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Im a fat fuck that wants to change.

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I have decided to change my life. Gonna get a road bike and do pure cardio until I die. Only problem is would a road bike like Scott handle my weight?

What do you guys think? Gonna buy a £2000 Scott if you guys say its cool. I weigh 340LBS or 154kg
It's not the frame you should be worried about, it's the wheels. You need to spend extra to replace the standard wheels with strong high quality wheels.
You'll probably need to look for an amended or very big saddle as 154kg of weight concentrated on a small sitting area will cause a lot of discomfort.
you don't need to spend £2000 to lose weight. If you get a shittier bike you will be working harder to move the weight so that might be a better option
Or you could just do a defecit like a smart person
Notice I didn't say normie because most fat normies will try this and fail
>You need to spend extra to replace the standard wheels with strong high quality wheels.
I had to buy kevlar lined tires with thicker rubber.

still popped them kek

Not worth it OP. Buy a cheap stationary till you lose 100lbs.
There is no way a road bike will support your weight. Even 100 pounds lighter is too big. I'd come up with a new plan
instead of falling for memes, spend that money on a gym. and good food.
What about a mountain bike? I really am determined to lose weight. I cant go gym since I literally dont have much time because of work. Im gonna bike it to work everyday and while going home take the long route which is like a extra hour with bike.
Consider running/swimming
Being that fat means you could just walk home from work and burn calories. Learn to diet tubby. Starting counting calories.

You wont lose weight if you don't.

In cyclist lingo, you are what's known as a "Clydesdale". You might have better luck axing this question on a cycling-specific forum.

I was 6'1 240, and I couldn't do it. My extra weight was enough to put my junk to sleep after just a few miles. I lost 60 pounds through diet, and now I enjoy riding 20-30 miles at a stretch.
Read the sticky fatso
If you have time to bike to work AND add an extra hour of cardio, you also have time to go to the gym instead.
And just in case this hasn't already been made clear: You MUST fix your diet first and foremost. You can lose weight without exercise, but you CAN'T out-exercise a shitty diet. There just aren't enough hours in a day.
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I got this bike last spring http://www.cube.eu/en/products/trekking/curve/cube-curve-pro-black-grey-blue-2016/ for 500€

They call it a "trekking" bike and I think the store called it a "cross" bike. I just think it's a nice regular bike, not a road bike or a mountain bike. It's been working fine for me with the regular saddle and I was 148kg at my heaviest
6'4" 290 lbs fat fuck here started eating healthy everyday also started walking everyday and do some stairs and some times run the best i can up the stairs. I also bought a cheap mountian bike at a flea market and been using it.

Dont think about it just do it OP.

I think iam going to make it
He's also known as a Fred.
>Being that fat means you could just walk home from work and burn calories.
>Learn to diet tubby.
>Starting counting calories. You wont lose weight if you don't.
Not true

you don't need to count calories like an autistic person to stay at a considerable calorie deficit. especially at 150kg. a ball park estimate and gut feeling is easily enough and much less stressfull. and you cut ALL the shit and treats out of your diet you won't even need to think about it to achieve it at that weight
Someone already said it, but swimming is the vest exercise for losing weight is you're too fast because until you are a healthy weight other exercises will unnecessarily stress your joints.

Go to /n/

Waste of money unless you know what you want in a bike honestly
>Consider running
Running was rough but I never noticed any particular joint pain from biking even when fat as fuck
>taking off shirt in public at 140+kg
>rather die

Well, sort of. If one was capable of maintaining a deficit without counting calories, they wouldn't be fat in the first place.

Now, in my case, I eat pretty much the same thing every day. I've already counted the calories so I already have a pretty good idea what my average day looks like. I don't need to keep counting them every single day. But if I were to make a significant change, try a new dish, etc. then I would need to count accordingly.
>you don't need to count calories like an autistic person
If you want to cut healthily, you do.
He doesn't need to count calories, he just needs to cut soda, desserts and eat only one plate every meal. It is simple as fuck, I have lost 10kg in the last month while eating the same things as everyone in my house, just started eating like a regular human being
>you don't need to count calories
Sure you don't have to, but why put in all the effort and not reap the maximum rewards. There is nothing autistic about maximizing gainz
That's great dude, you are loosing weight nobody gives a fuck. Just because you are doing something doesn't make it the best way. You are the autistic fuck here
>Well, sort of. If one was capable of maintaining a deficit without counting calories, they wouldn't be fat in the first place.
That's just not true. The person is fat because they ate way too much compared to what they used, not because they didn't count calories. Counting calories wouldn't have made them not get fat if the figure they reached every day was 5000 whether they knew it or not.

You think people who get that fat don't know it's because of all the food they're eating while not exercising? They know, they just don't care.
The amount of calories you'll burn in a whole hour of hard exercise will amount to just one or two cookies. Grats.

If you want to actually stop being a huge elephant, you need to stop eating like a huge elephant. Learn portion control. Understand that human portions are not what you've been eating - at that weight you're probably eating for four or five people.

Weight control is all about Calories In and Calories Out. However, increasing Calories Out is very, very difficult. Decreasing Calories In is as simple as just EATING LESS, however.

So eat less. Fat fuck.
>at that weight you're probably eating for four or five people.
a little over 3000kcal a day is easily enough to reach 150kg if you simply don't move. sit all day, don't leave the house etc. that's eating for 1.5 people or one moderately active person.
>a ball park estimate and gut feeling is easily enough
For someone who already knows about how much a human should be eating. He's fat. He's already shown he has no idea what a "portion" actually is.

He would benefit GREATLY from doing the whole works. Counting calories with kitchen scales and everything. Not because that's the only way to succeed, but because he has to learn what is in the food he's eating and how much he should be getting of it.

Also, he's a fat fuck. He WANTS to eat more, so he'll excuse it away as "I-I rode an extra 30 seconds today" or "I-I didn't eat cake yesterday, so it's okay to drink 2 cups of soda today!".

Objective measurements are going to be his best friends. Because his subjective ones are fucked to hell and back thanks to being a fat ass for decades.

He doesn't have to do it forever, of course. But I'd say doing it for at least half a year should help him understand food deeply enough to just wing it.
a.exercise is great and all and you should do it for your health, but in terms of losing weight, it will do very little for you
b.by thinking that if you make this one drastic change you'll stop being fat, you're setting yourself up for failure. You're like some retard who can't draw thinking that if he buys the most expensive wacom he'll be the next picasso
c.if losing weight is your goal, start with minor changes, primarily stop eating like a fatass. Don't go on a diet, FIX your diet.
d.read the sticky
diet is more important than exercise
>He's fat. He's already shown he has no idea what a "portion" actually is.
>he has to learn what is in the food he's eating and how much he should be getting of it.
I can tell you've never been fat. Let me give you a brief summary of how a fat person thinks.
Despite what you seem to think is happening this is NOT how a fat person thinks:
>I'm eating the way I'm supposed to and what I consider healthy, I just can't understand how I'm gaining this weight while continuing to eat healthy to the best of my knowledge. It just doesn't add up.
What a fat person does think:
>Fuck everything why even bother I'll just eat this unhealthy garbage and feel good about my life at least for the next 10 minutes

A fat person does not get fat because he doesn't understand the fundamental basics of nutrition. They get fat because they stop caring.

Learning more about nutrition is always helpful but a fat normie has just as good (or bad) idea of what is healthy as a regular thin normie and at 150kg just cutting the garbage out and eating home cooked meals without tons of fat, cream, sugar etc. and walking to work is EASILY enough to start losing weight. After he's a good ways into his weight loss he can start getting fancy with it. Forcing all this counting calories bullshit into it on day 1 will just overwhelm them and up the chances they go back to "fuck it".
You should just stop posting in this thread. I know you are fat. You keep spouting the same bull shit.

Everybody knows you can loose weight like that, so what. Fat people don't need to put off counting calories. Why not maximize gains now, instead of putting it off.

You are putting off something now and leaving it for down the road. Guess what, that's why you are a fat fuck to begin with.

If you want to be fat, great. Fuck off
>A fat person does not get fat because he doesn't understand the fundamental basics of nutrition. They get fat because they stop caring.
you're right and you're wrong. Some fat people do do that, but a lot of fat people are also ignorant and lie to themselves that they're eating healthy and have no idea why they're fat. I know because I used to do that myself.
I have been fat and I am no longer fat so clearly I have a better understanding of the situation than you do.
>You are putting off something now and leaving it for down the road.
No one ever has to start counting calories. It's a meme to keep you autistic children occupied. It's extremely easy to tell if you're eating under your calorie usage just by the way you feel. I'd also say it's much more accurate than trying to count calories when the figure you're comparing against is A FUCKING ESTIMATE that is in no way accurate. Until there's a way to accurately measure your calorie usage counting calories will stay a meme.
>Counting inaccurate calories is less accurate than not counting inaccurate calories

Enjoy your gainz brah
>not counting calories is accurate
>counting calories is an estimate
please stop posting. Do you have to count calories? no. Does it help? yes. Should a fat person do it? probably.
I didn't say counting calories is an estimate. I said your calorie expenditure is an estimate. And a rough estimate at that.

So you googled a calculator that tells how much an AVERAGE person of your height and weight uses. Not you, just an average guy with average metabolism. And then you picked one out of what four different "activity levels" that hike up the score by like 500 each? Are you really naive enough to think that is an exact science? Your daily expenditure varies greatly even for a single person. What they ate, how it digested, how they slept, what temperature was it, what were they wearing, how many stairs they walked up, how many steps they took, what the air humidity was fuck it's all just a ball park guess at best and you think you can count your intake and compare it to that figure and find out exactly how much to eat?
When you count calories you either willingly or subconsciously let the numbers make the decisions. I'm saying that is less accurate than paying attention to how your body feels. It's real easy to just keep it in a constant state of minute hunger, not overdoing it or feeling like shit from eating too little and boom you hit the sweet spot for weight loss just like that.
>So you googled a calculator that tells how much an AVERAGE person of your height and weight uses. Not you, just an average guy with average metabolism. And then you picked one out of what four different "activity levels" that hike up the score by like 500 each? Are you really naive enough to think that is an exact science?
you're the idiot who doesn't understand how to use a calculator. And I like how you make assumptions about me. No I didn't do that. I used a calculator to give me an idea of how many calories to eat. I didn't put in an activity level because I understand that those grossly overestimate calories burned and I know that they wouldn't be able to know how much I actually work out. I take that calorie estimate, eat it, and then see how it works. Generally, they're pretty dead on.

and no, daily expenditure doesn't vary as wildly as you're making it out to be.

>When you count calories you either willingly or subconsciously let the numbers make the decisions. I'm saying that is less accurate than paying attention to how your body feels.
what's wrong with having the numbers make the decisions for you? if you're fat, when it comes to diet you weren't making the best decisions. And if you do it right, you can force how your body feels. A fat person paying attention to how their body feels doesn't work because their body will tell them to keep on eating all the time.
I think it's time to give up on him brah, he's hopeless.

He oozes beta and is content with being below average at best.

Sometimes you just have to let em go.
>you're the idiot who doesn't understand how to use a calculator
They literally ask for your age, sex, height and weight and that's it. I don't think it's possible for anyone to use it wrong.
>A fat person paying attention to how their body feels doesn't work because their body will tell them to keep on eating all the time.
It worked fine for me when I lost over 40kg but I guess you having never gone through it know better. Again, fat people know why they're fat even if they don't admit it out loud. They already know what they SHOULD do to fix it and have probably known for years. It's all about finding the willpower and the movitation to do it.
>people who don't want to repeat the same things I learned to repeat on an internet anime forum are beta
he says while he keeps parroting the big boys and following without questioning anything like a bitch
>I don't think it's possible for anyone to use it wrong.
and yet you described how
I love how loosing the body weight of a small woman has entitled you to be the resident fit expert. Maybe some people aren't content with being average. Maybe they want to be better and look better than you could ever even dream about.

But think about this, maybe you could be that fit, maybe you could be fucking ripped and shredded. But instead you want to fuck around and be so god damn hard headed.

There is no discussion that counting calories is 100% superior to not counting. Try counting for years, and lifting for years, and not being a winy little bitch.

Congrats on the weight loss, but you are really embarrassing yourself
Fat loss starts in the kitchen, anon. I lost 50 kg in a year without even moving above a walking pace for all that time. It was only after I reached my goal weight I started going to the gym, to actually start building some muscle and keep the fat from coming back. Not saying you shouldn't exercise, just that the vast majority of weight loss is done through diet.
>determined to lose weight
>can't make time for gym
pick one
I don't know where you got the average thing from but it's not really working if you think that's like a touchy subject for me or something. I'm very satisfied with my lifts.
>maybe you could be that fit, maybe you could be fucking ripped and shredded
And that's a point when counting calories could for the first time be actually useful. When you want to be "ripped and shredded". Is the 150+ kilogram man trying to iron out the last little bits of excess in his diet to reach that ripped competition body in time for the expo?
there was this chubby guy in high school who suddenly decided to lose weight

he not only stopped eating junk and went on a huge calory deficit, he also started to use his bike all the time instead of public transportation (which is very good here)

that guy lost weight so quickly a couple months later he looked like he came fresh out of auschwitz, anorexic. but he also started to go to the gym and he literally turned from a 3/10 to a 6-7/10 in less than a year
>don't have time for the gym
>can't spend 30-60minutes of his day going to the gym
>has time to bike to work and home and even tack on an hour to it
how retarded are you?
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Anons attitude is seems wrong, he can not buy himself out of this mess and its not a spring either.

When you do the calculations and write down everything you eat it teaches discipline and makes it clear when you can and can't eat something.

On a more depressing note anon wants to lose maybe 60-70kg. 1kg is 8000 kcal. So anon needs a deficit of 480k-560k kcal. Say right now anon needs 2.8k kcal to stay break even weight wise and at the end it will be around 2.2k so on average he needs 2.5k Kcal. If he goes without eating anything it evaluates to 192-224 days, less is not possible. If he eats at a 80% deficit he eats 2000kcal and saves 500kcal per day. He will need 960-1120 days to lose the weight.

I suggest anon starts lifting and gets even bigger. From the first law of thermodynamics one can get that the work his body is doing (muscles, brain etc) is radiated in equal amount as heat. If you increase your surface area you increase heat radiation. Also if you work harder you increase heat radiation/sweat. (pic related is for 75kg, top is hard work middle is medium hard work and bottom is sitting and 1 W=1KJoule/s=~0.25KCal/s)
>People who are convinced that gym is VITAL for losing weight
>AKA People who'll get fat and sloppy as shit if anything happens to their gyms

People who lose weight and get fit outside of gyms by changing their lives tend to keep it off
Body isn't a closed perfect system you fucking retard.
You can starve yourself while eating absolute shit and lose "weight" Or you can eat better and cut out all of the shit and see a real change in how your body and mind both functions.
this CR1 probably won't help you. but a touring or endurance bike can be useful.

here are some i can recommend:




also, before doing pure cardio, please read the sticky.
mountain bikes aren't necessarily stronger than road bikes. they're built to handle more impact, not more weight. for a city commuter, a suspension is waste of money. i still think a touring or endurance bike will suit you better.
I'm 270 and I can cycle fine. Padded cycling shorts, a saddle and frame that fit you and it's fine.

I'd say go for it OP, cycling is good for fatties, I find running impossible and walking super uncomfortable after a while, have to stop before I'm actually sweating . Make sure you go to a bike shop and get the right equipment.
So draw a sufficiently large box around the human and isolate the box from the enviroment. For the whole box you get dU=0=dW+dQ <=> dW=-dQ.

Since you seem to like my suggestions I have 2 more ideas. They may not be healthy, but who knows.
1. As you see in the picture before you radiate more the colder it gets. It also depends on how isolated from the outside temperature you are (your clothes). How about anon puts the 2k use by buying himself air conditioning instead of a bike? He should be wearing short clothes. When he sleeps it could be without blanked at low temperatures. This would be using plenty of energy. I am just not sure how well rested one is in the morning. One way the body generates heat during the day is by using muscles. When you sleep you pretty much only use your heat, so I perhaps the heartrate will go up if the outside temperature is low and the body wants to keep its temperature at ~37°C.
2. Eat nothing for 200 days. You can try to compensate with supplements for minerals and vitamins and you will have your dream weight in just 200 days. After all there are plenty of animals that sleep during the winter not eating anything. I am just not sure how to solve the problem of stomach rumbles.
Oh, the calculation was nonsense. I hope this makes sense:
dQ_body + d_Q_rest + dW_body + dW_rest = dU = 0.
dQ_body = 0 (body keeps its temperature constant), dW_rest = 0 and this gives dQ_rest = -dW_body (not sure about the sign)

I was reading about heat radiation of the body and the numbers per day (picture + sleep) seem to be exactly the energy you use so I tried to make sense of it.
God speed Einsteinbrah

No, the whole point is that if you're fat, you obviously DON'T KNOW what a normal food portion looks like, and the best way to learn is to count the calories.

You're not "going on a diet", you are re-learning how to eat correctly.
road bikes are tons of fun but you really have to get your weight down before you can ride one. Most wheels are rated at 100-120kg max rider weight, the odd one has 130kg. And if you are heavy you will generally get flat tyres and fucked rims very easily when hitting bumps and shit. You are much better off with a stationary bike or a mountainbike or something until you get at least <100kg
With that kind of money couldn't you just get lipo, skin surgery, and a stomach staple and shit? I mean if you want to spend money, but losing weight is the freest shit in the entire world bro. All you have to do is not eat.
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