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/plg/ - powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 69

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Topic of the day:
Losing Wilkes to hit a weight goal, yes or no?
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Who is actually literally gay in /plg/?

Trappy the tranny
Rasputin the gay eternal virgin

who else?
I'm straight but I'm a boy who wears panties
Fat retard.
Isley is bi
Isley and Trappy are a thing right? or was that boardshorts?
>Isley and Trappy are a thing right? or was that boardshorts?
yes, isley and boardshorts are in a relationship
It's isley and trappy yes
I can confirm this
What are some plg couples?

Such as Isley & Trappy

Dino & Esmeralda

Sean & Sparrow

What else?
Phil and communegirl is literally the only Canon pairing

(I'm not kidding, she flew to Sweden for some bodickoiro)
Oh wow I forgot about commune grill

Holy shit what happened to her
Why does OPs pic look like someone drew me? Fuck you. Faggots.
You're not the guy who has a bad knee and gets form checks in the hammer safety rack right?
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Bench 205x1.webm
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I thought Phil was sad about >tfwnogf and is a virgin.

Reposting easy single at the top of my pyramid yesterday. Pretty sure I can hit 2 pl8 whenever now! Looking at this video really drives home that I need to work on my arch though.
Is having feelings for a trap gay?
Is there a time for controlling the negative part of the DL? What purpose would it serve for PL?
You're just horney
If you drop the bar too fast you might be red lighted by nigger judges
With those spaghetti arms
You're gonna need to do Max legal with a huge arch if you ever bench more than 3 plate

Maybe when you're doing lighter work, particularly earlier in a training cycle (assuming you're using typical block or linear periodization). Not much advantage otherwise that I've seen - what little study there is on eccentric DLs seems to suggest they're pretty crap as a strength tool.
I know a guy who is the same height as me and has really similar proportions. He does the same grip width as me on bench, competes at 93kg and has hit 182.5 kg bench in competition.
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Moved to... Canada

Reminder that fucking another man in the ass is just banter between two men, giving him a blowie if you finish first is just a common courtesy and is not gay in the slightest.
If you had his genetics you would have flown past 2 plate a long time ago



Alex is such a CUTE :3
Fuck you. isley x Sparrow is my (nay THE) OTP
I'm really new to lifting and just started

I'm not saying I have good or bad genetics, but my bench is currently skyrocketing.

He's been lifting for 6 years and his best lifts in competition in lbs are 578/402/640. Obviously I don't ever think I'll get there, but I'm just saying that people with my proportions don't have to do max legal and a huge arch to get a decent bench.
Easy there bottomshorts

We're not going to be one of THOSE gay couples
im fighting, really hard, the urge to completely ruin (no survivors) that polls results
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>isley x Sean is my (nay THE) OTP
Fixed it for you lad, no need to thank me.
Do it, it's just a fun meaningless poll.
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Sean x trappy is winning

Good time to post Sean's first gay experience
Jealousy isn't healthy, Dino.
Sean has admitted he's a virgin multiple times on insta
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>isley thinks I don't lift anymore
>he immediately jumps to the defense of his transsexual even though it wasn't mentioned
>he still dodged the point of the post
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>bench bro thinks I care what he thinks
What hot beverages do you like?
fresh warm cum
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wewwww I need to start doing cardio lads.
Did 4x8 squats @ 66% and nearly fainted. None of the reps where even hard, it was just that I constantly had to hold my breath and I got out of breath

Straight from trappy? Or can he not cum after all the exogenous hormones?
So what are we training today lads? 5/3/1 deadlift day for me, going for 355x6, minimum, pause squats, BBB squats, leg curl, and ab wheel


I'm bi

It's deadlift time.

Probably going to attempt 485. Then maybe some snatch pulls and general bodybuilding work.
Today is lift fork to mouth day.
I thought there would be "I do sumo deadlifts" at the end.
Rest day

Pizza and Netflix with the gf after I get off work :^)

There's a 4 hour meeting for all the new hires today where the CEO will talk about the philosophy of the company... I guess I'll be browsing here a lot.

Good luck on those deadlifts.
Watch your manners
>doing Smolov
im just gay for isley
I'm not it's c6w
I thought those were at 70%
What do you do for work
>y-yea well I don't care
You need some work on your banter skills
Only skills Islet has is weaseling out of bets, being a tranny enabler and being a cuck.
Software dev for a big healthcare software company
kek why is this still up after a fucking hour >>37931851
I just calculated them out myself, candito probably rounded 66% up to 70
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>tfw date is TOMORROW
i have never been this nervous before
You got this, AL.
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Easy for you to say, Chadlex.
gettin cozy http://asoftmurmur.com/
Why does the IPF limit what wristwraps you can use? Its not like knee sleeves right? They don't actually make lifting the weight easier, they just protect the wrist

Like any support, they do actually let you lift more (to an extent) by reinforcing an area where force can be lost. Same basic reason they don't let you have 20mm thick foot wide belts.
hit 130kg squat today, 20kg pr.
also first time using a belt.

feels good senpai
sadface. I have some wristwraps, but the aren't IPF approved. I think they still fit within the rules though.

Buying all this stuff for my first meet is kind of a pain

There is a secondary reason (the IPF has a nice little moneymaker going on with certifying equipment, though that's not the primary reason they have restrictions on it) but yeah, IPF competition can be a real bear compared to other feds with all the little rules you wouldn't think to consider normally.
OSU powerlifting team just won the first ipf collegiate world championship. Pretty cool stuff.

>something about me not being a Chad
Off day. Going for 10RM squat tomorrow, then D3 of Nuckols novice bench (2x4 + 1xAMRAP). Should be fun desu senpai.

Good job phamilie
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>stealing my filename for wojek and pepe laughing
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>tfw powerliftinggeneral is really powerbottomgeneral
is this guy natty?

Only if this guy is.
Okay vegeta
yeah prob
Tried a sea weed soup lads.
Not bad desu.
Texture is weird but not in a bad way.
I nearly always steal the filename of any meme I save.
I honestly think he is

Gaz is not unattainably big by any means, he just has godlike genetics and is ripped.
god the IPF is such a money racket holy fuck all the decent singlets are like 90 bucks
Singlets aren't cheap in general for any sport unless they are super shitty.
Then when you add in that sbd is run by a teajew the prices are going to go up more.
stop that
Yeah, I ended up getting a $50 singlet from titan
are you still putting on weight?
do you have a binge eating problem?
cytube when
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Nope. Sorry isley I'm cutting and down in weight.
Today's lunch. Miso chicken with rice.
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I'm at work lad.
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I found a gym in town with a monolift and a bunch of westside stuff. Currently salivating and considering leaving the crossfat gym
It's only a matter of time before he slips his way back to 240lubs

>you don't understand the cafeteria food is delicious and I can't help myself
T. Benchpiggy
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Senpai go for it. There's also the sweat shop you can lift at if you want cancer.
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>isley and benchie will never get along again
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yeah, its the sweatt shop. I heard theres a superfat powerlifter girl there whos really good
>back to 240lubs
I was never there. Maybe you should get your facts straight or kys.
And that wasn't the situation. You just ignored everything else I said because you were never a friend. Just a Sean in waiting.
You could just get any plain black one and pass it off as a strengthshop one desu
Look up the YouTube video of the meet they had there recently. Nothing is to depth even close. It's cancer desu.
But you don't have to embrace their culture.
this all started because you are an over sensitive baby who can't handle the banter he dishes out
grow up
men break each others balls \
get over it
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Woke up at 199.4 lbs lads. Hopefully I'll be 198.4 by Sunday. My stall finally broke
>baww I'm depressed without amber and I have just got to get two plates at every meal and now I'm so upset at how fat I am I can't lose weight.
>you just don't understand, Isley

T. The pig who walks
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>tfw someone saved your gif
>tfw your friends are fighting
mixed feels rn lads
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eww. Are they all equipped there I wonder
Nice! Lean retard incoming. I was 176.4 this morning too!
>I'll get fat and somehow get weaker in process
>you guys just don't understand my brilliant plan

Post your gut, weasel.
Post anything you've ever lifted, faggot.
link to thread where isley banters the shit out of joe?
Is the
>don't train in a public gym if you're the strongest person there. Go train at a powerlifting gym where there's always someone stronger than you!

A meme? Whenever I work out at a public gym I feel like hot shit and therefore try harder, while when I'm at a powerlifting gym I just feel ashamed at the weight on the bar and therefore don't get as hype or mentally prepared for the lift. Ego is a big motivator for me
Was in the chat.

There're some screens.
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Why won't they stop fighting? Why do they have to hurt each other...
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Your mum on my dick. Who's the faggot now, son?

Wasn't in a thread. Joe basically got upset by

>be american
>get fat

tier banter. No joke.
>Who's the faggot
As a proud Team USA member who unironically supports Haack's natty claims because he's an American, I have to say Bench Bro is in the wrong here and izlee did nothing wrong. Literal harmless banter and he just kept getting meaner and nastier. Joe, stop.
NEED these screenshots
I've said sorry enough.

Now Joe can learn what's it's like if I actually want to hurt his feelings.
It'll get better friend

>Break through my stall right as I was planning on maintaining for a month
Fuck. Guess I'll stick to plan and maintain for my next 5/3/1 cycle
It was in the Facebook chat.
Isley called joe fat, lazy, a baby and some other things. Someone has a cap of it around here.
Why are you planning on a month of maintenance? Seems like a waste of time, desu.
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Hoping for 4plate squat on my birthday today lads
I keep losing grip when I hook grip. Is it because my hands aren't big enough to get a proper grip?
Bump curious too
Just did some research on it.
These are my hands for reference
you're probably not doing it right. if your hands arent big enough to get a proper grip then your weiner is probably tiny and you're a genetic deadend
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I prefer training at a pl gym. I don't find the globo gym a conducive environment in which to Try Harder. I find it more motivating to be around stronger people. It gives me some perspective, which I'd lost when training at what is really a fitness club.

At a pl gym/club you'll meet more people more in line with your goals, perhaps be privy to upcoming comps, more likely receive advice which is not worthless/wrong and train with better equipment.

>I just feel ashamed at the weight on the bar and therefore don't get as hype or mentally prepared for the lift. Ego is a big motivator for me

You have to grow up.
>sausage fingers
>tiny thumb
sorry anon..
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It just got to a dark place and thats where it is right now.
Bad pic sorry. Wouldn't call them sausage fingers, but my thumb is quite small lol
Hey Phil can you get ahold of George and let him know Sean managed to get his trip?
He needs to change it now.
Van morrison - brown eyed girl

My song for you fil
No it's not even close to a meme
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I love that song
And I love you :)
>weight goal
>losing wilks

If you're being king of the DYELs, you're allowing yourself to be stunted.

I did this and he expressed his sorrow over sean bullying Joe with his trip on.
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>tfw will be losing a bunch on my wilks as I keep cutting
Check your manlet privilege
bodorio, I showed my friend the video of you squatting at your comp and she thinks you're cute
*blood pressure privelege
saying you love phil is fine and very nice, but lying to him will only hurt his feelings m8
Some ideas from Renaissance periodization. Can help with getting past a stall/getting acclimated to your new weight so the weight loss becomes easier.
This tBh
Fucking pressurelets
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>tfw you get weigh in anxiety when you're three weeks out of weigh in cause you've been fucking up your diet constantly.
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chiggity check your tightness at the bottom.
who's that qt spotting you?
i thought rutgers went not osu?
>being THIS fat
kek :^)
Both went. Rutgers had 2 guys bomb out though..
embarrassing desu
>I did this and he expressed his sorrow over sean bullying Joe with his trip on
Good. Thank you friend.
oh peter hoang bombed. he doesn't seem very good at picking attempts
Yeah, at OSU we had a guy win the 93s, and guys get 2nd in the 66s and 105s.
Yeah, I agree. Sad, because he's strong as fuck too.
any tips for first date
Piss on her to assert dominance and to mark her as yours so the other alphas know that they will have to engage in fisticuffs with you, if they want her as well.
Smile, be funny, have the balls to kiss her when it looks like you've got a window
Don't be a slut but let him know u swallow

Don't stress about being funny though. Being comfortable is more important.

Don't worry about your weightclass, just go for the experience, try to remember the cues, hit as many lifts as you can, and have FUN

Have fun, treat her like a person.
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>treat her like a person.
If sure he'll become her best shopping buddy in no time lol.
>people are getting dates
>im here in my dark room listening to this
how do I become alpha like Josh?
This only happens if you're unattractive.

Treating women like people is GOAT for getting laid
is this alexfromplg?
Who is this absolute hero?

Marcel P on specificity/the need for variety.
he was in one(?) episode of this series which is fun as fuck desu



This desu, things that help you get laid, in order.


Height isn't important unless you're under 5'8. You just have to have enough money to buy a girl like 3 drinks or a $20 dinner.
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>Height isn't important unless you're under 5'8
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Any comments on my bench? This was an RD set of 4 (p ez) but I'm setting up with ass off the bench.

>inb4 setup a shit
>inb4 arch a shit
>inb4 form a shit
>inb4 strength a shit

Thanks friends for any help
This is outstanding
if you're under 5'8 just move to asia desu
lower rack height
focus on retracting shoulder blades back and DOWN
pause longer
have your bench not lifting from the bench
I know right
screamer manuel on the official ipf instagram
>cock flavored sausage or sausage flavored cock
stop giving this advice
Twist your feet out and your ass will stay planted better.
he is literally an autistic alcoholic. that is why isley like home.
What the fuck why so many Sean and trappy votes
Annual reminder that this happened:

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>when she texts first
is this real life
Because seans shitposting comes from his suppressed closethomorage
Welcome to the Chad club. Enjoy your complementary pizza and pussy.
>get it up, beast!
Just don't be an isley.
could barely get 2 reps at 405 lmao
You're just jealous
so i dont have to lift anymore to make PRs?
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>why so many Sean and trappy votes
mental illness belongs together
You're just jealous
No, you have to lift. Just use pizza for those bulking gains.
No, I'm normal.

No, you still have to try hard. It's just easier now that you have the delicious carbs from the pizza and the test boost from the pussy.
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>swedes in charge of history games
Hello darkness my old friend
oh man if I could have just five minutes with Trappys sweet boipucci
i've been away for a bit, post a pic of trappy

I've come to talk with you again.
Because a vision softly creeping
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>tfw a honey badger is more intelligent than you
What did he mean by this?
>get Btfo by haack
>drop a weight class

he carries quite a bit of fat
Is he running away from haack like a little bitch? Guess he got scared when he saw haack was smashing PRs 2 weeks after competition
Is there any tutorials on how to do the Japanese style bench, or do I just have to watch videos of them benching and guess shit?
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He's too scared to go toe to toe with the chemist again. Gibbslets on suicide watch.

Left its scenes when I was sleeping
>he carries quite a bit of fat
For a "natural" strength athlete?

Lol, no.
I went from 73kg to 90kg and from a 300 Wilkes to 279wilks

I also run sheiko

Ask me anything
That cant even be 725 on the bar. Plates look small, and the spotter even managing to lift it out with that awkward angle are huge red flags.

Have you considered rock collecting?
Why are you running Sheiko with a <300 Wilks?
Lmao candito went to 74 to get away from him, now he's back in the same weight class
With Gibbs in 74, Haack in 83, and Norris in 93 anyone 5'6-6' should basically give up on being the best.
>deliberately dropping pounds and pounds of muscle mass to look pretty (or something)

WHY does anyone who's not a teenager do this?
I don't believe in the ol' arbitrary wilks meme
I had a 300 wilks once so technically...

Every day of my life
Candito went to 74 to get away from haack but candito isn't good enough to be Atwood in the 74 American class anyways
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To get gold and not silver
T-that's squished, right? I know he's an ultra manlet, but he's wide to the point of entering dwarf mode.
Guys, what wrist wraps should I order (UK).

Titan ones are like £20 or should I go cheaper?
Why am I so small at 90kg...

There is a 74kg teenage kid I know who is bigger than me

It's because you're fat.
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who here problem?

Hi Sean.
Like 15%
I can see abs in good lighting

Well... I can see the outline of my chest...

If you can't see the outline of your abs in most lightings you're above 15%, probably closer to 20%. I can see my ab outline in most lighting and I think I'm about 15%.
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swole mole
That cheap, blended swill.

Must be terrible being poor, and having bad taste.

>tfw FWB is dating someone

so... am i a cuck now?
Let's say you're 12% and I'm 15% and go on our way

>not responding with "Do you want to definitely be dating somebody?" instead, fucking her brains out, and then dropping her

Opportunity missed.
>good luck with them!
>wishing her luck

ya you're a cuck bud
>not responding with "we better do the light bdsm straight away then"
>even replying
You need to tell her 'Don't bother' otherwise you're willingly being a back up bitch

i didnt know what to say in the moment desu, and its too late now...

also not that it really matters but we're both guys
>am i a cuck now
Better make sure she showers before she answers your booty call. Some chicks don't let their shit even cool off between swinging vines. Nawm sayin?


Diddlies, bench, rows, and curls.
Lad people have different places where they hold fat, so what you're saying can be inaccurate af
>we're both guys
>not replying "great, he can come along too"
Homosexuality is a sin.
He wasn't asking you, you nonce
Cheer up bud, you x isley came second behind Sean x frappe chan

You're right, I was asking you :^)

fuck why didnt i think of this in the moment

I nearly always steal the filename of any meme I save. @:^)
How does one stop burrying squats. Failed 140kg today cuz i lost all toghtness at the bottom. Is it a matter or bad bracing, weak abs or what? My 135 squat was 5cm under depth so i can feel the optimum depth ok with lighter weight.
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>chadshorts is a douche

Not surprised, honestly.
Because you want to be a traditional moral man who doesn't have hiv?

I wouldn't touch a guy who even spoke to more than one other homosexual at a time.
Ok fuck you why did you ignore my question the other day
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Neat :)

...which question? Probably didn't see it?
2 questions that I asked you twice
Better go look in the archive asshole

>457.5 kg block pulls

Shit m8, when are you gonna break Hall's record?
I'm not going to look in the archive. You can repeat it if you wish but if you're asking for the size of my dick or if I don't mind you crawling up so far up my asshole so you could be my second pair of legs, you shouldn't be surprised why I didn't respond

Yeah trying to keep it pretty light rn keeping good form. Don't want to have to hitch it like Eddie, the cheater
Eric bugenhagen pulled 570kg


Overhead the albatross
Hangs motionless upon the air

>Eddie, the cheater

But you pull sumo, isn't that cheating? :^)
You're not allowed to respond to my question as you're no longer my friend

He's become one of my favorite youtubers.
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>A fucking dentist
Okay then
*pat pat*

Check out skele aaron. Truly the giraffe Skelton king


Strength is returning, slowly but surely. Working on the press today with some spoto press to keep up with the bench, and of course squoots and diddlies.

Jack-knife pull-ups for now - gotta train those lats some how, coming down from 430 they've never been used.

Going to meme around with the mace again - that shit is starting to get fun.

And then it's off to work the line - the new restaurant I'm at is cutting edge. Puts every other place I've been at to shame.

Good luck with your lifts, brother.
>ywn lick Trappys bunghole

Jesus christ, is that really a photo of you?
What kind of nerd feels the need to check the archive of this garbage pile?

Lol, let it go, man. It's the past.
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To be fair you might have been asking someone else. Several people have my trip
today is buy 100 nuggets for $15 at BK day
Roses are red
Violence are blue
I'm writing a poem for the girl I love
And her name is you

I knew you were a giraffe, but I didn't think it was that bad.
Bet your sip of coffee is cold by the time it reaches your stomach.
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how old are you bra?
I would like to murder boardshorts
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Goal is still 105kg shredded and an elite total for that weight class.

Still sitting at slightly over 90kg, I've had some difficulty gaining as fast as I pictured in my mind, the heavier and stronger I get, the harder it is to get heavier and stronger, gains have become really slow. I'm still setting PR's, abeit only small PR's, getting used to setting PR's in 5kg and 2.5kg increments now sucks

I've been having this conversation to myself in my mind whether I've hit a wall with what is my natty limit (that it might be somewhere around 95kg?) and whether I'm going to go to the dark side this year depending on whether I can actually hit my goals, or whether I have set them too high (105kg shredded and an elite total)

I always thought I could keep the motivation and push through any plateus or obstacles, but these days even the eating is starting to get me down, shit is fustrating as fuck because I can't get enough food down to be as big and as strong as I want to be

I don't see any point in lifting if I can't be the best potential that I could possibly be as a person, its either that or just quit lifting completely, sitting in the middle and being mediocre feels like being a failure

People keep telling me to be patient but they don't understand because they're not trying to do what I'm trying to do.

Feels fustrating
lel what is the point them putting your weight on a documentation you will use for years
Wait a minute.

Post another picture.....
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For what purpose, anon?
Post another
I know you
It isn't, fuck off Dino
>105kg shredded and an elite total for that weight class.
unless you wanna be a drug cheat or have god tier genetics that aint going to happen
be realistic
I do for deleted posts. They have the juiciest pics
Nah he'd reck ya m8

Welcome to natty end game. Buckle up for the long haul.
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Do you? Why do you think so? I post here quite often.


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That was great.
Who here /zerodisciplinepostcompetitionjoegramming/?
M8 I'm testing 'hybrid bar placement' squatting atm and my right bottom biceps starts throbbing or some shit. Any idea?
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>Implying thats even a long neck

Necklets gtfo
I think only fat people have that problem
>lower rack height
huh. this never occurred to me. I might try it.
>focus on retracting shoulder blades back and DOWN
Mine tend to be pretty back, but not always that down.
>pause longer
>have your bench not lifting from the bench
setting up this way made ass on bench ahrder.

will do!

thanks .
this is the first one that was actually decent
Could be General rotator cuff tightness or shoulder Mobility.

Do you do any type of band dislocations or any other type of shoulder warm up before squat?

Bryce Lewis has an excellent upper body warm up that takes 5 minutes that seemed to help my issue which was almost the same as yours.

Also using a tennis ball on my rotator cuffs seem to help as well.

I know that sounds weird but if you can get a tennis ball in your armpit back area and feel the pain down in your bicep and thumb you've probably hit the right spot
back to shit
it was a good run
top kek m8 this was actually really good. I fuckin lost it when I realized you were drawing a neck

I don't even need to be post competition to lack motivation
Last one I'm posting
My wilks is 370 and I haven't hit a PR for 2 years but I refuse to get fat
Fucking dumb ass sport
Draw the millionaire playboy and legend of /plg/ - Sean.
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With those goals you have to understand that we can't all be Jesse Norris. What are your current stats?
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Have you tried harder?
What to do as dip replacement? I don't have dip Bar at My Gym and I'm doing sheiko
now youre resorting to duplicates
you hit rock bottom fast
success really went to your head
Isn't 400 Wilks supposed to be average around here?

Go back to your cuckshed.
Not unless I'm lowbarring tbH.
Will test the ball when I get back in, along with checking out Bryce's vid.
Just did dislocations and pullaparts now, and it seemed to help, so I'll do some more inbetween sets.
Thanks m80!
Did you get in the discord yet?

>tfw panzerfat just deadlifted more than your tested max

It's okay though, I did two singles of 233@ RPE 8 last week so I think I should be able to beat that in 2 weeks.
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>pre workout French press and cs:go comp
same spot at 390 for 1.5 years
i get injured a lot tho so cant really stay consistent
thats my excuse so i can still have hope

Have you tried significantly increasing volume?
Close grip bench or weighted pushups
You literally replied to the same post last year.........
It is
Without a doubt I'm way below average, a true dead end
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it was also really easy

I would have gone for 240kg but the gym closed too soon I didnt realized it closed at 1:45 on Fridays
>pre workout French press

Gotta pre-exhaust, right?
video or it doesn't count :-)

Just kidding, grats fatty.
I'm doing the most intense sheiko program there is for a second run
Did you get in the discord yet buddy
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patrician pepe.png
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Good thing that will be the MINIMUM of my 3rd attempt in two weeks

>closed at 1:45 on Fridays
wtf lol
24hour warehouse master race
Congrats, mirin' really.
I'll put one up after I finish the ARMA missions I had scheduled for today
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>he thinks anything other than a homegym is a masterrace

Holy fuck my sides have been obliterated
I wanted to explain to you the meaning of a clockwork orange in the discord



New thread
listening to creedence, fil.

Any similar recommendations (playlists?)

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