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Penis routine thread, last one 404'd. Post your current

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Penis routine thread, last one 404'd.

Post your current stats, your goals and your routine.

Currently 8x5, focussing on girth gains, trying to get to 8x6.

Light Jelqs/Ulis in the shower.
Clamping 3x10 min
Rest/light stretching to maintain length gains.

Making sure to do lots of kegels to maintain erection quality.
Fucking small dick pussies keep crying about your insecurities im sure women would want you know that your penis is of average size. Im pretty sure it had nothing to do with the fact that you are full autismo and beta af
jerk off 1xF
I go to the gym, go to the smith machine, get an erection looking at qts around me, and start doing dick squats

Dick is strong as fuark
Never gonna make it
What the fuck is jelqing? How is some meme supposed to make your dick grow? Do you also do a routine to grow up to 6'0"?

Fucking idiots.
Kill yourself you fucking loser. so you spend 30 minutes clamping your penis? why dont you actually just kill yourself. you have a tiny cock and always will
If you're going to advocate jelqing I want pics as proof. Everybody talks this shit up, but not a singke person posts picks. It's just a bunch of deluded idiots buying into a big lie to feel better.
Am I the only one here who faps but doesn't cum?
Stay small, buttfag
What length did you start at?
How long you been doing it for?

I started at around 6, and now I'm 6.5.
Do BM one day then stretch the next, then 3rd day is rest, rinse and repeat.

10 minutes of kegels a day. Should probably do more.
I started at 6.75x4.75

I jelqed for a few years with almost no gains and then started hanging around 8 months ago and made dank length gains
Interesting. I definitely suggest you look into BM for girth gains. Worth the investment.
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tfw dick is big by norm-referenced standards but small by criterion referenced standards
tfw pooposting
das it mane
The fucks BM
What the fuck is TThSSu?
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Time to test your mettle, boyos
Literal years and .25" gain in girth?

No thanks.
Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun.
what does /fit/ think about the JES Extender?
what's your stretch routine?
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Bathmate, ya scrub.
Ez 69

I am 7x5, dont do anything to try to "jelq". i post videos of myself masturbating on reddit and everyone (the gays and the girls) tell me how huge and perfect looking my dick is and how bad they want it
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B r e h s . . .
>tfw 7.5x5.5 inch cock barely fits in my 103lb fiance

A big cock isn't everything, brehs. My dick barely fits in my fiances pussy and it physically hurts her. But I'm her first. Maybe if you find some stretched out whore she might have a looser vag.
John Rawls
Why is everyone so obsessed with having a big dick? I mean if you don't have a micro penis there is nothing to worry about really. Think about it the same as a women having smaller or larger breasts. You don't care, do you? Neither to they.

The main issue here is you become an insecure beta faggot because of it and that is what's really unattractive for girls.

I don't believe that doing some retarded stretching exercises with your dick is going to solve any of these problems.

If you have a big dick, good for you.
If you have a normal dick, good for you.
If you have a small dick, cope with it and don't be insecure.
If you have a micro penis, well, life must suck for you but there is nothing you can do really so try to make the best of it.

My best friend has a small dick, is fat af, butt-ugly, 25 yrs and his face is still full of pimples and cant even grow a proper beard, 5 foot 5. And you can't imagine how many hot bitches want to fuck him just because he is the most confident guy i know and everyone likes him. I mean, I'm physically very superior to him, have twice as much dick as him and even though my gf is hot af I don't even have haf the succes he has with girls. Sometimes its frustrating but it just shows how thing work.
Enjoy your swollen and callused prostate.
20 seconds left, right, up, down, and straight forward. Rest 30 seconds. Then repeat.
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>stretched out whore
That's not how vaginas work
This is sad. Having an average dick means at least you can do anal easier.
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>103 pounds
>she's my first
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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
What's your point, nerd boy?
Rolling for quads.

here goes
I can't lose

Hi there!
You seem a bit to have made a bit of a mistake in your bit of a post. Luckily, luckily users at luckily 4chan are always to help you help you clear siht problem right down up? You appear to used to have used to when posting, but your nothing has nothing all do to at with the conversation! Whooooops! You should always remember to stop using your always thread was used for us used, unless another one! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't is poor form. You always try to try anonymously, unless your identity is vital to the identity that is vital!
Now, there's no need me thank me - 'm just doing my it to it to it to you get used the anonymous culture-board image culture!
I made a captain's wench and hung around 5 pounds 20 min 1-2 times a day around 4 days per week whenever convenient.
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My length isn't anything special but my dick is fat as fuck, 6" circumference when fully erect.

(Un)fortunately I have never had sex so I haven't killed anyone with it yet.
oh god...
wowoowoo roll
>Kill yourself you fucking loser. so you spend 60 minutes pumping your muscles? why dont you actually just kill yourself. you have a tiny body and always will

Exercising your penis is as noble a pursuit as exercising the body.

Went from 6 to 7bpel. I can Promise you that sex is much better and I'm starting to hit something in the back of vaginas.
9 pls
Look up good looking loser. He convinced me on that it works.

Have you noticed that your dick gets skinnier. I gained 1inch length but lost 1/4 inch girth. Girth is bigger now that I've focus on girth gains.

7BPEL? I'm 7bpel and 5girth and it looks tiny, but i'm pretty big I squat 160kg so my legs are large and makes my dick look tiny.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
I already know it's going to be an 8
Have you ever watched a woman moan in pain as you ram her cervix? I'm guessing no.
>tfw this doesn't have any replies because no one on 4chan knows how life actually works like this anon
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
And this is why fags sit there and say i will never make it, it takes work!
Hi there!
>I'm her first
You keep saying that to yourself faget.
¡ǝɹnʇlnɔ pɹɐoq-ǝƃɐɯi snoɯʎuouɐ ǝɥʇ oʇ pǝsn ʇǝƃ noʎ dlǝɥ oʇ ʇiq ʎɯ ƃuiop ʇsnɾ ɯ,I - ǝɯ ʞuɐɥʇ oʇ pǝǝu ou s,ǝɹǝɥʇ 'ʍoN
¡ƃuiʞɐɯ ǝɹ,noʎ ʇɐɥʇ ʇsod ǝɥʇ oʇ lɐʇiʌ ʎlǝʇnlosqɐ si ʎʇiʇuǝpi ɹnoʎ ssǝlun 'ʎlsnoɯʎuouɐ ʇsod oʇ ʎɹʇ sʎɐʍlɐ plnoɥs noY ˙ɯɹoɟ ɹood si ʎɹɐssǝɔǝu ʇ,usi ʇi uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɐ ɥʇiʍ ƃuiʇsoԀ ¡pǝʇɹɐʇs si ǝuo ɹǝɥʇouɐ ssǝlun 'ǝuoƃ si ɹoɟ pǝsn sɐʍ ʇi pɐǝɹɥʇ ǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɹnoʎ ƃuisn doʇs oʇ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ sʎɐʍlɐ plnoɥs noY ¡sdooɥM ¡uoiʇɐsɹǝʌuoɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇiʍ op oʇ llɐ ʇɐ ƃuiɥʇou sɐɥ ʎʇiʇuǝpi ɹnoʎ ʇnq 'ƃuiʇsod uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɐ pǝsn ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ɹɐǝddɐ noY ¡dn ʇɥƃiɹ ɯǝlqoɹd siɥʇ ɹɐǝlɔ noʎ dlǝɥ oʇ ƃuilliʍ sʎɐʍlɐ ǝɹɐ uɐɥɔㄣ ɟo sɹǝsn ǝɥʇ 'ʎliʞɔn˥ ˙ʇsod ɹnoʎ ui ǝʞɐʇsiɯ ɐ ɟo ʇiq ɐ ǝpɐɯ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ɯǝǝs noY
¡ǝɹǝɥʇ iH
ɥǝʎ qɐqʎ

trips pls
You could say the same thing about lifting. Most girls say find fight club Brad Pitt the best body, but most guys want theirs to be bigger. Growing your dick is fun.

But yeah dick size means nothing on how good you are in bed after ~5 inches
>smith machine
Say goodbye to your gains
That's interesting. I don't think I lost any girth while hanging, but I hadn't gained much at that point.

Are you talking about losing girth you had previously gained or your dick getting skinnier than when you started out? Because I think its common to lose girth that you had previously gained if you don't do maintenance for a while to cement gains.
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I've heard good things, but I have roommates and I'm terrified of someone finding it.

If anyone knows of a way I could achieve the same effect with something I could take apart/doesn't look like a PE device that would be sweet.
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Girth wasn't my focus at the time. And I should clarify that by several years I mean a few weeks here and there whenever I had time. It wasn't until I started being consistent that I saw length gains and now I'll be consistent about my girth routine and hopefully see big gains.
rollerino my dino
lord have mercy
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she's legal right?
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dubs get
>tfw girthlet
<5" girth
Lets gooooooo
rolling boys
Just start jelqing

We're all gonna make it brah
can i jelq without lube?

it seems such a hassle to clean up

I'm uncut so I never use lube.

If you're cut you might want to try jelqing in the shower? Or maybe jelqing with lube just before you shower so it's easy to wash off.
na also uncut
what method you use
I just pull my foreskin back behind my head, get 3/4 erect, grip at the base and push forward until I get near the head. No need for lube.
Does bathmate actually work? Will it give me a permanently bigger cock?
roll baby roll
6.5inch roll
Lol. I have 4 other room mates. I wear boxers to the shower and hide it in a rolled towel
I never get anything good on this roll.
I was also skeptical. Someone mentioned good looking loser earlier in the thread. I checked out the before and after section of his website and he looks way bigger although he doesn't discuss measurements much. I think he said he gained around 2 inches length, but I'm more interested in girth.
scar tissue. And if you knew anything about scar tissue you would know it's not a good thing.
my penis routine is cryxF every night
Yeah I checked that out too.. girls prefer girth as along as you don't have a micro dick so that's what I'd prefer too. It kind of seems legit so I may be tempted. Could give it a go for 2-3 months daily and get my money back if I feel like no progress was made but I'm not sure really.
Im packing some gorilla dick nigga
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Nuh uh
Why are you so obsessed with big dicks?
Because your mom has a hunger for them that I need to satisfy.

Sorry you asked now eh?
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Gorillas have a 1.5 inch erect penis
Ur not me
Ur not urself bro

6 minute blowjob
10 min her on top
100 strokes of missionary
100 stokes doggy
100 strokes prone bone
Finish it off by nutting in her
>"But yeah dick size means nothing on how good you are in bed after ~5 inches"

This is what dicklets actually believe.
best routine so far.
this time i'll get 9
Anybody know any exercises to get your balls to not hang low?
Yeah, tape them to your thigh.
hai lmao
I'm a virgin, be gentle..
rolling for 6
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Do any of you ever had sex ?
I used to believe that having a big dick is so awesome and shit. My dick is about 7' maybe a little longer, and most of the girls I've been with can't even handle it, shit I hear all the time :
>it hurts
>it feels like I'm on my period
>feels like a punch in the stomach
>please stop it hurts
I would happily just have and average dick and be able to go balls deep
moshi moshi rollin desu
nice dubs
I've had that a few times, but nothing beats fucking a girl who loves getting her cervix pounded. Hearing her moaning in pain/pleasure is the best.

Dicklets will never know that feel.
Grills can get off getting finger banged, so as long as your dick is longer and thicker than your finger you're good senpai
roll bois
Either way I don't eat pussy

Too many carbs

Steroids, synthol, leave humanity behind
This gll guy looks like a 9athetic fag.
Fuck it roland
rolls royce familia
I dont think this is how it works.
Her first non asian?
Rolling :3
9 get
what about monster dick?
you'll very likely get dick rejected a lot.
¡ǝɹnʇlnɔ pɹɐoq-ǝƃɐɯi snoɯʎuouɐ ǝɥʇ oʇ pǝsn ʇǝƃ noʎ dlǝɥ oʇ ʇiq ʎɯ ƃuiop ʇsnɾ ɯ,I - ǝɯ ʞuɐɥʇ oʇ pǝǝu ou s,ǝɹǝɥʇ 'ʍoN
¡ƃuiʞɐɯ ǝɹ,noʎ ʇɐɥʇ ʇsod ǝɥʇ oʇ lɐʇiʌ ʎlǝʇnlosqɐ si ʎʇiʇuǝpi ɹnoʎ ssǝlun 'ʎlsnoɯʎuouɐ ʇsod oʇ ʎɹʇ sʎɐʍlɐ plnoɥs noY ˙ɯɹoɟ ɹood si ʎɹɐssǝɔǝu ʇ,usi ʇi uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɐ ɥʇiʍ ƃuiʇsoԀ ¡pǝʇɹɐʇs si ǝuo ɹǝɥʇouɐ ssǝlun 'ǝuoƃ si ɹoɟ pǝsn sɐʍ ʇi pɐǝɹɥʇ ǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɹnoʎ ƃuisn doʇs oʇ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ sʎɐʍlɐ plnoɥs noY ¡sdooɥM ¡uoiʇɐsɹǝʌuoɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇiʍ op oʇ llɐ ʇɐ ƃuiɥʇou sɐɥ ʎʇiʇuǝpi ɹnoʎ ʇnq 'ƃuiʇsod uǝɥʍ ǝpoɔdiɹʇ ɐ pǝsn ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ɹɐǝddɐ noY ¡dn ʇɥƃiɹ ɯǝlqoɹd siɥʇ ɹɐǝlɔ noʎ dlǝɥ oʇ ƃuilliʍ sʎɐʍlɐ ǝɹɐ uɐɥɔㄣ ɟo sɹǝsn ǝɥʇ 'ʎliʞɔn˥ ˙ʇsod ɹnoʎ ui ǝʞɐʇsiɯ ɐ ɟo ʇiq ɐ ǝpɐɯ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ɯǝǝs noY
¡ǝɹǝɥʇ iH
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>tfw 6.5x5
>when I asked all my gf's they've all eventually admitted they've had bigger
>they all talk about their love of big dick during sex and foreplay
Why do women only want dicks that are in the top 1%.

Its like only dating women that are 6'+.
This basically, my current gf complains sometimes that I hurt her and she can feel a pain up in her stomach.
I have no problems with my cock's size, but it curves downwards when erect.

How do I fix it?
I can't slam my gf in certain positions because she will push me out because it is "painful" or "overwhelming."

But I still want to increase girth. Is there a way to increase girth while leaving length alone?
Umm I hear bathmate is pretty decent for immediate girth gains but it will make your dick a bit longer to unfortunately
cmon brehs
Why tho
>tfw finally had sex at 21
>dick is pretty average 6.5" x 5"
>she doesn't stop moaning the whole entire time
sex was weird guys
[nospoilersonfit]I couldn't cum and i haven't fapped at all in the three weeks since because I feel so ashamed[/nospoilersonfit]
my turn
0 get
How can you not cum when you have sex, especially first time? Psychological thing?
There's that psychological angle, also chances are you're drunk when having sex for the first time, so there's that. I sometimes have trouble coming with my long time gf, but being cut is also a factor in that.

this thing is awful

delete your account
Here we go

fug it
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here is my bm and sizegenetics, i have made great gains over 1 year, i think, started at 7x5 and have increased to 8x6 at least; they do work and work well as long as you use them right exact same as lifting; takes time, effort and patience
Hey bros should i just get bathmate if my benis is barely 5.5"? I heard it will cause it not be as hard but at this point i really dont care. Better to be a 7" semi hard than what i have right now.
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here is a pic of me from 3 months ago, and have added more to that, solid 8.5 length not even bone pressed small increase in girth exceeds 6 for sure; it feels outrageously good
u wanna know how to make penis gains?

I cut from 22% to 10% and went from 5 inches to like 7 and a bit. fucking incredible
Why do you have a nigger penis
get a good routine and no your EQ will not decrease it will increase; for example i use the x40 with warm water to expand for about 20 minutes then pump ice water after that in expanded state to cement that increase, over time this leads to significant progress, would get the x50 but BM are delaying it so fuckin much
This only applies if you are fat. If you have a 5.5" at 12% bf then you're fucked.
that happens when it grows bigger
Will i ever reach 7" with bathm8?
I know like some anon said if you're confident bitches will be all over you but its hard to be confident with a below average benis.
i need some flexibility/posture exercises, i've read the sticky and it only links me to a site where i have to pay for the lessons and i got no money
oh shit i thought i was on the front page delet this
Who else /penispump/ here
If you are 5.5 at 12% then no, you are not fucked.
That's the average and he can go to pound town balls deep on every woman said man with 5.5 meets. Even the women with a naturally(or unnaturally large like size queens, girls who used giant dildos and are into fisting, pornwhores) large vagina will be easy porkings if his A game and endurance are on point.

A guy who's like 9 inches and on the thick side is quite honestly up shit creek when it comes to most of the female population.
Even older lesbians who you're sure have done some cagey snatch stretching stuff are an unbelievably tight fit and can't last for 20 minutes.
And forget about balls deep. That shit NEVER happens for themme.

An average guy has it made.
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>he's not 5'9" or shorter and only dates 6'+ Asian girls

confirmed never going to make it
from my own experience and seeing what others have experienced there is basically no limit to the size you can attain in terms of what you would want to gain (there is a limit to the effectiveness of exercises, so roughly adding three inches is the 'natty limit' for the average man.

tell me your dimensions and i can give you some estimations vis a vis timescale and prospects

it does help with confidence yes, and in my experience it has a snowball effect and its very dramatic; in secondary school i was a bit of an autist and always thought that if i could just break that one first encounter girls would know about my dick and my SMV would go up and i wouldnt have to do much beyond that, that was proved true when i had sex with four girls in my first term at university last year and three said that i was ridiculously big, absolutely loved it, wanted more, and as i have made more gains and they have gossiped, and ive bedded more girls and word spread it has just been excellent;

every friday i go to the gym i always get approached with a little small talk from girls who i rarely see otherwise; oh hey arent you anon? my friend said youre that guy whos always at the gym haha xd so are you here on saturdays too haha, and i end up sticking them the next day; the thing is tho im not that good at sex really, the trick is to let the girls mind do all the work, they say sex for women is all about the mental side and i really believe that; my dong has really helped me learn a lot about the minds of women

anyway shoot me your info and ill advise you
my dick is a little under 7" in length and over 6" in girth

why should I make it any bigger?
rolling for tiny asian pengis
Im 5.5×4
Im a kissles virgin and never get approached by girls even though im aesthetic. Probably because they can smell my insecurities.
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>mfw ex-fwb cheating on her bf and I hit her not once but twice hit the back of the pussy hard enough that she literally asked pushed me out and asked stop fucking her for a bit
>she never called me again
>probably fucked it up for her bf because they broke up not long after
you don't know that...

9.5" that can't get a full erection reporting in ;_;
Trips get

roll pls
ok well first of all the thing i think i didn't quite capitalise on in my post is that i let the girls mind do most of the work, and i do this by caring very little;

now here's the thing, I actually don't care, not pretend to not care like the advice on here says to do, because, and trust me on this, girls can pick up on the difference. one will land you in a field of clunge so deep youll need your wellies, and the other yields laughinggirls.jpg. the way i accomplished the former was to focus on the things that i wanted to do for fun/my own benefit and completely get the ultimate end goal of an ass on my cock out of my head; that is the mindset you need for this to work;

for example a lot of times i have forgotten girls names completely and they seem to pursue me even more, the reason for that is just that there is no malice or spite in me forgetting so their brain rationalises it as not my failure but that they havent made a big enough impression on me, seeing as other women are also chasing me it means im not the one messing up there

the point is one you stop prioritising it, it offers itself to you through natural discourse,

now for the other side of this which makes it all possible; the large cock

keep in mind this is assuming all things you do are almost perfect, you could gain 2 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth in maybe two years gadget-less;

with BM, hanging and SG, and manual stuff of course you could bring that down to 1.25 years; the thing is though 8x6 is really the point where it will WOW 100% of all you encounter, and that could be longer away as gains slow just as they do via lifting so depending on how old you are it may not be as plausible time wise
i already know ima get 1
hows my dick senpai
i'm 21 right now and i will admit i have been lucky in what i had to begin with, i think thanks to my grandad, so my starting point was higher; but i really was awkward and also kissless virgin until my last year of 6th and had a girlfriend only for a short time when i realised how little of a deal physically it was and that prompted me to investigate into just how much the machinations of sex and attraction are mentally affiliated; turns out its a lot

women are like receptors for these unseen, untranslatable feelings that we dont know we even emit, but once you open that pandoras box and understand them, you can manipulate them to your advantage and it really is something. honestly you have a lot to look forward to if you can cotton on, and anyone can
How the fuck do you jelq or whatever it's called? Does it actually work or is it a /fit meme to give me erectile dysfunction
Both. It does work, but you're kinda rolling the dice on your dick working properly after.

It gave me great results, I can still get erect, but I wouldn't say it was "worth it" (full erections are a bitter memory), buuuut....

There are people who evangelize for and against it, there are some genuine huge success stories, and some horror stories. I think somewhere in the middle is the most common result, it'll add size and somewhat reduce function.

Wish I'd done this shit in jr high/high school so I could make my boners less constant but huge. Jeez.
Would bathm8 have similar effects on boners?
for the keks
what the fuck am I reading lmao
Thank God for the autistic anon that constructed this
ayyyyy i like
Actually, I have. Whenever I fuck my gf doggystyle she orgasms because she says she loves the mixed feelings of pain and pleasure. The way she moans just makes me smile and gets me even harder until I just cum inside her.
ay bb u wan sum fucc???
wow dude you're such an alpha male
I guess I have to now
glib me a gud one m8!
>PE for years
>get up to 7.8x5.5
>Girl on and on about loving big 9+ dicks
>We fuck
>She squirmed and couldn't take mine

pretty much girls don't know wtf they are talking about, they just believe w/e people tell them

Prob got fucked by a few 6's they were told were 9s.
I'm currently ~170 lbs and my goal is to be between 140-150 lbs.

I'm gonna do keto, but I am schizophrenic and the voices make it hard sometimes to stay on track.

Either that or I starve
did you tell her how big you were?
no experience, no statistics, so no idea
everyone bumps it up by like, an inch, but who the fuck goes 3? Jesus. "yeah man 13 inch cock master race reporting in"
>Light Jelqs/Ulis in the shower.
>Clamping 3x10 min
>Rest/light stretching to maintain length gains.
>Making sure to do lots of kegels to maintain erection quality.

Doesn't this damage the benis?
Is this healthy?
I've been doing penis exercises for a long time, so my penis is kind of used to it, and I know what feels safe and how far I can push it.

If you haven't done any, look up some begginer routines online. I started with JP's begginer routine and I'd reccomend it.
why am I rolling
6.8" x 5"

I am satisfied with length, don't really care.

Give me an estimate on getting to 5.5" girth.

roll haha
Did you have any real gains or it all bullshit? Also if you stop doing it does it go awy?
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responding to my post; if you're at five now it will be easy to get to 5.5, and about half a year to totally cement it (to say that is your practical usable size) but ultimately between 4 and 8 months depending on your response to the work

, a half inch increase on 5 is proportionally a small amount, you already have more tissue to work with, honestly a good manual daily stretching and jelqing routine will be very sufficient for a half inch gain; theres plenty of more info on sites out there about the specifics of routines, and safety and proper form, but for example i started with stretches to the front, left, right, up, down for 3 sets of 30 seconds each, followed by 10 minutes of jelqing with a 2 second tempo, then after a month 3 sets 45 seconds and 20 minutes jq; now i do 30 minutes of jelqing per day and its really coming along great
this is fun
I gained a pretty small amount from jelqing. I would guess 1/4" L and 1/4" G but gained a lot of L from hanging ~1" and I do very light stretching everyday to make sure it won't go away. Like 30 seconds to a minute in the shower.

Now Im starting to clamp and considering pumping to focus on girth. Hoping to gain an inch.
whats your routine and everything you do?
6.5 x 6 virgin. Am i gonna cause some pain my first time?
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7x6" and women say it's perfect. I can barely slide it two of fingers in most women so anything bigger is just a waste unless she's a cum dumpster size queen
>just a waste unless she's a cum dumpster size queen

This is not how vaginas work.

Literal whores, like, hookers, who fuck for money, can have a tight cunt after months of working.

A virgin can have a sloppy loose pussy.

Bitches have babies without ruining their vag, you really think a dick is gonna scar that ho up?
Oh baby a triple
Wait, so Jelquin is real?
Ya. I'm surprised how many people know about it but never tried it for themselves.

Because I don't have the opportunity to spend an hour every day in the bathroom with lube all over my dick
I really need to see a before and after pic before I dare to try it.
Check out good looking loser. Someone mentioned him earlier in the thread.
blze it get
And yet you have time to shitpost on an online Vietnamese face painting board.
Fuck it
Ya 7x6 is big, but most guys aren't that big, which is why they jelq.
Probably, yes. 6 in girth is really big. Depends on the girl tho, everyone is built differently.
what the fuck is wrong with you people?



no 343 pls

you mean 1xS

S = successs
1x5 tie 'em in a knot
1x5 tie 'em in a bow
5xF continental soldier (balls over shoulder)

lets see


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