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How does /fit/ like their steak?

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How does /fit/ like their steak?
I tell them to scare it with a match. If it was legal to order it raw I would.
Medium or Medium rare.

Niggas that eat their shit well done are suspect.
Rare or medium rare. Depends on the general quality of the place.
this, if I'm making it I aim for medium rare
If the place is suspect or like fucking Denny's or something, I'll call for medium rare because I know they'll undercook it nine times out of ten.
With grill lines. Hell, cook it however, if I'm getting free steak I'll it anything from medium rare to well done. Usually medium well though, absorbs the protein better when cooked more, meaning more gains.
Depends on the restaurant and the cut/thickness of my order. I go no higher than medium rare regardless
Medium rare

Although ruth's chris has this thing called "medium-medium rare" which i'm into. It's basically halfway between medium and medium rare, pretty godly
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I take all red meat rare or medium rare, this includes burgers.

Real question is how you take your eggs? Sunny side up / over easy master race reporting.
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rare and bloody, I'm a fucking TIGER BRING ME THE FUCKING BLOODY COW

Sorry this is easier to see
I used to hate biting into a steak and your mouth fills with blood juices so i always got my steak will done. I'm slowly getting there to a rarer steak i went to medium well done and now i order it medium.
>clogged arteries, dementia, and anus cancer

in the trashcan
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You can, is called steak tartare
I fucking love the blood.

Your supposed to let the steak cool down a bit to prevent all the juices from running out when you cut it, if it's ordered rare that is.

Well done meat has carcinogens up the yinyang.
medium well
>QT waitress asks how I want my steak
>Tell her as rare as legally possible
always gets a chuckle

It's not even blood retards.
I had it in Spain but in the US most places don't dare serve it because "muh legal reasons." I get it because of sue happy Americans but still it's a little ridiculous
>red fucking liquid coming from raw fucking meat
What is it then?
All the blood is removed in the slaughtering process so it isn't blood but it is a very high protein juice so you get double protein from it
When i was younger and my dad cooked it he would take it straight from the grill to the plate and the blood juices would run all over the plate and it was disgusting. I just thought that is how it was so it took me a long time after becoming an adult before i ordered a steak.
Almost all the blood is removed when it's killed dumbass. It's water and some protein called globin or some shit.
Yeah, better order from a fancy place though. Bad tartare is nasty.

It's ready to home make it. Buy a nice airlift slab of fresh meat. Cut it in really tiny pieces (no Anon, you can't blend it, the texture will be wrong). Add bread crumb, onions, carriers spices and parsley. Mix, then add egg yolk on top.

Mega protein, but don't forget a salad on the side.
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Still attached to the cow
>mfw you aren't a vegan yet
>doesn't even know what he's talking about
>Implying I remember the name of some random protein
It's myoglobin and water, I googled it for you.
It's their job to chuckle you fuckwit
No, it isn't.
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>her feel when that's the millionth time she's prob heard that one
The red liquid has minute amounts of blood in it, if any at all. It's water and protein.
If they want a good tip they'll laugh at your dad tier jokes and low key flirt with you.
I tell them to walk it by the grill on the way to the table
If they want a good tip they'll give me a handy under the table.
Dad jokes are top tier. If she can't enjoy dad jokes she'll be a shit mother and a shit person.
>it's not blood
>it's just a red liquid that carries oxygen to the muscles that is closely related to blood

Talk about splitting hairs
The fuck is with the bravado about steaks?

I take it well done with reasonable spices and garlic. Never could understand the appeal to bloody meats. Cook that shit or get out
It's literally water and protein, and the protein decides the color of the meat/type of meat. It's far different than blood which contains a different kind of protein entirely plus other stuff.
blue cooked steak is actually really good.
My face hurts halfway through from chewing so damn much when i eat it damn near raw. Jaw gains incoming?
as rare as i can get it
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Can you even eat a steak that raw? Wouldn't you get food poisoning ?
Fucking pussy.
If they want a good tip they'll take you out the back and suck your dick
I can't eat uncooked meat.
I'll gag.
Don't order a steak if you're going to cook it past rare.

If you want your beef cooked well done, then order a burger.

I can't think of a more retarded way to flush your money down the drain than to order a $50+ steak and request that the restaurant cook the shit out of it until the taste is that of burger meat.
Any bacteria present are on the surface and are killed when heat applied.

I'll take mine rare please.
I always eat the steak well done and with some ketchup or A1 sauce
This is triggering. And bait. Kys
Not entirely true, it is possible for bacteria to penetrate deeper into the steak.

That said I still prefer my steak rare, fish rarer, and eggs as soft as possible.
I really like eating a rare steak but it always wreaks havoc on my intestines so I just get medium. Rare usually tastes better tho
Medium master race is here
Shoo shoo gains globin
Medium rare because I like the taste that cooking imparts on the steak beyond just the char but I also like the taste, texture and juicyness of raw steak.
Like that. Wash its ass, slide it across the grill then onto my plate.
Mah nigga. Bloody meat and runny yolk master race.
You can gag on my uncooked meat, homo.
As brown as it can be without being black.
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Like this.

I've never eaten one before. What are they like? Why are they better raw?
Medium rare is the only answer.
Myoglobin. It's basically hemoglobin but it only has one heme unit for binding to oxygen. It's used in muscle instead of blood due to pressures in the muscle or something.
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I don't like steak.
What do you like

> Being this stupid

You must be a vegan
myoglobin not blood
>American intellectuals
Never talk to me or my wife's steak ever again
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I like my steak medium-rare to medium, but I'll eat it at any doneness level desu. I don't think well done is that bad. I definitely don't prefer it but it's still steak.

>caring how other people spend their money
Do 3X2 timed chewing daily, followed by jaw presses til falure
>eating meat thats raw on the inside and burnt on the outside

Heat treating foods is supposed to kill off bacterias and parasites and denaturate the viruses' protein shells, and also break down the proteins somewhat to make them easier for the body to absorb
Burnt organic matter is a proven cancirogen
You americlaps never cease to amaze me
>>QT waitress asks how I want my steak
>>Tell her as rare as legally possible
>always gets a chuckle

Same dude, can't be too safe and I like my food warm. Honestly I don't really like the taste of meat much anyway, much like any other protein. Just mask that shit up.
Yeah honestly I like burgers much better than any restaurant food, if I could choose I'd hold all get-togethers at McDonald's.
I like my steak how I like my Pepes
I don't eat steak because I have more willpower and inner strength than carnivores do that I can hold back and go without nwat and live as a vegetarian to alleviate animal suffering.

People who still eat meat in 2016 are weak and pathetic.
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>eats a whole cow
>calls himself a vegan
kek wtf is a well done pepe
>grass-fed pepe
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Well done, crispy but not burnt on the outside, juicy but absolutely not even a pink spot inside.
>mfw Americans probably dislike well done because they always receive it dry or burnt
>mfw this is all a scheme from the restaurant Jew so that he has to spend less attention and time to each steak so that he can serve more customers and make more money with less time and effort
I pity you, fools. Learn to fucking grill.
And no, I don't put ketchup on mine. Ib4 memes
Medium rare, but I'd prefer rare.
Bistecca fiorentina is GOAT-tier.
Pretty much this.
This. Rare steak is a meme that cunts out to prove they're "real men" fall for. If it's cold on the inside it's shite, also nobody is impressed.
I don't eat steak because I have a dry mouth and I can't swallow it well
How I like the frequency of sex that I have, rare.
cold on the inside isn't rare it's bleu you mongrel

>eating undercooked garbage

KYS fucking fat stupid retards

fucking pretentious faggots
I dont eat steak because meat is murder
Rare steak is cold on the inside when fresh off the grill and there are many places where you can get either when you order "rare."

A bit above medium rare to medium is the gold standard. Now I get that some people confuse steak with roast, hamburgers or schnitzel but "hur dur as rare as legally possible" is just as stupid- cold, gellous meat with no juices is not fit for human consumption.
Something between medium and well done. Our steaks are not shitty like the Americans so we can afford to cook them properly.
If it's not still delicious when well done, then it's not good meat.
The last one looks the best. You Americnas disgust me.
U fukin wot m8? The better the the meat the rarer you can serve it. Medium should be reserved for mediocre meat, and well done is s crime.
You are thinking of horse meat
Even the best meat is chewy and flavorless when cooked too lightly. To get the full taste and juiciness out of it - it needs to be heated to the core - bleu and rare doesn't achieve that. Medium rare does if the chef is decent. Medium is only dry and hard when made by a hack chef.

If you want rare meat order tartare or carpaccio, if you just want a seared crust get some beef jerky.
Rare achieves max juiciness no problem. It will be warm after it has rested a bit, as it should. Medium rare is fine, but at medium most cuts definitely start to lose taste and texture.
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fuck you retard for eating undercooked meat
>Rare achieves max juiciness no problem.
In theory maybe, in practice I have a very different experience.
I'm having a hard time understanding how liking your meat cooked to a certain doneness is "pretentious." Is there a culture or country out there in the world that actually has this bias?
>Man, those rare meat eating snobs.
There are a lot of people who make a big deal about liking their meat basically uncooked and bloody - just because they think it makes them seem more manly.

The same with guys who walk around in the dead of winter with short-sleeves because they think everyone is in awe of how tough they are.

When in reality a lot of people are just assuming they are a little mushy in the head and most waiters are sick and tired of the "GHAR! bring the cow to me still breathing!!1" types. Its usually insecure faggots who can't hold eye contact for more than 1second without starting to sweat.
as a butcher, rare as fucking can be. it also always great when you're out eating with your buddies and they order the shit medium and laugh at your perfectly cooked steak, yet always want to get a piece just to taste it
Agree with everything but burgers get soggy and ruined if the meat is even medium rare lol
medium rare my dude. any more raw than that and its inedible
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>I like my meat really rare
>I like my hot sauce really hot
>I like my coffee really strong and black
>I like my whiskey really smokey
>I like my beer really micro and high in alcohol
>I honestly am just trying to compensate for the fact that I'm insecure about my manliness by adopting to a caricature of what a real man is
>this is also why I started lifting
>tfw no gf
>5'7" is still tall
>I like my meat really rare
>I can't stand spicy
>I think coffee is gross without sugar

Your post clearly isn't adding up. Are you projecting anon?
im 5"7 and i live in the netherlands
5"7 is dwarf tier
This made me laugh more than it should have
medium well master race, you cant even chew rare steak. Fucking Americans.
My gf cracks up at my "dad" tier jokes. She even throws some lame jokes back at me. Is she wifey material?
>cant even chew rare steak
Used to hate steaks as a kid. Then I realised it was because mum was cooking them well done. To this day she still gives me the "look" when we're having a family dinner and I order rare/medium rare. Don't know how some people enjoy eating leather.
Americans are retarded, I agree senpai

They just don't know how to cook steak, well done for them is a fucking piece of charcoal

How to fuck could you enjoy eating raw meat?
Rare to medium rare. It depends on the cut though.
Absolutely. Girls never have a sense of humor, so one that tells lame jokes is top tier.
>well done
It takes a special kind of retard to not be able to cook a decent peace of meat without either turning it into leather or leaving it raw on the inside. Its like all the chefs in the US can't replicate what an average drunk idiot with some salt and a beer can do every saturday morning.
Why's everyone acting like rare steaks is a US only phenomenon.? I'm not from the US, and I prefer steaks on the rare-medium rare spectrum like any other person with taste-buds. Ask for the steak according to the chefs preference in almost any country and you'll receive it somewhere on that spectrum.
>Turning into leather or leaving it raw on the inside
If only there was a medium between the two. Oh wait, there is. If I wanted to eat dry meat, i'd stick to chicken breast.
I eat my steaks exactly like what's in OP, Pittsburgh blue. All the whiny faggots in this thread thinking you can get aids from undercooked steak are just manlets who can't handle anything other than what their mom's made for them all their lives. They're never gonna make it.

Steak with salt, pepper, seared with butter and a few cloves of garlic, sometimes a little sprig of rosemary. 1 minute on highest heat setting each side, then 10-15 seconds on the fat to caramelize that shit. Cut as thin as possible. Serve with a baked potato, kale, or cherry bleu cheese spinach.

God tier dinner 10/10
Because americlaps can't cook for shit
>rare burger meat
I hope this is bait
If not you are a fucking idiot
>Cut as thin as possible.
Not swallowing it whole.
>cherry bleu cheese spinach
Side with 4 words in name.
>Caring about what you eat beyond wanting something that was killed.

>nu-male faggot insulting other nu-males detected.
You do realize that rare steak is a European thing. Steak Tartare is French. You're retarded
>false, who drinks beer?
>danke, herr. freud
>maybe idk

seems like shots in the dark
>Swallowing it whole

>Attention span too short to read four words at a time

>nu-male in C U R R E N T Y E A R

Beta bitch detected.
You're literally 12.
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>Automatically associating the word "swallowing" with your degenerate homsex lifestyle.
>Being a "foodee."
>2769AUC, using at the word "beta" "bitch" "faggot" at every turn. PROJECTION DETECTED.
dick, probably
>Not knowing what board you're on

>Not knowing what board you're on

>Not knowing what board you're on

kys. You're never gonna make it.
Dude, I like meat rare.
Get a fucking grip
>that pic

Only faggots and women like their steak well done. I like my steaks rare. Not raw, but rare.

You're missing out if you've never had a good steak rare. The texture is out of this world.
>Browsing /fit/.
>Falling for ALL the memes.
Jesus fucking Christ.
There is a big difference between rare and "been chucked on the grill for a couple seconds so the restaurant is not violating code."
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>that guy who tries to impress people by saying "give me the rarest steak you've got" to the waiter and then asks for it to be taken back and cooked more when it comes out blue rare
Steak is overrated.
medium, rested for a few minutes so there's no blood on the plate

>mashed potato
>red wine jus

Medium rare

Too rare is awful
Well done is just as bad
When i cook a steak i want it dripping with blood and butter.
This for me.
Although everytime I order a steak medium it always comes out well done.
Shit pisses me off.

Only one of those 15 are in the US, and it's obviously a Mexican influence.
how dumb are you.
Medium or medium well
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Got a problem senpai?

This is why you betas have weak jaws.

Specifically for the special ones that like their shit raw:

Fuck all y'all niggaz in swahili, go take a bite out of the cow directly and save the chef the trouble of putting it on a plate for you.

>In before chicken is best served medium rare
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When you find out a word filter exists
>le America has bad taste circle meme
>gets proven wrong

>eat shit meat
>y-youre retarded

Yurocuckolds confirmed for eating charred meat
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>Steak tartare is French

>prides himself on having the same taste as the people that saw snails and thought it was a good idea to eat that
interstitial fluid
>doesn't like escargot

Uncultured swine!
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>eats snails, pig brains and cow tongues

If there was a famine I could understand it, but why would you even consider putting those things anywhere near your mouth when you have fresh lean meat around everywhere.


This thread is confirmation that americans are retarded
This. I've had Well Done my entire life and I've become exceedingly good at cooking it to perfection.

No dryness, lots of crisp on the outside and tons of flavour.
Its been on for about a year no if not more.
Depends on the cut and the marbling, if its ribeye or a t-bone, I tend to order medium rare, since the fat rendering pushes it more towards medium anyway, generally like it medium to medium rare in general. If its a delicate cut, such as kobe, I usually order between rare and medium rare. Anyone who eats their meat past medium is a woman or a child, with the exception of thin cuts like Carne Asada.
Mexifag here. Carne asada is shit tier when it's well done. Medium rare or medium well for me.
Medium rare to medium well, depends on the cut. I had some steak at my grandmas once that was medium rare and was marinated in raspberry vinaigrette and was good af. At home though, my dad will cook them medium well to well done and I'll eat them with salty rubs or seasonings but if I'm eating out I like mine medium.
You had me until the compensating part.
I just enjoy those things anon, and I'm 5'9 and bi.
>Mexifag here. Carne asada is shit tier when it's well done. Medium rare or medium well for me.

We always have team BBQs and the mexicans on our team always pick up a couple pounds of carne asada from the local butcher, they know how to cook it right, but I'm referring to white people cooking it.
>Stop liking things I don't like

Sometimes a nice coffee is better black, sometimes a good glass of whiskey is more smokey, and most importantly, sounds like you're just projecting and baiting. Enjoy your (you).
Medium. That's probably as rare as I'll ever go. My mom was scared to shit of eating raw food so she's overcooked a lot of meals over the years. I guess she put a little of that fear in me, but despite that I ventured below well done once and realized what an improvement it was. I never liked steak before that moment.

apparently whoever made that pic doesnt know cows have hair and skin covering the meat.

Also, if you don't order blue rare you are objectively wrong.

When they ask you how you want it prepared, tell them its already overcooked.

>I've had Well Done my entire life

just because you've never eaten anything but shit doesnt make shit delicious, even if you don't know anything better.
I dunno. I just like the taste of well done over say, medium rare.

have you tried rare? like really tried it, ate a whole rare stake not just take one bite and quit because you already predecided you didnt like it?

If youve had rare and didn't like the taste as much, you just dont like the taste of steak. The more you cook it the less actual steak flavor it has. you'd be better off putting whatever seasoning you use on chicken or tofu or something.

not even trolling
Its been a while ago I tried it but I preferred well done, medium-well.
It could just have been a crappy restaurant though.

Might give it another go sometime in the near future.

you should try it. get 2 steaks same cut and cook them yourself, one well done and one at most med rare so you know its how its cooked not just bc of one steak was higher quality or something.

and if you still like well done better, im serious when i say you just shouldnt eat steak. no point in spending the extra money on your protein if you dont even really like the taste
this guys got it, having worked in the restaurant business, I can say that the quote from shit my dad says is 100% true.

>We operate on the same basic principle of a stripper, give us money, and we'll pretend to like you
key part of this is you live in the netherlands where 6'2 is the average height. Move to a place like Israel where no one is taller than 6'0 and you will feel right at home.


dafuq? the rarer it is more tender and easier to chew. did you eat a med well fliet mignon and then a rare sirloin or something?
The one in the op looks perfect
Why do people get so upset over how others eat steak?
Yuroshites have an inferiority complex
this post is so bad its unbelievable
Well done.

So I'm a pussy, sue me

Raw meat tastes fucking awesome, it's seriously incredible how much more flavor it has.

Usually I get it rare or medium rare if it's a meh steak.
>rare fish

Delete this
with you bruv

you people know there's a distinct difference between well done and cowboy boot right?
Well done because properly cooked meat is easier to digest and therefore helps me most with my GAINZ. Anyone who does't eat exclusively well done is a faggot nu-male tryhard desperate to appear "manly".
>This is why you betas have weak jaws.
Wouldn't it be the other way around with redder steaks needing more chewing?
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Medium rare is the only way.

It's juicy and flavorful while still being cooked.
Well done faggots are the worst. Who the fuck wants dry and tough steak?
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Am I the only one who likes their chicken rare?

A lot of people like steak rare but when I have chicken rare everyone is grossed out and says I'll get sick or something.

I can't be the only one surely.
Something something asian dishes

there it is

Not if you dry cook the steak
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>dry and tough steak

Shit taste AND shit cooking skills go hand in hand when rawfags are concerned.
Here you go faggots
Beef (and Lamb): The surface of beef is often contaminated with pathogens such as e-coli. However, the meat is very dense and the bacteria cannot migrate from the surface into the flesh. Therefore, beef is safe to consume once the external temperature exceeds, 160 degrees F. The internal uncontaminated meat is safe to eat raw.

Pork: Like beef the surface of pork needs to be fully cooked. Unlike beef, pigs harbor a parasitic roundworm called Trichinella spiralis. Infection with the worm is called trichinosis and can be fatal. This worm is killed when the flesh reaches 150 degrees F and is held there for several minutes. Therefore pork is safe to consume when cooked to medium. (Commercial pork in North America almost never has the roundworm present. Almost every case (all?) of trichinosis in the last 15-20 years have come from undercooked wild boar or bear meat). Trichinella spiralis can also be killed by freezing (time and temperature dependent).

Chicken: Almost all chickens have Salmonella or Campylobacter present on the surface (at least). However, chickens have a less dense flesh than pigs, sheep or cows. Therefore, the bacteria can migrate deep into the flesh. Also, the processing of chickens is much more invasive than the previously mentioned animals which also means the interior meat can get contaminated. This means the meat must be cooked to well done throughout. >>38340252

>Tl;dr red meat is perfectly safe to eat rare
correction: bake/broil dry aged steak*

Dry aged is tougher but tastes better, now comine that with baking/broiling it untill it's medium/well done and you get a true Alpha steak.
>Implying a well done steak that is even remotely juicy and tender is not a medium or MAYBE medium well done

Faggot, the chef probably undercooks your steak on purpose so your bitch ass wouldn't complain about eating a shit steak.
Tapeworms and other parasites can still burrow/plant eggs deep in the beef

>Tl;dr Dis man on some bullshit

With that having been said, it is USUALLY perfectly safe to consume rare/bleu even. (unless you live in some third world country)
Yeah but those parasites are rare as opposed to how common it is for a pig to be infected.
muh nigga
You got that right, only niggers eat raw meat like the savages they are.
I usually just tell her
>as rare as this pepe
Then I hand her a printed out Rare Pepe that I have autographed myself

I'd post it here but its too rare for y'all.

Also, I've been kicked out of 14 restaurants in Manchester this year
medium, pink in the middle done in red wine

perfect texture and flavour
laughed more than i should have
>When they ask you how you want it prepared, tell them its already overcooked.
Only do this if you enjoy a steady diet of spit and smegma.

Over well, for some reason I notice a huge difference in taste between runny and hard yolks. Can't stand runny at all
>falling for the false flagging this hard
>Most places

Nigga what. As long as it's not like a fast food place they just have a disclaimer on the menu

You can get it anywhere in a city
guess you never had a good cow tongue
Ja/ck/ pls go
well done with ketchup
You've never been to a gourmet burger restaurant of any kind, have you?
Typical American, so divorced from the idea that meat is actually animal flesh that you think offal is disgusting.
Well done with sweet chilli sauce or Mayo or both
Manchester, UK? So you're the shit who's been devaluing the culinary Pepe market?
>cook my shit so its crunchy like a Cuban cracker senpai

medium rare only
You're a homo
Bitch I drink my coffee black because it's less than 10 calories per 24 ounces
medium rare got tier
>I like my meat really rare.
Medium rare, too rare is too chewy.
>I like my hot sauce really hot.
You're damn right, even isolate my own capsaicin extract
>I like my coffee really strong and black.
Also damn right. only downside is drinking it black its usually too hot to palate without waiting.
>I like my whiskey really smokey.
I drink bourbon, so smoke usually isn't a factor. >I like my beer really micro and high in alcohol.
Only "fancy" beer I get is Belgian hefeweizen, otherwise I drink canned piss. IPAs are fucking disgusting.
>I honestly am just trying to compensate for the fact that I'm insecure about my manliness by adopting to a caricature of what a real man is.
projecting this hard. 2000+16 = not liking what I like.
>this is also why I started lifting.
>tfw no gf
tfw gf.
>5'7" is still tall
>5'11'' king of manlets
I only eat steak when I go out, more of a chicken man, but medium rare when I do eat it.
Medium rare is the only real answer
lol if you're ass at cooking well done tastes like leather, if you know what you're doing well done can taste great.
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