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>explosiveness cannot be trained, only 15 to 20% if that.

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>explosiveness cannot be trained, only 15 to 20% if that.

Is he right? or is this more GOMAD tier bullshit?
forgot to link video
>gallon of milk a day

What did he mean by this
Im doing half gomad and filled the toilet with liquid shit about a week in
Yes, some (black) people are born faster than other (white) people. Sorry to break it to you. You won't be able to train to be as fast as Usain Bolt.
you do realize that what you're doing right now is asking anonymous losers who don't even lift if what an experienced and respected coach said is true?
Came here to post this.
There are at least a dozen decent Olympic lifters that have youtube channels and go over proper form. Not one of them has ever said to fucking jump.

I'll take my advice from someone who can CJ 400lbs over Rippestiltskin any day. He knows his shit about some exercises, this is not one.
You're always moving as fast as possible. If you're training it comes natural that you move as fast as possible. I don't think there is anything I've done that really improved this part, besides this if you try to squat or deadlift very fast at like 40% of your 1rm your form is a lot different than if you were to do it with 85% of your 1rm.

White people perform better in most sports than niggers though, it's pretty hard to have any kind of discipline with an IQ of 70 (average among niggers).
It's true, but it's not like anyone wants to train their vertical jump, right? Any serious lift you want to perform will be based on strength, some people will just need MORE strength to exert the same amount of power as someone with better genetics.

That all being said, see >>36928373
>shits all over people claiming to have increased their vertical, staying it's impossible
>mentions his 22 inch vertical

Yeah, maybe 40 years ago Rip.
Of course, there are always insecure whiteys in these kinds of threads.
What about a gallon of condensed milk a day?

Gotta eat big to get big right babe?
Pfft. Fucking GOMAD is for noobs.
Once you're a hardened 6 month veteran you should double up and switch to GOMETH (every twelve hours) and save your chest meals for holiday season so you can cycle 2 months of GONAD (Nog) in your year.
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>not doing JOPBAD
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>Just finish a 3x5 135lbs power clean set
>about to grab some water
>hear my name called
>"anon, I know you have good power clean form, so I want you to show these new guys how it's done"
>tfw it's the football coach of my high school
>literally the most loved and respected person in school because he got us state
>Tired as fuck
>don't want to look like a bitch, but don't want to over do it either
>go with a 95lb
>weighed 110lb then
>makes me hold it for 5s at second part of the lift
>makes me repeat it 3 or 4 times for the retards to watch
>half of them aren't even watching
>has me do 3 full reps
I could barely breath afterwards, but it felt good when one of the idiots that wasn't watching bit off part of their tongue.
I agree in the sense that there were plenty of tall guys aren't weren't explosive, but they're other lifts were pretty strong. I really do think it just might be them focusing on different muscles. Slow-twitch to fast-twitch muscle ratio determines that factor.

And you can subscribed to my blog
>when one of the idiots that wasn't watching bit off part of their tongue.


did your football team have literal retards
Usain bolt would be just as fast if he only squatted and deadlifted. Derp.
"Explosiveness" or your body's total efficient performance of your total strength, or relatively how much force you can generate in a differentially short amount of time... cannot be trained, it's generally determined by your genetics.

However, it's possible to improve your strength, which will, (To a certain extent, determined by your genetics) improve your total power output, which is why Rip says to practice power cleans after getting your other lifts up first.

To put this in perspective, if I was a genetic freak and had something like a 50 inch vertical jump, the amount of strength that'd I'd need to develop to reach my total power potential is much higher than my real self with a 25 inch vertical.
Well, if you only do SS, you don't train explosiveness.

>You won't be able to train to be as fast as Usain Bolt.
Most niggers won't, either.
Also, Bolt comes from Jamaica, where roids are absolutely legal. I guess that's just coincidence.
>Talk shit
>Whines when called out
Why are liberals so entitled?
That's bullshit.
But you can train explosiveness. Americans can't because it involves using light weights, and light weights are taboo to Americans, but it can be done.
>light weights
>it can be done
Gonna need to explain more than that, bud.
reminder that this """""""""""""""""""""man"""""""""""""""""""""""" has cleaned at most 225 in his lifetime, cant actually clean for shit and coaches some retarded jumpshrug, and reccomends lb squat to weightlifters

Geez, it's almost as if banging your heads against each other could be detrimental to your mental capacity.
He's teaching power clean, not olympic lifts. When you do a power clean, you don't have to get under the bar fast, you just wan't to bring the bar up. Olympic lifters want to get under the bar, not bring it up. That's why its important for them to keep toes on the platform, so they can accelerate downwards faster. if you're jumping, you're wasting time while on the air. Sometimes it looks like they're jumping, because its normal that toes come off the ground while going under the bar, but its not a jump like rippletits teaches.

If you're just going to do power clean for SS, listen to rippletits. Learning to lift like an olympic lifter will take months to be decent, years to be good and a lifetime to be excellent.
Why would explosiveness be literally the only physical ability we can't improve? We can train strength, dexterity, speed, all sorts of shit, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to train this as well, and I'd challenge anyone to prove me wrong.

Strength is the purest form of physical attributes, as it determines our other physical practicalities, and it is the only one we can train directly.

Explosiveness is how quickly we can utilize our total strength. Power is strength displayed quickly, defined in physics as Force*Distance/Time. If you were to calculate one's explosiveness, it'd be a differential of their strength.

When it comes to speed and dexterity, I'd argue that those, like explosiveness, are determined in part by your genetics, motor pattern recognition (muscle memory) and depending on the test of such, strength.

For example, a sprinter WILL run faster by improving their squat/deadlift, or by practicing their technique, but that same sprinter won't improve their squat/deadlift by sprinting a lot.

In general, all of our physical abilities are comprised of our strength (Which is directly TRAINABLE), our genetic disposition (How fast we can use our strength), and our muscle memory (Our experience using the muscles required in the right way, which is improved by DOING THE THING).
Doing martial arts for years, my impression is that "explosiveness" is in mind, not in muscles. In fact any and all muscle training diminishes it so you have to adjust to growing muscles.

Explosiveness is not about muscle being able to explode, but you knowing motoric feeling and mentally giving correct order to your limbs to move in explosive fashion - whish is a very tricky thing until you are used to it. Also, any explosiveness comes from relaxed muscle state - pretty much opposite of muscle training.

A simple trick to strike lot faster - how do you mentally prepare your move? Imagine limb doing all amplitude of movement? Thats false. To be fast you have to skip thinking about movement at all, but just imagine the limb in end position of the strike (i.e. punch connecting to enemy face) rather than thinking how you move hand to punch enemy.

Similarly when you "imagined" the strike, before it finished you already mentally move to next strike (while first is being automatically performed).

The limit to your speed/explosiveness is not body, but mind. You cant think fast enouth to match the speed your body is capable to perform at.
Another trick, take a breath in and quickly 6 small breaths out within one second. Each step of "breath out" should correspond one movement/strike. You always strike/move on breath out - if you move fast, you just split in on multiple small breaths.
Are you arguing that the only thing that contributes to our physical abilities is strength? Because dexterity really doesn't relate to strength directly. Being strong doesn't improve your hand eye co-ordination in the same way that directly training a sport that relies on dexterity will.

You also didn't prove why we can't train explosiveness, you simply restated that we can't, because it's all genetics and some strength training (which actually proves you wrong, as we evidently can train for explosiveness if even strength training impacts it).

What I want is for you to actually describe what it is in our genetics that makes us more explosive, and how that thing is not able to be trained the same way as speed, dexterity or strength can, as there's specific styles of training for all of those things. A sprinter does exercises dedicated for sprinting, he's not going to be doing strength routines.
2 years into GOMETH, currently squatting 700lbs for reps.

thinking about switching to GODCETH (gallonn of double cream every twelve hours for the phaggots that don't know)
Broscience, the thread.
I'm arguing that all of our physical attributes are a mix of strength, genetics and practice, basically.

And did you read the part where I said
>Explosiveness is how quickly we can utilize our total strength.

Explosiveness is a ratio that's determined by how quickly your body can recruit as many motor neurons as possible in a given time. The one reliable way to measure this is the standing vertical jump.

I've known and trained with sprinters, they do strength routines in addition with specified sprinting training.
I don't think you trained martial arts very well


Gallon of... Meth a day?
It's common sense. If you could train the vertical jump then the shit going on in NBA/NFL would be a lot less interesting because everyone could do it.

There's a reason football is entertaining while powerlifting isn't---anyone can powerlift, it's not genetically determined.
I bet you think Box and MMA are good martial arts.
Gallon of milk every twelve hours

or Double GOMAD
>not doing 4GOMAD
>4 gallons cmon
>I'm arguing that all of our physical attributes are a mix of strength, genetics and practice, basically.

Well you're definitely incorrect there. Cardiovascular endurance is a big deal in a lot of physical attributes, as well as hand eye co-ordination.

>Explosiveness is a ratio that's determined by how quickly your body can recruit as many motor neurons as possible in a given time. The one reliable way to measure this is the standing vertical jump.

This doesn't answer my question. I'm not asking what explosiveness is, at all, I understand how it works.

What I'm asking is exactly what it is, genetics wise, that increases explosiveness, and why it can't be trained, instead of just limiting your top potential as genetics do with other attributes.

>I've known and trained with sprinters, they do strength routines in addition with specified sprinting training.

So, in short, not a strength routine, they're doing one designed for sprinting. SS (example, obviously) alone isn't going to help anyone run faster.
it's determined by fibre type (genetic) and insertions (genetic). you can only do so much with what you're born with.

and no, not everyone can powerlift. you're still going to excel with the right fiber type and the right insertions. it's just that non-ipf powerlifting is lol.
>Started GOMEH last month
>Gallon of milk every hour
>Currently The Press 495 lbs
>Bench 855
>Squat 1305
>Deadlift an entire Planet Fitness

It's like you don't want gains
those better not be 1RM
Seek help, you might be retarded.

>Cardio isn't just strength of your cardiac muscles

This is what watching anime and practicing kung fu instead of lifting does to the mind.
>no doing GOSED

Gallon of semen every day for you newfags.
From personal experience, SS alone helped me run faster, so you're wrong there.

>Having stronger quads, glutes and hamstrings won't make you run faster.
>arguing pedantics totally proves me right

You fucking know what I mean when I say strength training, I mean training with weights, in order to be able to lift the largest amount of weights possible. I'm not talking about your cardiac muscles, or your fucking tongue, or any other theoretical muscles you might like to bring up.

Can you actually answer what I'm asking, or are you just going to insult me more as if that makes up for not actually knowing?
For one
>anecdotal evidence
And secondly, I should clarify. It works to a point where you gain a baseline level of fitness. But a powerlifter isn't going to be able to compete with even amateur level sprinters, who're doing routines designed for increasing speed.
The fact that you think the muscles that comprise your heart, tongue, or any other muscles in your body are somehow so fundamentally different that they can't be compared just shows this argument needs to stop.

>Having stronger quads, glutes and hamstrings won't make you run faster

I can recommend some pediatricians if you're still confused.
Have you even read SS?
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>explosiveness cannot be trained
Yes it fucking can.
i bet you think bruce lee could fight for real
How much can you clean?
Holy shit, are you actually autistic? You absolutely know what I mean, and the difference between strength training and cardio, and are just going off on some ridiculous tangent about how they're both muscles so there is no difference instead of answering my question. Strength training is an accepted definition describing a specific style of training. You can't just come along and go "nuh-uh, cardio's strength training too". By the way, the muscles in your heart are vastly different to your biceps, do you think there's just one type of muscle in your body?

If you don't know, just say you don't know the details, doing this doesn't make you look smarter.

I honestly don't understand why it's so difficult for you to actually address my question.

Also, if strong muscles was the only factor in speed, elite level strongmen should, theoretically, be able to compete against pretty decent sprinters, and easily become olympic level with a year or so worth of running. It's clearly not that important.

I have, but would you care to direct me to the section where it proves what I'm saying wrong?
literally everything can be trained
Show me how to jump higher once you've gotten respectable strength and low body fat
>tfw black
>tfw 5'3

a nigga just trying to touch backboard, but ill look stupid trying to powerclean in my gym
>show me this, but heres some condition so I can win
The point is it can't be trained after a certain point which is reached fairly quickly in training, whereas many other aspects of athletics can be trained for years before peak performance is achieved.
It can still be trained tho. Maybe if you're not such a genetic dead end then you would know
Something not being able to be increased steadily for years doesn't mean it can't be increased. It's like saying that because you'll never get as strong as Eddie Hall or someone, even with roids, that you can't strength train.
Mighty keks were had
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>"We train the power clean so your ability to demonstrate power increases with your ability to deadlift heavier weights"

>"It is impossible to increase your explosiveness"

Nigger. If there's a relation between your max DL and your max Power Clean - there's a fucking relation between you moving heavy weights in a squat and your ability to move yourself and your BW in a jump.

The reason Rips PC-DL ratio is utter shit is because of two reasons:
1. He has relatively weak quads from all that muh lowbar
2. He has really shitty technique in his PC

People don't understand the role your quads play in ALL olympic movements
Don't get me wrong, Rip is a decent enough coach and has done tremendous things for the strength community, but he's simply wrong when it comes to OLY and explosiveness.

fuck off with your wanna be joke

all the "right babe" memes are shit tier and you should kill yourself for spreading unfunny cancer.
>The point is it can't be trained after a certain point
same thing can be said about strength, or endurance or literally anything in life
>Also, Bolt comes from Jamaica, where roids are absolutely legal. I guess that's just coincidence.
He has an excellent coach. But yeah roids are p likely in there. Guy got out at the right time desu.

Also people who go on about genetics and cite Usain Bolt forget that not long ago he was considered to be genetically shit. You had to be a manlet to be a good sprinter.

coordination comes with practice you mong.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
did you miss the part where he said practice is one of the components of how fast you can run? I know you must be baiting but if you are not you rly need to take some reading comprehension courses cause god damn son.
Sure, but he's minimising practice to being less than genetics and strength, with no explanation of how any of these work beyond the obvious strength factor. My question isn't about how practice is important, it's about why you can't train explosiveness the same as any other physical attribute, and why genetics are the most important aspect in this.

Or did you miss the part where I clearly said that the strong men would also have to practice?
The entirety of genetic and exercise science.
>I say so so it must be true
>light weights are taboo to Americans
lel, this is pretty true.
>americans in charge of strength training
Quick movements with light weights, low reps, many sets (So you don't tire out your CNS). That's it. Piss-easy.
>Are you arguing that the only thing that contributes to our physical abilities is strength?
It's literally what Americans actually believe. Hilarious, no?
neuromuscular adaptation
Explosiveness is genetically determined with fast twitch muscle fibers and if you aren't born with them there is not much you can do to increase that. You can't make everybody an olympic sprinter, you can't make everyone a world class puncher, you can't make anyone a world class jumper. You can it improve it some, but it still is what it is.
4chan is 18+ kid fuck off
>that tryhard cuck on the right
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Lol @ pseudo-masculitinty.
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Fuck off, trappy
What site is this?
mark pls
23 and jew
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