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Hi guys, I'll make this a greentext to be quicker.
>be me, end of 2015, be 175cm tall, 110kg
>go to a nutritionist in January
>do a complete series of exam (fat %, breathing, BMR, etc)
>tells me the perfect weight for me is 95kg
>gives me a 1900Kcal/day diet + tells me to just walk 30 minutes, 3 times per week
>do that
>be me, today, 96kg
I used to get tired just by walking, now I run 5km in 30 minutes with a very quick recovery time. My back DOES NOT hurt anymore. I had to throw all my pants and shirts away (I lost two sizes). I'm certainly not a model but my aesthetics improved so much and I'm so fucking less unconformable when I'm around.
I only have one problem: pic related.
As you read, I'm not very tall. Losing all that fat on my belly and face was really helpful, and a little bit of lifting helped me build a better chest and arms... but I still have the so called "love handles" and they're VERY noticeable when I am in my underwear.
Any advice or specific suggestion for those? Similar stories?
I suggest losing more weight
Sit ups , planks , lose more weight.
gain muscle
but dont use creatine that shit will kill u (literally roids)
>be fat
>lose weight
>still fat

Theres your problem.
Ok, so, I rephrase the question.
I lost 14 kgs. Is it normal that I lost them all on the bally and face, but basically none on my sides?
I'm your same height and 95 kg is A LOT. You need to lose more weight

Yes the belly is the last place for men to lose weight. Something to do with alpha/beta receptors. Its not my field of study. Anyway 96kg at 175cm is still a long way to go. I advice to lift weights often and lose another 15-20kg. The 95kg mark was likely just a guideline for you not to quit. Initially hearing you need to lose 30-35kg sounds impossible, but now you are already halfway!
>not overweight

Either you are very muscular if not you have to loss more weight to be considered not fat
>I'm your same height and 95 kg is A LOT. You need to lose more weight
Thanks for your feedback but I think I'll value the medical report of the professional who deeply tested me a little be more.
I'll surely try to lose more weigh, but apparently 95 is my perfect weight (very muscular built he said and I consumer ALOT by breathing only)

>Either you are very muscular
Im triggered and youre fat
you suck at green texting...
>The 95kg mark was likely just a guideline for you not to quit.
He literally said the 95kg was the mark under I couldn't be considered overweight and anything more I lose is just aesthetics, not health-related anymore.

I'm more interested in
>Yes the belly is the last place for men to lose weight. Something to do with alpha/beta receptors
care to elaborate? I'm very curious about this.
nigger I'm 180cm, 86 kilos and I have love handles. Keep dieting and doing cardio
Well losing love handles IS for aesthetic

Also pls post pic
I call bs, honestly. I am 177cm and started losing weight at around 97kg. I'm now at 76 and still have a belly, although I'm quite muscular and lean everywhere else. No way in hell that you're not fat at 175/96
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Fuck love handles eh, I'm 188 cm, 93 kilos and I have the fuckers

F m l f a m
>96 kg
>Perfect weight
>Well losing love handles IS for aesthetic
Yes sorry English is not my first language I often can't explain myself. What I meant it's 95 is my perfect weight to stop being considered "sick" from a physical point of view. So his work as a nutritionist is done. This is why I say 95\96 is NOT too much. Just because I'm considering it from a medical point of view.
Of course I'll try to lose some more weight, I just wanted to ask to you experts if I could do specific exercises to kill fat on the sides. But I guess "just keep dieting and running" is the only right answer.
what's your fat %?

At same height as you, 92kg, overweight as fuck, aiming for at least 75kg
>what's your fat %?
It used to be 27,95% in January.
Going to test it again in a couple of weeks.

I don't know how to respond to your laugh, maybe posting extracts of the medical report i had in january?
>Peso ideale = Ideal weight
>IMC ideale => Ideal BMI
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forgot to post pic
There's no way that's an ideal BMI.

You have a LOT more weight to lose. Please don't lie to yourself and get to work!
Perdi più peso. Pure i medici sbagliano, e spesso non sanno un cazzo di sport e fitness. Stai meglio di prima ma se vuoi perdere le maniglie dell'amore devi perdere più peso, c'è poco da fare. Ti hanno suggerito Cardio perché così lo perdi più velocemente, ma io aggiungerei pure i pesi.

All the best
>Please don't lie to yourself
I don't understand. I'm not lying to anyone. I just said many times I want to keep losing weight. I'm just giving you medical objective data, that's all.
95 kg at 175? m8 you're obese as fuck
Kek this
read sticky. You can't lose fat on a particular body part. You can only build muscle on a particular body part. Keep doing cardio and losing weight brother
Your nutritionist must have been high or maybe is Dutch minister of health
you mean the belgian minister of health
Yeah, that one.

If you have noticeable fat around your midsection then you are above and beyond 15% bodyfat which basically means you need to cut down even more. Fuck the expert, if you still look and feel fat which it looks like you do, then you are fat.

This, i'm 190cm and 93kg with 3 years of lifting under my belt and i'm sitting at 18% body fat looking fluffy, can't imagine someone 15cm shorter and heavier than me
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you ask for help and refuse to take advice. retard.
unless you have worked out hard the last 10 years its impossible for you to be 10% bodyfat and 95 kg at that height

Im 180 cm and finishing my cut at 69 kg and ive been working out serrious for about 8 months and unseriuous about a year. i cant see how you "naturally" have 25kg in muscle on me
I'm 187 and my goal weight is 80 kilos for ottermode mate, you should aim for 70 if you have little to no muscle.
I was 10% bodyfat at 78kg/190cm

no way in hell is OP anywhere near 10% at 95kg/175cm
R U B8 M8
Dude there is no way your ideal weight at 175cm would be 95kg. At that weight you are not overweight you are obese. No healthcare professional worth his salt would recommend anyone to be obese.
Are you in for some surgical procedure? Because that ideal weight could only be how much you need to lose in order to get the operation, and I can think of no other reasonable explanation.
>95 is muh perfect weight
>but I still have a ton of fat slapped on my body

Lose more weight you fuck. Your nutritionist is full of shit, for your height, you can easily reach 80kg
>creatine is literally roids
>found naturally in meat
>every meat eater is roiding
i'm 177 cm and 73kgs, and i look like fucking shit. Ideal weight doesn't mean shit.
I'm 173 and my weight is 70 , still fat , noticeably fat , I think my perfect weight is around 60 , for you it would be around 65-70 I think.
You need to lose weight my man , and are you sure of the "Expert" you met ? Because I had my fair share of those and most of them are meme spouting ignorant fucks.
>i'm 177 cm and 73kgs, and i look like fucking shit. Ideal weight doesn't mean shit.
you're underweight.
Yep. It gets worse, though.
I started at 183 cm/140 kg, and as of the last time I weighed myself, I was 97. Still have a great deal of flab in my stomach area. I tried using a pair of skin fold calipers, which suggested I should be around 88 kg, but I fear I have too much loose skin and that they haven't measured properly, and thus I'll have to be even lower.

However, I'm not freaking out about it, and I'll be sure to enjoy the journey to my goal weight. Just noticing how your health improves as you get faster and stronger makes it worth it, and I'm certain that with persistence, a better physique will soon follow.

Keep fighting the good fight, bro, we're all gonna make it.
>>>tells me the perfect weight for me is 95kg
lol wat

At your height, 80kg is pushing it. And that's if you were actually very active.

I mean, at 96kg you're still well into obese BMI. The only way you can pull obese category without being, in fact, obese is if you're one of those crazy bodybuilders who takes steroids non-stop.

I'd start your journey with getting a better doctor.
>175cm tall
>perfect weight for me is 95kg
Your doctor is fucking retarded.
wtf dude at the end of 2015 i was 107 kg and 175 now im 84 kg and im still fat as fuck and you tell me that 95 kg is fine?
that doctor is either an idiot or is lying to you.
If you're 175cm tall 95 is borderline obese. For fuck sake I am 86 now and 185cm, after some bulking and feel like a fat piece of shit
non fermarti finchè non arrivi a 80 ciccio merda
>>Either you are very muscular
then what's your bf%?
Hahahahah mi hai fatto schiattare xD
177cm here. Started at 104kg, now at 85kg or so. The belly didn't really shrink till I hit 90kg or so.

I know what OP is talking about as my medical checkup at 88kg was basically good (at 104kg I was pretty diabetic)

Keep losing weigh bra. We're all gonna make it
seriamente però.
inizia ad allenarti, continua a mangiare sotto il tuo tdee e magari un po' di cardio non farebbe male.
prova SS, è buona come routine, ha molti esercizi che coinvolgono molti grandi muscoli assieme, cosa che fa spendere un sacco di energia, anche più della corsa.
non fermarti, io son alto 186cm e sono stato per anni a 70kg, preso 10 kili in un paio d'anni e preso 6 kili da febbraio che ho cominciato ad allenarmi, ma ora a 86 sono troppo grasso per i miei gusti (anch'io con la panzetta) e preferisco dimagrire un po' anche se vuol dire che i miei lifts ne risentiranno nel progredire.

riguardo alle love handles, non è possibile la cosiddetta "spot reduction", non puoi perdere peso in un punto del corpo con esercizi mirati. ognuno ha una distribuzione del grasso diversa e nel tuo caso l'unica possibilità è arrivare a un bf% decente. quanto sei adesso?
quindi io consiglierei con la tua dieta, stai attento a mangiare cibi di qualità, fa la differenza e piglia un programma (consiglio SS come detto) e comincia a farlo
nello specifico delle "love handles" un rafforzamento del trasverso addominale (la fascia muscolare sotto gli addominali superficiali, quella che sostiene la pancia) potrebbe aiutare a portare in dentro un po' di panza, ma fidati che perdere grasso fa 90% del lavoro, quella lì è una finezza

non ti fermare, hai già fatto il più. congratulazioni
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bro im 187 and i went from 116 kg to 90 kg but i still look like pic, you are either lying or your doctor is incompetent
>arsenic = natural
>natural <> poison
>arsenic = natural <> poison
>arsenic <> poison
Logic mother fucker

I used to be fat also.

I now weight 140lbs and eat 1600 calories daily with a hard 1hr gym session 5 times per week targeting all of my body with a strong focus on core.

Handles are still there.

Fuck biology.
stomach vacuums
Take DNP
Solves every fat related issue with zero effort.
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You mean the same people who pretend they're doctors and unironically believe everyone should eat 2300Cal per day?

Anyway, I'm 173cm and when I was 70kg I still looked skinnyfat.
You're fucking 20kg fatter than me when I looked chubby, of course you're still going to look fat.

Continua la dieta, e fai effettivamente esercizio. Puoi perdere quanto peso vuoi, ma se non fai su muscoli non sarai mai 'bello', passerai semplicemente dal sembrare grasso al sembrare fiacco.
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