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Your height

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God tier master race reporting in
How tall are you guys?
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Lingering somewhere within the God tier height range.
>tfw no insurance for free height measurement during physical
>tfw no measuring tape
6'0 borderline with shoes is god tier no question
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>master race

Top kek my friend. If you are under 6 feat you are a manlet
6'2 master race, this chart is bs, 5'7 is tiny
Anyting below 6'1 is manlet
Poor Lankets i feel sorry for your spine
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or I was, my friend that is 5'11 said I'm as tall as he is now. Maybe I'm growing, I haven't checked (19 btw)

thank you based pullups
Kek, I feel sorry for you man. You are literally half of a man
6'2" is masterrace height for a reason.
I'm 6'2" 215lbs and everybody at work calls me either Superman or Herakles.
Although it's mostly because everyone there is 5'7" and shorter.
>good gains
>easy gains

Do you faggots honestly think being taller makes it harder to build muscle?

We all gain at the same rates, but little manlets just LOOK bigger in photos because of their gimpy bodies.

Standing next to tallbros and they look like the little kids they really are.
Actually all people of different heights gain at different rates, due to their different genetics for muscle building
They all need to be shifted up one tier
>god tier/ ok height
>literally manlet

my sides
thats only 4 inches you dip nigger
not half
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>spot the lanklet

6' master race, gains are pretty good.
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tfw will never be 6' master race
5'10 masterrace reporting in:
>mfw all main characters have a sidekick that is taller, and a sidekick that is shorter
>black hair masterrace (goku, ash, jojo, etc)
>only midly autistic so come off as dark/mysterious type (sasuke)

yeah my life is an anime, *sigh*, no big deal.
i know those feels man, 5'11 reporting in too. but hey im 20 maybes theres still time to grow?
Have you noticed any body changes in the past year? If not, then you're done growing bruh.
that's the worst thing i've ever had to read in my fucking life
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Im 5'11, turned 18 in march, havent noticed any change in my body last year but been going to the gym since January and im seeing a lot of progress in everything, body, dick, and maybe some height (not 100% sure since maybe it is my back straightening). Any of you guys have growth in height post 18?
>since maybe it is my back straightening)
I have mild scoliosis and lifting fixed my posture which I can use to lord over manlets.
Other than that I stopped growing when I was 16 but I was 6'1 by then.
5'11 3/4"
6'2 master race
5'8 i'm okay with this
agreed. I'd 6'2 is better than 5'10
>tfw shorter than middle-schoolers
6ft is the cut off. Stop trying to make it lower. Elder god tier is 6ft 4.
>5'10 god tier

fucking kek
I'm honestly ok with being 5'8

Good troll. 2 kids down, more on the way.
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>6' 1 and 19
Please body stop growing
I'm 5'10 195, and a ton of people call me Superman or Hercules, so I don't think it's the height, but rather the build. 6'2 is a good height though-tall but not too tall.
Nice try manlet but God tier is only 6'0 and 6'1 kys
ayy lmao you are literally 4chan
>>thinks his like is an anime
if you're a girl then yes 5'10 is a good height.
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>5'10 is god tier height but 6'2 isn't
K, for you babe ;)
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How the fuck. Are you asian or something?
because of health problems
i have many friends who are 6.2 above
and all suffer form back problems
Yeah nah
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5'11 reporting in

feels good man
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fucking manlets trying to skew the scale

manlet cutoff is 6'3, and thats being generous
6'5 masterrace reporting in

Is this pic a joke or does someone actually produce it?
How many more inches would a 16 year old be able to grow until he's done growing, I'm asking this for my son. I'm NOT 16.

>He's 5'10 btw
>5'7" and below
Glorious Dwarf master race
Mediocre Human race
>above 6'0"
Scum Elven race

prove me wrong.
They're real. My gym has two of them near the entrance. It's a massage chair.
are there people who honestly believe this shit?

I'd rather be 10cm taller and have harder gains than being a manlet. Gains are great but they're not everything. Even at 6'5 you can get enough muscle to impress 90% of all people if you're not a fucking freak. And contrary to belief lanklets don't have thinner wrists or whatever they only look thinner in proportion.
Your wife's son?
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>tfw 5'9
>tfw Salieri is my patron saint
>How many more inches would a 16 year old be able to grow until he's done growing
he could get to 6'5" or stay 5'10", it's impossible to tell for sure.
It's alright man, you can always take a sword and start to eradicate some of them lanklet pointy eared faggots
>tfw 5'10''
It's over, senpai. He's going to stay like that. You fed him like shit and his hormones fucked and now you're paying the price.
I speak from experience because my friend who's 16 measures himself every second month and so and keep statistics of it because of a medical condition (it isn't related to height though).

t. 6'3 definitely not underage 16 year old who stopped growing half a year ago.


>god tier

I'm 6'2 225 pounds 335 pound bench. 500 pound squat. 515 pound deadlift.
Pure autism
All of those fags are nothing compared to Guts though and guess what
HE'S 6'3"
Anime manlets on suicide watch
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I dont mind easy gains hieght
6'4'', almost 6'5'' ( 195 cm)

Idc if it isn't good for your spine.

Just love being the tallest guy around and overlooking everyone in a crowded place
nothing personal kid
How much did you guys grow after high school ? Im finishing this year and im 6'0 (18) (probs have like 2years of growing still to do)
wtf, i tried to convert 6'6 into metres and it came up with this; 8,948398458978
Can someone pls translate to a europoor?
just accept the orc mode
Loctar ogar
At least they haven't been raped in their motherfucking asses. Clearly Guts is overcompensating for being sexually abused.

Girls love it. Anyone under 6'0 is child tier.
5'11 - 6'2

rest is trash, simple as that
5'11 is perfectly acceptable anon, relax
>not master race

w e w
6 foot is god tier height. Plain and simple.

You aren't so tall that serious gains become unachievable without steroids and you're still "tall" and desired by women.

5'10, 6'3, etc. There's nothing wrong with these heights. But you're lying to yourself if you think they are better than being 6' even. ESPECIALLY on a fitness board.
this guy knows it
My grandfather has one. Shits so cash
Do you have a sheet of printer paper?
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>Tfw 5'7
>Tfw my height makes my dick look bigger

I don't know how to feel
I was 5'11'' when fat.
Got healthy and my posture improved, so I'm 6 foot now, dunno where that inch came from, but it was very appreciated.
actually 5'11 and 6'0 is the perfect height and the real master race to be honest with you mates
If you're that much of a poorfag just use the dindu height chart on the doors of your local 711.
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I'm okay with this and there's nothing you can say to make me feel bad.
Your not that fucked. When I was 13 I was 6f
Biggest problem with my height is that I'll never be both heavy af while being aesthetic.
That's being extremely generous. 6'7" has been the manlet cut off for years. 7'3" master race reporting in.
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>wake up and measure
>sit in chair all day on 4chan
>end of day

Literally impossible to tell.
Unless you can tell us the height of both parents AND their parents, how well he ate as a child, how physically active he was as a child, and any other factors that might be relevant (e.g. when parents went through their growth spurts and quit growing, any medical conditions, etc.), there's no way of knowing. And even then it's just best guess.
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Question guys...

I'm 6'1, but my gf right now is super tiny, maybe 5'0. If we stay together and make babies, are my sons doomed to be manlets?

The sex is awesome btw.
depends on the average men's height in her family

If they're all 5'6 and shit, yeah there's a very good chance you'll have manlets
They will either be:
Closer to 5' than 6'
Closer to 6' than 5'
Taller than both of you
Shorter than both of you
I'm 5'10 and like 90% of men I meet are taller than me. 5'10 is not God tier.
>tfw average as fuck :(
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They will.

Don't let the little gains goblins take your fucking genes away. My dad was 6'1", maybe even 6'2", his entire family is tall people, and he had kids with a little 5'1"-5'3" girl with short guys in her family and i'm fucking barely 5'10".

don't fucking do it or i'll come hook you in the gab for fucking your sons over. find a tall girl.
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>not wanting to be a giraffe

plebs, all of you

>Lanklets talking shit again

Just go squat 2pl8 for 6 reps and tell people ur strong for your height ok senpai?
agreed the real god tear is 5'11
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No it's not. 6'2 to 6'5 is God tier. Most men are about 6'0.
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>mfw Im 5 9.... Wish I was 6 foot 2 or something...

Feels bad
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>boys shorter than 5'0
that's got to be impossible, or i'll need a cliff to toss them off of when they're born -_-

Even if we split the difference though, that's not even 5'6, and that is not a comfy height, see

>tfw you can't protect your genes AND have a wife who you can literally toss into the air and catch on your dick.
6'3 - 6'5 is lanklet tier
Im 5 11 and most guys are taller than me. Most guys at my finance job at 6 foot + .. Is that like the average or something?
one of the teachers in my high school was 4'8''. He was a lil scrapper though.
like shit
>tfw 5'2" and knee problems
Hi here's the updated version
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forgot image
Vegan Gays in the thread, did you know that being a Vegan means you'll automatically grow to be 7 foot tall and qt asian girls will mir you?
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I live in Brazil so I'm actually considered tall here

>6'1 barefoot
>nearing 6'2 with dress shoes or walking shoes on
>broad, large handspan etc
>bloom started at 16, became a chad overnight

>some friends are taller, but weaker and less aesthetic
>some shorter, better lift numbers but don't have the power of a taller guy (running, throwing, jumping, carrying)
>girls don't like the manlets though

>tfw 6'1 and moderately attractive makes you a chad if you lift.
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>king of manlets
5'6 master race reporting in.
My name is Alexandre, thank you very much
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feels good to know that I could physically dominate you in an anarchic society where you couldn't run behind a government to protect you from me.
>tfw 6'3"

>tfw shit gains
>tfw perma-fucked back and squats and deads are out of the question forever
put in 78 inches instead; I don't think google does a good conversion of X'Y" to metres very well
12 inches = 1 ft
oh shit good thing you've provided your anecdotal evidence! that means it's a universal truth!
son u be as tall as goku in ssj3 mode yo just finna grow u hair out BAKA
>tfw 6'7. God I wish I was 6 '4
you could be the next Martyn Ford

meanwhile i could be the next Kai Greene if i get a negroplasty
Lmao thx Mr skeletal
Rattle your bones somewhere else
He's literally overweight by BMI. Do you have body dysmorphia or are you fat as fuck.
i'd call you overweight
5'9. shortish but im comfortable with it.
6'4 broad frame. Saw a 6'10-7' broad frame behemoth the other night but instead of looking more attractive or alpha than me he just looked like a freak. Negative returns after 6'4 with 6'4 being the best
Can someone post this in measurements that are not used by retard country?
>can't convert to metric himself
>calls us retards
Just remember lanklets that little dogs live longer than big dogs.
On the modern battlefield being big just makes you a bigger target..
On the modern battlefield being big just makes you a bigger target to aim at..
and what a life it must be, carried around in a handbag for giggles
6'2'' here, you guys are giants when swole. But the good kind, all above that height are freakish.
Daily reminder that anyone under 6'4 (my height) is a fucking manlet.
6'7" here

Everything below 6'6" are Manlets.
these charts really only work depeding on where you live desu i moved from the netherlands where i was manlet tier and now to the usa and i'm like above average.
>tfw 5'11 god tier height
>tfw bow legs saved me from being a lanklet

Thank you physical defect
9'11" here
Everything below 9'10" are Manlets.
Welp, I'm moving to China.
10'5" here

Fucking Manlets everywhere
I raise my arms up in the air while shouting "GROW GROW GROW"
Why would you move from there senpai?

Women there are incredibly hot desu
I started dating a qt 5'5, is her height good enough bros?
who long torso here?
>am 5'10 manlet
>as soon as it comes to sitting down, I tower over even the 6' fucks

having short legs is shit tier, kill me
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im 6'2 and almost every other guy is as tall or taller as me
5'3 reporting in
This is the most autistic thing I've ever read and I've been here 10 years.
This is the most autistic thing I've ever read and I've been here 11 years.
6'4 with easy gains
Is 178cm acceptable for a New Zealander of British descent?
I think 178 cm is only Manlet if you live in Middle Europe.
>tfw exactly 178cm and living in middle europe
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Yo listen up here's a story
About a manlet guy that lives in a manlet world
And all day and all night and everything he sees Is just manlets
Like him inside and outside
manlet his house with a manlet window
And a manlet Corvette
And everyone os a big guy for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen
I'm Manlet da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Manlet da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
I have a manlet house with a small window
Manlet is the color of all that I wear
Manlet are the streets and all the trees are too
Yes of course. I think it's usual that males grow til they are 19 years old. But it depends on the person, not everybody is the same of course.

174 cm here.
I didn't meant to say that they are small when they are 178 cm, but in some countries like Germany, Serbia or Netherlands for example you are below the average.
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>Manlet is the size of all that I wear
Nice trip friendo! Cool meme!
When do you actually stop growing? I'm 18 and 6"2 and don't wanna get any taller.
you can grow up to your late 20's really. it's pretty rare to go past 21, but it happens all of the way to 25. it's usually like 1" in three years or something like that, though.
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UFC 200 was proof that anyone over 6'2 is fucked in a fight. You are uncoordinated and will get your shit handed to you
what sucks is that I was barely above 5'8 and this board made me think im a manlet to the point where now that im 5'9 I still consider myself 5'8. I wish I could be excited from that additional inch but alas Lord A mode was always out of my reach
I am 6' but I am not insecure enough to claim that this is the master race, I'd say 6'1 or 6'2 is top tier
6'1 at 18
6'3 at 21
Good luck with tha
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>anons height -1 inch = manlet
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>tfw 6'
>tfw my dick size makes my dick look bigger
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you should put 5'10 on your tinder profile and what you squat. Im sure you'll clean up there chad
Could be. I grew 3+ inches within the first few years out of high school.
6.00394 foot

Or 183cm on the dot.

I am envy as fuck though of teens who are like 6 inches taller than me (im 31 now).
I am but I have decent delts and good posture so it's kind of overlooked.
guys, you're givin too much credit too the height, if you're tall but you're not athletic, you're just another stick in the field
3'4" here ama
>He NEEDS those 4 extra inches
your self body image sucks.
>He's less than ten feet tall
Wow get a load of THIS manlet!
6'1 glorious master race
Lanklets AKA males taller than 6' have onlyu began appearing in significant numbers during the turn of the century, the same time that marxism and
general degenerecy began to spread, coincidence?? That is what they will tell you, do not trust them. Just as their bones suffer from

They are historical abberations and genetic mutations. Just like Jews they will tell you about about their supposed
[[higher inttelligence]] and brag about their power in society, but just like Jews
they suffer from genetic diseases such as knee and heart problems as well as lowered life span

Lanklet revisionist history will tell you that most great men in history were only hsort because of bad nutrition, the truth is that prehistoric man was
the same height as man today... but how could that be??

The truth is that the lanklet phenotype is predisposed to savegry and destruction, only once it was suppresed was civilization allowed to flourish. After 4000 years
of supression the eternal lanklet rears its elongated spindly neck and seeks to bring mankind back to its knees.

Do. Not. Let. Them Win.

> Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies 58 percent are taller than 6 feet
> 48 Percent Of U.S. Billionaires Are Jewish
dead lift my friend
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19 yr old and 5'6 m8 here
Do I have a chance to grow 2+ inches?
What should I do?
pull ups?
pls no bully
Yet no chance I stopped at 17 and waited the next ten years for another inch but never came. Still taker than most other posters though.
6 4 and never a problem. but you are right everyone who isn't a midget has back problems right little man?
Well at least I'm the king of manlets and not one. Stupidly stupid though. Anything over 6 is probably enough to not look like a pigme
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I´m 6´5.
Honest question, how depressing is it for manlets?
same, Im 5'7 but when I sit im taller than people who are 6'1

sucks having femurs that are 5 inches shorter than average ;_;
5'5" But I'll make your gf go gay.
If being tall is the only thing you have going for you, you're about as unfortunate as a woman who only has nice tits going for her.
That's not how height works. It can end up that way. However, short is a dominant gene so if she has tall people in her family you have a change because she may be heterogeneous for the short gene.
oh boy
tell me more
about your mental disorder and your parents being disappointed at you of being end of your gene pool
doing pull up bars might help
it might give u 5 more cm
Blonde and aryan. All I have to do is find a 5'0" qt 3.14 and I'm set. For women height is relative. Just be tall enough that they can wear heels.
i'm 5'10.
i thought i was the king of manlets though
I would´t say I am highly muscular, but luckily I am not obese nor highly skinny since men look ridiculous in that case. I would love to get stronger though.

Is it that bad honestly?
the mostly they dont tho to them being short
and the bones not having to support so much mass
btw im 5.10 that above average in almost every place except its not so freaky tall and its not baby small
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lmfao as a short person I just realized there are tall people that are still growing that have to live with the fact that theyre going to just keep growing

and growing

and growing

as they watch their gains disappear and girls ignore them for being way too lank mode

anyone else here under 5'7, we get to enjoy looking like we're on roids (and having people constantly accuse us of roiding) after we get serious gains


I usually don't notice, until someone brings it up. I think it's something that bothers younger people, being that they might be more insecure about a larger variety of things. I, personally, don't get very many comments about it.
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>5'7 scared of getting taller
o boi
Where do you live? Same issue here south us
6'1 & 6'2 are legit best of both worlds
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*unsheathes katana*
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i miss being 5"9'
69 is just such a perfect number
>tfw king of the manlets,

eh atleast im the king of something
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kys LOL
women won't notice a one inch deficit so it doesn't matter 2bh
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>can send space-time ripples throughout the universe

lanklets BTFO
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Tfw no casca qt to keep warm :(
>UFC 200 was proof
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dont forget your helmet today buddy
Im 6'7 it sucks

vegeta must be 5'2" or below wtf
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6,4 inch

Help me
Pullups help with height? Wat
Quads confirm 6' 4 manlets should commit suicide
I win >:)
6'1 is truly the masterrace.

> 200lbs+ gold standard working weight
> Proportional
> Girls literally creaming to get my genetics
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tfw 195cm and 82 kg but not skeleton somehow
No, stupid bitch.
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just ran a converter... apparently im 6,2 in american

who giraffe mode here?
6.2 is not the same as 6'2
americans can't into decas

check again
>tfw 6-6'1 but have back and knee problems
>being 6'4" in a manlet country

6 foot 3" and above is getting abit risky unless you have good shoulder genetics.
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cool beans, guy
Im 196cm and built like a 175cm guy, a lot of people get intimidated.
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honestly in my opinion add 2 inches to OPs post. im 6ft tall and sure im taller than most people but i never considered myself "tall"

maybe its also cause i play basketball and most of the dudes im playing with are like minimum 6'2

i never had a problem with being 6ft. but i think that should be like.. the standard. every man should be AT LEAST 6ft with 6'4 being the cuttoff

>like it matters. wallet >height anyway
>under 6'2'
5'8 feels good
Taller than the average human bean, yet not so tall that I have joint problems.
>5'8 taller then average
where, fucking china?
How many people do you think are above 6 feet?
Stop getting meme'd you stupid fuck.
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>mfw reading the manlet board on reddit and the manlets have "morning height" and "night height".
1,80 which is just above average here,but I've gotten a lot of ,"you're tall" from women(granted,most of them femlets,but still),idk why, I guess I have naturally good posture and a wide build. I see so many tall dudes who are skinny and hunched over, they are literally cutting 30% of their 1-10 rating by not bulking to at least medium,believe it or not a lot of chicks are into a dude who's 190 and bulky.
>above 6.1
Probably helps stretch the vertebra and then when your back fascia grows and musculature strengthens you retain some of that height
lmaooo lil nigga

Gains come easy and I have a good physique but I wish I was 2 inches taller. All my mates at uni are about 6'4" so I always look so short in comparison lol. Good thing I was born with good facial genetics!
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>tfw im 6'1 and still growing

God tier

Good tier

Average height tier

immaculate bait
>tfw crippling body dysmorphia, been training for 5 years and i feel indifferent about my looks, never enough
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>tfw 6'2
why is it that these graphs are different every time?

is it because they are made to accommodate the person making them?
Why dont people understand that Feet is retarded to measure with?
Example; A man can be 6 foot 2, and a man that is 6 foot 2 is taller than him.
You LITERALLY need to divide it so you got 6 foot 2 67/156 and 6 foot 2 45/51...
There is FIGURATIVELY 2.5cm difference before you go up one inch i mean seriously what the fuck
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5'11 w/ abs and a 1/2/3/4 build reporting. Its good being king.

Having said that, your chart needs work, senpai.

I'd say up to 6'4 is god tier, after that you're approaching "the Adam's apple has become self aware" territory and it's just weird.

Also 5'9 is the cut off point for acceptable male height, a centimeter shorter and your genes aren't acceptable for procreation; 5'8 isn't "OK" anon; at that point it doesn't matter how jacked you are or how good your facial aesthetics make be, you will at no point in your life fuck anything higher than a 6.

Average male height in the US is 5'9 so, ya know, maybe stop talking out of your ass?

Some women fetishize height but for most of them it's just "if you're taller than me, you're good" and personally I wouldn't date anything taller than 5'5.

I'll take my broad-ass chest and shoulders (bear mode ftw) over a few inches in height any day; you'll never know what it's like to bang a chick out and have her fall asleep, comfortably, on top of you, because you're too narrow and bony.

>215 pounds
You need to lift more and eat less garbage, height is optimal though.

>Stay away from girls with heels
Dude, I'm also a big fan of Thailand but you gotta pick up on the tells; they're there if you look for them.

This chart is fucked, anons.


Anyway, like I said, as long as you're 5'9 or above you're fine, height is not the be all, end all of pulling chicks. Facial aesthetics, charisma, being genuinely witty/interesting, having money, and not putting bitches on a pedestal all take you much further than a few extra inches.

6 to 7 is optimal, anything above 4 and below 9 is acceptable.
I was taller than you my sophomore year, lil guy!
Girls are attracted to taller men. It's a fact.
>confirmed for knowing fuckall about fitness
5'11 Manlet life reporting in
when i was 16-17 i cared about my height allot, then grew to 6"2 and stopped caring, you just don't give a shit after a certain point
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I'm 18, hopefully I can get to 5'9 or 5'10 before reaching the 21 mark.

17-25 I grew a total of fuck all. Lucky I'm 5' 11"
Giraffe posting
Lmfao at all the "muh 6'3" hahaha lmao@manlets incels ITT. Don't get me wrong - height is HUGELY important, but without frame it's fucking MEANINGLESS.

When women say they like tall guys, they're picturing a 6'3" broud shouldered, thick wristed male model HUNK. Not some high-trust anime watching lanklet.
Average where? In theland of the might giraffes?
5'4 master race reporting in.

Easy gains, all the shorties are all over you, and my 5 incher looks huge, all girls are impressed when they see it.
im 5'2 and everyone at work call me god or supergod this is true
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6,1 with shoes feels good man

6'7'' too, why so glum boys? it's great.

So close to being an acceptable height but not quite there
in holland but sadly almost all of them are skeletons
Their something called too tall
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>even girls are this tall now
In what fucking planet do you live in

Also, not bad at all, I live in Brazil where anyone taller than 5'9 is considered tall

Kek though luck if you were born in america
>physically dominate
C'mon anon, that's gay.
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>tfw all grills I've met in São Paulo are bellow 5'6
I'm 22 and just last year found out I'm 6'1".

Spent my teenage years thinking I was ~5'10", was always told to stand up straight by my mum, never took it on board because I thought I had a "natural slouch" and that standing up any straighter would be contorting my back.

My GP enlightened me to how shitty my posture actually was when he took my height measurement last year.

no idea

im 5'7 and my dick is 7x5.5 so I cant complain

Lol at this fucking manlet version

5'10 God tier
5'7 ok height
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I'm 5'8 3/4, wear two inche lifts plus classy shoes, and claim 6'1.

Most women can't even tell kek

My mom was a 5' femlet but I'm 6'1. My dad is 6'0. All then men on my mom's side are manlets (around 5'7). Make of that as you will.
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Dear kek, that's the same art style as this one
>manlets are too short for their immense anger, so they vent it through fantasies
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Of course. But if being short is the only defect you have, you should still kill yourself.
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U can't make this shit up

Yo is he really that fucking tiny
I was a late bloomer, so I grew 5 inches, from 5'6" to 5'11".

>your son
ask how much
grew in high school. I had a pretty similar growth pattern to my father
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>be an actual 6 footer with no shoes
>taller than most people (I live in a majorly white area)

feels great to shatter the lies of the liars who always claim 6'0 or 5'11 on me and yet are 4 inches shorter than me
tfw 5'4" I'm white and my dad is 6'2"... Why did my dad have to go and fuck a dwarf (mom is 4'11")
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>tfw someone asks you if you're 6'6 or something when they're with a girl they're obviously trying to impress
>Nope, just 6'1
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5'11" here. Not even mad.

>Most girls are short here (maybe 60%), usually not even at my shoulder height.
>Easy to find clothes that /fit/.
>Height is ok with and without shoes.
>Everything is reachable.
>Gains look proportionate.
Hey, that's my head lmao
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>tfw 5'5
I dont worry about it much..my weight bothers me the most.
How long does the body grow?
5'10 Manlet reporting in, pretty much average in white country but a giant back in my home country in Asia
How tall is 182 cm in yankeemeters?
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