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Intermittent Fasting

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Is Intermittent Fasting a meme? The results seem pretty decent.
What results? You mean the guy who uses steroids and claims all his gains come from the workouts a week and intermittent fasting.
Starving yourself of course leads to less body fat you retard. Are you are doing is cutting out meals during the day which results in cutting.

Same fucking thing you retard.
I believe he might be natty if he's been lifting for a few years. IF doesn't make you gain muscle faster though. It's just good for eating at a deficit because if you only eat 1-2 meals a day you will eat less by default. I do it just because I prefer not to eat breakfast anyway so all it takes is not eating lunch until late afternoon and I'm all set.
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Gregs ffmi is around 22 you dumb nerd. I bet you look like shit. Natty limit is around a ffmi of 25
I just looked him up, he doesn't really look like the OP pic in his videos, he looks very believably natty. That's not to say he's 100% natty for sure, but if you think you can't achive that body naturally then just give up now.
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I seem to notice girls like abbs, more than any ,non-facial, body feature.
What is the real deal on how to get them? The infomercials are full of shit. Help me /fit/
Go look at his latest legs and an training video if you wanna laugh.

He's an extreme cookie cutter and a liar.

"Trained my legs 4 days ago they're still sore"
Super simple, just low body fat % and some ab training if you want them to pop more. Do ab wheel rollouts, planks, leg raises, whatever. Most important thing is just being lean.
And he says he doesn't like training legs because they get huge quickly. His legs are a joke.
Yes, that's a common theme with him

>if I go too wide on chins my back will get too big
>cutting btw
>also fast for over 20 hours a day and eat 2,500 calories
When people say they do intermittent fasting they mean they take dnp
brahs how is it possible to cut while eating carbs?

>cut without carbs, have terrible carb cravings, end up binge eating 800-900 cal of carbs

>cut with carbs, carbs don't keep me full, end up eating more than I should
Dude basically both your with and without carb scenarios failed because you gave in to cravings and overate. You can't blame the carbs for that. Maybe try IF, for me at least it makes it easier to just eat less in a day, doesn't work for everyone but it's worth a shot.
>The results seem pretty decent.

This guy looks so good because he has extremely good genetics, is on roids, or a combination thereof. It has nothing to do with the meme diet used to swindle noobs.
No, it's not.

It accelerates weight loss a lot, it maintains your muscles and helps growing them, and it helps your immune system. Some also report being more focused and energetic overall which makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

I know my willpower is pretty shit

At least I've been losing weight slowly (about 20 pounds in a year)

I really want to get lean already though

Maybe I'm not eating enough calories while cutting?
>meme diet used to swindle noobs
I'm not gonna argue that IF helped him get big, obviously it doesn't do that, but it does help you cut.

How can he be using it to swindle noobs if it's something you can just do for free? Not like he owns it or makes any money off it. He probably oversells IF and its benefits, but that doesn't mean it's a shill diet or that it doesn't have its uses.
Soda and poptarts aren't the only "carbs", fat boy. Look into fibrous fruits and vegetables.
IF will help you stop craving it by distancing yourself from food, since you only have a limited window of time to eat.
> it possible to cut while eating carbs?
Yes, by eating less of them. Paleo and keto diet are the best options out there.
You may need to eat more protein, but you're never going to lose weight slowly because you're not eating enough calories. You need to eat fewer calories, not more.

Eating more protein helps because it has a higher thermic effect and higher satiety (meaning you'll feel more full if you eat more protein as opposed to carbs or fat).

I start out eating vegetables, oatmeal, etc but eventually I get crazy cravings for shit carbs
>but it does help you cut


>Increasing meal frequency appears to help decrease hunger and improve appetite control."
I said since last year I've dropped 20lbs

my low calorie days have outweighed my high calorie ones

I just want to finish already
>dont eat all day
>cram your eating into a small window
>somehow you lose weight

it works guys. Or maybe its because you cant shove 3000cals into your fat mouth in your window
lern into discipline fatso
I promise you eating more calories will not help you lose weight unless you're literally eating <500 Calories a day right now. You can't look at your weight fluctuations on a day by day basis, there are a lot of factors that affect it. You have to look at it over time.

If you don't believe me, try eating lower calories for 2 weeks and see what happens, then do higher calories for 2 weeks and compare.
former fatty here.

i lost 50 lbs since february through intermittent fasting and calisthenics. worked out perfectly with my schedule since i have 2 jobs that run back to back. id sleep, go to work, drink zero cal drinks (water coffee tea) come home 14 hours later, and just binge my calorie needs for the day in 2 hours with healthy food and be so full and satisfied. then by the time i work out and showered it was time for bed.

i will swear by it to anyone from here on out. if you get over the initial few weeks of hunger pangs at work youll eventually forget about eating while on the clock. water will satiate you if you drink it sparingly over your shift. then when you come home i guarantee youll struggle to eat 1600 calories if you are eating clean. intermittent fasting is actually amazing if you have the willpower to not eat for 16-20 hours. sleep counts btw.
It's one of the reasons, but more importantly it decreases your insulin levels really low which changes completely how your body takes care of fat stored and ingested, and it increases really high your growth hormone levels which helps with a ton of stuff.
Both of those are downstream from eating less calories and neither help with anything anymore than they would with eating more frequently.
A pizza and two chocolate bars is already 2500 kcal you can easily overeat in 6 hours.
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Fasting increases Human Growth Hormone
Making it bruh

all fasting increases GH

the only problem is transient increases in GH has no tangible effect on fat loss, muscle preservation, or muscle gain.

this is one of the subtle lies that is based on a half truth.
>he only problem is transient increases in GH has no tangible effect on fat loss, muscle preservation, or muscle gain
How is this the case? Human growth hormone is human growth hormone.

You're fasting for 16 hours minimum, daily, with Leangains. Are you saying this is "transient"?
hes obviously not natty

its so fucking easy to tell if someone roids so why are most people on this board so terrible at this stuff?

vascularity + unproportiionally large delts, traps and arms = roids

>>38110479 is a pic of a natty
Idk who this is but clearly roids

yes as its transient by definition lol.

periods of ups and down.

you realise to get even minor effects of GH you'd need to introduce exogenous GH into your system at a dose about 5x higher than normal levels.

and even then the anabolic effects are minor

this is why nobody other than pro level guys use GH
So what? A bunch of other stress hormones increase as well. Fallacy of composition. Plus, the AUC of growth hormone action is no different from a cut with more regular feeding times, making the physiological effects identical in both cases when averaged over time.
Literally source or stop posting



> The balance of evidence suggests that, in healthy adults, growth hormone does not build muscle and provides no athletic advantage. Growth hormone abuse, however, does cause disease. This message needs to be taken on board by coaches, team doctors, and potential abusers.


> After 6 months of therapy, the evaluation of the GH and placebo groups did not show evidence of significant differences in weight, BMI, waist, and the sum of the cutaneous folds (triceps, biceps, subscapular, and iliac folds). Furthermore, there were no differences on the delta (6 months—baseline) for these parameters between the group


Now get off this website and don't ever come back.
No you mong I want source on that fasting/GH graph you posted


you replied to the wrong person then dumpster nerd cos i didn't post it.
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former fat ass here, love to eat large meals so i eat 2 a day one at 3am at work and one iafter i get home and lift at around 10am. After that i', not really hungry till lunch at work the next day. Not sure why people act like it's bad at all, you just have bigger meals and don't have to worry about cooking or eating as many times.

look at the posts.


YOUR POST: >>38111317

MY POST: >>38111339

jesus christ
Why would I assume that a third party would respond to my post towards the first party??? Where on the spectrum are you?

welcome to 4 chan you absolute retard.

now you can continue down this path where you're obviously wrong and double down on the whole "i thought this was a 2 person SMS platform" or you can just acknowledge you're wrong.

fucking moron.
Not him but are you retarded?
What kind of aspies am I talking to?

I asked graph poster to post the source for graph so I should've assumed that random autists that don't post sources would respond to me?
At least this guy said "not him"

You're a massive faggot though

so you're opting for the double down everyone else is wrong.


how far on the left of the IQ spectrum are you homie, cos im guessin you probably rival the post count for this thread.
>1 minute time difference
Please kys you samefagging autist
Yes, he eats MANY times. See, thats the explanation to his overhuman amount of musclemass, that and his special technique to SQUEEZE at the top of every rep!

All you have to do is eat and do this very special snowflake brand of technique in your lifts and you will be 350 lbs of muscle in no time, WITHOUT gaining fat!

Visit 999dollarmuscleplan.org for more info, and don't forget to subscribe, upvote and lick my anus on every social network until I'm financially set for life by roiding and covering it up!

P.S. shout out to all natty rich piana follow his insta ebin mutant
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Your inability to understand my point of view (read: reality) proves to me that you are debilitatingly autistic
Please don't respond to this post

yes homie despite the fact my post was arguing AGAINST the post you replied to naturally you think they're the same person

and the fact the grammar/typing style isn't the same at all.


holy fuck.

if you do reply again please tell me how old are you my man and what part of the world.

i'm betting you're either

1. highschool student
2. 19-20 year old doing a trade job.
>ab wheel
I'm a bit new, but is this not a meme like I have been led to believe? If not I'm getting one.
all of you fuckers arguing should post body pics diet routine height and weight stats or shit the fuck up. There are people here trying to see if IF is a meme or non. Also Greg is fucking 5 10 185 at like 10 body fat that's fucking achievable natty. he has like 10/10 genetics and his deltoid pic in OP was after a pump. he dumbbell presses 120 for reps and Incline presses 225 for reps ez

so stop bitching DYELS
Honestly just find what works for you man. I tried IF multiple times because I loved the simplicity of eating only once or twice a day.

Well guess what, I developed binge-eating disorder almost every single time. I went crazy without eating the entire day, and I couldn't seem to eat less than 2500 calories when I finally got near food by the end of the day.

From there I tried both low-carb and low-fat. Again, I liked the simplicity here. But it was a huge pain in the ass doing either approach, and I felt terrible either way. So I said fuck it, and tried just doing insane amounts of cardio. Well that just made me gain weight because I was so goddamn hungry all the time.

I have found only one way to lose weight when cutting: don't count calories, learn to listen to your body as you eat, and recognize when you're satiated, full, and too-full. Additionally, choose one of the three based on whether you are cutting, maintaining, or bulking.

And of course don't be an idiot about it. Don't lie to yourself about being satiated when you're still hungry 10 minutes after a meal and eat more if you have to. At the same time, don't use bulking as an excuse to get a food coma every time you sit down for dinner.

Also there are other little things: only snack when you really need to, learn to eat slower, and look at restaurant menus before going out to eat with people.

Hope this helps somewhat, and again, you just have to find what works for you.
Why is his body so puffy and weak looking
Greg pls go
Even the author of that very biased article admits that an increase in GH results in fat loss. Last paragraph.
ohh no some anon trys to bait hard
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>People arguing about fat loss of IF on a bodybuilding board

Fuck that I want to KNOW about whether there's more MUSCLE preservation
Intermittent fasting? I think that's called sleeping, friend.
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IF isn't a shortcut to gaining muscle or losing fat. It's a method for controlling daily caloric intake, which can be used to achieve either goal. All of the other peripheral broscience BS about how it is more or less effective can be argued endlessly and both sides have published research to back up their opposite claims.

The reason I use it is because eating 2,500 calories spaced out among 16 hours @ several smaller meals a day leaves me never feeling fully satisfied after any of the meals, which leads to overeating. If I postpone all caloric intake until late afternoon through to 8pm I'm able to eat all of those 2,500 calories in about a 6 hour window and go to sleep feeling happily full, no cravings, etc.
absolutely not - fucking torture but very effective
i just want to tone, i dont want a gh gut
jesus do you roid for that? why does your skin look so unhealthy
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