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Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 41

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Post your progress, tips, etc.
>2 years progress on the day
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2016-01-17 16.26.23.jpg
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I lost my starting pictures so this is the fattest picture of myself that I can find. I've been on a cut doing icf 5x5 since mid august and have gone from 240lbs to 172lbs. I hopefully only have under 10 pounds left to lose.
Nice, but bulk, don't cut
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2016-01-15 15.23.55.jpg
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Sorry bout them hips bruh... nice loss tho, mine is over 1.5 years around 45 kg. Ask me anything
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need to update this
From registered sex offender to normal looking dude. Good job.
please throw away your shirt
Am I at least fridge mode? And noice bruh, you're gonna make it someday
that shirt went from full unfuckable weeb to actually pretty stylin

good job
I'm going to do a slow bulk after I get under 10% bodyfat.
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muh progress.jpg
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fixed a while back, and started lifting a month ago

really need to cut
fixed my diet a while back*
Honestly not that bad now that you lost the weight. Still better looking then the average american male
Thanks. Also I have terrible fat storage genetics, so in about a month I'll lose an inch or two off my waist.
Autism shirt
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1 November 2, 2014.jpg
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weight: 205
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5 January 11, 2016.jpg
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weight: 177
looking good man
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damn senpai
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5'9" 148lb
Why did you pull your boxers down so low?
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My 8 month fitness progression.


150lbs irst pic, 170 lbs second pic.
I normally do not post on /fit/ and my progress pictures after the first one are all like that for consistency. I have no idea why I started.
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He's a naughty boy
Hulk status, nice work mate.
4'11" oh man im sorry
What's life like being 4'11?
In my case not too bad. I'd obviously rather not be 4'11'', but I compensate enough for it to get by.
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you look great mate but 4'11'' literally made me laugh out loud
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So sorry m8
sept '14 is my goal body, mirin bro

I'm glad you don't take it to heart anon. People take height here way too seriously.
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6'2, 240. Down from 330. Trying to lose 20-25 more. Just quit drinking (again) so hoping it comes off kinda quickly


10/10 progress

9/10 shirt
>4' 11
You look really good dude. Have you considered shaving your body hair though, especially your stomach hair?
First time I haven't mocked someone for being a manlet in ever. At 4ft11 I feel you already know. Like alot.
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135->160 in a year
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6 months progress. Started in July last year.
nice job senpai
keep going
shit man you're an inspiration
Nice progress.
Sorry about the tiny benis
Great progress mate. How long/routine?
>That short insanely buffed guy who looks like he's gonna punch you right in the balls any second
Shave the beard, I'm mirin that chin/jawline
Said it once and I'll say it again, I live in goddamn Fargo. We wear hats everywhere this time of year
lmfao nice poses jesus christ
6'3 215 > 6'3 185
my 12 year old sister is 4'11''

why even live ?
I'm inspired anons, keep em comin
Why are you a hurtful person?
Where do I get this shirt
das some progress right thur

lookin shredded brah

keep it up, nice progress

Noise m8. This is awesome. How long?
Boot 10-12 months. Thank yu m8
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I'm 25 and 6"0'. Left is from August 2014, I was at least 252lbs. Right I took today at 176lbs.

It's been about a year since I turned my life around, I still have a lifetime ahead of me though. Right now my plan is to slowly cut down to 150 by mid-July while I continue to lift, run, and hike. Obv I'm pretty new to lifting, but I was a cardio hare in high school.
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Progress feels.png
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Posted this one a month ago, but I'll post it again, in case I can help motivate people to lose weight.

>tfw unsure of what to do, would like to bulk, but I want abs (reason I started lifting/losing weight recently, sounds small but it's a goal) and want a lower body fat %
150 is pretty light for 6'0''
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Shittttttt don't have a before picture but I was 290 at my heaviest
>tfw was a fatty throught middle school and ballooned up to 290 in highschool playing football
>graduated and found fit
>lost 100 pounds in 2015
>currently bulking to try and put on some mass and help with my loose skin
Granted I know I could have lost more fat but I felt it wouldn't have been worth it as I should just put on size...

Just turned 20 so hopefully skin will snap back.
>a-at least I'm 6'4

Gonna bulk till may then cut for summer
Thanks anon I usually get nothing but shit when posting here

I had surgery a few months ago and they shaved all the hair on my upper body... Gf and I couldn't decide if we liked it or not
I'm >>35659045
And my hair and shit gets like yours I usually just trim it.. Just try trimming t and see how you like it
what happened to your belly button

I have no frame of reference, what would you recommend I do? other than keep lifting, obviously.
fuck I remember that before pic
What sort of body are you going for? i guess id need to ask that first
dey sliced through it to take out some of my intestine as got twisted and blocked
Sailor Moon isn't an autism nor a weeb thing
It's a nostalgic literal homosexual thing
I'm about where you are on left...what were your stats on left and then on right? How long was your cut?

It's been so long since I had an option other than "fat as fatass", I don't know how to answer that... I want to look good of course, and be able to do iron mans, marathons, rock climbing, and shit. It's not that I don't see value in being strong for the sake of strength, it's just not something that has a whole lot of application in my day to day life.
Keep cutting
2 years. pic on left around 216 lbs, now I'm ~252lbs. 6'7'' and its so hard putting visible mass on my tall frame. I'm considering doing my first cut in mid february, i know i could get bigger, but I'm tired of looking and feeling bloated. but i wanna look semi-decent for summer. any thoughts?
Okay I'm 6'2" 230 and I'm way fatter than this. I used to be 400+ but still. Thanks for the motivation
>that face
damn, you were destined to be a pussy slayer too
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3 months. 265lbs to 240lbs at 6'3"
nice, really looking big after the second year

solid taper, bulk more
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Good work mang. We have similar insertions, I've just got 15 lbs on you.

Bruh that ain't bad. Keep it up
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3 years lifting, 182lbs 6". Cant growntraps
Damn. Cutting routine? You look great
Best looking body in this thread so far senpai, nice job
Are you relaxed in that pic
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I was definitely flexing legs but that's it I think.

T-thanks senpai.
How'd you get those serratus senpai
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We have similar insertions, post routine plzz
Nothing to train them specifically. Just low bf% I'd say.

Think it went something along the lines of PPL (focus on compounds at low reps so pretty SS'ish) -> SL (briefly didn't like rep scheme) -> SS with accessories -> 5/3/1 BBB -> Texas Method -> Suicidal volume hypertrophy routine -> Back to Texas Method.

Right now I'm running a Smolov Jr cycle for Squat and OHP which is going great. I'll hop back on Texas Method after Smolov to try and keep as much strength gains as possible then I'll probably switch to a PPL 2 months from now or so.

Meant to quote you for the routine crap.
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This thread is what I've needed.

Seeing some dough bodies like myself make it is pretty damn inspiring.

We're all gonna make it /fit/
Legit question: where can I get this shirt?
How long were you at it?
I'm >>35661354 , what is your age weight and height?
I started a bit over 3 years ago but it wasn't a consistent 3 years of training due to injury, no gym, etc. Couldn't really give an accurate timeline.
Meant to say I'm >>35661394
I'm 23. 6' and 175 lbs.

nice height gains
Regardless its an accomplishment. Keep at it brah.
Thanks, mang.

These are the only threads on /fit/ I like nowadays desu. It was a thread like this that convinced me to start lifting 3 years ago.
I love this new meme.
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I only work on stomach/butt/thighs because those are the only bodily things I really care to improve.

Top left- 4 years ago
Top right- 1 year ago
Bottom left- 2 days ago
Bottom right- What I want to be (needed a filler for the grid so)
anon lost so much weight he started wearing that shirt ironically.
Nice butt anon

Thank you <3 I'm hoping to put more mass on the top/sides and make it more perky.

Oh, for a tip; don't rely solely on simple squats if you want to grow a booty all-around.
I would dip my face between your asscheeks Anon, nice work
As weird as they look when doing them, glute bridges are great too.
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Jesus Christ...
Dude, it's acompliment. I've rejected girls just because of being aplank onthe back. I love ass
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I look worse shirtless plus I haven't taken a new shirtless pic
Near my heaviest 265
Today 181
My goal is 160
I am holding a bit of water weight today
lean bulk
I feel the need to motorboat dat ass anon..
I'm a chick.
And it was gross. And beta.
Proud of you, anon.
Thanks anon. Once I lose these last 20 I'm taking a plane to Gainsville.
Do you think 160 is too low for my height?
I would like your asshole and gargle a bucket of your diarrhea while you were fighting a stomach virus.
Actually, I think 160 is a pretty good weight for your height. Keep up that good work.

Pls no.
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Nice! I'll have to take notes, soon I'll be talking to girls like a pro too..
Awesome. It feels so exciting being so close to my goal.

I would say this is unfair but you've obviously worked for it. So, congratulations.
I got it at hot topic about a year ago.
Oh boy.
>dreamer bulked to left pic over 8 months or so
>now painstakingly cutting it off

Side note: Should I switch program? I keep stalling on my lifts and haven't put any real weight on the bar in about 2 weeks I was thinking 5/3/1 BBB
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sup /fit/ progress kids.
just trying to start my transition because being a fat piece of shit is garbage.

are there any disciplinary pro-tips to stick to certain diets, or meal plans that are fairly accessible?
Would you care to share some inches with the 4'11 hulkmanlet in this thread?

What was your diet routine and timeframe?
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straight mirin

glad you got that 'fuckin whatever' mentality on the height, only faggots care
3 months of mega-cutting--1000 calories with a TDEE of 4500, including quitting alcohol. I was drinking a fifth a day plus about 7-8 beers. Dropped 90 lbs. Then I slowly went up to about 2000 cals a day, which is what I'm doing now.


6 days a week.

Picked up drinking again for a couple months so I didn't lose any weight but still gained some muscle. Just quit drinking again so hoping to lose more weight.

I eat about a pound of chicken a day, and a shit ton of broccoli. Also eggs, fish, tuna, oatmeal, etc
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From 295 to 209
Cardio since February 2015 been lifting since November 2015
Holy shit, way to unfuck yourself buddy. Keep up the great work.
Same anon who just replied, how many times a week do you do cardio? Also, for how long. I basically look exactly like the old picture.
Tdee of 4500? Damn

I think mine is like 3k right now

I'm at 280 at 6'2"
No cardio?
> mfw 99% people were FAT FUCKS when they decided to get fit
> mfw I'm a Skeleton Lord (135lbs/6'4) and I see others like me take fucking years to get in shape

where the fuck ar eyou r abs?
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```` `````??
gtfo shitlord

Literally the easiest starting point is being a hungry skelly. Easier than skinny fat or fat fat. All you fucking have to do is eat you little bitch. You can actually SEE your gains from the very start --> massive, massive motivation (that skinny fats or fatties don't get).

Literally all of the fast aesthetic transformations you see are from skelly's lean bulking and doing a short cut.
I was running like 3 miles but since I started to lift I just run a mile before my lifts
Under my fucking fat
Any advice in here on a popping feeling in your elbow? Shits annoying when I lift pr do pushups.
Oh Shit wrong thread

Tennis elbow

The doc will proscribe steroids to fix it
Thanks man good looks.
Never. I hate it. I may need to start doing it now though because the weight's not coming off like I want it to
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How much more weight do you guys think i should lose to reach 10% bodyfat?
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4 Months, I did fine I think.
Heigh pls?
Did you lift?
youll never make it copying some tard's meal plan
Damn bruh big change
WITH TRAPS IT's all about range of motion. Don't go too heavy. BURN THROUGH IT WITH DB SHRUGS
Fucking Finally
A skinnyfat with my kind of belly fat distribution. I thought I was the only one with thin arms and bloated belly
You sucking in bro?
I dont think so
the only secret to weight loss is hard work, dedication, and time.

good luck
Thread posts: 160
Thread images: 41

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