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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 54

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.. M edition
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>this is PLG
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First for goomba
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black angels desu
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It's Sean
A minute of silence for our poor Izleee..
Who is this, please
Im gonna regret this but shes too thin. Id fuck her but just a bit too thin
Don't remember his name. I'm sorry lad. This is an unedited picture though.
dalton lacoe
Do you know the video? 5 hours of powerlifting seems comfy.
IPF Worlds from last year? Don't remember that either tbqh.
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maybe you should lurk more you literal newfags
Maybe you should lighten up a bit, you miserable alcoholic.
>giving him a non friendly (you)
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>mfw its not shopped
>implying im him because i call you out on being a literal newfag
maybe reddot is the right place for you
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I have a question.
Go on

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is anyone lifting anything today
No, I'm implying you're him because you act just as bitter and unfriendly as he does.
I didn't realize that >>36556759 was fake islet until now, so please see >>36556780
Hey isley, why weren't you at worlds this year?

I mean like, you went last year right? That means you should have at least almost been able to qualify this year, and pay yourself ahead of the crowd with your parent's money.
Someone is competing soon
Why is ur bench so shit?
Benched 1½-plate, squatted 2-plate, diddled 3-plate. Hoping for ~3/4/5.5 on saturday.
First day of smolov base cycle

I will squat 500 this summer or die trying
>if someone doesnt agree with me it must be (insert strawman)!
hello redbit!
Who here /given up/?
Who here /only trains the one lift they enjoy/?
Who here /insomniac/?
Who here /wants to get away/?
Trip on Joe
If you aren't female, that is embarrassing.
>Hey isley, why weren't you at worlds this year?
1) Worlds isn't until Juky
2) I came 9th at British Jnrs
3) I'm now an open so the above didn't even count
4) I'm rubbish and we both know it.

Long arms and mediocrity.

Very hype for heaven's ufeeltable, very wary about fate/shaft the fans in the arse.
I can help you bench more. It's called "strong abdominal wall" ;^)
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I know, I'm hype af for him

were those 1RMs?

glhf. I hope your legs don't fall off.

>Who here /given up/?
>Who here /insomniac/?
>Who here /wants to get away/?
hello hello
I don't think there's a single female in my country who deadlifts more than 200kg
>4) I'm rubbish and we both know it.
Just needed to remind you lad.

Have a good one.
>tfw no more isley commentary at worlds
Can I let you decide something for me? I don't like making choices.
No, they're light, low rep lifts to get ready for competition hehe
close enough Tbh
That's norway, and I still have done 4kg more than her :^)
Does the GBPF count you as junior up to your 24th birthday?
up to the start of the year you turn 24
>literally gayest meet ever

I stepped out on to the platform once and there was kanye playing pretty loud all throughout my lift. Couldn't focus worth shit. I hate music at meets.
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what do you r8 saber
Ah well there goes my chance of being somewhat competitive.
>when tiredness fucks up your setup on everything but it all still moves good anyway

>Kevin Bui at Junior Worlds

Please post your favourite songs including the one used in this video.

I really like your taste in music
The important thing to remember is that even if you're the best junior nobody will care until you win Senior Nationals too.
bryce doesnt lift anymore
He squats 265 now ackshually
you building a new comp to play DS3 now that you actually have a job, or are you going to play it on your lappy
>inb4 buying it for a console
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Why are all you senior squatters so... insecure?

'fraid I might... steal yo record?
That's weird the crowd was louder than the music at my meet

Shouldn't compete in a library
>Implying Hancott will squat more than Gibbs
are you actually calling the USAPL a library?

did you watch nationals or the arnold at all?
Lads if my working sets are only 70% today, should I stop warming up at 70% or go up to 80-85% and drop back down?
its dalton lacoe from classic worlds. he's a 66kg jr i think.
use your critical thinking here.
>PED Coan
not memeing, the one person i know who ran it is a pretty smart lifter and he injured himself.
Whoa lad that's a hefty task. And my favorite music changes pretty often anyway.
I appreciate the compliment though.

Here's some of my fav albums tho
Sufjan Stevens - Age of Adz & Illinoise
Joaana Newsom - Entire output
Baths - Cerulean
You Blew It! - Grow Up Dude
Algernon Cadwallader - Entire Output
Antwon - Heavy Hearted in Doldrums
Dangers - Anger
The Dillards - Live!!!Almost!!!
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
QOTSA - Songs for the Deaf & Lullabies to Paralyze

That song was You Oughta Know by Das Rasict from Shut Up, dude
do what your program says to do
>go on /fit/
>hide /fraud/
>hide /plg/
You've done a meet? I thought you used PEDs? What's the DCO's name in the USA?
Doesn't give specific warm ups senpai that's why I'm asking
>post about it in /plg/
>warming up past your working weights
makes the working weights feel lighter
theres a name for it

only advanced lifters should do it tho
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Why do all you faggots trip? you know reddit lets you have a username
I've done it in the past, your work sets will move better. If you hit an 80% single then do 70% work sets it's not really going to fatigue you much.
it's called post-activation-potentiation
but if you're program doesn't utilize that and anticipates you only having done work @70% then I wouldn't recommend it
Anon likes to be stupid on purpose. Easier to know who to listen to.

Weak trips should leave though
If you don't like trips, go on a board that doesn't have a name field. :-)
lel. Is quite funny that OHubb owned Juniors but now is barely competitive in Seniors.
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>"...Leave Norton to me."
if youre trying to get isley to talk to you,you should lure him with a picture of archer or lancer bruh
You mean the 500 wilks guy that decimated everyone at GBPF Senior and Junior Brits and is now trading the open bench record with Gibbs?
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what are you implying
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so natty :)
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>5x5 squat @200 kg
>1x1 20s TUT @ 200 kg drop set
>some of the later reps in the last sets are a tiny bit shaky
>but for the most part, these are actually (not even joking) some really good fucking looking squats (100% srs)

since fucking when am I capable of squatting, let alone having a some what good looking squat
>video is on ipad and ipad is in car, will upload later
Yeah that's the guy. The one who is around 40 or so kg short of winning his class at words.

Oh, like Layne Norton would be if Jesse Norris made it to Worlds?
Hey Aaron it is your lucky day!!! You get to decide if I ditch overhead press indefinitely and bench in place of overhead press.
My best OHP was 50kg x5.

You must chose:
[_] OHP is fucking shit
[_] OHP is cancer
[_] OHP is useless
[_] maybe do ohp if u want
standing bench press is GOAT assistance
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>not close grip
pls trip so I can filter
>counting different grip widths as different exercises
You must chose:
[_] OHP is fucking shit
[_] OHP is cancer
[_] OHP is useless
[_] maybe do ohp if u want
[X] switch to rock collecting
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Hello there Isley.

Did you have a nice Easter weekend? Those few days of freedom sure fly by don't they.

I wasn't expecting to see you online to be honest. It's getting late and you don't want to start the working week all groggy and tired.

Me? Well I'll do the same thing I do everyday: which is whatever I want. I'll hit the gym around 10am . Then I'll come home and have a long shower and a tasty snack. Then I might take a stroll in the park, weather permitting of course. I've also got many books to finish and projects to work on. Every day is an opportunity to improve yourself in some way. Assuming you're not chained to a desk from 9 to 5 of course...

Well you better be heading to bed soon friend. Why not show up early tomorrow? That will impress the boss and you might be able to negotiate that pay rise you're oh so desperate for.

Another day, another penny as they say.
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[X] maybe cut fatty
he's already 105, do you really want 93norse?
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I want to get into powerlifting. What program should I do (sticky doesnt work)? strstd says i'm an intermediate lifter

No. Year you turn 23 is your final year

2nd best girl desu

After mitsuzuri.
You're a sadist desu. I don't need to be reminded really.
le sheiko :^)
what do you think i'm doing faget?

fucking kek, now thats more my style

no. I had a #fatty weekend and ended up eating a shitload. 122.0 this morning rofl

I am resuming cut tho
>2nd best girl desu
>After mitsuzuri.

*after sakura
Bought it on ps4

I have a great laptop lad. I run fo4 on ultra 60fps
Who is best muv luv?
>I run fo4 on ultra 60fps
depending on what direction you look
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lift 3 times a week, every session hit a 1RM, then do 5x5 backoff sets at a weight that feels hard. then do some relevant assistance work until you get bored.

after you can't progress on that anymore, do c6w until you can't progress on c6w anymore.

>happy with squats
Mitsuzuri is the only girl without serious issues. Best choice for drama free life.
what laptop do you use? I have a 4 year old alienware with an i7 (pls I was 16 when I retardedly chose it as a birthday gift). Pls gib recommendations for gaming laptops
really? hitting 1RMs every day? ... that doesn't sound very smart. pls dont troll
>very session hit a 1RM
should be hit a 1RM on one of the big 3
Alright, turns out its YOU who gets to decide if I drop OHP or not (congrats)
>Mitsuzuri is the only girl without serious issues.
did your dad buy you that laptop?
>hitting 1RMs every day?
only 3 days a week, only one lift per session.

>that doesn't sound very smart. pls dont troll
shit works famalam
Worm sluts are the best in bed

Who here /miss isley/?

I can't believe it's been a year now... R.I.P
Define weak
Yeah a bit but it's consistently high 40s at worst.

And she also got raped by shinji I guess.

Yeah tbqh I would sakura. And Rin ofc.

Sure, since I used my savings, which came largely from grandparents and parents.

I went to pcspecialist.co.uk and had one custom built.
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>leg drive matters
I mean it can help a little
thats fucking insane
Norsefat getting ready for post-knee injury lifting
>Sure, since I used my savings, which came largely from grandparents and parents.
spoiled yuppy lol
if my legs got fucked up or something I would totally give it a try

yeah dude. there are some fucking high caliber athletes in the special olympics bench pressing.

Ali Jawad is one that comes to mind, I think he lifts in USAPL. Hes only like 68 kg or something and he fucking puts up like ~200+

its absurd
how new r u
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>isley is literally a trust fund kiddie and has never had to work for a dime in his life
How do you compete with that, just how?
having no legs definately makes your bodyweight seem better tho. The guy who is 68 would probably be 83 with legs, maybe more.
This is so untrue. I wish it was true but it just isn't
Hey Isley how did it feel when you got out turtled by a mongoloid from New Zealand
Oh absolutely.

But, if they decided to compete bench only in USAPL against people with PERFECTLY GOOD LEGS AND HIPS THAT CAN BE USED TO SQUAT AND DEADLIFT LIKE A MAN (not going to mention any names joe) they still get the weight advantage.
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>outturtling the turtle
>they still get the weight advantage.
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Drop OHP if you want to look like this
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>Why not show up early tomorrow?

>mfw I show up super early every day so I can leave super early for the gym
didn't know that, but tbf those are amps

if they still have legs and they're just crippled?

I assume they get the advantage
And what should I do if I want to look like a powerlifter?
>>if they still have legs and they're just crippled?
>I assume they get the advantage
inb4 joe buys a wheelchair
>have to get a random to unrack and spot max bench attempts tomorrow
goddamn shit
>In this webm derek kendall front squats 373 with the help of lilliebridges

Lift things

(with power)
>pls dont touch unless i fail
>i wont touch bro trust me ;)

every fucking time
this is my greatest fear
Liar. You've had everything handed to you from the start: a loving family, education, friends, support, etc. But the only thing I ever got was a roof over my head, some food, chronic mold exposure, and the odd pair of socks. I never even got to watch half of the anime you talk about because I was too busy working my ass off to pay for bare necessities. I never even had a chance, and my short height compared to yours proves it. You competing against me, both in life and in powerlifting, is akin to cheating, no different then the fake-natty lying cheaters you dispise so much in sport.
this will happen 99%
has anyone ever stopped and thought about what a meme lift the squat is and how it shouldn't even be in powerlifting
Just think about it for a second
It isn't even a powerlift
See we have the deadlift: Display of brute strength, just pick the heavy ass fuckin weight off the ground

Then the bench press : just push the heavy ass fucking weight off your chest

But then you have this stupid fagit oly tier lift, the "squat"
Position le bar on your le back however you like and then le bend your le knees so it your le hip crease passes your le knee joint and then le rise up once you hit le meme depth

It's just stupid, it isn't a raw display of power like the deadlift or bench

No idea how that stupid oly shit wasn't taken out of powerlifting decades ago
Why do you cut so hard senpai? It makes you more likely to randomly want to binge eat, and you lose all your gains

Use the 100% infallible Jesus cutting method breh or else me outturtling you at 120s is absolutely iniveetabool
Because a hard cut will let him go back to bulking much sooner.
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desu lads, she's really quite pretty and you're all really mean.
Why would he bulk if he wants to stay in the 120s?
Not to mention if you cut real hard you pretty much will just be attempting to get back your old strength when you attempt to bulk, which will take a long af time, or not even happen
That's a man
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>calves thicker than thighs
T-that's a girl? Is this like a reverse trap?
Can confirm, she looks good irl
Her photos make her look weird tbqh
I mean, I'd fuck her. can't blame ya
>look weird
YOu mean like a man ?
im not kidding she looks like a 3/10, possible man also
arent you a virgin mate?
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I know! She kept doing fucking calf raises andother bro stuff like bicep 21s.

Then she did a bodybuilding comp and came dead last because she fat lmao. I told her, but by then she wouldn't listen to ANYTHING I had to stay. She even stayed away from the gym for nearly a month before I left so I wouldn't say goodbye or just say anything lmao.
Norse's fate is super heavyweight, you know it to be true.

>a long af time, or not even happen
Isley, have you ever been called out at a meet for chatting shit about other lifters on plg? I mean you're quite open about who you are irl and I imagine there are a decent number of GBPF/IPF lifters reading plg

Her back seems like it's rounding quite a bit

Is that just kind of an inevitability as you go to higher and higher weights or am I seeing things
>she wouldn't listen to ANYTHING I had to stay. She even stayed away from the gym for nearly a month before I left so I wouldn't say goodbye or just say anything lmao.
Dude reload, you got the bad end
her back is rounded

its not an "inevitability"
It's what happens when you're shit and most people are shit

t. I'm shit
Calflet detected

Nah but I might as well be though, it's been over a year

That is true tbqh
He racks disapriiiin
Yes. t. Kevin Bui

Yeah it does but she works on it as best she can.
Is blom too poor to travel to the states?is that why Bui is goin instead?
Not sure if too poor, he just doesn't want to.
>I told her
You told her she was fat?
He doesn't want to cycle off to beat the test
That bodybuilding would mess with her head.

I didn't say too fat but she's got seriously stubborn belly fat
Ask your daddy to give him money to go
Why did you not reply to my post? You are a Really horrible person I hope you know that.
did you do any kinky shit lad
One of the reasons she broke up with me is that I watch porn and masturbate to it (kek).

So no.

Well now I'm definitely going to ignore you.
She does literally 2 hours of ab work every session because shes obsessed with getting abs, I hope you didn't fuck her up kek
I will interact e-transfer you 200 dollars Canadian if you walk up to her and tell he "abs are done in the kitchen, bitch"
pls no
everyone does that?
or did you literally load up xvideos and have a wake while she was right there?
Sure, that's pretty easy
Okay Kek make sure you emphasize bitch and use lots of hand motions
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>postponed hand-in work a little too long because I thought it wouldn't be much of a problem to solve it
>I was wrong

Who woulda thunk desu
Are you making a move on MikeT btw? Don't think your posts go unnoticed.
Recognise the centre spotter, Isley?
Nah she was this way long before I had anything to do with her.

She should literally just be content with being "ripped for a powerlifter".

But she won't. At least she won't be fat though.
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Isley don't ignore me
Snatch grip deads are still amazing. Considering buying some wood panels so I can do deficits.
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I need advice
shes fuckin disgusting man, why does everyone you date either look like a man or weight 300lbs? What the fuck is wrong with you, are you that desperate?

If her priority is looking good over being strong why didn't she just switch programs
She's just weird like that.

No, I don't. Who is it? Inb4 henry tosh

That's just like, your opinion man.

One of the reasons. We had a couple of arguments about it. No, I never did it instead of being with her. She insisted I never used it ever, I decided I didn't want to be tacticool, and told her to fuck off.
Secret footage from the Seeger household. Isley on suicide watch.
Filtered. Reported. Removed from my Christmas card mailing list.
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Ben banks before he skellied
>stealing my joke I posted weeks ago
Kek, I did that with some relational algebra database homework 2 years ago and it lead to a very bad panic attack that took me 2 weeks to recover from
>Ben banks before he skellied

Yeah he skellied hard.
Holy shit you're so beta lol

I coulda did that problem when I was in grade 3

>having panic attacks
>being a beta stupid nerd

Bad mix
>phil also has anxiety/panic attack issues
starting to slowly piece together why you are an incel
>no mention of problem
>no mention that its not even a mathmatical problem, but a setting up and optimizing of a relational database
>that problem



Should I be locking out my knees at the end of every squat rep or should I leave a little bend when I get to the top? Is it bad to lock out?
>he doesn't know his normie forms
It. doesn't. Fucking. matter. lol..

are you saying im a voluntary celibate? not really desu, sex would be cool
gonna need some screenshots of evidence of chadorio existing
Don't think it matters either way. I doubt you'll hyperextend to the point where you could hurt yourself, that usually happens explosively like going down the stairs wrong or jumping IME.
I've been sworn to secrecy
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My shoulders are becoming kill from benching 3x a week. I do face pulls each session.

What else can I do?
>sex would be cool

What's you're criteria again?
A virgin blonde 25 girl who doesn't like having fun?
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I've been watching some Paralympic bench press recently and it's been making me reconsider my stance one max legal grip always being best. Seems like this is the highest, most professional level of competition and a lot of guys are a few inches in from max. Maybe the leg drive helps make the wide grip more efficient or something, idk
Is c6w supposed to be this fucking hard? I almost passed out doing 10 reps of squats.
I usually use a wider grip for benching (middle fingers around the little rings on the bar), should I be using a different grip for more effectiveness or does it not really matter?
>supposed to be this fucking hard?
Yes. It's an incredibly difficult program.

Do you happen to have a picture showing where he touches his chest? You've got me curious

EMG studies show that you get more pec and triceps activation with a slightly narrower grip. Take that for what you will
That's a pretty common grip to have. You should be fine, although a number of people here are of the school of thought that wider is always better once you adapt to it
oh so my bench question is less important

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>Couldn't finish a simple math equation
>has a panic attack

Holy kek
>counting the rep if the spotter touches the bar
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Perhaps a slightly higher touch than normal, but not unusual given he can't have as much arch imo
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Understandably. This stuff is getting more complex the more I look at it.
>mfw this hand-in is supposed to be >30% of the final grade
can you see my posts?
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And then his elbows immediately pop out after the first inch
its me
why have you all ignored me. What did I do
Look at the focus in his eyes
who you
Dino, the loser who contributes nothing and copies Sean's pictures
I know, it's great. I wish we saw bench recorded from above more often
480lb double @ RPE 8
i'll take it after a week of awful training
identify yourself immediately

st-step of face guy

he's m-mine

fuq u

120 4 lyfe
Why even bother? Girl can't love a man child. Maybe if you were 5"10, but you're not even close. Bad acne too.

You compete in <16 right?

I don't think any other man could look you in the eye, shake your hand and show genuine respect for a man child like you.
>manlet with long arms pulling sumo
wow deadlifts must be so hard for you
what did you think of the place?
Barbell brigade? Have you met Bart, Geo or Lu?
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>anons harsh words
not worth the $20 entrance fee tBh. it was nice to lift in a place where powerlifting wasn't frowned upon but i'd have been just as happy anywhere else with round plates, a platform, and a stiff bar.
bart was there but i didn't meet him because he was filming some snatch video with some crossfit guy. idk the other two, i don't follow barbell brigade very closely(read:at all)
>long arms
guess again friend.
tell that to my non-existent virginity, sean.
i like how i told you that you act like a child and you got so offended that you throw it around as an insult every opportunity you get.

RPE 9+ 455lb double set 3/3
Around when do I want to start using a lifting belt? I know people have said theoretically you can use one whenever you want but when does it start to reduce the chance for injury due to the amount of weight? Or is that not really what it's used for?
New trip
it never reduces injury chance
In my opinion belts should be used for maximal effort and not make up the bulk of training. Buy one whenever, use it for max attempts in weight or reps e.t,c
oh great another retarded trip
It could
what's your squat and dead?
I browse reddit/r/fitness and have over 2000 karma points on /r/fitness ALONE. This means I have a combined total of 6000 karma points from other subreddits. I am HIGHLY a respected in the reedit community and contribute a lot to civil and adult discussion, which you do not see a lot on pedo chan.

I have taken the time out of my busy schedule to aid you dellusional man children in the arts of power lifting. All my /r/fitness posts are highly respected and receive a lot of karma points immediately after being posted because my knowledge and brains surpasses that of any novice coach such as the "Markus pimpletoe" you delinquents worship around the bottom of the scum barrel, aka the Internet, aka 4chan.

You should learn your place here kid, otherwise I may get my hacker friends to force you to learn your place. This is your ONE and ONLY warning, never speak to me again or face consequences for your disastrous life choices, degenerate scum.
Almost, but not as great as the number of women I've had sexual intercourse with. I moderate a reedit sexy time forum and sometimes I like to pick up ladies of the narwhal on the side if you know what I mean ;^)
Your form is whack. I do not know how you expect to get anywhere purposefully reducing your range of motion (aka cheating). A smaller range of motion doesn't train all the muscle fibres and you end up disproportionate and weak; as proven by your awful back angle and lack of deadlift efficiency.

If it were up to me I'd have you manlets lined up and shot for cheating, but unfortunately I can't have my way all the time, (unless you fuck with me or my family then you'll face my wrath) so I would recommend you do us all a favour and crawl back into your mothers womb and rot.
>you manlets
arent you 5'9?

>you manlets
My height is none of your business pleb, my self worth isn't measured by egotistical and narcissistic appearance, but instead wealth. Women don't care about your cheap iron plates or temporary and unhealthy muscles, but instead the expense of the hardware in your glorious pic master race.

I can fit 2GTX Titans in my beastly machine, and no, I'm not just talking about your mother, kid.
Tomorrow is gonna be a good old white trash kinda day. Gonna drink cheap beer, work on my car, and deadlift.
You shoud check out their "JKNews" Youtube account. It's some top tier entertaining shit. Juts about all of their Youtube channels are really good.


Of course you are degenerate scum, have fun enjoying the bottom of the barrel your whole life and never achieving maximum potential of living life to its fullest. Why even bother? Just use your Heroin money to buy some shotgun shells and blow your brains out over the portrait of the man who never loved you but yet you still childishly look up to as "father".

Disgusting. Get out of my sight.
what are you doing to the car?
Hello friend, have you considered eating?
Trip off immediately peasant. I have connections in this world you wouldn't ever dare wish to meet. I can hack you in 7 lines of code, I can ruin your life with 1 email. If you value your family's wellbeing is recommend delete this disgusting, racist post of yours or face the wrath of a legion of Bernie sanders soldiers.
Me and my fucking smoking hot babe
Bench press about 200kg on a good day.
Raw(TM) Skwatt 400kg w/ pre-workout.
Deadlift 600kg when I'm wearing my good shoes.
300kg OHP (when my shoulders aren't tired from fucking the shit out of my babe haha).

So about a 1500kg total.

Valve cover gasket, Fire trap, some hoses, oil change, new plugs, new oil filter, new fuel filter. Just basic stuff. Replaced my water pump last month. Tires, wheels, and brakes (pads and rotors) next month, and then I'm gona have to pony up and finally deal with this clutch.

I just so don't wanna.
*closes my little pony hentai tab*
*zooms in on beautify in the picture*
It's le sexy time
your hand would be bigger and you'd have a beard if you really moved that much weight.
>Fire trap
wft is a fire trap? are you booby trapping your car
Doesn't matter. I'd kick the shit out of you in a fight.
Dont worry Joff ur a qt
what the fuck is a fire trap lad?

doing it yourself at the house?
meant doing the clutch at the house?

Heh. In old Volvos it's a plastic or brass grill that's inside the line from the crank case to the air filter that apparently stops flames? When they get clogged the blowback it causes is just fuckin hairy tho.
thanks lad
>doing it yourself at the house?

>paying mechanics


I also am probably do to do my distributors rotor and points but fuck me a man can only drink so much beer in one day.

Did the $20 drop in fee come with a free slingshot?
Is growing a beard the secret to moving past 310 on deadlift?
after lifting for bodybuilding for the first 4 years and now focussing on pl for the last year of my training career i really start to doubt if there is actually a significant difference between the results it yields on an intermediate level.

i seriously think the stigma that strength=/=aesthetics is created by bodybuilders having lower fat % and instagram filters/angles. every ripped guy who you think looks kinda jacked in pictures looks like a toddler irl because they weigh like 80kg
joffrey i switched to sumo because of a back injury doing conventional any tips and cues that could help and accessories for off the floor also don't be bothered you are the senpai
sounds like some sort of catch can/ pccv, is it a turbo car?
>paying mechanics
fuck you i need to eat lol

was talking about the clutch tho, hate doing that sort of shit on the ground, wouldnt be too bad tho if its a rwd
explain, literally every weak guy who looks kinda good in pictures is just a twink irl
>seriously think the stigma that strength=/=aesthetics is created by bodybuilders having lower fat %

I really do agree with you mate. I think mostly it's a lack of specificity and operating in a low bodyfat that just stops BB from moving big weight. I don't get how those guys can train like that with almost no bodyfat
I don't know, I see a lot of guys in the normal commercial gym who are weak but pretty buff. Maybe it's drugs
my point mainly was that people look bigger than they really are with low bf% and vice versa
i think sit back, lift up your big toe, and push with the outside of your feet. paused deadlifts right off the floor help off the floor and get your positioning right.

Lol no, which makes it fucking hilarious. Only Volvo would put it in a carbureted four banger. It also still has the original plastic cold air intake.

Those fucking swedes man.


Oh yeah, I'm doing the clutch at home because I am poor, and I hate myself. Never done one before, but it's kind of the reason I bought the damn old thing in the first place, to learn to do my own shit. It is a rwd, and I hear it's pretty easy to drop everything, but I think I'm gonna try and get my hands on some ramps instead of jack stands.
Because muscles lift weight; not fat

Meant to say this is essentially what it is, Volvo just overengineered things to work with the old SU carbs.

>lift up your big toe

Can confirm, this cue was the one that broke me into sumo.

Energy and water starved muscles don't really do a good job though.
Why did your gf leave you
what age is it lol
new thread boys

I think it's just some guy reposting it to make fun of him
>old Volvos
Oh boy, laddie. State model.

whoa now I will fucking fight you I love N/A cars.

It's a 77


244. I wish I had the wagon, but I fucking love old Swedish Bricks. Especially when I finally kill the old motor (when I'm in my forties) and I drop a 350 in it.

Anyway lads, off to train.
Didn't take you for a redneck tbqh.

[spoiler]good choice tho[/spoiler]
>I love N/A cars
direct injection (see; the present) are still N/A Tbh lad
does lifting cause insomnia because I've got insomnia
if you're over trained, yes.
if you still have stimulants in you, yes.
if you still have a pump, maybe.
if you're up all night thinking about not having a chink gf?
File: 1402526164846.png (1MB, 960x749px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 960x749px
nah just fap and go to sleep
N/A (naturally aspirated) means it's not turbocharged or supercharged

carburetor vs fuel injection got nuthin to do with it lad
>if you're over trained, yes.
Doesnt need to be that tBh
Even pre high volume id have huge trouble sleeping especially after relatively heavy deadlift sessions
I practically haven't done any school work or studying in over 2 weeks senpai.

I feel like a total worthless sack of shit.

To be fair, I have had a lot of days off classes. But still, I should be doing more than just playing video games and lifting.

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