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>Okay Anon, go ahead and remove your pants.

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Thread replies: 134
Thread images: 21

>Okay Anon, go ahead and remove your pants.
*drop pants but keep underwear on*
*stare at ground with blank look on face*
y-you too
dam i just want to fuck a muslim girl out of her religion so bad
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>I'm going to check your penis now
Rich is the only one that gives me feels

>Maintain eye contact and assert dominance
>Drop pants
>Start explosively jizzing and shitting everywhere
>Ascend to your planar form as you jizz and shit propels you into space
>tfw finally joined the race of planet sized adonises
there are hyper autists on 4chan
more news at 12
>turned on by sph
>small when flaccid
>would get boner instantly because of embarrassment and ruin it

I could never have a female doctor unless boners were allowed.
Le asserting dominance meme
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had surgery at my testicles last year
>standard pre-surgery exams
>qt3.14 female urologist
>after check my history: "ok now stand up and remove pans and underwear"
>keep eye contact while she's touching my balls and analysing my scrotum
>only thing i could think was not to have an erection

day of surgery, had to shave legs+pubes
>arrive at hospital
>nurse: ok here's your room
>sign some paper
>"now i have to check if you shaved right"
>go in get naked and checked
>she ask me to shave better under the scrotum
>shave and check again
it might be fun to roleplay with a muslim girl


>ALLAH AKBAR *blows*
Thanks for adding to it anon.
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I got a piece of halal meet for you, babe.
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I'm in uni at Toronto and I always see arab girls with the scarf shit wearing the TIGHTEST clothing like in pic related

Anyone fuck one of them?
How is U of Toronto?
i have never seen a hot muzzie in aussie
It's alright, in hindsight should have gone to western or queens for more funz
There's this one thats extremely busty, tried talking to her but she was so socially autisic i gave up
Hows the student life like and stuff? I from california and applied to Rotman
Nice my friend is doing that, it's a lot of work but if you get accepted it shouldn't be too far

Student life is pretty good depending on which college you go to. Parties on res are pretty fun 2bh

It's really not that hard show up to all your lectures and tutorials. Don't fall for the skipping meme

I don't browse reddit but you should go on the /r/uoft shit for info
im in aus too and theres a hot one where i work, the thing is though that when they wear the hijab 99% of the time its because they believe in their religion and are committed to not showing anyone until they marry.
this is first hand knowledge
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Not that guy but went there/know people from there. You gotta keep in mind that because its in Toronto most people commute there from adjacent cities. If you go to a place like Queens there are house parties every fucking day because everyone lives in that tiny town and there is nothing to do.

Half the people you meet will be like a 2h commute by buss/subway/streetcar so good luck getting them to hang out outside of class. There is obviously still shit to do but most of the good nightlife is 21+ because they don't want to deal with all the fucking basic bitches coming there.

Its a good school but its a lot harder to maintain a social life because its not a "college town" like Waterloo.

Also if you want an ez lay got meet BoA chicks from Ryerson its easier than Tinder.
ayyylmao i found mine :3
Try Indonesia.
Be white.
Don't bring drugs.
Are these on chronological order?
This shit is getting boring, board culture has come to mimicking /pol/acks and mocking minorities

>REEEE Pajeets in my gym
>NIG NOGS ruining my workout by being obnoxious
>Haha bullied this chink manlet today, who bully here?
>Oh anon show us your abs (insert Muslim girl)

I pity you cunts if the only way you can make yourself feel good is by disparaging others under an imaging board pseudonym
Haha very funny lady, where's the real doctor?
Muslim reporting in.
JUST because they wear hijab doesn't mean they are not down to fuck. It's just that for most not wearing hijab in public is harder then letting a guy fuck you in private
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>tfw applied to Perimeter Institute at Waterloo
>tfw didn't get accepted
Shut the fuck up, you're not Muslim. Muslim girls don't mess with pig skins, kafirs are shunned upon in Muslim households and a Muslim girl would get deported back to her third world country if her family had the slightest doubt that their daughter is messing around
Thanks its hard understanding UofT system
>being this naive
Wait, what the fuck am I doing in Britain?
I'm Muslim how is that being naive? I know what goes around, whitey keeps his distance. Our women aren't some common whores, the only outsiders that get to touch a Muslim girl are the reverts
nigger I go to U of T too

I hate these bitches
How is your Uof T experience senpai?
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>unzips dick
>0 results found

Wtf /fit/
I know plenty of muslim chicks that got plowed/are being plowed without their parents ever guessing

If someone wants to keep something hidden, it'll stay hidden. In fact, I'd say it's easier for muslim chicks to get with whites because it halves the chances of muslim family circles getting wind
He's probably some diaspora fag.

I moved to texas from Turkey, also lived in Lebanon. Arab women are the worst will cheat in a heartbeat.
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kek'd irl at this for some reason
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>tfw nofap
>tfw can get an erection at will
I'm taking off my shirt too. This bitch in for it LOL
Those aren't Muslims, they just half ass the religion and probably are two generations deep in the western world.

And it's inevitable they'll find out unless the white guy wants to settle down with her which gives her a ticket out of the religion. Otherwise she'll eventually be asked to marry some second/third cousin of hers which when he finds out that she's not a virgin will result in her getting the one way ticket back home
>Those aren't Muslims, they just half ass the religion and probably are two generations deep in the western world.

You will find the same in any Muslim country. You're just a sad cunt.
Where you from bro? I can understand if you're from a country that has women known for whoring like Lebanon or Morocco but Gulf states and the majority of the sunni world don't condone that stuff
>falling for fortune maymays
>but Gulf states and the majority of the sunni world don't condone that stuff


I'm Turkish and I also lived in Lebanon. It's not even that hard to get laid.

Just cause they dont condone it doesn't mean everyone does it. My program has a fuck tons gulf fag students, they're telling me how they would meet up in the girls in washrooms and try to get play
Oh so you're still stuck in the middle ages?

Don't muslim countries have high incidences of child marriage, underage sex, forced sex and the likes?

No wonder your women are opting for white euros/muricans
>I'm Turkish and I also lived in Lebanon

My guess wasn't far off, Erdogan will restore your ottoman pride since Turks are trying to become European in terms of their cultural identity
>Not being cucked by angry feminists is a bad thing

And no, Muslim women are not coming your way, stop lying to yourself.
white guy here, i've fucked like 3 'muslim' women top kek your women are literal trash just like your barbaric religion
You are such a diaspora nigger

Literally ask your dad to tell you about arab women
Something tells me you are a Kurd, what's with the hate against noble Arabs?
Boners ARE allowed and female doctors/nurses are not only used to them, they're so accustomed to them that it's not even weird/shocking/funny/arousing/annoying.
You just go "whoops, there's my erect cock" and they're "yeah, it's okay, it's natural " and go about their business.
Lol alright, how do I get the sense that youre a kissless virgin thats never lived in any arab country

Go on /int/ and ask them
I'm not the one begging westerners to cuck me, plus I been to plenty of gulf states, even the most "progressive" places like UAE bar their women from being in public
>begging westerns to cuck me

America is cash as fuck, I can't wait to get citizenship

Lel my nigga you have no game. Go on kik or tinder next time you're there, you'll see how easy it is to get women
Do whatever you want for that recognition but don't slander our prestigious women to impress some kafirs on an anonymous imaging board. Peace
Lmao I'm fucking dying

You're an autist that clearly has never spoken to a girl
holy fuck I fucked one of those girls
where did these come from? My ex's photo is on there
Which one?
That jungle is quite big, you know
Whenever i get bored I'll make threads like this lel, 5 of those are mine. It's a bunch of different people making these threads
dude do you know Vittoria?
haha that looks like a 45 year old nathan for you

also, reported
No idea what youre talking about, i just Google images shit
dude do you know vittoria
I actually do have a little female indian general practicioner doc (am 32 male). I've had her examine my dick a couple times. STD scares aint fun. But she just gloves up and grabs it nbd.
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> doctor in scarf

That was a solid 3/10

>Anon! You're so silly, you can't wear your shirt in the pool! Come on don't be embarrased ;)


where do you work? can i bang her plz?
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Can confirm. Commuted from Scarborough to classes every day and the social aspect was shit cause of it.

Not mentioned is the fact that the TTC closes for the night stupidly early. So it's not like a commuting student could even just take public transit back super late because even if they wanted to. It was fucking infuriating going to parties and pubs and shit and having to leave at 11 because I wouldn't get in otherwise and more often then not I had unreliable friends and no place to crash.

I loved U of T, but not because of parties and all the other stereotypically fun shit people want to get out of college/university. It's a good school, and the program I did set me up for life. Although I fully understand that it would've been so much better to have lived on res or at least closer to campus.
The deporting things does happen at times
But what if i told you, we mess with them here, i like many others, just dont perform intercourse(one of our 7 sins)

Tfw the most innocent looking girl i know is dating my friend who is christian. If her family finds out, things will get violent. If it was a muslim and senpai found out, they are just forced to marry.

Hot girls in my experience are less religious and usually involved in sexual relationships. Uggos get religious

I know a girl who was to a ginger. Now she was sent back to study in the middle east. She identifies as feminist(and muslim) and frequents tumblr.Guess she got caught.

This. You are clearly middle eastern.

Troll. Oh and its kufar, not 'kafirs'. Plural

I think you mean easy in all except ksa?
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fit was the first board, even before pol.
That would admire the black body, for its ability to make gains faster and look asthetic because of its colour.

Pretty sure, /fit/ only descriminate straight males who are fking dyel cancer, but a skeleton straight out of the camp like you would know that.

so continue onward back to reddit. Write on your blog that you managed to bait me, and i thank you for the amusement you have brought for me.
Ya happens a lot actually. A girl i know from michigan does this allll the time. She had 5-6 sexual relationships and now shes getting married to some guy with cash in our home country.
I dont he know about her past, but he wouldnt care. Shes marrying him so she can leave our shit home country and he has cash. Hes marrying for greencard and her ridiculous booty.

I also know i go in U of T who couldve banged a muslima, but he kept it above the waist(2muslim4you)
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>anon, i heard that squats and deadlifts are really good compound exercise for overall health and fitness. do you think i should start doing them?
I had a female pakistani doctor and she was really nice

Didn't wear a hijab though
yeah, grow that ass girl. Make sure to start with at least your bodyweight on the bar, work your way up from there. Post result pics.
my wife is palestinian but born in saudi arabia. shes not a hajbi but alot of her friends are and bro id say 2/3rds of her friends who wear hijab are horny as fuck. i also got sucked off by a hijabi in high school. She was syrian
this is true although i find arab muslims from the sham area to be very racist and saudis to rest of the gulf and north africa are much more liberal. Im from maghrib and when my wife and i got married (shes palestinian) her side of the family was very conservative. And ive had buddies who converted and tried to get with arab girls and the families straight up be like hell naw no whitey is marrying my daughter.
also to add to this i do not like arabs because they think they are the best and it fucking sickens me. Im arab berber myself but seeing as how fucking racist the majority of arabs are when it comes to this shit cheeses me like no other and I live in Canada too. Ive seen some of my boys who converted get literally walked all over by some of these girls families and its literally ridiculous. My family is pretty liberal when it comes to this shit though. My cousin married a white guy and all he had to do was just convert. I know they dated before marriage didnt care though and neither did my family.
>at the gym taking a shower
>two mudslims shower in their boxers
>all of my what
wow F A M take it easy. Your clearly one of those arabs that is close to your senpai and doesnt want to dishonour them by experiencing life. You need to go out more and do shit you fucking autist relax.
After all this time I still can't tell if that pic of Bailey Jay was an intentional troll or not.
that's what those fags always do
Why are we discussing muslim culture as if it was at all relevant? Literally the only reason why the Arab countries are relevant is because they are selling us oil.
please tell me you used some sort of script to do this.
Why the fuck is he wearing a berret? We wear that shit with blues and never with ACUs unless he's in AIT. Also no combat batch and brand new uniform. Clearly fake picture
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Hahahaha bro seriously don't do this. I'm Jordanian and I've met so many whores from SO many middle eastern countries and the Gulf region is no exception. They're so sexualy suppressed over there that when they get a chance to leave to a western country like say, the US the go ALL OUT I mean wear the tineiest fuck me dresses and they always look for blonde dudes to fuck. It's just how it is don't try to deny that shit.
This makes me mad.
This fellow gets it. Muslims are just in the way everywhere else.
>our women aren't whores

You never went clubbing in Morocco senpai



and by not condoning he means "honor" killings.
good lord.

i want to shove my nose directly up her asshole and take many long, deep, lung filling inhales until i pass out and enter a lucid dream where i can continue to do the very same.

my dick is a pillar of fucking STONE right now.
>remove your pants
>you too
the only answer
>being this autistic
He could be in the 101st you fuck. I wear a maroon one every day in the 82nd.
>no combat patch
He's clearly a pog, looks young so guessing e4 or less, chances of having deployed: pretty low. Even in the 82nd, most lower enlisted don't have a combat patch, especially if you're a pog. Pog 6s sometimes still don't even have a deployment.
I am you fucking shit Lord. You just can't accept that you don't know shit about how some Muslims are other than what you see regurgitated on pol
Hitler did nothing wrong.
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>new year
>annual physical exam at office
I was recently just hired and just in time for this shit, basically a free full check up which is nice, but the hint is 'full'. Doc will have his fingers inside my anus. How do I approach this /fit/
Dude she looks fat and middleaged

U have no idea whats under those robes. Could be a fat black guy for fucks sake
In my area half of them wear it and half of them don't wear it.
dude i'm in brampton (bramladesh)

>be me in high school
>become friends with arab hijab girl
>sit next to her in business class
>used to be major curl bro wearing fitted t shirts
>she sees gains and mires
>one day i decide fuck it, i started fingering her through her pants during class
>shit's cash as fuck
>being the pussy i am i stop and never make a move on her ever again
>friend fucks her on prom


i could have fucked her, i really wish i was making this up
this desu

>tfw you actually write desu instead of t.bh
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It will never be like this in Germany. There are so many hot arabs here but they won't mess with a German Kartoffel.

Life is suffering.
no man especally if the girl is arab and from sham area the parents are more then likely to be racist towards converts. I know white reverts black reverts and spanish reverts and everytime they went to ask for a girls hand in marriage from that area it was always no and based off of the colour of their skin especially when it came to the families who were uneducated. Thats why alot of these girls go behind their families back. All girls are the same its just muslim girls are better at hiding it. Believe me ive seen so many of these "muslimah" girls act so genuine and pious and as soon as nightfall comes there out hitting the clubs and sucking guys off. My sister in law wasnt even a virgin before she got married and that was apparently a huge issue with her faggit husband but hes a beta bitch boy from lebanon who runs a womans shoe store who wont/cant do shit
fuck off with this noble arab shit. Im arab and we got our asses handed to us by the mongrels thats why Islam is so divided beause of the libraries in iraq. After the prophet saws passed arabs went back to their old ways. Sunnis are some of the whackest people on earth.
was für ein schlappschwanz
yeah the hijabs in my city are all obnoxious and ugly cunts

so nah
Sunni are this and that. Sunnis(like shi3ah) are divided into many branches: ansar sunna, salafies, whatever isis do, ppl who dont even care and just do 5 pillars, etc.

You sound like your of persian descent.
Dont be butthurt, not all sunnis are explosives experts. And not all hate shi3ah. But yes ive met many that are whack.
> this is what muslim men believe

Mate i worked with this 26 year old muslim bengali girl...as soon as she got attention from a white boy she loved it. Took her virginity weeks later and have been with her for 2 years.
>back home
stfu choudhary, when your girl is with a whitey...this is home. They dont want some creepy smelly brown guy lol
I would never have a Muslim Doctor wtf butch are you trying to rape me?
god damn that doctor is a qt
>one of those is mine
Never been so proud in my life before
older guy here
when they've had their fingers in your ass a few times the novelty wears off
>tfw no pretty arab gf
naw im from maghrib and my family is shia but at the same time were very liberal when it comes to the sort of shit thats going on in this thread.
you from the mountains F A M?
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Thread images: 21

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