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Everyone knows women like a good booty on a guy. Let's

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Everyone knows women like a good booty on a guy.

Let's say, you've been doing your squats and your butt looks firm and nice naked, but in jeans it tends to lose it's shape because men's jeans don't focus on enhancing your butt.

So, what can you do to enhance it?

What kind of pants should you wear, underwear? Anything else?
Wear slim fit pants (not to be confused with skinny)
Lets say you're a huge fairy and actually care what a womyn thinks of your ass. What then?

Gd bunch of cucks here.

Slim fit pants? Not jeans? Like chinos or what?
Yeah I guess, there's slim fit jeans too

>being this mad

Cool, thanks.
A ladies 4 favorite things on a man

>no nipples
>tucked in shirts
>inverted legs

Is this true?
Haha good one!
>ass devastated
Levi 513s are pretty good.
already got the jawline and glutes. for veins and abs i just gotta cut
>switch over to sumo deadlifts a while ago

>haven't gone out in quite some time

>at party, washing my hands at toilet

>girls comes from behind, slaps my ass and says " Woaah, you are so juicy"

>he fell for the deadlift meme

>sumo deadlifts don't cound

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>height not listed
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Geee i wonder why you fucking faggot
>implying a round ass is a better feature than not being a manlet for girls
>implying it's not

either you're a lanklet who just assume women care about height (unless we're talking turbo manlet) or you're a virgin
>Ladies favorite things
>literally shows all the body
I guarantee you there's a nice vietnamese man somewhere in your city that makes relatively skinny jeans and tailors them.
Find him.

>inb4 skinny jean faggot hipster etc
it's literally what you're asking m80

fucking retards
are you guys seriously this autistic?

woman dont give a fuck unless they are taller than you.
>manlet detected

Women care. It's acceptable as long as you're taller than them, but taller is better.
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No it's more like

> abs (because of low body fat)
> shapely ass (because of enough glute muscle and low body fat)
> veiny forearms (because of low body fat)
> defined jawline (because of low body fat)

PLG'ers BTFO. Why dirty bulk when it's all about the low body fat?
Powerlifters don't lift for aesthetics you numbskull
Lanklet sighting
This is I wear twill pants
Ladies want
>blood flow
>a neck

Women are easily-pleased.
Because it goes without saying. Short guys don't even exist in the eyes of girls.
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>powerlifters are fat :^)
Someone skipped leg day
You can dirty bulk for a month and hard cut for 3 weeks without much fluctuation in body fat. That's what I do without a weeks maintenance in between. My job keeps me from eating for long periods of time, so I gotta go dirty
replace arms with wallet
i wouldnt say so, it varies. its definitely important as fuck to be:
>taller than her: essential
>taller than her in heels: nice
the rest is internet circlejerk.yeah, i'm 5'9, but i never had any problem with any girl cause of that, and from my experience, face and personality are 90% of it. its just funny for me how internet fucks with 0 luck or experience with woman treat random shit as deal breakers.
as if:
even before zac effron was fit, even if he wasnt famous, no girl shorter than him (and like 95% of girls are shorter than 5'8) would say no to him, as long as he wasnt a total douche. cause he has a pretty face ans seems like a nice dude - its as easy as that. being total autismo and not having normal friends its the dealbreaker.
>implying 4 plate deadlift qualifies as powerlifting
>implying my grandmother can't lift 4 plate.
I wear slim fit jeans

The problem with it is that after enough squats they actual become the equivalent to skinny jeans to you
that's more than 5 pl8s you fucking retards

I know this feel.
Also getting some pairs over your legs can be a nightmare because most stores don't measure leg width just length.
Still better than autistic looking straight cut jeans though.
last night i hamburger jamesbond your sister? I dont get it OP.
>calling 4 plates more than 5 plate.

You probably count the bar too, don't you faggot.
Nigger, I never skip leg day.

Point still stands. You're a cuck if you lift for womyn and you're a cuck if you give even one little shit about what one thinks.
25kg instead of 20 you colossal turbo fairy.
Tiny's curse was that although he was ripped as all fuark, he couldn't really ever get a gf.
thus the london meme was born
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>got EXACTLY the same jawline as op's picture
>get told by girl I have a beautiful FEMININE face

T-thanks /fit/
>tfw no jawline
>those traps

barely even creased
what is a 25kg plate?


you get what im trying to teach you?
I suppose it's because he had a shitty program. But don't be faggot and pretend he isn't fit as fuck
>not wearing skinny jeans

Are you fucking ugly, mate? Seriously. Skinny jeans are popular as fuck right now. I worse some last week to a party and a few girls complimented me on my ass and wanted to touch it. I let them
Woman have no fucking idea what they are talking about.
Found the guy with a tiny ass.

So fucking mad, lol

Do more hip thrusts.

Should be able to hip thrust more than you squat, and almost as much as you deadlift.

When you can thrust 350lb for reps, your ass will be pretty decent
You are right.
Only 99.9999999% of powerlifters are fatfucks
We should focus on the .0000001% that look as good as your average crossfit faggot
thats not even such a bad program
Just wear some skinny jeans, they're like a corset for men, package and ass enhancer, they're also pretty comfy for walking around because it feels like everything's nicely "packed". I guess that's how bitches feel about bras
No you idiot, it is:
Last night I James Bond burger'd your sister
A small sample of 20 girls from uni showed me that girls like nice shoulders, butts, and chest. And not be short
Pls post face.
No bully I pwomise
Pretty much all you need for aesthetics, minus the v-taper.

Big shoulders, nice chest, Small arms (to make the chest and shoulder look bigger), slim waist, pronounced lats, and sub 12% bodyfat
>You're staight if you also lift for womyn and you're socially capable if you give even one little shit about what one thinks.

Fixed that for you.

Please don't be too hard on yourself.
Remember that your mom loves you even though you are a chubby homosexual wizard apprentice.
im a grill and if u can fit your leg day skipping quads into skinny jeans then u lyin about a joocy butt
Skinny jeans are gay as fuck anyway.
>socially capable
>giving a fuck what randos think of you
Nope, not even close.

You have to fully not give a fuck.

Only works if you aren't an autistic weirdo who likes anime and other such faggotry.

But people instinctively feel that you don't give a fuck because you are better than them... Again unless you are an autistic weirdo who behaves strangely in public

Also lifting for grills is a mistake.
Lift for self improvement. Lift for health. Lift to live longer and be stronger.

Lifting to get pussy is silly, especially when pussy is already easy to get without lifting.

Just lose weight if you are a fatfuck, and now it is just as easy to get laid as if you had muscles.

If anything lifting has made it harder to get laid, because people assume I am a shallow jock and an over experienced sex hound
What if he does glute compounds instead of leg compounds?
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mfw my large glutes make my slim fits really tight in the crotch
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best jawline on fit, you mirin?

good try but eh
>nice body
>glorious butt (thx rippetoe)
>decently vascular
>shit jaw

so close....
at least i have goat beard genetics and i can cover it up easily
"Skinny" describes a cut not a size though...
Does your father know you go on the internet to pretend to be a girl looking for 'joocy male butt'?
having a jawline does not equate to having a good jawline.
This thread is gay af tbqh fampai
i wish i had the beard genetics to hide my jawline power level tbqh
starting strength by Bret Contreras

I second this, holy shit they feel like how I imagine leggings would feel. Feels like I'm legitimately not wearing pants despite being the tightest pair I own.
>what are implants
Wear chinos like in the pic
yeah like slim in the hip and thigh, skinny? right? or is that just girl pants. my dad knows I don't have a benis, he was there when I was born. he sent me an email about bitcoins so he has no room to complain about my posts.
As a general question, does a nice ass just come over time with lifting or should I do exercises on top of my usual routine to get a nice ass?

inb4 "gay"
I want a nice ass. All the homo, I don't care

>tfw have none
>bad acne

Lol why live
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You have a Hank Hill ass.

Pic related, it's your tiny, unmanly ass.
Looks like a botched implant to me.
I hate to say it, but more expensive men's slim fit jeans like se7en tend to fit your butt better.
Skinny jeans are like levis 513 instead of 511 right? 511 constrict my movement unless its stretched 511.
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> 4 to 3 bulking to cutting ratio
straight-leg jeans are what you want
not relaxed fit, and for the love of christ not boot-cut

levi's 511 commuters are great
I'm 5'9 and never had a girl complain, sorry to ruin the ebin maymay for you
where's the wallet picture?
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Girls love a big butt as long as it's muscle
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cK makes my butt look good, can't explain it. Go to a store ,Macy's or higher tier, bring a female friend, try shit on until she says something.
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I posted my jaw here and some jawlet meme'd on me hard
Athletic shorts are good. Just get something nice. Go to Nordstrom or whatever
>as it's muscle
Nah. If you have a shapely ass it's probably due to fat distribution
Source: I have a bubble butt
You seem to really give a fuck
I mean on me it's definately muscle. Same fat thickness as on my thighs. I do sprints and atg squats all the time, specifically targeting the glutes (strictly for athletic performance of course ;) )
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Nobody's gonna check these?
>facial beard

I had a bubble butt going into lifting. (im a male). Then squats just shaped it more.

my gf loves my ass. I've had more girls stare at the bulge in my pants then my ass. Well I can't really SEE them check out my ass. but I know its a good one.

Also a beard. I've not really had women come up and compliment me on my beard. But I know ladies love it.


you don't need either of those things to get girls.
you know what does?

going out 5x a week to bars/clubs meeting women. Getting over your approach/social anxiety and asking out 1 girl a day.

Dress well and don't look like a hobo and you can meet women during the day too.


social skills > everything gets you girls.
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being tall isn't "on a man"
I'd have to touch it to be sure, anon
they talk about it behind your back my midget friend
How do you know the first image is abs? It could be fucking anything. What about adonis belt?
>it's a "women know what they like" thread
Stop with this shit meme
What are some glute exercises I could do other than squats and deadlifts
>tfw you have all those body parts
Feel like a human
I know this feel my friend. It keeps me up at night.
Hip thrusts. Also I feel like split squats really work my ass
that's a lot of eights you got there. At least i have these dubs to fall back on
Then who was traps?
Split squats?

Also I can do the splits and can do ballet from time to time, does that help?
>mfw I learned about and bought slim fit jeans during a period when i didn't lift
>squatting again
>thighs bulging in jeans
>getting thigh acne

Fuck everything!
of all the good reasons to lift "self improvement, health and living longer" are probably the worst. If those are major goals in life, lifting is pretty far fucking down on the list of things you should be doing.

I honestly cant take anyone who says that stuff seriously.

Now if you lift because its fun and you want to get big, fuck it hell yeah me too. But I dont pretend lifting isnt a low, low, low tier hobby.
I wear field pants out usually and they're pretty tight around the ass
Think they're hippytree brand
>self-improvement, health and living longer are bad reasons to lift

how stupid are you?
>getting bigger and stronger is not self improvement

o-kay then
Was it you?
Same weight as 5plate, but the extra diameter means the bar starts higher and the lift is easier. Not much easier, but this is slightly less than a 5x20kg dl.
Real world can be scary for the basement warriors
How do i get a jawlike this

oh my
>Small arms
nice try gains goblin
>not tucking in your shirt
>found the high school dropout
>not tucking in your shirt
found the high school dropout
low bodyfat
chew gum
That's 5plate anon
If anyone has read A Billion Thoughts then you know that a man's ass is one of the most important features for a woman.
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