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So, how long have you been lasting?
Nofap is retarded. Just reduce the amount of times you jerk off a week to around 3-4 times and you'll be fine.

I would make it 1 every 5 days. seems to give you the most willpower, while holding your cock at attention.
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Does it make a difference at which time you fap?
This is fucking pathetic... what the fuck do people actually do this?
At least a week, mostly more. Depends on how much exposure I get.
Only fap in the morning desu
Stick to nights/weekends
Do it at night. I notice my mind is considerably more tired and less motivated after I do it but it resets when I sleep.
like 4-6 hours
NoFap is a meme
Just stop fapping 5 times a day
NoPorn is what you need to be doing breh
I cant remember

but I am not on nofap

Just started, week 2 of doing once a week.

Already noticed I'm going out more.
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haven't jerked off in three days

going out tonight with that heightened test and confidence boost

ill be knee deep in topshelf london clunge by the end of the night guaranteed
it doesnt make difference if you fap or not, so no, time too doesnt matter
Does anyone have experiences with positive feedback? Improvements in their life?
When you guys get flatline? i don't wanna get dead dick cause i have chance to fuck.
reaching 3 months soon, same as previous record, but I dont get the fap in bed ? Ive never fapped in my bed, how do you do, with tissues ? its fucking gross
6th day.
It's starting to get tough.
Today I had a close call while doing a cbt pic and got lost looking at my butt.
I just wanna shut my dick off and go monk-mode
After a week
I beg to differ! When you fap you libdo lessens, which make you feel like there isn't much on the line when you talk to a girl. When you don't fap, you have a higher libido and you try harder to get a girl!

Also in my experience, it makes sex better because then it doesn't take as long and you can do more positions that would make you feel good. I know that blowjobs don't feel good at all to me because of my fap habit and I could only get off in like 2 or 3 positions.
I usually jack off 4 times a day. I only did it once yesterday and once the day before.

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It was going good until a Lulu Lemon cardio bunny came into the gym last night.

She started doing dumbbell squats at the bench next to me and I unfortunately have great peripheral vision.

Looked kinda like pic related.

Back to Day Zero.
but i already don't fap in my bedroom
Is it true that fapping can cause hairloss? How do we reverse it?
What's the point of nofap? I've tried it twice and both times I came in my sleep on the 3rd night. Better to control it than waking up spewing cum everywhere.
>going out tonight with that heightened test and confidence boost
You fucking sap
>Is it true
I'm new to fit.
New to weightlifting in the sense of i stop every few months and lose all progress.
Is it bad to masturbate?
dude, you have only ONE life, tomorrow you can be dead.. so why are you wasting it by trying not to fap?

jesus christ, faggot..
No, no and fucking no.

These people that advocate and propagate anti-masturbation are basing it on NOTHING. There is no evidence that masturbation harms you, and abstinence aids you (beyond the 7th day increased test, which's effect is negligible).

Porn however, that fucks you up
Probably not great for you if you're doing it like 4 times a day out of habit. Tbh just jerk when you want to. Don't get addicted to porn and act like a normal person. Nofap is a meme.
why you're wasting your life by trying not to take heroin?
It does if you have to lift after.
Wtf is the problem with bedrooms now? I swear the whole nofap meme has gone too far.
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do all the nofaps you want. it amounts to nothing if you know two girls total :/

Yeah, more energy, more willing to approach girls, etc.

Not sure if it's the nofap or noporn though.
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>more willing to approach girls
Nofap won't stop you from being a social retard m8.
Just broke my nofap after 92 days. Thought about nothing when jerking off. Took like a minute. Came a bucket.

Nothing changed, life still miserable. Just going to fap on my rest day from now on to enjoy the test boost for the rest of the week.

I'm actually pretty damn good socially, just have some approach anxiety.
6th day. Been doing it on weekly cycles. Not sure if going hardmode and stopping altogether is worth it?
That pic is actually awesome. People would struggle so bad nowadays. Might truy this aside from reading for an hour or two
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Failed again this morning.

ITT Beta cucks that dont have alpha urge to cum 10 times daily
>be on nofap for 3 weeks
>haven't had an erection for a week and know that having morning wood every day is very important
>fap to see if my dick still works
>painted a wall
>don't feel any different after """""""relapsing"""""""
Nofap is such a fucking meme it isn't even funny.
I'm still not watching porn though.
Ok my dick got really red and it looks swollen
if you're getting off a long nofap, be gentle.
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>people effectively cucking themselves and calling it spiritual healing
I've been on nofap for a while. I wake up with erections leaking precum every morning. When I strain to take a shit, thick fluid comes out of my dick. I think sexual thoughts about my GF before I sleep. The leakage used to happen when I first started nofap, but it stopped until recently. Is this an issue? I basically leak precum throughout the day if I've gotten aroused at all and the viscous fluid comes out when I use the restroom.

I also feel like this is making my hair or body odor smell like chlorine/cum. What can I do to stop this?

My genitals are very sensitive and I get erections easily. I also feel like I am going to cum just thinking sexual thoughts and am suffer from premature ejaculation.
I've never masturbated in my life, AMA
Just fap holy shit why would you torture yourself for made up benefits?
As far as I know, there isn't much evidence for it. Personally, when I fap, a lot more of my hair falls out when I shower and throughout the day. When I was fapping 6x/day I looked as if I were going bald (high hairline, etc). Since I began noFap, my hair is healthier and falls out less. It's improved enough that relatives have commented on it. Ofc, this is all anecdotal. (23 yrs old, for reference)
a lot of people nowadays have their computers and shit in their bedrooms
I genuinely feel better when I'm on noFap. The leakage is minor compared to the effects I feel from fapping (hair falling out, less sociable, etc.) I just feel leaking all day isn't normal.
Your testosterone level already peaked after a week of no fap
It's best to keep it at once a week unless you want to experience premature ejaculation
Why does it always have to be fucking extremes with you faggots?
Jesus christ just fucking masturbate once a week instead of jacking it 4 times a day!
Leaking all day or leaking EVER isn't fucking normal, when shit like that happens you have to start wondering if your prostate isn't totally fucked up
>have gf
>still fap
i dont get it
Some people need it more than others.
Can you go in detail about your hair? Is it thicker, improved hairline? How long did it take?
It does nothing until proven otherwise.
Nofap is based on YBOP, which had actual studies backing it up.
The link between masturbation and detrimental physical and health effects has never been made.
Both. I thought it started getting better immediately (less hair falling out), but it takes months for others to be able to see changes.
I went 3 days and then a high test thread popped up. Was gonna just ignore it but I became too aroused to even focus on anything so I just decided to pop one out. I don't think it's healthy to be so distracted anyway, rubbed it out and went on to be productive.
>any British slag
>top shelf
Limey please
Once I relapse once I lose all self control completely.

I used to fap 3 times a day
Stopped counting days. It's been well over 2 weeks, maybe even 3. I do other stuff and don't concentrate on 'not fapping'.

Thinking about how you won't jerk off is like thinking about not going to the restroom. Even if you don't need to take a piss, you will feel like you need to and will go.

Best to do other things. Work out. Read. Rudyard Kipling's collection of poems is free on the Kindle, and the PC Kindle app is free. I'd suggest you get that.

Also, the picture is complete bullshit. I sit on my laptop in my room for much of the day and don't watch porn or jerk off. If you associate your bedroom with masturbation, you will jerk off before sleeping anyway. May as well get that connection out of your mind.
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Can someone please link me to a scientific study of no fap. Any good scholarly article and I will stop fapping altogether.
>can't even stop watching porn and masturbating for a week to see if it affects him unless someone posts a peer reviewed study
>it's not an addiction I swear
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I have not fapped in hours, in fact I only fapped twice today. I am making such progress.
I dont have the urge to take heroin.. do you?

Fucking junkie
Never at the witching hour. Or at 2:30
nofap is so something the inbetweeners would give a shot
I will not fap to this!
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I've been getting laid pretty frequently and have been overworked, so I didn't fap in about three weeks.

I broke last night. Date cancelled on me. I'd almost forgotten the shame and hollowness I feel every time afterwards.

Mad gains are lost under a full moon. Never fap when there's a full moon.
>fap in shower
>feels like glue all over me

any /sci/ bros got answers for me?
pouring wood glue all over yourself is not a "shower"
So what you're saying is its all bullshit bro science?
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Just because you have no hobbies and no friends so you have enough time to jerk off to hentai 10 times a day does not make you alpha
> Start nofap now, hoping they cure prostate cancer before it matters
Almost 8 years now.
The semen washes away with water, the sperm does not. Dunno why

I'm shooting for noporn and just beating off like once a month.
This filename... lol.

I this a cringe thread?
>be gentle
It's day 4 for me. I need to gain sensitivity back in my dick so I can stay hard during sex. Can't afford a fleshlight, and death grip is too easy to do unconsciously, so I'm stuck doing this
Wouldn't the first rule of nofap be
>no fapping
>been jerking it too much
>decide to actually give a damn this time and try to limit myself
>on the third day and horny as fuck
>already having lewd dreams

I think if nothing else, I just want to stop the porn addiction.
is putting tyler durden suppose to be ironic or did somebody just not really understand the point of goyclub.
85% of the people that watched Fight Club didn't get the point of it. Hell the first several times I watched it, I didn't get it
what is the point of it then?
The point of nofap is to get so horny that you talk to the cardio bunny. And hopefully don't spill too much spaghetti when you try to get in her leggings.

Kipling was based. I especially like the one about how to be a man
I do months at a time but I watch playboy plus videos whenever it gets too much. It gives me women to look at but I can't fap to it since there's no dicks and I'm no homo.
I'm at day 13 now. Shit's hard but rewarding.
I can feel the superpowes coming.
Different from people to people depending on what stage you're in but it's basically (from personal experience) it's all your hormones sorting themselves out.

It goes in cycles too. So let's say I do it with a positive mindset going in. As in, it's not "no fap" it's "hormones boosting time", kek. Day 1 to day 3 it's normal with increases in energy, day 4 to day 5 is when you get sudden rush of energy. Day 6 to day 12 is when you feel like you could do this forever, like everything stabilized and everything is fine. You'll feel better than ever. Day 13 to 25 is when you go reckless and you do something stupid, like you're looking for trouble, and you'll fap then. For 3 to 8 days, depending on how bad the crash was, you'll be at your lowest possible everything you've ever been.

Go through that, and the cycle repeats itself. Why do it then? If it's all up and down and it's a never ending cycle, why do it? Everytime you go up you go a little higher and the platform raises itself completely. When you go down, your lowest just became a little higher than your lowest before starting.

You can kinda, but not really, avoid the low by not failing in that 13 to 25 day time line. If you pull through that one without doing anything you'll still get the low, a smoother version, there just won't be a trigger for it. As in, the stupid thing you do in that period is not necessarily fapping while you're supposed to no fap, it's more like the crash itself begins and you fap because of it rather than the other way around. Better to do the stupid shit though, they're valuable learning experiences.

Oh and don't do this for girls. You'll act very stupid. The reason you should do this is to learn. With the boy you have now your ancestors were capable of dominating bears, lions, the elements, the firelord, math, science, wolves, gravity, you name it. It's your most impressive tool, upgrade it.
Haven't fapped at all this August.
it's changed my life no kidding. Also try zinc
Zinc is by default something you should take. If you don't, do it now.
>test boost for the rest of the week
your test rises after six days of no fapping for one day only
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I actually consider buying one of these cuck toys that lock your dick in to keep from fapping. I'm that desperate
If I'm doing noFap but I'm watching porn before sleeping, am I missing the point?
this pic needs to be shopped to costanza
Same here.

My record is 12x
We haven't have sex, she's religious. I went back to church to meet a girl because I was tired of shallow relationships with vapid sluts and met her there.
Well there's different points depending on how you want to approach the film, but my take is that it's coming to terms with and embracing nihilism in a way that is not inherently destructive to the self or others.

The point of the post I responded to, though, is that Tyler explicitly says that self improvement is simply a form of masturbation, so doing no fap is a pointless exercise unless you get some kind of enjoyment out of sexual frustration
>hair falling out?

how can you tell? I know when you fap you get a spike in DHT which is kill for hair, but still its hard to believe.
Weird question but, as long as I hit my meal goals (cals, prots, fibers, carbs, ...) do I still need to eat a lot of food per day? What I mean is, if I somewhat manage to eat my goals with 1,5kg of food per day, is it still good?
to hit my goals*
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>19 years old
>Been jerking to high speed internet for god knows how long, 6 years maybe?
>Ultimate death grip, can last hours
>I've been 2 weeks since i've cummed
>Started seeing a qtie
>Fucking after 3 years no sex
>Seen her about 5 times now, fuck sessions 3 separate times
>Lasts hours
>Can't cum
>I've tried everything, we go bareback, full on speeds, she cums, but I can't fucking cum
>Suicide might be an option

I can't do it, I physically can't, I want to but I just can't cum. Anybody have any suggestions or experience with not being able to nut with a girl, I have no problem with cumming by myself, I assume either i've broken my cock, i'm gay from /fit/ or the gods have forsaken me
not sure if i understood you correctly, but yeah if you get in your goal nutrients (protein, fat, carbs) then it doesnt matter if you reached it with 1 plate of food or with 10 plates
this happened to me a few times on no-fap.

I generally think sht like this is related to your shitty lifestyle (low-test, no sleep, shitty food), but fapping once basically fixed it for me.

do you not get hard when you fuck her or do you simply not cum?

Because if you fuck and it still feels amazing but you simply cant cum, then i dont see the bad thing about it (except for not reaching climax), because it means your sex-drive is through the roof.

If its limp-dick and it doesnt feel good fucking her, than thats another story.
Sperm is basically egg-white
Showers are hot
What happens when you cook an egg?
It solidifies.
I'll try to rephrase it: No matter if my goal nutrients come from 6 pounds or 2 pounds of food, as long as I reach them I'll bulk properly?
But I think you said yes.
I haven't fapped in 2016. It's really not that hard. I have wet dreams pretty frequently though. Somethings got to give obviously lol.
Do you watch porn?
Feels good fucking her, sometimes feels like i'm going to cum when banging but obviously I stop because obvious reasons. However when I take it out and beat it trying to cum or if she sucks me off, I just can't cum.

I get rock hard boners with her man, just can't cum. I can understand why it's not a problem, I'm lucky thinking about it, but she sometimes feels bad about it and is quite determined to you know do it.

Overall I'm just not going to wank off or cum and stick to her, hopefully my body will get use to her and I'll just be able to cum with her
Yeah, but not as much. A few times a week, but I'll see it a lot on 4chan and shit like that. It's insane. My sex drive is fucking insane, every woman I pass on the street it's like I'm thinking would I cum in her ass or not. Seriously it's skewed my standards hugely and there are women on the street I am really tempted on picking up. It's made my sex drive insane and approaching girls is easier. Much easier.
I love how you said "NoFap? It's really not that hard" and then your next post is all about ravaging passing girls.
Yeah it doesnt matter at all bro.

Then it has nothing to do with being low-test or because ofno-fap, you just have astronomic high libido/sex-drive.

Do you find her attractive? There is a chance your dick tries to prevent fertilizing a woman you dont find attractive.

This happened to me a few times too, where it felt super good but after 40 minutes i still didnt cum.

Only thing that helped me at that point was going rabbit-mode and jackhammering her very fast and very hard. She was screaming lol but i think she liked it.
Also if you suddenly stop while you are reaching climax, then there is a good chance that will kill your dick.
Thanks a lot.
Lol you're a fucking beta male brah
I used to do this, then I fapped and I can't stop. In any case I don't feel any different.
You guys are retards. I jerk off every day and fuck my girlfriend 4 times a day. Porn is not bad for you fuck. Grow some god damned balls.
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That's a good record, you replenished your fluids after or you did it 6x in morning, other half at night? Big day off
I always relapse after a week of no fap. Does going to hookers count as masturbating?
Yesterday I had one tell me to jerk myself off while she sat on my chest and drowned me with her boobs. The shame after I came was terrible.
As with all of this shit, "NoFap", lifting, PUA - ask yourself...

Does Chad do ANY of this shit?

Look at the guys who ACTUALLY GET LAID. Look at Chad. Chad wakes up at 2 in the afternoon, checks his phone and sees 5 new Snapchat notifications. All of them are nudes from different girls. Did "lifting" earn him that? Did those girls choose him because they liked his "increased confidence" which he got from NOT MASTURBATING?

FUCK NO. Chad jerks off when he feels like it, and he gets laid when he wants. You have places FULL of guys doing "NoFap" like reddit's /r/NoFap, other dedicated forums, threads on /fit/, and what do they all have in common? NONE OF THE GUYS ACTUALLY GET ANY RESULTS. It's hilarious in a way, these guys talk about "hitting new milestones" and how many days they've gone without masturbating, but... where are their lays? where are the girls they dreamed of? Where... where's ANYTHING besides sexual frustration?

I mean seriously, just be real for a moment. I know it sucks, but guys who ACTUALLY GET LAID don't even THINK about this autistic shit. Forget "NoFap", just lifting alone is pretty autistic, at least shit like 5x5 or deadlifts.

So OP, no, no it doesn't. ANYONE who says it does has been sold snake oil, "NoFap" is no different to a cult in how indoctrinated, delusional, and disassociated with reality its members are.
>Tyler said it
>It must be true
Edgy numales are the worst
Yesterday was 2 months, it has been quite easy for me and I'm starting to think i have low Test
How'd you manage that? Just go to church and talk to women alone?
Thansk for the pasta
>implying i said that
So true
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When I started nofap/noporn I had great result within a month!
>talking to girls
underage b&
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20 days in, odd mix of euphoria and belligerence at the same time. I feel combatative but also very chipper and enthusiastic about living. the urge to fap is agonizing but it just wouldn't be worth losing the effects.

somehow it's made me more verbally fluid too and social too. my thoughts just flow out into fully expressive sentences without overthinking or scripting them. striking up conversations on autopilot. It was awkward at first, but the more you do it, the more momentum you gain and the easier it feels.

I have to urge to deliver and receive social energy in a way that didn't exist before. I think it might be the feeling of regaining that "pack animal" instinct. I walked through NYC, completely unable to wipe a dumbass grin from my face and wished almost everyone I passed to have a good day/night. activation energy through the roof. I was excited to engage with strangers, even if they weren't receptive.

went to the club, music was too loud to speak to the girls, didn't even bother. just went in like a missile and got physical. ass everywhere. 2000% diamonds. I was too horny to be feel anxiety. the more I did it, the more they started initiating. a woman gave me a lapdance on the bar and said "thank you". my hunger for booty was more intoxicating than being drunk. in any other state of mind, I might have worried that my dick would hulk out of my pants and skewer the next ass to grind in my lap. it was brutal.

all in all, music sounds better, colors are richer, socializing is a joy, and I'm afraid I might viciously rape an exhaust pipe if I don't cum soon. we'll see how the week plays out.

do it dudes
>thinks anecdotical evidence is valid evidence
>hasn't heard of the placebo effect
The only people with no hobbies and friends are the ones who do nofap, hoping it will improve their miserable existence on Earth.

I love it when you talk dirty to me
legalize domestic rape and no one needs fap or porn
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>feel depressed and lonely
>jerk off
>cum buckets
>feels bretty good
>good feels slowly fade away
>feel like a fucking loser
>bad feels get even worse

This how I've been feeling for the past few years. I've tried to get a gf, but I'm pretty bad with women. I did almost get one last year, but I fucked up my chance and now shes moving away to another state.

Pic related. The girl I was trying to get with looked kinda like Elliot's little sister.

Just kill me senpai

>can't stop from giving in to urge to diddle himself

Pick one
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Goddamit guys.
On 7th day, starting to become tough.
>rest day, decide to go play some hoop to tire myself and kill the urge
>halfway through me being there a grill comes up and asks if she could shoot some balls
>a 5, 6 at best, bad face, decent body, skinny side, but a cute air to her, shirt and skirt
>the whole time, while doing small talk, I wanted to fucking ravage her
>back at home, hornier than I was before I went out
And I didnt even get a number, no chance to ask
she did said "catch you another time here" so maybe we could run into each other again, but I doubt it
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Does anyone know why my sperm gets really egg-white and solid-sticky like 5 seconds after I bust? It doesn't stay droopy and how I feel normal cum is like in porn. It's been like this for a long time and I've switched diets a few times, I can't imagine it's my diet. Is it just how my cum is?
Relax, women know men are "dumb" at picking social cues up so what her saying that means is

>It's cool if you didn't ask my number, I can tell you're into me and it was cuz you're a nubcake at asking
>but here's a chance at seeing me again so you can ravage me later pls

You're good, go get her
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Fuck yeah
I don't even know you, but just alone from your post I can tell that you reek of desperation, I genuinely hope that you game in real life is actually able to hide your desperate clingy power level
the more I think about it the more it looks dumb.
women here are very reserved and it would be weird to go from shooting some balls at the court to going out.
add to that I'm a 22yo kissless social retard so it seems really unlikely
Today while riding my bike I said "yeah, I will nofap until I will actually be able to have sex with a girl" but now I realize this will probably never happen, unless I admit defeat and get a hooker
16th of may representing, no need to fight, willpower is all you need, reinvest your time in more useful things than this and you'll see that it isn't as hard as it seems. Just don't let anyone mess your head with other things in the meantime, look for the real friends and leave the false ones alone, if people give you shit, give them hell and they'll taste their own tihsllub inside their head.
Pre workout for that protien shot.
Not him, but hows your first semester of psychology 101 been going?
Nofap is kinda silly, but noporn is great
its called leechblock
How much for a gram of weed
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Triggered much ?
The only reason women have been reserved up until now is because people who are similar get together. Get it? You were the reserved one.

You have energy now so now you attract the type of women that have energy too, social energy. Now you enter the realm of body language and social cues, now you enter the realm of learning how to be sexual and get laid.

Trust me when I told you, that was her setting another chance for you to ask for her number. You've broken free, now learn your new ways.
No man I believe in you!

Fuck "Chad", I'm not trying be him, I Nofap because I want to
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>top shelf
noporn did the trick for me
You fucking idiot just do noporn same results and its not as frustrating
Nah noporn is not the same. No porn does calm the brain, especially if you think you have adhd, but it does not boost energy, increase hormonal, solidify confidence or stimulate social interactions.
All the eastern european lasses are in london
I've done it before while single. It definitely motivates the hell out of you to work out, and go out and get chicks
What's the point? As soon as you lock it you either throw away the key and, therefore will not be able to ever take it off until your penis falls off, or you'll keep the key and unlock it every time you want to fap. Or what? Are you going to tel your gf to hide the key? You can't, because you don't have a gf, that's why you're doing nofap in the first place.
Jesus man...
You are going to get prostate cancer if you continue the ride! Do you still fuck at least?
The whole point of cuck cage is orgasm denial, just like nofap same aspect of the fetish
Fuck off with your negative bull fucking shit. No fap has nothing to do with faping, orgasming, or fetishes. No fap is simple. Hormonal boosting and balancing.
Do it at night, but not right before bed. Fapping will release hormones that interfere with the delicate balance of sleep hormones your body was preparing for the night
>but it does not boost energy, increase hormonal, solidify confidence or stimulate social interactions
Neither does nofap
I say it does. Get fucked.

3 years. i relapsed a month ago, but i quit the habit.
That's all cool and shit but you're just a random internet fuckwit.
Nofap is meme science, if you guys want to ruin your dick because of a placebo be my guest though.
You got all the people in this thread saying they felt great when they stuck to it. And then there's you, the faggot with his finger up his bum, saying it don't and that you should believe him, random internet fuckwit number 2.
I did nofap for 6 months though, famalam, so it's not like I don't know what I'm talking about.
Failure hurts ey, wanna grab somebody to keep you company bruv?
I fucking hate leggings with designs like that, but god damn is that a nice ass.
You didn't answer my question, anon.

You're supposed to do it for 90 days.
Not fapping and letting your dick turn limp and killing your libido is what I'd call failing.
Dude, I had to fap again, I was getting worried.
I hadn't had a boner in 2 weeks, and boners are essential to dickhealth.
I'm trying to help you guys.
If someone's uninformed and they don't know that you're supposed to get an erection every morning and they keep doing nofap they might cause irreversible damage to their dicks.
> getting memed this hard
fucking kek
I should add that I'm still not watching porn, and that mentally I feel exactly the same as when I was doing nofap, only hornier.

>Wanting to be Chad

Let me tell you what Chad is. Chad is inverse-projection. With normal projection, a person projects their worst traits and insecurities onto another person, such as calling someone a loser because you're afraid that you are a loser.

Chad is the mental phenomenon that occurs when the socially unsuccessful and high functioning autistics (I incude myself in this group. Trust me) have a brief brush with the social elite.

They see that one dude, or few dudes, who look like they are living in a fucking rap video. They look handsome, they are tall, girls are into them, and in that brief moment of hanging out with and seeing these men, people project the inverse of every insecurity they have onto them.

If you are not good at talking to girls, Chad will be like honey in their ears. If you area short, Chad is tall. If you are fat, Chad is chiselled. If you are coloured, Chad is white, and if you are white, Chad is black. If you are poor, Chad is rich. If you are doing well financially, Chad becomes some starving artist. And if all else fails, facial aesthetics bruh

Chad is the projection of every insecurity you have about yourself, inverted and flipped onto this guy you saw. Everywhere you see yourself lacking, you will see Chad excel. Chad is YOU, it is you projecting the way that you want to live onto other people.

I know this. 100%

I went off to university and joined a fraternity. It became the top frat on campus. I became good friends with the top chads on campus, top chads around town. That's how I viewed these guys.

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I cycled through a few churches, there are a few popular ones in the area, so it wasn't weird to go. They had groups trying to get newcomers integrated, so it wasn't as if I just walked in and sat alone. I just told them I was trying to get back into church after college. The only real issue was with the fact that churches where I had prior acquaintances or friends knew I was returning from a "hedonistic" lifestyle and some saw me as a bad influence. It probably helped that even before nofap and lifting, people seemed to think I was decent looking and entertaining. In the end, I chose the church I went to in high school. It's not without problems though, most people think I'm just there to socialize (mostly true) and I get judged by people on their high horses. There are other issues too, such my GF being very uncomfortable with the fact that I'm not a virgin. She's perfect though, and at least 8/10 objectively 10/10 to me.

I still have a lot of respect for some of them. One doesn't have many friends, but a 10/10 face. We don't hang out anymore, girls hang off him at the club but he is lonely. He never developed a personality, and he is essentially just going to end up being a fucktoy until he settles into some shit job.

Another chad was president of the Fraternity, 9/10 face and body, good family, from the US, career prospects: literally top tier WASP. I can't tell you the times this guy has cried infront of me, wondering why he was a coke addict and unhappy - I really didn't have an answer.

Next dude became a legend. Ynow Yik-Yak? His name was circulating on there constantly, he literally became a local legend among the women in our city. His lay count is easily 100+, most of them within one year. We talked about it, he doesn't remember how many girls he has fucked. It's just a huge blur

We talked about how unhappy he was during it. He was riding the social high, but felt like shit inside. This kid was no slayer tier looking guy either, maybe a 6/10 face, less than 6' tall, and completely DYEL skinny. I've got to say, also pretty dumb. Smart in the sense that he was an engineer, but dumb to the ways of the world. Got a girlfriend now, happier than he has ever been he says.

So there you go, lurkers and posters alike. Kill the idea of Chad in your head, I have been good friends with Chads past the level that you can imagine - even more that I haven't mentioned (one guy got into pickup and was good looking. Holy fuck).

It's just projection. Chad is nothing but a projection of insecurities, the same way Stacey is a projection of disdain. It's all your own insecurities that you need to either fix or get over, not an actual group of guys out there living your dream life.

Come bitch or support here.
Sure buddy keep telling yourself that but deep down you know that the guy is right
>tfw I live in a small ass apartment and the only two rooms are a combined bedroom/kitchen/living room and a bathroom

t-thanks Tyler
Jesus you sound like your body is literally falling apart? How often do you fuck with gf?
I haven't because it's bullshit.
>implying placebo effect doesn't mean cured
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I'm on day 4

cor blimey lads, how do you manage to sleep at night without your hand heading to your old tugger?
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I've been on nofap and noporn for three months straight.
I've completely lost my sex drive and I'm the most depressed I've ever been in my life, fuck you stupid cunts and your bro science, I hope you die in an incredibly painful way.
Well said anon.
I'm >>38301054
We've been a couple for 7 months. She and her entire church consider me a bad influence because of my college days as well as the fact that I'm 23 and she's 19. I got a drunken BJ from her once that almost destroyed our relationship because she felt guilty and dirty for doing it and she wanted to wait for marriage. I'm fine with waiting if it's for her. Other than that, the lewdest thing I've done with her is kiss and make out occasionally. I'm constantly horny around her.
Good Post. Listen to this man.
all i want to do is smoke pot, and chill in a qt, is this hella to ask for?
ok, but only if it's your path and purpose. otherwise no. never.
It's more that when I shower or run my hands through my hair, a lot more hair than usual fell out when I was fapping vs. when I'm not.
This is a NOFAP thread, anon.
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Iktf exactly bro. Faggot here will shit on nofap all the time but at the end of the day Nofap is really fucking helpful to dudes who need confidence. Nothing cures anxiety like having not busted a nut in 2 weeks and being to horny to even remember what being anxious felt like.
How did the 6/10 manlet dyel get so many grills?
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Jerking off for 3+ hours everyday just before going to sleep.
I kinda wish I could stop desu
Talk about a placebo affect. Also, enjoy having weaker erections faggots.
Wait, does this whole thing preclude sex too? Like why didn't you take one of those girls home?
>why didn't you take any of those girls home
Because he's an autistic faggot that's why
2000% diamond dick sounds pretty limp u idiot.. the only placebo effect is your ego thinking anyone cares about your opinion.. I didn't post either of the replies you linked either
You don't need nofap to get hard from girls dancing on you you fucking faggot, have you ever even been to a club? Not to mention you've blatantly chosen to ignore all the anons in the thread that said they lost their sex drive, nofap was detrimental to erection health etc. I don't think you even know what placebo means. Just stop posting you dumb cunt.
So what you're saying is that on top of being a fag who won't stay anonymous you also have literally 0 evidence to support your cliam?
Damn anon, your life must be pretty pathetic
how do you not have sex with someone before marrying them? What if you have different libidos and into dead bedroom mode after 2 years? Physical contact a not a null factor in a relationship.
this is my second day.
10 weeks was max, so far i'm 3 weeks now, not feeling any difference at all, sometimes i forget i have a dick,also i dont feel the desire to rest no longer, i can not sleep and not feel tired the day after.
>Doesn't know what the placebo effect is
>still replies
What are the benefits of noporn vs nofap?
Nofap is for unloveable losers.

The concept of not ejaculating is something that can only be considered by people who can plausibly live life without even touching a female. This is not something normal, well-adjusted people (capable of being loved by someone else) would ever consider for even a moment.

>sex is fine, nofap is only about not jerking off

The OP pic even says the bedroom will ONLY be used for sleeping, not fucking. Nofappers clearly do not even consider the possibility of having girlfriends/wives.

You people really make me so fucking sad, because I'm sure you are all good people at heart, but being a part of this meme lowers you, and it's pathetic.
So true. If you not fap, you for sure will have more"wet dreams".
Not well
Been shooting knuckle rockets
4x a day for the past week
Couple days ago I was hooking up with girl
Amazing tight body, sucking on her breast and I could not get erect to save my life
I need to stop fapping
One week guys. Looks like I'm going to make it.
Fap only once a day. Doing so allows me to get harder erections and last longer too. Fapping too little or too much gives me limp dick or premature ejaculation.

Yeah can someone explain whats wrong with spankin it erryday?
>letting women cloud your judgement

Rise above, they are a blight upon men to burden us. Become a bromosexual.
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You're all fucking idiots...
B-but anon, it helped me have confidence to talk to girls! I haven't spoken to one yet but I'm getting there! My primal urge is rising!
I'll try that and tone it back
Thanks for the tip
Saying that watching too much porn is just an effect of your problems instead of a factor perpetuating the cycle is just fucking retarded, friendo
>Nofap is for unloveable losers
Not that guy
But those researchers have a point
The physical act of watching porn is not the problem
It's the emotional discomfort driving the person to watch it is

>Saying that watching too much porn is just an effect of your problems instead of a factor perpetuating the cycle is just fucking retarded, friendo

lmao it L I T E R A L L Y isn't

very very very few people will ever develop issues related to porn and those who do are going to do so because of their internal problem factors, not from the porn

the mods need to start permabanning everyone and everything related to nofap
That's actually a fucking lie.
Everyone who watches porn ends up getting fucked up by it.
That's a fact.

You're right. But the effect of the porn on a person is real and documented. The problem that drives them too it needs to be addressed of course.
But that does not diminish the problems that arise from their vice.

>That's actually a fucking lie.
>Everyone who watches porn ends up getting fucked up by it.
>That's a fact.

nah, it's literally just you and a few other outliers

and it's probably because you have some unresolved mental issues

at least it wouldn't surprise me since you're literally arguing against all the logical thinking in the world just because you want to believe in this shitty 'solution' you've found to all your problems, gotta stop jerking off and i'll get a gf right guise
Give it up, boys.
Few outliers?
Bruh, it's an epidemic.

The only ONLY people on the planet who are saying porn use for men AND WOMEN isn't a problem is the sex industry.
Dont know what to make of this nofap bullshit, but wanking it everyday for the last 8 years cant be good for ya, but I aint going cold turkey, just something to do on the weekends now when im hungover, since im away from the gf for a few weeks
No one is going to go in some downward spiral of depression from moderate masterbation
The issue is when it becomes excessive
the famous 'flatline' is what got you. of course it's frightening when your dick doesn't work anymore but that's a part of rebooting. just go through it. my flatline lasted for more than 2 months. my dick was literally dead. but you have to go through it and don't fap like a pussy.
i really think i've ruined my dick after a decade of deathgrip

I can't come from anything other than mastrubation now. No matter how tight she is or how good the blowjob is i just cant
switch to cold water and rinse away
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what a load of absolute shite
london feel is fallin' down...
never gonna make it
I've had sex with a lot of women, but I found most of them boring/annoying after fucking them and had no real connection to most of them, even my ex-gfs. I do with my current GF. We are very physical, just not very sexual yet. She's offered to do more, but I know she doesn't really want it yet. I like her just fine without having sex with her, so I probably have a firmer foundation for this relationship than the others. She's admitted that she masturbates and part of the reason giving me the blowjob made her so conflicted is that part of her liked it. I'm not worried about this girl. I can see why you would have this concern though.
>dick stops working for 2 months
>I'll just keep doing this
Wow, intelligent.

>Wait, does this whole thing preclude sex too? Like why didn't you take one of those girls home?

buddy, with all the gin and vodka I had, it was an accomplishment just to take myself home


hey cutie I seen you lookin


honestly, if it really is a placebo effect, then thank god for placebo effects. that would basically mean these superpowers exist within us all from the very beginning and just need to be activated. like Mike's Secret Stuff from Space Jam
I laughed at this post, you write in a funny way anon
If the placebo is having the desired effect, then who the fuck cares?
>GF is coming over this friday, and we've started getting more and more intimate
>We tried to have sex (both virgins) last time, but I couldn't get hard because whisky dick
>Also I'd been fapping 2-3 times a day, earlier that day included
>Pretty sure I had literally no semen left

Anyway, I have until Friday to not fap. I'll probably try to extend nofap past that if possible. I haven't fapped for 12 hours, which, sadly, is good for me. I managed to go 2 days last week before relapsing and diddling myself constantly for 3 days.

What the fuck am I gonna do guys? I've heard investing time better helps, so I'm gonna try and reallocate it to homework. I wanna get hard as fucking diamonds when the time comes.

>Tfw also started taking a zinc supplement
>Been taking a capsule every day for a week and a half
>My loads are bigger, even when I've fapped recently
>If I do nofap for a few days, my load will be fucking enormous
>I can't wait to unleash this demon
Meh, if I'm not on NoFap I tend to just fap out of boredom/laziness.

This reduces my energy (constant post-nut haze). When I have lower energy I tend to just sit at home watching youtube/netflix and shitposting instead of calling friends to hang out or go out with.

NoFap also seems to give me a deeper voice for some reason and it also seems like I grow more body hair.

The most confidence I've ever had was going out after 3 weeks of NoFap. Effortless conversation with everyone, didn't give a shit about girls rejecting me, ended up bringing a girl home with me as well.

NoFap is really just facing up to reality. Porn isn't real life, sitting at the computer all day isn't normal or natural.
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do you sound like Alfie whne on no fap?

>very very very few people will ever develop issues related to porn
literally everybody on this site does, you doofus
porn has documented effects on a person
Not saying it's the source of all problems, not saying it's bad for everybody, but considering the average demographic of this site, I would say than more likely than not it's a bad thing, for them
I for example, dont have much of a damage from watching porn because I almost exclusively go for amateur/gf stuff, not professional crap, no plastic boobied monsters, but fapping is really draining to me. both physically and mentally
so I decided to give this a try. If it doesnt work I will stop
even though I may want to continue just to torture myself for having fucked up my life so that I still live with my parents, are a kissless virgin at 23, and will amount to nothing in life
I would say make it as little of a deal as possible.
Fap normally, try not to go more than once a day, but dont sweat it too much if one day you wanna go twice.
she probably wont care about your load size, she will probably be worried about not looking dumb and fucking things up as well.
if you nofap you will maybe premature ejac so I dont know.
Just try and go with it, it will be awkward but it's normal, make the best of it
also if you wanna find ways to kill time:
lift, run, jump rope, run bike, walk, read, study, work, volunteer
there are countless ways to fill up your time, dont waste it playing your skin flute
I don't understand. Did you not read your linked image?

He literally describes under the "Erectile Dysfunction" subheading all the things that quitting porn and not jacking it constantly will *actually* do for you.

Also under "What better explains..." is a brief mention of several things that people not jacking it feel.

The NoFap threads on /fit/ are NOT part of the Nofap movement that you see exploding on leddit and what your image is against. They tend to just borrow the name. /fit/'s version of Nofap is literally just not jacking for a few days to get yourself off porn, and let your dick recover before having at it. Some anons also have issues with fapping too much effecting their lives, so they cut down on it for a few days and call it nofap.

Take a quick look at this thread. Nobody has mentioned nofap, or linked any literature related to studies (apart from that one faggot in every thread who responds to the [citation needed] bait).

There are some guys who seem to think they're gonna become a god if they continue, but they're also the same guys who were probably jacking off multiple times a day, and this is honestly not the worst thing for them.

In your image, it even ends with saying the if you don't want to jerk your gerk for a few days, the worst that can happen (that we know of) is you getting a little cranky. Yet anons here tend to report that they feel slightly better (for whatever reason) if they don't jerk off for a few days.

You're a faggot who is jumping on the anti-nofap bandwagon, despite not even being able to differentiate between 4cha and reddit.
I actually want to see if nofapping for months on end will finally turn off my dick. because I secretly want to retrieve into a monk monastery and make a vote of silence and become a bald monk
On a sidenote, do they accept non-chinks in monasteries as apprentices? Or are they flooded by white numales trying to "find themselves"/being hipsters?
I just realised I came off a little frantic there. If I do fap, it's not the end of the world, but I'd like at least 24 hours of not fapping before she comes over, so my dick can take a break. That being said, in the past I've been able to nofap for a week, and I've been hard as diamonds until I break the streak. In the last few months (especially the last 3 weeks) fappings been an issue for me, and I think I'll benefit from cutting down on time spent playing with my dick. GF coming over is just the best rallying point I have at the moment.

But thanks man. I didn't realise that she probably won't care. She legitimately didn't give a shit when I couldn't get hard last time, since she figured it was the wine.

I do need to spend more time studying and writing, so that's probably solid advice.
But holy shit, I totally forgot about jump roping. I'm probably gonna be doing that tomorrow night for cardio, since my usual running track is sketchy as fuark at night, and my uni timetable changed. Thanks for the advice man
Why...why would you want your dick to turn off? Nofap for more than a few days just seems kinda...well, silly. Depriving yourself of pleasure for no reason.

Also, if you wanna be a monk, it's a vow. Not a vote. And most monasteries still up would be Christian ones, so you're pretty much good to go regardless of skincolour (they don't give a fuck). And those annoying hipster faggots stay away from christian monasteries because they don't seem exciting enough, and require you to actually commit to join them.
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I know that I cant make it past a week if I try

nothing to do , endless supply of porn

my younger self would think I'm mad for not

abusing tis glorious opportunity , hormones

are a hell of a thing.
Both me.
If you dont have problems popping too early, sure give it a rest before you see her. That really depends on the person, I'm afraid I would go for 2 pumps
no problem, she likes you, she wants you to like her, she wont mind some fucking up if it comes from you caring about doing good

I too need to start jump roping again, it's a goat exercise

because I've never used it in 23 years and it's got me nothing but wasting time and feeling like shit. everytime I fap the pleasure is minimal compared to how shitty I feel.
I want to see if I can get pleasure from other parts of my life, when I cant from my dick
Regarding the monk thing, I've always be interested in it regarding the physical and mental training side. so it probably wouldnt work since I cant commit my entire life to it, it's just some fantasy I like having. yeah vow of silence, not vote, I'm dumb
also because fuck me, I'm the source of everything that went wrong in my life, so why not punishing myself for the idiot I am
So /fit/ i do not get noFap... is strictly fapping forbidden or also sex? If it is the first one how is it a challenge if you can just ask your gf to fuck you and how is there a difference between the two both are just ecjaculating?

Tried it, realized at 3 weeks that although i wasnt feeling any urge to, neither was i energized, or sexually avid, i was just apathetic.

So forced a wank and now back to feeling great with once or twice a week.
Before the crazy militant reddit nofappers get on your case, let me outline it for you, as most of /fit/ sees it:
>Sex and any sexual shit is totally fine, if it's with a real, willing person. In fact that's the goal. Getting chicks to show interest is the endgame here
>Fapping isn't forbidden; just fapping like every pump gets you closer to curing cancer is. Most anons set a goal, like don't fap for x amount of days, then fap, then start again
>This is because for some people, jacking off is starting to suck all their time up, and they want to get back in control
>The difference is that in getting your gf to fuck you, you're doing it with a real human being. If you're jacking off into your palm 3 times a day, it's probably not great for you in a number of ways.

To try, just pick a number of days you can do. Try 2 or 3. Don't fap for those days, then enjoy a big 'ol tug on the 3rd or 4th day. If you enjoyed it, or felt some sort of benefit, great. If not, maybe nofap isn't gonna do much for ya. You can experiment with it, though.

Does the same apply if im ftm and pumping would be more like flicking my bellend then releasing milk water from the surgically attached squigee compartment?
I can honestly say I have no experience or knowledge with that, and I can pretty confidently say that anybody on /fit/ who claims they do is probably lying.

Talk to your doctor, I guess. I wasn't even aware trans people could create semen. Or is it some sort of substitution?

But I'd hazard a guess and say it probably won't do much for you. But again, I'm not a medfag; you should talk to yours.

But have fun anon. I hope being a dude is everything you want. Welcome to the club.

I am enjoying it, though that's not really different seen as ive been this way for nearly 17 years. Im old school here, i dont lift but i come on to talk to big guys and maybe hook up. Interested at all?
Unnecessarily putting the health of your dick and it's erections at risk? Is that not a good enough reason to be concerned or would you rather be a fucboi twink with a dysfunctional cock? Want an example? take a look at this fucking retard >>38312737

>Getting chicks to show interest is the endgame here

not for me it ain't

I use the sexual transmutation to be more driven and productive. Just generally puts me in a better mood and makes life better. Getting laid is a means to an end that can be met in more ways than one
>Does the same apply if im ftm

Ya bro. Fapping will still deplete your dopamine and boost prolactin, making you less manly and overall less satisfed with day to day living.
So basically if you already have a girlfirend NoFap is not for you? if getting chicks is the endgame....
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