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/plg/- Powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 51

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/plg/- Powerlifting general
Trips pls
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thinking about taking up equiped bench only in addition to raw full-power
Rolling for Joe's sister
pinkshorts all week, not bad
Gonna need some pinkshorts rares
m8 her facebook,instagram, youtube is public
Literally who
more pics of boardshorts' girl pls
Paypal me 10 bucks and I will supply you with 10 pics
Just posting to say that seen fucked my shit up and that my wife is ugly and my child is retarded

Lol serious guys thanks
cmon senpai i saw one with them at a restaurant or someshit but i didnt save it :(
holy shit lamo, a retarded babby, i knew something was fucked with that babby by how UGLY it was

Don't be like this anon
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She's never been on 4chan. Pinkshorts is a Sean character.
did rasputin die?
Probably due to lack of abduction
Who here /nodad/?
Is sean in the group? Did he btfo buda? Tell us please.
Just got done paintballing with mine. Good times with dad :)

No he is not in the group
No he did not btfo buda
Lol quite an imagination

I assure you pinkshorts is very real, has been on 4chan and is not a "Sean character"

in case it isn tobvious enough already, Sean doesnt have "characters"
No he is not in the group
Yes he btfo out of Buda (do you see him tripping? No, because he got btfo)
Yes Buda wrote an angry ass post on facebook, as confirmed by people like alex, sparrow and isley
Post so I can laff
why doesn't the OP have alex's big titty fuckbuddy?

Like i said its just what people in the group told me, not sure why all of them would lie when they had no reason to tell me in the first place if it didnt happen lol
because he asked me not to? I dont post anyones picture if they dont tell me not to
Because despite Alex really hating Sean Sean really loves Alex and goes as far as stalking him and pretending to be him.
>because he asked me not to? I dont post anyones picture if they dont tell me not to

that is quite honorable of you sean

gotta admit she is FINE tho, alex isn't called "chadlex" and "haack jr" for nothing
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>this is him
Great thread here lads
Yes, that is a picture of Dino
>I dont post anyones picture if they dont tell me not to
Oh my grammar.
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sure thing
So what you're saying is you have no proof LOL
Who here /eatinglikeafatshit/ ?
If sean wasnt a 4/10 he would have posted a pic by now.
Remember when plg used to be good?
me neither.

Not anymore
Sorry buda but youre gonna have to try harder than that to bait me

(a 4/10 is still better loooking then your wife)
you have to go back a couple years for that Tbh

How's the cut going? You man up and take on a PSMF? Or are you soft-cutting like a bitch?
what was your max squat
Your right im sorry sean

My wife is ugly and my kid is a weeb retard

How was lifting today?
It's pretty comfy when sean isn't posting, like late (for the west coast) night
>lifting on Sunday, the day God gave us the day of rest
Reminder that you are weak, stupid, ugly, new and contribute nothing to this thread
First day, feel fine for now. "Soft" cutting at 2 lbs a week for now, to get used to a lower caloric intake. Then PSMF in a couple weeks, depending on how I feel.

It's k bby, I'll be on at comfy time.
he usually passes out about 3 pm Sydney time, but man its just turning into a shit show of sean arguing with himself.

I know it was better, Plg was the reason i started lifting.
Hi friends lets talk about liftin kek

how much does your babby lift
Babby has posted his pics before cuz he is fuggin jacked

Seen has posted no pics cuz he is a fuggin nerd
can someone recommend me a program to maintain strength while cutting? i'm doing the texas method right now and bulking
I don't think I'll be on tho. Got a paper due. 350 words. I'm fucking screwed. Due at 5 tomorrow so I better get started
How many eggs should I eat with breakfast?
just stick to bagging groceries
5/3/1 is the go-to.
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>350 words
nice meme
Can someone make a list of all the trips that sean has destroyed

How could someone be so mad that they spend tht amount of time writing up a fabricated wall of text

must be buda kek

You might as well just ask for a list of trips

Why is sean obsessed with buda?

He was a nice guy and helpful.
He was a fucking dumbass and acted like a child whenever someone pointed out he was wrong
Proof please?

because has is/had a good father, is a strong lifter and has a healthy relationship with alcohol
>tfw no boardshorts-fiance qt gf
Proof that buda was a stupid shit and a manchild? just search the archive with his name lol
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the comprehensive list can be found below:
what happened to Isley?

i thought isley was a rower with an aesthetic body?
>asking people to get your evidence for you again
This samefag and childlike mentality is cringy as fuck Buda

you're like 35, grow the fuck up
Its like asking me for evidence that grass is green or that the earth is round

common knowledge my friend, common knowledge
Europoor here, but where is the mememan Ron Paul? Did he stop running this cycle?
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So paranoid
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>that image
>Its like asking me for evidence that grass is green
regardless, evidence was asked of you and you again failed to produce
Woops did I forget to inb4 some shitty shoop a 3 year old could erase

im cringing at how pathetic youve become once your wife was exposed as an oogoo
What happened to Panzer?
and i gave it to you

its a little wrongfully skwewed to bernie but over all i like it.

only his son, Rand paul was running.

i cried when he decided he wasn't running any more

RIP libertarian values
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terrible sumo accident.
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>a little
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I miss sparrow. I missed the time when she gave up on /plg/, what happened?
after reviewing the linked evidence there is nothing to prove your claim
mark off another loss
Then you're even dumber than I previously thought you were

I'm not gonna hold your hand
hillary, trump and fuckface are literally bottom 25 presidential candidates of ALL TIME

you can put anyone in spot #4 and they will look great
Sparrow baby i miss u rolling
>I'm not gonna hold your hand
i dont think you get how evidence works
do i also need to explain to you what colour is blue?
YESH I get to fap to benchbros sis all week!! Problem is I have to shoop sparrows face to hers first
mark off the loss and stop replying
its over
You're arguing buda isnt a dumb manchild

think about that for a second
my broccoli smells like pee :/

Friendly, helpful, funny, has healthy life.

Makes pretend on the internet, no lifts, sick, lung cancer, alcoholic, weak, unfunny, ruined plg
Only buda would ever say he was

>Friendly, helpful, funny, has healthy life.

nice try but im just going to have to stop you right there

btw, your wife looks a lot like you babby

both ugly as fuck
no im arguing that you cant provide evidence for your claims
>Dicks and Dragons on in 25 min
excited tBh
Listen, I get that you have this vendetta about me beating you in arguments countless times, but, just stop and think about what you're arguing for a second

you're trying to refute that buda isnt a dumb manchild

cmon man, pick something a little less obvious than that, or else im just gonna toss it up as what it is, obvious bait
well lets pretend i dont know who buda is, which is often the case in legal proceedings, the jury wont 'just know' and with the evidence provide you will just get laughed out of the room
just like the jury doesnt know that the earth is round

the jury is PLG

and the earth being round is buda being a dumbass manchild
and the jury has spoken
that is all for today mr hat
make cat noises

wasps are scared shitless of cat noises
Admitting defeat so soon? But I have two more hours of crushing you with logic, theory and evidence, Dino
are you making real cat noises

oh im not dino lad, and by your logic you will have to prove that with evidence before saying it again thank you very much
thank god you arent the profiler, that would have been embarrassing

Tbh i have to go, i look forward to those hours in the future, dont spend them
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Sean's typical tactics when he is btfo

Deny deny deny, make counter accusations, then make cat noises until people forget that he's a faggot
>i have to go

so you admit your argument is factitious at best, and well, you need to go (aka run away because you sense imminent destruction coming from yours truly)

our neutral third party advisor is sharpening his pen

Shall he proceed with my third (3) victory of the day?
What makes you think the cat person is at all related to Sean?
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Its trapped between my screen and window now lel
Is it gonna starve?
that def is no Canadian wasp

thank god i dont not live in canada
>no Canadian wasp
but I'm in Canada... What does that mean!!?
Its stopped moving around a lot it keeps stroking its antennae
it isnt a wasp then bro trust me
>argument is factitious at best
my argument cant be factitious as i havent even put forward an argument, just that as a concerned jury member i was giving you the chance to rectify your inconclusive evidence before a foregone conclusion was made

tell him that he looks like a fool sharpening his pen but please do it with discretion as i dont want him to feel self conscience about such silliness
>jury member i was giving you the chance to rectify your inconclusive evidence before a foregone conclusion was made

A) Jury members dont have that option you fucking idiot fuck
B) you're a fuckign idiot fuck

C)so you admit your argument is factitious at best, and well, you need to go (aka run away because you sense imminent destruction coming from yours truly)

our neutral third party advisor is sharpening his pen

Shall he proceed with my third (3) victory of the day?
yellow jacket, my bad. I call all bees wasps
Dont worry bro, im always right, and dont lose arguments, ,just ask >>37002426 (note how he conveniently stopped responding to me)
that's the beauty of anon, can always back out after getting ass blasted
Which is why Sean doesn't trip
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So I was watching bodorio's stream

>stora killar, verkligen, var vi powerlifting general

this shit has to stop
what does it mean
Trust me you little swine, if you're ever honoured enough to even have the opportunity to talk to Sean, you will sure as shit damn as fucking know why
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my benis is all freaky and shit
explain why this picture is relevant
This only adds to my confusion
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rolling for boardies fiance
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>Mongs mom and sister have been removed
About to start daily maxing with a loose suit/knee wraps and slingshot. Am i a mem?

Also deadlifts are for fags.
Ow cum tjeres no 1 here
Sean ruined plg
Top accessory for:

Top bodybuilding accessory for
>anything else
Who here /gotbroadsinatlanta/?
>Top accessory for:
Depending on how specific you want to get, Spoto press or cgbp
You don't need to accessorize this probably if you must, you could do unilateral work like Bulgarian split squats
SLDL is the beginning and end of it if your shortcoming is strength. If it's form, paused deadlift will help you
>Top bodybuilding accessory for
Rows for lats and arms, hypers for erectors to get the bitches wet
Bench should put titties on you more than you want
Squats. Your legs will be big enough. I do hamstring curls as isolations just to train my knee flexor hamstrings, ghr is goat but very few gyms have one
>anything else
Ab wheels for core strength.

Good questions tBh
was camping in the mountains (5500+ elevation) over the weekend and had a bench session tonight. pumps were unreal lads. altitude effect is beautiful even if i was out of breath on every hike.
bench - OHP for shoulder health and pure pressing power of peace
squat - high bar or front squats t b h
deadlift - pause deads or deficits. everything else is literally a meme

back - one arm db rows on a bench. greater rom and abdominal activation than barbell rows
chest - db incline press. again long rom and ability to pump out reps
legs - leg press as long as no one is watching

i've also been using the GHR machine with a barbell on my traps lately and its breddy gud
2-5ct pause bench
2-5ct pause squat
2-5ct pause deadlift

rows/pullups with pause at the top
db bench
front squats if you're a femurlet, leg press or belt squats otherwise
heavy isometrics like weighted carries, planks, ab wheels, etc. it's all the same shit more or less
Slingamajig for everything upper body related, SSB for everything lower body related.

Wrist roller for popeye forearms.
3ct pause bench
Fr. Squat or Pause Squat
Deficits or Pause
Basically pauses are GOAT in general

Chest-supported row
lmao targeting chest specifically
bad girl machine
weighted planks
>Who here /gotbroadsinatlanta/?

>SLDL is the beginning and end of it if your shortcoming is strength. If it's form, paused deadlift will help you

How helpful is SLDL for sumo? I recall marcel once saying high bar and fs were top accessories for sumo.

>Rows for lats and arms, hypers for erectors to get the bitches wet

How do you program your hypers? I am considering adding them to provide some assistance to deadlift without snapping my shit once tired.

>rows/pullups with pause at the top

>db bench
havent done these in awhile; fat enough im gonna start doing them again so i dont waste my bulk.

RIght now im planning to add:
>db bench
>face pulls

and maybe some tricep shit and / or hypers.

fuck, forgot to reply to this guy

sabre super ballsy method 2.0
>benchbro is now willingly doing a program whereas before it took filip and all of /plg/ bullying him to get him to do one

wew lad, making progress
meme bench program though right?
Whats a good program thats not TM(getting tired of TM) and sheiko(too hard for me because im dumb)?
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Nigga this is .5 we're the beta testers
99% of "results from intermediate powerlifting program"
so fucking many
Anyone ever try to bench 225 for reps like at the NFL Combine? I heard about it all week in the NFL Draft so I decided to give it a shot. I went touch and go and got 16. My best comp bench is 325, best in the gym lately is 1x5 305. It was pretty interesting, it was harder than I thought. The guy who had the most this year had almost 50
everyone here claims that C6W sucks, ill look into TSA
Madcow 5x5? You could always do 5/3/1, if you don't mind the stunted progression. Candito 6 week if you feel like you wanna take on W1D1 and W2D2 and get some pretty much guaranteed squat gains, with coin flips for deadlift and bench gains. I've heard decent things about Ph3 as well, not strong enough to run it yet but I'd love to give it a try at some point.
its 50/50
90% of that 50 being Sean
>S abre S uper B allsy
>Method 2.0

inb4 plg trademark infringement drama
sheiko is fun

RPE based training is fun so far, but I have zero idea of what kind of gains I'll make
I love Layne Norton and it's supposedly practically magical in it's gains ability, but he has a strict 350 wilks requirement for doing the program
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>dr lame norton Phd
I did 225 rep outs as back off sets after normal bench workouts for a while last year. Best I hit was 30, my bench at the time was 385ish.

I've heard Sheiko called a lot of things, but never fun.
and where is your PHD, powerlifting records or bodybuilding awards?

Of course you'll market yourself with the one thing that sets you apart from every other successful competitor
What did you train today?

101.3kg squat 5x5
70kg bench 5x5
1x5 Dumbell rows 42kg
3x5 Deadlift 126kg
4x5 Dumbell rows 42kg
3x5 neutral grip chin ups

And yes, i did screw up the order of dumbell rows and deadlifts...
You forgot to mention his Ph.D. By the way, did you know Layne Norton actually has a Ph.D.? It is almost as if he wants us to know about his Ph.D.

I did this to myself.... Wondering if you can judge by the amount of pain i was in or anything if it's a tear or a sprain. It went at the bottom of my dip...

What's your wilks?

>tfw if my lifts stay exactly the same, I'll gain 35 wilks from cutting

Ohp 5/3/1
Paused Bench 40%x5x10
Cable rows 3x5
Chins 3xF
Rear Delt Flies
Not even close to 350 because I'm a weak twinkshit
Bench Volume Day
Bench Press 5x5 295
Bench Press (Slingshill) 1xF 295
Bench Press (Close-Grip) 3x5 225
Pendlay Row 3x5 215
Weighted Chinups 3x5 5
Lat Pulldown 3x10 180

My chinups suck so bad. I can't make any progress. I can get about 7-10 bodyweight, about 2-3 weighted with only 5 lbs. I'm 262 lbs.
fuck off, did you know that he made the most incredible program PH3 from scratch because of his Phd?
He is bodybuilder and pHD, because of that he is 100% correct all the time.

I think you're mistaking everyone for one drunk and maybe one real person.
Avon, George, and Phil think it's retarded too, but none of them have run it. Coolrun (more like who run) thinks it's easy but that's because he's retarded, bless the child

>my chin ups suck
I can do 45 5x5 but I was sore in my teres for literally five days following that
>Avon, George, and Phil

That is literally more than enough reason to disregard it.
>Avon, George, and Phil think it's retarded too, but none of them have run it.

what are their issues with it?
whats avon, isley and phils program?
Suit yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Intensity too high for prescribed reps
Aka unwilling to try hard enough

Sheiko more or less
Avon got a real coach tBh

Leeman BTFO.
What a weird setup
so what is SSB method?
helps the really tall deadlifters start off the ground
shaw covers it in a youtube video with mark bell i think?

Very common in strongmen. You see a less exaggerated version of it the top few weight classes as well.
>Bench 365lb triples, 12 sets every minute on the minute
>Close grip multigrip bar Z presses 225 x 5 x 5
>DB incline 90s x 15 x 3
>Face pulls, pull aparts, overhead extensions, pushdowns, lateral raises, band flyes 100 reps each

>somehow being a twink and bad at bodyweight exercise simultaneously
C'mon plywoodpanties, I believe in you.

You mean spotoshot or something else?
fuck it. Ill just deload and do TM until I hit a 5 plate squatzz.

TM is just easy for me. Its hard being dumb, o well

1x162.5kg not super heavy for me but felt I was tired so felt like shit

5x5 132.5kg

2x8 150kg ez pzy, just some light work focusing on form
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>Suit yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No thanks, equipped lifting is stupid and everybody who does it is stupid

Also, is this a picture of you?
i don't believe there is another related method besides the spotoshot
>>>37004187 >>37004229 >>37004366 >>37004369
>Replying to Rasputin
>any year
>101.3kg squat
i don't even want to know, kill yourself faggot
rood he'll outturtle bodorio in no time
you mean "a" program
Are you implying I'm a frog?

You can just say EMOM, we can figure that out
Also I'm not even cutting rn desu
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tomorrow is gonna be a shit day tBh. this was a bad weekend to not be productive.


c6w is GOAT intermediate program.


>Aka unwilling to try hard enough
couldn't have said it better myself
Frogs have mad hops, it's nice of you to recognize his squat progress like that.

>giving plg people the benefit of the doubt
And you might not be cutting, but I am.
I've got a pain on the outside of my right leg just above the knee when squatting. It goes away after warm ups and some work but can take ages.

I'm currently rolling in and stretching a lot. Will knee sleeves help with this?
I think Shaw does it to get around his belly. KK has a very, very narrow stance, in comparison

What happened this weekend? Anything in particular?

What was I even thinking

Knee sleeves won't help probably. I had pain at the same place and really only squatting and time allowed it to heal. Hurt it jumping though, if you hurt yours squatting that may make it worse
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>competed in a mock meet and put up the lowest male total
>still had a great time
mixed feels

KK is also practically a midget compared to Shaw and the other guys who usually pull like that.
C6W is fun and has good variety but you have to be on for almost every workout. An off day and you'll struggle like fuck.

Life sometimes kicks my ass so I'm giving up on C6W for now, I just couldn't turn up ready for some of the days and it sucked
FUCK you just reminded me

AH SHIT I won't even get to max before semester is over so I won't get to top the pl total leader board

Nah. He's still 6'5" so it's tall enough to get the point across that tall people can dl with any stance that's appropriate to them
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>What happened this weekend? Anything in particular?
my buddy turned 21 and his parents bought him a smoker so we made ribs and brats (pic related). but I have a couple of pretty major assignments due tomorrow and tuesday that I just didn't do.

also I have to find somewhere to live for the next 8 months and I kind of just didn't

KK is like 6'2-6'3, not 6'5.
>Knee sleeves won't help probably

Still might get them, money isn't really an issue right now. Can I expect comfy knees outside my issue at least?

I started experimenting with front squats and changing up my shoes a while ago so one of those could have irritated it, no one incident.
He's 6'3.
Look at your face in your squat webms, you look like a red frog when you squat
if you don't you should be trying harder desu
What total? worse than mine?

Hoping for an 850lb total next time ;_;
I made my own 4 day TM variation

Is this good?

Monday/Upper Body Volume:

Bench 5x5
Triceps Extensions 3x8-12
Weighted Pull ups

Tuesday/Lower Body Volume:

Squat 5x5 @ 85-90% of 5RM
RDL 4x8
Power clean 3x5

Thursday/Upper Body Intensity:

Bench 5RM
CGBP 3x10
Pendlay Row 3x5

Saturday/Lower Body Intensity:

Squat 5RM
Deadlift 5RM
with better decision making it could have been 875

though my form is much better than yours srry
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My squat form is a lot better now, all it took was a wider stance and point my feet out more. Shoutout to Candito his videos were the biggest help.

And my bench is much better form wise, finally managed to work out leg drive
H o w t h e f u c k was I supposed to infer that

Whatever nerds.

Hardly any volume here bud. You could put in another pull isolation in your vd upper day

Make your vds look more broey
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you mirin?
5x5 is not for volume? wat?
5x5 once a week isn't enough
5x5 is a good amount of volume but you can do more for upper and still recover
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>H o w t h e f u c k was I supposed to infer that
Whatever Frogshorts
but I added CGBP on intensity day. Should I make it paused BP instead?

Isnt the squat just good enough?

A lot more, especially if you've only really got one volume session per week.
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?
been getting double chicken myself
>dat lean bulk
I was actually thinking for squat

Just doesn't really seem like enough to me
Step in the right direction at least. Also, make your 5rm dl a 3rm.

Reps on dl are hard enough. Just stick with a heavy triple and do it well

Maybe. Lots of new memes lately. Been pretty dank in here lately
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>Reps on dl are hard enough
t. long armed sumo memer
I'm excellent at reps close to my max (ie I'm bad at maxing)
Honestly a triple is more than enough for stimulus you're looking for
That doesn't sound right.

I'm just going to run MagOrt and Coan Phillipi concurrently.
Has Mike T ever put out a generic program or is he all personalised training?
Hey boardie can we get some more pics of ur qt gf?
look up the rts training manuel or the generalized intermeidte routine
He quit rowing and went back to lifting and started powerlifting.

Now he's fat as fuck.
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qt dancing.webm
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good night plg, see you later
>try watching video with stretches for hip mobility
>woman instructor
>too aroused to absorb even a second of information
Does this mean I've been successful at boosting my test through diet?
It means you should finally have some sex, lad.
Yeah, it has been a good while.

Can't really be fucked to buy a smartphone or go clubbing again though.
>no smartphone

Cmon lad
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Give me one good reason why I need a smartphone.
Mike T is such a madman lads

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>915 static hold
So you can finally have some sex again.

So you can watch stretching instructional videos without having to jerk off.

So you become flexible and move past issues and blockades.

So you can progress, lift more weight and gain more muscle.

As you can see, getting a smart phone results in a higher total.
Get a smartphone.
That was imperfect as hell!
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I didn't jerk off to it. Had to find another video taught by a man though.

And I could probably get sex if I just start talking to one of my friends again and go to a party, but I also don't really want to.
Something with decent frequency and volume within the 65-85% 1RM range that you feel like you adequately recover from.
Your dick wants to.

Listen to your dick.

Use it or lose it.

I have just the right smart phone for you ... Adhere to my sales
>split squat
>the other deadlift

>some sort of horizontal or vertical upper body pull
>flyes or incline press
>split squat or stiff legged rdl
>front squat
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More bench
More squats
More deadlifts

Having accessories for every lift is stoopid
>american training.txt
It's .... Cheap ...

Seriously, get a smart phone nigga, stop being an edgy anti main streamer.
>not wanting to stimulate adaptation and growth through different movements
Enjoy looking like fucking eyebrows the jewnior
More like practical and sensible training. America has the strongest RAW lifters in the world.
That's because unequipped is still fairly marginal everywhere else and you guys can't drug test for shit.

Mike T's training is solid though, so obviously there are exceptions.
Only if you count ALL TIME RECORDS in "raw with dad" lolfeds
Wha the fuck are you on?
In most countries, anyone that gets strong enough will eventually end up competing equipped and will only do raw meets on occasion.

You also barely drug test compared to other western countries, especially compared to nordic countries.

Which countries are so dominated by equipped lifting? surely you can give examples.
Best 3x week squat routine on a harsh cut?

TM vs Gnucks beginner? (2x8,1xAmrap - 2x6,1xAmrap - 2x4,1xAmrap)
Russia, Norway, Germany, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Wow that was hard.
Now can you prove your statement with evidence?
Pretty much every western country or eastern european country for that matter, that's not the US or Sweden 2bh.

If you want to bitch about poor drug testing in the US, you really shouldn't be relying on Kazakhstan and Russia to prove your point. US drug testing has problems, but unlike those two they've never been threatened with a nationwide IPF ban over fed-sponsored doping.
There is still Norway, which has pretty much the strictest drug testing regime in the world and is probably the best powerlifting nation in the world per capita.
I (who provided the examples) am a different anon.

Germany and Norway are still good examples of his point though

If you don't beleive it, you don't know powerlifting.
Guys im following a new program Korte 3x3, anyone know it? i like it very much 4 weeks of high volume and 4 weeks of heavy ass weight

Haven't done it, have seen it done. Keep an eye on the percentages - supposedly the usual version floating around was written up for single-ply competitors which will mess with the numbers.
Yeah no. I'll never believe a post over 4chan without facts and evidence.
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Why is islet banned?
yea ive increased everything by 10%,but i hope i can handle the volume fase,i have like 12 set of deadlift per week, today gotta do 6x5 72% 5RM deadlift 6x5 72% 5RM bench and 1-2x5 92% squat

Good luck.

I've done kinda high volume training before, but generally not fullbody with just the competition lifts. I imagine your work capacity is going to get a boot in the arse.
He posted NSFW tits, and then ban evaded two days later.

He's back on Thrusday

Let me know when you find out I'm right, i love saying "I tole you so"
>i love saying "I tole you so"
I thought I was talking to an adult
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Anyone good at photoshop?
Can you photoshop a picture of isleys face as the profile picture?
Being too gay for the internet
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Over 9000 hours in ms paint
There's actual pictures of Sean floating around you could use instead of the Canadian flag.
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Zac Effron with 20 inch biceps.jpg
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i still have this on my computer as well
>Intensity too high for prescribed reps
Not just that tBh

Just too little actual quality volume in the program. Too much playing around at high intensities and rep ranges.
I think I've made a mistake, what do I do?

300kg/661lbs x 2 @ 82kg Prepping for IPF Jr. World Champs. Any questions including trolls welcome
Are you good at anything other than the worst lift designed for manlets and women?

How small are you?
can u post any shirtless/pantless pics? for verification
my deadlifts a shit what do i do
>>>37006832 (You)

This is my facebook page DP
g4p when?
$1k an hour ty
g4f when? ;)
When Isley deadlifts more than me.
So make an educated guess
have you ever worn a skirt?
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brb coaching isley
Fil, are you homo now because heterosexual swedish men are racist and therefore banned?
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Refusing to sleep with a transgender person is discrimination and should be publishable by death.
Only when it's windy so the lesbians get the message.
What's your current squat? I'm at 160kg. Wanna race to 4playt
fuck off chadorio
best is 170kg, didn't lift hard enough when i tried 175. Using 170 as my second attempt at a meet in 2 weeks then see how i go for the third.
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What's your current squat? I'm at 100kg. Wanna race to 3playt?
Deload to 160kg so it's fair
Try not to bomb
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desu my squat has improved 4 kg since july last year.
What's your current squat? I'm at 60kg, wanna race to 2pl8?
I said deload to 4plate
Round your back like a question mark.

Slam the bar down.

Be in an all Asian homosexual "lifting" crew.

Shout BRYCE before every lift
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Oh Phil-Khan, racing and archery are all you think about, do you ever leave the saddle?
>Be in an all Asian homosexual "lifting" crew.
>Shout BRYCE before every lift
What are these spicy memes I've missed out on?
Repped, w8 wut
Powerlifting is so fucking unknown there, that is believe they don't even know about classic aka raw powerlifting.
They probably literally believe that powerlifting is supposed to be equipped.

Not even kidding.

No one powerlifts in Germany, so it's a useless example. None of their lifers have an impact anywhere (well yea, maybe in some random lolfeld equipped universe)
>(well yea, maybe in some random lolfeld equipped universe)
Like the IPF?
not really, and its growing

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