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Powerlifting general - /plg/

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Thread replies: 383
Thread images: 34

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Dubs decide what color my Inzer single prong will be. Only red, blue and black since I'm buying from europe and dont want to wait for 4 years before receiveing my belt.

Neon green
Red black and blue.

They don't have pink. I'd let /fit/ roll any color if I had the time and money for international shipping.
These pants look gay af.
pls halp
rock collecting
b-but how will that help me increase the number of standard kilograms I can pick up and put back down again?
That's legitimately my goal body, but I don't know what I'll do for pants.
it won't. if you want to do that do sheiko.


Nuckols and c6w are pretty popular when it comes to periodization. You could also try TM though that would require some adjusting as you max out every week.


Buy pants that don't look awful? kek
found chemoliftan
99% sure he is on TRT
how do I stop hating deadlifts
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if you have short arms, just basically ignore deadlifting because it is cancer
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60yo Rippetoe 227kg DL_1.webm
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Get better at them, and stop worrying about genetics.
Yeah I did C6W ages ago, but just assumed I wouldnt be able to keep the progression up... I'd probably go back to that if i could.

105kg paused bench
167.5kg squat
190kg deadlift
at 71kg, 5'10.
That was before I ran this cycle of sheiko, so now I'm like 73kg but haven't maxed out yet. Think I could actually go back to C6W or would I be better off with something else?

>tfw T-Rex arms

fucker's getting old, he looks like a monk now

>tfw no /fit/ monastery with rip scooby zyzz and candytoes
such an utterly shit day. Absolutely flat out so I didn't have dinner. Went to the gym around 930 for deadlift day.. No fucking energy. 7x2 @140 felt so fucking heavy.

Couldn't even finish the rest of my workout. Did a little shoulder work and then went home.

Such a waste. Should of skipped it and just done it tomorrow.

To make matters worse, no matter what I try, I can't get my fucking back straight.
include the fucking pastebin, retard
Your anger makes me happy because of how rude you were
How are you today, friends? How's your day been?
Watching my squat video and upset about depth
Who /3poosbeforenoontoday/ here?
based hantel hartmann
Started using SSB on volume day on TM. Oh boys. Completely different feels.
What do you guys watch on YouTube

I'm bored
Josh TheBigEntrapreneurSpoon Hancott #TakeWhatsYours
Pointless post.
Not youtube but still:

what is joe doing?
In after Trappy ruins the thread
>the kid at the front who puts his fingers in his ears
>using the cancer roids to make sikk gains

Turns out she did die lad
what was the post?
That's fucked up. Now I feel bad, sorta.
hey this guy does this too >>36971373
who the fuck accepts advice from this fat out of shape geeser?
I was too lazy to eat, so I did some deads instead.

Snatch Grip ~75%x5x3
Snatch Grip ~75%x1x5

They felt pretty good. Last set was @7. Happened on an empty stomach right after work, so I'm fairly pleased.
wrong post, meant this one >>36971336
This post was:
"There used to be a girl who went to my gym who could deadlift 4pl8 and squat 4pl8 in wraps

I haven't seen her for months. Do you think she dead?

She always used to wear a bandanna if I remember correctly, she may have been bald.

I hope she didn't have cancer..."
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upperbody BB high rep stuff

Going for a solid 250x3x5 bench, 300x5 squat, and some accessories. Last day of lifting on a surplus for a while, so I am gonna make sure I blow this the fuck out.
Going for a solid 250x3x5 bench, 300x5 squat, and some accessories. Last day of lifting on a surplus for a while, so I am gonna make sure I blow this them the fuck out.
holy shit, he's using the belt to accentuate his chub and tuck
He still needs to work on his bunch and roll, though
lads I think I might have discovered the secret to rehabing my knee tendinitis

It's rest and light weights

Make that 4.


Deficit DL up to x5 @9
Some sort of bench partial up to x3 @9
SLDL up to x8 @9


1+1/2 deadlifts, some close grip bench, some shoulder and accessory work.
light weights but no rest actually
3x3 squats for 5/3/1 today, but I'm really feeling it today, gonna shoot for 7 on my last set.

Raise your arms lads, share your energy with me.
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Rogue calibrated plates are only $2000 for a fucking 459 kg set

that home jim just got ALOT cheaper
how much is a set of eleiko?
Rogue makes some pretty nice stuff for the price.
How's the yologramming going, norse?
435 kg set from eleiko is $4340

not even lifting right now. Can't. so stressed out and busy i'm getting all my joints swollen and painful. its miserable. this fucking month sucks, and its not getting any better.
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>$10 per 1kg

what the fuck are they made of?
This shop has my last name kek
filips pubic hair
>giving personal information on 4chan
consider yourself hacked, bub
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pizzas SENT

Hoooollly shiiiit

Eleiko BTFO

Wonder if Rogue will pursue IPF validation
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You could just buy cheap Craigslist plates and calibrate them yourself
unless, you know, you don't want those.
What do guys do for arms?

I do this after every session but my arms are still small :[
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Why would you want to spend more money for something that is functionally identical
>functionally identical

Thanks lad, what kind?
thats exactly all you had to do
make a plain plate and make it cheaper

titan fucked up Tbh
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Does the thickness really justify paying 4x as much?

If it does to you then fine, but don't ever complain about the cost of a home gym while there are world class powerlifters using cheap used gym plates
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Front squats: sets up 6 until @8, repeat until @9 (probably 4-6 sets).
Bench: pyramid up to 2x1 @ 85%.
OHP: 5/5/5+
Pullups, myorep probably.
Rows: pyramid maybe.
I never complained about the price.

as a matter of fact, its every one else that bitches about the price, I'm the one who actually wants to buy them lol

Color coding is nice, having them thinner also can give less bar whip.

The biggest thing i'm looking forward to some day in the future though, is having extremely tight hole tolerances for the barbell. nothing pisses me off more than plates that wobbly around like crazy when you unrack them because the hole is too big.

ikr. I lvoe it. and they honestly look snazzy, mostly because of the rouge name font. Rogue is such a baller company.
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Those Titan plates are ugly as sin
>Does the thickness really justify paying 4x as much?

Your mother seems to think so
Did last month's 3RM for 7 and none of you even held up your arms for me
PROBABLY could have done 8 but the form would have been shaky

Goddddddd yes, it's like cumming
>Rogue is such a baller company.

You are such a fuccboi

never change
Just finished my 6 minute legs, bums and tums workout and I'm so sweaty. It burned soooo much.

You power fattys will never know what struggling to complete a workout feels like. You'll never know what working hard feels like. You'll never feel sweat. You'll never ever exert yourself.

Candito's six week, week 2, lower days 1 and 2.
i agree
but its not even that since some people are going to like them
but nobody can hate a plain plate
>titan fucked up Tbh
>google titan plate
>shit myself laughing

This can't be real.
>0.6lbs from weight loss goal as of this morning
>have a second date today with the girl I saw on Monday
>shoulder is recovering slowly but surely and I can finally do OHP again
Everything's coming up Milhouse.
Probably going to start my weekend early and go off diet tonight. Craving some cheesy bacon fries and a calzone.
>manlets will never know the exquisite fear of almost destroying your own foot by dropping a sumo deadlift
Feels bad, man
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It looks good
>Sexy as Fuck Plates

>I'd fuck you after a few beer plates
Rogue Calibrated

>Friendzone forever plates

>Oh fuck bitch you ugly
Good job, lad.

It looks like the steering wheel for a short bus.

>sumo deadlifting

5'10 is still manlet status, little guy.
I know a powerlifter with the last name Hartmann. I won't post the first name because you aren't tripfagging tho. What state was your last meet in?
Been hitting a modified 5/3/1 routine. Been working it so on the last set of my 5 reps I hit 8 reps, if I can't I repeat the 5 rep week over and over until I do. Then I try and hit 5 reps or more for my 3 rep week and then I try hit 3 reps for my 1 rep week but regardless of if I hit it or not I go back to the 5 rep week.

Thoughts on this style of approach?

You're making 5/3/1 even slower than it already is. Why are you even doing it in he first place?
I actually kind of like it, but I'm concerned about the durability of the bond between the corners and the ring. What if they use shitty welds? Is my plate going to fall apart during deadlifts?
Also, I'd be a little worried about flexion during deadlifts. What if the ring acts like a leaf spring and fucks with my lift?
6'1" patron god of manlets here, brah.

Where did you find those? this is what they look like.
Ehh im not sure if your just trolling but im talking about the actual powerlifting plates called titex lol
I just vomited.

Those still look kinda ugly
>Those still look kinda ugly
yeah thats what i was saying
>trolling but im talking about the actual powerlifting plates called titex lol

How is Rogue able to sell them so much cheaper than all the other calibrated plates? Do you think the other players just had the market cornered?


I think buying them for a home gym is pretty dumb. However for our powerlifting gym? We have one set of calibrated plates. It would be awesome if we can get two more now. It doesn't matter for general lifting but if you are peaking for a meet, they are awesome.

They're fucking disgusting.
Hey lads,

for a fourth day on TM for gpp / BB work, what would you recommend?

I was thinking of doing 10 minutes of rows, 3 x 8 dumbbell bench, 5 x 20 facepulls, 10 minutes of curls / tricep pulldowns alternating, ....

anything else?

Any better suggestions?
>caring this much what the plate you lift looks like.

This is fucking powerlifting, fagget.
>I think buying them for a home gym is pretty dumb.
That's what I was saying, I'd rather save that money and put it towards specialty bars or literally anything else than spend it on thin plates
Please r8

>graprefuit plates

They look worse than the square wheels.
>cant have an opinion on equipment that comes with a big price tag
fuck off titan
I mean the smaller plates still look mostly ok
Well Norsefat is a stupid poor faggot and there's a reason why he doesn't have a homegym

Also I'd prefer cast iron plates with a handle over any plate that doesn't have a handle, since it's easier and more functional and it's the same fucking damn weight

I'm a millionaire and elected not to buy fucking Eleiko plates because of the principle, just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean you blow it on stupid shit

There's a reason why poor people are poor and rich people are rich and it has to do with intelligence ; not blowing your money on literally the most pointless shit in the world
Hi Layne Norton
I know this is bait, but
>training with equipment that is as close to competition as possible
you also have no interest in powerlifting so i agree you made a good decision
It doesn't make a fucking difference for literally anyone in this thread lol
Lower your opener by 2.5kgs to compensate; you can't be this clueless

And for a fat weak fucking moron like norsefat who hasn't made gains in two years and will never ever be remotely competetive; it doesn't fucking matter
implying the whip matters with an ipf bar, fat retards out
>watching random lifting videos
>find some random Muslim
>high bar memer
>wait a minute, go back
>I recognise that gym
Not him lad.

But now I'm interested - what are his stats and is he German?
Lmao this fucking seanpost
i agree desu, quality post Sean
Check my form you faggots... pls
Bryce Lewis, 105kg champ uses cast iron plates in his home gym

You really think he'd get more out of IPF plates?
>mfw norsefat gave up on programming ways to adding weight to his total; he now thinks the equipment will magically accomplish this for him
>you will never lick Joe Mobley's sweaty armpits
Yes he would.

He like all of us is limited by price.

You have never used eleiko steel plates. You wouldn't know why they're the best.
4 squat doubles @ 85% followed by 4 more sets at 80% and im sick
>Bryce Lewis, 105kg champ
>IPF plates magically make you lift more weights

No you're a fucking moron

IPF plates are the epitome of pointless shit

Of course you think they're somehow necessary

You're also poor

Ask me how I knew that

(It's because you're stupid and stupid people are usually poor)

If you have a burning desire to blow your money then put it into a bar not some fucking plates that are a bitch to pick up and load/unload
The worst, you have my condolences
Yes he totalled the most out of anyone ever for the 105kg class amongst international judges
They're not ipf plates. They're eleiko

They're also not a bitch to load/unload. Again, I've used them; you have not.

I'm using them right now actually.

The bryce Lewis thing, the gains would be marginal but positive. Though marginal.
Fyi he's the world record holder. Not the champion unless he's won the most recent world's.

There's a difference.
I literally just watched you type this message at BG
oh i thought you had to compete at the lastest worlds and come first to be called the champ
since a record isnt a placing and all that

and if he doesnt come off the reserve bench hell be giving it away

dont get me wrong i like the man
Its bad. Try something else.
>the gains would be marginal but positive

Literally not even Sean but come on man... any difference would be so negligible as to be unnoticeable.
Please tell me I am not actually arguing with George "poor man" Seeger, the same "man" who begs his daddy for lunch money, the same "man" who threw his entire future away based on some rowing dream that never actualized, the same "man" who subsequent dug his future into a bigger grave when he thought he could be relevant in powerlifting, which of course never happened

So what is he now? Just some fucking weasel living in some piece of shit apartment, making a peasants income, being unable to even do the one thing he feels accomplished doing, and that's tripping and spouting his stupid fucking opinions

Why can't he trip you ask? Because he got banned permanetely for being a fucking literal dumbass
give up
IPF plates are Eleiko you brain dead fucking moron

I also stopped reading there as I assume the rest of your post is as retarded and poverty as your initial sentence
Stay more upright. if you goodmorning every squat like that you will have weak quads and an overdeveloped posterior chain.
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>yfw some of that is true
Top athletes are top athletes because of the the "accumulation of marginal gains"

>some of it

I profiles him to a fucking T
Are you TheProfiler by chance?
No they're the top athletes because of genetics

And only because they dedicated their genetics to that particular sport

And that is literally the only reason (steroids too if they wanna cheat)
I really and truly cannot tell if this is a Sean or Isley post.
post of timestamped vid of you pulling 500 and I'll fuckin shoot myself.
Guys i have to do double squats sheiko in under 1h30 and some cuck is supersetting tricep extensions with front squats in the only rack with just the bar
is there an extra bar? ask him how much time he has left

stop being autistic
ask to work in, explain that there is no other available equipment
Those doing/have done c6w, were you able to get 10 reps on the x MR10 set?
Can also be titex or ivanko m80
Stop doing that terrible program immediately
I can't I've been staring over it will be too much bully if I ask how long left
Which is why I said IPF plates and not Eleiko plates to begin with

Try to keep up juniour
Is trappy really a trap?

Is she cute? :3
He has a penis and looks like a man with long hair

So no
Wahlander belt
>painted leather coming away near most used hole
>rusting buckle
7 weeks of use kk
That's what you get for buying a meme belt
Yea pretty much
With no reason why? Sure thing bud
Consider this: the program itself was written by a genetically talented but really stupid child
I would trust isley 10x more to make programming for me than following a 20 year old talented lifter with no experience of coaching's program
surely thats not normal
check with norsie, think hes had his a while

complain to them and see they will do anything for you
I'm pretty sure norsefat barely used that meme belt because their sizing chart was off so it doesn't even fit him
virtus then hes got one right?
Yeah but he injects insulin so his opinion wouldn't be valid
There hasn't been any kind of proof (other than a meaningless time stamp) and the he once posted voice changed vocaroos.

So, no.
doesnt affect the belt you retard lol
babby's first meet tomorrow, wish me luck fags
It's possible he sometimes accidentally drips insulin onto the belt which could make the metal parts rust or the leather deteriorate

might actually be normal Tbh, with it being actual leather outer
rusting buckle shouldnt be a thing though
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Good luck senpai. Have a rare pepe to give you strength.
embrace the bulge lad

whats the openers?
But he was clearly recited as possible source to back the belt up, not to put it down!
I don't know if you're trying to be funny or what but quite frankly I don't care
In fact no one cares about your opinion
You're apart of the new wave trips (all who are fat, stupid, weak and new) so I suggest you make like a bitch and remove your trip forever
e-embrace? 165/120/170, 23yo, -82.5kg
Global rule #9

Do you mean 'a part'?
ahh going for some age wilks i see ;^)

>that squat to dead
i know that feel
good luck lad
>regressed on squat and bench
>deadlift hasnt budged
Yeah nah fuck this
Does Quebec not teach English in school??
They do in English schools
Can agree with you in regards to the upper programming, I think its retarded. I won't know if its useful or not till I test my maxes again.
I'm only running it after looking at the results people got from doing a cycle. Have you guys even done it before?
he told them they were in a dead end job and so not intelligent enough to teach him and walked out
just taught himself on 4chan
A few random off pictures with no legitimate connection between each other - other than long back hair, yea.

And a meaningless timestamp.
Is alexfromplg here
Need to speak to him
Hey here I am, Alex.
Whats a good program for squats and deads
78kg 180/125/200 lifts
This isn't Alex. Sean likes to pretend to be him a lot. It's kinda creepy.

Trappy appears to be on the side of cute. I'd stick my dick in it if there wasn't already a dick desu.
Trust me, I am Alex. AMA Alex would know
What's week one of his new program and what program is it
I'm not an ______, I'm a ______
What program can i do with 360 wilks? Apart from sheiko
I'm curious if Sean can really answer these.
Ph3, dunno how well it works though, obviously 5/3/1 is always an option, C6W probably, and that's all I can think of at the moment
Of his program? Don't you mean my program? Haha because in Alex
And to answer your Q, I've just been messin' around in the gym really
Please rephrase this into a question
fat fuck, powerlifter
You got that backwards pal.
Normie, Chad
Incorrect. A program starts next week. What is it.
Man I had more faith in you than this Sean. Alex is like your favorite person here.
None of these work with an.
thats canada for you

Cmon dude
It used to be a Art man
al, autistic child
I am Alex I haven't started a program
I'm doin TSA next week
I'm gonna do tsa too
Can you send me a link pls
A link to what friend?
The program
can anyone that does an rts template please post it
I can't right now, sorry
>I'm doin TSA next week
thats wrong tho
No it isn't I changed my mind and I'm doin TSA
>No it isn't I changed my mind
what did you change your mind from?
think I found boardshorts without his trip on
From running sheiko again
it was literally posted in plg
disappointed in you lad
but who took the picture
I'm Alex
just give up
if the profiler cant even repeat something posted here very recently you should just stop posting
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Why is this happening somebody help
I'm not the profiler I am Alex
change the yellow boxes not the white
youll love what he is doing aswell when you find out lol
why tf are plates so expensive

It can't cost that much to produce
I know what I'm doing because I'm Alex
seriously you'll love it
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Warm ups feel heavy as fuck and difficult. RIP 300X5 squat
>Snes is impersonating me again
Thanks dude
Chest up
Tight core
Try harder
Life must be very difficult for you
Never give up!
opposite stance deadlifts are awful

calling sumo fags, how do i not drag my hands up my quads
No he's not. He's doing something special.
>how do i not drag my hands up my quads
this was one of the things that put me off sumo
never got an answer
You're not supposed to not drag your hands up your quads
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DLing is p mch all I do

I walk into the gym. I might bench. Maybe some curls and fuck around with free weights for a minute.

Then I fuckin deadlift. At one point I was deadlifting upwards of 7 times a week
Just had the worst workout of my life ^^
Getting sooooo fed up of being a dead end
Probably gonna use steroids soon
thumbless grip helps, need straps though

today is fun, offseason is fun

pause squats 5x5
floor press 4x8
sumo deadlift 6x3
turn your feet out a little bit more, and be sure to lock your knees before locking your hips. Try to keep the back angle constant until you lock dem knees
>chest up
Not a great cue desu. Will do everything else. Attempting in 2ish minutes or so.
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Brett mentions talking with Hancott in this vid @4:30: https://youtu.be/kLi3Bjsqz5E?t=270

They're still friends, you're all a bunch of liars.
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Got in touch with Markbell and they agreed to produce my new deadlift bar.
Specially designed to improve grip. It's a standard bar with these fastened in usual places of hand placement.

Try and deadlift 1pl8 with these and you'll soon see how weak your grip is.
Best sumo tutorial?
>no hip drive until legs are Iockded out

I thought it'd the exact opposite, aka fuck the bar > aka try to bring the hips close to the bar as soon as you begin the lift?

I thought when you lock out legs before you tried fucking the bar would result in a lockout that is purely on your spinal erectors?
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they are technically still business partners
A great lift to do for bench press assistance is take a weight double your max, use fat grips and thumbless grip and get a spotter to untracked the bar. Keep the bar held over your head for as long as possible.

The forearm pump I get is insane.
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Giving it another shot is 5-10 minutes. That was stupid as fuck
Bodorio does chest up though :E
>This fat retard is about to out bench me
Nah I'm done
well if you cue chest down you'll stay at the bottom
Lol. I did 315x5 yesterday and I can't even bench 2pl8 lol I want to die lol
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Don't give up famalam
Hips need to be as close as possible when sumoing, that's right, but trying to straighten the hips before locking the legs, both is sumo and regular, results in a much much softer and slower lockout.
mate thats his squat
That was squats, lel. Giving 250x3x5 another go after my second squat attempt though

Can lead to overarching imo, used to do it.

Bench is easy though..M

I'll do my best senpai. Misgrooved the fuck out of it too.
That's his overhead press lad
>snake icon over josh's face

What did he mean by this?
you just want to get fucked by him, don't you?
>That balding head
iktf, my squat is going up easy and gonna try 285 3x5 today but my bench is fucking abysmal in comparison
I wanted to give 140 another attempt today but squat volume is on full retard. Anyone else worn out here?

To be honest, I feel like bodorio actually has somewhat arching in his upper back by doing that.

Doesn't seem to bother him.
Why didnt you tell us you were put on TRT after your chemo m8?
Me. Gonna probably do the 5/3/1 deload week next week, and then get into the full program the week after.

Arching in the upper back is fine, happens when you retract your shoulder blades. I mean overarching as a whole, not just the normal arch. Use what works for you, that cue personally doesn't work for me.

wait is josh literally a homosexual?
I want to deload, probably need to desu. But I'm still making good progress on bench and squat so fuck it, I'll train until the fatigue is unbearable.
Why didnt you tell us you were on testosterone replacement therapy?
today I've eaten
>4 pizzas
>4 chicken burgers
And I'm so full. I hate being a 84kg twink
Because I never was? Lowest my test ever dropped was 434 and my oncologist refused to think that was low, so I just dealt with it.
oh i thought chemo depletes your T
434 isn't low.
Squat is shit, sumo is shit. I'm just hoping bench isn't shit today.
I'm running my first cycle and just finished week 2. On the second w2 squat day I got all 10 reps with 2-3 left in the tank.
It does, pre chemo I was ~900 ng. The test I had was before the hardest bit of my chemo so I could've dipped lower. 400 was low enough to make me feel and recover like asshole.
So whats your life expectancy now anyways?
For the 21st century it isn't. For pre-70s, it's very low, pretty much emasculation-tier.
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You got it senpai.
At least it felt better. I really need that damn deload
Long enough to continue outlifting s--n and shitposting on a Malaysian anime advice forum.
yeah you're at like what now, a 300kg beltless atg highbar pause squat? miring
Is that drop permanent?
Nice lad, I smashed all 10 too, but it was all mental. I wanted to stop at 6. The first one I only got 8, but I think I gave up on that.
Keep adding numbers to my squat mate, that's definitely going to cure your alcoholism and make you strong. Probably won't help your suicidal thoughts, some bleach might though.
Oh sorry i'm not Sean
Anyways, didnt you say you only had 5-10 years of your life left? its okay, you're among friends here
Yeah, the biggest thing for me is just staying tight and focusing on breathing on those long sets. I felt like a god after finishing that day with the 10x3 backoff sets. I can tell this program will do great things to my squat.
Is Sean even as rich as smelly bell?
Im gonna say yes
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is anyone familiar with Cowboy Method here?

Do I adjust my training max week to week from my projected 1RMs from the rep maxes I perform on ID? Or is the goal simply to keep an eye on the projected maxes and to make sure they're going up.
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You can clearly see this is my same bathroom in all the pics. Even got the same towels hanging.

I don't know what you people want as "proof" really. I've taken at least three or four different timestamps at this point.
Show a picture of your vagina for proof that you're a girl

>Most of you guys will want to skip over this section because it’s about technique. If I could, I’d grab you by your skinny little traps and have you re-read this. It’s important.

Mike dispensing some natty rage
guys I accidentally lost more weight now I'm 170lbs @ 5'11 lol whoops
>AND I'D..
how it came across lol
Anyone have any decent bench only programs for an intermediate? I have a trapped nerve in my back and can't squat or pull
t-thx :)
how big is it?
Then you're a boy. Simple as that bby.
my plg
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I think you're supposed to, yeah
this Tbh
>I can tell this program will do great things to my squat.
doms in my legs that I haven't felt in a long time. Can't wait to see where I am in 4 weeks
whats a fmeme?
calm down, sugartits
>hip injury
Been going full chad and bench pressing every session at the moment. Just want to squat and did again tbqh.
First set of 250x5 went decently well. Lost some control of it on the last rep, accidentally breathed out my air, but I still got it. As stayed on the bench the whole time, which is good.
Is there any way I can get in touch with mike T for him to answer just 1 question for me? like facebook or something?
doms are not an indicator of progress

do suitable rehab to fix your back? ignoring it wont make it go away
>ignoring it wont make it go away
Ignoring it has worked for me 100% of the time
wew that be cute
that sounds like me a year and a half ago

now i get why everyone abused me
>abused me
Why do you switch between gbro and gbrony

also how's things in general?
depends if im on my phone or laptop

good, pulled out of push pull in two weeks as had a niggling lat tear, started off season volume and enjoying training again
why this tho?
so you're a brony?
R8 tonights workout

CGBP 5x10 @ 100kg (1 min rest)

5 rounds no rest:
Skullcrushers 12-15
Standing Ez bar curl 12-15
Lateral raises 12-15

Highbar beltless ATG Squat 2pl8 10x10, 3x25 1pl8 (30 sec rest)

3x20 Deadlift 2.5pl8 (30 sec rest)
Shit squat
Smeshed 250x3x5 bench lads.
Final stats before starting my cut:
Ohp: 145x4
Bench: 250x3x5
Squat: 295x5
Sumo: 365x5
its called a joke...
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>tfw almost got your squat in the bag but my bench is fucking garbage compared to yours
Such is life friend. We can't all not be genetic dead ends when it comes to benching :^)
And after this deload next week I'll smesh everything, especially squats and deads.
Just do the program.
Friend. Try greg nuckols 3 day bench programs. I'm literally adding 5kg a week, or 2.5kg if I have a shit day.
Make sure you do AMRAP sets to rpe9 and use tested maxes. Never inflate any weight used and you should be great.
Just stop replying to that stuff.
Google "strength theory." and you'll be bombarded by pop-ups on the strength theory websites asking for your e-mail.
Enter "[email protected]," and download the excel file for all free 28 programs. You'll see the 3 day one easily.
Figures the pathetic desperate alcocuck is all over a trap lmao
it didnt work, it sends the email to [email protected] and I dont know the password
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Click the 28 free programs button here
whic of the 3 day benc programs do i want
How much ya bench?
If i competed I would have a world record benchpress
The 3 day novice program sounds about right for you
which one do you run and what is your bench and your bw
That's what I should be asking you
This is about you, not me

Now answer the question, surely if you are recommending a program to someone you should supply your stats in addition to
I'm suggesting and option under the assumption you're unhappy with your current programming.

my bench press does not represent the programme what so ever, I've not been running it long enough, however I can say it's the first program that's worked for me after repeated failure with SSl.
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Okay so your bench must be really really bad

Im therefore not going to run that piece of shit program
There you are
It's 110kg at 74kg bw
My bench is halfway decent and SS worked for me, therefore I must know what I'm talking about :^)
Fuk u sean
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