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Just deleted all 12GB of my porn. i thought it would make me

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Just deleted all 12GB of my porn. i thought it would make me feel better but i just feel the same, and kind of numb. i spent a year downloading that shit, and after i came to cuckold porn i felt utterly disgusted with myself and deleted everything.

Ok so what comes next, inner peace? like what do i do now, i dont feel any better and the more i think about it the more i miss my collection. i also have an ability to make any female near me recoil in disgust
take the plunge anon, start nofap
>deleting all that good porn
I deleted my 1GB collection and feel mad at myself for doing that. You're going to regret it sooner or later.
downloading porn is pretty autistic, just stream it like everyone else. you did the right thing

>12 GB of porn

How? I have 6 TB of it.
>streaming low quality videos
>not wanting 4k audiovisual kino
After reading OP's post, I went and checked how large video portion of my porn folders is, and holy shit, it's 190GB. Am I really that much of a fag?
I'm in the same boat brohab, just deleted all my shit that I accumulated for years. I accepted that I was artificially inflating my level of arousal for faps that aren't even that satisfying. Just contemplate your life goals: if you realize they conflict your with porn habits, you'll be better off letting go.

Don't buy into nofap. Learn to connect with your body and imagination instead of relying on visual stimulation to get off.
Start strictly masturbating to the thickest hightest sloots along with 9-10/10 lowtest semendemons. Only way to do it brah, my dick erupts
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Resist anon. First weeks are hell, but little by little, and very slowly, you will feel better. You will have more stamina, inner peace increased libido and boners when you see a hottie. Unfortunately you will lose your arousal when seing porn.
I understand it, i deleted all of my trap/tranny porn and sometimes i miss it. But believe me, it worths it. If you don't overcome porn, you are going to go into weirder every time. You don't want to end your days as a tattoed dickless tranny.
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it's more fitting to put a Slaanesh demon or marine because you want to fuck anything that moves
I did the same a few months ago. Deleting everything, not the cuck shit. That's gay. I had all kinds of pictures and videos I hardly if ever looked at. Normal shit, degenerate shit, whatever. The thought of the pre-posthumous embarrassment when they bury me then rummage through my hard drive motivated me to just purge it all.

I do still keep a folder with at least one picture of almost every girl I've ever wanted sauce for, along with any names I know they go by. I figure for as long as I waste time on this site, I'm going to see hot girls posted and be compelled to look them up. Having a reference handy saves me the time I'd spend reverse searching the same girls repeatedly because I forget their names. I make sure to keep it to things I wouldn't roll in my grave over if it was discovered.
I have less that 1gb, whats the best way to stop/get my mind off porn? I fap when i get bored, so I'm wondering if there's any routine/workout i could do instead of fapping, Tbqh its destroying my life and I really wanna stop.

Most of the stuff downloading is off of 4chan. You'll come across OC and chan whores on /b/ and may never see the picture again unless you make a thread and ask and get lucky.

There are lots of 4chan gold porn that's somewhat difficult to find or has no source other than OP and pics of his gf.

So you can't compare a year or two of porn downloading with streaming.

Sometimes youre in the mood for one or the other as well.

Just don't get bored. Do something instead. Only post on 4chan when you're on the shitter.
Work on your painting. Replace fapping with painting and you'll be at 'eavy Metal standard in six months
I'll try and keep my mind off it. The best thing for me to do if i get bored is fuck around outside since i live in a pretty rural area with some nice woods.
Painting? Never heard of that one. But I guess I'll try anything at this point.
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Great hobby, I recommend finding miniatures you're interested in, wether past or future, doing some research, and begin painting. A truly endless art form is in front of you.
I never thought I had a porn problem until I started going on BLACKED. Back before cuckolding was a huge meme, I discovered that site and I quickly became addicted to their videos, getting this wrong, sinking feeling in the pit of my gut that made me cum buckets. It was a feeling I hadn't felt since I first started jerking it to porn as a wee lad. That feeling eventually faded, obviously, but I remained addicted to the site, jerking off to their preview videos a minimum of 2-3 times a day for years. When they started locking their previews to members, I started downloading their scenes, amassing a gigantic collection that almost covered every scene on the site aside from a few I did not care much for.

Eventually the guilt consumed me so much after a particularly bad reaction to a fap that I deleted my entire collection and blocked the website from my host file. That didn't last very long, and I eventually just started viewing their vids on tube sites, annoying at the cutting down of scenes and lower quality.

I don't jerk off to them as much anymore, but I still visit the site a minimum of once a week to check the new video they put out. Writing this post has quite literally made me want to visit the second after I post it. Goddamit.
12 gb? lol nigga try 800
I only jerk it to hightest threads
12 gb? Thats like 7-8 scenes..
i usually fap to tall/thick or petite it depends. lost all my weird fetishes sometimes aco
I think that's the real problem though. You should use porn to just get off. I think the second you get attached to your porn and start wanting to see a particular girl, you get attached in a way. And that's when it starts fucking with your head.
57TB here you guys need to git gud
Bro stop. I'm the same with imagefap. If I'm gonna make it through the night so will you. And I'm gonna fucking make it through the night
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>internet is down
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Lmaoo white people
get a backpage hoe lil nigga
>9gb of saved crepeshots, webms, facebook images, and others
>keep saving porn to it
>never fapped to any of it after i saved it
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Lmaoo black people
get a college education little nigger
lmaoo lil nigga how yo 12gb porn stash doing? get some pussy sperg ass nigga
take your L and work on yourself
keep flipping my burger and calling me sir bitch

I'm actually a spic, mein nigga


Post NAS setup pls
You're better off without porn.
I've been masturbating daily to JAV (Japanese porn) for 15 years and amassed a 2+ TB collection over this period. I don't know any other life.
I honestly don't understand the desire to be rid of pr0n and stop fapping. I fap to pr0n on a daily and still slam my qt wife several tiems a week. I've never felt it's problem...
What does your wife think about your porn habit? Has she seen the porn you jack off to? Do you jack off in private or let her watch?
want to fap together?(no homo, srs)
Porn isn't bad, but watching it 2 hours everyday is.

deleting porn doesn't do shit, but actually removing porn from your pc.

what you really need to do is actually go out and meet girls. deleting porn is just something you do to run away from the actual problem.
If you're over 21 years of age and still watching porn you are pathetic and should just kill yourself now. Porn is for boys.

calm down your roid rage, m8.
My libido is pretty insane, about 3-6 cumshots each day, not going flaccid in between sessions, if i piss im still rock hard. I dont live with my girlfriend, but porn handles my sexual needs. id rather have a functional dick than a limp dick fampai
>all 12gb
5TB here and the only reason it's not more is because I'm tired of getting new hard drives so I go through it constantly and delete stuff to make up room

how old are you?

I had 3-6 session when I was 18. at 25 I can do with 1 each day to take the edge off.
>muh roid rage
too much truth for you there you pathetic little shit?
so is mine and I can go multiple times without going soft. Doesn't mean I'm going to watch another man fuck a woman I want to fuck like a literal cuck does.
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>You deleted "her" pics
>All of them
>Even "those" pics
>You wish you didn't
>This was a year ago
>Hard drive sector has been re-written many times over
>You will never get them back
You won't be as disgusting to girls after a few weeks/months.
>who is the bigger loser contest
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-nigga that flips burgers
You the type of nigga that would let a bitch crush yo balls lmaoo
Stop frontin brah take your L and stop watching niggas fuck a bitch and jack off to it shit sus af man
nofap is a lie all it got me was an std and made me feel disgusted with myself for a long time, just fap when you NEED to tbhfam
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ooh ooh. my time to shine.
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>spending precious rubles on a ho

Fucking normies man.
>not having a porn waifu
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>after i came to cuckold porn i felt utterly disgusted with myself and deleted everything.

don't feel too bad. I came to jenna ivory scene she did with 10 black guys numerous times. one of the roughest fuckings I seen a girl take in porn. do not let the memes get to you. a lot of guys fap to this kind of porn. it's just porn. just don't let it become reality for you.
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Porn isn't the problem. Your procrastinating (Not your masturbating) is what's really keeping you from doing the things you want to (aka your "Inner peace"). Spend the hour or so you'd usually spend jerkin' your jerk on writing or reading or a hobby.

You'll thank yourself.
What's the source on said scene?
Not who you're responding to, but mine knows about it, is totally ok with it, and watches with me sometimes (it helps that she's bi). Getting head while watching porn is p cool.
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let me find it hold on.
Jeez, I hope she get annihilated in this scene
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I've been jacking off successfully to deviantart porn for years. You don't need to download shit
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she does and she has a ton of great videos besides this one you should watch. enjoy

How plausible would it be to not fap for 7 days but relapse on the 8th and continue the cycle again?
but if it's all i jack off to daily and if it's the only excitement in my mundane office slave life how can i prevent myself from viewing it as more than porn?
Holy fuck
Why are blacks so obsessed with us?
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also check out some angela white if you haven't. she's got a lot of good videos including one she did with 3 black guys. pretty much does everything you would expect but she is high test perfection so it makes it perfect.
well how did you find yourself getting into this? is there something in your life that stressed you out maybe and you use porn to cope now?
>well how did you find yourself getting into this? is there something in your life that stressed you out maybe and you use porn to cope now?
i don't know, it naturally became this way. the few seconds of nutting to porn is the only joy i have in my life.
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well are you racist? depressed? there has got to be a reason you started to like cuckold porn anon. did you like the link I posted earlier?
i meant all kinds of porn. i don't have a particular taste for interracial porn.
Use your imagination instead of porn. The orgasms are much better, and you dont feel disgust right after cumming.
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so you consider all porn to be cuckold porn then? bro you probably just got your hormones racing a ton. try to just fap in moderation, make sure you work out enough through out the week and try to get some hobbies. if you aren't working make sure you get a job to.

unless you are fapping to something very shameful by normal society standards (no need to get into detail here) you are fine for the most part. most people these days watch some porn at least and even degenerate kinds of porn.
this whole cuckold fetish just proves that the feminization of men has gone too far

when you're so beta and detached from your masculinity that you actually prefer watching another man fuck your waifu it's time to end yourself and stop polluting the gene pool
Sara Luvv is my waifu
no i meant just jerking off to porn in general. i do work thus the "mundane office slave life" in my post here >>38448853 and mentioning jacking off being the only highlight of my day.
holy fuck what drugs was she on jesus
Oh, that girl did a scene on BLACKED right?
A drug called money.
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oh right my mistake lol.

like I said man as long as you aren't stroking it to very shameful things there is no need to feel especially bad about this. practice moderation.

what is it that you usually like fapping to?
Why would you download porn? Seriously, what the fuck do you expect? Stop playing with your dick and do something worthwhile, even if it's a game. You seem to put a lot of thought into porn-related stuff.
mostly jav. especially gangbangs.
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335GB here

Mostly JAV and a few collections of select Asian-American pornstars.

I've deleted all my stuff in the past and deeply regretted it. Never again.
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I told you it was rough. she's been one of my favorites now since I found out about her.
yeah and she also has her own website.
yeah man nothing to be ashamed about. I been fapping to gangbangs since my teen years. I'd watch more jav but I hate the censors.
All my porn folder is webms from /gif/

I thought I'd have loads, wanted to see how big the folder was after reading this thread

It's only 950MB lololol
I only save top quality shit though, I try not to visit my porn folder too often because it's so high quality thst is just bad for you.

I Open them all in VLC player and wank the the compilation in random order.

I'm trying to give up porn though, I hate my cuckold fetish. It's a blatant result of watching too much femdom then becoming a racist

My penis feels a bit bruised from too much beating
>Don't buy into nofap. Learn to connect with your body and imagination instead of relying on visual stimulation to get off.

This is what I'm talking about.
You're not a real man if you need porn to be able to get off.
Whose you're current javfu
Same boat, also feel bad fapping to cuckold porn. I have always liked the porn where the female is dominant en the man has to pleasure. Somehow ended up on this shit. Ah well. Fml.
She looks like she's considering suicide.
>a lot of guys fap to this kind of porn

Top kek. Keep telling yourself that. Chad doesn't.
>It's only 950MB
So I guess you could share it pretty quick?
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what made you become racist? are you two spending too much time on /pol/?
maybe idk
not all of us can be chad bro. it's whatever I am not going to dwell on what cannot be changed.

hope I helped you out OP and guy who wanted that link.
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who /jav/ here?

i just want pretty yellow girls to spit in my mouth, play with my nipples, and fondle my cock.
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>ITT: cucks
why is interracial stuff all ways so race charged? like how rare is it to actually find an interracial couple that just happens to like each other and not super fetishized their partner's race.
Its not wrong but I find it weird personally.
really makes u think
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I actually enjoy cuck porn, I wouldn't let another guy fuck my girl but the idea turns me on for some reason
>but but ur cuck
Whatever m8, I like what I like, not sure why tho, its a combination of extreme jealousy/anger and horniness
guy here who posted the link and the pornstars, it is because the porn (at least from what I noticed) mainly is meant to appeal to white men. white men actually seem to like it because of the racism to it. a lot of the videos and sites even have racist names as you said.

not everyone likes it for these reasons of course but that explains why it's so racially charged.
I'm 1 month into nofap
It's worth it
professional porn is garbage the girls are ridiculously annoying.
Girl has had 47 foster parents. Should explain it for you.
Daddy issues.
Abandonment issues.
>tfw lost almost 1TB
rip all those JAVs
It's because you're not looking at the amateur videos that for the most part don't have that racist aspect
[citation needed]
Yup, the day she posted that picture >>38448592

what the code
>spent a year downloading 12gb

are you on dial up? The fuck

But good for you, porn is cancer

she's awesome. looks like my old waifu, lauren mayberry.
that cuckold fetish is disgusting me out, feel bad after fucking girlfriend, and been thinking about her getting ganged...

115kg bp
180kg dl
130kg sq
70kg ohp

89kg bw
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I don't understand the appeal of cucking.
Yep. It was pols fault

Meh cba

It's like 80% cuck
Started with femdom. The ultimate humiliation is cuckolding, so it's a logical progression.

Moral to the story: porn is bad
Beause the people who do noporn are worthless losers who can't get a woman and think that, by doing nofap, their lives will magically change. They're fucking idiots.
christ, this is what I'm afraid of.

Becoming captain save a ho and feeling a wierd ass fatherly need to protect and take care of fucked up chicks.

That's it. I'm going full hermit mode and disavowing women and the rest of society completely.
tfw I watch porn it's POV with big tits
tfw its 50% of the time just a bj
>1GB collection


That's like calling a $ burger a main course.
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