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Body dysmorphia

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>tfw you catch a glimpse of your reflection in between sets and see you look small as fuck

When will this ride ever end
Should I start working out with hoodies?
I'm the opposite tbqh

Yeah put on more. Nobody wants to see your skinnyfat shit.
That picture isn't accurate. I see my muscles and how big I am, but then I notice hey my chest could be a little bigger, my hamstrings don't have that bulge I want, my lats could be a little more cobra (don't want my gf to leave me), my forearms could be a little more joocey, and it goes on and on, forever not being big enough.
if you're not on your second or third cycle then you do not have body dysmorphia, if you think you are small it's because you are.
Focus on chest and shoulder... Especially shoulder... It'll give you that visual size. It'll satisfy most people with "body dysmorphia"... Most people dont actually have it for real
I was the same during my first 6 months of lifting
Thought I was literally Zyzz kek
I have 16 inch arms and I always get compliments on my body but I just don't see myself as jacked I'm seriously considering steriods
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>mfw I would actually wear the short shorts
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It's not body dysmorphia it's just not being at my desired goal yet.

>pic related

That's my goal.
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>wake up one morning
>head to bathroom
>look in the mirror
>"God damn, you one sexy ass motherfucker"

>wake up one morning
>head to bathroom
>look in mirror
>"Why even bother. Just fucking end it already"
You will never feel like you've reached your goal even when you actually do reach it
>get a pump
>Holy shit, I'm Ahnold
>Pump leaves
>Feel like anorexic 16 yo girl
Will you always feel small as a natty?

your goal is horizontal semi DYEL? lel
>look in mirror before showering
>damn I look pretty good
>look in mirror again after showering
hm forgot I posted in this thread already
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>mfw people don't use body dysmorphia as a catalyst to better yourselves

body dysmorphia has made me get Chad mode after losing 95 lbs, I'm never satisfied with my progress and because of it I'm constantly striving to better myself 24/7
Goddammit this is too real Anon.
Me too I think I a huge change chest and shoulders.but everyone says I look like skelly but I don't think it's that much maybe otter mode
It's that damm water when you wake up atleast for me I am dry as fuck so my obliques pop out more my abs get difined.drink some water god damm I look dyel
Are you me senpai
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>be tiny af
>used to be 100kg
>goal is 50kg
>now 70kg
>mfw I see my reflection on a bad day
I'm seriously paranoid that everybody laughs at me for being such an ugly fuckstick. People HAVE laughed at me for being an ugly fuckstick.
Yeah, the dream is to be buff, but honestly, I just don't want to feel like a bog monster anymore.
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This is a good summary for me. I see the gains I've made in the mirror and am proud of them...but then I see things I didn't even know to look for when I was dyel. All the shit I was blind to when I was eating papa johns daily and making fun of people who went to the gym.

>wtf is serratus not as visible as yesterday?
>why do lats look swole from back but meh from front. gonna tweak rountine.
>chest has flattened out but upper is lacking, more incline work needed
>grills say nice ass when I wear jeans but i know they're considerably behind everything else's growth
>biceps coming along but worried not hitting long and short head evenly
OP that is such a good story. I really can't pick "one part" that I liked the best.
But if you were to hold a gun to my head, I would go with the part with the pictures.

I just got off the phone with an armored truck company.
They will be arriving in the morning to pick up my back up disk, which I just saved your story on to.
There probably won't be much traffic, because I forwarded the police your story, and they agreed to escort the armoured truck to its destination.

At first the police chief didn't want to help, but then I guided his attention to the incredible pictures that you embedded along with your story.
I mean, the story was good enough. But as soon as I saw the pictures that went along with it, I called my grandmother, who is blind and has Alzheimer’s disease to tell her.

As far as her doctors in the nursing home are concerned, she is cured of all her ailments now that she heard your cool story.
She is actually preparing to run the Boston marathon this year now.
Thank you OP.
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>navy seal with legs bigger than your entire body
secure tripcodes are for jerks
why does he even trip lool

triggered by someone tripping on 4ch. oldest troll in the book, gotcha. ISHYDDDT
>tripping on an anonymous jamaican basket weaving imageboard
>see self with pump

>after pump
>who is this small loser
>see my reflection when I'm by myself, look small as fuck
>See my reflection with other people around, look big

I want this to end.
Lemme tell you something you do not get strong…whateveristartedtosay when you eat you put the fork to your face and you eat you get big and bulk you get strong when you rip year round and your weak unless your a genic freak like Will.
You cannot be big. And expect to be. You cannot be ripped and expect to be strong when you ok mathematic when your joints are so dry ok so ripped and you have no water in your joints from being lean no cushioning no water no bloat no nothing you’re weak. You’re weak.

How do you think when theres no lube ok theres water in your sockets, ok isn’t there water in the sockets of your joints in your rotator cuffs and your joints? When you dry out..ok heres the rotator cuff theres water around there there’s meat and bone and blood and everything when you lean up too much it sucks it starts getting smaller the water in the joints what are you gonna do you’re gonna be weak you’re not gonna be as strong, that’s a fact. You’re gonna be too dry.

Why do you think bodybuilder power physique competitors are so fucking weak they just lift the movements so weak. Unless you take 3000 miligrams of tren a week a truckload of drugs. Youre not gonna be strong
I'm glad someone else knows the feel of being bigger than the Dyels but feeling way smaller than the 20 inch arm guys
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