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When girls are younger, they want a guy with a chiseled phys

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When girls are younger, they want a guy with a chiseled physique. As these girls get older, they prefer men with a 'dad bod'

Is this true?

Girls prefer all kinds of shit, don't bother trying to please them
No, they prefer men with stable incomes and their own homes. It's just that men at that age tend to have beer bellies.
They want to have fun with exclusively alpha men while they're young and not worried about marriage. When marriage enters their minds they look for a beta provider. She's probably cheating on that Asian dude.

Western women, not even once.
But that logic then, why would you not want a chiselsed physique as you get older so you can fuck younger girls, while the dad bod men get left with the used up old hags?
they like that dad financial security
It's not about the body you retards. The Asian guy has money.
girls prefer money and stability not looks or abs
if you're rich, you don't have to give a shit about what your body looks like
Tbh the white dude in that pic is p ugly
Ideally they want both. That's why they marry a beta retard then go fuck off with alpha men on the side.

I don't know why anyone would ever marry a western woman but if you do you need to have money and be alpha.
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>Meredith Engel


you can LITERALLY buy ANY woman on earth with the right amount of money.

just take a look at tagthesponsor..they are not the most valuable females but they are considered the most attractive by the cucks that like their pictures etc

they can be bought for -50k USD

50k USD is for the best ones btw. The lesser known ones go for 5-10k or a pair of shoes
>As these girls get older, they prefer men with a 'dad bod'
They "prefer" it because they can't get any better at that point. Fresh 18-25 year old pussy is on the market and they can no longer compete.
Oldbod and dadbod go together.

dolla dolla billz y'all
friend of mine is a 6'4, good looking, charismatic bloke who was earning fuckloads of money at 23, had his own house, multiple vehicles payed off etc

the girl he was going to get married to, left him and within a few months was engaged to betamale.jpg asian orchestra player or some shit.

Literally traded him in for something worse in every regard. Probably had something to do with her snobby faggot striver parents, but w/e. Point is, stranger things have happened and its not necessarily for financial gain.

Some women (covert narcissists especially) will date certain guys according to an image they are trying to satisfy. Of course, the image is not real, and they will continually move on unsatisfied because they're not investing in these relationships with someone else as an individual human, but just as a series of images she got from TV and hopes they're a close approximation thereof.
all the girls that i've personally known to want a guy with dad bod have had the female equivalent of it, not to mention the fact that they're so fucking normie it hurts.

would not want if i had a dick
Implying rich guys don't get cuck lol college fuckboi get all kinds of milf action and sugar moms lololololol
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Fucking-a on the covert narcissists.
If she throws a fit because you won't be in her social media pictures, contributing to her fucked up mirage life she's trying to make, GTFO quick. She doesn't give a shit about you, only what other people think of her. You're just another accessory.
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Women care about one thing, social status, and rich men have the highest.
when young they want sex, when old they want money
Do girls like rimjobs?
That's a year's difference.. barely young vs old you fucking idiot
>As these girls get older, they prefer men with a 'dad bod'

Of course they do, because women have an expiration date like spoiled milk. As they get older, they have to lower their standards to feel "loved". In other words, they aren't attracted by good looking men anymore, so they have to settle for less.
She found a doughy Asian with money. Whats the mystery here exactly?
Nah, the dad bod lust thing is just a meme some tumblrina made up to make herself feel better. All grills want a chiseled physique, even if they won't openly admit it. The problem is as they age, they have to settle with someone that is financially stable before their biological time clock runs out; hence, why fat fucks with dad bods are in demand
>tfw not gay
they always prefer a ripped body
He's otter mode at best, but that's what women seem to prefer.
>Dyed hair

Avoid like the fucking plague.
alpha fux, beta bux
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No, the amount of people in good shape just dwindles and they can't compete with younger women, so they settle for the average american man and convince themselves they actually enjoy sex with blobs of fat
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White hair is very in right now as you can see from Frozen to Dany on Game Of Thrones. Here are more pics of the girl in the OP
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With her dad-bod boyfriend
Lol, that dude must have millions. He is super AYYYYYSSSSOOOO! Asian looking. Ugly ass muh fucka
Could be cool as hell too. We had tons of Asians at my uni and all the guys were awesome. International students are all very wealthy assuming he's not a NATIVE.
What is tag the sponsor? Just a site that outs sluts on instagram or something?
lol all these assmad white betas


all of faggots will argue for days on whats the most alpha thing instead of actually going out there to get it done.

you bitches try to elevate yourself with "mah white dick" and shit when you can't even talk to a good looking girl without losing control of your vocabulary.

fuck off back to /pol/ racebaiters. you faggots try to drag down others instead of elevating yourselves, passive-aggressive betamax.
>not caring about being a fat sack of shit

No matter how much money I would have, I would never allow myself to become out of shape. I've worked too hard and I take way too much pride in the way I've taken care of myself to throw it all away just because I'd have money.
do you really think white people are jealous of Asians?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Just lol.
No women as they get older want security. An physically fit, attractive man still has options especially if he is successful financially. The dad bod wage slave will not leave and will supply her with her needs
that guy probably has a shit ton of money, a nice car, a nice house, and buys her loads of shoes and bags and whatever other shit girls think is important, plus he is prob beta as fuck and does what she wants and he probably doesnt even make her suck his tiny asian dick

this is the key to a hot girlfriend, most of them will happily go without sexual interaction beacuse they really dont enjoy sucking dick like porn makes it out they do

It true at least in my experience. I have dated women from the ages of 17 to 32. As women get older they realize that it will be increasingly difficulty to compete with younger females as their looks deteriorate...especially if the male attracts allot of attention from other women. This is why they choose a male that is below their league because they are looking for a stable provider.

Dude...dad bod is one thing, but this guy is fucking hideous even for a chink.
from a grills point of view, would you rather

1. hot guy with big dick, but lazy as fuck, no aspirations, no money, no goals, will prob cheat on you all the time

2. average guy with small dick, who never wants sex, buys you lots of nice shit, goes to work all day every day so you never see him, except when he is buying you shit or taking you for fancy dinners, lets you sit on your ass all day and do as you wish with his credit card at your expenditure
Go to Poland - women want to settle and they're mostly loyal.
Go to Czech Republic - women want to suck your soul out along with your wallet and destroy you.

Fucking pottery.

ye thats nice dude.

get into any sort of serious career and your opinion will change overnight.

there arent any girls here
If he has a big dick, it's useless if it's lazy.
I would take the average guy if he wanted sex and would prefer if the reason we didn't see each other is because we're both busy.
is he rich? just answer the question
dicklet detected. big dick, don't even have to try. they get aroused by the size of it and just letting them try to hop on it is enough for most of them to get off. obviously i like destroying them afterwards, but i don't need to try at all for the first few cums.
Men and women want what men and women want and trying to define a 'formula' for it is a pointless and stupid waste of time because everyone is different.
Bullshit. You'll find that the best performers and the hardest workers have a tendency towards fitness. This applies for every field: business, legal, engineering, and especially medical.
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Jealous, no.

Jimmies rustled to the max? Yes.

Go to any porn site, look at AMWF porn. So many negative votes and comments.

The reason is, whites viewed asians as the lowest. But now, even asian men are fucking white women.
No, all girls prefer a guy with a chiseled physique. However, as they get older, girls' priorities shift towards guys who are well off. This usually means guys who are too busy working and making money to work out, and so the girls justify their preferences by saying they like dad bods.
>hot girl with asian male

always a rich guy

100% of the time
majority of women are less aesthetic then men, make up can level the playing field

women want the safe bet, they think "why put 500k on green when I can put 250k on black or red" and the dad bod steady income beta provider would be the safe bet, where the alpha gymcel stead income gets the back seat, because if he is always going to try and better himself and be the alpha, where the beta will always accept things the way they are and never EXPECT her to become better, and will settle if she falls to shit...

me, personally, am still fit at 28, and looking around seeing all my highschool classmates getting fat, becoming dads, getting married to the hot wife who settled for him, makes me "lol" cuz while he is checking out at the grocery store, she is eye fucking me, while he isn't looking, she is giving me those sexual unsatisfied fuck me like a whore eyes, while he goes sits in front of the TV at home eating pizza, I get to talk to their hot wives at the gym and make them feel alive again...

don't be the beta dad bod faggot EVER, and I mean ever, be the alpha, it may be a lonely road, but we can handle it.
> Women date higher, men date lower
if you let your body go you lower your SMV from where it was when she was with you, she will go elsewhere
>being single while everybody else is getting married

Let's face it. Everybody on /fit/ is just compensating now for shit we couldn't do in the early school days. When you're in your late 20s, it's about money, not your body.

>everyone else is getting married

who gives a fuck

if your friend jumped off a bridge would you do it too?
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>chiseled physique
Are you really using that cliche excuse?
everyone on 4chins is such an extremist

>muh body needs to be big that will fix it
>muh dick needs to be huge ill jelq it

why cant you all understand that there is a formula that successful people all use and it combines MULTIPLE things one of them is being /fit/

maybe you are too busy trying to get to 280lbs of 2% BF to realize that there are ways to benifit from being the top 2% instead of the top 1%
alpha is NOT getting married because everyone else is doing it fucking gumball

nothing says alpha more then a single man making it financially and aesthetically

>late 20's it's about money, not body
niggah when I am 40+ it is still going to be about them gains

want to know who is in a rush to get married?


want to know what kind of guy gets pressured into marriage?

a loser
>implying rich guys weren't the college fuckboi before they got rich
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This is a good thread. Thank you for posting this on /fit/ - (health &) fatness.


When they are young women want good looking men. As they get older (especially after 25) they start caring less and less about looks and more about a man's money.

but she is fucking the good looking guy on the side

then she divorces her loser husband and takes half
Wall Street, for example, is not full of wolf of wall street type characters. That is the realm of fiction.
The courthouses don't have athletes coming in as lawyers, but maybe defendants.
Yes, but engi is just lol.
This one is more like 80% dad bod 20% fit. No, I take that back, its closer to 95 - 5.
>As these girls get older, they prefer men with a 'dad bod'
As they get older their value diminishes at a rate far faster than men, so they settle for dad bods


their standards havent changed, THEY have changed, and no guy that is fit is going to settle for a stretched out whale.
>engi is just lol
you don't know what you're talking about
race war when?
Water is wet
Get the money>>37837953
He must have a massive dong. Bitch getting CHINKED every night.
yo senpai is it true that younger hotter girls like nice bodies and men that take care of themselves while used up older ones like men who care about themselves about as much as they do?
Y'all niggas stop.

The white haired female has secured an asset: a working type guy with high chances of success that will take care of her, her wants and her spawn.

And while the dad-bod is busy making moolah for the hot wifey, the hot wifey will bang that hot friend/instructor/personal trainer/ random stranger with chiseled abs.

It is known. Everyone is getting cucked.
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