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>yeah, I used to be able to bench about 250 or 300 before my injury

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>yeah, I used to be able to bench about 250 or 300 before my injury
that feel when you wanted to go heavy, fucked your shoulder and now feel it erry time after some OHP or heavy benching.

I wish I had not fallen to the go heavy or go home meme.

> heavy weights
> injury free

pick ONE
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>Back in my prime I was quite the lifter, Anon.
Your form was just shit.
stop it with the fukin form meme.
you gon get injured if you lift heavy. Nothing to do with fucking form. Once you are 25 and older. YOU WILL GET FUCKED OVER WITH INJURIES

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I didn't realize you were just trolling. Carry on then.
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>I just do pushups and situps
why do blacks lie so much
if the government finds out they're working up a sweat they'll take them off welfare
>Good form is a meme
These are the kind of people who gives advice on /fit/
I have zero respect for anyone who uses this excuse. Fuck those faggots. Rehab and excel. There's no excuse for mediocrity.
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>ywn date kelsey
>tfw old
>tfw when nursing an injury the entire time
>literally been a fully healthy lifter for a matter of weeks spread out over 18 months
who else here doing the opposite?

Whenever im asked if i lift / get mired i tell people i do some sports here and there

When asked about my workout plan, ill tell them i just do these 6 compound exercises somewhat till failure.. or so... dunno man i guess i just kinda got lucky in the genetic lottery :D
Mfw 315 before I dislocated shoulder and broke the humerus bone. 8 months later repping 225 for 8-10
I used to squat 5pl8 until I took an arrow to the knee.
If you were benching anything under 500 youre just a skrub that cant arch his back and pull the shoulders back
>Have you been hitting the gym anon?
>You look big anon
Yeah thanks, I've been doing 20 minues on the treadmill and treadmill and some push-ups for a couple weeks now.

No matter how much they question it, stick to the fucking story.
The correct answer is always Wii Fit and Zumba.
>fat uncle calls me skinny over 4th of july
>dare him to arm wrestle me
>fuck up his shit in front of my entire family
>he says in his prime he was stronger
k den
It's only people that have clearly never lifted that say this stuff.
No shit mother fucker. You build up to heavier weights.
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what is this normie meme?

i work at a gym and every time i talk to someone they always say shit like

>back in highschool i was squatting 500lbs and bench pressing 400lb+
it's even funnier because i work at planet fitness
They used a hammer strength machine bench press and thought that counted as a legit bench press.

I could rep 140 pounds a few times on that machine as a 14 year old DYEL
Now I only bench 215 pounds after lifting a couple years, at 140 lb 5'7"
man fuck old people, I don't got time to eat a burger with my grandpa's old ass. This motherfucker burns them everytime, I got shit to do nigga.
> ive just been drinking a protein shake once a week
>now I only bench 1.5x bodyweight
Literally the top 1% of the world.
It doesn't matter, I'm a broad shouldered manlet with pretty good strength genetics and tiny ankles and calves

I wasn't meaning to brag, just demonstrate that a 100 pound bench press max as a 14 year old is equivalent to a machine press of easily 180 pounds
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because they're fucking niggers
>tfw your grandpa did porn in the 70s
>drumpf supporter is also racist
Who would guess???
>25% of young muslims in america support suicide bombings
>Trump: Hey here's an idea; let's *not* invite hundreds of thousands of these people into our country

Not saying I think trump is particularly smart, because he's not, but he sure as hell outthinks the literally retarded left.
me too ;__;
135 on OHP isn't heavy, breh.

>that gif

top fucking kek
>expect niggers say any truth
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>do you take protein?
please shut the fuck up
>arm wrestle
>heavy weights
learn to retract your scapula and bench properly faggot, do face pulls after every bench session
>mad manlet
literally facebook
I just want you to know how stupid and gullible you are. You are the propagandist's perfect mark: ignorant, dumb, and easily manipulated. Let me explain the problems with your advocacy research from least to most significant:

-The actual question was "Violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad." Note the "violence" and "can be". Not quite the same as "support suicide bombings".
-Only 13% strongly agree
-55% strongly disagree
-The president and ceo of the polling company in question is Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway, a republican strategist.

Your greatest service to other people during your short, stupid life will be to propagandists and political advocates who need stupid people to treat their political spin and semantic manipulations as fact. I want you to go to bed tonight thinking about how much of a waste of life you are, just a walking projection of the propaganda in your environment.
Oh boy...Here comes the feels
As a former employee all I can say is good luck in trying to be happy with the disparity all around.

Butt fuck it you get free pizza and bagels.

what's the original version?
Of all people I don't think you should be complaining about propaganda.
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Back to >>>/pol/
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Not the other anon you were replying to but 13% agreeing is enough to convince most people to keep these goatfuckers out of the country.

Why is being
>le tolerant liberal
So much more important to you than the lives of innocent people in your country, assuming you're American? Letting in hundreds, maybe thousands of these people who cannot properly assimilate and blend into society only in the name of tolerance, liberalism and >2016 XD is fucking ridiculous and I don't see the logic

These people will never truly belong in western society and should be kept out and contained in their shithole countries where they can kill themselves.

Dont worry anon the most important thing is that those bombers yesterday got their virgins in heaven in the name of Allah right? Not the 30 or so estimated people who lost their lives
I never understood this. How is this supposed to be an insult? So some guy in his family hundreds of years ago changed the name. Not like it's something Donald had anything to do with and it's not like Drumpf is even a bad name. Is this really the best the berniebots can come up with? That, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
there's probably a reason only one grandchild showed up. #justsaying

13% is still way too many. Gratz on all that vitriole though. Indignant prick.
Islam sucks. Deal with it.
Both of you are making stupid assumptions about my political stances. Consider this, how many americans would "strongly agree" to a similar question about a "global war on terror"? Do you think 55% would "strongly disagree"?

Read the above, knuckle-dragger.

not everyone gets fucked in the ass by grandpa like you. #justsaying
did i touch a nerve?
Sure maybe I made a stupid assumption about your political stance, but do you have nothing else to say on the actual topic at hand?

Like >>36494122 said, it sucks. There is so much proof that it sucks it's sickening. More innocent people don't have to die but they will until people learn than multiculturalism and tolerance isn't the answer with Islam. It never will be.

Sure everyone rips on pajeet and indians but they don't want to destroy western society and follow a pedophile warlord.

Well that's strange. I literally bought this model (Krell) like 3 days ago and painted it last night. And now all a sudden he ends up being posted on /fit/.
Somebody is trying to tell me something
>did i touch a nerve?

no my benis
It's actually a pretty smart tactic if it catches on.

Trump is basically a brand name at this point, it's an indicator for the image he's built up of himself and not who he really is. Drumpf symbolizes the actual human and not the meme he's turned himself into.
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13% is still a very large percentage of people who are OK with violent jihad.
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Whats really strange is i have a skeletor just like that one inside me. Someone is trying to tell me something. Ummmm...
I dunno, maybe it doesn't have quite the ring to it that Trump does but it's got alliteration going for it.
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Silly Americans, the jihad had already started
plenty of people are OK with violence for other stupid reasons, too.
The War-Scarred Veteran is a staple of every single gym and/or family gathering.
Bonus points if he only did a random sport and didn't lift.

>TFW I had a whole year where I actually said that
>Did 260 for a set of 4 and then ripped my shit up doing incline with 45lbs dbs, of all things.
>TFW just now beat my old records pre-injury, two years later.
I'd hope that 100% would agree actually. I think it's the mark of any sane and civilised society to recognise and acknowledge the threats created with a religion as backwards as Islam.

I'm not interested in genocide. I only want to dismantle Islam as a religion and liberate the men, women and children indoctrinated by its bullshit
Give him a break, maybe he benched 400, but he's just a 165lbs manlet?

All my grandparents are dead, and my 98 year old great grandma died last year...feels bad man
>topic at hand
All I did was respond to an idiotic post claiming 25% of young muslims in america support suicide bombings by pointing out that it's a patently false product of political advocacy polling and spin. It's the equivalent of a nip claiming 40% of americans support nuclear war against their political enemies, or an icelander claiming 30% of americans support the bombing of abortion clinics. Lumping backwater goat herders and poor, uneducated war refugees in with the muslims of the first world is just as sensible an aggregation as Danish athiests trying to expel all the "christians" in Denmark because of the abortion clinic bombings and "GOD HATES FAGS" picketing in the US.

How does it compare to the percentage of people who are okay with middle america's equally ignorant and violent form of jihad?

If it could physically manifest itself, the irony of your desire to free anyone of indoctrination would crush you into a fine paste. You actually believe Islam is the common denominator for violent tribalism (like your own) amongst the ignorant and brainwashed, yeah? Read up on Indonesia and ask yourself why they don't have a jihadist problem. What an easy mark you've been.
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This is you.
holy shit this guy was seriously me until a year ago
>I mean, I do heavy lifting pretty regularly. About once or twice a week I get a good sesh in.
>here's grandpa! He's sad because no one came but me and I just took a phone and took a picture of him right in front of him to put up online, LOVE HIM!

Jeez women are sociopaths.
Yep, got me there: pointing out that people who think they're above tribalistic, brainwashed muslims in the 3rd world with an Orwellian blindness to their irony is very intolerant. Let me be less like Hitler and switch to the "Remove all Muslims!" side of the debate; NOW I'll be able to discuss politics like a mature adult.
if they say "bench pressing" instead of just "bench" they're bullshitting you, regardless the number. Nobody that's strong at my gym says anything other than just bench.
Kekked so hard at this
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holy shit
Agreed, I completely tore my acl, mcl, lcl and meniscus in football and had to get my acl and meniscus fully repaired senior year of football and I was back to squatting with in 4 months, it was a little early to start squatting again so I'm lucky I didn't fuck it up more but now it feels almost as better as ever
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>tfw I call my grandfather Paw Paw too
>tfw my grandmother/his wife died a few weeks ago
>tfw his dementia is getting so bad that he can't remember she died within half an hour of telling him
>tfw he always asks where she is
I did not need this today, anon.
This is the thing that no one's saying. The guy's probably an asshole.
Same bud. Went for 185 OHP and I tweaked my back (which is healed) and my shoulder. Shoulder pain wont go away
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That feel when I've had both shoulders re constructed and 5 bulging disks in my back.

fuck me mate. and my left shoulder is starting to hurt again, I think I fucked it.

pic fuckin related
>tfw loved squatting and deadlifting
>tore my meniscus
>needed to stop

Then again when people talk stats, I don't tell anyone my pre-injury stats unless they ask, I just say I can't do it anymore.
What did
hit ground going 20mph and rolled down a small hill
>not telling people you do wii fit and Zumba classes at the Y
Step it up senpai

im on 1g of test and 1g of tren

I tell people I just play basket ball

So you just walk around with a dislocated shoulder?
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> "Yeah used to be able to bench 225 easy back in high school!"
> 5'6"
> literally 130 lbs at most
> pic related
>tfw I take form vids of myself and save it on PC.
>Lanklet at work was calling me out when I said I did 150 kg x 5 squat
>btfoing him with vid
thank you technology.
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>taking /pol/ shit here
>complains about others statistics and arguments, even though it is a logical progression (13% is MORE THAN ONE TEN)
>also resorting to 5th grade name calling
Please cut off your testes, as I already know you'll never get a women, but knowing people on your tier of intelligence, you may rape someone.
Hello, /pol/.
what a perfectly objective and not-at-all hyperbolic explanation of the current political climate

thanks for sharing your insights with us
do you realize that a 10% of the muslim population of the world is 160 million of people right? you are dealing with 190~ millions of people that are okay with causing harm to innocent civilians, spreading terror along the western civilization, and etc in the name of their god
You painted a doll? Dyel?
How many Americans were ok with "liberating" Iraq?

Hundreds millions of people that are okay with causing harm to innocent civilians, spreading terror along the middle east civilization, and etc in the name of oil
This i fucked my whole right shoulder and arm. 1 surgery and 2 years layer still isnt the same and its deformed as fuck. Never ever ever bench twice in the same day then try orm in your home gym alone without a spotter. Da juice will make you so some dumb ass shit you feel invincible atleast i did
That doesn't fucking matter though. If someone wants to kill me and my friends I don't want them in the country, period. It doesn't matter what the US did in other countries in the past. Yeah, we nuked Hiroshima, doesn't mean I want Dallas nuked.
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