site, faggot

we r leejun
I literally can't wait until November 9th.
The worst thing about Trump (probably) losing the election is how this is gonna validate all these fat pigs. It is gonna get insufferable. I'm going to have to end up retreating even farther away from society. Right now looking at land for sale in Montana/Wyoming/Idaho. At this point a extreme down turn in the economy is the only thing that will stop fat + think.

>"Go back to /pol/"
>R.r..right guys? Th..they are wrong...r...right? You aren't one of them are...are you?

Every-time someone posts 'go back to /pol'.

/pol/ isn't the containment board for /pol/acks. Reddit is the containment board for non-/pol/acks.

Gee Helen, 3 butts?


>whale voting for MAGA

I'm fucking triggered. Fatasses are a disgrace to america. If we got invaded by chinese could those lardasses pick up a rifle, march ten miles, and fight a battle for 6 hours? NO. God damn fucking fatties can go in the ovens with the kikes. A FAT AMERICA IS NOT A GREAT AMERICA. /FIT/ OR DIE YOU UNPATRIOTIC LARD.
Fuck off, /pol/.
I heard that the girl right in front of the guy fucked a dog

>burns 100 calories on a 10 minute walk
>stuffs 1000 calories into face as a "reward"
>wonders why can't lose weight


Same brah. My brain doesn't register fatties as human. Some sort of strange monster or horror film beast. Can't even tell the gender on most of 'em since the men got tits and they're all amorphous blobs with fupas that cover all the bits.


>picture of someone who never goes outside let alone deep innawoods, frolicking with animals like a disney princess

/out/ is laughing.
>Trump (probably) losing

Honey barring outright fraud (which is likely yeah but Trump knows it's likely and he will throw a shit and demand an audit) Trump is 100% going to win the popular vote. I knew this from the day he announced his run, way back before the primaries. I even looked into betting money on it (but it's illegal, fucking "land of the free" amiright). Trump will win and the salt will keep the snow from sticking all winter long across all the nation. Gonna be green grass all the way up to alaska. Personally I am already planning to masturbate to the shitlib tears and asspain. The mental hospitals will overflow with suicidal sjw faggots and the streets below tall buildings will be covered in liberal blood and guts. He'll MAGA just by being elected. It will be the greatest mass anal devastation event since Taco Bell became a thing.
>Honey barring outright fraud (which is likely yeah but Trump knows it's likely and he will throw a shit and demand an audit) Trump is 100% going to win the popular vote.
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"I entered these 5 pies in to a local pie contest. I didn't win (again), but I'm still proud of my pies."

And we all know what will happen when you get those pies home.
Too bad this is obviously fake

No one would ever use a bedpan unless you're disabled and trapped in a nursing home or hospital, if someone's that lazy and nasty they would just revert to bottle peeing and diapers.

This reminds me, I have a lazy hate story.
>be diaper changer at local nursing home and rehab center
>have fat slob resident here for "rehab" milking her stay for all it's worth since she's here on disability
>she can walk around fine but refuses to get up and go to the bathroom because of laziness
>she still wears diapers because she's too lazy to go most of the time and has us change them
>we have to treat her like a completely incontinent patient and come change her every few hours because she will not call us in to change it or use the goddamn restroom herself, she will just ignore it and call us eventually when she has completely soaked the bed through with urine to the under sheet (this is a frequent occurrence and management knows and hates her for it because it makes our facility look like shit)

My ass. Screencap my post to remind yourself how retarded you are come november when TRUMP WILL MAGA BY BEING ELECTED THE FIRST GODEMPEROR OF THE US EMPIRE


Fats are the worst cooks. They just toss a bunch of sugar and butter in and call it a day. No flavor, just diabetes-inducing cancer. And why do fat bitches dress like 5 year old children? Ita as fuck.
I made it 52 seconds in. I'm not even from the UK and I'm mad for them.
Holy shit...
I think it was a horse, not sure
>diaper changer

>mfw I had to do this once on an obese woman patient, even though it wasn't my job, because I was the only person there

Seriously that's the worst job in existence. I would rather mop ten thousand floors a day with my tongue than change obese adults' diapers for a living. Why do you do that, why? Why the hell? I'd rather live in a cardboard box than have to do that for a living.
>My ass. Screencap my post to remind yourself how retarded you are come november when TRUMP WILL MAGA BY BEING ELECTED THE FIRST GODEMPEROR OF THE US EMPIRE

I literally cannot wait until November 9th so you have to go into deep denial about how wrong you are.

Eat my cock you shitlib faggot. smuganimegirls.jpg.mobi.rar

First it is trump, then nationalism, then rwds and rw. dotr is coming and you're in line.

>The six things I could never do without:

Who would do it with this person, s m h t b h
the comments are gold
Seriously. November 9th is going to be wonderful because facts will be proven correct and your delusions will be proven wrong. Now get back to your hugbox in /pol/.
This is also my problem with that shovel-facing hambeast song, All About That Bass.

Every SJW was jerking off to that song yet it was really telling a generation of girls that their entire worth is decided upon by how attractive you are to a man.
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MRW these men have never had good male role models in their life.
It's for muh patient experience hours for PA school. I actually don't mind it that much the shit crazy old people do is hilarious and it makes it worth it.

I just can't stand the "rehab" side 7/10 times it's just fat people who suffer some injury that would be minor if they weren't already lugging around an extra 200 lbs of body fat but for them it's completely debilitating. So they end up completely disabled for a month or two for some dumb injury, get hooked on the fact that they have people to wait on them hand and foot, they balloon up and end up even fatter and lazier than when they came in.

Haha are you a nurse? The one good part about being an aide is that I can basically ignore the shitty families, dealing with them is the worst of the worst.
You have good genes. All you have to do is decide not to waste them.
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>mfw obese landwhales are getting sex and im still a kissless virgin

Why even live?
Holy shit I've halfway through now.
The two guys are tolerable, but jesus christ that woman.

I just want to grab her husband by the shoulders and go "YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING DO THIS"
Fucking lost it m8, thank you

To be honest, working with disabled people is a bit of a grab bag. Sometimes it can be pretty decent.

And I mean, honest to god disabled people, not lazy people.
You're literally talking to a survivor of the Eastern Bloc you stupid fuck

Shane on you for being an apologist
Make me bitch :)
>implying I'm an americunt

No matter who wins your election, your country is still full of niggers and is the global center of SJW and fat acceptance

>dumb amerifat thinks their president will change anything

You're the triggered lil bitch here

(Not him btw, I'm the one laughing at ow obese amerilards think their election matters)
probably ankles too
pol is that way, tripfriend : ^ )
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>I want to spend all day cyber bullying fat people, but don't insult my political views!

Reddit/liberal logic

Grow up
>american in charge of knowing his countries politics
Everyone is on trumps dick, enjoy your wall
>forgetting to turn off your trip
Nice one tripfriend
This board is pro /pol/
It's so people who may have filtered me can still see lel

Announcing reports is against the rules
>he does it for free
Don't for get to report him for announcing that he reported people :^)
Just try not to get angry
We don't give a flying fuck you mongoloid.
Is not that we disagree with you or agree with people you think of as enemies.
We don't fucking care.
Im here to laugh at short people and spout forced memes. Don't you think that I would go to /pol/ if I wanted to "discuss" """" politics""""""?
I want sound, can I find sound?
>Im here to laugh at short people and spout forced memes
>trying to repeat what he thinks is epic /fit/ culture a la /r/4chan

People like you fucking killed this board
this desu
I'm pro Trump but if I want to shitpost about him I go to /pol/, I come to /fit/ for fitness related content, so unless Trump squats 3pl8 keep it in /pol/
>implying /fit/ is a hive mind
we must contain it
>97% of rapists never see jail time

>implying everyone charged is guilty

So fucking triggered
>both named Jenkins
I just find it amusing that two different people took video of her.
Does she know shes famous?
Mistake was more "inviting regular communists to anarchists meeting, giving them guns and telling them to keep watch." A/Co spain was fine for all ten minutes before the USSR showed up.
Shame. She might actually be a qt if she wasn't a fuckin' hamplanet.

She's ruined now though. Even if that bitch hits the weights, she gonna have loads of loose skin.
this is no beta... this is a female... this can not be a guy, please no!
Why do libs think they're welcome on this site? Fuck off
Anyone wanna make a new thread? No need for autistic political derailing
Oh thank you, thank you.
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3rd one...
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I would smash that chicken and mushroom pie in a minute flat
Mirin her lats

was he actually way underage when he started posting here?

surprised the dude's still around.
>did one very average thing normal people don't even think about
>rewards: and and and and and and and and
please post more these are like my biggest weight loss motivators right now

Why can't American women into protesting? Seriously, this disgusts me. In my country we also have problems with convicting rapists and raising awareness, but we talk about it, and educate people about staying safe and not getting black-out drunk and all that. We don't try to disgust them into never having sex again.

How do these woman-children expect to be taken seriously? My god, if I were a rape victim I would strangle them. And their fucking nu-males.
It's a screenshot from a video.
>tfw having a decent thread
>some autist sets himself up to get shit on by /pol/ crossposters
>this shit derails the thread and he made himself look retarded in the end
I'm glad /pol/ fucked him up. The dicklipped faggot needs to fuck off.

No no no, the left pic is missing a covert dick,
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>tfw used to do this as a child because I was being bullied and eating made the pain go away
It's like abusing drugs, anon.
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>but wouldn't a feminist say that a woman ought to not be judged by appearance at all, not live like men want her to live, but be the best version of herself? As in fit at healthy?

Spoiler: most feminists I know (in Yurope) hate sjw's. Also, they're all thin and healthy or chubby at best.

One of my professors at uni is a tiny skelly lesbian with short hair. She is also a world-class expert in her field, and a monster at grant writing. She works hard every day and doesn't give a flying fuck about what others think. That is what feminism was supposed to be.....

I don't have a tumblr, but someone should send it to him. I'm sure he'd get a laugh out of it, even if he doesn't have time to do a comic.
Notice that she never RIDES the horse.
Feminism is a kike invention and they deserve the rope
these are some fantastic looking pies.
What is wrong with her disgustingly huge foot?
The hippo on the right is really horrifying
I want to kill someone, this is so fucked up!
Why, god WHY!
How can someone comment/write such lies/bullshit.
She is ugly and fat with bad genes and no one would ever prefer her over a fit or even a normal/chubby Girl...
amazing filename
Post pics of yourself, fatty
what was she thinking?
>forces politics in a completely irrelevant thread
>spergs out when called out
It's you that has a problem, tomato
it's like a bunch of dark souls bosses
It's your average trump supporter
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If you really take the time to look at the lyrics (and really, why would you?), you'll see that it's just Baby Got Back but whitewashed for white women.
>I want to talk about politics on a fat hate thread!
>I don't care if I'm derailing
>I need a username like your average reddit faggot
>how else will I get attention that my family will never give me
Go back to your safe space fatty
I'm not even American and I hope Clinton wins just to see you fags get triggered
>$0.05 have been deposited into your account.
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>that ayy pie
Sols shit posting helps me get through the day.
The cost is 4000kcals a day per potato.
Dem pretty princess points
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well that's just uncalled for sir

you should be thankful that i'm on /fit/ and trying to improve myself so i can stop being an obese banana wastoid
Thread posts: 326
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