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cheating frauds general

>it aint easy being skeezy, senpai

prev >>37220972
first faggots
niggers will be put to death
Do i need to do PCT when cruising on 250mg test e and coming off after 1 year?
obviously, yes.
Even if i feel fine with no sides?
can you just try and use your fucking non existent nigger brain for five seconds before wasting everyones time?

this piece of shit probably didn't even buy ancillaries before starting which is why hes asking this dumb shit
I'd still recomend you pct.
It'll speed up your natty test recovery.
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500 test wk1-20
500 eq wk 1-20
40md dbol wk1-4
then drop to a 200 test cruise.
reasonable second cycle?
500 eq is a little low desu. You're cruising after?
Sorry I missed that line. You're gtg
up the eq to 800
otherwise looking gr8 m8
could do dbol on and off throughout the blast like 4 weeks on 4 weeks off if you wanted to
or just take it preworkout whenever
i get my eq in 250 amps.
was gonna do 2 injections a week, but maybe up it to mon-wed-fri and do 750?
Yes. But who the fuck sells eq in amps?
Seriously,what do you have to run to look like this??He also lifts literally every day.
mod morning
wed night
sat morning
It wouldn't matter with eq
amps are so fuckin gay, worst invention ever
yeah that sounds fine, its not like eq is going to be completely useless below an arbitrary line but the general consensus is 800+ for efficacy
alpha pharma among lots of other "pharma" ugls
you will never look exactly like that, genetics etc etc
anyone who claims to be able to tell what someone is taking just by looking at them is probably lying
>lifts literally every day
lots of dyels who go to my gym lift every day
monday: biceps
tuesday: triceps
wednesday: LEG DAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thursday: chest
friday: back
saturday: calves
sunday: forearms

doesnt mean anything at all
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does tren e respond to an oral kickstart like test does?
That's not how it works.

Apart from the frame/genetics/instertions, couldnt you look like that, by simply cruising on 300 test e or more and having low bf + good muscle maturity (3+ years) ?

Seriously there are people who look close to this natty, so i feel test e is all you need for this if you put some effort into it.

Dont be like Bostin Loyd, pinning 10x a day with 5 different hormones and still looking shit.
>apart from just about everything that matters, isn't it possible
eh, maybe
hard to tell from just a picture
stop posting underaged girls. I will report you to the fbi, you dirty pedophile

take the bbc in the ass, fully penetrated

ed/eod for stable cock levels

fight me
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Wow, this is a persisted troll. I'am baffled

mirin skills

you wanna do some wrestling in a mud pool, while your gf is watching?
>you wanna do some wrestling in a mud pool, while your gf is watching?
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Okay, so what do i do now guys?
I'm going to the beach soon and won't be able to inject for six days. I'm running npp right now will I be ok if I miss 6 days or am I screwed?
Youre literally going to die
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ayo dawgs, if i am prone to hairloss and acne, but not to gyno.

Does it mean, that i will get more hairloss and more acne, but no gyno if i get on test ?
Be serious with me anon will it completely clear my system in six days or will I be ok as long as I inject the second I get back?
inject all of it before you go to the gym
It's likely.
more or less
how do you know whether or not youre prone to gyno without having been on steroids, though?
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this isn't your full cycle, i presume

even when you're not prone, you can still expiernce some 'hair shedding' at higher doses of test. At least, that's with me.

Winny does nothing with my hair even at higher dosis, neither i'am pre-balding.

If you're prone to acne, kek. Good luck in PCT m8

it's crazy

i'am glad i'am not balding.

The thing is, i dont care about acne or hairloss, but i do care a lot bout gyno.

Well, if you never had even the slightest tiny fucking tad bit of gyno in your life, doesnt that mean i am NOT prone to gyno?

Thats the same with acne and hairloss isnt it?

You know you are prone to hairloss and acne, if you have without taking any steroid.

>inb4 this isnt how it works

im a noob hehh
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>Filming some qt in church.


What the fuck is your cycle and why do you only have one vial of bold?
>Well, if you never had even the slightest tiny fucking tad bit of gyno in your life, doesnt that mean i am NOT prone to gyno?
not really, no
What is this type of filter and where can you use it?
Is zydex any good
Well, guess im gonna wait a bit until i switch to the dark side.

Im scared now heh
this is the most complete/perfect physique ever

hands down

what do i take to become like him guiyz?
8iu gh 69iu slin 2500test

skip calve day
Could you guys please answer this for me? >>37228534
It's not ideal, it's also not the end of the world. Why can't you take stuff with you?

Obviously it's better for your bloods to be stable, if you genuinely can't take stuff with you I guess just go with it and get back on track ASAP.
>not stashing away vials of test undec for this very reason

get a load of this guy
How long after pct until the acne stops?
guys, if youre prone to acne and hairloss will 250mg test-e be followed with horrible sides or is it manageable?
I hope finasteride can alleviate the hair loss but Im more afraid of using accutane since its sides sound infinitely worse
Flying out for my first shoot. Loaded up on 300mg tren today and 300mg test e. Should look a little fuller.
"shoot" aka g4p
Jerrbears for duh, anon. Are you eager lmao?
make sure to "leak" the album afterwards so you too can solidify your position in meme history
Fucking legend dude this is amazing
RIP homo

Never forget
What can I expect out of 350 tren a, 350 npp, 500 test E C
24 week cycle on a 800-1100kcal/D bulk besides insane gains?
Remember me as I was anon, not who I am.
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Will 600mg Test give you any face or jaw gains? If you chew gum/suck cock 24/7?

Or is that only tren?
Got random tren cough 2 days after I pinned. Also felt like I was going to explode. Literally. Ffs, my body was going purple from lack of oxygenated blood.

What drug will we blame this on?

We can't tell you what will happen
This is a dope stack. Personally I feel tren and nandrolone are a legit cocktail; I love tren's look but at 6'4 it leaves me flat. The npp maintains fullness plus it's feel good.
I thought you already did G4P
Speaking of this as another guy, does chewing gum on tren help with jaw gains?
There's no 100% way to know how your body will react to roids

This is why we say to only do a regular dose of test with ai/pct on hand for your first cycle - so you can get a basic understanding of how you react to it

Then each cycle you add something new, you can get an idea of how it also treats you

And if something fucks up you have some idea which roid is causing it
Yes. I just came off a 2 year cruise and my masseters are noticeably smaller
What roids do you have experience with again?
Or as brick would say "how many strings can you hold?"
Grill ones

But I've read enough about men's cycles to not be a complete retard
Thanks for clarifying that you don't know shit
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Did you ask something retarded at some point and I told you to Google it?
Are those good ratios? I like test a bit above npp for dick perseverance, but I'm not sure how high I wanna take tren especially for 24 weeks.
>taking steroids as a female
Way to deflect from your ignorance :^)
Dafaq do you think all those instagram babes you fap to do?
You are aware that some fruitcake will get a copy of this g4p stuff and plaster it everywhere?

They have a strange dedication to that shit
That's literally the exact answer any of us would have given you because that's the common sense answer. Start with your lowest common denominator: test. Add in new compounds once you've gotten a feel for test and AI protocol.

Every side is individual specific: test at over a gram doesn't give me any major e2 sides, but 20mg dbol can give me itchy nipples despite never having formed a lump.

You can't look a gift horse in the mouth duder: ESTP may not have experience with more potent androgens but she's not the fucking retard calling out people trying to help.
Pretty sure only fat weirdos fap to ripped shredded bitches
>implying I haven't adequately answered enough retard questions in these threads

Ok, ok, ok
How's those voice changes treating you
>not encouraging more fit bitches to eat var for ultimate fuckmeat and eye candy status
Ya the problem with your faggoty wall of text is that I never commented on her advice.

I commented on the issue of her giving advice on men's cycles.

She was right. This time

Now get on your knees and blow me you white knight bitch
They're okay. Most people like tren higher than test; there could be evidence that tren and test metabolites combined are what cause shitty feeling sides with tren. Personally, I don't feel that ever and I do sometimes like test higher than tren.

If I were you id start with 350 across the board.

Yeah probably. Be good to me anons!
Nah I'm the top duder and I'm rough. Buckle up.
Nobody comes here to have Wikipedia parroted to them by an ignorant lady

People want answers from dudes with experience
Thanks bimbo. I get the impression this is just the same random faggot that comes around periodically trying to rile us

Not the op of the question

But who knows
Sorry white knights lose their top privileges. Now spread em
>white knight
This isn't r9k duder. I'm pretty sure ESTP is a dude, anyhow. You're upset and that's okay but lashing out online seems silly.

Ask me more questions if you're curious. I'm just at the airport killing time.
>Yeah probably. Be good to me anons!
Do your family know you're doing it?

What would they say if they found out?
>basic medical science

I've even done test so technically I do have experience in this

You're just asshurt for no raisen
why would you do test wtf
So I could snap your dick off with my thighs duh is that even a question jeez get on muh level
I've seen what test does to women firsthand. Woof.
I'd run caber with that to control prolactin.

Even though you might be fine without it.
post routine

do you have monstrous ceps or just work qt butt and legs, deets
kill yourself
hey, im not that fat
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But you could become fat.
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Lads, hit me up with a good beginners cycle please.

Can get my hands on test e and dbol.

Will order AIs and PCT myself.

Mgs/week? For how long? Safe to stack on 1st cycle?
not yet
i have to squat 3xbw first
then maintain 3xbw until i weigh 400 lbs
read the fucking sticky
250 test e Monday and Thursday
20mg dbol preworkout everyday indefinitely if you want
250mg Tudca Ed

Experiment with AI.
500 mg test e
25 mg Dbol
Anti e: aromasin 12.5 EOD

12 weeks.

Pct: Clomid

Safety level: moderate
fraud is slow today ,_,
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What's a good bulking stack? I'm BnC No tren though cause it thins my hair, and so does mast but 10x
sdrol has really fucked with my digestion
constipated af and what little comes out is almost as black as my soul
not liver related since im taking tudca, my piss is clear, no liver pain as i usually get when my liver is stressed, some lethargy but not too bad
what do? currently treating it with otc laxatives but id rather treat the source of the problem
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Yo. 'lo.

Pls respond
Need some experienced advice please.

Running 600mg Test E per week.
.25 arimidex EOD.
Prone to gyno, hairloss & high blood pressure.
Just gone into my 3rd week.
Experiencing low libido and mild lethargy, Chest tightness & nips slightly puffy,
I still wake up with morning wood. Orgasms are still good.
Unsure if it's because estrogen is getting too high or too low.

Here's a photo of my gf's tittays for your troubles.

That's a bikini. Not titties.
high e2 would be my guess
Well that's all you're going to get you little pervert
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tough call, but ima say left
using pharma adex or nah?

Left is a womanlet.

Nah, right is just tall.


Thoughts? It scared me.
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>Or as brick would say "how many strings can you hold?"


>Most people like tren higher than test; there could be evidence that tren and test metabolites combined are what cause shitty feeling sides with tren.

actually a lot of what I've seen postulated leans more towards tren's higher binding affinity causing higher aromatization rates because of the resultantly elevated total/free test, if mast didn't monkey with estrogenic receptors it'd do the same thing because of the shbg blunting


I could park a fucking monkey in front of the screen for 6 months and it'd be able to answer the same goddamn questions, this bullshit has been discussed ad nauseam already

>Pct: Clomid


100mcg triptorelin once all esters have cleared completely or
100mcg luliberin ed x 10d after clearing

maybe a teeny bit of asin, no serms at all

and before somebody starts saying anything retarded, the "bad" dosage protocol of triptorelin is literally 40x what's needed for pct, and that "bad" dosage has to be repeated monthly

luliberin's the kinder, gentler gnrh but slightly harder to find


something besides tren, no idea what


had a yolo moment yesterday, was trying not to stare at this fit little blonde smoke show in the gym

point her out to gym bro, he says she's 16 and I'm like do I look like I give a fuck?
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Looks like this

I'm going with dnp, but it was EXACTLY like tren cough...

Check your phone. I'm winning.
tfw tall gf :/

> he says she's 16 and I'm like do I look like I give a fuck?
tru yolo.
just embrace it breh


I have this "yolo" issue a lot when out clubbing in Belgium. It's still 16 and up there. So 14-15 isn't uncommon.

So wrong... Only reason I dont is because I want long term stuff.
16 is g2g in saffa
So i just injected tren a, e and test e into left vg and started coughing unctrollably for 3 minutes, got nauseous and felt like shit

What happened and how do i prevent it from happening again?
your input would also be appreciated >>37230836
You hit a vein, itll go away in 3 days.
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Are you sure?
>What happened and how do i prevent it from happening again?
tren cough.
it happends when you nick a vein.

That's tren cough. Always aspirate to make sure you aren't in a vein
I realized the other day why its so hard to pinpoint the 'natural limit'

Anybody who is devoted to their diet and training enough that they can reach the absolute maximum capacity the human body can maintain, is someone who is going to use roids.

No one who is that serious and comitted is going to pass up any advantage they can get.
10/10 boobs btw
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>How long after pct until the acne stops?
It will build up, till a point you wanna commit suicide. After you survived this process, there are a few options you can consider:

1.you take accutane. This will make your acne problem less worse in 2 months, but will make anything else much worse.

2.you just let it there untreated and it will stay there forever and everyone will make fun of you.
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>point her out to gym bro, he says she's 16 and I'm like do I look like I give a fuck?
sm.h, you also.

this place is infected with pedophiles. fucking yolo started this hype
>tfw dating an 8/10 RDN in her late 20's
Feels good
That sounds pretty bad dude

What's option c?
Not running gear
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> stopped drinking, day 3
> non-stop headache
> sleeping 12 hours straight
> crazy vibrant dreams and half-awake hallucinations
> they're getting more complicated, more detailed, have more control
> nails are growing about 14X faster
> have gained the ability to visually generate random faces

But the dream world is incepting into the awake world and the lines that define reality are becoming ever more blurred. Conversations that didn't happen, errands done/undone, strong Mandela effect, and scary ass hallucinations. I'm descending further into madness.

I'd like to assert with no evidence that men with greater IQs when controlling for race/etc -- tend to go bald.
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my nigga

you try to skin yourself alive as option 3.

i have been through this process 2 times. It's one of the main reasons i might consider to cruise instead of PCT.

and the funny part is; when the acne is gone, you are still left with red spots, because your skin need to heal from the acné. And there is the catch; that stays even longer there than the acne. Isn't that hilarious
That sucks
Those greentext symptoms are from sleep deprivation. I had a similar experience seeing people and faces with my eyes closed and realized much later it was severe sleep deprivation, probably some kind of ghetto REM activity
be less of a fucktard

This. I get that after 90+ hours of being awake. Or at least no more than 6h of sleep
that's quite an understatement.

it's a long-term disaster.
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It would be the narcolepsy getting out of control in my case. I sleep too much and the 'Sleep Cycle' app claims it's decent quality. I'm so fucked.
What do you mean?

Hey, im >>37228694

This asshole isnt me >>37229948



for your output
I find tren + narcolepsy is a good combination.

I actually get regular person sleep now. The trensomnia balances everything out.
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not like I'm going to creep on her or some shit, but there's no way you can convince me that mirin some stupidly hot chick is somehow wrong when she presses every biological imperative button in a guy's head and you can't tell she's 16 even after someone tells you


and it's not like I'm exclusively fetishizing jailbait, I've got no problems going after chicks my own age up to mid-40s if they've taken care of themselves


black like tarry, coffee-ground shits?

cuz that's upper gi bleeding and es no bueno
>anything else much worse

What do you mean by this, masT?
What's the likelihood of developing acne on cycle? and what can you do to best prepare yourself?

I've read about people taking accurate pre-emptively, yay or nay?

I feel like a 500mg per week test e would hopefully be manageable side effects wise, shit man I want to go to the dark side bros, I think I'm ready
I wasn't passing judgment my dude. Just reflecting and blog posting.
Yeah blood in poo isn't good, means internal bleeding, get that seen to
Keep estrogen in check and you will be fine.
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Yeah, best sleep of my life on Tren+HCG. Test seems to fuck it up. But, there's a high probability that Tren causes hair loss.

My teeth are going to shit too despite gallons of milk and brushing/mouthwashing religiously. Ever since the Low T set in, up to 30 cavities, the outer layers on the front teeth seem to be a bit transparent creating this nasty appearance. There's something horribly wrong.
Yeah that was my understanding of these issues, I've got asin which I was intending on taking 12.5mg e3d from week 1 and see how I go from there

I'm also trying to get my bf% down as realistically it's probably around 14% and I'd like to get under 10% before starting
You need to reevaluate your nutrients. That doesn't just happen without there being a sever deficiency.
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more using your case to contrast and elaborate my own point, nbd


it's a simple diagnostic heuristic too

black, coffee ground or tar-like poop means upper gi since it's partially digested platelets

actual recognizable blood means it's lower since it hasn't been processed by the gut enough to turn into the first case
If you half your test dose and add 250mg deca, less estrogen will be converted as deca makes like 1/5 as much e2 as test does. Less chance of acne and essentially make the same gains. Keeping upping deca gradually to grow.
You do recrational drugs dont you?
Mill protein actually causes calcium to be leeched from your bones to balance your blood ph

Drop the milk and take a liquid calcium+magnesium supplement instead
Honestly depends on the person. Some guys dont get acne from 3g of test a week.

I get acne for months and months from 500mg a week. I dont even touch test anymore.
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Actually.. it's probably Celiac disease. Mom has it. Have about 50 of the symptoms. Sigh, I don't know why I've ignored that possibility.


No, prescribed controlled-release lis-d-amphetamine for the Narcolepsy/ADD. Planning to go off, it's probably not meth mouth though. Phenibut, caber on/off, modafinil on/off, shitloads of caffeine, alcohol only recently.

> milk is bad for your teeth

Come on, really? I'm consuming 4 g+ calcium a day from milk alone.


Only get it going off cycle, high dosages or Tren.
Hmm as good of an idea as this sounds, and one I'm not completely against as this is this is my first cycle I was just planning on sticking with test to start with

as I said before I'm going to get my bf down and then just try and keep on top of the estrogen and have mid cycle bloods
Dehydration wrecks teeth, drugs like the amphetamines are a culprit
What you're doing isn't working lol

Whatever I tried
I know right. The younger girls look way older than they actually are these days. Probably to confuse us. Right babe?

but rationally speaking, it would be weird to have a stable relationship with a 16-year old if you're in your mid twenties. Or do other things with it, for that matter.

I mean by that the side-effects of accutane.

You could be lucky and have minor side-effects, or you can have severe depression/suicidal thoughts, extreme form of legarthy. and so on. It can have really shitty side-effects.

So first you got the pct-depression en then you got acne and then you got the depression/suicidal thoughts from accutane.

Milk has galactose which is sugar. So yes.

Awesome name though. GALACTOSE.
>Only get it going off cycle, high dosages or Tren

Funny how different people can be, tren has never given me a single spot. Even running at 1g/week.
Add to that an obscene dose of tren.

Poor diet and dehydration are horrible for oral health.

Fix those yuck mouth teeth 30 cavities is extremely alarming.

I only get acne when I really fuck up my dosing. Like double dose, then nothing for 10 days or so. And obviously I'm forgetting AI as well.

Idgaf, I thought I had an outbreak a few weeks ago. Took me 30 seconds to figure out new AI and dosing. Now I only have a few ingrown hairs because I was an idiot and used my trimmer at its lowest setting. I usually leave 3 or 4mm.
Tren only gives me problems coming off it. I imagine it's a homeostatic response to being on tren. Remove tren and the body needs to readjust (which takes time)
I see 500mg test as more risky. If you really want to do things safely, start with 250mg test and either add more test or introduce deca. Whichever you choose, have asin and a serm on hand obv.
>black like tarry, coffee-ground shits?
nah, looks like regular poop but its dark af

No. That's stoopid.

You start with 400/700 test/tren e and add mast e a week later.

And as a kickstart msten with mtren and some drol.

Otherwise might as well quit.

>peoples faces when I lifted on mtren.
>added 20% to my maxes when I took it with msten.

That's how I pushed 3 reps of 120kg incline bench ezmode at 185cm and 75kg. Mostly the orals.
Why would someone run anything other than test? Why throw in the tren clen dbol anavar shit?

I think I will go with 250mg test e Monday and Thursday every week with 12.5mg asin on pin days and save deca for another time

And yeah I have Nolva on hand and clomid for pct
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Despite the fact that i'am really prone to acne, I don't get it on cycle, only in PCT. Not even with masteron.

Pct is my only problem regarding to acne

no reason at all

Because they have different sides and results. I'm prone to gyno from e2. But nothing else. So I can run a fuckton of tren with 0 sides but touch dbol and it's 2 days before I bloat up and get itchy nipples.

Some give amazing strength but less mass, others are more of a massbuilder.

Some dry you out and some bloat you. Some will push in a fuckton of glycogen, others will increase rbc by a lot more...
turinabol what is it good for?

any point taking it over anavar or epistane brahs?
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More mass than var. Doesn't wreck your lipids like var. Epi causes my bp to go into hospitalmode.

JerrBear, fatlift's girlfriend?
You cracked the code.
guys, i pinned myself last friday but ever since 3 days ago my ass has been in the worst fucking pain it's ever been.

what should i do?

what girlfriend?

Was it your first pin there? Is there swelling? Redness? Heat?
Is it your first pin? It sounds like normal pip to me.
>Implying it's not tough to do 60 sets of weight in one and a half hours with 60 sec max rest inbetween sets
>Implying volume isn't the way to get big on roids
tfw no 2-oxa-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-estra-4,9,11-trien-3-one
Other then the 10x10 stuff, it doesn't seem that crazy.
You should start tripping again
Its not. 60 fuckings sets a workout at an reasonable intensity is just not necessary. Its abusive to your joints at any intensity that will actually build muscle.

Trienolone/trenavar, yes?

Thinking of buying pic related for giggles.

2 caps a day and 2mg mtren until liver failure.

20/20/2 sdrol/msten/mtren.

Now that's a strength boost.
No, I was just reading these posts.

300 times as anabolic an methytest
tfw no supersteroids available.
They look so interesting
not my first pin. yes heat and swelling.
heat, swelling and redness and imo you should go see a doctor.
is this a sign of infection? not sure what to tell my doctor.

i've been stupid using 20 gauge needles and pinning 3mL at once. i've been doing it for years, but it's finally reached the point where there's so much scar tissue that it's easy to get painful.
Tell your boyfriend not to be so rough
afaik these are symptoms, 20g is rough, but redness and heat especially don't come from a big needle.
Meme here is to tell him you fucked your b12 injection up, or depending on where you are just the truth.
I would, but I don't really care to see pictures of my loose skin plastered on here, and I don't want people to start contacting my extended family again and claiming I'm some sort of pedophile. I can't even see my brother's kids anymore without everyone acting weird around me, including the kids.
Did you doxx yourself? Did chem do it?
Or how did it happen again?
Jeez. That's rough. I had no idea you'd been doxxed that hard.
how do i stop bleeding so much after i pin, using 18g atm
>and MasT is retarded enough to pretend doxxing doesn't matter
Thoughts and rants on my adventure:

I was picked up by the directors assistant, Ivan. 21 and a big guy, natural. Everything is accommodating and wholly upper class. I am in an executive suite, two queens.

Inquired about dinner plans and how much cash I should bring:
>"when you stay here with us you pay for nothing. You are in the directors hands"
Reaffirming, slightly intimidating. I feel like I might be being lulled into a sense of security. Guards up, but it's all very welcoming.

My ex is breaking my heart. It's the same shit as always. She came back into my life like she promised she wouldn't. I let it happen because I hope this is the time she stays. Very reminiscent of the Wes Anderson short film with Jason schwartzman and Natalie Portman; it was a prelude to Darjeeling. Touching, and bitter. I'm sad guys.
use blood clotting peptides
I'll say it again

You are like a child lost in the woods
Your life is like all those cliche chick flick romances, complete with airport scene.
but at least he looks like a man, whilst you look like a child
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>using 18g atm
Try a smaller pin.

You fuck a dude yet?
>I'm sad guys
really? huh never woulda guessed

i hope your shoot isn't traumatizing, shit could push you over the edge. especially if anons leak the vid

don't become jm2.0, you're a good dude
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>waiting for bimbo to literally run after his ex in an airport when she tries to leave the country
We can dream

A shiggidy
just frontloaded 500 mg test e. first time taking roids ever. ask me anything.
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I posted my full face on here. Nothing happend faggot. I got nothing to hide. Everyone can know i roid, i don't care.

Everyone who doesn't post pics, is just dyel and insecure.

>butt muhh doxxing afraidness

I'am not scared for some speg faggot. Fight me 1v1 and find out retard
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>Fight me 1v1 and find out retard
I am 100% convinced you're just trolling kek
You guys are really nice. I enjoy opening up to you nerds.

Anons get worked up over shit like this, but fraud is basically an on going locker room talk thread and it's relieving. It's like chilling with the guys. Thank you for the support, I actually really need it and I admire you doggers a lot.
love you bro

scared huh?
fite him
I admire these loving jerrbears
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Never knew it was that bad
thats more than fair enough of a reason to remain anon
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>on going locker room talk
Inb4 someone goes nuts about there being so many trips shitposting
It's interesting seeing how strange your life is

He's about 3 times my size. I can't see it going well.
Plus flights to whatever euro hell hole he lives in will cost more than my net worth
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flying to the netherlands from brisbane or sydney is 1000-1300
your net worth is less than $1300?
It's not that strange. I just do sex work and am in an abusive relationship.
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I always tinder while halfway through my cycle and then end up with like 6 potential gf's/fwb's that I lose complete interest in once I come off and enter PCT phase. Is there anything I can do about this or is the only option 2 cruise4lyf?
>flying to the netherlands from brisbane or sydney is 1000-1300
Oh well okay maybe I over estimated
Last time I checked flights from here to the UK it was about 5K
Which is probably about half my worth officially.

Kek yeah pretty common I guess
I know so many sex workers in abusive relationships
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good call. Keep em sharp

Size doesn't mean shit. You need fighting skills
I know that feel

>come off
>2 weeks later, delete Tinder and start ignoring the girl I was working on
>barely even feel like jerking off
>3x your size

even a manlet should have decent mass on roids faggot
>sex work

is that why you have these gay ass nipple piercings
Lame they're dope
Those hoops weren't doing you any favors, you get the barbells yet?
No I've been busy but I would prefer barbells
brah its 1 am, go to sleep nigger
Barbells get you swole.
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So you're actually doing this? Watch out for the doxxing bro's. They are really frightened

your ex is just playing with you as far i can see. All they care about is drama and attention, especially the younger ones

on cycle = libido is higher than normal, therfore interested in sex,.

in pct= libidio is non-existent, no interested in woman almost asexiual.

what are you gonna do about it? Just face it. Life isn't all about fun

Nobody decides my faith

my life has no purpose. Just wait untill i die
A short military career has taught me it's all about chance and how big the other guy is
Skill means fuck all when the other person can crush you with sheer weight

I was exaggerating
Arms are ~16inch so I'm not as tiny as I say
But MT is still a much bigger boy

Nipple curls
Thanks for having my back
Ask the director, I'm sure he's used to getting nipple jewelry for his talent.

I just got here and I'm already lifting
>ll they care about is drama and attention, especially the younger ones
This. Some grills feed on that shit. Like they aren't happy unless they or someone else is miserable.

>Nipple curls
Mad nipple gains.
I don't roid but you're sage as fuck senpai. So at peace with your reality
Look up Marcelo Garcia dawg. 3x absolute weight adcc champ
Damn those are some strong Jerrbears of love
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>Skill means fuck all when the other person can crush you with sheer weight
now you're trolling

it's all about(in this order);

fightning skills/techniques -> speed -> strength

Nobody can help you unfortunately, but yourself. One of these days you will find the best possible solution. It just needs time

I had some of those in the past, when i was younger. That's why i can't cope with teenage girls, with their bs elementary school bs

live in the present
thx (";
>fightning skills/techniques -> speed -> strength

Exactly. Whenever I see a giant bodybuilder, acting all tough, I laugh to myself, because since I'm small, I can easily outmanoeuvre him, since all that muscle makes him slow. I'd run around him until he got tired then I'd hit him hundreds of times until he fell.
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>what are you gonna do about it? Just face it. >Life isn't all about fun

My natty test levels are 160-210, my libido has always been non existent until I started shooting bathtub chemicals in me.
Pretty much.

Just sucks knowing what normal is while i'm on cycle then going back to not even having a normal functioning sex life or dick.
>fightning skills/techniques -> speed -> strength
They separate fighters by weight classes, not how solid their technique is.

Manlet detected
excuse me sir i think you dropped this
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How abouuuut now?

her again
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Look at the fedora level discussion you've started!
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Stop playing those videogames, it's fucking with your grip on reality. This isn't dark souls where you dodge and roll away

So there is your answer. You need synthetic test.

No, they test your skills first . After that they classify you on your technique and will put you against a worthy opponent. It's no rocket science, duh
im jelous of you
I was mocking him.
You raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children
How slow do you think bodybuilders are? We're not fucking fat. More importantly, how fast do you think you are? Unless you've got feet of conor mcgregor, you're going to get caught, and rag-dolled like the little fedora you are.
True. Only problem with cruise for life is doing it illegally since i travel constantly and legal test is shit(convenience wise) and i can't do mast legally.
That sounds awful. I'd cruise forever.

>tfw you get meme'd
>i can't do mast legally.
When you're traveling, just relable the mast as test and you're fine.
Fucking hell brahs I'm in a bit of a pickle. 3weeks into Test blast and my chest/lungs are tight as fuck. Shortness of breath too. I don't wanna end up like zyzz what the fuck should i do? I'll go to the doctors if you fucks think It's serious
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I dunno bout prescription test. But can't you just add some of your own test to the prescription stock

he felt for the nectar of the gods meme

insert the sauna to return
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are there any psychiatric risks associated with roids? I have a history of depression and anxiety, and a really bad episode with weed almost sent me to the psych ward. I've also been taking antidepressants and antipsychotics since then (2 years) and have not fully recovered (meaning I have permanent effects). However I do not appear to show any signs of psychosis or schizophrenia in the slightest. Mostly anxiety.
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mast, buddy, you really have no idea what you're talking about
why the fuck hasnt tren made my skin look dry?

Its usually obvious to tell who's on gear because they have dry-reddish looking skin

wheres mine :(
I genuinely believe that if i tried some cocaine and entered a sauna i'd fucking die
Testosterone cured my depression bra
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That's why we have you. So you function as a compensator for our flaws.

Tell me, oh wise brick, what is the best combination to win a fight.

I think it's this;

fightning skills/techniques -> speed -> strength. I bet you can;'t think of any better combination. Try me
As long as it isn't tren, you should be fine.
I know that's why I said LOL
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saying "size doesn't mean shit" shows how absolutely little you actually understand fighting sports much less actual no shit hand to hand combat when the sheer amount of skill needed to counterbalance even small advantages in height, weight, and reach is fucking disproportionate as hell

we're not talking about the fucking grandmaster red belt of bjj taking on a bodybuilder because that's a goddamn embarrassing strawman even for you
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Just told my ex to leave forever.

Told her I see that she's nearly everything to me, and to her I am a cheap source of attention/validation/good cock. I told her she can suffer alone.

I feel great. First thing I did when I got here was lift. My heart is broken but my body looks dope af. That's what matters.
Test single handedly cured almost all my depression/anxiety and lessened my bi-polar gaiety.

I was low test tho, so go get bloods and if they low then well ya it will most def help. If they ain't then sry nigga do em anyway cuz u feel gr8.
Good man, now cut all contact and live your life.
>lactating nipples
>posting on /fit/
Oh fampai...
>dating sociopaths
When will you breeders learn of the glorious homo revolution.
You can still have kids, you know
Double jerrbears mirin

Too bad I have a breeding fetish
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I don't know why people idolize him and treat him as sort of kind of god. Did he cure cancer? Did he solve the starvation problem?

His whole so called 'alpha attitude' was based on tren and rec drugs. Therefore he was no more than a degenerate with plucked eyebrows.

>but his perfect insertions
he was dyel and his insertions can suck my bbc

I woudn't prioritize size as a prominent factor to win a fight.

Let's say that two people will fight 1v1, but none of them has any expiernce/fightning skills, then yes, size would probably matter till a certain extent.

But if you will fight someone that knows some killing fightning techniques, then size woudn't matter, because he will whip your ass with a few strikes.

wow, goddamit huge. titan huge


that's an alpha move you did there. Show here who's boss. goddammit. Good for you
>Too bad I have a breeding fetish
So do a lot of gay dudes. lol

>Let's say that two people will fight 1v1
Honestly it has more to do with who's willing to escalate the violence first.
knife beats fist
Gun beats knife.
Thanks man that's an awesome thing to hear.
I'm mostly Italian
Myself and millions of others got into lifting because we wanted to be like him. His steroid use didn't really surface until around 6 months after his death. Some still believe he was natty.
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>His steroid use didn't really surface until around 6 months after his death
thanks brehs.
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The truth has to be told.

it also depends on the health bar, mana, spells, weapon and stamina

And did lifting turned you into zyzz? His whole attitude and lifestyle was based on gear and drugs to compensate for his beta feelings. Get a grip and stop fapping to zyzz motivation videos, it's fucking with your grip in reality

You believe in false hope. In myths. Distorted reality. Fairytales
What I mean is, It didn't really surface to the masses until way after his death. Ofc a large amount of people could clearly tell he was on the gear. But young, naive teenagers like myself at the time didn't have a clue.
I did my first pin of my 2nd cycle today (250mg test 200mg deca) and I randomly got the biggest boost of energy, basically what I'm saying is steroids are magical
I only just started taking gear, and my pre-gear estro was 36.52 pmol/l, where the healthy range is 44-156. Maybe that's why I used to get joint pains. Maybe the side effect of increased estro isn't a bad thing for me. Of course, until I start growing a pair of wobblies.
>And did lifting turned you into zyzz?
I think if it hadn't of been for zyzz, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I'm in the best shape of my life, I no longer give a fuck what people think. I do like to pop a molly once in a blue moon, but I try to be as safe as possible. I don't think there was anything wrong with that sort of lifestyle, providing that you don't go overboard.
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>tfw no jerry
mfw I just looked up the symptoms of low estro, and there are more than on the wiki for steroids, and I have a lot of them.

Fatigue along the lines of sleepiness
hypersomnia (sleeping too much and too often)
strong erections but limited sensitivity
joint pain, clicking or popping joints
eye fatigue (eyes seem more tired despite adequate sleep, dark circles)
loss of libido (Was never a concern for me to get laid)
difficulty retaining water (constant urination)

Steroids really are my cure all

I got my bandana of infinite ammo
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Are you fucking joking me? The idea that anyone started lifting as a result of Zyzz hurts my fucking soul. Only good thing about him is when he used to post here and his silly antics. His death and the following remembrances and theory craft about him not being dead were far more impactful than anything he did while alive, more entertaining too.

You sicken me.
I live in australia
Not even joking a shitload of 15-20yos start lifting around the time zyzz was huge on social media and forums in 2010-11
he did have a big effect on the popularity of lifting and roiding here atleast
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Poor Elia Martell.
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Here you guys go.
fuck you
>leg day
>shit ton of supersets
>start to feel really tired
>not the normal kind of tired
>actually yawning in between sets
>start to feel faint
>legit sick feeling
>go home
>proteem shake
>handful of gummy bears
>feel better

Low blood sugar? Dafuq was that??

how is the tbol vascularity compared to var? would prefer to keep using var but the price for legit sucks
Who's opinion is this and why should I care that they're clearly wrong?
is this the masteron hardness people talk about?
I just got some free tbol and var recently... I'll let you know what happens in a week or two :^)

Its not much though, one pack each
>Low blood sugar?
That's what it sounds like.
You would have loved the continuing education thing I just got back from. The speaker was an AFSOC PJ who is attached to a group now. Talking about battlefield traumas and their treatments dude was cool as shit.
An endocrinologist. He works with IFBB pros and is also 58 and has been nearly 100kg at 7% dexa'd. So he does know the doses people need to get to a certain weight and bf, so it's really the most accurate thing we have.

> why should I care that they're clearly wrong?
You want me to tell you why you should care that you think he's wrong. What?
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Well shit... I ate the same thing I do every day. Wonder wtf that is all about

Guess I have diabetes now.
>da betus
Luck git. All that free slin,
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Mind the b8 m8
Its more wrong the lighter you get and looks designed for manlets. It should be by height as well. 5'6 175lbs is basically IFBB physique if you're lean. a 6'0 guy who's 220 leanish wouldn't necessarily need the gear listed here either. Its not a good guideline. Call them extremes or whatever but its off the mark especially on 150-175.
Just frontloaded 500 mg of test e for the the first time ever. Doing a 20 week blast. Have never taken steroids before. My test levels natty are about 250 ng/dl. Should I see any significant changes in my mood in the coming days?

In about 2 weeks you'll be horny as fuck and probably start jacking off 3x a day.

Good strength gains in 4-5, noticeable mass 6-7+

Also, watch out for dem feels, they can sneak up on you.
I'm finding this to be perfectly accurate.
>3x a day.
I was doing 3x a day before roids. On cycle it was like 5+.

Started to get dick callouses.
He said always do a back sweep.
less depressed, more energy, far superior libido
>My test levels natty are about 250 ng/dl

I would recommend 250mg/wk, coming from legit low test you'll make ridiculous gains without having to worry much about sides.

oh, I know

believe me, I definitely know
Well I'm in my 30s, I dont have the same drive as you youngcunts anymore.
>Should I see any significant changes in my mood in the coming days?
Expect an increase in risk-taking behaviors, delusions of grandeur and gay for pay.
doing 250 mg/dl every 3 days
>250 mg/dl

so 12.5 grams of test e3d

damn ramy
>waiting for bimbo to literally run after his ex in an airport when she tries to leave the country
>We can dream

I would definitely do that. But I'm the guy who missed his gf so much when she was visiting China that he flew there for a few days to be with her.

Or, yknow, why I'm in two of her class trip to paris' pics... Heh. Her school's administrator/dean was my old grade school teacher and that was the younger brother of my fathers best friend.

We had a key to her school a day after we officially got together.

Guy saw us making out in the hallway.

>"get a classroom.."

with drooping sarcasm in his voice he threw me the keys.

>I'm copying these.

>go ahead.

And that was that. 2 years of unrestricted access to her school whenever we felt like it. And she lived 5 minutes away. Walking distance.

On a related note, what parent lets their 16yo daughter leave with a boyfriend of 21 and visit Paris and Disneyland before they're even together for 3 months.

Mutherfucking cultist chan
Why does the internet want me to want to fuck drawings
Anyone experienced with TB 500 or BPC 157? Injured a tendon, right under where my knee is while squatting. It's taking forever to heal/not healing on its own. Which one is better for tendon repair? I read tb is mostly anti inflam but helps recovery while bpc is better for tendon repair itself. I have a discount for tb x3 and its the same price of 1 bpc 157. Which one should I spend my money on?

Functionally dysfunctional 200+ year old naive underweight girl. Hng.

Also, her double heresy by having a kid with ringarde. Goddamnit that pic is cute.
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thats why 2d girls were invented

hows the shampoo

Seriously. This is just too perfect.


Except asuka from the evangelion reboot.
>hows the shampoo
Stealth god.
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oh wait now customs knows

I mean hows the tang
you know its what astronauts drink

Jerry, you brewing? Get me high dosed msten. Its cheap ish as a powder and pretty sure others are interested.

I can have a friend do a ton of it in a lab for EU people too. I'll just get 30g or something and make a few 50mg/ml, 30ml bottles. I'd run it as long as possible myself. I love it.
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Not eldritchy enough. I prefer unstable and aggressive.
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I love msten too but I dont trust more recent prohormone rarws

>tfw still 1/2 a bottle from when it was legal

asuka's shit
absolute shit
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man, I don't think I've wanted to get blackout drunk this badly in a long time


patellar tendonitis? both if you can swing it, bpc if you can't

while tb500 has a lot of systemic effects and a longer half-life, bpc is very site-specific and needs minimum once a day pins

it's worth putting some time in researching direct injection techniques for the tendons, you're going to see increasing results the closer you pin to the actual tendon but at the same time that kind of shit is super sketchy so you could always just go subq as close as you can get


I keep getting more and more tempted to make plans to spend a summer in the netherlands
Rei is best but I'm positive she's autistic
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sup guys
yeah but so am I
just makes her bester-er
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Kek. You're welcome to stay desu.

Date is officially a go. Messaged and added her on fb messenger to check if she was real. Either it's a 5+ year old troll or she's real.
holo best waifu

butyl stoppers, no graduated cylinders, no autoclave, no hotplate stirrer



just think about what I'd do

if she can walk normal tomorrow you aren't channeling my cheese wheel of thunder enough

Rei is a goddamned clone. No experience with actual social interaction means nothing to go by. So her behaviour looks autistic. But it's actually very different.

Autismos have issues with understanding social shit. Conventions and such? Rei just never really got to experience any.

And I'm allowed to fap to comatose asuka. That's a win.
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>apple slut
imagine how many guys she's sucked off for a lesson in economics

absolute slut
Do you own an autoclave?
meet me at glenn park in 20 minutes you cocksucking mother fucker

Date is next Thursday. No uni for her until Tuesday and we're grabbing breakfast in Paris after clubbing in antwerp.

Gotta love people that just go along with anything because "why not". Though pairing two up might be a mistake...

I can see us ending up in Disney for a few days. Possibly even spain, just because we can.

Or fly to Ibiza for a night out at ushaia.

>done and done.
>And I'm allowed to fap to comatose asuka
youre fucked up

ok but it better be thick and feminine
no homo
Will 5 mg of bpc work better than 25 mg tb 500? Can only afford either or, or 1 bpc and 1 tb 500.

Please tell me I didn't woosh you. Because one episode starts with shinji fapping to asucoma.

Brick you faggot you know I have an autoclave and a hotplate already, I just needed the glassware. Find some silica/silicone stoppers for sale that are instock and not from Europe right now I fuckin' dare you.
Drol seems p bomb

The var was in a matching conditioner bottle
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