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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 360
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First for long femurs, short torso and short arms and weak spinal erectors
2nd post claimed for my princess trappy-chan
What should I wear to the gym lads?

Bare in mind I have to walk 30 minutes in public wearing them.
Third for hot bath and duvet request.
>yfw be Esmeraldas little spoon
Midday euro plg is the 2nd worst
If you carry a bath full of hot water to my work you can be little spoon 5eva
>everyone in nats around 700kg total
kill me
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I doubt you have both long femurs and short arms. The last one is your own fault.
I have intense doms all the way up my traps and lats from 6x4 pulls on saturday
That's why you're all strong right? Bunches of roses are last year, full bathtub delivery is the future
I unironically would if you didn't live in the obscure part of Britain
I hate time zones. As soon as Euro plg get off from work American plg comes online and they're all NEETs so you get American / Canadian plg shitposting for 12 hours straight.
Plus it would be cold by the time you got here because of our year round autumn weather
but I'd be warmed from being the little spoon
Maybe one day I'll be your trophy qt husband while you're in your early 30s and I'm in my early twenties

But not today...
>10 years younger than esme
How old are you, kiddo?
Your fault for enabling Esmeralda who in turn enables """""her""""" beta orbiters Tbh
18 she's 28 right?
26 thanking you
Well I can see how that was awkwardly misleading....
Ah, didn't realize you were that old. Not that that's super old. I still don't realize half the time that I'm about to be 25. Still feel like I'm 21 or so.
By the time I'm 28 I want a 300 wilks. Yuss.

>When I have kids it will be worlds shortest labour
Why? I do 5x3 at that weight every week nps and extra besides (although is usually easy stuff)
It never ends mate. Like I was happily listening to incubus and then I realised the album came out in 2001 and it just ruined my morning a little
Anyone smell Christmas cake?
I don't want kids so I don't see how that will work
I had good 8 hours of sleep.

It's 2:20 pm and I've been up since 7 am.
Im not an old lady that smells like Christmas cake. Whhyyyy
Nor should you. They're awful.
No I just dodged it
Oh. Women, like a Christmas cake, are no good before the 25th

>.75 INOL is the same as 1.2 INOL

>one session
>he deadlifts 30kg more than me
>Tfw it's boxing day

You watch I will become strong bitter rich 30 real old. Like a fine stout.
Like neo from the matrix
At work Esmeralda is no fun
>before the 25th
Meant after

Luckily everyone got that
Including me you bitch.

I'd hate you if you didn't do such cute deadlift dances.
It's very funny where do I upvote?
Btw lads bodorio squatted a super good 285.5kg is going for 290.5 as a third

In one minute
Film iiiiiiittt
If i come to bethnal green tomorrow will they let me do my openers on the comp rack/bench?
Wow right after a car crash 2!!!11
So, I've never considered having qt trophy bf what happens with all that?

>At 26 this becomes my reality
>Must continue work to cougar status
He got it!

Stream at
where is this obscure part of britain?
Yes. It's £10

You will have to ask to get it out. If you come TONIGHT I will help you. Calls / lift out / getting it out.
>barely legal bf
>peak in physical fitness
>libdo and stamina like no other
>make your bored house wife cougar friends jealous
I realised today that I cannot do a single pull up with correct form.

This has upset me greatly. Where should I start with them guys? The assisted pull up machine seems incredibly awkward
Band assisted pull-ups
>fucks off as soon as he can do better
Yeah living the dream

>inb4 I'd never do that
Lmao you're 18 you'll change so much in the next 5 years.
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Hmmm. Interesting indeed.

But what if people thought you were my son?

This would be a great insult from which I would not recover

Until sex later.
Collegiate worlds going on right now:


OSU is gonna crush it

Just googled it and read negative things, have you done them yourself?
Can't make it there tonight sadly.
This desu. Would prefer the security of the silver fox option.

>Find aesthetic guy running test
>He appreciates that I havent got fat
>Work out together and have crazy monkey sex

>... weirdly satisfy daddy issues?

>a parade of fat chicks benching lmao 1 plate
That would be h-hot

>implying that I'd here on this website if I could do better
This will not be me. I will not get fat to bench 1pl8 I will do it proper
and about half of them have a fucking blue or green mohawk
You can do better desu. You just got to believe to achieve
but I want a sad gf who's reliant on me
The commentators couldn't be more useless if they tried Tbh.
Negatives, using the right form and not just brute-forcing your way back up
You're 18 those needy bitches are everywhere. I shouldn't be reliant at my age.

I want you to kys, sadly we can't always get what we want.
Yeah, seems like they went with the budget english commentator option. I'm just excited to see the 66 kg guys next. My boy Alex McQuillen will be up.
no most British girls are not like those needy anime girls like you are
They go out to parties often, drink a lot and they all have fat 20" arms and I can't compete

Being a needy animu gf isn't bad at any age
20" arms. Mirin' bulk. My arms are getting close to 15" and I'm pretty happy about that.
I know, it may be pure fat but I can't compete
Seriously the British air force has loads more recruits because of the influx of bingo wings in the last 10 years.
Lmao. I had to google bingo wings desu.
Even the ones your age? When I was 18 everyone was skelly scene kids.

>We must go back
You will see them everywhere now.

Especially. I go on instagram and it's fashionable now to wear selfless dressed and squish your arms by your side to expand them 300%

My generation is getting fatter and not even getting the big boobs along with it
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Could you beautiful people check my squat, please?
It's just 60kg, I know, already did 105kg a few months ago but then went on a retarded "who needs food" and "no lifting cuz I don't eat anyway" 3 or 4 months over the school semester.
Christ. I'm so sorry.

It makes so much sense now.
Tbh it's really nor enough weight to get an indicator of what you look like under work sets, but it's still enough for me to see way too much forward collapse. Come back up in the same path you went down in.
You know that describes esme too? She dyes her hair and goes to glasto and gets eiffel towered by Chad and Ndawambi

I was coming back from seeing my dad on Saturday night and was getting the tube with all the people going for a night out

I don't like them.
Brace better so you won't collapse forward as much on the way up. Other than that looks good.
I've got to go now but I might be back to complain later
try only going to parralel for a while and see if that form is fixed at higher weights
Thanks a lot.
>You know that describes esme too? She dyes her hair and goes to glasto and gets eiffel towered by Chad and Ndawambi
Not it isn't true, she's still pure, just mislead is all. Still pure, I'm s-sure.

>I was coming back from seeing my dad on Saturday night and was getting the tube with all the people going for a night out
>I don't like them
Me neither. Didn't even go to my leavers prom because all people wanted to do was buy expensive suits to drink and fuck

Can't stand that crowd. Such a shallow life.
high test birds are done
phil benching soon
Slander. I didn't get Eiffel towered

But I'm definitely not pure anime waifu. I've just chilled out now because hated what I'd became. I could see 30 year olds in bars dressed like they're 16 barking like fat dogs and it made me want to change.
How many times have you had sex? I'm still pure so this changes everything.
>she's just mislead is all
She's a nice girl sure, but she's not a frog.

Your princess is in another Castle.
Yeah as I said you can do better.
how many...
Lads, I love lifting and judo but they clash too much. I am going to have to lift and box. Hold me please. It's very upsetting for some reason.
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When did /plg/ become /Esmeraldag/?
Okay she didn't get eiffel towered. Just dropped mdma with Marcus and chill
Do female frogs even exists... I don't think they do
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Rule of thumb whatever she says double it
Too many.

I reckon you're not looking hard enough for your princess matey
I'm sorry trappy my trap

You're just lewd in mind :)
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Bodorio 182,5kg Bench.webm
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Nice! got in just in time for the bench press.
Easy opener.
Fuck I missed it. What did he open with?

All you talk about on discord is cocks and how much you like cocks...
Lads just tested my lifts got a 1090 total is that good enough to compete for my first time or should I wait till I'm stronger.? Just don't want to embarras myself

Was ez but he's only going for 185 as a 2bd not 187.5 as planned.

Nah better wait until 2000lbs
Don't want anyone sniggering at you
Please be kg
I'm sorry. Don't waste your time on girls like me. You want a girl who can match you, one that goes to the gym, who behaves, who has more self respect. You deserve it
Don't put yourself down pet. I've negged you a little hard today but I think you're alright :)

Many guys would be lucky to have you.
Cheers man will do, btw your tips for arching on bench helped loads.
Sweet gets nope lbs
dat pause, seemed like forever
I wasn't referring to you. I know you don't behave or deserve pure waifu

I just wish more people had told my lad mates that they shouldn't chase party sluts. They all got fucked up and ended up betas

No-one gives a shit. I've seen guys compete with a sub-800 total and the only ones who got any shit were guys who got crap for being arseholes (and that holds true for stronger guys anyway - the fuckwit bench specialist with the potential 1000 push/pull total caught more crap than any of the new lifters and it was entirely because of him being a fuckwit).
damn that was a grind
also long as fuck pause imho
Filip max legal grip when?

Fuck that ref is giving super slow press signs. Much slower than what the IPF refs were giving at the world's for sure.


why is fil not using wraps btw?
Wew negged

Was savage

Phil got 185 but it was hard af
or this fucking guy benching 200 for that matter
Outside of maybe heavyweights it will clash with boxing as well. Boxing is mostly cardio and calisthenics, for lower divisions there's no lifting at all.
Did Filip break a record or something? I thought you couldn't take a .5kg number apart from 2.5kg jumps. But surely the squat record was more than 290?
The Swedish squat record was 285.5
You know I think you're a sweety really.

A bit sad now though. Wish I had found better coping methods for my shit than getting rekt
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Owen Hubbard 202,5kg Bench.webm
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I honestly think what's fucking Phil some of the guys over is that pause length. You just lose too much power with such long pauses, and power makes a huge difference.
Could try rekking your shit with weights like the rest of us? Or escapist fantasy into tv, books and vidya
I am back in my home town and for the next three weeks, I ll be training in a crossfit gym because that's the only place here with a rack and proper sized plates.

However, they only have those huge bumpers, and you can't load more than 150kg on a barbell. Last time I deadlifted I did 8 heavy singles with 162.5kg, so if that's my 2-3RM (estimating my 1RM around 173-178kg), what's a good way to train the deadlift for the following 3 consecutive weeks with loads no more than 80-85%? I currently run Hepburn.
Already there mate. Only misbehaved once this year.
third attempt looked much better
misbehave with me bbe ;)
Yeah was pause length

Phil confirmed it

He also smashed 187.5 kg for a third

6/6 so far. Easily on track for best lifter overall if he gets 790

Deficits/pause deadlifts. Or do speed/technique work. Or just introduce yourself to the 'joys' of widowmaker deadlift sets.
>I honestly think what's fucking Phil some of the guys over is that pause length
tfw phil doesnt have a JP to give the refs a tongue lashing for him
>It was on holiday
>Seduced by accent
>What is this in built weakness
>Seriously lads watch your grills on holiday
I hope Fil's wrist injury and subsequent deadlift grip issues aren't what cost him the gold in total.
what kind of accents make you go weak at the knees?
is this bobos national meet?
It was because he was British immigrant but had Spanish accent and he kept breaking into Spanish and he had good body.

Too fucking cute to cope
>when girls go all muh dik
huge turn-off to be honest
Took full advantage of it in Australia
>what is this inbuilt weakness
>why would girls be attracted to wider gene pools
No idea
I'm not trying to turn you on. Just telling you what led to my downfall

I don't think anyone asked for your opinion?
It's the worst.

Tbh I've seen your Australia pics and I don't reckon it was just the accent chadsley
Is it just me or does that grip look pretty narrow? Also, no wraps?
you're a man
Thankfully those days are over.

I've come up with the perfect roastie defense. Nothing will interrupt my growing magical powers. Already I can levitate small objects like hairs and dust specks, but soon you will tremble before the powers I wield.
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Hello everybody,

This is my first time posting in /plg.
I've been trapped on fit for years, and often lurk these threads, but have never needed to post. Isley I watch all your youtube vids. Now I come seeking advice. I want to get gud at powerlifting, and I went to my first meet two weeks ago. Bench and deadlift went well, but my squat is shit tier.

I have really bad squat mobility and have talked to two different coaches about it. One says glutes and groin are restricting my depth, the other says hamstrings and ankles. I'm stretching every day and it is improving, but slooooowly. Can anyone share their squat secrets or offer an opinion on what I can do to fix my form?

Here’s a vid of 85kg squats:
Pls ignore the Kavinsky.
I can deadliest 172.5kgs and weigh 66kgs so this shit max is driving me crazy. I'm new to powerlifting but I really don't want to learn squats wrong and pay the price in the long run.

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Bodorio 317,5kg Deadlift.webm
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Yeah he doesn't do max grip.
>all these women yelling their tightness away
I know who you are. I reconise that face and hair.
Shoot :)
It's like you're just bending your knees and dropping forward. Try opening your hips up and keeping your head/neck a little more upright to keep your mid/upper spine extended. Also holy fuk pls get some legs.
>It's only a cut away
teach me how to use a deadlift suit
Joe Pistachio
How can I mitigate the risk of losing strength/muscle while doing PSMF? I really like it as a fat loss tool, but I don't like losing any more strength than I have to.
I suck at squat too, big time

but y'know what? I just keep doing it, again and again and it is slowly getting better

technique you can always change. what you need is strength. and strength takes time. so practice your patience and persistence
Don't look down.
Look in front of you.
Unrack the bar by driving your neck into it sorta.
Malan should help you.

Man I guess I should cut.
Thank you. I'm working on them.

Should I stare at a single spot whilst squatting?

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in side view we can't see how your hips are rotated
it looks like you MIGHT (again, can't really know) be doing pic related on the left, while you want to do more like pic related on the right

this + decent core bracing should remove any pelvic rotation during the lift
That retard in your pics name is Joe though
Do a Bulgarian type routine with no back-off work, maybe. Just three workouts a week where you work up to a 1 rep at/close to your max or over it if you're feeling frisky on bench and squat. Deadlift with the same protocol once a week.
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Nup. Me in the original pic, pic related and the vid. Not a Joe. Lighting's a blessing if you know how to use it.

Noted. Thank you. Do I push my knees apart using my glutes?
>Bulgarian type routine
>three workouts a week

People need to learn what Bulgarian means. Saying "a Bulgarian type routine" would be something like having 6 daily max squat sessions per week instead of 14
You can't have everything, dude. PSMF one or two days a week to speed things up, eat like a more normal person the rest of the time.
Your name isn't Benjamin B. Is it? You look kinda like someone I know.

(not that other anon)
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Sumo or conventional?
ha ha ha time for deadlift
kom igen!
Bodorio's class is starting again!

Not a Benjamin, sorry.
You have been visited by The big strong viking of FIL WINNING OVERALL BEST LIFT only if you post a

Haha time for deadlifts!
Kom igen fil

ITT right now
Why did they greenlight the lift when he didn't even manage to clean the weight let alone jerk it?
Are all spotters fat?
If I read the scoreboard correctly, Filip needs to top the current first place guy's deadlift by 10kg (technically 8.5 but jumps) to win gold in total. Fil's opener is 290, other guy 275. Gonna be close!
Haha time for deadlifts!
Kom igen fil
all hinges on his wrist injury
his lack of gf may be his undoing
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Bodorio 195kg Snatch Deadlift.webm
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Joe, I already told you that powerlifting and weightlifting are two different sports!
Where is Filip I don't have time to watch fatasses do some pretend exercises all day
fucking flew up, nice one
Ez pz
What suit do you have? Velocity?

Breathe out at the top, reach down one side first and use it pull yourself into the bar. And then try to breathe for all your worth and don't get your hips too low.
Fil gold medal inc
Haha time for deadlifts!
Kom igen fil
All that green
Metal pro deadlifter. It's also a bit loose the farther up my body it's goes. Tight in the butt hole tho
is this nationals?

Not ipf approved

Advice still applies
Still newbie and haven't competed yet — do lifters lift lighter weights in between attempts? If there are many lifters in a weight class/flight, and there's at least 1 minute in between attempts but add to that changing the weight on the bar, cleaning chalk or baby powder, wiping the bar clean etc. then surely sometimes you would have 15-20mins in between attempts, isn't that far too long?
im taking it the guy from worlds isnt there?
I have done before but it's not necessary

It takes 10 minutes at a well run meet but even 20 is usually fine.

If it's cold they might but it's a a balance between being warm and not being tired.
>15-20mins in between attempts, isn't that far too long?
lad i nearly take that long between work sets Tbh lol
Maybe I have a different one because I thought it said IPF approved. Doesn't matter as its actually for strongman
He is but he was at world's 3 weeks ago. He'll be tired.

It was ipf approved until this calendar year.
is it a holiday in sweden?
>meet on a monday
hype phil is fucking great Tbh
470+ wilks inc
Ah. Thanks for the advice
I think one of the main perks of competition is having some strongfats tidying up your platform and getting the grip on the bar right for you.
>He is
can phil realistically get to worlds if he wins?
i remember him saying its not that simple before
what would he need to do?
Fil with 783 total 1st place
2nd place is at 771 total going for 783.5

But fil's attempts so far have been pretty easy, I'm sure he won't miss his third.
Cheat the roid test and leave 5/3/1 behind.
astute observation you stupid cunt
heres your you
>trying to jew our fil by 0.5kg
disgusting tbH, im glad he's bald
no he said winning nationals doesnt mean you will be given a spot on the world team for some reason
he missed! grats filly boy
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Philip for Swedish champion!!

Filip oh filipppp

Kom igen!

Champion of my heart

Now he needs to change his third to go for a PB
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>The little teddy at the end
Pls win you fat fuck
Delete this so it can be the next OP image
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SQ 290.5
BP 187.5
DL 310
we need some fresh webms of hype phil lads
>472 WILKS
thats freaky
H-holy shit

I'm downloading the vod as soon as it becomes available!
fucking great
should have went for a deadlift pr or atleast a meet pr

>when a twink curls near your bar
Coming soon: AMA with natty Swedish IPF Champion Filip Lindstrom. Pls upvote for visibility!
>tfw you realise he will leave us soon
>tfw all his autism is documented in the archives

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kek fucking twinks when will they learn
Staying natty for another year cos of Fil lads.
mirin norsies bulk Tbh lads
*you will never be phil intensifies*
So beautiful. So proud
phils gonna get a hug lads
Is it weird that I feel really happy for chadorio?
not even slightly
>that little fraidy step filip does as he gets off the podium at the end
He nearly tripped on the bar coz of excitement and deadlift dizzies. So cuuuuuute
.Gif pls

Psssh get with the times grandpa
One of my friends just won the collegiate worlds gold squat with a squat of 215 at 66!
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is that your face when you realise that should be your weightclass?
He walks around at 158 and does a brutal cut down to 145 for meets. At collegiate nationals I had to cut his hair with scissors at the last second so he could make weight, but he ended up winning 1st there.
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>Seaham Castle

You may meme but I've visited Seaham. Didn't see a castle though.
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Helo friends,

could someone take a look at my squat and / or diddly?





thx 4 any help
Are you trying to spread the floor with your feet because that's what you should be doing.
Looks like the bar is coming forward. This and the feet rising issue can probably both be solved at the same time either by improving mobility or making your torso upright. With a little improvement it could look very good.

almos there. Do you ever fail above the knees? You would probably benefit from locking your knees out ASAP without changing back angle then locking out the hips
You fold over into the bottom. Your back is very rounded.

Also you're way too skinny.
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>tfw woke up too late to watch bodorio lift live
Bodorio VOD https://play.staylive.se/styrkelyft/watch/1576/

Downloading it atm to make some webms
literally today
What lifts did he hit?

9/9 471 wilks and best male overall lifter
for deadlift?

I have gotten a bit better about that by bringing my stance out. it makes it so I am putting more pressure on the outside of my feet and seems to help me "spread the floor"

>Looks like the bar is coming forward. This and the feet rising issue can probably both be solved at the same time either by improving mobility or making your torso upright. With a little improvement it could look very good.

what kind of mobility? What for more upright torso other than stronger upper back / fighting to stay in position and tight?

I noticed that I "sit back" more when I am doing volume squats and it seems like I sit "down" more on higher %age squats, which I think might have something to do with it?

havent failed on deadlift in awhile.

Doing TM. I am thinking of doing next weeks deadlifts at +10 lbs isntead of a 5 lbs increase.

I'll work on locking out knees asap--any tips or just thinking about it / mindfulness?

I think im in love w/ him
Someone pls make webms of fil, i wanna see his lifts
just best overall male Tbh
>>what kind of mobility? What for more upright torso other than stronger upper back / fighting to stay in position and tight?
Glute mobility helps a lot for me.
>I noticed that I "sit back" more when I am doing volume squats and it seems like I sit "down" more on higher %age squats, which I think might have something to do with it?
Yes. Could just be mental too, you might benefit from paused squats to keep a consistent back angle.
>I'll work on locking out knees asap--any tips or just thinking about it / mindfulness?
Yeah, just practice
Why his deadlift went down ;_;
Didn't do more than he needed to
dodgy wrist had him gripping with opposite grip, unless he swapped back for comp, and to build his total

i think he should have went for a meet pr dl since he had already won but you cant argue with a total pr
>Why his deadlift went down ;_;
It didn't
Ge got 305kg on his second attempt
The third attempt of the second place guy would have put that guy 0.5kg above Filip. So Filip needed only a small jump to win. If the second place guy had gotten his 3rd and Filip went for a PB and failed, he would have lost the gold medal.

I'm assuming there was not enough time between that guy failing his third and Filip nailing his, else I can't think of a reason why Filip didn't increase his third attempt, seeing as he had already won the gold at that point.
Isley would you say moving up a weight class if you've been stalled for over a year is the best thing to do?
Wanted to secure best male overall
>if you stall, gaining muscle will make you stronger
wow you should publish this finding somewhere
When's your comp?
Depends, usually Yes. Sometimes bad performances are from life circumstances or bad luck. So not in all cases.
>When's your comp?
I have two in the next four weeks. The one I care about is the equipped one in four weeks. This weekend I'm doing a classic (aka raw) one where I am just hitting a QT for the equipped meet and also for the British classic.
so he beats out gullander now right

when will we see someone continue ur legacy at worlds?
>yfw Filip turtled MORE than jewlander did at world's

Why is this allowed
When bryce gets a real job
thanks m8
Because Gullan can't perform at international meets.
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Couldn't watch it live because I was coaching XC camp, but...


He is an inspiration to all.

If you're looking to get stronger, Flip is a pretty ideal role model.

Is always sunny really that good, buda?
Filip is literal proof that Sheiko 24/7 is the way to go

>always sunny
It's the best sitcom since Seinfeld, IMO.

Let it grow on you.

>Filip is literal proof
Flip is literal proof that Flip is doing what is right for Flip.

If what is right for Flip was right for you, then you would have tied him today :)
>If what is right for Flip was right for you, then you would have tied him today :)
i'm on my way to his weight class, will rek him in 5 years just watch me
rest days are part of the programme
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>just watch me
I would honestly love to see that. Records are meant to be broken.

Feel free to keep us updated with training videos and results :)

Fuckin eh

#inspiration #plgsown #viewsfromthe471
just 13 more sheiko cycles

ok ill try it out
370 wilks, fucking bored of sheiko.
Will i rape my gains if i go back to something simple like texas?
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>Will i rape my gains if i go back to something simple like texas?
You won't rape your gains, but you probably won't see improvement.

Knock your maxes down 3-10% and hop on a new program appropriate to your progression. Nuckols, RTS, TSA, Conjugate, Beyond 5/3/1 Mods, etc.

I'd even recommend something high-rep oriented with low stress for a bit. Build conditioning (cardio) and strength endurance, plus some hypertrophy for lagging muscles (especially rotator cuff/pulling plane, etc.).
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Saved under "I'm being a sinner" folder :)
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Got a comp in exactly 13 weeks. Im finishing my second back to back sheiko <80, and plan on running another 12 week run. Do i add another week of volume work or i take a week off after this cycle?
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There is so much respect for what Bryce Lewis does and has done in the PL community; I didn't think people could still feel this way about TSA stuff.
I'm pretty convinced the 9 week programme just has a shitty peak where people trying it arent recovered, so they experience "no gains" or "negative gains" but are in fact just fatigued
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Programs don't sabotage gains. Athletes who run programs without coaching sabotage gains.

>I didn't think people could still feel this way about TSA stuff.
They don't. One guy didn't try hard enough so he's crying about how the program didn't GIVE HIM his gains.
>didn't try hard enough
fuck you
I busted my balls doing that shit you fucking cunt
The program is trash, 90% of people who ran it in plg didn't make ANY gains, some even regressed
If this try hard meme doesn't end soon I'm going to shoot up a school

I mean seriously, I've been riding Wendler's dick my whole training career and I still swear by Lewis' Meet selection chart.


Could be, I'll have to try it one day and find out.
Seriously, it's linear periodization with DUP. Concepts that are more than tried and proven.
trappy confirmed as sean
>Programs don't sabotage gains. Athletes who run programs without coaching sabotage gains.
Hold on I'll let Mike T and Fil L know they sabotaged their gains
>The program is trash
No, it's not.

In this un-coached niche "hobby" sport, you have to be self-aware and pick the right program to match your efforts, ability, progression, etc.

If you pick the wrong program don't blame the program. Blame yourself.

It's like blaming a screwdriver for not being able to drive nails.

>it's linear periodization with DUP
Correct. The programming is solidly based.
Is it OK if I do the sheiko double squat days all in one go?
Do you mean squat squat bench in that order
It's ok but worse than doing it in the right order
Mike T is a coach.

Filip has an incredible support system via his club full of strong, experienced and WE holding people. Even if he doesn't have a coach persay, a good sports club fulfills many of those roles.
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>You'll never belong to a club like this
Mike T wasn't coached though
Look around. Good PL gyms don't advertise very well. Unless you're really out in the frontier, you might have one you could join a couple times per week, or once in a while to get your head screwed back on.

>Mike T wasn't coached
Mike T. knows more coaches and lifters to help him with his training than you know pokemon.
>Unless you're really out in the frontier

Time for a home gym, and you can skype us all in to your home :)

I got my training bro, but I'm getting close to growing out of my mom and pop commercial gym. Might try to weasel my way into one of the local private school's training facilities - I know the right people.
What are your maxes at now after your cut?
Brentwood has a nice weight room last I checked, though I don't know if you're near that part of the Island.

Very close my man :) Cool you've been to my neck of the woods.


We'll all find out August 7
Taking the pupper on a hike lads.

Poopteen out.
>home gym

Poutwink is too poor for that
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don't forget to pick up his droppings poopteen

Whenever I walked with my pupper, the leash would always get stuck under one of his hindlegs and we'd always have to stop to get it out from under him. Walking with your pupper is one of the comfiest things in the world
Vancouver but I spent many summers as a teenager on the Island
>VOD download keeps failing at 95%

I guess the webms are gonna take a while
Why not just use OBS or fraps to record?
Non PJ thread over here
>two new threads
>none with a pic of bodorio

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>too poor
$1500 would buy a good-nuf powerlifting setup new.

You could go less if you were willing to scour garage sales and classifieds.

The hard part is moving it if you aren't settled. Also, having flat, durable floor space can sometimes be the biggest premium.
Literally who cares, if you want to post about him then just post about him in the thread.
Make a 4th thread.
>who cares
I care. Bodorio is a hero today.

Could you make a new OP?
Delete your terrorist thread
I've just come back from a 4 hour walk in the woods with quad doms what did I miss?
Have done it, not much fun but it works
>I care
Who cares

You know Bodorio just won a gold medal and the best male overall award at the Swedish Nationals, right?
phil fucking smashed it
new thread with bodorio in OP
He did a great job and am proud, but I don't see why we need to circlejerk over him tBh
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>is on /plg/
>does not want to circlejerk

I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, kid.
That's awesome and all, but if he won best overall lifter at nationals with a 470 wilks then the actual best lifters in sweden didn't compete

He did a great job tho
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Flip is Swedish National Champion :)

And, adorable.

>I don't see why we need to circlejerk over him tBh
Because he is one of the most accomplished of any of the lifters that frequent this hell-hole?

That is why.
>is a good lifter so he needs to be circlejerked over
He did great, but seriously just congratulate him on facebook or something, we don't need to circlejerk over him, jesus.

>congratulating a friend and regular poster who achieved an amazing goal on powerlifting by having a pic of him winning his national competition as the OP of the powerlifting thread is now circlejerking

Sourgrapes much?


He won 1st place and got the best male lifter award.
That's literally the highest one can go in the national competition.

What you're arguing about doesn't matter because those lifters were not competing, so they literally cannot and have not won.
>just congratulate him on facebook or something, we don't need to circlejerk over him, jesus.

A) I'm not in the treehouse, and Facebook is for grandparents and children

B) You sound like a petty, jealous child. Celebrate Bodorio's victory, or just shut the hell up. You sound like a pouty cunt.
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lol wrong thread
I can't believe I'm saying this, but
>lurk moar

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