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Who here 5am club? Did you actually become more productive and shit?

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Who here 5am club?
Did you actually become more productive and shit?
Bumping for interest.

i just now fixed my sleeping schedule after NYE

im not more productive but i feel way better

I get more done but my mood is generally lower.
Just googled it, seems interesting. Any infographs about it?
Just got back from the gym, woke up at 5am - off to uni now.

First day though, don't know if I'll continue
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I managed to start sleeping during the night after NYE, I feel like shit.
Today I got up at about 5:45 and was at the gym by 6:15. I liked it, but my lower back didn't feel great so I think next time I'll get up earlier/wait longer before lifting.
I get up at 5 for work everyday lads get on my level. That feel when at home for 4 and have rest of the day left. Glorious during the summer
>be shift worker
>shit is always fucked up family

I do miss the days where sleep had consistency, makes lifting a shitload harder.
4am lads! I lift, then off to work.

I love it, but its hard getting to bed by 8.
I get up at 5-6 every day

haven't been more productive but I'm trying

the problem is I always feel the most productive before I fall asleep, thats when I'm ready to get shit done
Every wagecuck including me gets up around that time, do college kids really think it's something so crazy they have to make a name for it?
3-4 AM everyday, bcs i need to be in the office at 5 AM
("need" is relative, i keep the habit even when i could be there later)

i love this schedule
i'm awake and going through the city when everybody else is sleeping
offices on a hill facing east - there's nothing like a beautiful sunrise while i'm enjoying my morning tea
work ends when normies are still stuck in their jobs
minimum ppl on public transport, in malls, everywhere

only con is >>35509832
8 is a time to force myself to bed, but after 4 years of this schedule i'm pretty much used to 4-6 hours of sleep
they do
our company have a course for universities and they struggle with being somewhere at 8AM
from what i saw when i tried uni this year, most of them have problems to wake up before 10AM
> waking up before 10 am

What is this? The stone age?
spotted the undergrad student
I'm a wage cuck and I dont get up until 8:30
>tfw comfy white collar existence
I did a month of lifting everyday at 6am. The only positive was having the gym completely to myself. I was tired, felt weaker and dehydrated. It was far better to go to work at 6am and leave at 2pm then hit the gym. I had the most amount of energy and the gym was still completely empty.
I get up at 0530-0600, and 6 is like rolling out bed, brushing teeth, getting dressed and out the door. I have an hour commute to work. I've been trying to make 0445 my "force myself out of bed time", but damn dat der snooze button.

It's hard to have one of those "super productive" mornings you read about in those corny articles titled "20 things insanely healthy people do in the morning", like read a fucking novel, drink a cup of coffee silently and calmly without multitasking, meditating, or whatever the fuck.

I could do it if I was willing to go to bed at 2100 every night, but balancing work, lifting, eating properly, maintaining healthy relationship with gf, AND studying for the MCATs/studying in general, just isn't possible atm.
>wake up at 5am
>go to work at 6am
>get off by 3pm

White collar here too, I like this schedule too because you avoid traffic
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> "20 things insanely healthy people do in the morning"
you need to find your own routine which fits you and your natural biorhythm not copy some magazine fag
i agree it's kinda impossible to combine with social life and studying (especially if your social circle is running on normie's schedule and is meeting by a time you're supposed to sleep)

btw get your info on sleep cycles and try to find out how long is yours (usually ~90 min) - adjust sleep accordingly
remember all those situations when you woke up half hour before alarm, went back to sleep and felt even worse when woke up again?
you can even buy all that fancy digital shit which measures it for you and wakes you up on top of REM, but i don't like it

white collar here too
"comfy" is different for different people

I'm not saying I want to copy some magazine breh. I was just pointing out the impracticability of painting everyone with such a broad brush regarding a healthy lifestyle and routine, just as you did.
I used to but after going at 7pm there loadsa strong guys and honestly there is nothing more motiviating than seeing a 77kg guy squatting 200 kgs ATG.
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