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How do you make money to pay for your gym membership? My aunt

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How do you make money to pay for your gym membership?

My aunt can't pay for me anymore, and I don't really have anything of value to sell, maybe enough to get by 1 month...

My parents ain't hearing it-- they want me to leave their house ASAP and sick of me eating the majority of their food.

Basically I'm wondering of any clever ways to make money with fitness without getting an actual job (because I won't get a job, fuck that.)
Your an absolute fucking faggot kill yourself. Any man lazy enough not to work for a living and get a fucking job deserves to lose their gains. I hope the goblins tear you to pieces anon
Holy shit dude.
Are you serious? Get a fucking job. Even if it's retail. I'm assuming you're pretty decently strong so even something like retail will be fine. Plus you can show off your gains even if you have to wear a polo all day.
I work two jobs and still have time to hit the weights but I'm also homegym master race. Plus I can buy cool stuff for myself and my girlfriend.
>I won't get a job, fuck that

enjoy perpetual failure you fucking lazy ass commie. You're not going to make it.
I don't think it's at all fair I was born into the working class, and I refuse to partake in the madness known as wage-slavery.

It's fucking bullshit and I'll just buy my time until government justice happens.

UNTIL THEN, I need to come up with $60 a month to keep the gym aspect going.
C'mon don't be fucking squares dude... who are you to preach personal responsibility? I bet you live off trust-funds.
>until government justice comes through

Enjoy not making it, welfare monkey
You could try to get on welfare. I don't know how hard it is to get on but republicans seem to think you can game the system.
How is being personally responsible for squares, though? I work, I save up, I'm trying to get a better life.
Also WTF how does "Works two jobs" = "Has a Trust Fund" in your mind?
If you have a pulse the lookup garage biotech stuff
Stupidly easy
You don't even have to be smart enough to get an effin BS to do this stuff
Do you think on tbe off chance you ever meet a woman, she will be impressed with the fact you can barely scrape together $50 for a gym membership?

Get a job anon you're pathetic.

> government justice
This is why our generation is fucked.
I could have had a trust fund but the guy I would have gotten it from was a bastard so I stopped talking to him. I'm now on track to be an extremely successful chemist. Cleared five grand the summer between sophomore and junior year. Some people are born losers and born winners, but don't act like money would have made the difference.
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>>/pol/ false flagging as /r9k/
>>/fit/ falling for it like silly faggots
>>anyone believing /pol/ and /r9k/ aren't mostlt the same mouthy faggots trying to blame other people for their failures

Stay terrible /fit/.
Become homeless and get on them programs.
A woman impressed by money is also a woman with motivation to take yours
Get a job.
>(because I won't get a job, fuck that.)
Enjoy homelessness.
I make enough to pay my monthly membership in exactly 1 hour of working.
>/pol/ false flagging as /r9k/
>/fit/ falling for it like silly faggots
>anyone believing /pol/ and /r9k/ aren't mostlt the same mouthy faggots trying to blame other people for their failures

>Being so retarded that you think you know the intentions and origins of anonymous posters on a message board
Dude just get a job for a month, it's seriously not that bad. A month of working at minimum wage will get a few years of gym membership.
>welfare is good u guise

Fuck off cu/co/ld
Sorry, just doing some math here.
Let's assume your membership is uhhh 30 bucks. Not too bad but not great either.

Let's assume you're also in California, every other expense is paid, and this money is STRICTLY going to the gym membership.

Let's go with the next assumption that you find a minimum wage job that is 40 hours a week.
That's 400 bucks a week. -Taxes so about oh... 380 for convince.
4 weeks in a month (give or take) so 4*380
$1520/30 = 50 months of membership which is about 4 years and some ought months.
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>mfw all the angry wagecucks in this thread
>mfw I inherited enough money to retire on and won't have to work a day in my life because I wasn't born to a family of poorshits
>mfw I only work like 5-10 hours a week on freelance programming projects for fun

Stay mad wagies, and don't forget the fries.
>I am le social outcast
>y-youre just jealous guys

Top kek, I'm LMAOing @ ur life
gym membership is like 20 bucks a month. just apply for neetbux
I'm glad I'm not an autistic shutin. Its cool you've found contentedness in uselessness, though.
Nice life, anyways, I pay 24 dollars every 2 weeks for goodlife fitness but I live in Canada. With my membership I can go to any goodlife in Canada, massage chairs, tanning, swimming if they have it and most gyms are open 24/7.
>choosing to be a code monkey
>fucking ever
>t-they're projects for f-fun, i swear

i was having kind of a meh day until i read this
thanks for the keks, dumbshit
ITT retards taking bait like starving octopus
listen dude any job is better than being a sap on other people.
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Write 10-20 erotic novellas in a specific genre (incest, paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, dinosaur, lesbian, medical, fat, MILF, military, muscle, homosex, tranny, door-to-door salesman, Ancient Asia, Western, foodie, Finn-on-Estonian, Estonian-on-Finn [never Swedes], smoking, prostitution, beastiality et al) under a nom de plume or 3. Make some good covers in Gimp, market on Smashwords and watch $100-300 per novella roll in each month.

It's formulaic and easy to make (use lots of adjectives) and you get to take degenerates monies from them.
Interesting suggestion, I might actually take this up.
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This whole thread makes me rage
im a sailor so thats how
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Get a job nigger

Or just sneak in and use the equipment like a nigger
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A good novella will have 8,000 to 12,000 words.

Structure is simple: Intro your main (horny or clueless) character. Describe their body.

Now, CALL TO ADVENTURE! What changes in their day that makes them seek (or forced into) sex?

This should take 2,000 to 3,000 words.

Now is time for sexy sex! Seeeeeeeexxxxxxxx!

Be descriptive but don't use pet names for body parts.

Adventure is over! Or is it? Tune in next time for the continuing adventures of Sexy McSexysex!
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>Finn-on-Estonian, Estonian-on-Finn [never Swedes]
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The first rule of erotica is pic related.
>Or just sneak in and use the equipment like a nigger
do niggers actually do this?

how can they get away with it
Niggers are black so cameras don't see them
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You deserve to be tied up and have cross sections sliced out of your limbs 1cm at a time and sprayed with lemon juice in between each cut.
i wash dishes at a local restaurant and do overnight shifts at a clothing store for an extra buck. im in uni though so i dont have to pay any bills

Erytyme I see that pic, I wonder how did her arms get like that.

Rude, dude. You jelly?
tick tock wagie
depending on how you look you could look into g4p/male stripping.

And bait or not, I believe it's a failure of society that people have to work to enjoy a decent living.
Try to get a job at the gym? If lifting means so much to you then you wouldn't mind being the janitor at the gym righ? Free access to all the equipment too.
Get banged in the butthole and suck off gay faggots in the showers for money?
Can't tell if b8
Dude you're not supposed to post that kind of stuff
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I think you're the failure of society. Entitled piece of shit
Your parents must have really regretted not getting that abortion.
op go start homesteading.
if you dont want to get a job then work for yourself
short of being born with rich ass parents (who often make you do a lot of work) youre going to have to do work of some sort
now you need money to buy food and shit but if you grow your own food then thats one less drain on your income.
plus all dat dere physical labor you wont need a gym
oh i guess your other option is to have a black child then get him shot by the police then win millions of dollars from the city that could have gone to schools and hospitals
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>struggling to find something to pursue a successful career in
>decide on massage therapy since it's the only practical skill I have any kind of natural talent in
>decide I should get in shape as well instead of staying a 5'5" 135 lb skinny-fat skeleton forever
>come to /fit/ for advice
>see this

And somehow I expected /fit/ not to be populated by NEETs
nobody fucking wants you hear gET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEE
I feel like you're the same fuck who's been posting the parent's are gains goblins thread. How is your IP not permabanned at this point
/fit/s been overrun by robots the last year and a half
Came into the thread to post this. Tbh it's a really good bait strategy, post something like the OP and then follow up with a few bleating excuses for maximum high test rage
I hope you get hit by a rusty car some old fuck never managed to finish building in the garage.Not so you die, but so the jagged edges slice you just enough above the arteries to keep you alive.
So the OP is one guy trolling and all the repliers want him to kill himself, and you think that OP represents /fit/? Nice.
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